Selection of Mine Developer and Operator (MDO) of Sand Blocks in West Bengal
Nodal Officer:
Managing Director, WBMDTCL
3rd Floor, DJ - 10 (WBIIDC Building)DJ Block, Sector II, Salt Lake City Kolkata 700 091
Contact: 033-23590073
Email id:
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Earnest Money Deposit INR 36,07,000/- (INR Thirty Six Lakh Seven Thousand
Performance Security To be paid by successful bidder in the form of a Bank
Guarantee from a Scheduled Commercial Bank in India
payable at Kolkata, West Bengal
Date of publication of Tender on website 20.12.2024 at 10:00 Hrs.
Last date of submission of online pre-bid 26.12.2024 till 17.00 Hrs.
Online Pre-Bid conference 30.12.2024 at 14.00 Hrs.
Link for the Online Pre-Bid conference Link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 6208 0843
Passcode: 972341
Last Date/Time for submission of 13.01.2025 up to 16:00 Hrs.
documents through Online Mode
Last Date/Time for submission of 13.01.2025 up to 17:00 Hrs.
documents through Offline Mode
Conduct of electronic auction 20.01.2025 at 10:00 Hrs.
End of electronic auction 20.01.2025 at 17:00 Hrs
Intimation to the Preferred Bidder To be intimated later
Contact Details Contact: 033-23590073
Email id:
Note: Above schedule may be changed by WBMDTCL at any time at its own discretion. Please check the
website: and online NIC auction portal from time to time for furtherupdates.
Managing Director
West Bengal Mineral Development & Trading Corporation Limited.
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3. Payment Receipt copy of the Application Fee and EMD (to be uploaded in e-
auction portal at the time of submission of Bid)
1. FORM-A: Format for Site Visit Certificate and Declaration (to be submitted
physically in sealed envelope superscribing the RFP No, Bidder Name and Bidder
ID, as per the timeline given in the Bid Data Sheet & Bid Schedule).
2. FORM-E Format for Net worth certificate of bidder (to be submitted physically
in sealed envelope superscribing the RFP No, Bidder Name and Bidder ID, as per
the timeline given in the Bid Data Sheet & Bid Schedule).
3. Self-certified scanned copy of the receipt of RFP Document Fee & EMD has to
be submitted in a sealed envelope by superscribing RFP no., Name of the Bidder
and Bidder Id, as per the timeline given in the Bid Data Sheet & Bid Schedule.
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