Reliability Analysis for Refinery Plants

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KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp.

x–x, (Year)

Research Article

Reliability Analysis for Refinery Plants

Itthipol Nakamanuruck* and Vichai Rungreunganun

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King’s Mongkut’s Unversith of Technology
North Bangkok, Thailand

Sompoap Talabgaew
Department of Teacher Training in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University
of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.14416/j.ijast.2017.01.002

Received: 22 April 2016; Accepted: 22 June 2016; Published online: 30 January 2017
© 2017 King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. All Rights Reserved.

One of the main problems in compiling Preventive Maintenance (PM) plans for large-scale industries consisting
of many subunits in the production system is the criterion used in the selection of machines and equipment
to be maintained. The criteria most used are the failure frequency of each machine and equipment and
the maintenance cycle time specified in the manual, as preventive maintenance is considered to be mainly
time-based. In some cases, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) technique is applied in the selection of
machines and equipment by considering individual and independent machines in the subsystems. The overall
mechanisms of the machines and equipment were not considered, which may affect the production capacity.
Therefore, this research applies reliability engineering techniques to find the overall reliability of machines
and equipment in the production system of oil refinery models and determine the machine in the subsystem
that affects that overall reliability. This in turn causes optimal preventive maintenance planning for machines
and equipment in order to achieve the maximum efficiency for the oil refinery process. This research begins by
studying the procedures of oil refinery models, then creating a reliability block diagram of the subsystems to
find the reliability of the machines and equipment within each subsystem. Afterwards, the overall reliability of
the production system will be determined, which leads to arranging the reliability of machines and equipment
in the subsystems in ascending order. This develops into the preventive maintenance planning process so that
the refinery process achieves its maximum efficiency.

Keywords: Refinery plants, Reliability engineering, Maintenance

1 Introduction occur to each machine and determine the maintenance

cycle time as stated in the manual. Apart from the
From 2008 to 2011, there were failures found on aforementioned, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
instrumental and mechanical equipment in an oil refinery (FMEA) technique for oil refinery models is also
model in Rayong province. The failure frequency of applied in the selection of machines in order to create
equipment was as high as 33 times, which cost about preventive maintenance plans. Preventive maintenance
26,214,092 baht. At present, the method chosen by is based on time. For instance, the maintenance cycle
Maintenance Engineers is to group the types of failure that time is determined in relation to both the production

Please cite this article in press as: I. Nakamanuruck, V. Rungreunganun, and S. Talabgaew, “Reliability analysis
for refinery plants,” KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, vol. x, no. x, pp. x–x, (Year).

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

quality and schedule [1]. The production quality can be that would occur if this equipment had high reliability
found from the control chart, in which shows that the and could operate continuously, it would generate
machine may have deteriorated whenever the median production profit for the factory. Weibull and exponential
of the system shifts. The main purpose of this research functions would be applied to find the failure rate of
is to use FMEA to find out which types of failure the machines, while [8] uses the Monte Carlo method to
modes cause the failure of the machines or the stop simulate a random number of times in which the parts
of the production, and the median of the production of the wind power plants would fail. A mathematics
process to shift. Every type of failure would affect equation showing the inverse relationship between
the quality of the end product. The total preventive the reliability value and the life cycle of equipment,
cost would then be estimated to see which types of called the Proportional Age Set Back (PAS) model,
failure modes cause the highest expense. Similarly, was created. The deterioration of the blades occurring
FMEA is also used to analyze the abnormality of from the unstable environment was studied by creating
the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine a reliability model using the probability of the wind
[2] or the centrifugal pump by using the following speed and the statistic of the deterioration rate of blades
parameters: probability of occurrence (O), severity (S), occurring in the past.
and capability in detecting errors (D). The severity As aforementioned, Failure Mode and Effect
of the damage occurred would then be rearranged Analysis (FMEA) and Reliability Engineering can
according to the significance, which would be used to both be chosen as the methods for the machines and
improve the preventive maintenance plan and establish equipment selection in order to make a maintenance
it as a standard [3], [4]. plan. In both cases, the equipment is still considered
Moreover, Reliability Engineering is also applied individual and not as the overall system. This may
to the machines in the production process by considering affect the efficiency of the production process. Thus,
individual equipment. One of the cases is applying in this research, the reliability engineering technique
the Mixed Integer Programming method to identify is applied to find the overall reliability of the machines
the maximum profit that can be benefited from the and equipment in the production system of the oil
maintenance of the machines in the Hydroalkaline refinery model. The machines and equipment in the
(HAD) petrochemical plant, by specifying the target subsystems that affect the overall reliability would be
function to be maximum profit [5]. The income from analyzed, which then lead to the appropriate preventive
the production process will be calculated from the maintenance planning for machines and equipment so
reliability of the system, which is derived from the that the oil refinery process will achieve its maximum
Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) of the petrochemical efficiency.
process. After that D. Louita [6], the optimal cycle
time for the maintenance of the complex electricity 2 Procedure
system would be found. The concept is that the failure
of equipment has a domino effect, since this type of The research procedure can be divided into four steps.
system operates as a multi-state function. So in this The first is to study the refinery system of the refinery
case the maintenance plan for individual equipment model; second is to create a reliability block diagram
should not be applied. Thus the failure rate model is of the subsystems in the oil refinery process; third is to
developed from the probability of the occurrence of construct reliability equations of the subsystems in the
failure and the estimation of the amount of times that oil refinery process and fourth is to find the reliability
failure is expected to occur. The cost of failure and value of subsystems and the overall system.
cost of prevention would then be used to calculate
the expense rate. Another case is D. Ghosh [7], which 2.1 Study the refinery system of the oil refinery model
considers the expenses that follow the failure of a
compressor pump or blade. The expenses include The refinery system of the oil refinery model can be
production opportunity loss, repairing or replacing separated into 16 major units, by using the Equivalent
of machines’ cost, planned maintenance costs, and Distillation Capacity (EDC) as the unit of measure.
so on. On the other hand, by considering the benefits It is calculated by using the method developed by

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

WD and HW Products
Start HCU HCF End

Figure 1: Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and Hydrocracker

Fractionator Unit (HCF) linked in series.

Solomon Associates, in which this company uses the

EDC value to display the complex level of the oil
refinery procedure. It is more suitable than the previous
unit of measure used in oil refinery industries, Barrel.
This research emphasizes on the procedure that is most
significant in the oil refinery process by analyzing the Figure 2: Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) flowchart.
EDC values. From the oil refinery plant, there are 16
main sections but the Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and
Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF) have the highest
EDC, and they are connected in series, as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows that the raw materials used in
HCU are Waxy Distillate (WD) and Hydrowax (HW).
The function of this unit is to convert heavy vacuum
gas oil received from the High Vacuum Unit (HVU)
into light vacuum gas oil by using hydrogen (H2) as
the reactant to eliminate sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N2).
The reaction process will create hydrogen sulfide
(H2S), ammonia (NH3) and is an exothermic reaction, Figure 3: Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF)
so hydrogen (H2) at low temperature must be fed into flowchart.
the reactor in order to control the temperature of the
overall system. The HCU flowchart can be found Hydrogen
Fresh Gas Recycle Gas
Make up
in Figure 2. As for HCF, the main goal is to convert Gas LPG


the crude oil from HCU by fractional distillation Fat DIPT

at different temperatures. The products achieved WD and Reactor

Liquid Water
include Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), light naphtha, HW
Gas น้ำเสีย สงบำบัด
heavy naphtha, kerosene, gas oils, and hydrowax. Liquid HLPS
Liquid HCF

Hydrowax would be sent back to the HCU to improve

the quality as the level of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N2) is Liquid HCF

still above the standard. The HCF flowchart is shown Figure 4: Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) functional flowchart.
in Figure 3. HCU Products
From Figures 2 and 3, the functional flowcharts Start
Fractionator Hydrocracker
Main Side
Feed Strippers
of HCU and HCF can be created. HCU is separated Fractionator

into 10 (ten) sections which include feed, fresh gas, Figure 5: Hydrocracker Fractionator flowchart (HCF)
recycle gas, reactor, Hot High Pressure Separator functional flowchart.
(HHPS), Cool High Pressure Separator (CHPS), Hot Low
Pressure Separator (HLPS), make up water, Cool Low 2.2 Create a reliability block diagram of the subsystems
Pressure Separator (CLPS), and ADIP absorption. On in the oil refinery process
the other hand, HCF is separated into 3 (three) sections:
the fractionator feed, hydrocracker main fractionators, From the procedures of the Hydrocracker Unit
and side strippers. The functional flowchart of HCU (HCU) and Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF),
and HCF is shown in Figure 4 and 5, respectively. the reliability value of both systems can be found by

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

changing the flowchart and functional flowchart to Input

Reliability Block Diagram (RBD). However, for Start Feed Fresh Gas Recycle Gas Reactor HHPS

complex system that operates continuously and each

individual part affects the process of the following Make up
step, which is called as Multi State function, the Water

significance of the equipment is not specific to only

one part, but rather specific to the overall connection of Figure 6: Reliability block diagram of Hydrocracker
the system that has continuous effects [9], [10]. If any Unit (HCU).
section is damaged, the HCU and HCF systems would
HCU Products
not be able to operate, leading to a loss in revenue. Hydrocracker
Fractionator Side
Thus, maintenance of this equipment is necessary and Start
Main Strippers End
definitely brings forth additional expenses, called the
maintenance cost. From Figure 1, it can be seen that Figure 7: Reliability block diagram of Hydrocracker
HCU and HCF are linked in series, so the reliability Fractionator Unit (HCF).
can be found as Equation (1).

(1) Part 1 Part 2 Part n

Equation (1) shows the reliability of the system Figure 8: Parts linked in series.
(RS) is obtained from the product of the reliability of
HCU (RHCU) and reliability of HCF (RHCF). The reliability (3)
value of HCU and HCF can be estimated from RBD,
in which RBD is a diagram to describe the relationship The reliability equations of HCU and HCF consist
of the equipment in the system. The systems can be of multiple operating functions, where each operating
connected in series, parallel or stand by modes for function has its own individual reliability value. This
complexity systems [11].This research focuses only on individual reliability value can be obtained from that of
the main equipment as it is significant and necessary the main equipment in each operating function. Each
to the production process. The RBD of HCU and HCF operating function consists of the equipment listed in
can be seen in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. Table 1 and 2. The reliability of the operating function
can be found similarly by creating the RBD of each
2.3 Construct reliability equations of the subsystems one, which will be discussed in the following step.
in the oil refinery process
2.4 Find reliability value of subsystems and overall
The reliability of the overall system can be found system in the oil refinery process
by first finding the reliability of the 2 subsystems:
the Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and Hydrocracker After reliability block diagrams of the subsystems have
Fractionator Unit (HCF) which are linked in series been created, the reliability of each subsystem will be
as aforementioned in 2.2. Further details to find the determined from the type of the block diagram. From
reliability of the two subsystems are shown in Figures 6 studies, it shows that the subsystems in the HCU and
and 7, in which each system is linked in series within HCF are either linked in series, parallel, or a mixture
itself. As per theory, systems connected in series between the two with reserve equipment on standby.
require all components to function. Thus, the reliability - Series: is the system that consists of parts or
equations of HCU and HCF can be found as Equations machines that are arranged in order, one part or one
(2) and (3) respectively. machine at a time. The operation of systems linked in
series can only function when every part or machine
is working. If any part is damaged, it would affect
(2) the entire system and the system would not be able to
function at all [12], as shown in Figure 8.

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

Table 1: Equipment ID and Reliability variables of the equipment in the Hydrocracker Unit
System No. ID Equipment Name of Equipment Reliability
1 S-1701A Reactor Fresh Feed Filter (A) RS–1701A
2 S-1701B Reactor Fresh Feed Filter (B) RS–1701B
3 S-1702A Reactor Recycle Feed Filter (A) RS–1702A
4 S-1702B Reactor Recycle Feed Filter (B) RS–1702B
5 V-1701 Reactor Feed Surge Vessel RV-1701
6 P-1701 Reactor Feed Pump RP-1701
1 V-1706 F.G. Compressor 1ST Stage Suction Vessel RV-1706
2 K-1701A Fresh Gas Compressor (A) RK-1701A
Fresh Gas
3 K-1701B Fresh Gas Compressor (B) RK-1701B
4 K-1701S Fresh Gas Compressor (S) RK-1701S
1 K-1702 Recycle Gas Compressor RK-1702
Recycle Gas
2 F-1701 Recycle Gas Furnace RF-1701
Reactor 1 R-1701 HCU Reactor RR-1701
Hot High Pressure Separator 1 V-1702 Hot HP Separator RV-1702
1 M-1701 Static Mixer-Hot HP Vapor/Wash Water RM-1701
Cool High Pressure Separator 2 E-1707 Air/Hot HP Vapour RE-1707
3 V-1704 Cold HP Separator RV-1704
Hot Low Pressure Separator 1 V-1702 Hot HP Separator RV-1702
1 V-1709 Wash Water Surge Vessel RV-1709
Make up Water 2 P-1703A Wash Water Make Up Pump (A) RP-1703A
3 P-1703B Wash Water Make Up Pump (B) RP-1703B
1 M-1702 Static Mixer-Hot LP Vapor/ Wash Water RM-1702
2 E-1708 Air/Hot LP Vapour RE-1708
Cool Low Pressure Separator 3 V-1705 Cold LP Separator RV-1705
4 P-1702A Wash Water Recycle Pump (A) RP-1702A
5 P-1702B Wash Water Recycle Pump (B) RP-1702B
1 V-1791 HCU Feed Gas KO Vessel RV-1791
ADIP Absorption 2 C-1791 HCU Adip Absorber RC-1791
3 V-1792 HCU Treated Gas KO Vessel RV-1792

Table 2: Equipment ID and Reliability variables of the equipment in the Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit
System No. ID Equipment Name of Equipment Reliability
1 E-1754A HLPS Feed/Hydrowax Exchanger (A) RE-1754A
Fractionator Feed 2 E-1754B HLPS Feed/Hydrowax Exchanger (B) RE-1754B
3 F-1751 HCF Furnace RF-1751
1 C-1751 Main Fractionator RC-1751
Hydrocracker Main 2 P-1755A HCFTCR Pump (A) RP-1755A
Fractionator 3 P-1755B HCFTCR Pump (B) RP-1755B
4 E-1755 HCF-TCR Air Cooler RE-1755
1 C-1753 Gasoil Stripper RC-1753
2 E-1753 Gasoil/Hydrowax Exchanger RE-1753
3 P-1753A Gasoil Pump (A) RP-1753A
4 P-1753B Gasoil Pump (B) RP-1753B
5 E-1758A Air/Gasoil (A) RE-1758A
6 E-1758B Air/Gasoil (B) RE-1758B
7 C-1752 Kero Stripper RC-1752
8 E-1752 Kero/Hydrowax Exchanger RE-1752
Side Strippers 9 P-1752A Kero Pump (A) RP-1752A
10 P-1752B Kero Pump (B) RP-1752B
11 E-1759A Kero Run Down Air Cooler (A) RE-1759A
12 E-1759B Kero Run Down Air Cooler (B) RE-1759B
13 P-1751A Hydrowax Pump (A) RP-1751A
14 P-1751B Hydrowax Pump (B) RP-1751B
15 E-1760 Ip Bfw/Hydrowax Exchanger RE-1760
16 E-1756A Air/Hydrowax (A) RE-1756A
17 E-1756B Air/Hydrowax (B) RE-1756B

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

The reliability of Rs system can be calculated Part 1

from the following Equation (4)
Part 2
Part n

Where P(xj / xi) is the conditional reliability that part xj Figure 9: Parts linked in parallel.
can function only when part xi is functioning. However,
the probability of functioning or malfunctioning of each
individual part is independent of each other; thus the
reliability of the system would become Equation (5) and (6)

(5) Figure 10: Two Parallel Elements model of the standby

system [13].

- Parallel: in calculating the reliability of the

system linked in parallel, such as the production line,
the value can be improved by increasing the amount
of parts or machines linking the original system in
parallel. This type of system will fail only when all the
parts fail simultaneously. If there is one part that cannot Figure 11: Three Element Voting Redundancy model
function, the system would still be able to operate. This of the standby system [13].
is the advantage of this type of system [12], as shown
in Figure 9. damaged, the switch will automatically change to link
If the probability of the failure part is Pf or FS, so to Part B to continue the operation of the system. The
Pf or FS can be found as Equation (7) and (8). system may fail in three cases:
- Case 1: Part A functions, Part B malfunctions,
(7) Switch is damage, System failure (Type 2)
- Case 2: Part A malfunctions, Part B functions,
Where Switch is damage, System failure (Type 1)
- Case 3: Part A malfunctions, Part B malfunctions,
(8) System failure
Where qS is the probability that the system failure is
When is the failure or the probability of failure Type 1, and q’S is the probability that the system failure
for each part. Thus, the reliability of the system linked is Type 2. The unreliability of the system can be written
in parallel can be calculated from the Equation (9). as Equation (10).

(9) (10)

- Stand by: this system was designed to have Where

parts on standby. Whenever any parts are damaged, the
parts on standby would function in its place. Figure 10 And the Three Element Voting Redundancy model
shows the Two Parallel Elements model of the standby [13] of the standby system is shown in Figure 11.
system [13]. From Figure 11 the standby system is linked
From Figure 10, the system is linked in parallel, in parallel, where the parts that are linked in parallel
where the two parts that are linked in parallel have have the same functions, so that system can be put on
the same functions, thus one of them can be placed standby mode. For example, Part D can only function
on standby mode at a time. For instance, if Part A is when Part A and Part B function. However, when either

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

Part A or B fails, the system will change automatically

to Part C which is the standby part, to function in its WD and HW
S-1701 A S-1702 A
Fresh Gas

place so that the operation can continue. The damaged Start V-1701 P-1701 End

parts can also be repaired at this point to prepare for S-1701 B S-1702 B

1 2 3
the next case of failure. The reliability of this standby
system can be calculated in two cases [13]. Figure 12: Reliability block diagram of feed system.
1. There is no chance for the switch to fail, as
shown in Equation (11) and (12). Table 3: Equipment ID and statistic of the Failure Rate
of the feed system
(11) ID
No. Equipment Name Equipment λ (Failure Rate)
1 S-1701A Reactor Fresh Feed Filter (A) 0.00031
2 S-1701B Reactor Fresh Feed Filter (B) 0.00003
3 S-1702A Reactor Recycle Feed Filter (A) 0.00006
4 S-1702B Reactor Recycle Feed Filter (B) 0.00009
2. There is a chance that the switch would fail, 5 V-1701 Reactor Feed Surge Vessel 0.00000
as shown in Equation (13) and (14). 6 P-1701 Reactor Feed Pump 0.00003

(13) From Figure 12 and statistic of failure rate (λ)

in Table 3, the reliability of the feed system can be
calculated as Equation (15).

(14) (15)

Where Qswitching is the probability of the switch failure Where

From the aforementioned theories and from the
inspection of the equipment in the oil refinery plant of
case study, in which the inspection follows the rotation
of employee shifts (t=12 hours). Thus, the failure
rate would be constant, which means that it does not
depend on working hours but rather on the load of the
equipment [15]. For Stand By systems, there will be
no chance for the switch to fail. One example to find Substitute Rsubsystem1, Rsubsystem2 and Rsubsystem3 into the
the reliability of the feed system is demonstrated as above equation, thus the reliability of the feed system
follows; the operation of the feed system is subsystems can be found to be Equation (16).
1, 2 and 3 linked in series and set on standby. For the
standby systems, the equipment that acts as the standby
part as well as the switch must not be damaged, as (16)
shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 shows the operations of the feed
system, which is the procedure to decontaminate any In this paper, it is assumed that the reliability equation
contamination that came with the 2 raw materials: follows the exponential model which is Equation (17) [14].
Waxy distillate (WD) and Hydrowax (HW) before
they enter the system. The instruments used are S-1701 (17)
A/B and S-1702 A/B. The materials would flow to rest
in instrument V-1701 before being pumped into the Where; λ is failure rate (time/hr.) = 1/MTTF
following section by P-1701, as according to the MTTF is Mean Time to Failure
manual. The failure rate collected from 2008 until 2011 t is time required for each operator to
are listed in Table 3. inspect the equipment (t =12 hr.)

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

Table 4: Reliability equation of Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) system

System Reliability Equation of System
Fresh Gas
Recycle Gas Make up Water
Hot High Pressure Separator ADIP Absorption
Hot Low Pressure Separator Reactor
Cool Low Pressure Separator
Cool High Pressure Separator

Table 5: Reliability equation of Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF) system

System Reliability Equation of System
Fractionator Feed

Hydrocracker Main Fractionator

Side Strippers

Thus, the reliability of the feed system is calculated From Tables 1 and 2, the reliability of each
to be 0.99963. The calculations to find the reliability equipment is estimated by using Equation (9) and the
values of the other systems are shown in Tables 4 and 5. reliability of Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) in Equation (2) and
Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF) in Equation (3)
3 Results can be estimated by substituting the reliability values
from Tables 4 and 5. The reliability values of HCU
From the statistic of the failure rate of the subsystems and HCF systems were found to be equal to 0.99769
for 4 years, the reliability of the system can be calculated and 0.99670 respectively, as shown in Table 6. These
as listed in Table 6. values would then be substituted into Equation (1) to
find the reliability of the main system to be 0.99449.
Table 6: Reliability of Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and
Hydrocracker Fractionator Unit (HCF) subsystems 4 Discussion
Systems Subsystems Reliability
Hydrocracker Feed 0.99963 The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) technique
Unit (HCU) Fresh Gas 0.99998 is applied to consider the failure characteristics or
Recycle Gas 0.99963 the cause that leads to Potential Failure Mode, which
Reactor 0.99926 occurs from designs, productions, or services. The effects
Hot High Pressure Separator 1.00000 due to potential failures would then be analyzed, and
Cool High Pressure Separator 1.00000 would lead to the specification of Preventive Maintenance
Hot Low Pressure Separator 1.00000 plans, as researched by D. Pandey [1] and E. A. Rungsa [2].
Make up Water 1.00000 However, the application of FMEA technique alone is
Cool Low Pressure Separator 0.99993 not suitable with the characteristics of refinery plants.
ADIP Absorption 0.99926 The usage of system reliability increases the control in
Hydrocracker Fractionator Feed 0.99817 maintenance for the entire plant since every machine
Fractionator Hydrocracker Main Fractionator 0.99963 and equipment in the refinery process must operate
Unit (HCF)
Side Strippers 0.99890 simultaneously in order for the system to operate.

I. Nakamanuruck et al. / KMUTNB Int J Appl Sci Technol, Vol. x, No. x, pp. x–x, (Year)

As for finding the overall reliability of the system, chosen by using the equivalent distillation capacity
previously only the Reliability Block Diagram was as the criterion, the research models chosen are
used for the subsystems, as researched by H. D. Goel Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and Hydrocracker Fractionator
[5]. However, in this research, the reliability block Unit (HCF). The statistic used in this study is collected
diagram for subsystems in real operating conditions from 2008 to 2011, which includes the failure rate of
were considered, which consists of the system being the equipment in the system to find the reliability of
connected in standby mode. This mode is fairly the instruments and system. This creates the reliability
complicated, and is more suitable for real operating of Hydrocracker Unit (HCU) and Hydrocracker
conditions. The reliability and unreliability values of Fractionator Unit (HCF) to be 0.99769 and 0.99670,
the system can be seen in Table 7, arranged in order respectively. This in turn causes the reliability of the
from least to greatest. main system to be equal to 0.99449. Thus, this will help
lead to an improvement of preventive maintenance
Table 7: Reliability and unreliability values in ascending plans of model plants in the future.
Subsystem Reliability Unreliability Acknowledgments
Fractionator Feed 0.99817 0.00183
Side Strippers 0.99890 0.00110 This research was supported by Thailand Research
Reactor 0.99926 0.00074 Fund (TRF). This support is gratefully acknowledged.
ADIP Absorption 0.99926 0.00074
Feed 0.99963 0.00037
Recycle Gas 0.99963 0.00037
Hydrocracker Main Fractionator 0.99963 0.00037
Cool Low Pressure Separator 0.99993 0.00007 [1] D. Pandey, M. S. Kulkarni, and P. Vrat, “Amethodology
Fresh Gas 0.99998 0.00002 for joint optimization for maintenance planning
Hot High Pressure Separator 1.00000 0.00000 process quality and production scheduling,”
Cool High Pressure Separator 1.00000 0.00000 Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 61,
Hot Low Pressure Separator 1.00000 0.00000 no. 4, pp. 1098–1106, November 2011.
Make up Water 1.00000 0.00000 [2] E. A. Rungsa and S. Tangjitsitcharoen, “Development
of computerized preventive maintenance management
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values of the fractionator feed, side strippers, reactor, CNC machine,” Applied Mechanics and Materials,
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High Pressure Separator (CHPS), Hot Low Pressure selection problem,” Reliability Engineering &
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