5.5 Lack of public goods How do public goods relate to market failure? In the
case of excludable goods, it is possible to prevent
Market failure and public goods people from buying and using a good simply
by charging a price for it; those who do not pay
Public goods versus private goods: rivalry the price do not buy it and do not get to use it.
and excludability Therefore, private firms have an incentive to provide
excludable goods because they can charge a price
Using the concepts of rivalry and excludability, and for them, and therefore can cover their costs. Non-
providing examples, distinguish between public goods excludable goods differ: if a non-excludable good
(non-rivalrous and non-excludable) and private goods were to be produced by a private firm, people could
(rivalrous and excludable). not be prevented from using it even though they
would not pay for it. Yet no profit-maximising firm
To understand what public goods are, it is useful to would be willing to produce a good it cannot sell at
consider the definition of private goods. A private some price. As a result, the market fails to produce
good has two characteristics: goods that are non-excludable, giving rise to resource
misallocation, as no resources are allocated to the
• It is rivalrous: its consumption by one person
production of public goods.
reduces its availability for someone else; for
example, your computer, textbook, pencils and
clothes are rivalrous, because when you buy them, Public goods illustrate the free rider problem,
another person cannot buy the same ones; most occurring when people can enjoy the use of a good
goods are rivalrous. without paying for it. The free rider problem arises
• It is excludable: it is possible to exclude people from non-excludability: people cannot be excluded
from using the good; exclusion is usually achieved by from using the good. Public goods are a type of
charging a price for the good; if someone is unwilling market failure because due to the free rider problem,
or unable to pay the price, he or she will not have the private firms do not produce these goods: the
benefit of using it; most goods are excludable. market fails to allocate resources to their production.