9th (Geo) Ls-3 Notes Drainage of India
9th (Geo) Ls-3 Notes Drainage of India
9th (Geo) Ls-3 Notes Drainage of India
• Himalayan rivers are rainfed and snow fed, so they have water
in them throughout the year, i.e. they are perennial.
• Himalayan rivers perform intensive erosional activity in
the upper course.
• In the lower course, they carry huge loads of silt and sand.
• Himalayan rivers create meanders, oxbow lakes and other
depositional features on their course.
• Most lakes are permanent while other contain water only
during the rainy season.
• Some lakes are result of the glacial action and ice sheets
and some may have been formed by wind, river action
and human activities.
• A river meandering across a floodplain forms cut-offs that
later develop into oxbow lakes.
• Glacial lakes are formed when glaciers dig out a basin
which is later filled with snowmelt.
• Some lakes like Wular Lake in Jammu and Kashmir result
from tectonic activity.
• Apart from natural lakes, the damming of the rivers for
the generation of hydel power has also led to the
formation of lakes.
• Lakes help to regulate river water flow, prevent flooding,
aid to develop hydropower, moderate climate, maintain
aquatic ecosystem, enhance natural beauty, develop
tourism and provide recreation.