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Project Management Contractor (PMC)

This Design Specification was previously issued as SP-8531-0000-0007


A 26 Jul 2001 Issued for review D. Ramalhao N.S. Harman N.S. Harman
00 19 Nov 2001 Issued for ITB NSH DR NSH

01 12 Mar 2002 Reissued for ITB NSH DR NSH

CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

1.0 SCOPE 45



3.1 Rating 56
3.2 Atmospheres 56
3.3 Meteorological Design Conditions 56
3.4 Anti-Condensation Heaters 67
3.5 Paint/Protective finish 67
3.6 Protection of electrical equipment mounted in process plant areas 67
3.7 General Requirements 78


4.1 Area Classification 78

4.3 Equipment Selection 910
4.4 Flammable Dust Atmospheres 1112


5.1 Uninterruptable Power Supply 1213

5.2 Prospective Fault Current 1314
5.3 Neutral Earthing 1314
5.4 Power supply deviations and variations 1314
5.5 Supply waveform deviations and variations 1314


6.1 Electrical Enclosures 1516

6.2 Motor Control and Motors 1617
6.3 Lighting and Small Power 2021
6.4 Wiring and Terminations 2122
6.5 Labelling 2425
6.6 Earthing and Bonding 2425
6.7 Electric Tracing 2526
6.8 Unit Transformers 2627
6.9 Special Tools and Test Equipment 2627
6.10 Testing 2627

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

6.11 Electrical Equipment Suppliers 2627


7.1 Information required with Tender 2728

7.2 Information Required After Order 2829
7.3 Dynamic study data 2930


Reference Documents

Applicable Documents

List of equipment defined as ‘electrical’ and ‘instrument’

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC


This specification covers the requirements for electrical equipment on

Package Units on the CSPC Nanhai Petrochemical Complex in China. A
package is defined as:-

Equipment assembled, piped up and packaged, generally as a skid unit, by

the Supplier at their works. All materials are purchased by the package

Unless agreed otherwise all electrical equipment required for the operation of
the package shall be provided by the Supplier, with the exception of:-

- Motor Control Stations (See Section 6.2)

- MV and LV Motor Starters (See Section 6.2)
- External Cabling (See Section 6.4)
- Connection to the main earth system (See Section 6.6)
- Lighting and Convenience Outlet Distribution Boards


The electrical equipment and installation shall comply with the following
standards in order of precedence:

1. This Specification
2. Project Standards (DEPs) and Specifications
3 Chinese National Standards
4. IEC Standards
5. CENELEC Standards (as harmonised National Standards)

The design and installation of systems and materials shall conform, except
where indicated otherwise in this Design Specification, to the requirements of
the latest edition of the standards and codes listed in Appendix A and B of
this Design Specification.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

The design shall comply with the mandatory requirements of the People’s
Republic of China, and with version 15 of the Shell DEPs, as modified to take
account of PRC requirements where necessary.

Other standards may be acceptable subject to Principal’s approval.


3.1 Rating

Electrical equipment shall have a continuous maximum rating suitable for a

40º C ambient temperature. Where batteries are required they shall be rated
for the minimum ambient temperature for discharge duty. Cubicle mounted
electronic components shall be rated for a minimum surrounding temperature
of 50º C and higher if judged necessary by the manufacturer.

3.2 Atmospheres

All electrical equipment shall be suitable for use in a coastal polluted exposed

3.3 Meteorological Design Conditions

Ambient Temperature - 33.0 oC (Design maximum)

0.7 oC (Design minimum)

Relative Humidity - 75% (Design max for ventilation, not AC)

Design Wind Velocity - 39.0 m/s Max hourly wind speed (HOLD)
For structural design , a wind speed of 43.7 m/s shall
be used.
Winterising Classification

Earthquake Zone - Zone 2a to UBC 97 Earthquake intensity

Seismic Probability - Hold

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Rainfall (design maximum): 70mm in one hour

211mm in 24 hours

Annual Total (Design) - 1646.2mm

Max Single Rainfall 1hr - 70mm
Max Single Rainfall 24hr - 211mm

Solar Radiation:

Midday design maximum - 1354.2W/m2

3.4 Anti-Condensation Heaters

Control panels shall be fitted with anti-condensation heaters. All other

equipment shall be suitable for operation in the stated environment without
the need for anti-condensation heaters. Where heaters are required they
shall be 220V 50Hz 1 ph and controlled by a series thermostat.

3.5 Paint/Protective finish

The Supplier shall provide details of his proposed protection and paint
specification for all electrical items with the tender, for approval by the

3.6 Protection of electrical equipment mounted in process plant areas

Equipment shall be suitable for the high surface temperatures (in particular
metal) which will result from the solar radiation heating given in 3.3 above. If
deemed necessary, sunshades shall be provided.

Similarly, equipment shall be suitable for the high rainfall and where
considered necessary, covers or shelters shall be provided.

Outdoor local control gear shall be protected against the weather by mounting
within a shelter. Material of the shelter shall be steel or aluminium duly
supported by a steel frame. The Supplier shall provide full details of all such
shelters in his tender. Adequate anti-corrosion painting or treatment shall be
provided for outdoor metal equipment.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

3.7 General Requirements

All materials shall be new. Workmanship shall comply with accepted good
practice and applicable standards.

The electrical equipment shall be laid out to provide mechanical protection,

and satisfactory access for operation and maintenance, with particular
attention to personnel safety.

Electrical Equipment shall be conveniently accessible for operation and

maintenance from ground or platform.

Electrical Equipment shall be mounted so that it does not interfere with the
normal use of walkways, platforms and handrails or with operator headroom.

Electrical equipment shall not be mounted in such a manner that it is

subjected to excessive vibration. Where required anti-vibration mounts shall
be provided.


4.1 Area Classification

The Area Classification for potentially explosive gas atmospheres shall be in

accordance with PRC mandatory standard GB 50058.

Additional advice shall be taken from the Institute of Petroleum Model Code
of Safe Practice, Part 15, (1990) Area Classification Code for Petroleum
Installations as amended by DEP

Particular attention shall be paid to Appendix A of the above referenced DEP,

where the requirements of PRC Code GB50058 that could lead to a larger
area than required by the IP Code are described.

The applicable hazardous area classification will be stated in the Requisition.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Any room/shelter within a Zone 2 area shall become a Zone 1 unless

otherwise agreed by Principal

All electrical equipment shall be selected and installed according to GB 50058

and with additional information derived from IEC 79-14* (equivalent to GB
3836.15) for the types of protection permitted by GB 50058. Instrument
equipment selection and installation shall comply with GB 3836.15 and IEC
* Note: IEC 79-14 is equivalent to GB 3836.15 with exceptions. In these
cases the requirements of GB 3836.15 shall take precedence over IEC 79-14.

A definitive list of which equipment is considered to be ‘electrical’ or

‘instrument’ is shown in Appendix C indicating the selection standard
applicable for each type of equipment.

The construction of electrical equipment should comply with the requirements

of the relevant parts of IEC 79 or CENELEC documents EN 50014 to EN
50020 inclusive, EN 50028 and EN 50039 or the relevant parts of GB 3836
for equipment manufactured in China.

4.2 Certification Requirements

For all equipment installed in hazardous (classified) areas, a certificate issued

by an approved testing authority (e.g. PTB, BASEEFA, CQST etc.) shall be
provided to certify that the equipment is suitable for the specified zone and
gas group.

Certificates shall state the conformity to European (CENELEC) or PRCcodes

and normalisation. Only certificates according to the CENELEC standards,
issued by a recognised National Certifying Authority identified in IEC 60079-9
eg. UK-BASEEFA, Germany P.T.B. etc., will be accepted. For equipment
manufactured in China, only certificates from the approved testing houses in
the PRC will be accepted (eg. CQST: China Quality Supervision and Test
Centre for Explosion Protected Electrical Products).

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Supplier shall provide one copy of the complete relevant certificate, including
all relevant supplementary certificates, in English for each item of electrical
equipment of varying type, arrangement and rating etc. with the tender.

4.3 Equipment Selection

The following table summarises the minimum acceptable type of protection in

each zone for hazardous area electrical equipment.
Zone Type of Protection Code Note
0 Intrinsically safe first category Ex “ia”

1 - Equipment certified for zone 0, and:

- Flameproof Ex “d” 6,7

- Intrinsically safe Ex “ib”

- Powder filling Ex “q” 2

- Pressurised Ex “p” 3

- Increased safety Ex “e” 4,9

- Encapsulation Ex “m” 2

- Oil immersed Ex “o” 5

2 - Equipment certified for zone 1

- Increased safety Ex “e”

- Non-Sparking Ex “n” 8


1. Use of equipment in zones 0 and 1 to be minimised.

2. Ex "q" and “m” requires specific approval by Principal
3. Ex "p" shall be used only when other forms of protection are not
available or would impact on operability and access or decreased
reading comfort of meters or equipment outputs.
4. For motors this applies only to connection terminals outside the motor
5. Ex "o" requires specific approval byPrincipal.
6. Ex “d” machines and equipment shall have Ex “e” terminal boxes.
7. Direct entry Ex “d” equipment shall be avoided.

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CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

8. Only Ex “n” motors may be used in Zone 2.

9. Ex “e” light fittings shall not be installed in Zone 1. Ex “d” shall be
installed instead.

4.3.1 Small power equipment

The following specific types of protection for electrical equipment in Zone 1

and 2 areas are preferred:-

Pushbutton stations Ex de (HOLD)

Convenience Sockets Ex de (HOLD)
Lighting fittings Ex d
Junction Boxes Ex e

Other sparking equipment:

- Sparking components Ex d (HOLD)

- Termination Facilities Ex e (HOLD)

4.3.2 HV and LV equipment

Although many types of protection are available, the following shall be used
in the final selection:

- For Zone 1, LV motors and. junction boxes shall have type of

protection 'e'. HV motors, all inherently sparking equipment, e.g.
switchgear and controlgear, and any inherently non-sparking
equipment not covered above, e.g. luminaires shall have type of
protection 'd'. Where such equipment is not available, e.g. large high
speed HV motors, type of protection 'p' shall be used. HV motors with
type of protection 'e' shall not be used.

- For Zone 2, all motors shall have type of protection 'n'. All other
inherently non-sparking equipment shall have type of protection ‘e’.
Inherently sparking equipment shall have type of protection 'd' or 'p',
as stated for Zone 1. HV motors with type of protection 'n' shall not be
installed in Zone 2 areas where:

1) the motor voltage exceeds 11 kV,

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

or 2) the motor drives a centrifugal/screw hydrocarbon gas


- Small power and lighting equipment in indoor non-hazardous areas

shall be either of the industrial weatherproof type or of the domestic
type depending on the function of the area (7.1).

- Equipment installed in non-hazardous areas outside process

installations, e.g. offices, gatehouses, etc., shall be of a normal
industrial/domestic type in accordance with national standards of the
country of installation.

4.4 Flammable Dust Atmospheres

Area classification and the selection of apparatus for use in areas where
there is a flammable dust hazard shall be in accordance with IEC 61241 and
GB 50058.

Hazardous dust areas are classified in IEC 61241 as either Zone 21 or Zone
22 according to the probability of the existence of a dust hazard. Hazardous
dust areas are classified in GB 50058 as either Zone 10 or Zone 11. These
are equivalent to Zone 21 and Zone 22 respectively. Documentation for dust
hazardous areas shall use the GB 50058 nomenclature.

For Zone 10, electrical equipment shall have dust-tight enclosures, i.e. IP6X.
For Zone 11, electrical equipment shall have dust-protected enclosures, i.e.
IP5X minimum.

Electrical equipment should, as far as is reasonably practicable and

economic, be located in the least hazardous area.


The distribution voltages on the CSPC plant are 35kV, 6kV (HV) and 380V
(LV). The main distribution to the plant is via a 35kV switchboard fed from
Steam and Gas Turbine Generators. Utility incomers and Standby Generators
(6kV) provide electricity import and emergency backup.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Rated No Of No Of
Duty Voltage Phases Wires

Motors (above 185kW) See 3 3


-0.37kW to 185kW 380 3 3
-Below 0.37kW 220 1 2

Power Users 380 3 4

Lighting 220 1 2

Motor Control 220 1 2

Electric Heaters
-Less than 3kW 220 1 2
-3kW and above 380 3 3


1) All the above Rated Voltages shall be subject to a static voltage

variation of +5 to -5%.

2) The mains frequency applicable to the above duties is 50Hz,

+1% to -1%.

3) The combined variation in voltage and frequency will not be more than
4) Equipment shall be suitable for short time transient voltage variations
of +10 or -20%.

5.1 Uninterruptable Power Supply

In addition to the above the following uninterruptable power supply is


220V (+ or -2%), 50Hz (+ or -2%)

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Unless otherwise specified if the need exists on any package unit for
maintained (uninterruptable) power supplies, or for d.c. supplies, the
Purchaser will provide these. The Supplier shall however submit his power
requirements with his Tender, for the Purchaser to size the equipment.

5.2 Prospective Fault Current

Prospective fault levels (rms symmetrical values) are

380V (LV) 50(HOLD)80 kA for 1 second

6000V (HV) 31.5(HOLD)40 kA for 1 second

Peak asymmetrical fault levels are 2.1 times (380V) above the r.m.s.
symmetrical values above.

The power supply will be protected by IEC 60269 fuses unless otherwise
advised or agreed.

5.3 Neutral Earthing

Neutral earthing is as follows:-

380V Solidly earthed

HV Resistance earthed

5.4 Power supply deviations and variations

The input supply variations shall be limited under steady state conditions to:

- Nominal system voltage : plus 5% and minus 5%

- Nominal system frequency : plus 2% and minus 2%

5.5 Supply waveform deviations and variations

Equipment shall be capable of operating when the system supply voltage has
harmonic levels not exceeding the levels in the tables below. Conversely, the
equipment shall not cause the levels to be exceeded.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Harmonic voltage distortion at any point in the system should not exceed the
values tabulated below:

Odd harmonics Even Harmonics

Order Relative Order Relative Order Relative

Voltage Voltage Voltage
3 5% 15 0.5% 2 2%
5 6% 17 2% 4 1%
7 5% 19 1.5% 6-24 0.5%
9 1.5% 21 0.5%
11 3.5% 23 1.5%
13 3% 25 1.5%

Total Harmonic Distortion at the individual voltage levels should be no more than
shown in the table below

Nominal Total Voltage Harmonic Contribution

Voltage Harmonic
kV % Odd Even
0.38 5.0 4 2
6 4.0 3.2 1.6
35 3.0 2.4 1.2
110 2.0 1.6 0.8

NOTES: 1. The values of maximum permissible harmonic distortion shown

are taken from EN 50160 and GB/T15945 and are to be regarded as a guide
to good practice aimed at minimising the risk of damage to or malfunction of
system electrical equipment and at preventing system overvoltages and
overcurrents due to resonant effects. However, the latter possibility is
dependent on the system capacitance (including that employed for power
factor correction), the source and load impedances and the harmonic
current requirements of the non-linear load, etc.
2. The above-mentioned harmonic voltage distortion limits do not
apply to the input terminals of individual items of harmonic generating
equipment, e.g. converters, which are supplied via transformers or series

The supplier shall take into account that during switching, steep fronted
transient voltage waves may occur at the equipment terminals. Wave front
durations between 0.2s, with amplitudes of twice the nominal value of the
line voltage, and 1s, with amplitudes of 5 times the nominal value of the line
voltage, are produced.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC


6.1 Electrical Enclosures

6.1.1 Ingress Protection

The minimum degree of ingress protection to IEC 60529 and GB 4208 shall

Outdoor locations: - IP55

Indoor locations - IP42

Between adjacent - IP40

compartments of
electrical apparatus

Where higher degrees of protection are required for hazardous area

certification requirements, the appropriate ingress protection shall be

6.1.2 Material

The use of dissimilar metals in contact shall be avoided, both in construction

and installation. Cadmium plated or galvanised stand-off washers may be
used where this is unavoidable in installation. High impact resistance GRP
enclosures are preferred. No aluminium or aluminium alloy is permitted.

Coatings of proprietary compounds, specially manufactured for the purpose,

may be used between dissimilar metals employed in the construction of
equipment, subject to approval by the Purchaser.

Materials that are highly corrosive, toxic to the environment or considered

internationally potential carcinogens shall not be used, e.g. polychlorinated bi-
phenols, asbestos, etc.

All gaskets shall be of a rot-proof materials, neoprene, synthetic rubber or


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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

All screws, bolts, nuts and washers shall be corrosion resistant.

6.2 Motor Control and Motors

6.2.1 Motor Starters

In general, L.V. motor starter equipment will be provided by others at a

remote substation. Unlatched a.c. contactors are standard. Control circuits
are 220V 50Hz derived from phase and neutral within the starter. Suppliers
equipment shall be compatible with this.

Unless specified otherwise the Supplier may offer standard control equipment
located on the package where a number of L.V. drives are controlled or
interlocked in a complex operating sequence. Such Supplier local panels
shall in general include include LV motor starters as a complete integrated
package. Details of any proposed scheme shall be submitted to the
Purchaser's Electrical Engineer for approval prior to order.

6.2.2 Local Control Stations

Field mounted local motor control stations shall comply with the following:-

1. Motor control stations will be provided by the Purchaser (unless the

Supplier provides all motor starter and control requirements with a
local panel).

2. Motor control stations will generally comprise of the following types:-

a) "Stop-Auto-Start" 3 position selector switches:

- stop on the left, with facilities for locking.
- Start on the right, with spring return to "Auto"
- Vertical "Auto" position for process control.

b) "Stop-Neutral-Start" 3 position selector switches:

- Generally as (a) for drives having no process control

3. The location of motor control stations provided by the Purchaser shall

be as follows (where practical):-

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

a) On the edge of the skid

b) Adjacent to the power cable route to the associated motor
terminal box (in order that the control and power cables may
be routed together). The final locations will be advised by the
Purchaser's Engineer after order (usually marked-up on
Seller's drawings).

4. In all cases the Supplier shall provide in the package unit galvanised
fabricated metal stands to support the motor control station.

6.2.3 Suppliers Control Panel (Excluding Motor Starters)

In exceptional circumstances, where the Purchaser's Electrical Engineer has

approved the use of a Supplier's control panel including control logic and
manual controls, but EXCLUDING contactors for motor starting, the
installation shall comply with the following:-

1. The panel shall include an unfused main isolator, fault make and load
break rated. The isolator shall be padlockable in the OFF position and
shall be interlocked to prevent access to live equipment.

2. Stop features shall be provided adjacent to all panel mounted start


3. A lockable Auto/Manual selector switch (or 3 position switch as

described in clause 6.2.2 2(a)) shall be provided for each drive, where

4. Control wiring for connection to the remote switchgear starters shall

be terminated in a junction box on the edge of the package unit.

5 Start outputs shall be normally open 10A, 220V rated contacts which
shall pulse close (i.e. non-maintained).

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

6. Stop outputs shall generally be normally open 10A, 220V rated

contacts which shall be closed to allow the drive to run and shall open
to trip the drive (i.e. drive will stop on control failure).

7. Selected drives (typically critical compressors) shall have the stop

outputs configured to be non-fail safe. The output contacts shall be
normally closed and shall open to trip the drive.

8 As the start and stop outputs for LV starters will operate at 220V
(powered from the switchgear) these terminals shall be segregated
from all other terminals within the panel, shrouded and clearly

9. The running status of motors will be available as a normally open, volt

free, motor contactor, auxiliary contact, wired to the Package Unit
interface junction box.

10. Every stop control shall be effective at all times irrespective of the
conditions of other controls.

11 In general most motors are to be reaccelerated or restarted after a

time delay following power supply voltage drops using components
installed in the starters. To this end the Supplier shall submit
proposals to ensure that, where reacceleration is specified, this may
be achieved in a safe and technically acceptable manner, and shall
include any additional equipment within the control system logic which
will be necessary to accomplish this.

12. All components shall be accessible from the front of the control

All live parts of equipment and components located within the control
cabinet shall be shielded to provide a degree of protection of at least
IP-20, to prevent inadvertent contact or short circuit by personnel.
Shielding shall be made of rigid transparent insulating material to
enable the shielded components to be identified.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

6.2.4 Supplier’s Control Panel (Including LV Motor Starters)

Where the Purchaser's Electrical Engineer has approved the use of a

Supplier's control panel including control logic, manual controls AND LV
motor starters, the installation shall comply with the following:-

1. Section 6.2.3, clauses 1, 3, 4, 8, 11,12 and 13 shall also apply to this


2. Emergency stop facilities shall be located within arms reach of each

motor. These shall comply with section 6.2.2, clause 2.

3. A common emergency stop shall be provided on the panel.

4. Motors rated 30kW and above shall be provided with instantaneous

earth fault protection. This shall have a short time delay where co-
ordination between the contactor break rating and fuse cannot be met.

5. Short circuit protection shall be by means of HRC cartridge fuses to

IEC Standard IEC 60269.

6. Three phase motors less than 150kW shall have a 3 pole ambient -
temperature compensated overload relay with single phasing

7. For special duties such as tools, lifts, and hoists etc, the Supplier may
offer his standard protection scheme.

6.2.5 Single Phase Motors

Single phase motors up to 370 watts shall incorporate built-in thermal


6.2.6 Variable Speed Drives

Motors used as electrically variable speed drives shall generally be a.c.

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Electrical Design Specification for Package Equipment
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

induction motors using electronic frequency convertor equipment. Where the

motor rating is above 4MW synchronous motors are strongly preferred.

The Supplier shall supply any frequency converter equipment required for the
variable speed drives.

The converter shall be tested with the associated motor at the Supplier’s

The Supplier shall have overall responsibility for co-ordinating the selection of
converter, correct derating of motor for variable speed duty and the operability
of the combined system.

6.3 Lighting and Small Power

General area lighting for access and safety around a package will be provided
by others.

Lighting levels within the package to be provided by an installation within the

package will be included in the requisition.

All package mounted normal and integral battery backed emergency lighting,
to meet 6.3.2, together with 220V convenience outlets shall be provided by
the Supplier

Lighting fixtures shall have 3-way junction boxes. They shall be constructed
in such a fashion as to enable the disconnection of lighting cables to lighting
fixtures without the removal of the lighting fixtures.

Lighting fittings, convenience outlets and all wiring accessories shall be from
nominated sub-suppliers.

All lamp-posts shall be of the hotdipped galvanised type.

Lighting fixtures shall be positioned to enable easy relamping.

If the need for lighting inside any part of the package equipment exists (e.g.

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CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

panel interiors) the Supplier shall supply and connect this to a junction box.

As all lighting (other than panel interior lighting) will be fed from photocell
controlled contractor fed distribution boards, no local switching shall be
provided by the supplier (except for internal panel lighting).

All lighting and convenience outlet sub-circuits shall be wired to hook-up

junction boxes (provided by the Supplier) on the package boundary. Cabling
from these junction boxes to distribution boards will be by others. The final
location of these junction boxes shall be agreed with the Purchaser’s
Electrical Group.

6.4 Wiring and Terminations

6.4.1 Incoming Cabling

Incoming cables for motors (from Purchaser supplied starters) will terminate
at the motor terminal box. Similarly, control cables to Purchaser supplied
motor control stations will terminate at the control station.

Incoming power supplies to, for example, control panels and process heaters,
will terminate at the equipment.

All cabling for the above items will be provided by others, however the
Supplier shall provide galvanised cable tray from the Vpackage Unit edge to
the equipment for the installation of these cables. The exact location and tray
sizes will be marked-up by the Purchaser’s Electrical Group on the Suppliers
drawings, after order.

All other external cables will terminate at marshalling junction boxes located
together at one edge of the package (e.g. see 6.2.3, clause 5). Hook-up
junction boxes shall be provided by the package Supplier.

All terminal boxes will have undrilled glandplates with sufficient area to permit
termination of all specified cables.

Incoming cables into motor terminal boxes shall in general be routed to enter

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CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

from the rear into the side of the terminal box. All other cable entries will be
vertically from below unless otherwise specified. The Supplier shall ensure
that sufficient vertical distance exists below the gland plates, to permit
installation and termination of the specified cables without contravening the
minimum radii bending limits. Floor mounted equipment shall be provided
with gland plates a minimum of 300mm above floor level.

6.4.2 Junction Boxes

All junction boxes shall carry identity labels.

Control/indication terminals shall be screw-clamp type terminals suitably sized
for conductors. 25% Spare terminal capacity shall be provided.

Terminals for cables of different voltages shall be segregated and identified

with intervening insulating barriers. Separate junction boxes shall be
provided for a.c. & d.c. circuits.

Terminals for intrinsically safe circuits shall be located in a dedicated

marshalling junction box.

Every terminal shall be permanently numbered on the body of the terminal.

6.4.3 Cabling within packages

Subject to the requirements of paragraph 6.4.1, all wiring between package-

mounted electrical items shall be supplied by the Supplier.

Three phase power cable shall be colour coded Yellow/Green/Red.

In general low voltage power and control cables shall be stranded copper
conductor, XLPE insulated, galvanised steel wire armoured (or braided) with
a PVC sheath.

Alternatively mineral insulated copper or stainless steel sheathed cable

having a minimum insulation thickness of 1.27mm between conductors, and
between conductors and sheath, may be used for high temperature

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC


Other rubber or thermoplastic insulated cables shall be subject to approval by

the Purchaser’s Electrical Engineer.

For control cable the minimum size shall be 2.5 sq. mm.

Wiring shall be fixed to heavy duty hot-dipped galvanised tray by means of

galvanised metal fixings (e.g. betastrip).
Note: Precautions to avoid hydrocarbon contamination shall be taken if

Cables shall be fitted with indelible identification labels at each end, and
where they branch off from a main route. Cores shall be identified by
engraved plastic ferrules. All cabling and wiring shall be continuous, splices
are not permitted.

Power cables and instrument/control/i.s. cables shall not be run on the same
cable tray.

Cable numbers shall be requested from the Purchaser's Electrical Engineer.

6.4.4 Glanding

The Supplier is responsible for glanding and terminating all cables in his
supply into the appropriate electrical equipment items.

All glands shall be fitted with a suitably sized silicon rubber shroud.

In addition glands terminating in unthreaded holes in metallic enclosures shall

incorporate a star washer under the back nut to ensure continuity between
gland and gland plate and an external sealing washer shall be included to
maintain the IP55 minimum enclosure integrity.

Glands shall be the brass hexagon mechanical compression type.

6.5 Labelling

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Labels shall be in English.

Danger labels shall have black lettering on yellow and comply with (IEC

Information labels shall have black lettering on white background.

Equipment identification labels shall be rear engraved white-black-white

laminated plastic ('Traffolyte' or equivalent).

Identity labels are required on the front of each functional unit (e.g. J.B.'S)
and shall be duplicated where practical. Drilling of functional units to affix
labels is not permitted.

Labels shall identify the functions of control switchgear, indicator lamps,

fuses, selector switches, instruments.

6.6 Earthing and Bonding

For the attachment of 70mm² earthing cables, two main earthing bosses (or
busbars where required) shall be provided diagonally opposite at each end of
the package.

Although the cable armour for power and control equipment shall be
electrically bonded to equipment at each end it shall not be relied on as the
earth return path. All such electrical equipment shall therefore be externally
bonded back to the two main Package Unit earth points. Use of the Package
Unit metalwork may be used for this purpose where it is substantial and
painted surfaces do not interfere with the earth path.

For lighting, convenience sockets and electric tracing the cable armour shall
be used as the earth return.

All package-mounted metallic equipment shall be effectively bonded together

and earthed to the two main earthing points.

Bonding conductor size will be in accordance with the IEC 364-5-54. The

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

minimum cross-sectional area permitted is 16mm².

6.6.1 Static Electricity

The resistance to the package main earth bosses of all parts of fixed metal
equipment shall not exceed 1 ohm. Bonding conductors shall be applied if
necessary to meet this criteria.

6.7 Electric Tracing

Where electric tracing is required (typically caustic or fuel oil service) this shall
utilise self regulating semiconducting tape The tape manufacturer will be
nominated after order.

Electric heat tracing shall operate at 220V, 50Hz, single phase.

Each section of tracing shall be provided with an Ex “e” (HOLD) power supply
junction box. These shall be interconnected into separate circuits suitable for
a supply from a 16A moulded case circuit breaker with 30mA earth leakage

Where control thermostats are required over and above the self regulating
properties of the tape these shall be series connected Ex de thermostats
suitable for directly switching the complete 16A circuit or appropriate portion.

Tracing sub-circuits shall terminate in junction boxes at the Package Unit


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6.8 Unit Transformers

Unit transformers supplying large motors shall be purchased by the Package

Unit Supplier in accordance with DEP- The additional
requirements for motor unit transformers listed in the DEP shall be strictly
followed. The transformer power rating and impedance shall be selected by
the Package Unit Supplier, in conjunction with the motor manufacturer, to
allow the motor to start and operate within the parameters defined in DEP

6.98 Special Tools and Test Equipment

The Supplier shall advise of the need for any special tools or test equipment
required by the electrical equipment and provide a separate price for these in
the offer. When purchased such items must be shipped with the package.

6.109 Testing

Each item of electrical equipment forming part of the package shall be tested
to prove its suitability for purpose.

Specified equipment and the complete electrical installation shall be subject

to witnessed tests. Tests shall be carried out at the Supplier's works in the
presence of Principal, the Purchaser or an authorised representative.

Tests will be in accordance with the Standards listed and Supplier shall
submit a list of proposed tests with his tender.

Motor unit transformer tests shall comply with DEP

6.1110 Electrical Equipment Suppliers

The Supplier shall submit for the Purchasers approval a list of all electrical
equipment manufacturers (with equipment types and references) WITH THE
TENDER. The Purchaser retains the right to insist on alternative
manufacturers or types prior to sub-orders.

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

The following schedule lists equipment where the manufacturer and type may
be nominated:-

- Cables
- Junction Boxes
- Trace Heating
- Lighting Fittings
- Motor Control Stations
- Convenience Socket Outlets
- Variable Speed Drive Converters and Motors
- Distribution Boards (if applicable).


7.1 Information required with Tender

1. Details of largest protection device for each separate power supply


2. Maximum and normal power requirements.

3. Supplier's recommended power supply requirements including


4. Details of each electrical load : rated power, power factor, voltage

level, number of phases, number of wires, frequency.

5. Brief descriptions of operation of system and motor starting


6. List of all certified electrical equipment : equipment description,

manufacturers part number, certificate number.

7. Assurance certification.

8. List of electrical drawings.

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9. Schedule of equipment manufacturers and equipment types.

10. List of proposed tests.

11. Proposed Protection and Paint Specification

7.2 Information Required After Order

Confirmation of data and information supplied with the Tender (see 7.1)
together with:-

a) Overall block diagrams, showing the basic control and protection

systems, specifying the protection, control, trip and alarm functions,

b) Schematic & wiring diagrams

c) Electrical equipment layout drawings

Single-line interface diagrams on which electrical items and cabling in
supplier's supply are shown including cable numbers, sizes, types,
J.B. references, connected loads and interface points for field
connected cables by others.

c) Certified outline and arrangement drawings of all equipment, including

weights and floor cut-out drawings,

c) Start-up and commissioning instructions and data,

d) Fault diagnosis instructions and data,

e) Operation and maintenance instructions,

f) Supplier’s proposed service and repair support after warranty,

g) Certificates for all hazardous area equipment

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

h) Completed Motor Data Sheets

i) Equipment Record Cards

7.3 Dynamic study data

For dynamic study purposes the supplier shall submit the following data in
p.u. based on MVA rating, for all HV synchronous and induction machines.

7.3.1 Generator data

- Positive sequence or armature resistance in p.u., on rating.

- Positive sequence or d-axis synchronous reactance in p.u., on the

machine rating.

- Zero sequence resistance in p.u., on rating.

- Zero sequence reactance in p.u., on rating.

- Inertia constant in kWs/kVA.

- Damping factor in p.u.

- Potier reactance in p.u.

- Saturation factor (the p.u. value of field current required to generate

1.2p.u. V on OC).

- d-axis transient reactance in p.u.

- d-axis transient open-circuit time constant in sec.

- d-axis subtransient reactance in p.u.

- d-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in sec.

- q-axis synchronous reactance in p.u.

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- q-axis transient reactance in p.u.

- q-axis transient open-circuit time constant in sec.

- q-axis subtransient reactance in p.u.

- q-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in sec.

7.3.2 Induction and synchronous motor data

- Magnetising reactance in p.u., on rating.

- Stator resistance in p.u., on rating.

- Stator reactance in p.u., on rating

- Inner cage or running rotor resistance in p.u., on rating.

- Inner cage or running rotor reactance in p.u., on rating.

- Outer cage or standstill rotor resistance in p.u., on rating.

- Outer cage or standstill rotor reactance in p.u., on rating.

- Load torque-speed coefficient B.

- Load torque-speed squared coefficient C.

- Inertia constant in kWs/kVA.

- Lock-out time in sec.

- Underspeed setting in p.u.

- Locked rotor current

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

7.3.3 Equivalent circuits

All the above data should be related to the following equivalent circuits and
torque/speed curves

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At s = 1 Re + jXe = R1 + jX1 = Starting rotor impedance

At s = 0 Re + jXe = R0+ jX0 = starting rotor impedance

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Torque-Speed curves for Induction motors

Tq = Tq0 . (A + B.N + C.N 2 )

Values for B and C can be set in Induction Motor Data 2

A = 1.0 - B - C

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The following inspection shall be carried out by the Principal or his

representative as a minimum:-

- Check of drawings against the approved drawings and availability of

instruction manuals,

- Check degree of protection of control cabinets, terminal boxes and

electric motors,

- Check make of equipment used against agreed equipment with order,

- Check availability of eye bolts for lifting heavy equipment,

- Check accessibility of components and IP-20 protection,

- Check isolation/control facilities,

- Check separation control/power circuits,

- Check availability of terminal block for external cabling,

- Check rating of the elements,

- Check earthing facilities,

- Wiring shall not be fixed directly to metallic parts,

- Terminals and wiring to be marked,

- Terminals applied for field wiring to be of non-loosening type,

- Check space available for cable termination, size and number of

terminals, cable supporting devices,

- Check marking of individual components according to relevant


- Check rating plate,

- E/I Interface testing,

- Performance testing as appropriate to the package,

- Functional/performance testing

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Appendix A

Reference Documents

A reference invokes the latest published issue or amendment unless stated


Project Standards and Specifications

DEP80.00.10.10-CSPC Area Classification

(Ammendments/Supplements to IP15)

Chinese National Standards

[M] indicates a mandatory standard

[C] indicates mandatory for equipment manufactured in China

GB 50058 [M] Code for design of electrical installations within

explosion and fire hazard environment

GB 3836.1[C] Part 1 - General requirements

(eqv IEC 60079-0)

GB 3836.2 [C] Part 2 - Flameproof enclosure ‘d’

(eqv IEC 60079-1)

GB 3836.3 [C] Part 3 - Increased safety 'e'

(eqv IEC 60079-7)

GB 3836.4 [C] Part 4 - Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical

(neq IEC 60079-3) apparatus ‘I’

GB 3836.5 [C] Part 5 - Pressurised electrical apparatus 'p’

(neq IEC 60079-2)

GB 3836.6 [C] Part 6 - Oil-immersed electrical apparatus ‘o

(neq IEC 60079-6)

GB 3836.7 [C] Part 7 - Sand-filled electrical apparatus ‘q’

(neq IEC 60079-5)

GB 3836.8 [C] Part 8 – Non-sparking electrical apparatus 'n'

GB 3836.11 [C] Part 11 – Method of test for ascertainment of

(eqv IEC 60079-1A: maximum experimental safe gap

GB 3836.12 [C] Part 12 – Classification of gases or vapours

(eqv IEC 60079-12 : with air according to their maximum
1978) experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting

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Reference Documents (Contd)

International Standards


IEC 60079 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres:

IEC 60079-0 General requirements
IEC 60079-1 Construction and test of flameproof enclosures, type ‘d’
IEC 60079-2 Electrical apparatus, type of protection 'p'
IEC 60079-5 Sand-filled apparatus, type ‘q’
IEC 60079-6 Oil-immersed apparatus, type ‘o’
IEC 60079-7 Increased safety, type 'e'
IEC 60079-11 Construction and test of intrinsically safe apparatus,
type ‘i’
IEC 60079-12 Classification of gases and vapours
IEC 60079-13 Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected
by pressurisation
IEC 60079-14 Electrical installations in explosive gas atmospheres
(other than mines)
IEC 60079-15 Electrical apparatus with type of protection ‘n’
IEC 60079-18 Electrical apparatus with type of protection ‘m’
IEC 60144 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (LV gear)
IEC 60269 General requirements for low voltage fuses
IEC 60364 Electrical installation of buildings (up to 1 kV)
IEC 60417 Graphical symbols for use on equipment
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IPCode)

Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust:

IEC 61241-1-1 Part 1 - Section 1 - Specification for apparatus

IEC 61241-1-2 Part 1 - Section 2 - Selection, installation, and
IEC 61241-2-1 Part 2 - Section 1 - Test Methods (Ignition temperature)
IEC 61241-2-2 Part 2 - Section 2 - Test Methods (Electrical resistivity)

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European Standards

EN 50014 General requirements
EN 50015 Oil immersion 'o'
EN 50016 Pressurised apparatus 'p'
EN 50017 Powder filling 'q'
EN 50018 Flameproof enclosure 'd'
EN 50019 Increased safety 'e'
EN 50020 Intrinsic safety 'i'

British Standards

IP 15 (1990) IP Model Code of Safe Practice

Part 15: Area classification code for petroleum

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Appendix B

Applicable Documents

In addition to the documents in Appendix A (Reference Section) the following

documents shall apply where applicable.

Project Standards and Specifications


Synchronous a.c. generators 1250 kVA and above DEP

Packaged unit a.c. generator sets DEP

Electric motors - cage induction and synchronous DEP


Electrical variable speed drive systems DEP

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies DEP

Chinese National Standards

The following [M] standards are Mandatory

Standard for artificial lighting in industrial plant design GB 50034 [M]

The following [C] standards are Mandatory for

equipment manufactured in China

Rotating electrical machines – rating and performance GB 755 [C] (idt IEC
60034-1 : 1996)

Terminal markings and direction of rotation of rotating GB 1971 [C]

electrical machines

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP GB 4208 [C] (eqv IEC

Code) 60529 : 1989)

Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies GB 7251 [C] (idt IEC

Hygenic standard for environmental electromagnetic GB 9175 [C]


Electrical apparatus for use in presence of GB 12476.1 [C] (idt

combustible dust, Part 1: Electrical apparatus IEC 61241-1 : 1999)
protected by enclosures and surface temperature
limitation – specification for apparatus

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General requirements for low-voltage fuses GB 13539 [C] (neq

IEC 60269-1 : 1986)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear GB 14048 [C] (eqv

IEC 60947)

Electrical installations of buildings protection against GB 14821.1 [C] (eqv

electric shock IEC 364-4-41 : 1992)

The following [T] standards are for guidance for

equipment manufactured in China (Non-Mandatory)

EMC for industrial process measurement and control GB 4859 [T] (neq IEC
equipment 60801)

Note for equivalence of the above GB standards with

IEC standards:
idt = Identical standard
eqv = Technically equivalent standard
neq = Not technically equivalent standard (but similar
topic covered)

International Standards



Rotating electrical machines IEC 60034

Part 1 - Rating and performance IEC 60034-1

Dimensions and output ratings for rotating electrical IEC 60072


LV control gear for industrial use IEC 60158

LV fuses with high-breaking capacity IEC 60269

LV Motor starters IEC 60292

Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial IEC 60309


Low-voltage air-break switches, air-break IEC 60408

Disconnectors and fuse combination units

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies IEC 60439

(If applicable)

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP IEC 60529


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Classification of electrical and electronic equipment IEC 60536

with regard to protection against electric shock

Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process IEC 60801

measurement and control equipment

Low voltage switchgear and controlgear IEC 60947

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) IEC 61000

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

Appendix C

List of equipment defined as ‘Electrical’ and ‘Instrument’

Type of Equipment Electrical Instrument

Equipment Equipment
(GB50058) (GB3836.15)
Motor 
Heater 
Lighting Fixture or Fitting 
Motor Remote Control Unit or push button 
Electric Heat Tracing Power Supplies 
Motor Operated Valves 
Electronic Field Measurement Element 
Instrument Transmitter 
Positioner 
Solenoid valve 
Alarm Lamp 
Switch included in a circuit for electrical equipment 
Switch included in a circuit for an electronic field 
Control Panel for control of electrical equipment 
Control Panel for electronic Field instrumentation 
Electronic telecommunication equipment 
Public Address Loudspeakers 
CCTV cameras 
Junction Box (including terminals) for Electrical 
Junction Box (including terminals) for Instrument 
Cables to electrical equipment or electrical junction 
Cables to instrument equipment or instrument junction 
Cable glands for electrical equipment or electrical 

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junction boxes
Cable glands for instrument equipment or instrument 
junction boxes
Cable support systems (tray and ladder) for electrical 
Cable support systems (trunking, tray and ladder) for 
instrument cables
Earthing materials for Lightning Protection 
Earthing materials for safety earthing 

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