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2. Write and encode clearly the Question Booklet Version code A as the case may be, in the
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3. 'l-his Qurestion Booklet contains 162 no, of questions and questions No. to 160 are to be
answ'ered rn OMR sheet and questions no. 161 &. 162 to be answered on blanl< sheet which
u,ill be suppliecl to you. L:ach MCQ question contains fout'responses (answers) and are
objective in nature. Select the response rvhiclr ),ou want to mat'k on the Attswer Sheet. ltt case
yoLr leel that there is more than one comect response, mark the response which you consider
the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE ANSWER for each question,
4. Allrhe responses should be marked ONL,Y on Answer Sheets provided and ONLY in Black
Ballpoint Pen. See instructiolls in the Answer Sheet.
5. Attempt all questions, Your total nrarks rvill deperrd only on the number of correct responses
6. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Question'Flooklet at the end, You slrould not malcc
any marking on any other part of the Question Booklet.
7, lnrrnediately after the final bell indicating the conclusion of the examination, stop making any
further ntarkings in tlre Atrswer Sheet.
L Who has written the 'Llarshacharit' ?
(a) Kalidas (b) Banabhatta (c) Valnriki (d) Ved Vyas
2. Ihe first fbod grain used by man was
(a) Wheat (b) Barley (c) Rice (d) Millet
3. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of
(a) pucca bricks (b) stone (c) wood (d) all ofthese
4. Which of the following animal \\'as r.rot known to the Indus Valley Civilization?
(a) Bull (b) Horse (c) Elephanr (d) Giraffe
'Ihe rnajor producer
and exporter of aircrafts in the world is
(a ) lndia (b) China (c) USA (d) Russia
13. Which is the second nearest star to the Earth after the sun?
(a)Vega (b) Sirius (c) Alpha Centauri (d) Proxima Centauri
16. 'Loktak' is a
(a) Valley (b) River (c) Lake (d) Mountain range
21. Which one of the following is not parl of the Meghalaya Plateau?
(a) Bhudan Hills (b) Garo Hills (c) Khasi Hills (d) Jaintia Hills
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) west Bengal (c.) Sikkim (d) JammLr & Kashmir
28. With which country India has the longest international border?
(a) Nepal (b) Pakistan (c) China (d) Bansladesh
'fhe currency of Bangladesh is
(a) Rupee (b) Taka (c) Dollar (d) Peso
(a) l0tr'March (b) 8th March (c) 25'r'March (d) 2"d April
4l . .Agha Khan cup' is related with which of the follorving sport
(a) Cricket (b) Hockev (c) Table Tennis (d) Football
.Majuli" the river island is locatecl irr which one of the following rivers?
(a) Dibang (t; Dihans (c) Subansiri (d) Dhansiri
44. Which state hosted the 2"d edition of North East olympic Games in 2022?
(a) Assarn (b) Meqhalava (c) Manipur (d) Nagaland
to his post
47. How many times the President of lndia can seek re election
(a) once (b) 2 tirnes (c) 3 tirnes (d) anv number of times
48. Who anlong the follou'ing is known "Father of the Indian Renaissance"?
as the
(a) Raia Ram Mohan i,ov (b) Rabindra Nath Tagore (c) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(a) Siki<im (b) Mlzoram (c) Manipur (d) Nagaland
is not in lndia?
52. Which of the following mountain peaks of Himalayas
(a) Annapurna lb; Nanda Oevi (c) Mt' Kamet (d) Kanchengjunga
with Bhutan?
53. Which of the following states does ttot sliare its boundary
(a) Sikkim (b) Arunachal Pradesh (c) West Bengal (d) Meehalava
54, National Water animal of lndia is
(a) Crocodile (b)'furlle (c) Aligator (d) Dolphin
55. Ten rupee notes contain the signature
(a) Finance Secretary, GOI (b) Finance Minister, GOI (c) Governor. RBI (d) Prime Minister
57. The percentage of Christian population is highest in which of the following states of lndia?
(a) Kerala (b) Manipur (c) Nagaland (d) Meghalaya
58. Directive Principles of State Policy has been borrowed from which country's Constitution?
(a) Scotland (b) Ireland (c) lceland (d) Greenland
59. What is the rninirnum age required to be a memberof the Rajya Sabha?
(a) 35 (b) 37 (c) 30 (d) 32
63. Who was the first Indian Woman to preside over the Indian National Congress'?
(a) Padmaja Naidu (b) Saroiini Naidu (c) Annie Besant (d) Pritilata Waddekar
66. When Alexander invaded Irrdia. who were the rulers of Magadha?
(a) Haryankas (b) ShishLrnagas (c) Nandas (d) Mauryas
69. Who was the first Indian woman to witt gold in Asian games?
(a) P.T Usha (b) Shiny Wilson (c) Kamalieet Sandhu (d) Shweta Chaudhary
78. Who has the right to transfer any case anywhere in India?
(a) President (b) Supreme Court (c) High Cour-t (d) None of these
93. NABARD is
(a) Bank (b) Organization (c) Departrnent (d) None of these
(a) t:ast Garo Hills (b) South Caro tlills (c) West Garo Hills (d) North Garo Hills
99. What is the nrinimum age laid down for a candidate to seek election to the Lok Sabha?
(a) l8 years (b) 2l years (c)25 vears (d)None ofthese
109. The red. orange and yellow colours of leaves are due to
(a) Carotenoids (b) Aldehydes (c) Tannins (d) Lignins
I 19. What is the scale used for tneasurit.tg the intensity of the earthquake?
(a) Metric scale (b) Quake scale (c) Richter scale (d) Epicentre scale
120. Which one of the following can extinguish fire more quicl<ly?
(a) Cold water (b) Boilins water (c) Hot water (d) Ice
130. which radiation crnitted tl'orn the sun has highest wavele.gth'l
(a) [Jltravioler (b) Micro waves (c) Red ra,vs (d) y-ra.vs
132.'fhe ratio of number of male and fernale teachers in a school is 3:4. If there are l6 female teachers, find
the number of male teachers
(a) I 8 (b) I 7 (c) 12 (d) 20
134. Find the measure of an angle which is 64"more than its oomprement
(a)77' (b) 66' (c) I 8' (d) e0'
135. Find the IICF using long division merhod 935 and 1320
(a) 55 (b) 6s (c) 45 ( d) s0
136. Your rernarks during the discussion added fuel to the fire
(a) got others angry (b) ignited the fireplace (c) worsened matters (d) created warmth allaround
137. He threw cold water over the project that the secretary had prepared
(a) rejected (b) encouraged (c) cleared (d) discouraeed
blanks te
145. tle decided to lris rnatric exarninalion in order to ger higher score.
(a) redo (b) reappear (c) i'ewritc (d) remake
l5l. Prolific
(a)plenty (b)cornpetent (c) predominant (d) fqlle
I 52. t-ynch
(a) hang (b) madden (c) kill (d) shoot
I 53, Honendous
(a) beautiful (b) dreadful (c) coherent (d) crime
154. Denrise
(a) result (b) death (c) default (d) apprehension
l6l. Write an Essay on the fbllowing topics in 250 words (anyone ) lx25:25 marks
(A) Impact of covid -19 pandemic on people's livelihoods and health
162. Write a letter to the Health Department by giving suggestions to improve public health 20