digital pyq2
digital pyq2
digital pyq2
o Data flows in only one direction.
o Example: Television broadcasting.
o Data flows in both directions but only one direction at a time.
o Example: Walkie-talkies.
Feature Synchronous Communication
1. Thermal Noise:
o Also known as Johnson-Nyquist noise, it is caused by the random
movement of electrons in a conductor due to thermal agitation.
o It occurs in all electronic components and is proportional to
o Power of thermal noise can be calculated using:
P=kTBP = kTB,
where kk = Boltzmann's constant, TT = temperature in Kelvin,
and BB = bandwidth.
2. Shot Noise:
o Arises due to the discrete nature of charge carriers
(electrons/holes) in semiconductors.
o It occurs in diodes, transistors, and other electronic components.
o Shot noise increases with the flow of current and depends on the
charge qq and current II:
Noise Power=2qIΔf\text{Noise Power} = 2qI \Delta f,
where Δf\Delta f is bandwidth.
Channel Capacity:
o Refers to the maximum theoretical data rate that a
communication channel can support without errors.
o It is governed by Shannon's Capacity Formula: C=Blog2(1+S/N)C
= B \log_2(1 + S/N) where CC = channel capacity (bits per
second), BB = bandwidth, S/NS/N = signal-to-noise ratio.
Data Rate:
o Refers to the actual rate of data transfer over a channel.
o It is influenced by the bandwidth, noise level, and modulation
o Higher data rates are achieved by increasing the bandwidth or
improving the signal-to-noise ratio.
d) Reservation Protocol
e) Bus Topology
A network topology where all devices are connected to a single communication line,
known as the bus.
o Data travels along the bus, and all devices share this common
o Terminators are used at both ends of the bus to prevent signal