Yellow Future Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema 1st Edition Jane Chi Hyun Park 2024 Scribd Download
Yellow Future Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema 1st Edition Jane Chi Hyun Park 2024 Scribd Download
Yellow Future Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema 1st Edition Jane Chi Hyun Park 2024 Scribd Download
Mansfield Park Webster s Spanish Thesaurus Edition Jane
Hong Kong Film Hollywood and New Global Cinema 1st Edition
Gina Marchetti
Yellow Future
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Yellow Future
Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Introduction vii
2. An Oriental Past 29
Afterword 197
Acknowledgments 201
Notes 205
Index 227
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Appropriately enough, the idea for this book came from a movie. Several
summers ago I saw the science-fiction classic Brazil (1984) on the big screen
for the first time. I had seen the film many times on television as a Korean
American girl growing up in the American Midwest and Southwest of the
1980s, yet watching it again as a slightly more critical adult I was struck
by two startling images in the dream sequences, of which, oddly, I had no
The first image was that of a huge samurailike robot attacking the hero,
who had been transformed from a meek, emasculated bureaucrat into a glo-
rious flying knight in shining armor, the second that of hunchbacked Asiatic
dwarves dragging the caged heroine, who had also undergone a dramatic
makeover from a tough mechanic to a silent, hyperfeminized damsel in dis-
tress. In all the sequences the protagonists were centered in the frame and
bathed in celestial three-point light, which had the effect of accentuating
their whiteness. In stark contrast, the orientalized figures were fragmented
and shot in shadow, their presence accompanied by ominous, menacing
music. As dehumanized enemies in the hero’s escape fantasies, the figures
seemed to stand for the oppressive social institutions undergirding director
Terry Gilliam’s vision of a bleak, technocratic future. As threatening objects
that easily blended into the background, they literally embodied the spaces,
sounds, and movements used to convey that vision onscreen. I found myself
wondering how I could have missed this oriental imagery in Brazil and what
it was doing in the film.
American artists, critics, and audiences can use to resist the hegemonic
Hollywood system.
What ties together the seemingly opposed abject and fabulous depictions
of the Asiatic described earlier is the way fans and critics alike acknowledge
both for their style, not their content, and their surface, not their interiority.
In other words, both kinds of oriental imagery—the invisible abject and
the hypervisible fêted—are reduced to decorative flourishes within the films
in which they appear as well as in the popular discourse surrounding them.
“Oriental style” describes the process and product of this reduction: the
ways in which Hollywood films crystallize and commodify multiple, hetero-
geneous Asiatic cultures, histories, and aesthetics into a small number of
easily recognizable, often interchangeable tropes that help to shape domi-
nant cultural attitudes about Asia and people of Asian descent.
Yellow Future provides a genealogy of this style and its many variations
through close, contextualized readings of films in which it appears, from
Blade Runner (1982), The Karate Kid (1984), and Gung Ho (1986) to Rush
Hour, The Matrix (1999), and Batman Begins (2005). These readings analyze
“oriental style” as part of the ongoing historical process of the racialization
of East Asians in the United States (“oriental”) and as an aesthetic product
that appeals to multiple audiences due precisely to its seeming lack of depth,
subjectivity, and history (“style”). By explicating the relationship between
process or context and product or text, I try to show the ways in which
oriental style matters culturally, particularly in its reflection and shaping of
American popular attitudes toward East Asia in the late twentieth and early
twenty-first centuries.
In developing my argument I have been indebted to the work that has
been done on film and media in Asian American studies, particularly by
Peter Feng, Darrell Hamamoto, L. S. Kim, Russell Leong, Gina Marchetti,
Kent Ono, Eugene Franklin Wong, Glen Mimura, Celine Parreñas Shimizu,
Jun Xing, and others. Most of this work has focused on representations of
East Asian and Asian American characters, on settings and performances in
Hollywood films that foreground oriental themes and tropes, or on experi-
mental and feature films, documentaries, and video that were made by, and
usually for, Asian Americans. As of yet, no book-length study has appeared
that looks closely at what I am calling oriental style: the sometimes unset-
tling and often quite illuminating ways in which Asian tropes and themes
occupy the background of Hollywood movies and how these tropes and
themes implicitly structure the primary narratives and characters of these
My approach derives from one of the foundational ideas of cultural
studies: namely, that style cannot be separated from content, just as aesthet-
ics cannot be separated from ideology. This is not to discount the power of
a good story, a tight beat, or an evocative photograph to touch, move, and
transform but rather to investigate how they do so and why certain cultural
trends, styles, and narratives resonate strongly in certain periods and places
for certain groups of people. Lawrence Grossberg calls a coherent, recurring
grouping of such resonances a “cultural formation,” which Thomas Foster
sums up as “a historical articulation of textual practices with ‘a variety of
other cultural, social, economic, historical and political practices’ [that]
cannot be reduced to ‘a body of texts’ but ‘has to be read as the articulation
of a number of discrete series of events, only some of which are discursive.’”1
The question that drives this book, then, is this: what factors led to the emer-
gence of oriental style as a cultural formation in the 1980s, its development
in the 1990s, and its incorporation into the dominant discourse of Holly-
wood cinema in the 2000s?
Yellow Future follows a historical trajectory, with each chapter build-
ing on previous responses to this question. However, this structure neither
assumes nor implies a teleological narrative. As mentioned earlier, at first
glance current Asian imagery in Hollywood seems to deviate from earlier,
more explicitly stereotypical depictions of East Asians and Asian Americans.
High-budget films such as The Last Samurai (2003) and Memoirs of a Geisha
(2005) beautifully showcase Asian landscapes and cultures (albeit from a
decidedly Hollywood perspective), while more and more Asian North Amer-
ican actors such as Lucy Liu, Ming Na, Sandra Oh, and Russell Wong grace
the big and small screens. The following pages will show further evidence
for this shift in the uncannily Asiatic look of cinematic cityscapes and the
appearance of a desirable Asiatic masculinity embodied in glamorous action
heroes played by stars such as Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Chow Yun-Fat and per-
formed through martial arts, now de rigueur in Hollywood action sequences.
These signs seem to indicate that East Asia, once abject and rejected, has
become, or is very much in the process of becoming, attractive and even
celebrated in U.S. popular media.
Yet, as the following pages will also show, all of these references to the
Asiatic bear the traces of the uniquely orientalist forms of racism that have
structured Asian American histories and identities even as some represen-
tations, regardless of the time periods and the racial constraints in which
they have appeared, have moved beyond expected stereotypes.2 For instance,
Long Duk Dong (Gedde Watanabe), the Japanese exchange student in Six-
teen Candles (1984), and Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita), the Japanese American
mentor in The Karate Kid, are both marked “oriental” through their narra-
tive roles in these movies as well as by the deliberately self-orientalized per-
formances of the actors who play them. However, the former is reduced to
a stereotype, whereas the latter is a racialized type that becomes humanized,
a process I explore in chapter 3. In other words, although both characters
fall broadly under the category of Hollywood oriental stereotype, the differ-
ences in how the characters are developed within the narrative, or not, and
how this affects the other characters’—and implicitly viewers’—relationship
to the Asiatic suggest the need to look more carefully at how stereotypes are
deployed in Hollywood.
Along similar lines, an Asian actor’s top billing in a film does not at all
ensure that the film will not use racist stereotypes or that these stereotypes
will be diminished. In fact, as I show in my analyses of recent “Afro-Asian”
films in chapter 4, those stereotypes continue to be played to the hilt, often
for spectacular and comic effects. Produced and consumed with an ironic,
postmodern “wink,” such effects detach cultural signifiers of race, gender,
and sexuality from the often brutal histories of power and subordination
they have traditionally referenced. Played fast and loose on the big screen,
these ostensibly emptied signifiers relegate racism, sexism, and homophobia
to the past and, in the process, elide their present-day manifestations. Indeed,
the role of such stylized racial images in the larger cultural trend that Lisa
Nakamura calls “cosmetic multiculturalism”—a trend that characterizes the
casts and mise-en-scène of films by younger male American directors such
as Quentin Tarantino, Brett Ratner, Robert Rodrigeuz, and Justin Lin—epit-
omizes the complexities and contradictions of representing racial and ethnic
difference in contemporary Hollywood.3
The readings of racial imagery that comprise Yellow Future offer a pre-
liminary framework for investigating these contradictions by considering
oriental images and iconography as formal, creative conventions that draw on
Like Brazil, The Matrix presents a depressing picture of the future in which
technology plays a major role in turning people into machines—this time,
quite actively and literally. However, the racial difference suggested by the
“oriental” robot and dwarves in the dream scenes of an otherwise all-white
British world have been replaced by a multiracial crew boasting mad mar-
tial arts skills: an African American mentor, a tough white woman, and a
computer-obsessed, mixed-race hero. This hero passes for All-American as
well as white thanks to Reeves’s unforgettable early portrayal of one of two
clueless California high school students traveling through time to learn world
history. Similarly, The Matrix passes as a celebration of the once marginal,
Koreans, I had the eerie feeling that I was still in The Matrix; I was the
authentic human being lost in a fake, technologized world: a Korean Amer-
ican ironically trying to pass as Korean in Korea.
Though I was perhaps unconscious of it at the time, the seeds for this
study were planted at that moment. I wondered how the difference in me
that was Asian, which had been so shameful in 1980s America, had become
the template for such a slick, hip Hollywood vision of the future. What
follows is the story of how this particular vision has become so common-
place in such a short time in the United States—and some thoughts on why
we should care.
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Reworking Orientalism
subject (figured as the mind) not only from the objectified other (figured as
the body) but also, crucially, from traits of the other within himself, a point
to which I will return in later sections.
Said draws parallels between the ways in which the normalizing gaze of
the West reduces the Middle East to a racialized object and women to sexu-
alized objects. In other words, Orientalism is gendered: the East is figured as
the eroticized, feminized other that exists to be known, penetrated, and sub-
ordinated by the masculinized West.5 A number of scholars in gender studies
have since complicated the analogy by revealing the slippery, often ambi-
guous nature of the power dynamics between self and other with respect to
the ways in which performances of gender and sexuality necessarily inform
and intersect with those of race, ethnicity, class, and nation.6 These studies
demonstrate that, like the erotic, Orientalism is infinitely nuanced in its
myriad articulations and seeming shifts of power, which nonetheless remain
grounded in the unequal relationship between one individual or group and
In theorizing this paradox Said points out that the durability of Orien-
talism derives precisely from its productiveness. As he clearly states, “My
whole point is to say that we can better understand the persistence and the
durability of saturating hegemonic systems like culture when we realize that
their internal constraints upon writers and thinkers were productive, not
unilaterally inhibiting.”7 Said’s central project in Orientalism, then, was to
look at how the ideological forces underlying this particular discourse man-
age to reproduce themselves horizontally across a wide range of genres and
media and vertically from one period to another.
I take up Said’s project in Yellow Future, extending the questions Said
raised along three different axes. First, I analyze popular visual media, spe-
cifically contemporary commercial movies, rather than the canonical liter-
ary, historical, and philological texts that constituted the objects of Said’s
study. Second, I consider the sociopolitical context of the United States in
the so-called Era of Globalization rather than those of Britain and France in
the Age of Empire. Finally, I look at representations of East Asia—predom-
inantly China and Japan—rather than those of the Middle East. To these
various axes I apply Said’s ideas as well as those of other scholars who have
used his work to discuss East Asian Orientalism within the context of U.S.
history and culture.8
Richard Thompson traces the modern version of the yellow peril to a paint-
ing of Asiatic hordes destroying various signifiers of Western civilization
that Kaiser William II commissioned in 1895, prints of which he sent as
gifts to other members of European royalty along with President William
McKinley. Around this time Social Darwinism, Malthusian population
studies, anxieties around the sustainability of imperialism, and social panics
around Chinese immigration were coalescing in the United States to pro-
duce an American version of the yellow peril. Public intellectuals in the
United States, England, and Australia such as Brooks Adams, Charles Pear-
son, Madison Grant, and Lothrop Stoddard hypothesized that, given limited
natural resources, population growth in Asian countries, and the “natural”
inclinations for the “primitive” (read non-Western) races to dominate the
more recessive, “superior” Nordic race, an unchecked Asia could initiate a
world war that would pit people of color against Anglo-Saxons.16
This yellow peril narrative appeared at critical junctures in the twentieth
century when the West came into military contact with East and Southeast
Asia, including the Russo-Japanese War (1905), the Philippine-American
War (1899–1913), World War II (1939–45), the Korean War (1950–53), and
the Vietnam War (1959–75). Although the narrative was deployed differ-
ently to fit the social and political contexts of the periods in which the
conflicts occurred and to some extent the cultural specificities of the Asian
nation with which the United States was involved, in each case racist assump-
tions based on the orientalist binary strongly shaped common perceptions
of people from that nation as well as those of other Asian nations. Fur-
thermore, the formula of the East as a threatening other to the West—an
oriental other that needs to be contained, controlled, and domesticated—
continues to be repeated, like so many variations on a tiresome theme, in
U.S. encounters with East and Southeast Asia as well as Western Asia or the
Middle East highlighted most recently in the second Iraq war and the global
war on terrorism.
In the 1980s the oriental other was Japan, and the threat it posed to the
United States was economic rather than military, although this economic
threat was often represented in and through martial terms. Morley and
Robins observe that at that time news and popular media began to depict
Tokyo as the quintessential postmodern metropolis while reactivating World
War II stereotypes of the Japanese as less human and more machinelike.
Linked with new technologies, Japan, and to a lesser extent the NICs, grew
to represent the notion of futurity in the national imaginary.
Techno-orientalism is based on the idea that the West resents the East
for its ability to appropriate and improve on Western technology—to beat
the West at its own game. Seen as nonwhite appropriators of Western tech-
nology, the Japanese become imbued with character traits historically con-
nected with Anglo-Saxon peoples and nations (the British in the nineteenth
century and the Americans in the twentieth), including those of rational-
ity, development, and progress, reflecting the West’s unconscious hatred
for these traits of modernity within itself. Japan’s success at producing
and manipulating technology thus destabilizes the rational foundations of
modern Western culture by revealing its power—a power grounded in tech-
nological prowess—to be culturally and racially transferable.17
This fear of a non-Western culture assuming elements of modernity
was demonstrated historically in the strong antagonism of the West toward
Japan when it defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War and emerged as a
formidable nonwhite Axis power during World War II. According to Morley
and Robins, this antagonism was aimed at the seemingly subversive role of
the Japanese as both products and reproducers of Western education and
military technology.18 Similarly, fears of Japan in the 1980s stemmed from
its economic success, which was based on the production and trade of new
consumer technologies and reached a climax in the late 1980s and early
1990s when Japanese corporations began to buy out important symbols of
American culture. At the same time, Japan led research in robotics and cyber-
netics, high technologies that, in their reproduction of human mental and
physiological capabilities, most directly challenged the post-Enlightenment
notion of human beings as unique and autonomous subjects.19
Through their possession of economic capital, the Japanese appeared
to be appropriating American culture while, through their expert manipu-
lation of technology, also questioning what it meant to be human. The com-
bination resulted in new stereotypes of the Japanese as dangerous agents
of a new economic and technological yellow peril that threatened to destroy
the authenticity and legitimacy of American culture. These stereotypes were
often extended to other East Asian groups and expressed through techno-
oriental imagery in popular culture.
In Control and Freedom: Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics, Chun
draws a parallel between the virtual landscapes of cyberspace and those of
the imagined Orient, arguing that the “high-tech Orientalism” of Neuro-
mancer, “like its nontech version, ‘defines the Orient as that which can never
Keeping It Real
Omi and Winant point out that in the United States we think of race either as
“an essence . . . something fixed, concrete and objective” or as “a mere illusion,
which an ideal social order would eliminate,” with conservatives tending to
side with the former notion and liberals the latter.38 What both viewpoints fail
to apprehend is the crucial point of racial formation, which is that race is a
fiction that becomes real through its acceptance and reiteration by members
Like Said, Balibar believes that tracing the formation, circulation, and evolu-
tion of stereotypes can reveal the ways in which racist discourses adopt new
rhetorical and epistemological models in order to perpetuate existing power
hierarchies. In other words, by denaturalizing stereotypes we can expose
and challenge the racist attitudes they promulgate.
Before attempting to make this effort, however, we need to understand
how stereotypes work to make the fiction of race real. Homi Bhabha defines
disassociate from the racist history of the United States in which they are
implicated but can do so only by assuming a victim position that appropri-
ates and elides the suffering associated with black men at the hands of the
white supremacist state.48
Likewise, Nakamura notes that black masculinity provides the white
male with the coolness he needs to distinguish himself from the mechan-
ized white agents in the Matrix movies even as black supporting charac-
ters “supply the marginal blackness . . . against which whiteness stands
in sharp relief.”49 The notion of “black cool” to which Nakamura refers is
based on a certain romanticization of black people as the ultimate victims
and survivors of white racism. This romanticization, in turn, is based on the
dominant model of race relations in the United States, which foregrounds
blackness as the racial other and whiteness as the default norm, with other
nonwhite groups such as American Indians, Latino/as, Asian Americans, and
mixed-race Americans either rendered invisible or pushed to one end of the
racial spectrum.
How are these groups represented racially vis-à-vis the black/white
binary? What kinds of racial hierarchies exist within and across these differ-
ent representations? And why is it important to look at these differences
Different Differences
hegemonic ideas are internalized and reproduced within and across mar-
ginal groups, and all groups are complicit in varying degrees with the
dominant culture.50 At the same time, a comparative critical lens reveals
historical, cultural, and political connections among marginal groups in
their struggles to “dismantle the master’s house” and to envision more equi-
table, inclusive structures for recognizing difference.51 Furthermore, it dis-
lodges whiteness, heterosexuality, and masculinity from the central position
these identity categories have occupied legally, socially, and culturally as the
standards for humanity and subjectivity in the West.
Likewise, I show the ways in which Asiatic imagery in contemporary
Hollywood is forged against and alongside not only whiteness—itself hardly
a stable or monolithic racial category—but also racial and cultural identities
and experiences other than those of whites. I do this, for instance, by extend-
ing the model minority paradigm to members of other nonwhite groups
based on their class position, interrogating Afro-Asian collaboration and
Afro-Orientalism in contemporary action films and discussing the role of
mixed-race and multicultural imagery within oriental style. In the process
I start to articulate the complex and often quite contradictory ways we
imagine, embody, and perform our racialized identities and relationships,
highlighting the deep ambivalence with which we identify both against and
through those we consider different from ourselves.
By looking at how East Asian difference is consumed as a curiously de-
racialized yet still orientalized metaphor, I also join a larger academic dis-
cussion around the commodification of racial and ethnic difference. Key
questions in this discussion include the following: What kinds of ideologi-
cal forces drive these modes of consumption through which members of
the dominant culture feel they can safely acknowledge and incorporate the
racial other? How does this phenomenon materially and psychically affect
people of color—those being consumed—as well as the white people who
presumably do most of the consuming? Finally, at what moments and under
what conditions does this binary of white consumer subject/nonwhite con-
sumed object start to unravel and morph into other kinds of power struc-
tures and relationships?
Cultural theorists working across a number of disciplines, including lit-
erature, art, anthropology, and film, as well as a number of Asian American-
ists whose work I engage in the following pages have traced the presence
Ellis Hanson levels a similar critique in his terrific introduction to Out Takes:
Essays on Queer Theory and Film when he asks, “Why valorize verisimilitude
over fantasy in works of art? Why suppose that anyone would like homo-
sexuals more if they could see them the way they really are? Does the reality
of gay people’s lives necessarily make for good cinema? If someone made a
movie about my life, I doubt I would see it.”58 Hanson points out that the
representational approach to making and theorizing gay and lesbian cinema
often reproduces the very normative, static notions of gender and sexuality
that this approach purports to resist.
In its place Hanson suggests a queer approach to cinematic depictions
of difference to question the reified categories of difference that we have
internalized and are afraid to critique for fear of being called racists, sexists,
homophobes, or, even worse, sellouts. In this instance he defines queer not
only as “a rejection of the compulsory heterosexual code of masculine men
desiring feminine women . . . but also as . . . a resistance to normalization as
conceived more generally as a sort of divide-and-conquer mentality by which
cultural difference—racial, ethnic, sexual, socioeconomic—is pathologized
and atomized as disparate forms of deviance.”59 In an oblique way, I respond
to Hanson’s call in Yellow Future by queering not only the representational
strategies that have been used to imagine the Asiatic in U.S. cinema but also
the critical modes that have been used to analyze those strategies.
Drawing on hooks’s still relevant critique of racial exoticization and Hall
and Hanson’s important injunctions to look at the ambivalences and differ-
ences within representations of marginal groups, in the readings of the styl-
ized Orient in Hollywood that follow I have attempted to develop a nuanced
and multilayered theoretical approach with which to analyze the recent pro-
liferation of Asiatic images in U.S. popular media. Ideally such an approach
would complicate the easy critical move to see these images simply as orien-
talist stereotypes while continuing to take into account the often implicitly
racist frameworks in and through which they are produced.
This approach is difficult to implement because it must come to terms
with the idea that the marginality of a subordinate group is in some ways a
from some place outside.”61 Yet the overriding tendency among film and
media scholars who examine the ideological dimensions of cinema has been
to privilege narrative over spectacle. That may be why the films discussed
in this scholarship are almost always explicitly about race, that is, they are
films that foreground the stories of nonwhite characters and usually contain
some kind of progressive political message condemning racism. I queer this
approach by looking at how racial difference structures the ideological mes-
sages of films that seem to have nothing to do with race. I do this by focusing
on the ways in which nonwhite bodies and cultures are rendered as specta-
cle in these predominantly white films—both as hypervisible performances
that rupture the narrative proper and as invisible alien presences that seem
to sustain it.
Much like covert forms of discrimination in the social world, subtle
forms of racism, sexism, and homophobia embedded in the backdrop of
popular-media narratives often are ignored or dismissed. The fact that these
messages have become so utterly normalized and naturalized—to the point
that they are even able to elude the relentless critical radar of academics—
would seem to demonstrate the incredible hold they have over us. In the
next and final section I discuss the power of this taken-for-granted presence
as it relates specifically to oriental style.
Yellow future obviously plays on the phrase yellow peril. The title of this
book thus recalls the violent legacy of racism and imperialism that grounds
Asian American history even as it alludes to more complicated forms of East
Asian exoticism that are becoming increasingly prominent as the term peril
is replaced with future.
Yellow future describes the mediated milieu in which people of Asian
descent find themselves in the United States, rendered white by default or
relegated to the background vis-à-vis not only white but also other non-
white groups. As highlighted in the coverage of events such as the 1992 Los
Angeles uprising, the 1999 Wen Ho Lee case, and the 2007 Virginia Tech
shootings, news media situate Asian Americans in the national imaginary as
perpetual foreigners at worst, honorary whites at best, and usually liminal
figures that lie somewhere between these two polarized roles.62
Tellingly, most references to East Asia on the big screen appear in a sim-
ilarly in-between space. Asiatic difference is sometimes hypervisible, as in the
martial arts sequences of action movies starring Steven Seagal, Claude Van
Damme, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li or the breathtaking landscapes and opulent
costumes of such period films as Empire of the Sun (1987), The Last Emperor
(1987), and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, (2000). At other times it is
hardly visible at all, as in the bit role that Steve Park plays as the female pro-
tagonist’s awkward former classmate in Fargo (1996); the Shanghai cityscape
dotted with inscrutable Chinese faces, which amplifies the protagonist’s sense
of disorientation in Mission Impossible III (2006); or the consistently Asian
meals consumed with chopsticks in the apocalyptic near-future world of
Children of Men (2007).
In its invisibility and hypervisibility this imagery literally marginalizes
Asiatic peoples and cultures on the big screen, the effects of which we feel in
the sociopolitical realm. At the same time it underscores the conditional
presence of Asia and Asians in the United States as simultaneously foreign
and familiar. Indeed, oriental style encapsulates the curious paradox of the
domesticated other we think we know, the other we admire and love and
occasionally accept as one of our own; the other we do not realize that we
fear and perhaps even hate.
Oriental style does not refer to the static, abstracted representations of
East Asia as radical other to the West that we find in so much popular dis-
course as well as in seminal critical work by Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva,
and many other Western thinkers. Instead it refers to moving images on the
screen, which are visceral as well as visual. The imagery that interests me is
contained within the frame of the shot, but it also moves within that frame
and in so doing unsettles and changes it. In the moment of disruption opened
through that movement, we encounter the Asiatic not as pure, fixed exterior-
ity but instead as virtual space situated in an alternate time in which subjects
temporarily become objects and objects become subjects, where we suddenly
and unexpectedly meet the other and experience ourselves as othered.
“Yellow future” is this alternate space and time that oriental style opens
up. It is the critical space between visibility and invisibility, reality and poten-
tial that Teresa de Lauretis calls the “space-off” in Technologies of Gender:
Essays on Theory, Film, and Fiction. De Lauretis borrows the term from film
theory, where it is defined as “the space not visible in the frame but inferable
from what the frame makes visible,” and applies it to her discussion of how
we might acknowledge and construct feminist subjectivities that are not
defined by and through patriarchy.63
The space-off disrupts the binary of inside/outside, which situates
women either inside or outside patriarchy and the teleology of linear time
and places them on the progressive path toward gender equality, against and
away from what are presumed to be the sexist roles and attitudes of the past.
Rather than an actual space or time, de Lauretis theorizes the space-off as “a
movement from the space represented by/in a representation, by/in a dis-
course, by/in a sex-gender system, to the space not represented yet implied
(unseen) in them.”64 This movement occurs in and through “the spaces in
the margins of hegemonic discourses, social spaces carved in the interstices
of institutions.”65 The “elsewhere” that de Lauretis describes, then, is not
located in “some mythic distant past or some utopian future history: it is
the elsewhere of discourse here and now, the blind spots, or the space-off, of
its representations.”66
For de Lauretis the space-off presents a way of imagining something new
by looking closely at what is in front of us and asking not just what is miss-
ing but what are we missing, what are we failing to see? When we really look,
what we find in the blind spots are neither reflective of a wholly injurious
past nor harbingers of a bright and certain future but instead moments of
possibility in the present that show the ways in which the past and the future
are always intertwined and under construction.
Along similar lines, Elspeth Probyn suggests using a new tense—the
conditional present or anterior future—to reconceptualize the self as con-
tinually changing and growing as it touches and is touched by others. In
“Technologizing the Self: A Future Anterior for Cultural Studies” she urges
academics who work on issues of power, identity, and representation “instead
of standing on our differences and wearing our identities as slogans . . . to
put the images of our selves to work epistemologically and ontologically.”67
In other words, Probyn advocates a transformative politics that starts with
an understanding of ourselves as works in process—flawed people with his-
torical baggage who can try to make the world a more equitable place by
learning from the past while living in the “as if ” of potential.68
The notions of the space-off and the conditional present are particularly
relevant to the project of Yellow Future because the future of its title is in so
many ways already here and has always been here. It lies in the traces of the
racisms that have shaped and continue to shape American history and iden-
tity. Yet, as I hope to show in the following pages, this future also points
toward ways in which we can acknowledge these traces and, by seeing and
working through them, move collectively toward imagining something new
and possibly different.
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tradesman; and it is from these two classes, whose social position is
much higher in America than it is here, that the greater part of their
teachers are drawn. They come from an educated class, and are
entitled by their antecedents, as well as by their office, to some
position, and they know how to assert it and maintain it. They have
no more timidity or mauvaise honte than their friends. They are full of
energy and ambition, and there is always animation in their teaching.
It is quite impossible for any country to have better material for
teachers than America has. And they appear to have an
inexhaustible supply of it. ‘Our half a million of teachers’ is not an
uncommon expression among them; but though this must pass for
an American figure of speech, still what it implies is true, that
whatever number of teachers may be required will always be
forthcoming. I once heard an American bachelor in this country
affirm that whenever he thought of marrying he should, other things
being equal, give the preference to a lady who had for some years
been a school-teacher. I do not know to what extent this sentiment is
shared by my friend’s countrymen, or whether the lady-teachers of
American schools are aware of the existence of this feeling in their
favour; but at all events it shows that the social position of teachers
is regarded as good.
Of course it is a mere truism to say that
American teachers would be more efficient if they Grading, an
had had more special training. But whatever their Improvement on
deficiency may be in this respect, the advantages I Classes.
have just spoken of as possessed by them are
very manifest; and as soon as you enter an American school (this
may be said generally of those in the North), you feel at once that
you are surrounded by quite a different atmosphere from anything
you are familiar with at home.
Another advantage their schools possess over ours is, that they
are what, in American school-phraseology, is called ‘graded.’ This,
unlike what I have just been mentioning, may be transplanted to our
side of the water. I need not now explain what grading means,
because I have spoken more than once of this method of arranging
and teaching schools. It ensures much more careful teaching than
our method, and that the whole of the school-time shall be devoted
to study. I know that there are some who have recently said that it
fails in individualising each case. I see, however, no force in this
remark, because I was struck with the degree to which the very
reverse of it resulted from the adoption of the method. It must be
compared with the only other alternative for schools—that of the
class system—and a little consideration will show that it is the class
system perfected; for it is simply the assigning of one class to one
person, and obliging that person to devote the whole of the school-
time, from the first to the last minute, to teaching that one class. It
prevents the scholars having any idle time while they are in school. It
necessitates a great deal of oral teaching. It concentrates the
teacher’s whole attention on one point, as well as on one class.
It does also very much cheapen the cost of education. But this is
not a benefit that will, among ourselves, be so understood and felt as
that there should be any desire to secure it, until we have rate-
supported schools. Our adoption of the rate to some extent, and in
some form or other, can only be a question of time, for it is the only
just method of supporting open schools; and the people will be
averse to the schools in which their children are educated bearing an
eleemosynary character. And when that day shall have come, then
the majority of the rate-payers here, just as in America, will be in
favour of the system, which, while it very much improves the
teaching, will at the same time very much diminish its cost, by
substituting where parishes are small one school for many.
Any remarks on American schools would be very incomplete if
nothing were said on the exclusion from them of all direct or
dogmatic religious teaching. The general rule is that a small portion,
sometimes limited to ten verses, of the Holy Scriptures should be
read daily, and that this should be followed by the Lord’s Prayer.
Some cities and districts allow more latitude for the prayer, a choice
of certain forms that are provided being permitted, or even an
extempore prayer founded on the Lord’s Prayer. In some schools
moral, as distinguished from religious or doctrinal teaching, may be
founded on the portion of Scripture that has been read. Christianity,
therefore, and the Bible are not ignored, as much being done as can
be done in schools that are supported equally by many Churches
differing from one another in their interpretation of the Bible. The
masters, however, do not in all cases avail themselves of the
opportunities allowed them for reading the Holy Scriptures and for
prayer. Among the laity there is spreading a feeling of disapprobation
at such omissions.
But what is the effect of this limitation of religious
teaching? It must be remembered that these are all Non-religious
day schools. The children are present in school not Irreligious.
only during school hours. They are under the
parental roof every night, at all their meals, and during the morning
and evening of each day. The teacher, therefore, is not in loco
parentis, as he is in the case of the child who boards and lodges with
him, and is entirely entrusted to his care. The parents still have
ample time and opportunities for all the religious instruction they
desire to give their children, and then there is the Sunday, the
Sunday-school, and the teaching of the ministers of religion. The
question, therefore, as far as the primary schools are concerned,
narrows itself to this—Is any irreligious effect produced by the
absence of all direct dogmatic teaching from a school in which the
children are only present a few hours a day, and where they go for
the purpose of learning to read, write, and cipher, with a little
geography and music? I do not think that much evil results from this,
nor do I think that any very great amount of good would result from
any attempt to alter the present system.
In the grammar school, where the instruction is not so mechanical,
the conditions of the question are somewhat different. But even here
I do not think that the tendency of the system is irreligious. I cannot
believe that the cultivation of the intellect, even if there be nothing
addressed directly and formally to their spiritual instincts, is, in the
case of children so circumstanced as these, necessarily evil and
hostile to religion. It would be so if they were confined for all the year,
except the vacations, to the walls of a boarding-school, and the
subject of religion never alluded to. But here again, as was observed
with respect to the scholars of the primary school, the influences of
home, of the church, and of the Sunday-school, ought to render the
silence of the week-day school in a great measure innocuous. And
this is the more likely to be the case with the scholars of the
grammar school, as their parents do for the most part belong to a
higher grade in society.
But if the system be tried in the most legitimate
of all ways, that is by its fruits, I do not think that What is Really
we shall have any reason to be dissatisfied with it. Taught.
The sums raised voluntarily every year in the
United States for the building and maintenance of churches, and for
the support of the ministers of religion, is quite unequalled by what is
collected in the same way among any population of equal amount in
the world. It is impossible to ascertain a point of this kind, but I
believe that it is far greater than what is contributed voluntarily by the
whole of the Latin race. Almost the first buildings raised in the
newest settlements are the churches. No one, unless he has
experienced it, can tell what are the feelings and thoughts that
spontaneously arise on finding yourself, as you enter such a place
as Denver, beyond the prairies and the plains, as it were, welcomed
by the Houses of God, which are the most conspicuous buildings of
the place; and then, again, a few miles further on, as you pass
through the first gorge of the mountains at Golden City, to find
yourself surrounded by a cluster of three churches; and when you
have got up among the little mining towns, perched like eagles’ nests
in the clefts of the mountains, still to find that the object which first of
all attracts your attention is the little tower or spire, albeit of wood,
that marks the building consecrated to God’s service. I was
astonished at the amount collected in the offertory at many of the
churches in which I attended the service. I found the Sunday as well
observed in America as I ever saw it anywhere else. I know that
there are some facts to be set down on the other side, but they do
not counterbalance what I have just been pointing out. And so the
conclusion that I arrived at on this question was, that I should have
liked some direct Christian teaching in the primary schools, and still
more in the grammar schools, but this I knew was impossible. And
on the whole I was not dissatisfied with the results of the American
system of education on the religious character of the people.
Only one point remains—What, after all, do these schools teach?
It has been lately objected to them that they aim at information, and
not at the development of the faculties; and that they do not cultivate
the taste. We are speaking of the common schools, and so of course
are thinking of what school education in America does for the artisan
and labouring class, and the lower stratum of the middle class; that
is, children corresponding to those who are taught in our national
schools, and those of a somewhat higher grade in society. Are the
faculties (for that is the word insisted on by the most recent writer on
the subject) of these two classes at all more developed here at home
by our schools, than they are in America by their common schools?
Or what fruit does our system bear among these classes in the
refinement and the cultivation of the taste? Or, to put the question in
the ordinary way, Are these classes better taught, rendered better
able to use their wits, and rescued to a greater extent from the
brutalising effects of ignorance among ourselves, or among them?
Could the American system do more for these classes? If it could, I
should be disposed to say it might do more for them on the very
point where it is alleged that it does comparatively too much, that of
giving information. But I do not say this because I thoroughly
approved of so much time being devoted not in the least to imparting
information, but to what is the main point in the schooling of those
who must leave school very young—the teaching them to read, to
write, and to cipher, with accuracy and facility. Among ourselves
there is an enormous amount of failure in these primary matters;
among the Americans there is very little failure in them. They teach
their scholars to write with so much ease, that we may be sure they
will never forget or lay aside the use of the pen; and they teach them
to read with so much ease, and so much with the understanding, that
we may be sure they will continue to read when they have left
school. Do our schools accomplish this?
For ‘the development of the faculties,’ which are
big words with rather indistinct meaning, I would The Dawn of a
substitute the concentration of the powers of the Better Day.
mind on special subjects, such as poetry, history,
classical literature, philology, and the different branches of physical
science, and I would say that the Americans as a nation have not yet
arrived at the point where we may expect much either of this, or of
‘refinement of taste.’ At present all their mental strength and activity
is required for the grand work of bringing a new world into subjection
to man. They become settlers in the wilderness, or engineers and
machinists, or merchants, or professional men, or newspaper-
writers. All who enter on these employments are wanted in them,
and can get a living by them. They invite and receive and
remunerate all the energetic minds of the nation. But it will not
always be so. As soon as the continent begins to fill up, and
extension ceases, then multitudes of active minds will not find
themselves called to the same employments as those of the present
generation are. The battle with nature will then be over. By that time,
too, wealth will have accumulated and become hereditary in many
families. There will be many to appreciate, as well as many to devote
themselves to art and literature. It is then that we may expect that
the American mind and American culture will bear their fruit. They
will then, I believe, have schools and styles of art of their own, and a
literature of their own, as untrammelled as that of Greece, and richer
and more varied than that of any other age or country. The day for
these things has not yet come, but we see already the symptoms of
the dawn; and when it has come, I think there will be no ground for
complaining of ‘want of development of the faculties,’ or of ‘want of
refinement of taste’ in America.
I trust that no word has been inadvertently set down in this book,
should it be so fortunate as to find some readers among those who
treated me with so much hospitality and kindness, which can in any
way be displeasing to an American. If any from that side shall have
accompanied me through its pages, now that the time for saying
‘farewell’ has arrived, my one wish is, that they may have come to
look upon me somewhat in the light in which one of my Boston
acquaintances told me a week’s intercourse had brought him to
regard me, that is, ‘as one of themselves.’
Transcriber’s Notes
pg 136 Changed: bcomes on that account more disappointing
to: becomes on that account more disappointing
pg 229 Changed: gallopping over a plain
to: galloping over a plain
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