A Way Forward
Keerthana Kirupakaran
According to the World Green Building Council [1], about 40% of annual global
carbon emissions can be traced back to the construction sector. With the current
surge in urbanization across different parts of the world, the carbon emission from
the construction industry is expected to double in the next two decades if substan-
tial measures are not taken [2]. To meet the climate goal, it is critical for builders,
manufacturers, and policymakers to incorporate sustainability into every facet of the
construction industry.
Sustainability in construction is viewed in three verticals, namely: economic,
environmental, and social sustainability [3]. Economic sustainability concerns profit-
ability in the construction processes, efficient use of resources such as water, energy,
natural or human-made materials, and labour. Environmental sustainability involves
undertaking eco-friendly construction practices. A few ways to achieve environmen-
tal sustainability include diligent use of resources, minimizing waste, and employing
construction materials and techniques that consume less energy and emit less carbon
dioxide. Social sustainability deals with addressing the needs of people in all stages
of the construction process, starting from commissioning to demolition of a building/
structure. It evaluates the company’s engagement with its employees, suppliers, cus-
tomers, clients, and the local community.
Social sustainability encapsulates human rights, wellness and safety, diver-
sity, and societal impact [4]. The existing and emerging construction technologies
should cater to these three verticals to promote sustainable development in the
construction industry. Earlier challenges in the construction industry were focused
only on three factors: cost, quality, and time. Now sustainability being the prime
motto, a new paradigm is proposed by Huovila and Kokela [5], as illustrated in
Figure 3.1. This new paradigm modifies the existing construction practices by con-
sidering the minimization of resource depletion, reduction in harmful emissions,
and preservation of biodiversity. In a global context, the new paradigm aims to
achieve a healthy economy, environmental quality, social equity, and cultural heri-
tage. While this task seems intimidating, it is achievable when we break it down
into smaller goals.
DOI: 10.1201/9781032686899-4 39
This chapter has been made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
40 Civil Engineering Innovations for Sustainable Communities
FIGURE 3.1 New paradigm for sustainable construction according to Huovila and Kokela [5].
energy. With respect to the construction sector, embodied carbon constitutes carbon
emitted during the manufacturing material, including raw material extraction and
their processing, the transport of manufactured material to the construction site, and
the energy consumed while using the construction equipment and type of construc-
tion practices adopted [7]. In other words, embodied carbon refers to the carbon
emission in the entire construction process, starting from the manufacture of raw
materials for the construction of the building to the point where the people are ready
to occupy the building [8, 9].
3.2.2 Operational Carbon
The operational carbon or energy refers to carbon or energy consumed for the oper-
ation of the building throughout its service life. It includes energy consumed for
maintaining the indoor environment through processes such as heating, ventilation,
cooling, lighting, and the operation of appliances [10, 11]. Operational carbon cur-
rently accounts for 28% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If the total operational
energy demand of the building is met by renewable energy sources such as solar and
wind, then a building is said to have ‘net zero carbon emissions’. To envisage envi-
ronmental sustainability in the construction sector, it is essential to promote large-
scale implementation of renewable energy sources.
To measure the environmental sustainability potential of a building, it is impor-
tant to assess and quantify embodied and operational carbon in the entire life cycle.
The proportionate share of embodied and operational carbon to the total life
cycle carbon of a building depends primarily on the type and function of the
building [12], and secondary factors include climate, fuel type used, building
orientation, location, and building occupancy [13]. The life-cycle assessment of
a building is discussed in the following section.
The execution of these four stages of LCA is a comprehensive process that can be
both expensive and time-consuming. Nevertheless, LCA is a powerful tool to evalu-
ate and reduce the environmental impact of the product.
Several research efforts globally are focused on investigating the strategies to
decrease the embodied carbon in a building [8, 10, 15, 16]. The commonly used
strategies are: (1) use low-carbon materials in construction; (2) minimize waste,
reuse and recycle materials; (3) minimize transit of materials/products for long dis-
tances and promote local sourcing; and (4) implement construction optimization
strategies. In this context, the following sections focus on low-carbon construction
materials and technologies that promote environmental sustainability in the con-
struction industry.
FIGURE 3.2 Schematic of system boundary in the life-cycle assessment of a building [14].
Sustainable Construction Technologies 43
2030, respectively [31, 32]. These developments will significantly reduce the fly ash
and GGBFS production. Consequently, new sources of SCMs such as natural SCM,
calcined natural SCM, and limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) materials [33] are
being explored. Further agricultural waste such as rice husk ash, palm oil fuel ash
(POFA), bagasse ash (BA) [34, 29], bamboo leaf ash (BLA), wood waste ash, and
corn cob ash (CCA) are also being researched for their potential use as SCMs [35,
36]. Some of the challenges faced with the introduction of new SCMs are developing
methods to characterize them appropriately and finding the limitations of existing
test methods [37]. While the use of SCMs is one way to reduce the carbon footprint
in concrete, developing thin and lightweight structures that consume less material is
another way to reduce the carbon footprint in concrete.
The following section elaborates on the fibre- and textile-reinforced concrete that
facilitates the construction of thin and lightweight concrete structures in contrast to
conventional steel-reinforced concrete construction.
In recent years, FRC research is further being explored to employ recycled steel
fibres and natural fibres to promote sustainable construction practices.
While there are several advantages of FRC from a strength, durability, and sus-
tainability perspective, one major limitation of FRC is the lack of confidence in
ensuring uniform distribution of fibres. During the FRC production stage, the balling
effect of fibres is encountered due to improper mixing methods. Proper care should
be taken while mixing and placing FRC to ensure uniform fibre distribution. ACI
Committee 544 [51] has put forward a few guidelines to ensure the uniform distri-
bution of fibres. However, there is always an uncertainty associated with the fibre
distribution, and uniform fibre distribution is critical for its performance and is the
primary assumption in FRC structural design. The uncertainty in the fibre distribu-
tion can be overcome by using continuous fibre reinforcement in the form of textile
fabric, which is discussed in the following section.
FIGURE 3.4 Application of TRC: (a) TRC facade construction in Mumbai, India, by Raina
Industries [57]; (b) cycle shed made of TRC shell elements at Institute of Textile Technology
at RWTH Aachen University, Germany [58].
Photo by Keerthana Kirupakaran.
48 Civil Engineering Innovations for Sustainable Communities
FIGURE 3.5 TRC research at IIT Madras [67]: (a) use of textile mesh to retrofit a concrete
structural column; (b) and (c) a boxed form structure by folding planar TRC components; (d)
modular TRC sewage water tank.
required to bend the textile fabric, unlike steel rebars. With ongoing research efforts
and emerging applications of TRC, large-scale implementation of TRC is envisaged.
While utilizing high-performance, low carbon-intensive materials like FRC and
TRC is one way towards achieving sustainability goals in construction, minimizing
construction waste and reusing them again in new construction is very important for
sustainable construction.
The construction sector is the second largest sector in India in terms of material
consumption [71, 72]. The increase in construction activity has led to high demands
on construction materials, particularly on river sand [73, 74].
High construction material consumption results in high construction waste.
Figure 3.6 shows typical C&D waste composition in India [75]. In the current sce-
nario, C&D waste management is critical owing to its impact on the environment
and public health [76, 77].
Several measures are being taken worldwide to mitigate C&D waste reuse through
the imposition of strict policies for C&D waste management. Some initiatives by the
Indian government to mitigate C&D waste include: (1) The Technology Information,
Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) [78] published guidelines for man-
aging construction waste, which outlines selling reusable materials obtained after
construction or demolition at a discounted rate in the market, and utilizing only
non-reusable materials for landfill; (2) the Bureau of Indian Standard IS: 383–2016
[79] permitted the use of manufactured sand obtained from C&D wastes and other
industrial wastes as partial replacement of coarse and fine aggregate from natural
sources; and (3) the National Building Code (NBC) of India (2000) [75] included the
provision to use recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for bank protection, bulk filling
cement, sidewalks, drainage system bases etc. It is further stated that 30% of natural
aggregate could be replaced by RCA, and this percentage can be increased up to 50%
for pavements and other areas under pure compression. With respect to the reuse of
C&D materials, RCA has received a lot of attention. However, RCA shows reduced
strength when used in concrete due to the old mortar particles sticking on its surface.
In order to remove this mortar, thermo-mechanical treatment is necessary, which is
again energy intensive. Rohit et al. [80] used solar power for this purpose and gener-
ated RCA of different sizes.
While research efforts and implementation measures are in place, the Indian con-
struction industry cannot profit adequately from cost savings due to several reasons.
The following are some of the reasons reported by Wildermuth [81]:
Given the growth of the construction sector in India, it is imperative that the produc-
tion of C&D waste must increase manyfold. If proper C&D waste management mea-
sures are not adopted, it could pose a serious threat to environmental sustainability
and public health. Government intervention in C&D waste management through
strict rules and regulations is critical to achieve quantifiable results.
While C&D waste management measures are ongoing, a new construction tech-
nology such as concrete 3D printing is gaining a lot of attention. This technology is
discussed in the following section.
concrete structures. However, the major challenge in upscaling this technology lies
in the precise design of concrete mix that can maintain the required workability
and buildability properties till the large component is printed [87]. Viktor et al. [88]
developed the CONPrint3D concept for on-site monolithic 3D printing driven by
the demands and boundary conditions of construction practice. The robotic arm 3D
printer developed by Keating et al. [89] uses a multi-axis robotic arm that helps in
navigating the printing nozzle.
Currently, several efforts are underway to upgrade the C3DP technology to pro-
duce reinforced concrete structures [87]. Cohen and Carlson [90] used the pointil-
listic time-based deposition (PTBD) method [91], contrary to using a conventional
linear layering approach for printing. The steel or micro-cables are also being
explored as reinforcement in 3D-printed elements. The reinforcement entrainment
device is used to embed the steel cables into the concrete layers (RED) [92]. Hack
and Lauer [93] proposed a digital fabrication method of building reinforced meshes
and formwork simultaneously with printing.
Hambach et al. [94] added glass, basalt, or carbon fibres to concrete 3DP to increase
the flexural strength to 30 MPa, and Gebhard et al. [95] explored the entrainment of
fibres in the concrete 3DP process. They emphasized that, unlike conventional FRC
mix design, fibres in 3D printable concrete need to be re-engineered with short fibres
to ensure pumpability.
While different reinforcement systems are being explored on the one hand,
research on less-carbon-intensive alternate material systems is being explored
on the other hand. Geopolymer and alkali-activated materials are being widely
explored as mixes for use in concrete 3DP. Shantanu et al. [83] reported that the
rapid hardening nature of geopolymer mixes can improve buildability properties
without the chemical accelerators. Further, the conventional SEMs and limestone-
calcined clay cement (LC3) are also being explored to develop a mix suitable for
C3DP [83, 96]. Shanthanu et al. [83] showed another way to reduce the binder
content by using coarse aggregates in the printable concrete mix. While there are
several challenges in terms of workability, extrudability, and buildability associ-
ated with the use of coarse aggregate, its economic feasibility and low CO2 foot-
print can be beneficial for large-scale 3D printing, particularly from a sustainability
A detailed cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessment (LCA) performed by Mohamed
et al. [97] revealed that concrete 3D printing technology significantly reduces envi-
ronmental effects in terms of global warming potential, eutrophication potential,
acidification potential, smog formation potential, and fossil fuel depletion, as com-
pared to conventional construction methods. While C3DP technology looks promis-
ing, further research is required to evaluate its long-term performance, and only a
whole LCA from cradle-to-grave or cradle-to-cradle can help in evaluating its true
sustainability potential. Nevertheless, C3DP is a perfect example of where the mod-
ern world of digitization integrates with the construction industry. However, with
the dawn of the 21st century, new technologies like machine learning, automation,
and robotics have engulfed various facets of the construction industry, which are
discussed in the following section.
Sustainable Construction Technologies 53
One question that pops up about the usage of AI, automation, and robots in the construc-
tion industry is “Will AI replace humans?”. The construction industry is the kind of
industry where even a small change in any information/specification provided will lead
to a significant impact on the task. So, there is always a need for human supervision
to ensure everything goes on track. With the amount of work that lies in hand and the
difficulties faced in each one of them, we can make maximum utilization of AI tools
with minimum human supervision. The sophisticated collaboration of machines and
human labour in automated construction creates a more intricate scenario than conven-
tional construction [100]. Robotics and automation technology can be highly beneficial
in repetitive work such as bricklaying. The main advantage is that the task can be done
with a lot more precision, accuracy, and safety. Quantifying and controlling productivity
are essential for efficiently managing time and cost in construction [101]. For example,
the tunnel boring machine (TBM) avoids problems with accuracy and tedious calibration
processes by using the conventional laser station [99, 102]. This can also be extended to
construction quality control, interference management, and data exchange in construc-
tion, development of new tools, schemes, and components in construction [103]. Hence,
to answer the question, AI and other tools can be very beneficial to the construction sec-
tor provided one knows how to use these technologies properly and effectively.
54 Civil Engineering Innovations for Sustainable Communities
In recent times, robots have been used successfully in various construction activi-
ties such as 3D printing and contour crafting, demolition robots, bricklaying robots,
drones, welding robots, forklift robots, robots for roadwork, and humanoid robots
[104]. Research efforts are underway across the globe to integrate AI tools with vari-
ous construction processes. A computer vision (CV)-based textural analysis method
is being researched where the images from a 2D camera are processed to quantify
the textural variations on the surface of concrete 3D-printed layers [105]. Several
machine learning tools are being explored for monitoring the structural stability in an
automated construction through sensor measurements taken from the structure [106].
Small robots are being developed to perform repetitive and time-consuming work at
construction sites, which can lead to savings in labour cost and time [107]. Further,
investigations are underway to automate the work-sampling process for evaluating
labour productivity [101], and automated progress monitoring using a photogrammet-
ric point cloud is being explored to track the construction activity [108].
While using AI tools, automation, and robotics in the construction sector is
largely beneficial, it also comes with a few challenges, which include explainable AI,
cyber security issues, talent shortage among labourers, and high initial costs. The
successful implementation of AI and automation tools in construction will require
efforts from the following three sectors [99]:
• The public sector should take steps to revamp the old education system to
include current trends and emerging technologies.
• The private sector should focus on the skill development of labourers and
workers in the construction industry.
• Industry partners should conduct boot camps and hackathons to help their
employees transition from the conventional methods and train them to work
with construction 4.0 technologies.
As new technologies related to construction 4.0 are emerging rapidly, it is very impor-
tant to assess their sustainability aspects in terms of social, economic, and environ-
mental viewpoints [109, 110]. Construction 4.0 technologies are at the early stage,
and there is a need to further study and examine these technologies to understand
their true impact on the society and environment, and for sustainable development.
While several emerging construction materials and technologies show promising
attributes towards sustainable development in the construction sector, real change can
happen only when these technologies are assessed properly on their impact on the social,
environmental, and economic sustainability front. The technologies with positive impacts
are then implemented at large scale. In this light, standards and policies imposed by the
government have a significant role to play, which is discussed in the following section.
there are many sustainable technologies coming up in the construction sector, they
are relatively low compared to other industries. The people adopting sustainable
technologies are classified into three major categories [111]: (1) government—federal,
state, and local governments and related organizations, semi-government organiza-
tions, and political leaders; (2) for-profit and non-profit organizations—large business
houses, multi-national corporations, community groups, media, trade organizations,
etc.; and (3) individuals—general contractors, engineers, architects, owners, devel-
opers, sustainable building consultants, etc. However, the adoption of sustainabil-
ity principles and technologies by these three categories is particularly limited in
the construction market. The major obstacles that limit sustainable construction are
lack of interest from the investors, lack of training and knowledge on sustainable
development and construction, conservatism in the education of architects and civil
engineers, inadequate funding for research in this area, financial problems, and lack
of a well-defined set of norms, standards, and sustainable construction practices that
can be used in projects [112–115]. The government being the major player can bring
transformational changes to enable sustainable construction by imposing standards
and policies. Sustainable construction requires a holistic approach—starting from
the design, construction, operation, and demolition to recycling and reuse of materi-
als, and significant changes in the overall organization of construction, both at the
market and company level [112]. The government’s role in this aspect is critical as it
develops and imposes policies that can influence the construction industry directly
or indirectly. Not just at the industry level, government intervention can also play a
dominant role in factors affecting energy efficiency, waste management, and climate
change as well.
With respect to India, recognizing the importance of sustainable building in
addressing environmental issues and fostering long-term sustainability, the govern-
ment has established certain rules and procedures to help achieve these goals.
These laws include encouraging green building certifications, upholding energy-
efficient construction codes, providing financial incentives and subsidies, boosting
research and development, and enhancing skill development. Some of the organiza-
tions within India related to policies are:
(1) The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog is a pol-
icy think tank of the Indian government that provides inputs regarding
the different programs and policies of the government. Some of their key
functions include policy formulation, monitoring, and evaluation, and
sustainable development goals. A few NITI Aayog policies are: (a) Atal
Innovation Mission (AIM), which is an initiative to create and promote a
culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in India; (b) Atal Bhujal Yojana
for sustainable groundwater management; and (c) sustainable infrastruc-
ture development.
(2) The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) is
responsible for formulating and implementing policies related to informa-
tion technology, electronics, and the internet. They support work related to
artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) vs. virtual reality (VR),
the internet of things, blockchain, robotics, computer vision, drones, etc.
56 Civil Engineering Innovations for Sustainable Communities
These government bodies are essential and play an important role in sustainable con-
struction in India. Further, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(MoEF&CC) of the Indian government formulated C&D waste management rules
[75] in 2016, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs published a “Strategy
for promoting processing of construction and demolition waste and utilisation of
recycled products” in 2018 [116].
Strategies and policies play a major role in ensuring that the innovations entering
the market are truly sustainable. They provide a structured framework and guide-
lines to make sure that all the requirements are met. They pave the way for the wide-
spread adoption and deployment of these technologies. They provide benchmarks
for various aspects of sustainable construction, allowing various organizations to
ensure that the requirements are met. The incentives provided by these policies will
help more organizations move towards sustainability and create a healthy living
environment, as market demand moves towards sustainable construction, and they
lead to the development of new technologies that meet sustainable requirements.
Standards and policies are the foundation of India’s journey towards sustainable
construction. Policies also create quality control standards, ensuring that building
projects adhere to necessary requirements. They make sure that the resources are
conserved by the use of sustainable materials. By establishing rules for the procure-
ment and tendering processes, they encourage fair competition. Finally, policies
reduce risk on the legal and financial fronts by establishing a framework for agree-
ments and dispute settlement.
In order to enable the adoption of sustainable construction-related technol-
ogy, standards and policies are crucial, and their importance cannot be overes-
timated. Standards and policies promote innovation, cooperation, and ongoing
Sustainable Construction Technologies 57
Thus, a holistic approach of combining research, innovation, and policies is the way
forward towards achieving sustainable construction.
The author thanks the research scholars and professors of the Building Technology
and Construction Materials and Management (BTCM) group, Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. The help of students Roshini
Ramanathan (BTech, IIT Madras), Hariharan N (BTech, NIT Trichy), Anusha
R (BTech, NIT Trichy), Valliappan R M (BTech, NIT Trichy), and S Cyril John
(BTech, NIT Trichy) are highly appreciated. The support from the Institute of
Eminence Research Initiative Grant on Technologies for Low Carbon and Lean
Construction (TLC2) from IIT Madras is acknowledged.
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