Aim : To systematically analyse the given organic compound
1)ODOUR Fishy odour May be amine
Note the odour of the given
organic compound Bitter almond odour May be benzaldehyde
Phenolic odour May be phenol
No characteristic odour Absence of amine, phenolic
group and benzaldehyde
2)Litmus paper test Blue litmus turns red May be carboxylic acid or
Place a moist litmus paper on phenol
the organic compound Red litmus turns blue May be amine
Phenolic Group
1. litmus test
Place a drop of the given sample Blue litmus turns red May be phenolic group
on moist blue litmus paper
2. Ferric Chloride test
Take 1ml of neutral ferric Violet colouration is Presence of phenolic group
chloride in a test tube and add 2-3 observed confirmed
drops of aqueous (or) alcoholic
solution of organic compound
3. Phthalein Dye test
Take 0.1g of organic compound Pink colouration is Presence of phenolic group
and 0.1g of phthalic anhydride in observed confirmed
a dry test tube and add 1-2 drops
of Con. H2SO4.
Heat for 1 minute, cool and pour
into a beaker with diluted NaOH
Fehling's test
1. Take 1ml Fehling's solution A Orange red precipitate Presence of aldehyde
and 1ml of Fehling's solution B in is formed confirmed
a test tube. To this add 2ml of
organic compound solution in
water or alcohol. Heat in a water
bath for 2 minutes.
Tollen's test
2. Take 1ml of organic compound Silver mirror is Presence of aldehyde
in a test tube and add few drops of formed due to confirmed
Tollen’s reagent. Heat this deposition of a layer
mixture in a water bath. of silver metal on the
inner surface of test
Benedict's test
3. Take 2ml of Benedict's reagent Orange red precipitate Presence of aldehyde
in a test tube and add a few drops is formed confirmed
of organic compound solution.
Heat in a water bath for 5 minutes
Borsches test
Take a small amount of Yellow, orange or red Ketone or aldehyde is confirmed
organic compound in a test precipitate is formed.
tube and add 3ml of
Borsche’s reagent followed
by few drops of Con.HCl.
Warm the mixture and cool.
Sodium Nitro Prusside test
Take a few crystals of Red colouration is observed Ketone is confirmed
sodium nitro prusside in a
test tube and add 1ml of
distilled water. Add 0.5ml
of organic compound,
shake and then add NaOH
solution drop wise
1. Litmus test
Add a drop of liquid Blue litmus turns red Presence of carboxylic acid
compound on moist blue group
litmus paper
2. Sodium bi carbonate test
Take 2ml of saturated Colourless, odourless gas Presence of carboxylic acid
solution of NaHCO3 in a test with brisk effervescence due group
tube and add a few drops of to evolution of CO2 is
organic compound to it. observed
3. Ester test
Take 0.1g of organic Sweet smelling ester is Presence of carboxylic acid
compound in a test tube and formed group
add 1ml of ethanol and 2-3
drops of Con H2SO4. Heat the
mixture in a water bath for 10
minutes and pour it into an
aqueous soultion of sodium
Result: The given sample of organic compound contains Carboxylic acid group.
Amino Group
1. Solubility Test
Take a small amount of Compound is soluble It may be an amine
organic compound in a test
tube and add 2ml of dilute
HCl. Shake well
2. Litmus Test
Place a drop of given organic Red litmus turns blue It may be an amine
compound on moist red
litmus paper
3. Azodye test
Take 3 test tube A, B and C. Red orange dye is formed Presence of amino group is
In A dissolve 0.2g organic confirmed
compound in 2ml diute HCl.
In B prepare an aqueous
solution of sodium nitrite.In C
dissolve 0.2g of β - Napthol
in dilute NaOH solution.
Place all the 3 test tubes in ice
bath. Add contents of B into
A and the resultant solution is
added to test tube C