lectromyography (EMG), the recording of electrical activity in muscle, should be regarded as
an extension of the clinical examination. It can distinguish myopathic from neurogenic
muscle wasting and weakness. It can detect abnormalities such as chronic denervation or
fasciculations in clinically normal muscle. It can, by determining the distribution of neurogenic
abnormalities, differentiate focal nerve, plexus, or radicular pathology; and it can provide
supportive evidence of the pathophysiology of peripheral neuropathy, either axonal degeneration
or demyelination. EMG is an obligatory investigation in motor neurone disease to demonstrate
the widespread denervation and fasciculation required for secure diagnosis.
Recordings are made with a disposable concentric needle electrode inserted into the muscle. A
fine wire in the axis of the needle is insulated from the shaft, the end of the needle being cut at an
acute angle. The area of the recording surface determines the volume of muscle that the needle
can ‘‘see’’. Conventional EMG needles record from a hemisphere of radius of about 1 mm. Within
this volume there are some 100 muscle fibres. The many hundreds of muscle fibres belonging to
one motor unit are distributed widely throughout the cross section of the muscle and, therefore,
within the pick-up region of the needle there may be just 4–6 fibres of a single motor unit.
Analysis of the waveforms and firing rates of single motor or multiple motor units can give
diagnostic information.
Electromyographers are skilled at interpreting both the appearance of muscle activity and
the sound of the activity transmitted through a loud speaker. Normal resting muscle is silent.
Patients often have difficulty completely relaxing a muscle. The motor unit activity associated
with incomplete relaxation is distinguished from abnormal spontaneous activity by its
rhythmicity. Motor units when first recruited or on the point of being de-recruited fire regularly
at 6–10 spikes per second. Voluntary firing caused by incomplete relaxation can often be silenced
by passively changing the posture of the limb or by slight activation of the antagonist. Voluntary
motor units never fire as single isolated discharges, a useful point in distinguishing them from
Fibrillation, positive waves, and complex repetitive discharges
After an acute nerve transection, nerve fibres degenerate from the site of the lesion distally.
Muscle fibres themselves remain viable but after a period of 7–10 days become supersensitive
and fibrillations will be detectable. Acutely denervated muscle fibres have acetylcholine receptors
over the whole of the muscle fibre membrane rather than these being limited to the
neuromuscular junction. The effect is to make the fibre supersensitive with the result that it
discharges spontaneously. This is detected by the EMG needle as a single fibre discharge or
fibrillation (fig 1A). Fibrillation is not visible through the skin and is an electrical sign not a
clinical sign. Positive sharp waves have the same origin as fibrillation and have the same
significance. They arise when the needle tip damages a fibre and spontaneous action potentials
propagate up to the needle tip and then are extinguished. Fibrillation may persist for many
months after a nerve lesion. Any nerve lesion, complete or partial, from the spinal motor neurone
to the intramuscular nerve branches can give rise to fibrillation. Fibrillations are not found
exclusively in neurogenic disease, however; they also occur in inflammatory and dystrophic
Correspondence to: muscle disease.
Professor Kerry R Mills, Complex repetitive discharges begin and end abruptly, may persist for several minutes (or until
Department of Clinical
Neurophysiology, King’s the electromyographer gets bored), have a constant frequency between 1–100 Hz, and consist of a
College Hospital, Denmark stereotyped group of single fibre potentials. The minimal jitter between potentials suggests that
Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK;
[email protected] they arise by ephaptic transmission between adjacent fibres. They occur predominantly in
_________________________ neurogenic disease.
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APB, abductor pollicis brevis; EDC, extensor digitorum communis; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; FCU, flexor carpi
ulnaris; FDI, first dorsal interosseous.
example, a posterior cord lesion of the brachial plexus would document the existence of an upper motor neurone lesion;
show denervation in deltoid, triceps and EDC, but biceps this is especially useful in those cases of ALS presenting as an
would be normal. initially pure lower motor neurone syndrome (progressive
muscular atrophy).
MOTOR NEURONE DISEASES More chronic motor neurone diseases, either inherited (for
In the absence of a reliable marker for idiopathic amyotrophic example, spinal muscular atrophies) or acquired (for
lateral sclerosis (ALS), EMG forms the cornerstone of example, poliomyelitis), are characterised by pronounced
diagnosis. Conditions that simulate ALS must be eliminated chronic partial denervation changes evidenced by large (15–
and there must be clear evidence of widespread denervation 20 mV) simple shaped motor unit potentials with little if any
before a secure diagnosis can be entertained. The conditions fibrillation.
simulating ALS include cervical myelopathy with radiculo- The two above examples typify the way prognostic
pathy which can easily produce upper motor neurone estimates are made in ALS. The balance between acute
features in the legs with lower motor neurone features in denervation and the effects of re-innervation influences the
the arms, and multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction degree to which acute (fibrillation) and chronic (large motor
block in which reflexes are usually retained and fascicula- units) changes are found on EMG.
tions may be evident. In the former, it is clearly mandatory to
show evidence of a lower motor neurone component in
muscles innervated by nerves emerging above the foramen
In general, the EMG in primary muscle disease of any origin
magnum. Thus trapezius, sternomastoid, and the tongue are
is similar and making distinctions between, say, hereditary
examined for evidence of fasciculation and/or chronic partial
and acquired myopathy is difficult. Motor unit potentials are
denervation. The tongue is particularly important because of
small and spiky and the recruitment pattern becomes full
its frequent involvement in ALS. The submental approach to
with just a small contraction. In inflammatory muscle disease
the tongue is preferred and the needle position adjusted or
where there is active degeneration of muscle fibres, fibrilla-
‘‘tuned’’ with a slight activation of the tongue by asking the
tions may be seen, but this is not universal or specific. In
patient to press the tongue gently against the bottom teeth.
muscle diseases which show large variation in fibre diameter,
Complete relaxation of the tongue is rarely achieved, but
such as the muscular dystrophies, there may be large motor
fasciculations can sometimes be recognised by the fact that
units on a background of small spiky units, presumably
they occur as an isolated discharge and are much larger than
arising from large diameter fibres. In cases of Lambert-Eaton
the ongoing voluntary activity (fig 1C). A partially denervated
myasthenic syndrome (LEMS), the EMG can look myopathic
tongue often produces the characteristic sound of high
because so many muscle fibres have neuromuscular block;
firing rate motor units even though the amplitudes may
the EMG becomes more normal if the patient is able to
not be excessively large. In multifocal motor neuropathy,
maintain a voluntary contraction. In any case where a
conduction block, usually in the innervation of a small hand
myopathic EMG is found, LEMS should be considered and
muscle and usually not at a common entrapment site, is
should be investigated by measuring the amplitude of a
demonstrated by motor nerve conduction studies.
compound muscle action potential evoked by nerve stimula-
Fasciculations in multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) are
tion before and after exercise.
focal and occur only in muscles showing conduction block;
indeed, they are believed to arise at the focal area of block.
Muscles that are clinically unaffected in MMN show no REFERENCES
EMG abnormality, in contrast to ALS where clinically 1 Aminoff, MJ. Electromyography in clinical practice. 3rd ed. New York:
Churchill Livingstone, 1997:1–630.
unaffected muscles commonly show fasciculations and 2 Brown WF, Bolton CF, eds. Clinical electromyography. Boston: Butterworth-
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needle electromyography. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins,
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chronic partial denervation in all four limbs and the tongue. 5 Shapiro, BE, Preston DC. Electromyography and neuromuscular disorders.
In addition, transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used to Woburn: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005:1–685.
Downloaded from jnnp.bmj.com on October 12, 2014 - Published by group.bmj.com
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