Su Phd Syllabus
Su Phd Syllabus
Su Phd Syllabus
Biomedical Engineering
Environmental Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Sciences
The main objective is to assess the teaching and research capabilities of the
candidates. The test aims at assessing the teaching and research aptitude as well.
Candidates are expected to possess and exhibit cognitive abilities, which include
comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding the structure of arguments,
deductive and inductive reasoning. The candidates are also expected to have a general
awareness about teaching and learning processes in higher education system. Further,
they should be aware of interaction between people, environment, natural resources
and their impact on the quality of life.
The details of syllabi are as follows:
Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based.
Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of evaluation, Evaluation in
Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer based
testing, Innovations in evaluation systems.
Unit-III Comprehension
A passage of text be given. Questions be asked from the passage to be
Unit-IV Communication
Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication.
Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group
communications, Classroom communication.
Barriers to effective communication.
Mass-Media and Society.
Unit-VI Logical Reasoning
Understanding the structure of arguments: argument forms, structure of
categorical propositions, Mood and Figure, Formal and Informal fallacies,
Uses of language, Connotations and denotations of terms, Classical
square of opposition.
Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning.
Venn diagram: Simple and multiple use for establishing validity of
Indian Logic: Means of knowledge.
Pramanas: Pratyaksha (Perception), Anumana (Inference), Upamana
(Comparison), Shabda (Verbal testimony), Arthapatti (Implication) and
Anupalabddhi (Non-apprehension).
Structure and kinds of Anumana (inference), Vyapti (invariable relation),
Hetvabhasas (fallacies of inference).
Unit-IX People, Development and Environment
Development and environment: Millennium development and Sustainable
development goals.
Human and environment interaction: Anthropogenic activities and their
impacts on environment.
Environmental issues: Local, Regional and Global; Air pollution, Water
pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Waste (solid, liquid, biomedical,
hazardous, electronic), Climate change and its Socio-Economic and
Political dimensions.
Impacts of pollutants on human health.
Natural and energy resources: Solar, Wind, Soil, Hydro, Geothermal,
Biomass, Nuclear and Forests.
Natural hazards and disasters: Mitigation strategies.
Environmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate
Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit,
Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International
Solar Alliance.
Unit 3: Enzymology
Enzymes, structure conformation, classification, assay, isolation, purification and
characterization, catariysis specificity, mechanism of action, active site, regulation of
enzyme activity, multienzyme complexes, immobilized enzymes and protein
engineering, immobilized enzymes and their application.
Ribosome structure and function. Protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes and ekaryotes.
Post-translational modification. Gene regulation, RNA processing and Post
transcriptional modifications. Bioprospecting, biofortification, gene pryrimiding and
gene fusion, nbozyme technology.
Unit 1: Systematics
History and development of Entomology, Evolution of insects, position of insects in
the animal world, characteristics of phylum Arthropoda, structural features of
important arthropod groups such as Trilobita, Chelicerata and Mandibulata,
structural features of important classes of phylum Arthropoda viz. Arachnida,
Crustacea, Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Hexapoda. Classification of insects up to order
level, habits, habitats and distinguishing features of different Order and important
Unit 2: Morphology
Body wall, its structure, outgrowths, endoskeleton, Body regions, segmentation,
sclerites and sutures. Head and head appendages, types of mouth parts, antennae,
their structure and types. Thorax structure, thoracic appendages and their
modification. Wings, their modification and venation, Abdomen; structure, abdominal
appendages both in Pterygota and Apterygota. External genitalia, general structure
and modification in important insect orders.
Unit 4: Ecology
Concept of ecology, Environment and its components-biotic and abiotic factors and
their effects on growth, development, population dynamics, distribution and
dispersal. Principle of biogeography and insects biodiversity. Biotic potential and
environmental resistance. Ecosystems, agroecosystems analysis, their characteristics
and functioning. Intra and inter specific relationship; competition, predator-prey and
host-parasite interactions, ecological niche. Life table studies, population models.
Food chain and food web. Arthropod population monitoring, pest forecasting.
Diapause and causes of pest out breaks.
Microbial insecticides and their formulation. Merits and demerits of microbial control.
Role of biocontrol agents and microbial insecticides in Integrated Pest Management.
Types of appliances: sprayers, dusters, fog generators, smoke generators, soil
injecting guns, seed treating drums, flame throwers, etc. Power operated sprayers
and dusters. Types of nozzles and their uses. Maintenance of appliances. Aerial
application of pesticides, principles of aerial application, factors affecting the
effectiveness of aerial application. Equipments for aerial applications. Advantages and
disadvantages of aerial application.
Pollinators, biocontrol agents of weeds, soil fertility improving agents, scavengers. Use
of insects and insect products in medicines. Usefulness of insects in scientific
investigations, insects as food.
Unit 1: History of Microbial World
History, development and scope of microbiology, evolution of microbial life. Theory of
spontaneous generiation. Prokaryotes, archaebacteria and eukaryotes. Techniques
used in identification and classification of bacteria. Important groups of prokaryotes –
photosynthetic bacteria, blue green algae, chemoautotrophic bacteria, spore forming
bacteria, mycoplasma, viruses, bacteriophages and actinomycetes. Heterotrophic
bacteria nitrobacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cyanabacteria, lactic acid bacteria,
halophiles, thermophiles acidophiles and methanogens. Structure and classification
of viruses, growth of viruses, lytic and lysogenic cycles, plant viruses, viroids.
of meat, fish, egg, fruits, vegetables, juices, flour, canned foods; bio- degrading
microbes, single cell protein for use as food and feed, bioactive food / probiotics
Unit 7 : Germplasm Conservation
Principles and methods of conservation, in situ and ex situ methods, on – farm
conservation; Gene banks: short-medium- and long-term conservation strategies;
seed physiology and seed technology in conservation; seed storage behaviour
(orthodox, recalcitrant), field genebanks, clonal respositories. Gene bank
management, gene bank standard for various crops, ISTA, AOSA, IPGRI guidelines,
documentation of information in gene bank.
05. Genetics & Plant Breeding
Unit 1: General Genetics and Plant Breeding
Mendelian inheritance. Cell structure and division, Linkage, its detection and
estimation. Epistasis. Gene concept, allelism and fine structure of gene. Extra
chromosomal inheritance. DNA – structure, function, replication and repair. Genetic
code. Gene- enzyme relationship. Replication, Transcription and Translation. Gene
regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome
organization. Spontaneous and induced mutations and their molecular mechanisms.
Crop domestication, evolution of crops and centres of diversity. Emergence of
scientific plant breeding. Objectives and accomplishments in plant breeding and the
role of National and International institutes. Gametogenesis and fertilization. Modes
of sexual and asexual reproduction and its relation to plant breeding methodology.
Apomixes, incompatibility and male sterility systems and their use in planr breeding.
Somatic hybridization, micropropagation, somachonal variation in vitro mutagenesis.
Artificial synthesis of gene. Genetic and molecular markers, generations of molecular
markers and their application in genetic analyses and breeding. Molecular markers in
genetic diversity analysis and breeding for complex characters. Gene tagging, QTL
mapping and marker aided selection. Genome projects and utilization of sequence
formation. Vectors. DNA libraries, DNA fingerprinting, DNA sequencing. Nuclei acid
hybridization and immunochemical detection. Chromosome walking, Recombinant
DNA technology, Gene cloning strategies. Genetic transformation and transgenics.
Antisense RNA, RNAi and micro RNA techniques in crop improvement.
Unit 7: Plant Genetic Resources and their Regulatory System; Varietal Release
and Seed Production
Plant exploration, germplasm introduction, exchange, conservation, evaluation and
utilization of plant genetic resoures. Convention on Biological Diversity and
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Intellectual
Property Rights. Biodiversity Act. Plant Variety Protection and Farmers' Rights Act.
System of variety release and notification. Types of seeds and seed chain. Seed
production and certification.
Unit 1: History and Economic Importance
History and economic importance of nematology; Diseases caused by plant-parasitic
nematodes-symptomatology, biology, distribution and management of plant parasitic
nematodes of economic importance (Pratylenchus, Radopholus, Hirschmanniella,
Meloidogyne, Heterodera, Globodera, Rotylenchulus, Tylenchulus, Ditylenchus,
Anguina, Aphelenchoides, Tylenchorhynchus, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus,
Paratylenchus, etc.). Entomopathogenic nematodes.
Unit 7 : Nematode Management
Principles and methods of nematode management - physical, cultural biological,
chemical and legislative, Nematicides (including those of biological origin) - history,
classification, formulations, application and mode of action. Host resistance for
nematode management. Integrated nematode management. Role of biotechnology in
nematode management.
Unit 9 : Statistics
Frequency distribution. Measures of central tendency and dispersion: mean, median,
mode, standard deviation etc. Population distributions : normal, binomial and
poisson. Correlations: partial and multiple. Tests of significance: t, F and Chi square
and randomized block, Latin square and split plot designs, their analysis and
Unit 1: Basic Biochemistry and Biomolecules
Scope and importance of biochemistry and molecular biology in plants. Structural
and functional organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, viruses and
bacteriophages, cell organelles function and their fractionation. Chemical bonding in
biological systems, pH and buffers. Thermodynamics and bioenergetics- concept of
entropy, and free energy changes in biological reactions, Redox reactions, Role of high
energy phosphates. Biomembranes. Classification structure, chemistry, properties
and function of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Components of
immune system, Prostaglandins.
primer designing, sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis. Benefits of gene
manipulation in agriculture, nanobiotechnology, bio-chips.
Unit 7: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis – photosynthetic pigments, light reactions, photosystems.
Photophosphorylation, dark reactions: C3, C4 and CAM pathways. Regulation of
Rubisco. Chemisomotic coupling. Carbon cycle and its regulation, Ion fluxes and
conformational changes during photosynthesis. Photorespiration. Relationship
between photosynthesis, photorespiration and crop productivity. Chloroplasm
morphology, structure and biochemical anatomy. Cytosolic and organelle
interactions. Nature and exchange of metabolites through translocators. Seed reserve
nitrogen fixation. Regulation of chloroplast gene expression. Mitochondrial control of
fertility. Molecular markers in plants and their uses.
Unit 1: History and Principles of Plant Pathology
Milestones in phytopathology with particular reference to India. Major epidemics and
their social impacts. Historical developments of chemicals, legislative, cultural and
biological protection measures including classification of plant diseases. Physiologic
specialization, Koch’s postulates. Growth, reproduction, survival and dispersal of
plant pathogens. Factors influencing infection, colonization and development of
Unit 4: Mycology
Classification of fungi. Economic mycology, edible fungi and entomogenous fungi.
Mycorrhizal associations. Cell organelles, their morphology, functions and chemical
Transmission of viruses: virus - vector relationships. Nomenclature and classification
of viruses.
Unit 1: Cell Organelles and Water Relations
Cell organelles and their physiological functions Structure and physiological
functions of cell wall, cell inclusions. Cell membrane structure and functions. Water
and its role in plants, properties and functions of water in the cell, water relations,
water potential of plant cells. Mechanism of water uptake by roots transport in roots,
movement of water in plants, water loss from plants, energy balance, solar energy,
input energy dissipation at crop canopy level. Evapotranspiration, plant factors
influencing transpiration rate. Stomata, structure function - Mechanism of stomatal
movement, antitranspirants. Physiology of water high temperature and salinity stress
in plants. Influence of water stresses at cell, organ, plant and canopy levels. Indices
for assessment of drought resistance.
characteristic features, water potential in the soil-plant-air continuum. Development
of water deficits, energy balance concept, transpiration and it’s regulation – stomatal
functions/VPD. Physiological process affected by drought. Drought resistance
mechanisms: Escape, dehydration postponement (Drought avoidance), Dehydration
tolerance, and characteristics of resurrection plants. Osmotic adjustment
Osmoprotectants, stress proteins. Water use efficiency as a drought resistance trait.
Molecular responses to water deficit stress perception, expression of regulatory and
function genes and significance of gene products. Stress and hormones-ABA as a
signaling molecule – Cytokinin as negative signal. Oxidative stress: reactive oxygen
species (ROS) – role of scavenging systems (SOD, catalase etc.). High temperature
stress: tolerance mechanisms- role of membrane lipids in high temperance tolerance.
Functions of HSPs chilling stress; effects on physiological processes. Crucial role of
membrane lipids. Salinity: species variation in salt tolerance. Salinity effects at
cellular and whole plant level, tolerance mechanisms. Breeding for salt resistance.
Heavy metal stress: aluminum and cadmium toxicity in acid soils. Role of
phytochelatins (heavy, metal binding proteins).
transport, role of transporter genes, genetics of nutrient uptake, identification and
transfer of genes for tolerance to nutrient deficiencies, etc.
interactions. Physiology of flowering in perennial species, photoperiodism and
thermoperiodism. Physiological aspects of fruit crops: mango, banana, grapes, citrus,
papaya and pineapple etc. Physiological aspects of plantation crops: tea, coffee,
cardamom, coconut, and blackpepper.
Unit 1 : Seed Biology
Floral biology, mode of reproduction, sporogenesis, pollination, fertilization,
embryogenesis, fruit and seed development. Apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony
and somatic embryoids and synthetic seeds. Seed structure of monocot and dicot.
Seed maturation and longevity in orthodox and recalcitrant seed. Chemical
composition of seed. Seed dormancy - types, causes and mechanisms of induction
and release, factors affecting, methods to overcome dormancy and its significance in
agriculture. Seed germination - requirements, imbibition pattern, physiological and
biochemical changes, and role of hormones.
procedures for principal agri horticultural crops. Quick viability tests. Seed vigour, its
significance and testing methods. Testing for genuineness of varieties – principles and
methods based on seed, seedling and plant characters, biochemical techniques
namely electrophoresis of proteins and isoenzymes and DNA fingerprinting.
International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), its role in development of seed testing
procedures, rules and seed quality assurance for international seed trade.
Principles -- Evolution of varieties, origin, distribution, genetic resources, genetic
divergence- Patents and Plant Variety Protection in India; Genetic inheritance -- of
flower colour, doubleness, flower size, fragrance, post harvest life; Breeding methods
suitable for sexually and asexually propagated flower crops and ornamental plants--
introduction, selection, domestication, polyploid and mutation breeding for varietal
development, Role of heterosis, Production of hybrids, Male sterility, incompatibility
problems, seed production of flower crops; Breeding constraints and achievements
made in commercial flowers - rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, marigold, tuberose,
crossandra, carnation, dahlia, gerbera, gladioli, orchids, anthurium, aster, heliconia,
liliums, nerium; Breeding constraints and achievements made in ornamental plants –
petunia, hibiscus, bougainvillea, Flowering annuals (zinnia, cosmos, dianthus, snap
dragon, pansy) and ornamental foliages– Introduction and selection of plants for
waterscaping and xeriscaping.
crossandra, nerium, hibiscus, barleria, celosia, gomphrena, non-traditional flowers
(Nyctanthes, Tabernaemontana, ixora, lotus, lilies, tecoma, champaka, pandanus).
Landscape designs, Styles of garden, formal, informal and free style gardens, types of
gardens, English, Mughal, Japanese, Persian, Spanish, Italian, Vanams, Buddha
garden; Urban landscaping, Landscaping for specific situations, institutions,
industries, residents, hospitals, roadsides, traffic islands, damsites, IT parks,
corporates; Garden plant components, arboretum, shrubbery, fernery, palmatum,
arches and pergolas, edges and hedges, climbers and creepers, cacti and succulents,
herbs, annuals, flower borders and beds, ground covers, carpet beds, bamboo groves;
Production technology for selected ornamental plants; Lawns, Establishment and
maintenance, special types of gardens, vertical garden, roof garden, bog garden,
sunken garden, rock garden, clock garden, colour wheels, temple garden, sacred
groves; Bio-aesthetic planning, eco-tourism, theme parks, indoor gardening,
therapeutic gardening, non-plant components, water scaping, xeriscaping,
Prospects of protected floriculture in India; Types of protected structures –
Greenhouses, polyhouses, shade houses, rain shelters etc., Designing and erection of
protected structures; Low cost/Medium cost/High cost structures – economics of
cultivation; Location specific designs; Structural components; Suitable flower crops
for protected cultivation; Environment control – management and manipulation of
temperature, light, humidity, air and CO2; Heating and cooling systems, ventilation,
naturally ventilated greenhouses, fan and pad cooled greenhouses, light regulation;
Containers and substrates, soil decontamination, layout of drip and fertigation
system, water and nutrient management, weed management, physiological disorders,
IPM and IDM; Crop regulation by chemical methods and special horticultural
practices (pinching, disbudding, deshooting, deblossoming, etc.); Staking and netting,
Photoperiod regulation; Harvest indices, harvesting techniques, post-harvest handling
techniques, Precooling, sorting, grading, packing, storage, quality standards.
Prospects of landscape industry; History of landscape gardening, site selection, basic
requirements, site evaluation, concepts of physical, chemical and biological properties
of soil pertaining to turf grass establishment; Turf grasses - Types, species, varieties,
hybrids; Selection of grasses for different locations; Grouping according to climatic
requirement-Adaptation; Turfing for roof gardens; Preparatory operations; Growing
media used for turf grasses - Turf establishment methods, seeding,
sprigging/dibbling, plugging, sodding/turfing, turf plastering, hydro-seeding, astro-
turfing; Turf management – Irrigation, nutrition, special practices, aerating, rolling,
soil top dressing, use of turf growth regulators (TGRs) and micronutrients, Turf
mowing -- mowing equipments, techniques to minimize wear and compaction, weed
control, biotic and abiotic stress management in turfs; Establishment and
maintenance of turfs for playgrounds, viz. golf, football, hockey, cricket, tennis,
rugby, etc.
fruiting and fruit quality in temperate fruits, grapes, passion fruits, mango, sapota,
guava, citrus and ber.
cybrids, wide hybridization, in vitro pollination and fertilization, haploids, in vitro
mutation, artificial seeds, cryopreservation, rapid clonal propagation, genetic
engineering and transformation in horticulture crops, use of molecular markers. In
vitro selection for biotic and abiotic stress, achievements of biotechnology in
horticultural crops.
Role of plantation crops in national economy, export potential, IPR issues, clean
development mechanism, classification and varietal wealth. Plant multiplication
including in vitro multiplication, systems of cultivation, multitier cropping,
photosynthetic efficiencies of crops at different tiers, rainfall, humidity, temperature,
light and soil pH on crop growth and productivity, high density planting, nutritional
requirements, physiological disorders, role of growth regulators and macro and micro
nutrients, water requirements, fertigation, moisture conservation, shade regulation,
weed management, training and pruning, crop regulation, maturity indices,
harvesting. Cost benefit analysis, organic farming, management of drought, precision
farming. Crops: Coffee and tea,Cashew and cocoa,Rubber, palmyrah and oil palm,
Coconut and arecanu, Wattle and betel vine.
Importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in human health, national economy and
related industries, classification of medicinal and aromatic plants according to
botanical characteristics and their uses, export potential and indigenous technical
knowledge; Climate and soil requirements; cultural practices; yield and important
constituents of medicinal plants (Mulhati, Isabgol, Rauwolfia, Poppy, Aloe vera,
Satavar, Stevia, Safed Musli, Kalmegh, Asaphoetida, Nux vomica, Rosadle etc);
Climate and soil requirements; cultural practices; yield and important constituents of
aromatic plants (Citronella, Palmarosa, Mentha, Basil, Lemon grass, Rose, Patchouli,
Geranium); Climate and soil requirements; cultural practices; yield of under-utilized
crops (Rice bean, Lathyrus, Sesbania, Clusterbean, French bean, Fenugreek, Grain
Amaranth, Coffee, Tea and Tobacco); Post harvest handling –drawing, processing,
grading , packing and storage, value addition and quality standards in herbal
cardamom,Ginger and turmeric,Fenugreek, coriander, fennel, celery and ajwoain,
Nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and allspice.
production; comparison between different methods e.g. seed-to-seed vs. root-to-seed
method in radish; seed multiplication ratios in vegetables; pollination mechanisms;
sex types, ratios and expression and modification of flowering pattern in cucurbits;
nursery raising and transplanting stage; Seed production technology of vegetables viz.
solanaceous, cucurbitaceous, leguminous, malvaceous, Cole crops, leafy vegetables,
root, tuber and bulb crops and spices; harvesting/picking stage and seed extraction
in fruit vegetables; clonal propagation and multiplication in tuber crops e.g. Potato,
sweet potato, colocasia, tapioca; seed-plot technique in potato tuber seed production;
hybrid seed production technology of vegetable crops, TPS (true potato seed) and its
production technique; hybrids in vegetables; maintenance of parental lines; use of
male sterility and self incompatibility in hybrid seed production, environmental
factors related to flowering/bolting in vegetable crops; Share of vegetable seeds in
seed industry; importance and present status of vegetable industry; intellectual
property rights and its implications, impact of PVP on growth of seed industry.
Unit 1:
Scope of Biochemistry and molecular biology in animal sciences. Structural and
functional organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, viruses and
bacteriphages. Compartmentalization of metabolic processes within the cell and
fractionation of subcellular components. Structure and functions of biomembranes
with special reference to active transport of ions and metabolites. Extra and
intracellular communication. General description of cell culture, hybridoma and
animal cloning techniques.
Unit 2:
Structure and properties of biologically important carbohydrates including storage
and structural polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, blood group substances,
peptidoglycans and bacterial polysaccharides. Structure and properties of fatty acids,
acyl glycerol, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, sulfolipids,
aminolipids, sterols, bile acids and prostaglandins. Basic principles of isolation,
estimation and analysis of carbohydrates and lipids.
Unit 3:
Aminoacids, structure and properties. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structure of proteins. Glycoproteins, lipoproteins, nucleoproteins, fibrous and
globular proteins. Structure and functions of immunoglobulins, myoglobin and
hemoglobin. Physical and chemical properties of proteins. Structure of different
types of nucleic acids. Acid base properties, sedimentation behaviour, hyperchromic
effect, base sequencing and restriction analysis of DNA. Computer applications in
molecular biology, primer designing, sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis.
Unit 4:
Major classes of enzymes, general proerties, kinetics and mechanism of their action.
Activation energy and transition state. Coenzymes and cofactors. Regulation of
enzyme activity and enzyme inhibition. Isoenzymes and enzymes of clinical
significance. Applications and scope of enzymes in bioprocess technology and genetic
Unit 5:
Bioenergetics, biological oxidation, respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Citric acid cycle and ATP generation. Glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway and
glycogenesis. Biosynthesis and oxidation of fatty acids. Volatile fatty acids as source
of energy in ruminants. Ketogenesis and cause of ketosis in ruminants. Biosynthesis
of sterols and phospholipids. Catabolism of amino acids, transmination and
determination, urea cycle. Intergration of carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid
metabolism. Conversion of amino acids into other bioactive compounds.
Biosynthesis of nutritionally non-essential amino acids. Metabolism of purines and
pyrimidines. Disorders of lipid, carbohydrate, nucleic acid and amino acid
metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism and scope of gene therapy in combating
genetic disorders.
Unit 6:
Mechanism of storage, transmissions and expression of genetic information. DNA
replication and control of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. RNA
synthesis and factors regulating transcription. Biosynthesis of proteins. Features of
genetic code in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Wobble hypothesis, post-translational
modification, degeneracy and regulation of translation. Basic principles of
recombinant DNA technology and its scope in animal health and production.
Recombinant proteins and vaccines, safety, ethical issues and IPRs in molecular
Unit 7:
Structure and metabolic functions of water soluble and lipid soluble vitamins. Trace
elements and their role in biological processes. Deficiencies and nutritional
significance of vitamins and trace elements in domestic animals and poultry,
neutraceuticels & probiotics. General description of nature of hormones, receptors
and mechanisms of their action. Metabolic function of different hormones and
associated disorders due to hypo or hyper secretions of major endocrine glands viz.
pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas and gonads.
Unit 8:
Blood composition and biochemical constituents of erythrocytes, leucocytes and
platelets. Important plasma proteins and their functions. Haemoglobin in oxygen
and carbon dioxide transport. Role of kidneys in acid base balance. Composition
and metabolism of muscle, connective, tissue, cartilage, bone, nervous, tissue,
adipose tissue and mammary tissue. Clinical significance of iron, iodine calcium and
phosphorus metabolism in domestic animals and poultry. Biochemical tests for
hepatic and renal functions. Urine composition and analysis.
Unit 9:
Basic principles and use of latest photometric, chromatographic, eletrophoretic and
redioisotopic methods of biochemical analysis. Mehods of isolation, purification and
characterization of proteins, DNA and RNA. Basic principles of RIA, ELISA, PCR,
RFLP and DNA fingerprinting NA probes, vectors, microarray, imaging, applications of
nanotechnology, proteomics. Determination of enzymes, hormones, vitamins and
other biochemical constituents with special reference to disease diagnosis in domestic
Unit 10:
Environmental pollution in relation to animal health and production. Biotechnology
in pollution control. Biochemical basis of pollutant tolerance, host defence
mechanisms including antigenic and non-antigenic interactions. Free radicals,
carcinogenesis and role of liver and kidneys in detoxification. Oncogenes and
mechanism of immuno suppression in cancer therapy and organ transplantation.
Unit 1: Cell Biology
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell architecture. Molecular organization and functions of
cell membrance. Organisation and functions of the cytoplasm, cell organelles,
endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complex, mitochondria, Iysosomes,
nucleolus and subnuclear structures. Protein secretion and targeting. Intracellular
digestion. Oxidative phosphorylation. Cell division. Cell growth and differentiation.
Control of proliferation and self regulation. Cell motility. Cell trafficking and
signaling. Apoptosis.
Cloning and expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts. DNA libraries, screening
and characterization of DNA clones, transformation of bacterial and animal cells.
Development of cell (tissue) and organ culture techniques. Nutrient requirements of
mammalian cells. Media for culturing cells. Growth supplements. Primary cultures.
Established cell lines. Stationary, Roller and Suspension culture techniques. Large-
scale production of cells using bioreactors, microcarriers and perfusion techniques.
Micromanipulation of cells. Cell cloning. Cell fusion and Somatic cell hybrids.
Principles and methods of hybridoma technology. Production and characterization of
monoclonal antibodies and their application in animal health and production.
of livestock and poultry. Ex-situ and In-situ conservation of animal and poultry
genetic resources. Development of new breeds / strains for better productivity in
animals. Open nucleus breeding system in livestock improvement in India. Bio-
technology and its role in improving animals and poultry production. Role of artificial
insemination / frozen semen / embryo transfer / ONBS / MOET technology in animal
breeding. Fromulation of breeding programmes : Purpose-wise, breed-wise, region-
wise for different species of livestock and poultry. Programmes for genetic
improvement of non-descript livestock population of different species. Evaluation and
current recommendations of cross breeding programmes of cattle, sheep and goat in
inbred lines (SPF line, Knockout mice, etc.) – Animal model for human disease.
Specific utility of different laboratory species for different requirements.
Unit 1: Energy and Proteins:
Nutritional significance of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Cell-wall fractionation.
Available energy from organic nutrients. Partitioning of dietary energy. Basal
metabolic rate. Energy retention. Factors affecting energy utilization. Direct and
indirect calorimetry. Dietary lipids - their digestion, absorption and metabolism.
Essential fatty acids. Effect of dietary fat on milk and body composition. Proteins -
digestion, absorption and utilization. Comparative efficiency of amino acids as energy
source. Essential and critical amino acids. Protein evaluation. Metabolizable protein
concept. Protein energy inter-relationship. Energetic of protein utilization for
maintenance and different productive functions.
Unit 7: Feed Processing and Technology
Methods of feed processing - physical, chemical and biological effect of processing on
nutritional quality and utilization. Pelleted and extruded feeds. Quality control of raw
feedstuffs and finished feeds: Significance of BIS (standards). Handling and storage of
raw and finished feeds. Methods to improve shelf life of fat rich feeds, By-products of
newly introduced commercial crops including residues of genetically modified feeds.
Alternative feed resources. Current approaches in enriching tropical feed resources -
concept of total mixed ration and advances in complete diet formulation.
Unit 1: Cellular Basis of Animal Physiology
Animal cell ultra-structure, composition and functions. Physio-chemical laws and
membrance phenomena. Body fluid and its dynamics. Transport of through
biological menbrance.
Unit 3: Respiration
Mechanics of respiration. Neural and chemical control of respiration. Gaseous
transport and exchange. Hypoxia. Physiology of hypo-barrism and high altitude.
Work and exercise physiology. Respiration in birds.
Unit 4: Excretion
Modern concepts of urine formation. Control of renal circulation. Secretion and
absorption in renal tubules. Regulation of acid-base balance by blood buffers, lungs
and kidneys. Hormonal and renal regulation of body fluids and electrolyte balance.
Physiology of micturition. Uremia and other renal disorders. Renal functions in
Unit 5: Digestion
Control of motility and secretion of alimentary canal. Gastric hormones and reflexes
in the control of digestive functions. Control of rumen motility. Digestion in
ruminant and monogastric animals. Absorption from rumen and the digestive tract.
Manipulation of rumen microflora to enhance fibre digestion and microbial protein
synthesis. Nitrogen recycling and rumen bypass mechanisms. Post-ruminal
digestion. Physiology of rumen disorders. Avian digestion (different features).
Unit 8: Endocrinology
Hormones. Hormone receptors. Mechanism of hormone action at cellular and sub –
cellular levels. Feedback control of hormone secretion. Hypothalamic – hypophyseal
axis. It should include (i) Hypothalamic – hypophyseal axiz controlling secretions
from thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and gonals, (ii) Endocrine control of general
metalbolism. Releasing and inhibiting factors.
Pineal gland and its hormones. Hormones of hypophysio and all other endocrine
glands. Mechanisms of different hormone actions. Endocrine disorders.
Unit 9: Reproduction
Gonadal hormones and their functions in male and female. Neuro-endocrine-gonadal
axis and feedback regulation. Male spermatogenesis. Accessory sex glands. Sexual
behaviour erection, ejaculation etc. Semen evaluation. Factors affecting
reproduction. Artificial insemination – collection, preservation and transport and
semen diluents. Freezing of semen. Oogenesis. Follicular development. Ovulation.
Corpus lutetium. Reproductive cycles in animals. Factors affecting reproductive
cycles. Female reproductive hormones. Oestrous synchronization, super-ovulation.
Sperm capacitation and acrosomal reaction. Sperm and ovum transport in female
genital tract. Fertilization. Implantation. Maternal recognition of pregnancy,
Maintenance of pregnancy and its hormonal control. Physiology of placenta.
Physiology of parturition and its hormonal control. Embryo transfer – collection,
preservastion, transport and transfer of embryos. Oocytculture. In vitro fertilization.
Mammary gland growth before puberty, during pregnancy and after parturition and
its hormonal control. Lactation-Hormonal control of lactation and milk let-down.
Maintenance and cessation of lactation. Mammary gland involution. Milk precursors
and synthesis of milk constituents. Methods of studying mammary uptake of
nutrients, Ultrastructure of lactating mammary gland. Milk composition in different
animals. Avian reproduction-ovulation, egg formation, oviposition and their
hormonal control. Spermatogenesis and semen composition.
Unit 1: Veterinary Gynaecology
Biology of sex. Development of female genitalia. Functional anatomy of female
reproductive system of farm animals. Growth, puberty and sexual maturity.
Reproductive cycles (oestrous cycle) in female farm animals. Oogenesis and
folliculogenesis. Follicular dynamics and ovulation. Transport and survival of
gametes, fertilization, cleavage, implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy.
Development of foetus and foetal membranes. Placenta- classification and functions.
Gestation and pregnancy diagnosis in farm animals.
Unit 5 : Andrology
Comparative anatomy of male reproductive system. Thermoregulation of testis and
blood testis barrier, Growth, puberty and sexual maturity. Spermatogenesis
including cycle of somniferous epithelium and spermatogenic wave. Sperm
morphology and ultra-structure of spermatozoa, sperm transport, maturation and
storage in male genital tract, Secretions of male reproductive tract including
accessory glands and their role in reproduction, Sexual / mating behaviour. Semen
and its composition, biochemistry of semen and sperm metabolism, sperm
abnormalities and its classification, sperm separation and spermatozoa karyotyping.
Evaluation of male for breeding soundness, reproductive health status. Effect of
parental drugs and vaccines on semen quality.
Unit 13 : Canine and Feline Reproduction
Functional anatomy of dog and cat reproductive system, oestrous cycle and
endocrinology of oestrous cycle and detection of optimum breeding time. Exfoliative
vaginal cytology. Methods of pregnancy diagnosis, contraception. Medical
termination of pregnancy. Infertility in bitches, disorders of oestrous cycle,
psedopregnancy, pyometra, cystic endoretrial hyperplasia, tumors of reproductive
tract. Difficult whelping – types and methods of handling dystocia. Caesarean
section. Ovarian hysterectomy. Peri-partutrient complications. Semen collection,
evaluation, techniques of artificial insemination, infertility in male including
testicular tumors – cryptorchid, affections of prostate.
Unit 1
Milk constituents, their normal contents and physical and chemical nature. Specific
compositional differences among milk from various species; Variations in milk
composition due to breed, feed, season, stage of lactation and mastitis; Colostrum
and abnormal milks, physical properties of milk; Acid base equilibria, oxidation-
reduction potential, density, viscosity, interfacial tension, freezing point, electrical
conductivity, thermal conductivity, refractive index, milk buffer capacity, physical
equilibria among milk salts; Effect of various treatments on salt equilibria; Salt
balance and its importance in processing of milk; Water activity, and its effect on
shelf life; Colloids, properties and colloidal stability of milk; Emulsions, foams and
gels formation, their stability and importance in dairy processing.
Lactose – structure, isomers, physical, chemical and biochemical properties.
Browning mechanisms. Estimation and biosynthesis. Lactose intolerance.
Significance of carbohydrates in milk and milk products. Distribution of trace
elements in milk and their technological and nutritional importance; Water soluble
vitamins – molecular structure and their levels in milk and milk products, biological
significance, and factors affecting their levels.
Unit 2
Levels, distribution, isolation and genetic polymorphism of different milk proteins;
Casein micelles – structure, size distribution, stability and physico-chemical
properties; Casein models. Amino acid composition and physico-chemical properties
of different fractions of caseins; Whey process, denaturation of milk proteins as
influenced by temperature, pH and additives; Biosynthesis, structure, function and
physico-chemical properties of α-lactalbumin and ß-lactoglobulin, immunoglobulins,
lysozyme, lactoferrins, lipoproteins and fat-globule membrane proteins and their
importance; Milk protein allergenicity; Role in immune response; Chemistry of milk
enzymes and their significance with reference to milk processing and milk products.
Kinetics of chemical reactions and enzyme kinetics; Casein hydrolysate, co-
precipitates, and whey protein concentrates; bioactive peptides.
Unit 3
Milk lipids – classification, composition, structure and general physical and chemical
properties. Auto-oxidation – definition, theories, factors affecting, prevention and
measurement. Antioxidants – mechanism of reaction and estimation. Lipolysis. Fatty
acids – profile, properties and affecting factors. Unsaponifiable matter. Cholesterol –
structure, forms, importance and level in milk. Chemistry of phospholipids and their
role in milk and milk products. Fat – soluble vitamins – chemistry, physiological
functions, levels in milk, cream, butter and ghee. Biosynthesis of milk fat. CLA
biosynthesis and its nutritional and health benefits.
Unit 4
Milk adulteration and detection methods; Estimation methods for antibiotics,
pesticides, heavy metals, lactose, lactate, protein, total solid, fat, salt, vitamin C,
calcium, phosphorous, iron, citric acid in milk and milk products. Estimation of
vitamin A, total phospholipids and free fatty acids in ghee. Estimation of starch in
food. Measurement of BOD and COD in dairy waste.
Unit 5
Cream – Size distribution of fat globules, creaming phenomenon, composition and
properties of cream and dry cream. Chemistry of neutralization and ripening. Butter.
Mechanism of churning during butter preparation. Desi and creamery butter
composition, properties, microstructure, grading, standards and defects. Ghee –
Compositional differences in ghee prepared by different methods and variations in
ghee and butter oil, Analytical constants and factors affecting them. Differences in
cow and buffalo ghee. Hydrolytic and oxidative deterioration of ghee, their causes and
prevention. Adulteration of ghee and methods of detection. Ghee grading,
Antioxidants: natural and synthetic. Physico-chemical characteristics of buttermilk
and ghee residue.
Unit 6
Heat stability of milk as affected by various milk constituents and additives. Role of
protein-protein interaction and age gelation of UHT milk. Physical and chemical
changes during preparation of concentrated milk and subsequent storage.
Compositional differences between condensed and evaporated milk. Dried milk;
Structure and physico-chemical properties. Physical properties of instat powder,
Infant food. Spoilage of milk powder and its control. Khoa : composition and changes
during manufacture. Composition and changes during preparation of chhana and
Unit 7
Cheese : Composition and varietal differences. Chemistry of rennin action. Influence
of acidity, renneting and heat on the process of cheese manufacture. Changes during
manufacture and ripening. Role and mechanism of action of stabilizers and
emulsifiers, rheological properties and defects of cheese. Milk clotting enzymes from
different sources – microbial, animal and plant. Theories and metabolic pathways of
fermentation. Dahi, yoghurt and Acidophilus Milk : Composition and specific
differences, chemical changes during fermentation, flavour development. Composition
of Lassi and buttermilk. Nutritional and therapeutic significance of fermented milk
Unit 8
Ice-cream : Composition and physical structure, changes during ageing, freezing,
hardening and defects. Role and mechanism of stabilizers and emulsifiers. Kulfi:
composition and differences with ice-cream.
Unit 9
Definition of quality, quality control and assurance. Standards, statutory and
voluntary organization. PFA act, sampling, labelling, PFA and AGMARK, BIS,
ISO9000 standards for milk products. Total quality management, sensory evaluation
of milk and milk products. Calibration of glasswares (lactometer, butyrometer, milk
pipette, thermometer) used in Quality control laboratory, legal requirements of
packaging material and product information, nutrition labelling.
Unit 10
Spectroscopy – UV – Vis spectrophotometry, IR. Separation techniques : TLC, GLC,
HPLC, Ion exchange, size exclusion, affinity chromatography, analytical
sedimentation, sedimentation equilibrium, isopycnic ultracentrifugation.
Ultrafiltration. Precipitation by salting out agents. Electrophoresis – PAGE, SDS-
PAGE, Radio-tracers technique. Flame photometry and potentiometry (principle,
various electrodes, electrometric measurements of pH, buffers).
Unit 1
Microflora associated with milk and milk products and their importance.
Morphological, natural, physiological, spoilage and pathogenic characteristics of
commonly occurring microbes in milk and milk products; Newer approaches for
classification of microorganisms; types of microbes in normal and mastitic milk and
importance of somatic cell counts; Food poisoning, food infections, toxi-infections and
other milk borne diseases; Emerging food borne pathogens associated with milk and
milk products; Epidemiological studies using DNA fingerprinting techniques like
RAPD, RFLP, DGGE, TGGE, Rep-PCR, etc. Sources of microbial contamination of raw
milk and their relative importance in influencing quality of milk during production,
collection, transportation and storage. Microbial and chemical changes in raw milk
during chilling and refrigeration.
Unit 2
Bacteriological aspects of processing techniques like bactofugation, thermisation,
pasteurization, sterilization, boiling. UHT, pulsed field treatment and membrane
filtration of milk. Types of spoilages in heat-treated milks. Enumeration of heat
resistant microbes. Germination and sporulation of bacterial spores; Prevention of
post-processing contamination in heated milk. Identification of sources of
contamination in heat treated milks. D, F and Z values for various microbes. Heat
induced damage and repair in bacterial cells. Role of resuscitation in recovery of heat
injured microbial cells; Bacteriological grading of raw and heat-treated milk.
Microbiological spoilage aspects of thermally processed milks; Role of psychrotrophic,
thermoduric, thermophilic bacteria and their metabolites in milk spoilage, biofilms.
Unit 3
Naturally occurring preservative systems in milk like LP system, Immunoglobulins,
Lysozyme, Lactoferrin, etc. Preservation of milk and milk products by physical
(irradiation) and chemical agents; Food grade Biopreservatives (GRAS), Bacteriocins
of lactic acid bacteria; Nisin and other antimicrobials produced by Lactic Acid
Bacteria (LAB). Application of bacteriocins as food grade biopreservatives in
enhancing shelf life of foods; Enhancing antimicrobial potentials of LAB by
recombinant DNA technology and Genetic engineering; Residues of antibiotics,
detergents, sanitizers, pesticides and aflatoxins in milk, mode of action on microbes
and biological consequences – as well as their detection by newer approaches like
Charm test, HPLC, ELISA and biosensor based techniques.
Unit 4
Microbiological quality of fat rich products (cream and butter); Frozen dairy products
(ice-cream); Concentrated dairy products (evaporated and sweetened condensed milk)
and Dried milks (roller and spray dried milks and infant foods); Factors influencing
the microbiological quality of above products during their production, processing,
handling, storage and distribution; Microbial defects associated with these products
and their control; Microbiological safety in relation to potential pathogens and their
public health significance; National and International microbiological standards for
dairy products (BIS, ICMSF, Codex Alimentarius Standards).
Unit 5
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as starters : Types of starter cultures and their
classification; Identification of LAB based on conventional and molecular techniques
such as 16S rRNA sequencing. Ribotyping, PCR and DNA fingerprinting; Microbiology
of starter cultures; Single and multiple strain cultures, and custom cultures;
Associative growth of starter cultures; Concepts of starter growth and metabolism of
lactose and citrate; Production of taste and aroma compounds by starters in
fermented milks and milk products; Changes caused by starters in milk during
growth; Modem trends in propagation, production and preservation of starter
cultures; Production of starter concentrates; DVS starters: Judging of starter quality
and activity; Starter defects; Starter failure; Intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated
with starter failure; Bacteriophages of dairy starters and their impact on dairy
industry; Prevention and control of starter failures.
Genetics and molecular biology of acid, flavour and therapeutic properties of LAB.
Role of plasmids in their metabolism; Genetic manipulation of LAB for ameliorated
performance; Food grade cloning and expression vectors; LAB as hosts for expression
for heterologous proteins and development of food grade oral vaccines; LAB genome
Unit 6
Dairy products as functional / health foods : LAB as probiotics in development of
health foods; Selection criteria, colonization and functional properties; Antibacterial
and therapeutic properties of probiotic cultures; Survival and stability of probiotics in
health foods, gut and their tracking; Concept of probiotics and synbiotics; Genetic
markers of probiotic functions and their application for mass screening; Genomics of
probiotic Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria; Cloning and sequencing of probiotic genes;
Sequence analysis; Blast, Clustal W and Clustal X. Pair-wise and multiple alignment;
Homology and Phylogenetic tree / dendrograms; LAB as nutraceutical ingredients – a
source of vitamin synthesis and exopolvsaccharide production; Bioactive peptides and
their role as nutraceuticals in dairy foods.
Unit 7
Role of starters in the preparation of yoghurt, koumiss, kefir, cultured buttermilk,
and whey based beverages and other fermented products; Therapeutic properties of
fermented foods; Microbial defects in these products, safety and their prevention and
control; Microbiology of hard, semi-hard and soft varieties of cheese; Role of starter
culture and non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) during preparation and ripening
of cheese; Accelerated ripening of cheese; Production and use of microbial rennet
substitutes; Recombinant chymosin and its application; Defects in cheese,
Microbiological safety and their prevention and control.
Unit 8
Microbiological quality of indigenous dairy products, viz., khoa and chhana based
sweets: Burfi, peda, rasogulla, gulabjamun, kheer, kulfi, shrikhand, paneer, dahi,
lassi, ghee, etc. Sources of microbial contamination, their role in spoilage of these
products and their microbiological safety, Prevention and control: Role of personnel
and environmental hygiene at the level of production and processing; Need for
microbiological standards for assessing the quality and safety of indigenous products;
Concept of TQM and HACCP implementation in improvement of quality and safety of
indigenous products; Current role of modified packaging for extending the shelf
stability of indigenous dairy products, Antimicrobial packaging, controlled and
modified atmosphere (CAP / MAP) based technologies.
Unit 9
Preparation of byproducts from dairy effluents by microbial fermentation; Cleaning
and sanitization of equipments, machineries and other contact surfaces used in
production and processing of milk and milk products; Types of detergents and their
mechanisms of soil removal from the surfaces; Efficacy of sanitizers including
gaseous disinfectants and evaluation of sanitizing disinfectant properties; Factors
affecting activity of detergents and sanitizers; Built detergents, commercial detergents
and combined detergent-sanitizers; Biological consequences of dairy waste disposal;
Disposal of dairy effluents after microbial treatment; BOD and COD analysis in dairy
effluents; Microbiological quality of air and water used in Dairy Plants.
Unit 10
Microbiological aspects of quality control and quality assurance in production of milk
and milk products; Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the relevance and
Sanitary Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP); Importance of Total Quality
Management (TQM) in dairy industry; Application of HACCP programme in dairy
industry; Safety concerns of bio-film formation on equipment surfaces and their
control measures; Risk assessment approaches and role of productive microbiology in
dairy foods; Conventional and current methods like imepdence, ATP luminescence,
pyruvate, etc. in detection of food pathogens; Application of immunological, PCR, Real
time PCR, DNA probes, Microarrays (Biochips) and Biosensors, etc. for detection of
food pathogens; Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) / foods.
Unit 6 : Indigenous Milk Products
Status and role of traditional dairy products in Indian dairy industry and economy.
Characteristics of various traditional products, their prospects and constraints.
Methods of production; physico-chemical changes during manufacture; quality
attributes, shelf-life, preservation and packaging. Process innovations relating to
khoa, chhana, paneer, rabri, kheer, khoa and chhana-based sweets.
Unit 11 : Legal and Quality Aspects for Milk and Milk Products
Safety aspects of milk with reference to mycotoxins, antibiotics, pesticides, weedicides
and heavy metals. PFA, BIS and Agmark standards for milk and milk products.
Quality systems such as HACCP, ISO certification, etc.
Unit 1: Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products
Composition and physico-chemical properties of cow and buffalo milk. Milk proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other minor constituents of milk.
Nutritive value of milk. Reception of milk - platform tests, filtration and clarification,
chilling, separation, standardization, pasteurization and homogenization. Cleaning
and sanitation of dairy equipments.
Present status and future prospects of meat and poultry industry. Structure,
composition, physical biochemical and nutritive aspects, and functional properties of
different kinds of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Sensory evaluation and organoleptic
properties of livestock products. Postmortem aspects of muscle as meat. Ageing of
meat and chemical changes. Meat in human health. Bacteria, yeasts,l molds,
parasites important in food microbiology. General principles of spoilage. Chemical
and deteriorative changes caused by micro-organisms. Contamination and spoilage
of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Food poisoning and foo-borne infections.
Assessment of microbial condition and wholesomeness of different livestock products.
National and International microbial standards.
inspection of processed meat foods. Effect of processing on nutritional, chemical,
microbiological and organoleptic qualities of livestock products. Economics of
precosting and product development. Application of biotechnology in processing and
preservation of meat, poultry and fish products. Bioactive products and biogenic
Unit 5: Packaging
Principles of packaging. Types of packaging materials. Characterisation, methods
and systems of packaging. Gas packing, Vacuum packing, modified atmosphere
packing, shrink and stretch packing, industrial packaging. Aseptic and retort
pouches. Standardisation and quality control of packaging material. Product
attributes and packaging requirements for different livestock products. Latest trends
in packaging of meat, poultry, eggs, wool and fish products.
Unit 7: Marketing
Livestock production and supply characteristics. Meat consumption and related
demands. Types of market and trends in marketing livestock products and by-
products, wholesale, retail and future trends. Consumer aptitude, education and
awareness, and popularization of new products. Corporate bodies in regulation of
markets, marketing boards, Co-operative agencies, internal trade and development of
international market for livestock products. Organization, operation and sanitation of
meat, poultry, fish and egg retailing units. Fast food chains and super markets.
Situation and outlook and methods for promotion and marketing of livestock
Unit 1: General
Present status and future prospects of livestock and poultry development in India.
Animal production systems in different agro-climatic zones of the country.
Sustainability issue in relation to environment. Effect of industrialization and
mechanization of agriculture on livestock sector. Breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep,
goat, pigs, equine, camels, rabbits and poultry. Various livestock and poultry
development programmes operative in the country. Animal behaviour vis-à-vis
adaptation and production. Principles of domestication and behavioral factors
favouring domestication. Mating bahviour in various species of livestock and poultry.
Agnostic behaviour – causes and control. Social order in farm animals. Adaptation
of livestock and poultry in tropics, deserts cold and high altitudes. Mixed farming,
arable farming, integrated and specialized farming systems. Biotechnology in animal
poultry. Internal and external parasites and their control. Accidental health
disorders and their control. Common disinfectants used on animal farms. Concept
of first aid at farms. Segregation and quarantine management for large animals and
birds. Quarantine Act, Zoonotic diseases, labour health programme.
Sheep and goat: Selection of breeds and breeding systems for improving wool,
mohair, meat and milk. Feeding practices for economic rearing. Scope of intensive
milk and meat production from goat. Mutton and wool production from sheep. Low
cost shelter management. Sheep and goat reproduction. Health management.
Equine: Care and management of horses, feeding and breeding systems, shelter
management, shoeing, preparation and management of race horses.
Rabbit: Economic importance. Important fur and meat type breeds. Housing,
handling, feeding, watering, breeding, management, sanitation and health care of
preservation of feeds and fodders. Annual and perennial fodder crops. Strategies for
round the year fodder production. Pasture development and management.
Enrichment of poor quality roughages.
Unit 11: Economics and Marketing of Livestock and Poultry and their Products
Economic principles as applied to livestock production. Production functions. Farm
size, resources and product combinations. Cost concepts. Effect criteria in use of
resources in livestock production. Maintenance of evaluation of different production
records. Insurance and financing of livestock enterprises. Project formulation for
setting up livestock farms. Different approaches to marketing of livestock and its
products. Present status of cattle fairs and methods of selling livestock. Market news
and information. Determination of prices of livestock products. Vertical integration in
livestock products industries.
Homeostasis and its regulation; Characteristics features of endocrine glands;
Regulation of feed and waer intake; Feed Passage rate in G.I. tract in relation to
digestion and absorption efficiency; Functional regulation of digestion, absorption
and metabolism of nutrients; Endocrine control and variable factors influencing
growth process; Mechanisms that determines the sex and allows the development of
left ovary and oviduct only; Physiological control of age at sexual maturity, ovarian
follicular hierarchy, atresia, ovulation, oviposition, pause, clutch size and secretion of
egg components; Photoperiodism and its role in optimization of reproductive
functions; physiology of avain testes, spermatogenesis, semen ejaculation and its
characteristics. Fate of sperm in oviduct and fertilization; Respiratory system –
mechanisms of gaseous exchange; Thermoregulatory and stress mechanisms; Physio-
biochemical stress responses and remedial approaches; Factors influencing
reproductive functioning.
Farm location and site selection. Ideal layout of poultry houses for different systems
of rearing. Design of poultry houses like brooder, grower, broiler, layer and cage
house, poultry processing unit, feed mill, etc. Environmentally controlled and open
poultry houses. Types of construction materials used. Cross-ventilation and ridge
ventilation. Effect of pollution on production performance of birds. Ammonia control
in poultry houses. Type of brooders, feeders, waters, laying nests, cages, etc.
Automation in poultry production.
Unit 6: Economics and Marketing
Economic principles as applied to poultry production. Production functions. Farm
size-resources and product combinations, efficiency criteria in use of resources in
poultry production. Cost concept. Maintenance and evaluation of different
production records. Insurance and financing of poultry enterprises. Project
formulation for setting up of poultry farms and hatcheries. Production and
requirement of poultry products in India and for exports. Various marketing
channels. Transportation of eggs and chicken. Marketing approaches. Horizontal
and vertical integration in poultry industry and their importance. Price spread in
marketing of poultry and poultry products. Role of cooperatives in poultry farming.
Unit 1: General Medicine
Epidemiology and its ingredients. Definitions of diseases known as – infectious,
contagious, sporadic, epizootic, enzootic, panzootic, exotic, zoontic, etc. Meaning and
purpose of segregation, isolation, quarantine, etc., role of occurrence, prevalence,
incidence, morbidity rate, mortality rate, case fatality rate, mode of transmission,
vectors, spread, economics, etc. in terms of epidemiology of diseases. General
systemic states like – bacteremia, septicemia, pyemia, toxemia, hyperthermia,
hypoglycemia, allergy, anaphylaxis, shock, dehydration, stress, sudden death,
anasarca, anaemia, pica, etc.
Unit 3: Gastroenterology
Specific conditions of organs of gastrointestinal system with special emphasis to –
simple / acid / alkaline indigestion, GI ulcers, choke, tympany, colic, impaction,
traumatic reticulitis / peritonitis, abomasal displacement, ascites, jaundice, hepatitis,
enteritis, gastritis, etc.
Strangles. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats. Clostridial diseases. Ulcerative
lymphangitis in horses & cattle. Listeriosis, Leptospirosis, Erysipelas,
Collibacillosis, Salmonellosis, Pasteruellosis, Brucellosis, TB, JD, Actinomycosis,
Actinobacillosis, Glanders, and Mycoplasmal diseases.
General principles of control of diseases. Role of OIE in disease control.
Internationally recongnised control methods of designated diseases. Prevention and
control methods for national, area and herd based control programmes of diseases
like TB, JD, rabies, brucellosis, HS, anthrax, BQ, mastitis, FMD, bluetongue, etc.
Unit 1: General Bacteriology
Miestones in the development of microbiology, Classification and nomenclature of
bacteria. Structure, function and chemistry of bacterial nuclear apparatus.
Cytoplasm, Intracellular granules, Cell wal,. Cytoplasmic membrane, Mesosomes,
Capsule, Flagella, Fimbrae, Endospore, Protoplasts, Spheroplasts, L-forms,
Involution forms. Bacterial stains, staining and microscopy. Growth and nutritional
requirements of bacteria. Bacterial enzymes. Respiration in bacteria. Carbohydrate
protein, fat and nucleic acid metabolism in bacteria. Reproduction and growth phase
of bacteria. Effects of chemical and physical agents and antibiotics. Bacterial
variations including transduction, transformation and conjugation. Bacterial
vaccines and toxins.
Unit 5: Mycology
General characterstics of fungi. Classification and study of pathogenic fungi-
Epidermophyton, Microsporum, Trichophyton, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus,
Blastomyces, Coccidioides, Histoplasma, Candida, Rhinosporidum, Contaminating
fungi, Rhizopus, Mucor and Penicillium. Fungi causing mastitis, abortion and
Unit 6: Immunology
Historical Perspectives. Host-parasite relationships. Antigens. Types of antigens.
Properties and specificity of antigens. Factor determining antigenicity. Haptens and
carriers. Heterophile antigens. Adjuvants. Mechanisms of action, classification and
their uses. Immunoglobulins – their classes and sub-classes, structure and function.
Allotypes. Idiotypes. Genes coding for Igs. Generation of diversity. Monoclonal
antibodies. Purification of antibodies. Theories of antibody formation. Lymphoid
organs: primary, secondary and circulation of lymphocytes, cells involved in the
immune response – B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, subsets and nature of receptors.
Macrophages, Dendritic reticular cells, Langerhan’s cells. Cellular interactions
Cell-mediated immune responses. Mechanism of interaction of antigen and antibody.
The complement system. Classical and alternate pa;thways. Serological reactions:
agglutination, precipitation, neutralization, CFT, FAT, ELISA, DIE, RIA, etc,
Immunological methods as an aid to diagnosis, blotting techniques like Northern,
Western blotting, Major, Histocompatibility complex: organization.
Unit 7: Immuno Parasitology
General principles of parasitic immunity and immune responses to helminths,
protozoa, arthropods – The adaptive immune responses, evasion of immunity,
classical antiparasite responses – concomitant immunity, premunition, spring-rise,
self-cure, VLM, CLM, parasitic granuloma, nodule formation, Parasitic antigens
relevant to immunity and diagnosis, their identification and purification-general
protocols, immunomodulators and their use in immunopotentiation. Demonstration
and characterisation. Development of live, attenuated, killed and new generation
Unit 4: Immunopathology
Immunopathology – anibody and cells, immuno-competence of foetus and new-born.
Immune mediated tissue injury, hypersensitivity reactions- anaphylaxis, Arthus
reaction, cyototoxic antibody reaction, immune complex disease, delayed
hypersensitivity to chemicals, immuno-deficiency diseases, defective immuno-
competence, autoimmune diseases.
materials for diagnosis. Fixation and processing of tissues for histopathology and
histochemistry. Different staining techniques. Histochemistry and histoenzymology
as diagnostic tools. Principles of electron microscopy, processiong of tissue for
scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
Unit 8: Autacoids
Pharmacological effects and therapeutics of histamine, antihistaminic agents, 5-HT
its antagonists, prostaglandins and leukotrences, peptides and kinins, rennin and
angiotensins. Platelet activators. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
Unit 9: Chemotherapy
General principles. Drug allergy, hypersensitivity, mechanism of resistance.
Antiseptics and Disinfectants. Chemistry, mechanism of action, therapeutics of
sulphonamides (gut active, systemic), thrimethoprim and congener.
Unit 5: Zoonoses
Definitions, Concept and classification of Zoonoses, Ecological aspects of Zoonoses,
Wild animals-, cold blooded animals - domestic animals -, and aquatic life, -
associated Zoonoses, Vectors-, milk-, meat-, egg-, fish- and water- spread Zoonoses,
Occupational zoonoses, Nosocomial zoonoses, xenozoonoses, Nationally and
internationally emerging and re-emerging Zoonoses, Epidemiology of bacterial,
rickettsial, viral, parasitic and mycotic Zoonoses, Principles of Zoonoses management:
methods of prevention, control and eradication of Zoonoses.
Unit 6: Environmental Hygiene
Natural sources of water, water hygiene, Pure and wholesome water; microbial
contamination and chemical pollution of water, Impurities in water, plankton,
Purification and sanitization of water, Waterborne diseases, Microbiological
examination of water, Potable water, Standards for drinking water. The atmosphere.
Air Pollutants, Air-borne pathogens and diseases, Ventilation, Methods of air
purification. Agricultural chemicals, industrial wastes, domestic and farm effluents
polluting environment – and associated hazards and preventive measures. Antibiotic
and pesticide residues and their effect on health. Waste-recycling, Methods of
disposal of dead animals. Rodents and Vector control measures.
Unit 7: Epidemiology
Definitions, Epidemiology, Epizootiology, Casual association, concept of infection,
Theory of natural nidality, Ecological basis of diseases, Disease transmission,
Epidemic process, Distribution of diseases in space and time, Epidemiological
hypothesis, Types of epidemiological studies, Epidemiological survey, surveillance,
monitoring of diseases, experiemental epidemiology, epidemiological measurements,
Predictive epidemiology, Epidemiological models, Sero-epidemiology. Use of
information technology and computer applications in disease monitoring,
Epidemiological investigation and evaluation of intervention measures.
outside the host, Antigens eliciting protective and diagnostic antibodies,
Microbiological, Serological, Biological and Nucleotide based diagnostic methods.
Issues on bioterrorism.
Unit 1 : General Surgery
Cureent concepts of inflammation and its management. Asepsis and antisepsis in
surgery. Disinfection and sterilization. Surgical bacteriology. Pre-, Peri and post-
operative considerations. Physiopathology of burns, tauma, surgical stress and
shock. Haemorrhage, haemostasis and administration of whole blood, blood extracts
and plasma substitute. Acid – base and electrolytes imbalance. Rehydration and
fluid therapy. Tissue repair including its biochemical aspects. Principles of tissue
and organ transplantation. Tissue transplantation immunity. Sutures and suture
materials. Operation theatre management. General surgical affections viz.. abscess,
cyst, haematoma, tumour, gangrene, sinus, fistula and hernia. Neurological
examination, paralysis and its treatment. Surgical instrumentations. Care of
critically ill patients. Cosmetic surgery. Skin grafting techniques in animals.
Unit 2 : Anaesthesia
History and instrumentation. Pre-anaesthetic considerations of patient. Selection of
various anaesthetic and pre-anaesthetic agents and their effects on different body
organs. Inhalant and non-inhalant anaesthetic agents including dissociative,
neurolept and balanced anaesthesia and their administration in small and large
animals. Monitoring of patient during anaesthesia. Anaesthetic emergencies and
their management. Muscle relaxants. Local anaesthetic agents. Local and regional
anaesthetic procedures. Anaesthesia for special surgical procedures and special
disease conditions. Electronarcosis. Hypothermia. Acupuncture analgesia.
Anaethesia and methods of capture of zoo animals. Therapeutic usage of local
anaesthetic agents and techniques. Methods of artificial ventilation.
Unit 3 : Radiology
Production and quality of X-rays; exposure factors and formulation of technique
chart. Basics of radiation physics. Interaction of particulate and non-particulate
radiations with matter. Radiographic artifacts and their prevention. Radiographic
quality and factors affecting it. Radiographic features of diseases of musculo-skeletal,
digestive, urogenital, cardiovascular, respiratory and lymphatic system of small and
large animals. Radiation hazards. Radiation biology including its mechanism of
action and effects on various organ systems. Radiation protection. Radiological
contrast agents and common contrast radiographic procedures. Principles of
radiotherapy and physiotherapy. Invasive and non-invasive imaging modalities viz.
echocardiography, computed tomography, scintigraphy, magnetic resonance
imaging, ultrasonography and substraction angiography.
management. Relationship between conformation of the limbs, foot and its axis to
soundness. Soundness and examination of horse for soundness.
lJ.lit 1. /,quaculture Systems
H , ~tory and scope of Aquaculture; Aquaculture practices in different parts of the world; Global
J,quaculture production, consumption scenario and emerging trends; Different systems of Aquaculture-
rnd itiol,a l, extensive, intensive, semi-intensive, flow through and re-circulatory. Farming methods-
ponds, lens, cages, raceway, raft, rope, monoculture, polyculture, mixed culture; Capture based
tlq uacullure and cu lture based Aqua culture, integrated multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA). Recirculat ion
t,q ua culture System s (RAS, Integration of Aquaculture with agriculture and animal husbandry; sewage-
fet! fam ing, organi c Aquaculture .
CI iteria for candidate species selection, criteria for site selection for various cu lture practices;
J,quaculture practices for freshwater fish (carps, catfishes, snake heads, feather backs, tilapia, murre ls, h ~e e ·, trou ts, etc) freshwater prawn, brackishwater and marine shrimp and fish ( seabass, milkfish,
rn llllets, pea rlspot, cobia, pompano, grouper, snappers, breams, other perches) lobsters, crabs, mollusks
(€:t!ible .,ysters, pearl oyster, mussels. clams, cockles) echinoderms, seaweeds, freshwater and marine
(lmame ltals, exotics.
fl.-uodstxk manilgement and seed production technology- Natural seed collection, holding, packaging,
tr anspo ·tation; Environmental, nutritional and endocrine control of reproduction, improvement of seed
(I'Jality .hrough stock upgradation induced breeding, synthetic hormones and its analogues and the ir
i,ppil ca t,o n, layout and design of hatcheries, PIT tagging, canulation, hormonal and volitional spawning,
in(:uilation of eggs, cryopreservation of gametes, larval rearing, live feeds, microalgae, rotifers, Arternia,
cupE'polis, seed production of : carps, snakeheads, mahseer, trout, tilapia, pearlspot, ornamentals,
C,)bia, (irouper, Pompano, Tilapia, Muliets, Milkfish, Snappers, Breams, Shrimps (Penaeus monodon,
I'rndiCUi, P. semisulcotus, Utopenaeus vannamei) sand lobster, spiny lobster, mud crab ( Scylla serrato)
hlue sw mmer crab ( Portunu5 pelagicus), giant freshwater prawn ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii) mussel,
I'dible (yster, pearl oyster. Larval transportation, bio-security principles, Specific pathogen Free (5PF)
h \JodstJck development, seed certification, quarantine and hatchery protocols, Nursery rearing, pre·
! lO ckin~, stocking and post stocking management, feeding and nutrition management, health
Ir anagement, biofilm and its uses, probiotics, bioremediation, bioflok based nutrition.
Dpsign lIld con~tru ction of aqua-farms: site selection, nutrient and soil quality, micro organisms and
l ireil· ro e, water supply and water Ci rculation, soil and water quality management, liming, manuring and
I!·rtiliza··io n, bio-fertilization, poly houses, recirculatory systems; construct ion of pens, cage design and
Unit 1: Fisheries Resources
Major fisheries resources of the world, global trends in production; Target and non-
target fisheries resources of the Indian subcontinent and the EEZ; Distribution,
composition, trends and dynamics of major exploited fishery resources in hill
streams, rivers, reservoirs, lakes, lagoons, estuaries, territorial waters, oceanic
waters, deep sea oceanic islands; Straddling/shared stocks and non-conventional
resources; Sports, game and ornamental fisheries; Major commercially exploited
stocks, their potentials, status, bionomics, methods of capture and yields; Issues
related to capture fisheries; Endangered and threatened species, in-situ and ex-situ
conservation; Fisheries and Biodiversity Acts; Juvenile fishing, destructive gears, by-
catch and discards; Status and impact of exotic species, accidental introductions;
Guidelines and policies for exotics.
fisheries governance; UNCLOS, FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries;
India’s commitment to international treaties and resolutions.
Unit 1: Craft Technology
Fishing crafts of the world; Principles of design and construction; Corrosion
protection; Craft materials - wood, marine plywood, fibreglass, reinforced plastic,
aluminium, steel, ferro-cement; Bio-deterioration and preventive measures; FAO
classification of fishing vessels; Different types of fishing vessels in India; General
arrangements of fishing vessels; Basic principles of fishing vessel design; Stability of
fishing vessels - factors affecting stability; Powering of fishing boats; Deck machinery
for trawlers, seiners, gill netters and liner; Winches- net haulers, line haulers, power
blocks, special purpose winches; Engine installation- types of engines for fishing
vessels, four stroke cycle, two stroke cycle; Selection of engine for fishing vessels;
Transmission systems - Reduction/reverse gear boxes; Modern navigation
equipment, navigation and fishing lights; Life saving devices - life jacket, life buoy, life
raft, SART, EPIRB.
packaging (MAP) of fish and fish products; Accelerated freeze drying (AFD); Surimi
and fish-mince products- the surimi process; Fish muscle proteins; Newtonian and
non-Newtonian fluids; Irradiation- Radiation sources, units, dose levels,
radarpertization, radicidation, radurization; Effects of irradiation on protein, fat and
vitamin; Packaging and transportation of fish and fishery products - temperature
modeling and relationships in fish transportation; transportation containers; Safety
and quality and spoilage of fish during transportation; Fishery products and by-
products exported from India; Packaging- aim, purpose and objectives, packaging and
transportation of fresh fish, cured fish, canned fish, frozen fish, freeze-dried fish, by-
products and value-added products; Additives- classes of additives, preservatives,
antimicrobial additives.
Unit 1. Principles of Fish Nutrition
Nutrients, sources, structure, classification, biosynthesis. Metabolism of proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, vitamins and minerals. Essential aminoacids,
functions and deficiency symptoms, Vitamins and minerals, their role in fish
nutrition, deficiency symptoms, Vitamin and mineral requirements in herbivores,
carnivores, major fresh water, marine and brackishwater cultured species. Metabolic
pathways of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, Sparing action, P:E ratio, Assessing
nutritional requirements of larvae, fingerlings, young fish, growout, fattening,
reproductive energy needs, basic fish bioenergetics, energy portioning, energy budget.
Unit 5: Nutrigenomics
Nutritionally important genes, gene regulation by lipids and carbohydrates, metabolic
control analysis, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, nutrient-gene
interaction and expression, reverse transcription and CDNA synthesis, genetic control
of metabolic pathways, functional food aids in prevention of human health disorders.
Unit 1. Introduction to Fish Health and Pathology
Definition of health and disease in fish. Predisposing factors, biotic and abiotic
factors, Stress and general adaptation syndrome. Role of physical (injuries,
health, cold) chemical (pH, salinity, toxins, ammonia, nitrogeneous waste,
endogeneous chemical metabolities, free radicals, oxidants) soil and water
parameters in fish health. Host-pathogen-environment interaction, toxins and
nutritional factors in disease process.
General pathology- degeneration, necrosis, apoptosis, inflammation,
classification of inflammation, biology of inflammatory phenomenon, signs and
pathology of inflammation, chemical mediators release from inflamed cells and
tissues involved and their function, immunoglobulins, memory system,
antigens, haptens and carriers, monoclonal antibodies, lymphoid organs, B
lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, subsets and nature of receptors, macrophages,
RES, cell-mediated immune responses, complement system, MHC,
autoimmunity, immunological tolerances, macrophages, fibroblasts,
myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, extracellular matrix and growth factors in
healing and defense.
Unit 5. Defence Systems and Tumours.
Immune systems in fish and shellfish. Innate and acquired immunity, non
specific immunity, Antibody and cell mediated immunity in fish, immunity in
shellfish, immune complex, memory function and immunological tolerance.
Structure, types of antibodies, antigen-antibody reaction, phagocyte systems,
TOLL link receptors, cell mediated immune response and its components,
abnormalities in cell growthaplasia, hypoplasia, atrophy, metaplasia dysplasia.
Tumours and neoplasm growth, etiology, classification, morphology and
behaviour, structure of tumour cell, tumour immunology, tissue responses to
tumours, pathological features of neoplasms.
Unit 1: General chemistry
Surface chemistry, pH, Buffer solutions; Redox reactions, Chemical kinetics,
Stereochemistry and chirality, diastereoisomerism, tautomerism, atropisomerism,
asymmetric synthesis, nomenclature of organic molecules, displacement, elimination,
addition, rearrangement, SN1 and SN2 reactions, reaction involving free radicals, and
carbene intermediates, Organic reagents and catalysts in organic synthesis,.
Beckmann, Claisen condensation, Hofmann-Loffler-Freytag reaction, Petrno-Buchi
reaction, Curlius, Michael, Kolbes, Arndt-Eistert and Wittig reaction. Reformatsky
reaction., Barton reaction, Umpolung reaction, Norrish Type I & II reactions.
Unit 7: Agrochemical formulations
Basic concepts of pesticide formulation - classification, solid and liquid formulations;
preparation, properties, uses; controlled release formulations; Formulants - carriers/
diluents, surfactants, encapsulants, binders, anti-oxidants, stabilizers; Application -
devices and quality of deposits; Types of spray appliances, seed treatment and
dressing; nanotechnology in crop protection, Tools to develop and measure
Unit 4 : Micrometeorology
Concept of micro, meso and macro meteorology; Micrometeorological processes near
bare ground and crop surfaces; Shearing stress, molecular and eddy diffusion, forced
and tree convection; Boundary layer, frictional velocity, roughness length and zero
plane displacement; Micrometeorology of crops, rice and wheat; Day and night
radiation, humidity, temperature, wind and CO2 profiles in crop canopies; Richardson
number, Reynolds analogy, exchange coefficients, fluxes of momentum, water vapors,
CO2 and heat; Inversion and its effect on smoke plume distribution; Windbreaks and
shelterbelts, different methods on modification of field microclimate; Frost protection,
spectral properties of vegetation; Light interception by crop canopies as influenced by
leaf area index, leaf arrangement and leaf transmissibility, extinction coefficient and
radiation use–efficiency; Microclimate of field crops, forest and orchards etc.
Unit 5 : Evapotranspiration
Hydrological cycle and concept of water balance, concepts of evaporation.
evapotranspiration, potential and actual evapotranspiration, consumptive use,
different approaches of ET determination empirical methods, energy balance and
Bowen's ratio methods, water balance single and multilayered soil methods,
aerodynamic, eddy correlation and combination approaches, field lysimetric
approaches and canopy temperature based methods; Advantages and limitations of
different methods; Water use and water use-efficiency, dry matter production and
crop yield functions; Irrigation scheduling based on ET; Advective energy
determination and its effect on water use by crops; Physiological variation in relation
to crop growth and development.
Unit 1
National Forest Policy 1894, 1952 and 1988; Indian Forest Act, 1927; Forest
Conservation Act,
1980 and Wildlife Protection Act, 1972; Forests-extent, basis for classification and
distribution in India; Geographical distribution and salient features of major world
forest types; Phytogeographical regions and vegetation of India; Role of forests in
national economy - productive, protective and ameliorative, tribal and rural
livelihoods; Forest types of India: distribution and types; Succession, climax and
retrogression; Concepts of biomass, productivity, energy flow and nutrient cycling in
forest ecosystem; Migration and dispersal mechanism.
Unit 2
Concept and definition of agroforestry, social forestry, community forestry and farm
forestry; Benefits and constraints of agroforestry; Historical development of
agroforestry and overview of global agroforestry systems. Classification of agroforestry
systems: structural, functional, socio-economic and ecological; Diagnosis and design
of agroforestry system; Land capability classification and land use; Criteria of an ideal
agroforestry design, productivity, sustainability and adoptability; Multipurpose tree
species and their characteristics suitable for agroforestry.
Unit 3
Plant management practices in agroforestry; Tree-crop interactions: ecological and
economic; Concept of complementarity, supplementarity and competition;
Productivity, nutrient cycling and light, water and nutrient competition in
agroforestry; Concept of allelopathy and its impact on agroforestry; Energy
plantations - choice of species and management; Lopping of top-feed species such as
frequency and intensity of lopping; Organic farming; Financial analysis and economic
evaluation of agroforestry systems: cost benefit analysis and land equivalent ratio;
Agroforestry practices and systems in different agro - ecological zones of India.
Unit 4
Extent and causes of land denudation; Effects of deforestation on soil erosion, land
degradation, environment and rural economy; Wastelands: their extent,
characteristics and reclamation; Watershed management and its role in social,
economic and ecological development; Biomass production for fuel wood, small
timber, raw material for plant-based cottage industries, non-wood forest products
such as gums, resins & tannins, medicinal plants, essential oils, edible fruits, spices,
bamboo and canes; Wood quality and wood preservation; Plywood and pulp
Unit 5
Forest mensuration - definition, object and scope; Measurement of diameter, girth,
height, stem form, bark thickness, crown width and crown length; Measurement
methods and their principles. Measurement and computation of volume of logs and
felled/standing trees; Construction and application of volume tables; Biomass
measurement; Growth and increment; Measurement of crops; Forest inventory: kinds
of enumeration, sampling methods, sample plots and photo interpretation;
Geographic information systems and remote sensing - concept and scope.
Unit 6
Definition, object and scope of silviculture; Site factors - climatic, edaphic,
physiographic, biotic and their influence on forest vegetation; Forest regeneration:
natural and artificial; Silvicultural systems - high forest and coppice systems;
Silviculture of important tree species - Populus, Eucalyptus, Dalbergia, Acacia,
Tectona, Shorea, Prosopis, Casurina, Pinus, Gmelina, Azadirachta, Diospyros,
Pterocarpus, Anogeissus, Santalum, Quercus and Albizia.
Unit 7
Seed collection, processing, storage, viability and pre-treatment; Seed dormancy and
methods for breaking dormancy; Seed testing and germination tests; Seed
certification and ISTA Rules; Forest nursery - need, selection and preparation of site,
layout and design of nursery beds; Types of containers; Root trainers; Growing media
and sowing methods; Management of nursery-shading, watering, manuring, fertilizer
application, weed control, insect pest and diseases control; Planting techniques: site
selection, evaluation and protection; Soil working techniques for various edaphic and
climatic conditions; Planting patterns; Plant spacing, manure and fertilizer
application, irrigation/moisture conservation techniques; Choice of species.
Afforestation on difficult sites: saline-alkaline soils, coastal sands, lateritic soils,
wetlands, ravines and sand dunes, dry and rocky areas, cold desert; Tending
operations - weeding, cleaning, climber cutting, thinning - mechanical, ordinary,
crown and selection thinning, improvement felling, pruning and girdling; Forest fires:
causes, types, impacts and control measures; Major forest pests and weeds.
Unit 8
Forest management: definition and scope; Concept of sustained yield and normal
forest; Rotation; Estimation of growing stock, density and site quality; Management of
even aged and uneven aged forest; Regulation of yield in regular and irregular forests
by area, volume, increment and number of trees; Working plan; Joint forest
management; Conservation and management of natural resources including wildlife;
Forest evaluation; Internal rate of return, present net worth and cost benefit analysis.
Unit 9
Tree improvement: nature and extent of variations in natural population; Natural
selection; Concept of seed source/ provenance; Selection of superior trees; Seed
production areas, exotic trees, land races; Collection, evaluation and maintenance of
germplasm; Provenance testing. Genetic gains; Tree breeding: general principles,
mode of pollination and floral structure; Basics of forest genetics - inheritance,
Hardyweinburg Law, genetic drift; Aims and methods of tree breeding. Seed orchard:
types, establishment, planning and management, progeny test and designs; Clonal
forestry - merits and demerits; Techniques of vegetative propagation, tissue culture,
mist chamber; Role of growth substances in vegetative propagation.
Unit 10
Forestry in bio-economic productivity of different agro-eco-systems and
environmental management; Global overview and classification of agroforestry
systems; Tree-crop interaction in agroforestry; Biomass production for fuel’ wood,
small timber, raw material for plants-based cottage industries, non wood forest
products such as gums, resins, tannins, medicinal plants, essential oils, edible fruits,
bamboos and canes; Principle and criteria of plant selection in agroforestry; Resource
use-efficiency in agroforestry.
Unit 11
Measurement of trees and stand – diameter, girth, height, form and crown
characteristics; Measurement methods and their principles; Volume/biomass
estimation, volume tables; Measurement of rangeland productivity; Forest
enumeration: sampling methods, sample plots, surveys and photo interpretation;
Concept and application of GIS and remote sensing; Introduction to internal rate of
return, present net worth, cost benefit analysis and land equivalent ratio;
Agroforestry and environmental conservation; Role of green revolution in forest
conservation in India.
Unit 12
Climate change: greenhouse effect, sources and sinks of green house gases, major
greenhouses gases; Global climate change – its history and future predictions; Impact
of climate change on agriculture, forestry, water resources, sea level; Livestock,
fishery and coastal ecosystems; International conventions on climate change; Global
warming: effect of enhanced CO2 on productivity; Ozone layer depletion; Disaster
management, floods, droughts, earthquakes; Tsunami, cyclones and landslides;
Agroforestry and carbon sequestration.
Unit 13
Statistics: definition, object and scope; Frequency distribution; Mean, median, mode
and standard deviation, introduction to correlation and regression; Experimental
designs: basic principles, completely randomized, randomized block, Latin square
and split plot designs.
Unit 5 : Crop Production in Problem Soils
Problem soils and their distribution in India, acid, saline, waterlogged and mined -
soils; Response of crop to acidity, salinity, sodicity, excess water and nutrient
imbalances; Reclamation of problem soils, role of amendments and drainage; Crop
production techniques in problem soils - crops, varieties, cropping system and
agronomic practices; Effects of water table fluctuation on crop growth; Degraded
lands and their rehabilitation.
Plant water relations: Concept of plant water potential, cell water relations, plant
water potential and its components; Significance of osmotic adjustment, leaf diffusive
resistance, canopy temperature, canopy temperature depression (CTD); Water
movement through soil - plant atmosphere systems, uptake and transport of water by
roots; Development of crop water deficit, crop adaptation to water deficit, morpho
physiological effect of water deficit; Drought tolerance, mechanisms of drought
tolerance, potential drought tolerance traits and their measurements. management
and breeding strategies to improve crop productivity under different patterns of
drought situations of limited water supplies; Effect of excess water on plant growth
and production; Types of droughts, drought indices.
Unit 1
Definition and scope of environment science and its interrelationship with other
sciences and agriculture; Origin and evolution of the earth and its environs-
atmosphere: hydrosphere, Lithosphere and biosphere; Biogeochemical cycles;
Components of environment - biotic, abiotic and social; Weather and climate; History
and evolution of human settlement; Effect of various developmental activities on
Unit 2
Basic ecological concepts - habitat ecology, systems ecology, synecology, autecology;
Ecosystem concept; Structure and functions of biotic and abiotic components; Energy
in ecosystems and environment; Energy exchange and productivity-food chains and
food webs-ecological pyramids, nutrient cycles and recycle pathways; Population -
characteristics and measurement; Communities - habitats, niches, population
dynamics, species and individual in the ecosystem; Recent trends in ecology; Types
characteristic features, structure and function of forest, grassland, plantation, desert;
Aquatic and agro-ecosystem; Ecological succession - types and causes.
Unit 3
Biodiversity concepts, levels and types, changes in tune and space, evolution, centres
of origin of crops, species concept; Significance of biodiversity; Plant genetic
resources, exploration and collection; Crop domestication, plant introductions;
Migration and utilization; IUCN clauses and concept of threatened and endangered
species; Biogeography; Principles of conservation of biological diversity in-situ and ex-
situ. Causes of loss of biodiversity: introduction of exotics and invasive plants;
Methods of conservation, role of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere
reserves; National and global conservation measures, institutions and conventions;
Indian Biodiversity Act 2002; Biodiversity and economics with special reference to
India; Biodiversity in relation to global environmental changes; Biodiversity hot spots
in India and world; Biodiversity and life security.
Unit 4
Composition of air; Air pollution: sources and classification of major air pollutants;
Smoke, smog, photochemical smog and SPM; Methods of air pollution monitoring;
Effects of air pollutants on crops, vegetation, animals and human health; mitigation
measures for combating air pollution; Factors affecting plant response to air
pollution; Acid rain, physiological and biochemical effects of SO2, HF, PAN and O3 on
vegetation, toxicity symptoms on vegetation, defence mechanism against air
pollutants in plants, sensitive and tolerant plant species to air pollutants. National
and international laws and policies on air pollution; Permissible limits of air
pollutants in the residential, commercial and industrial areas; Noise pollution-
concept and effects.
Unit 5
Soil and water pollution: sources and types of soil and water pollutants; Effects of
pollutants on soil health and productivity; Radioactive pollutants, their life time and
disposal; Point and non-point sources of water pollution, major types of water
pollutants, their impacts on environment and agro-ecosystems; Pollution in fresh
water bodies, ponds, lakes, rivers and wells. Effects of soil and water pollutants on
crop plants, animals, microorganism and human health; National and International
laws and maximum permissible limits of soil and water pollutants; Biomagnification
and its impact on loss of biodiversity; Physical, chemical and biological properties of
wastes; Effluent treatment processes for major industries viz. distilleries; paper and
pulp, sugar, sewage and other agro-industrial wastes; Resource, product recovery,
recycling and value addition to wastes; Biodegradation and bioconversion of organic
wastes, composting, landfills; Vermicomposting, biogas. animal feed. mushroom
cultivation etc.; Use of sludge, flyash, effluents and other agro industrial wastes in
agriculture; Microbial, chemical and phytoremediation processes; Microbiological and
public health aspects of waste disposal; Heavy metal contamination of environments,
source and sinks of heavy metals.
Unit 6
Climate change: Global warming and greenhouse effect, sources and sinks of green
house gases, major GHGs, atalytical techniques of monitoring greenhouse gases in
atmosphere; Global climate change - its history and future predictions. Impact of
climate change on agriculture, forestry, water resources, sea level rise, livestock,
fisheries, coastal ecosystem and dynamics and pests and diseases and overall
ecological processes; Climate change and food security; Contribution of agriculture
and forestry to climate change; International conventions on climate change;
Stratospheric ozone layer depletion-effect of UV radiation on plants and human
health; Adaptation and mitigation strategies of climate change, global dimming
agrobiological effects of CO2 fertilization on crops; Carbon sequestration and clean
development mechanism.
Unit 7
Energy consumption pattern in urban and rural India; Types of renewable sources of
energy; Solar energy: concepts of heat and mass transfer; design of solar thermal
system and their applications in heating. cooling. distillation. drying. dehydration
etc., design of solar photovoltaic systems, power generation for rural electrification-
water pumping, solar ponds; Wind energy for mechanical and electrical power
generation, types of wind mills; Geothermal and tidal energy; Biogas from animal and
agricultural wastes, types of biogas plants, utilization of biogas for heating, cooking
lighting and power generation; Characteristics of biogas slurry and its utilization;
Energy from biogas; Liquid fuels from petrocrops, energy plantation crops; Concepts
of producer gas; characterization of materials for producer gas, types of gasifiers;
Animals draft power and its utilization in rural sector; Briquetting of agro-wastes for
fuel; Potential of renewable energy sources in India, Integrated rural energy
programme; Causes of failure of biogas plants in rural India.
Unit 8
Natural resources of India: land, soil, water and forest and their conservation and
management including wildlife; Effects of deforestation on soil erosion; Land
degradation; Environment and rural economy; Wasteland: their extent,
characteristics and reclamation; Soil and water conservation, rain water harvesting
and watershed management; Desertification and biological invasion; Rain water
harvesting; Mineral resources: use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources; Disaster management: floods, droughts,
earthquakes; Tsunami, cyclones and landslides; Nuclear hazards; Environmental
impact assessment for physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic factors;
Legislative implications of EIA, environmental impacts assessment and environmental
auditing; Major global environmental issues; Human population and environment:
population growth, variation among nations. Population explosion - Family welfare
programme; World food resources; World food problems; Environment and human
health; Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions; Environmental policies
and laws in India; Public environmental awareness; Human rights; Role of
information technology in environmental and human health; Industrial pollutants;
Sea weeds and their utilization in agar, alginic acid, carrageenan, agarose and
agaropectin production; Impact of green revolution on the environments.
Unit 9
Frequency distribution, mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Normal,
binomial and poisson distribution; Correlations - partial and multiple; Regression
coefficients and multiple regression. Tests of significance F and Chi-square (X2) tests;
Experimental designs - basic principles, completely randomized, randomized block,
Latin square and split plot designs.
45. Soil Sciences
Unit 1: Pedology
Concept of land, soil and soil science. Composition of earth crust and its relationship
with soils; Rocks, minerals and other soil forming materials; Weathering of rocks and
minerals; Factors of soil formation; Pedogenic processes and their relationships with
soil properties; Soil development; Pedon, polypedon, soil profile, horizons and their
nomenclature. Soil Taxonomy - epipedons, diagnostic subsurface horizons and other
diagnostic characteristics, soil moisture and temperature regimes, categories of the
system and their criteria; Interpretation of soil survey data for land capability and
crop suitability classifications, Macro-morphological study of soils.
Application and use of global positioning system for soil survey. Soil survey- types,
techniques. Soil series- characterization and procedure for establishing soil series,
benchmark soils and soil correlations. Study of base maps: cadastral maps,
toposheets, aerial photographs and satellite imageries. Use of geographical
information system for preparing thematic maps.
Essential elements in plant nutrition; Nutrient cycles in soil; Transformation and
transport of nutrients (Macro and micro nutrients) in soil; Manures and fertilizers;
Fate and reactions of fertilizers in soils; Chemistry of production of different
fertilizers; Slow release fertilizers and nitrification retarders; Quality control of
Soil fertility evaluation – soil testing, plant and tissue tests and biological methods;
Common soil test methods for fertilizer recommendation; Soil test-crop response
correlations; Integrated nutrient management; Use of isotopic tracers in soil research;
Nature, properties and development of acid, acid sulphate, saline and alkali and their
management; Lime and gypsum requirements of soils; Irrigation water quality - EC,
SAR, RSC and specifications. Fertility status of major soil groups of India.
Pollution: types, causes, methods of measurement, standards and management.
Heavy metal toxicity and soil pollution; Chemical and bio-remediation of
contaminated soils; Soil factors in emission of greenhouse gases; Carbon
sequestration in mitigating greenhouse effect; Radio-active contamination of soil.
Unit 6: Statistics
Experimental designs for pot culture and field experiments; Statistical measures of
central tendency and dispersion; Correlation and regression; Tests of significance - t
and F tests; Computer use in soil research.
46. Agri Business Management
Human resource planning, job analysis and design; recruitment, selection, induction
and placement; human resource training and development; management
development; performance appraisal and job evaluation; wage and salary
administration; promotion, transfer, separation, absenteeism and turnover, employee
welfare and safety; morale; personnel supervision; styles; participative management;
labour management relations; negotiation and negotiating skills; conflict
Marketing in a developing economy; Indian marketing environment, structure,
conduct and performance analysis; marketable and marketed surplus; marketing
functions; channels in marketing, price spread and efficiency; wholesaling and
retailing, consumer behavior; the buying process; marketing mix; marketing strategy;
planning marketing mix; market segmentation; land targeting: marketing
organization, marketing information system, marketing extension; rural retailing;
international marketing and finance.
Unit 9: Strategic Management
Strategic management – meaning, concept and scope; framework for strategic
management; industrial (external) and organizational (internal) environmental factors
influencing strategy; scanning the external and internal environment; SWOT analysis;
strategy formulation; strategy implementation; strategy and structure, strategic
analysis, strategy and technology, strategy and leadership, total quality management,
the customer resource, creating competitive advantage strategy, evaluation of
Unit 1 : Agricultural Development and Policies
Role of agriculture in economic development; growth and development,
characteristics of developing and developed economies; theories of development; role
of economic, technological, social, cultural, political and environmental factors;
interdependence between agricultural and industrial development; growth models -
Harrod-Domar, neo-classical, Von Neumann; development strategies in India; five-
year plans and agriculture.
Agricultural policy analysis and reforms - energy, water, fertilizer, land, seed, labour,
technology, rural infrastructure, marketing, pricing, trade etc.
Concepts of food security, production oriented policies, food price policies, food
subsidies, food safety net and food quality. Measurement of poverty, poverty
alleviation programmes.
Unit 4 : Agricultural Finance
Importance of agricultural finance; rural credit structure-demand, supply, sources
and forms; estimation of credit requirement; cost of credit/capital; credit appraisal- 3
Rs and 3 Cs of credit; reforms in agricultural credit policy; innovations in agricultural
financing - microfinance, kisan credit cards; role of institutions in agri-finance -
public and private sector banks; cooperatives, micro-finance institutions (MFIs),
SHGs; international financial institutions; principles of agricultural financial
management; successes and failures of co-operative sector in India; Role of co-
operatives under emerging economic scenario; agricultural project analysis; Internal
Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost (B-C) ratio analysis.
Human resource planning, job analysis and design; recruitment, selection, induction
and placement; human resource training and development; management
development; performance appraisal and job evaluation; wagc and salary
administration; promotion, transfer, separation, absenteeism and turnover, employee
welfare and safety; morale; personnel supervision; styles; participative management;
labour management relations; negotiation and negotiating skills; conflict
Unit 9: Production and Operations Management
Operations management of an agro-industrial unit including operations system and
processes; productivity of operations; work force productivity; facilities management;
operations planning and control; material and supply chain management; quality
48. Agricultural Extension
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Extension and Communication
Concepts and scope of extension and communication particularly for primary and
secondary agriculture. Historical and emerging perspectives of agricultural, veterinary
and animal husbandry extension education in India and other countries. Community
Development and Integrated Rural Development- concept, principles and objectives.
Role of agricultural extension in different sectors of agriculture and rural
development. Agricultural Extension in the context of enhancing productivity,
Quality, Nutrition, post harvest technology, product processing, Profitability, Income
and Employment. Concepts of yield gaps. FLD and OFT in relation to TOT
programmes. Farming System Research and Extension (FSR&E) and participatory
development approaches. Concept and modules of communication, credibility,
fidelity, empathy and feedback in communication. Similarities and dissimilarities
among extension education, adult education and continuing/distance education.
Andragogy and theories of adult learning. Human behavioural dimensions and gender
sensitivity in extension education programmes. Meaning and characteristics of
attitude, factors affecting attitude change; Understanding of basic rural institutions,
social structure, culture and norms. Social and technological change processes,
group dynamics, concepts and theories of rural leadership. Group and mass
communication, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Skills, Key
communicators and their role in animal husbandry development. Acquiring
communication skills for development of local leaders and key communicators for
livestock development. Organizational communication. Rapport building with
clientele. Problems and barriers in communication; distortion and noise in
communication. Importance of feedback in veterinary extension, impact analysis of
extension programmes.
husbandry practices; communication with rural, semi-urban and urban livestock
management, methods of coordination. Management by Objective (MBO) and Total
Quality Management (TQM). Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Logical
Frame Working (LFW) and Project Management Techniques. Personal management,
scope of AgriBusiness Management and Institutions - National Institute of
Agricultural Extension and Management (MANAGE). Indian Institute of Plantation
Management (IIPM), NIRD, EEl and NAARM. Monitoring, evaluation and impact
analysis of extension programmes. Critical analysis of organizational set up of
extension administration at various levels. Agricultural Technology Information
Centers (ATIC). Technology Parks. Management Information System. Management of
Agricultural Knowledge System (MAKS) and use of Expert System. Traditional media
for communication in development programmes. Problem Solving Techniques /
Negotiation , Motivational Theories & Techniques, Work motivation Organizational
climate; Resource management: concept and methods; Team building: process and
strategies at organizational and village levels. Mobilization and empowerment skills:
concept and strategies in mobilization, concretisation and empowerment of rural
Unit 5: Design of Experiments I
Linear models − Random, fixed and mixed effects. Nested and crossed classifications.
Gauss-Markoff theorem. Analysis of variance. Principles of design of experiments.
Uniformity trials. Completely randomized design. Randomized complete block design.
Latin square design. Factorial experiments − 2nand 3n series and asymmetrical
factorial experiments, confounding in 2n and 3n experiments, split and strip-plot
designs, change over designs. Missing plot techniques. Analysis of covariance.
Variance stabilizing transformations.
Numerical analysis − interpolation, numerical integration, solution of ordinary
differential equations, solution of linear and non-linear system of equations. Modeling
and simulation − random number generation and testing, discrete simulation models,
simulation of stochastic events and processes, design of simulation experiments,
analysis of data generated by simulation experiments, validation of simulation
models. Linear Programming − formulation and graphical solution, simplex method,
duality, transportation and assignment problems.
Unit 1:- Human Nutrition, Health and Interventions.
Balanced diet-Food groups, Food pyramid. Macro and micro nutrients in human
nutrition-Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water -
requirements, sources, functions, metabolism and effects of deficiency and toxicity of
the nutrients. Nutrients interrelationship. Inborn errors of metabolism.
Phytochemicals, antioxidants, prebiotics and probiotics, functional foods and
nutraceuticals. Drug and nutrient interaction.
Diet & nutritional therapy in disorders of obesity, underweight, gastro intestinal
tract, kidney, liver, heart, lungs, cancer, diabetes mellitus, food allergies and
intolerances,. Major Public Health and Nutritional problems in India-Causes,
magnitude and distribution. Assessment of Community Nutritional status by
Standard methods. National Nutrition Policy, National and International
organizations’ programmes to combat malnutrition. Nutritional epidemiology, Public
health aspects of human nutrition. Objectives, Principles and Importance of
Nutrition education, Nutrition monitoring and Surveillance.
policies, Sale promotion techniques. Status of Textile and Apparel industries in the
Global Scenario.
Unit 6: Home Science Extension and Communication Communication Methods
Home Science extension education: concept, principles, philosophy, objectives and
approaches. Genesis of rural development programmes in India. Community
Development and Integrated Rural Development- concept, principles and objectives.
Relationship between family and community development. Gender sensitivity in
extension education programmes.Leadership-concept, types, identification, training
and mobilizing local leaders for community participation. Problems of women
leaders. Panchayati Raj-philosophy, concept, functioning and scope.
design of tractor controls viz., hand and foot controls, visual range and limitations,
seat design etc.
Unit 1: Introduction
Applications, Functional and financial criteria, Material selection criteria, Status in
India and abroad, functional requirements of special facilities like mandi, food park,
special economic zones etc. Protected cultivation, aquaculture, live stock production,
cool/cold/ control atmosphere storages, farmstead, green buildings, green energy
utilization, carbon foot prints and credits.
b. Elements of construction
Loads on building components, Footings and foundations, Concrete foundations,
Walls, Floors, Roofs, Doors, Windows, Stairs and ladders, Electrical installations
c. Building construction
Methods of construction, Prefabrication, Dimensional coordination and
standardization, Building legislation, Construction costing, Economic feasibility,
Organization for small building constructions, Specifications, Progress chart,
Inspection and control, Safety at building sites, Building maintenance
Unit 6: On-farm structures
a. Storage structures
Food Grain storage structures – Traditional and Improved structures, Modern storage
systems. Functional and structural design considerations. Grain pressure theories.
Storage systems –farm level, bagged storage (warehouse and CAP), bulk storage,
hermetic storage, outdoor storage, Controlled atmosphere storage. Losses during
storage - insects, mites, fungi, rodents, birds. Moisture migration in bins. Grain
protection – physical, chemical and biological controls. Silos - types, location, filling
and packing, size and capacity. Storage structures for horticultural produce –
Maturity indices, ripening stages for safe storage. Modification of atmosphere
composition- structural design of storage room, controlled atmosphere storage,
modified atmosphere storage. Chilling rooms, walk-in cooling room for perishables
including livestock produce. Quality monitoring and control of stored product.
Factors/parameters influencing the shelf life of the stored product, climatograph and
deterioration index. Modelling of metabolic activities and prediction of storage life,
quality deterioration mechanisms and their control. BIS standards on practices,
equipment and design of storage structures and systems for food grains and other
b. Animal housing
Animal physiology, Animal environmental requirements, Cattle housing, Sheep and
goat housing, Poultry, duckery and piggery, Rabbit housing, Slaughter equipment,
Slaughter slabs and slaughterhouses, Design of modern structures
b. Aquaculture structures
Inland fish farming and associated considerations, Fish physiology and micro-
climatic considerations, Aeration & feeding systems, Design of fish rearing structures,
Hatcheries, Containers for live fish, fingerlings, fish seeds. Aquaculture in
recirculatory systems, oxygen and aeration, sterilization and disinfection,
U N I T 9: S U P P O R T I N G I N F R A S T R U C T U R E
a. External facilities
Introduction to simple road designs, Erosion of earth roads, Road construction – use
of geo textile for rural roads, Minor river crossings, Vehicle access to farmsteads,
Fencing, Types of fences, Fencing accessories, Animal handling facilities
c. Farm dwellings
Space requirements, Family cultural and social requirements, Special requirements of
farm dwellings, Categories of farmhouses, Function and communication schemes,
Functional requirements for different rooms and spaces, Improvement of existing
dwellings, Contemporary farm dwellings.
d. Farm Electrification
The use of electricity as a power sources for lighting, comfort in living, farm
production and processing. Planning the Farmstead Distribution system:- Demand
load for Farm Buildings, Central Metering and distribution, Capacity of main service
selecting feeder conductors. Electric central and circuit protection. Electric motors:
Motor rating and selection, measurement of motor characteristics. Standby Power
Units: Purpose and importance, stand - by generator type selection, maintenance and
Unit 1: Groundwater Development, Wells and Pumps
Water resources of India. Irrigation potential and contribution of groundwater,
utilizable groundwater resources and level of groundwater development in the
country, scope of groundwater development. Aquifer types and parameters. Principles
of groundwater flow, interaction between surface and groundwater, natural and
artificial groundwater recharge. Hydraulics of fully and partially penetrating wells.
Design, construction and development of irrigation wells. Water lifts, pumps and
prime movers, well and pumps characteristics, performance evaluation and selection
of pumps. Energy requirement in groundwater pumping. Design of centrifugal
pumps. Groundwater pollution. Salt water intrusion in inland and coastal aquifers.
Application of groundwater models for groundwater development and management.
Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater.
design. Design and construction of farm pond and reservoir. Seepage theory. Design
of earthen dams and retaining walls, stability analysis of slopes. Mathematical
models and simulation of hydrologic processes. Application of GIS in soil and water
Unit 1: Engineering Properties and Quality of Biomaterials
Uniqueness of bio-materials and physical characteristics viz. shape, size, volume,
density, porosity, surface areas, friction, rolling resistance, angle of repose. Properties
of bulk particulate solids viz. specific surface area, mean diameter, flow rate.
Aerodynamics drag coefficient and terminal velocity. Pressure drop through packed
beds. Thermal properties such as specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal
diffusivity. Dielectric properties viz. dielectric and microwave radiation, dielectric
constant, energy absorption, heating. Optical properties and transmittance and
reflectance. Rheological properties and stress-strain-time relationship, rheological
models, visco-elasticity, Hertz’s theory of contact stresses. Food Quality and BIS
specifications for quality of food materials, milling quality analysis, cooking and
baking qualities. Organoleptic and sensory evaluation of product quality.
Determination of protein, oil content, carbohydrates, color, hardness, texture,
nutritive value, bio- availability and microbial loads, non-destructive quality
evaluation techniques. Measurement techniques and instruments for food quality
determination, destructive and non-destructive quality evaluation, UV VIS NIR
spectroscopy, X-ray, CT, NMR, machine vision. Maturity, ripening stages and indices
of fruits and vegetables.
Unit 5: Design of Processing Machinery
Design of grain cleaners, graders, dryers, parboiling plants, size reduction machines,
bioreactors, fermenters, centrifuges, cyclones, heat-exchanger, evaporators, filters,
extrusion cookers. Computer aided design and analysis of machines and machine
components. Materials, manufacturing processes, design of elements and selection of
standard parts (pulley, chains, sprockets, bearings, belts, fasteners, hydraulic
components, pipes, hoses)
Indian diet. Milling and processing of pulses viz. germination, cooking, roasting,
frying, canning and fermentation. Use in traditional products, protein concentrates
and isolates. Modified starches and proteins. Oilseeds: edible oilseeds, composition
and importance in India. Oilseed processing. Oil extraction and its processing, by-
products of oil refining. Production, packaging and storage of vanaspati, peanut
butter, protein concentrates, isolates and their use in high protein foods. Export of
oilseed cakes. International market and consumer preferences for quality in cakes for
use in textured vegetable proteins. Millets: composition, nutritional significance,
structure and processing. Dairy analogues based on plant milk. Spices Processing:
Oleoresin and essential oil extraction
Unit 3: Technology of Foods of Animal Origin
(a) Technology of Milk and Milk Products: Milk and Milk production in India.
Importance of milk processing plants in the country. Handling and maintenance of
dairy plant equipment. Dairy plant operations viz. receiving, separation, clarification,
pasteurization, standardization, homogenization, sterilization, storage, transport and
distribution of milk. Problems of milk supply in India. UHT, toned, humanized,
fortified, reconstituted and flavoured milks. Technology of fermented milks. Milk
products processing viz. cream, butter, ghee, cheese, condensed milk, evaporated
milk, whole and skimmed milk powder, ice-cream, butter oil, khoa, channa, paneer
and similar products. Judging and grading of milk products. Cheese spreads by spray
and roller drying techniques. EMC (Enzyme modified cheese), Enzymes in dairy
processing. Insanitization viz. selection and use of dairy cleaner and sanitizer. In
plant cleaning system. Scope and functioning of milk supply schemes and various
national and international organizations. Specifications and standards in milk
processing industry. Dairy plant sanitation and waste disposal.
(b) Technology of Meat / Fish / Poultry Products: Scope of meat, fish and poultry
processing industry in India. Chemistry and microscopic structure of meat tissue.
Ante mortem inspection. Slaughter and dressing of various animals and poultry
birds. Post mortem examination. Rigor mortis. Retails and wholesale cuts. Factors
affecting meat quality. Curing, smoking, freezing, canning and dehydration of meat,
poultry and their products. Sausage making. Microbial factors influencing keeping
quality of meat. Processing and preservation of fish and its products. Handling,
canning, smoking and freezing of fresh water fish and its products. Meat
tenderization and role of enzymes in meat processing. Utilization of by-products.
Zoovosic diseases. Structure and composition of egg and factors effecting quality.
Quality measurement. Preservation of eggs using oil coating, refrigeration, thermo
stabilization and antibiotics. Packing, storage and transportation of eggs. Technology
of egg products viz. egg powder, albumen, flakes and calcium tablets. Industrial and
food user physiological conditions and quality of fish products.
Unit 4: Food Quality Management
Objectives, importance and functions of quality control. Quality systems and tools
used for quality assurance including control charts, acceptance and auditing
inspections, critical control points, reliability, safety, recall and liability. The
principles and practices of food plant sanitation. Food and hygiene regulations.
Environment and waste management. Total quality management, good management
practices, HACCP and codex in food. International and National food laws. US-
FDA/ISO-9000 and FSSAI. Food adulteration, food safety. Sensory evaluation, panel
screening, selection methods. Sensory and instrumental analysis quality control.
Quality control of food at all stages and for packaging materials. Non-destructive food
quality evaluation methods.
Unit 5: Food Engineering/Packaging and Labelling
Unit operations of food processing viz. grading, sorting, peeling and size reduction
machineries for various unit operations, energy balance in food processing. Packaging
materials viz. properties and testing procedures, packaging of fresh and processed
foods. Shelf life studies. Recent trends in packaging, aseptic, modified atmosphere,
vacuum and gas packaging. Nutritional labelling requirements of foods. Requirements
and functions of containers. Principles of package design.
Unit 6: Food Microbiology & Biotechnology
Fermentation technology, fermented food products (animal and plant based),
microbial spoilage of foods, bacterial growth curve, hurdle technology. Role of
biotechnology in productivity of plants, livestock and microbes of improved nutrition
and quality. Use of biotechnology in production of food additives viz. preservatives,
colorants, flavours. Use of biotechnologically improved enzymes in food processing
industry, biomass production using industrial wastes. Single cell proteins, Food
contaminants viz. aflatoxins. Food intoxication and infection. Consumer concerns
about risks and values, Biotechnology and food safety.
Unit 7: Flavour Chemistry Technology
Flavour composition of foods/beverages (identification and quantitative analysis of
the flavour precursors and their products, characterization of the staling reaction
using stable isotopes). Flavour composition of foods/beverages in relation with
maturation and microbial activity/or the processing conditions (e.g. fermented dairy
products, beer, wine, honey, fruits). Analysis of odour-active compounds of
food/beverages (Charm analysis). Synthesis of flavour by microorganisms and plant
cells. Lipid derived flavours. Investigation of equilibrium of key flavour compounds
that govern the flavour stability of beverages. Natural antioxidant constraints in
spices. Role of microorganisms in flavour development. Flavor emulsions, flavour
composites, essential oils and oleoresins.
Unit 8: Consumer Sciences / Food Product Development / Health Foods
Socio-cultural, psychological and economical consideration for food appearance,
domestic and export marketing. Consumer trends and their impact on new product
development. Product development viz. to conceive ideas, evaluation of ideas,
developing ideas into products, test marketing and commercialization. Role of food in
human nutrition. Nutritional disorders, natural contaminants and health hazards
associated with foods. Diet therapy. Therapeutic / Engineered / Fabricated and
Organic foods/ Nutraceutical and functional foods.
Biomedical Engineering
Name of Section Topics
Electrical Circuits Voltage and current sources – independent, dependent, ideal and practical; v-i relationships
of resistor, inductor and capacitor; transient analysis of RLC circuits with de-excitation;
Kirchoffs laws, superposition, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer and reciprocity
theorems; Peak, average and rms values of ac quantities; apparent, active and reactive
powers; phasor analysis, impedance, and admittance; series and parallel resonance,
realization of basic filters with R, L and C elements, Bode plot.
Signals and Systems -Continuous and Discrete Signal and Systems – Periodic, aperiodic and impulse signal
-Sampling theorem; Laplace and Fourier transforms; impulse response of systems;
-Transfer function, the frequency response of first and second-order linear time-invariant
systems, convolution, correlation
-Discrete-time systems – impulse response, frequency response, DFT, Z – transform; basics
of IIR and FIR filters.
Analog and Digital Basic characteristics and applications of diode, BJT and MOSFET
Electronics -Characteristics and applications of operational amplifiers – difference amplifier, adder,
subtractor, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation amplifier, buffer, filters and waveform
-Number systems, Boolean algebra; combinational logic circuits – arithmetic circuits,
comparators, Schmitt trigger, encoder/decoder, MUX/DEMUX, multi-vibrators
-Sequential circuits – latches and flip flops, state diagrams, shift registers and counters;
Principles of ADC and DAC;
-Microprocessor- architecture, interfacing memory and input- output devices.
Measurements and -SI units, systematic and random errors in measurement, expression of uncertainty –
Control Systems accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors
-PMMC, MI and dynamometer type instruments; de potentiometer; bridges for
measurement of R, L, and C, Q-meter. Basics of control system – transfer function
Sensors and Bio- -Sensors – resistive, capacitive, inductive, piezoelectric, Hall effect, electro-chemical, optical
instrumentation -Sensor signal conditioning circuits; application of LASER in sensing and therapy.
-Origin of biopotentials and their measurement techniques- ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG, GSR,
-Principles of measuring blood pressure, body temperature, volume, and flow in arteries,
veins and tissues, respiratory measurements and cardiac output measurement.
Human Anatomy -Basics of cell, types of tissues and organ systems; Homeostasis; Basics of organ systems -
and Physiology musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine, nervous, gastrointestinal,
and reproductive.
Medical Imaging Basic physics and Instrumentation of medical images in X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET,
Systems FMRI, SPECT, and their characteristics.
D) Cell division and cell cycle (Mitosis and meiosis, their regulation, steps in cell cycle,
regulation and control of cell cycle).
B) Cell signaling Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptor, signaling
through G-protein coupled receptors, signal transduction pathways, second
messengers, regulation of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-
component systems, light signaling in plants, bacterial chemotaxis and quorum
D) Cancer
Genetic rearrangements in progenitor cells, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes,
cancer and the cell cycle, virus-induced cancer, metastasis, interaction of cancer
cells with normal cells, apoptosis, therapeutic interventions of uncontrolled cell
E) Innate and adaptive immune system Cells and molecules involved in innate
and adaptive immunity, antigens, antigenicity and immunogenicity. B and T cell
epitopes, structure and function of antibody molecules. generation of antibody
diversity, monoclonal antibodies, antibody engineering, antigen-antibody
interactions, MHC molecules, antigen processing and presentation, activation
and differentiation of B and T cells, B and T cell receptors, humoral and cell-
mediated immune responses, primary and secondary immune modulation, the
complement system, Toll-like receptors, cell-mediated effector functions,
inflammation, hypersensitivity and autoimmunity, immune response during
bacterial (tuberculosis), parasitic (malaria) and viral (HIV) infections, congenital
and acquired immunodeficiencies, vaccines.
D) Gene mapping methods : Linkage maps, tetrad analysis, mapping with molecular markers,
mapping by using somatic cell hybrids, development of mapping population in plants.
G) Human genetics : Pedigree analysis, lod score for linkage testing, karyotypes, genetic
I) Mutation : Types, causes and detection, mutant types – lethal, conditional, biochemical, loss
of function, gain of function, germinal verses somatic mutants, insertional mutagenesis.
Habitat and Niche: Concept of habitat and niche; niche width and overlap; fundamental
and realized niche; resource partitioning; character displacement.
The evolutionary time scale; Eras, periods and epoch; Major events in the evolutionary
time scale; Origins of unicellular and multi cellular organisms; Major groups of plants
and animals; Stages in primate evolution including Homo.
D. Molecular Evolution:
E. The Mechanisms:
H. Biosensors
Isolation and purification of RNA , DNA (genomic and plasmid) and proteins,
different separation methods.
Analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins by one and two dimensional gel
electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing gels.
Molecular cloning of DNA or RNA fragments in bacterial and eukaryotic systems.
Expression of recombinant proteins using bacterial, animal and plant vectors.
Isolation of specific nucleic acid sequences
Generation of genomic and cDNA libraries in plasmid, phage, cosmid, BAC and YAC
In vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques, gene knock out in bacterial and
eukaryotic organisms.
Protein sequencing methods, detection of post translation modification of proteins.
DNA sequencing methods, strategies for genome sequencing.
Methods for analysis of gene expression at RNA and protein level, large scale
expression, such as micro array based techniques
Isolation, separation and analysis of carbohydrate and lipid molecules
RFLP, RAPD and AFLP techniques
Molecular analysis using UV/visible, fluorescence, circular dichroism, NMR and ESR
spectroscopy Molecular structure determination using X-ray diffraction and NMR,
Molecular analysis using light scattering, different types of mass spectrometry and
surface plasma resonance methods.
D Statisitcal Methods:
F. Microscopic techniques:
G. Electrophysiological methods:
Single neuron recording, patch-clamp recording, ECG, Brain activity recording, lesion
and stimulation of brain, pharmacological testing, PET, MRI, fMRI, CAT .
Group Theory: Groups, Subgroups, Semi Groups, Product and Quotients of Algebraic
Structures, Isomorphism, Homomorphism, Automorphism, Rings, Integral Domains,
Fields, Applications of Group Theory.
Graph Theory: Simple Graph, Multigraph, Weighted Graph, Paths and Circuits, Shortest
Paths in Weighted Graphs, Eulerian Paths and Circuits, Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits,
Planner graph, Graph Coloring, Bipartite Graphs, Trees and Rooted Trees, Prefix Codes,
Tree Traversals, Spanning Trees and Cut-Sets.
Data Representation: Data Types, Number Systems and Conversion, Complements, Fixed
Point Representation, Floating Point Representation, Error Detection Codes, Computer
Arithmetic - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Algorithms.
Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory
Transfers, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Microoperations.
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Stored Program Organization and Instruction
Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle,
Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output, Interrupt.
Elementary Data Types: Properties of Types and Objects; Scalar and Composite Data
Object Oriented Programming: Class, Object, Instantiation, Inheritance, Encapsulation,
Abstract Class, Polymorphism.
Programming in C++: Tokens, Identifiers, Variables and Constants; Data types, Operators,
Control statements, Functions Parameter Passing, Virtual Functions, Class and Objects;
Constructors and Destructors; Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception and Event
Handling; Streams and Files; Multifile Programs.
2-D Geometrical Transforms and Viewing: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection and
Shear Transformations; Matrix Representations and Homogeneous Coordinates; Composite
Transforms, Transformations Between Coordinate Systems, Viewing Pipeline, Viewing
Coordinate Reference Frame, Window to View-Port Coordinate Transformation, Viewing
Functions, Line and Polygon Clipping Algorithms.
SQL: Data Definition and Data Types; Constraints, Queries, Insert, Delete, and Update
Statements; Views, Stored Procedures and Functions; Database Triggers, SQL Injection.
Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Data Modeling for Data Warehouses, Concept
Hierarchy, OLAP and OLTP; Association Rules, Classification, Clustering, Regression,
Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbour, Hidden Markov Model, Summarization,
Dependency Modeling, Link Analysis, Sequencing Analysis, Social Network Analysis.
Big Data Systems: Big Data Characteristics, Types of Big Data, Big Data Architecture,
Introduction to Map-Reduce and Hadoop; Distributed File System, HDFS.
NOSQL: NOSQL and Query Optimization; Different NOSQL Products, Querying and
Managing NOSQL; Indexing and Ordering Data Sets; NOSQL in Cloud.
Basics of Operating Systems: Operating System Structure, Operations and Services; System
Calls, Operating-System Design and Implementation; System Boot.
Process Management: Process Scheduling and Operations; Interprocess Communication,
Communication in Client–Server Systems, Process Synchronization, Critical-Section
Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Semaphores, Synchronization.
File and Input/Output Systems: Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure; File-
System Mounting, File Sharing, File-System Structure and Implementation; Directory
Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance;
Recovery, I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O
Requests to Hardware Operations.
Security: Protection, Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights, Program
Threats, System and Network Threats; Cryptography as a Security Tool, User Authentication,
Implementing Security Defenses.
Windows Operating Systems: Design Principles, System Components, Terminal Services
and Fast User Switching; File System, Networking.
Software Quality: McCall’s Quality Factors, ISO 9126 Quality Factors, Quality Control,
Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management
(RMMM); Software Reliability.
Estimation and Scheduling of Software Projects: Software Sizing, LOC and FP based
Estimations; Estimating Cost and Effort; Estimation Models, Constructive Cost Model
(COCOMO), Project Scheduling and Staffing; Time-line Charts.
Software Testing: Verification and Validation; Error, Fault, Bug and Failure; Unit and
Integration Tesing; White-box and Black-box Testing; Basis Path Testing, Control Structure
Testing, Deriving Test Cases, Alpha and Beta Testing; Regression Testing, Performance
Testing, Stress Testing.
Performance Analysis of Algorithms and Recurrences:Time and Space Complexities;
Asymptotic Notation, Recurrence Relations.
Turing Machines (TM): Standard Turing Machine and its Variations; Universal Turing
Machines, Models of Computation and Church-Turing Thesis; Recursive and Recursively-
Enumerable Languages; Context-Sensitive Languages, Unrestricted Grammars, Chomsky
Hierarchy of Languages, Construction of TM for Simple Problems.
Run Time System: Storage Organization, Activation Tree, Activation Record, Stack
Allocation of Activation Records, Parameter Passing Mechanisms, Symbol Table.
Network Models: Layered Architecture, OSI Reference Model and its Protocols; TCP/IP
Protocol Suite, Physical, Logical, Port and Specific Addresses; Switching Techniques.
Functions of OSI and TCP/IP Layers: Framing, Error Detection and Correction; Flow and
Error Control; Sliding Window Protocol, HDLC, Multiple Access – CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA,
Reservation, Polling, Token Passing, FDMA, CDMA, TDMA, Network Devices, Backbone
Networks, Virtual LANs.
IPv4 Structure and Address Space; Classful and Classless Addressing; Datagram,
Fragmentation and Checksum; IPv6 Packet Format, Mapping Logical to Physical Address
(ARP), Direct and Indirect Network Layer Delivery; Routing Algorithms, TCP, UDP and
SCTP Protocols; Flow Control, Error Control and Congestion Control in TCP and SCTP.
World Wide Web (WWW): Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Domain Name Service
(DNS), Resolution - Mapping Names to Addresses and Addresses to Names; Electronic Mail
Architecture, SMTP, POP and IMAP; TELNET and FTP.
Mobile Technology: GSM and CDMA; Services and Architecture of GSM and Mobile
Computing; Middleware and Gateway for Mobile Computing; Mobile IP and Mobile
Communication Protocol; Communication Satellites, Wireless Networks and Topologies;
Cellular Topology, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Wireless Transmission and Wireless LANs;
Wireless Geolocation Systems, GPRS and SMS.
Cloud Computing and IoT: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Public and Private Cloud; Virtualization,
Virtual Server, Cloud Storage, Database Storage, Resource Management, Service Level
Agreement, Basics of IoT.
Unit – 10 : Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Approaches to AI: Turing Test and Rational Agent Approaches; State Space Representation
of Problems, Heuristic Search Techniques, Game Playing, Min-Max Search, Alpha Beta
Cutoff Procedures.
Planning: Components of a Planning System, Linear and Non Linear Planning; Goal Stack
Planning, Hierarchical Planning, STRIPS, Partial Order Planning.
Genetic Algorithms (GA): Encoding Strategies, Genetic Operators, Fitness Functions and
GA Cycle; Problem Solving using GA.
Introduction to Semiconductor, energy bands in solids, concept of effective mass, density of states, Fermi
levels. PN Junction, Diode equation and diode equivalent circuit, Breakdown in diodes, Zener diode,
Tunnel diode, Metal semiconductor junction – Ohmic and Schottky contacts, Characteristics and
equivalent circuits of JFET, MOSFET. Low dimensional semiconductor devices – quantum wells,
quantum wires, quantum dots. High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT), Solar cells – I-V
characteristics, fill factor and efficiency, LED, LCD and flexible display devices.
Emerging materials for future Devices: Graphene, Carbon Nano tubes (CNT), ZnO, SiC etc.
IC fabrication – crystal growth, epitaxy, oxidation, lithography, doping, etching, isolation methods,
metallization, bonding, Thin film deposition and characterization Techniques: XRD, TEM, SEM, EDX,
Thin film active and passive devices, MOS technology and VLSI, scaling of MOS devices, NMOS and
CMOS structures and fabrication, Characteristics of MOS transistors and threshold voltage, NMOS and
CMOS inverters, Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) – structure, charge storage and transfer, Basics of VLSI
design, stick diagrams, Layout design rules.
Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems, Network elements, Network
graphs, Nodal and Mesh analysis. Laplace Transform, Fourier Transform and Z-transform. Time and
frequency domain response, Passive filters, Two-port Network Parameters : Z, Y, ABCD and h
parameters, Transfer functions, Signal representation, State variable method of circuit analysis, AC circuit
analysis, Transient analysis, Zero and Poles, Bode Plots.
Continuous time signals, Fourier Series and Fourier transform representations, Sampling theorem and
applications, Discrete time signal, Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT), Basic
concepts of digital signal processing, digital filters – IIR, FIR.
Rectifiers, Voltage regulated ICs and regulated power supply, Biasing of Bipolar junction transistors and
FETs, operating point and stability, Amplifiers, Classification of amplifiers, Concept of feedback,
Hartley, Colpitt’s and Phase Shift oscillators, Operational amplifiers (OPAMP) - characteristics,
computational applications, comparators, Schmitt trigger, Instrumentation amplifiers, wave shaping
circuits, Phase locked loops, Active filters, Multivibrators, Voltage to frequency convertors (V/F),
frequency to voltage convertors (F/V).
Logic Families, Logic Gates, Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, Combinational circuits,
Programmable Logic Devices (PLD), CPLD, flip-flops, memories, Sequential Circuits: Counters – Ring,
Ripple, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Shift registers, multiplexers and demultiplexers, A/D and D/A
converters, Analysis and Design of fundamental mode state machines: State variables, State table and
State diagram. Sequential PLD, FPGA, Analysis and Design of digital circuits using HDL.
Electrostatics - vector calculus, Gauss’s Law, Laplace and Poisson’s equations, Magnetostatics – Biot
Savert’s law, Ampere’s law and electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations and wave equations,
Plane wave propagation in free space, dielectrics and conductors, Poynting theorem, Reflection and
refraction, polarization, interference, coherence and diffraction, Transmission lines and waveguides – line
equations, impedance, reflections and voltage standing wave ratio, rectangular waveguides. Antennas –
retarded potential and Hertzian dipole, half wave antenna, antenna patterns, radiation intensity, gain,
effective area and Frii’s free space receiver power equation.
Microwave Sources and Devices -Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, TWT, Gunn diode, IMPATT diode,
Crystal Detector and PIN diode.
Radar – block diagram of Radar, frequencies and power used, Radar range equation.
Analog modulation and demodulation - AM, FM and PM, Principle of super heterodyne receiver,
Random signals, noise, noise temperature and noise figure, Basic concepts of information theory, Error
detection and correction, Digital modulation and demodulation – PCM, ASK, FSK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK
and QAM, Time and Frequency-Division Multiplexing, Multiple Access techniques, Data
Communications – Modems, Codes, Principles of Mobile and Satellite Communication, Optical
communication, Optical sources - LED, spontaneous and stimulated emission, semiconductor Lasers,
Detectors – PIN photodiodes, Avalanche photodiodes (APD), Optical fibers – attenuation and dispersion
characteristics, Bandwidth, Wavelength division multiplexing.
Fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) for communication.
Power devices – characteristics of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, power transistors, Protection of thyristors against
over voltage and over current. SCR triggering - dv/dt and di/dt, triggering with single pulse and train of
pulses, A.C. and D.C. motors - construction and speed control. Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS).
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).
Open loop and closed loop control system, Block Diagram reduction techniques, transfer function and
signal flow diagram, Stability criterion: Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist plot, On-off controller, Proportional
(P), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Derivative (PD), PID controllers.
Unit-I: Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences
Natural resources and their assessment. Remote Sensing and GIS: Principles
of remote sensing and GIS. Digital image processing and ground truthing.
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land cover/land use planning and
management (urban sprawling, vegetation study, forestry, natural resource),
waste management and climate change.
Hydrological cycle. Water as a universal solvent. Concept of DO, BOD and
COD. Sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, pH and Redox
potential (Eh).
chemical properties, soil types and climate control on soil formation, Cation
exchange capacity and mineralogical controls.
Air Pollution:
Sources and types of Pollutants - Natural and anthropogenic sources,
primary and secondary pollutants. Criteria air pollutants. Sampling and
monitoring of air pollutants (gaseous and particulates); period, frequency
and duration of sampling. Principles and instruments for measurements of (i)
ambient air pollutants concentration and (ii) stack emissions. Indian National
Ambient Air Quality Standards. Impact of air pollutants on human health,
plants and materials. Acid rain. Dispersion of air pollutants. Mixing
height/depth, lapse rates, Gaussian plume model, line source model and area
source model. Control devices for particulate matter: Principle and working
of: settling chamber, centrifugal collectors, wet collectors, fabric filters and
electrostatic precipitator. Control of gaseous pollutants through adsorption,
absorption, condensation and combustion including catalytic combustion.
Indoor air pollution, Vehicular emissions and Urban air quality.
Noise Pollution:
Sources, weighting networks, measurement of noise indices (Leq, L10, L90,
L50, LDN, TNI). Noise dose and Noise Pollution standards. Noise control and
abatement measures: Active and Passive methods. Vibrations and their
measurements. Impact of noise and vibrations on human health.
Water Pollution:
Types and sources of water pollution. Impact on humans, plants and
animals. Measurement of water quality parameters: sampling and analysis
for pH, EC, turbidity, TDS, hardness, chlorides, salinity, DO, BOD, COD,
nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, heavy metals and organic contaminants.
Microbiological analysis – MPN. Indian standards for drinking water
(IS:10500, 2012). Drinking water treatment: Coagulation and flocculation,
Sedimentation and Filtration, Disinfection and Softening. Wastewater
Treatment: Primary, Secondary and Advanced treatment methods. Common
effluent treatment plant.
Soil Pollution:
Physico-chemical and biological properties of soil (texture, structure,
inorganic and organic components). Analysis of soil quality. Soil Pollution
control. Industrial effluents and their interactions with soil components. Soil
micro-organisms and their functions - degradation of pesticides and
synthetic fertilizers.
and Control) Rules, 2000, Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) 1991 amended
from time to time.
National river conservation plan – Namami Gange and Yamuna Action Plan.
Page 1 of 8
Unit 2: History, Politics and Economics of Education
Page 2 of 8
c) Principles and Theories of learning: Behaviouristic, Cognitive and
Social theories of learning, Factors affecting social learning, social
competence, Concept of social cognition, understanding social
relationship and socialization goals
Page 3 of 8
Unit 5: Curriculum Studies
Page 4 of 8
Directional, Non-directional, Null), Formulating Hypothesis,
Characteristics of a good hypothesis, Steps of Writing a Research
Proposal, Concept of Universe and Sample, Characteristics of a good
Sample, Techniques of Sampling (Probability and Non-probability
Sampling), Tools of Research - Validity, Reliability and Standardisation
of a Tool, Types of Tools (Rating scale, Attitude scale, Questionnaire,
Aptitude test and Achievement Test, Inventory), Techniques of
Research (Observation, Interview and Projective Techniques)
Page 5 of 8
Meaning, Principles, Competencies of Self-directed Learning, Theory of
Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles), The Dynamic Model of Learner
Page 6 of 8
learning (Offline, Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Blended
learning, mobile learning)
Page 7 of 8
Analysis, Cost Effective Analysis, Indian and International Quality
Assurance Agencies: Objectives, Functions, Roles and Initiatives
(National Assessment Accreditation Council [NAAC], Performance
Indicators, Quality Council of India [QCI] , International Network for
Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education [INQAAHE].
Page 8 of 8
Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers to trade; Dumping
GATT, WTO and Regional Trade Blocks; Trade Policy Issues
IMF & World Bank
Unit-9 : Environmental Economics and Demography
Environment as a Public Good
Market Failure
Coase Theorem
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Compensation Criteria
Valuation of Environmental Goods
Theories of Population
Concepts and Measures: Fertility, Morbidity, Mortality
Age Structure, Demographic Dividend
Life Table
Unit –I : Drama
NOTE: The first four units must also be tested through comprehension passages to
assess critical reading, critical thinking and writing skills. These four units will cover
all literatures in English.
Unit –I : Drama
NOTE: The first four units must also be tested through comprehension passages to
assess critical reading, critical thinking and writing skills. These four units will cover
all literatures in English.
1. General principles of criminal liability – Actus reus and mens rea, individual and
group liability and constructive liability
2. Stages of crime and inchoate crimes - Abetment, criminal conspiracy and attempt
3. General exceptions
4. Offences against human body
5. Offences against state and terrorism
6. Offences against property
7. Offences against women and children
8. Drug trafficking and counterfeiting
9. Offences against public tranquility
10. Theories and kinds of punishments, compensation to the victims of crime
Unit – I
Corporate Governance
Unit – III
Green HRM
Unit– IV
Financial Statement Analysis – Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow and Cash Flow
Analysis, DuPont Analysis
Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Types and Process, Zero base Budgeting
Unit –V
Value & Returns – Time Preference for Money, Valuation of Bonds and Shares,
Risk and Returns;
Unit - VI
Product and Pricing Decision – Product Mix, Product Life Cycle, New Product
development, Pricing – Types and Strategies
Place and promotion decision – Marketing channels and value networks, VMS,
IMC, Advertising and Sales promotion
Unit –VII
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Drivers, Value creation, Supply Chain
Design, Designing and Managing Sales Force, Personal Selling
Service Marketing – Managing Service Quality and Brands, Marketing Strategies
of Service Firms
Unit –VIII
Facility Location and Layout – Site Selection and Analysis, Layout – Design and
Quality Management and Statistical Quality Control, Quality Circles, Total Quality
Management – KAIZEN, Benchmarking, Six Sigma; ISO 9000 Series Standards
Unit –IX
Unit – X
Entrepreneurship Development – Concept, Types, Theories and Process,
Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies
Micro and Small Scale Industries in India; Role of Government in Promoting SSI
Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, subspaces, linear dependence, basis, dimension, algebra of
linear transformations.
UNIT – 2
Complex Analysis: Algebra of complex numbers, the complex plane, polynomials, Power
series, transcendental functions such as exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.
Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Liouville’s theorem, Maximum
modulus principle, Schwarz lemma, Open mapping theorem.
Rings, ideals, prime and maximal ideals, quotient rings, unique factorization domain, principal
ideal domain, Euclidean domain.
UNIT – 3
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs):
Existence and Uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems for first order ordinary
differential equations, singular solutions of first order ODEs, system of first order ODEs.
Markov chains with finite and countable state space, classification of states, limiting behaviour
of n-step transition probabilities, stationary distribution.
Simple nonparametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for
independence. Elementary Bayesian inference.
Gauss-Markov models, estimability of parameters, Best linear unbiased estimators, tests for
linear hypotheses and confidence intervals. Analysis of variance and covariance. Fixed,
random and mixed effects models. Simple and multiple linear regression. Elementary
regression diagnostics. Logistic regression.
Multivariate normal distribution, Wishart distribution and their properties. Distribution of quadratic
forms. Inference for parameters, partial and multiple correlation coefficients and related tests.
Data reduction techniques: Principle component analysis, Discriminant analysis, Cluster
analysis, Canonical correlation.
Simple random sampling, stratified sampling and systematic sampling. Probability proportional
to size sampling. Ratio and regression methods.
Series and parallel systems, hazard function and failure rates, censoring and life testing.
Linear programming problem. Simplex methods, duality. Elementary queuing and inventory
models. Steady-state solutions of Markovian queuing models: M/M/1, M/M/1 with limited waiting
space, M/M/C, M/M/C with limited waiting space, M/G/1.
Mechanical Engineering
Subject Topics
Engineering Mechanics: Free body diagrams and Equilibrium, Trusses and Frames, Kinematics and dynamics of particles
and of rigid bodies in plane motion, Impulse and Momentum, Center of gravity, Moment of Inertia, Friction, Energy
formulations, Virtual work. Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, Elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for
Design plane stress and plane strain; Shear force and bending moment diagrams, Deflection of beams. Torsion of circular shafts;
Engineering Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods, Failure theories. Theory of Machines: Kinematic and Dynamic analysis of
linkages, Balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses, Fly wheel, Free vibration and forced vibration of single degree of
freedom systems, Effect of damping; Vibration isolation; Resonance; Critical speeds of shafts. Machine Design: Design for
static and dynamic loading; SN diagram; Design of machine elements for bolted, riveted and welded joints; Design of shafts,
gears, brakes and springs.
Thermodynamics: Basic concepts and definitions-Properties of gas and pure substance- First law for closed system;
Application of steady state flow process; Second law of thermodynamics; Carnot cycle; Otto cycle; Diesel cycle; Rankine
cycle; Brayton cycle, Vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Heat transfer: Basic modes of heat transfer; General heat
Thermal conduction equation; Steady and unsteady heat conduction; Natural and forced convection; Laws of radiation. Heat
Engineering exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods. Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties- Viscosity; Hydrostatics- Buoyancy;
Bernoulli’s equation, Differential equation of continuity and momentum; boundary layer; Flow measurement– Pipes and pipe
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines
Materials Science: Atomic packing factor; Volume, planar and linear atomic density-Crystallographic planes and
directionsGibbs phase rule; Cooling curves; Lever rule; Invariant reactions in Fe-Fe3C phase diagram; Stress and strain in
Manufacturing Manufacturing: Theory of metal cutting: Tool wear & tool life; Machining time calculation. Lathe, Drilling and Milling
and Industrial operations. Metal forming processes; Blanking and Punching force measurement; Calculation of Bending force. Principles of
Engineering powder metallurgy.
Industrial Engineering: Constraint and unconstraint optimization techniques, Practical aspects of optimization-Forecasting,
Aggregate production planning and scheduling, Inventory analysis and control, Project planning, Linear programming;
Transportation-Assignment models; Sequencing; Simple queuing.
Reference Books:
1. Vikas Slariya, “Mechanical Engineering for GATE/PSUs’’ Third Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education, June 2013, ISBN: 978-1-25-906434-0
2. Ajay Kumar Tamrakar and Dineshkumar Harursampath, “Wiley Acing the GATE – Mechanical Engineering”, Willey India Pvt. Ltd, April
2014, ISBN - 9788126545421
Ph.D. Pharmacy Syllabus
• Biopharmaceutics
• Novel Drug Delivery Systems
• Basic Pharmacokinetics
• Bioavailability & Bioequivalence
• Product Development
• Clinical Trials
• Developing Therapeutic Guidelines
• Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting
• Drug Interaction
• Drug Information Resources
• Rational Drug Use & Essential Drug Concept
CSIR NET Physics Syllabus - Core
1) Mathematical Methods of Physics
Dimensional analysis
Linear algebra
2) Classical Mechanics
Newton’s laws
Dynamical systems
Variational principle.
Generalized coordinates.
3) Electromagnetic Theory
Electromagnetic induction.
Maxwell's equations in free space and linear isotropic media; boundary conditions on the fields
at interfaces.
Reflection and refraction, polarization, Fresnel’s law, interference, coherence, and diffraction.
Dynamics of charged particles in static and uniform electromagnetic fields.
4) Quantum Mechanics
Wave-particle duality.
Motion in a central potential: orbital angular momentum, angular momentum algebra, spin,
Variational method.
Time dependent perturbation theory and Fermi's golden rule, selection rules
Identical particles
Pauli exclusion principle, spin-statistics connection.
Thermodynamic potentials
Semiconductor devices (transistors, diodes, junctions, field effect devices, homo- and hetero-
Digital techniques and applications (counters, registers, comparators and similar circuits).
Green’s function.
Partial differential equations (Wave, Laplace and heat equations in two and three dimensions).
Introductory group theory: SU(2), O(3).
2) Classical Mechanics
Dynamical systems,
3) Electromagnetic Theory
WKB approximation.
Born approximation.
Ising model.
Bose-Einstein condensation.
Diffusion equation.
Electron spin.
Relativistic corrections for energy levels of hydrogen atom, hyperfine structure and isotopic
Frank-Condon principle.
Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Electronic, vibrational, rotational, selection rules, and Raman spectra of diatomic molecules.
Bravais lattices.
Reciprocal lattice.
Diffraction and the structure factor.
Bonding of solids.
Josephson junctions.
Ordered phases of matter: translational and orientational order, kinds of liquid crystalline order.
Basic nuclear properties: shape, size, and charge distribution, spin and parity.
Deuteron problem.
Evidence of shell structure, single-particle shell model, its validity and limitations.
Rotational spectra.
Elementary ideas of alpha, beta and gamma decays and their selection rules.
Elementary particles and their quantum numbers (parity, charge, spin, isospin, strangeness,
Gellmann-Nishijima formula.
C, P, and T invariance.
As per the NET Chemistry syllabus, Physical Chemistry is one of the most important sections
from where the questions are asked. The following topics must be covered as per CSIR NET
Chemistry syllabus:
Chemical thermodynamics.
Phase equilibria.
Statistical thermodynamics.
Chemical equilibria.
Basics of atomic structure, electronic configuration, hydrogen atom spectra, shapes of orbitals.
Data analysis.
Chemical kinetics – empirical rate laws, Arrhenius equation, theories of reaction rates,
Concepts of catalysis.
The following topics and chapters must be prepared from the Inorganic Chemistry:
Chemical periodicity
Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including shapes of molecules.
in homogeneous catalysis.
Chemistry of the main group elements and their compounds. Allotropy, synthesis, bonding and
Physical characterisation of inorganic compounds by IR, Raman, NMR, EPR, Mössbauer, UV-
Nuclear chemistry – nuclear reactions, fission and fusion, radio-analytical techniques and
activation analysis.
In the Organic Chemistry section of the NET Chemistry Syllabus, the following topics are
Concepts of aromaticity.
Pericyclic reactions.
Along with the above mentioned topics and chapters, the questions will also be asked from the
following Interdisciplinary topics:
Medicinal chemistry
Environmental chemistry
1. Emergence of Psychology
3. Psychological testing
Types of tests
Test construction: Item writing, item analysis
Approaches to the Study of Perception: Gestalt and physiological approaches
Perceptual Organization: Gestalt, Figure and Ground, Law of Organization
Perceptual Constancy: Size, Shape, and Color; Illusions
Perception of Form, Depth and Movement
Role of motivation and learning in perception
Learning Process:
Fundamental theories: Thorndike, Guthrie, Hull
Classical Conditioning: Procedure, phenomena and related issues
Instrumental learning: Phenomena, Paradigms and theoretical issues;
Reinforcement: Basic variables and schedules; Behaviour modification and
its applications
Cognitive approaches in learning: Latent learning, observational learning.
Verbal learning and Discrimination learning
Recent trends in learning: Neurophysiology of learning
8. Social Psychology
Health: Health promoting and health compromising behaviors, Life style and
Chronic diseases [Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease],
Psychoneuroimmunology [Cancer, HIV/AIDS]