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System Memory:
Memory Load: 9%
Available Physical Memory: 59405m/65460m
Available Page File: 62537m/69556m
Available Virtual Memory: 3989m/4095m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 12m
Working Set Size: 12m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 185k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 185k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:16k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 16k
Page File Usage: 3m
Peak Page File Usage: 3m
[00:00:00]: Starting up
[00:00:00]: Don't Starve: 554439 WIN32
Branch: release
Build Date: 105
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (7536)
[00:00:00]: HttpClient::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: Dynamic loading level: 0
[00:00:01]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:01]: WindowManager::Initialize
[00:00:01]: RestoreWindowPosition
[00:00:01]: Saved Client Pos (0 x 23)
[00:00:01]: Adjusted Window Pos (-8 x -8)
[00:00:01]: EnsureWindowOnScreen
[00:00:01]: All good.
[00:00:01]: GLInfo
[00:00:01]: ~~~~~~
[00:00:01]: GL_VENDOR: Google Inc.
[00:00:01]: GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070)
[00:00:01]: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (1936)
[00:00:01]: OpenGL extensions (19, 19):
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_depth_texture
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_usage
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_robustness
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_storage
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_get_program_binary
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_texture_npot
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 10
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 16
[00:00:01]: 4 compressed texture formats
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f0
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f1
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f2
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f3
[00:00:01]: FMOD VERSION: 00044464 (00044464)
[00:00:03]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:03]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:03]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:00:03]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:03]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:03]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:03]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) running main.lua

[00:00:03]: scripts/main.lua(248,1) Sim Seed = 2000

[00:00:03]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex
[00:00:03]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:00:03]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does

not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly.
[00:00:05]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(74,1) PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:05]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:00:05]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(773,1) bloom_enabled false
[00:00:05]: DEVICE CAP 1727911946
[00:00:05]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex
[00:00:05]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex
[00:00:05]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1186,1) OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:05]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1175,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:05]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(126,1) Unload BE
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x378bda50 (wall_wood_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8cc766ef (pumpkin_lantern)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2bfa46 (tophat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x46094f1b (beefalohat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcceee6c3 (cutstone)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaf34ecc0 (trunkvest_winter)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcd7669e5 (nightsword)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xefa57cea (bandage)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86860bc2 (boomerang)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe51acd32 (lightning_rod)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x947bfcb8 (lightning_rod_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7100 (researchlab2)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3386a16a (researchlab2_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f5176c5 (firepit)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a462465 (firepit_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe87e06c0 (icebox)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2bd1baa (icebox_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbea16a01 (hambat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x10473739 (spear)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d44bbad (cookpot)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30d2f57d (cookpot_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x89c20b1b (telebase)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x868a468f (telebase_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9d92cce (purpleamulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcf1626 (rabbithouse)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1aa31ec4 (rabbithouse_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe474f23c (armormarble)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ccdbe75 (icestaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7101 (researchlab3)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd6985329 (researchlab3_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x539e9e8a (trunkvest_summer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf4eb0943 (shovel)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x761a1799 (gunpowder)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8561ebe (waxpaper)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a99c7b7 (armorgrass)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda17c8e8 (armorslurper)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x47611d71 (sweatervest)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x85181f7c (minerhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8f381a1 (turf_checkerfloor)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x80cb1e18 (featherhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e264dbc (blowdart_pipe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x41ba89b5 (nightmarefuel)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa9bd39bd (beeswax)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfbaefa0e (rainometer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeea990dc (rainometer_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf295861a (brush)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcba65752 (amulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcad92460 (flowerhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdac7fbf5 (birdcage)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe1f9b335 (birdcage_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7102 (researchlab4)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79aa04e8 (researchlab4_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2c158f7c (torch)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x265d1455 (turf_woodfloor)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8651fd0 (saddle_war)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1f75c291 (thumper)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a6718eb (resurrectionstatue)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6b0c64bf
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfb37276 (telestaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f6c9ebb (diviningrod)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5936c6a (firestaff)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x34fb4f82 (pitchfork)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x18f754c1 (fence_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d4d1dc6 (bedroll_straw)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadfdb7ae (armor_sanity)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf8e41fa9 (bedroll_furry)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ce426c4 (blowdart_fire)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa14b3e59 (fence_gate_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4740cff7 (tent)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4d742b3 (tent_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x62a5e7fe (nightlight)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x185806ec (nightlight_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa1e54a85 (goldenaxe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe6af29d2 (compass)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5e02cffb (saltlick)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ddc09af (saltlick_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x19c004b2 (pighouse)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x469fe538 (pighouse_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca16846d (boards)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfa14dec6 (birdtrap)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3d47d34 (minisign)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c11af2 (treasurechest)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd411bef8 (treasurechest_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xef21c9f2 (rope)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb981ecda (fast_farmplot)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6c77c310 (fast_farmplot_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbcfca634 (strawhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x111db7ae (footballhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cd9e60e (razor)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1883478c (bundlewrap)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6521c2b6 (spiderhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbf8203c5 (telipad)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x739fbe3c (homesign)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33fdbd2e (homesign_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15220700 (backpack)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f46d7c0 (batbat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb918c5fd (fishingrod)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdeb59676 (saddle_basic)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4742feaa (saddlehorn)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5a59f5cc (goldenshovel)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3532833e (minisign_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb6201ac9 (onemanband)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4685284 (umbrella)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda1f7edf (winterometer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x955229cb (winterometer_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x303bfdce (axe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x94cf6c04 (goldenpickaxe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3949a42 (meatrack)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x56340ba8 (meatrack_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbc429ef3 (bushhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdcabd86 (earmuffshat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa801bd29 (saddle_race)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4101586 (hammer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3cb06493 (healingsalve)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x39311b4d (grass_umbrella)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37c31aa6 (lantern)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x22ec3802 (wall_stone_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xba3ae90 (featherpencil)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f2d088c (armorwood)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1daa5ab7 (turf_carpetfloor)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xde4bc7e7 (wall_hay_item)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x76d26529 (bugnet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1fa364d (pickaxe)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec43b9f4 (sewing_kit)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e54b535 (cane)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c48b877 (campfire)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfe3a33 (campfire_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcda99af6 (winterhat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x75370b6 (papyrus)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfb180669 (blowdart_sleep)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x38967bb2 (researchlab)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77e9ae38 (researchlab_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8bbc7f55 (beemine)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1153dbb9 (pottedfern)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2102a71 (pottedfern_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68370bd6 (trap_teeth)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x263bc4d5 (slow_farmplot)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x321f7255 (slow_farmplot_placer)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3bf310c (blueamulet)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ae7e3b3 (purplegem)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d9a964d (trap)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6f21e747 (piggyback)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf0330963 (panflute)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33ab6997 (hud)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3364203d (forest)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e5cb72d (cave)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40b82ff2 (maxwell)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbddda476 (fire)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1078732c (character_fire)
[00:00:05]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x427b5b39 (shatter)
[00:00:05]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(131,1) Unload BE done
[00:00:13]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(141,1) Load FE
[00:00:13]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(143,1) Load FE: done
[00:00:13]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer()
[00:00:13]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished

[00:00:13]: Reset() returning

[00:00:15]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x0386E70A, 1, 1904, 0x03D8F894)
[00:00:15]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 1904 (1904 total)
[00:00:32]: scripts/screens/newgamescreen.lua(29,1) Loading slot 2 for new game

[00:00:38]: scripts/screens/newgamescreen.lua(181,1) GETTING CUSTOM OPTIONS FOR

[00:00:39]: scripts/saveindex.lua(1417,1) SaveIndex:StartSurvivalMode!: ROG
false SW false HAM false
[00:00:39]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:39]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
[00:00:39]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:39]: lua_close took 0.01 seconds
[00:00:39]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:39]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:39]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:39]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:39]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:39]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:00:39]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) running main.lua

[00:00:39]: scripts/main.lua(248,1) Sim Seed = 38000

[00:00:39]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex
[00:00:39]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:00:39]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does

not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly.
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(74,1) PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:00:39]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(773,1) bloom_enabled false
[00:00:39]: DEVICE CAP 1727911980
[00:00:39]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex
[00:00:39]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex
[00:00:39]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1186,1) OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:39]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1175,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:39]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[00:00:39]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:00:39]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:00:39]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[00:00:39]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (11784)
[00:00:39]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[00:00:39]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:00:39]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished

[00:00:39]: Reset() returning

[00:00:40]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:00:40]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/dlcsupport_worldgen.lua(26,1) DLC(RoG) enabled : false
[00:00:40]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/dlcsupport_worldgen.lua(27,1) DLC(Shipwrecked) enabled :
[00:00:40]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(105,1) running worldgen_main.lua

[00:00:40]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(107,1) SEED = 1727911980

[00:00:40]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(485,1) WORLDGEN PRESET: SURVIVAL_DEFAULT
[00:00:40]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(493,1) WORLDGEN LEVEL ID: 1
[00:00:40]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(500,1)
# Generating Normal Mode Default Level

[00:00:40]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont

Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(221,1) Creating story...
[00:00:40]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/storygen.lua(414,1) LinkNodesByKeys
[00:00:40]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(259,1) Baking map...350
[00:00:56]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(284,1) Map Baked!
[00:00:56]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(315,1) Encoding...
[00:00:56]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(319,1) Encoding... DONE
[00:00:56]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(374,1) Checking Tags
[00:00:56]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(487,1) Populating voronoi...
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for
tallbird_rocks in node Dig that rock:3:Clearing
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for
TeleportatoCrankLayout in node Speak to the king:4:DeepForest
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/object_layout.lua(418,1) Warning! Could not find a spot for
DefaultStart in node START
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(527,1) PANIC: missing required prefab!
[00:00:57]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(554,1) An error occured during world gen we
will retry! [ 1 of 5 ]
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(221,1) Creating story...
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/storygen.lua(414,1) LinkNodesByKeys
[00:00:57]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(259,1) Baking map...350
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(284,1) Map Baked!
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(315,1) Encoding...
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(319,1) Encoding... DONE
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(374,1) Checking Tags
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(487,1) Populating voronoi...
[00:00:58]: C:/Program Files (x86)/GOG Galaxy/Games/Dont
Starve/data/scripts/map/forest_map.lua(622,1) Done forest map gen!
[00:00:58]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(273,1) Checking map...
[00:00:58]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(627,1) Generation complete
[00:00:58]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:00:59]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(156,1) Unload FE
[00:00:59]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(158,1) Unload FE done
[00:01:00]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(172,1) LOAD BE
[00:01:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland)
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked)
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel)
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(180,1) LOAD BE: done
[00:01:01]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(minimap/minimap_data.xml)
[00:01:01]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(158,1) LOADING SCREEN FLASH
[00:01:01]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(160,1) USE SETTING FILE 1
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:01:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(485,1) World info:
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_version 554439
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) level_id SURVIVAL_DEFAULT
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_date 105
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) seed 1727911980
[00:01:01]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_time 10:14:01
[00:01:02]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(508,1) Loading Nav Grid
[00:01:02]: scripts/saveindex.lua(598,1) ClearCurrentResurrectors CB
[00:01:02]: scripts/savegamepatcher.lua(13,1) No sunken_boat in this world, adding
[00:01:02]: scripts/savegamepatcher.lua(52,1) Spawned the sunken_boat.
[00:01:02]: FMOD Error: Can't play event
dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group,
event category or event property could not be found.
[00:01:02]: FMOD Error: Can't play event
dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group,
event category or event property could not be found.
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:01:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:05]: FMOD Error: Can't find named sound ragtime
[00:01:05]: FMOD Error: Can't find named sound ragtime
[00:01:06]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(203,1) Entity hanging around origin: (0.00,
0.00, 0.00)
[00:01:06]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(192,1) Spawned world from *already existed*:-
[00:01:07]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(203,1) Entity hanging around origin: (0.00,
0.00, 0.00)
[00:01:07]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(192,1) Spawned forest from *already
[00:01:16]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:16]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:16]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:16]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:27]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:27]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:27]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:27]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:01:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:52]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:52]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:52]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:59]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:02:59]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:03:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:16]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:55]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:04:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:05:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:06:17]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:18]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:18]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:18]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:36]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:37]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:37]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:43]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:43]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:43]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:55]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:55]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:55]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:06:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:27]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:28]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:28]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:28]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:07:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:30]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100053
- resurrectionstone used:nil active:nil
[00:10:30]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:10:30]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:10:30]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100054
- resurrectionstone used:nil active:nil
[00:10:30]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:10:30]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:10:30]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(588,1) Entities saved 8507
[00:10:31]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(677,1) Saved survival_2
[00:10:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:10:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:06]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:28]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:28]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:11:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:11:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:17]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:12:17]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:12:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:12:37]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:12:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:12:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:13:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:13:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:13:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:39]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:47]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:13:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:05]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:20]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:29]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:14:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:04]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:26]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:26]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:26]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:26]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:44]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:15:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:59]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:59]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:16:59]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:18:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:18:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:18:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:18:40]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:18:49]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100053
- resurrectionstone used:nil active:nil
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:49]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100054
- resurrectionstone used:nil active:nil
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:49]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(588,1) Entities saved 8497
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:18:49]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(677,1) Saved survival_2
[00:18:49]: Collecting garbage...
[00:18:49]: lua_gc took 0.05 seconds
[00:18:49]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:18:49]: lua_close took 0.06 seconds
[00:18:49]: ReleaseAll
[00:18:49]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:18:49]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:18:49]: LOADING LUA
[00:18:49]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:18:49]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:49]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) running main.lua

[00:18:49]: scripts/main.lua(248,1) Sim Seed = 1128000

[00:18:49]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex
[00:18:49]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:18:49]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does

not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly.
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(74,1) PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:18:49]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(773,1) bloom_enabled false
[00:18:49]: DEVICE CAP 1727913070
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex
[00:18:49]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex
[00:18:49]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1186,1) OnFilesLoaded()
[00:18:49]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1175,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:18:49]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(126,1) Unload BE
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland)
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked)
[00:18:49]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel)
[00:18:49]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(131,1) Unload BE done
[00:18:50]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(141,1) Load FE
[00:18:50]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(143,1) Load FE: done
[00:18:50]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer()
[00:18:50]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished

[00:18:50]: Reset() returning

[00:18:50]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x0386E70A, 1, 1904, 0x03D8F894)
[00:18:50]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 1904 (1904 total)
[00:18:53]: scripts/screens/slotdetailsscreen.lua(65,1) Loading slot 2
details my DLC is RoG = false Capy = false Pork = false
[00:18:54]: scripts/screens/slotdetailsscreen.lua(358,1) Continue Saved Game
[00:18:55]: Collecting garbage...
[00:18:55]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
[00:18:55]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:18:55]: lua_close took 0.01 seconds
[00:18:55]: ReleaseAll
[00:18:55]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:18:55]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:18:55]: LOADING LUA
[00:18:55]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:18:55]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:18:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:18:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:56]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:56]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:18:56]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) running main.lua

[00:18:56]: scripts/main.lua(248,1) Sim Seed = 1135000

[00:18:56]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex
[00:18:56]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:18:56]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does

not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly.
[00:18:56]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(74,1) PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:18:56]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:18:56]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(773,1) bloom_enabled false
[00:18:56]: DEVICE CAP 1727913077
[00:18:56]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex
[00:18:56]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex
[00:18:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1186,1) OnFilesLoaded()
[00:18:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1175,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:18:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(156,1) Unload FE
[00:18:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(158,1) Unload FE done
[00:18:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(172,1) LOAD BE
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland)
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked)
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel)
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(180,1) LOAD BE: done
[00:18:57]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(minimap/minimap_data.xml)
[00:18:57]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(158,1) LOADING SCREEN FLASH
[00:18:57]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(160,1) USE SETTING FILE 1
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:18:57]: Could not preload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(485,1) World info:
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_version 554439
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) level_id SURVIVAL_DEFAULT
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_date 105
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) build_time 10:14:01
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) seed 1727911980
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) patcher table: 277BB518
[00:18:57]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(487,1) pikofixed true
[00:18:58]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(508,1) Loading Nav Grid
[00:18:58]: scripts/saveindex.lua(598,1) ClearCurrentResurrectors CB
[00:18:58]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:58]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:58]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:58]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:18:58]: FMOD Error: Can't play event
dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group,
event category or event property could not be found.
[00:18:58]: FMOD Error: Can't play event
dontstarve/creatures/teasertheparrot/wreckage: The requested event, event group,
event category or event property could not be found.
[00:18:58]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished

[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named

[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:18:58]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named
[00:18:58]: Reset() returning
[00:19:00]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:00]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:01]: FMOD Error: Can't find named sound ragtime
[00:19:01]: FMOD Error: Can't find named sound ragtime
[00:19:02]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(203,1) Entity hanging around origin: (0.00,
0.00, 0.00)
[00:19:02]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(192,1) Spawned world from *already existed*:-
[00:19:03]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(203,1) Entity hanging around origin: (0.00,
0.00, 0.00)
[00:19:03]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(192,1) Spawned forest from *already
[00:19:06]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(30,1) OnBuilt Saving resurrector
100162 - resurrectionstone
[00:19:06]: scripts/saveindex.lua(662,1) RegisterResurrector 100162 -
[00:19:06]: scripts/saveindex.lua(667,1) RegisterResurrector CB
[00:19:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:30]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:38]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:19:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:19:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:07]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:20:12]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:20:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:20:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:25]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:26]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flies]
[00:20:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:35]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:36]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:36]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:45]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:46]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:50]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:20:51]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:00]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:00]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:01]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:08]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:34]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:42]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:56]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:21:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:10]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:11]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:22]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:22:57]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:13]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:14]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:19]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:48]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:23:49]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:02]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:03]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:15]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:21]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:23]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:24]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:33]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:41]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:54]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:24:55]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:31]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:32]: cSoundEmitterComponent::PlaySound() already playing sound named [flyin]
[00:25:53]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(158,1) LOADING SCREEN FLASH
[00:25:53]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(160,1) USE SETTING FILE 1
[00:26:55]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100161
- resurrectionstone used:false active:false
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(678,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(694,1) DeregisterResurrector
[00:26:55]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave 100162
- resurrectionstone used:false active:true
[00:26:55]: scripts/components/resurrector.lua(44,1) Saving resurrector 100162
- resurrectionstone
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(662,1) RegisterResurrector 100162 -
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(667,1) RegisterResurrector CB
[00:26:55]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(588,1) Entities saved 8534
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:55]: scripts/mainfunctions.lua(677,1) Saved survival_2
[00:26:55]: Collecting garbage...
[00:26:55]: lua_gc took 0.06 seconds
[00:26:55]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:26:55]: lua_close took 0.06 seconds
[00:26:55]: ReleaseAll
[00:26:55]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:26:55]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:26:55]: LOADING LUA
[00:26:55]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:26:55]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(398,1) FOUND THE NEW DATA true
[00:26:55]: scripts/main.lua(241,1) running main.lua

[00:26:55]: scripts/main.lua(248,1) Sim Seed = 1614000

[00:26:55]: scripts/modindex.lua(327,1) loaded modindex
[00:26:55]: scripts/modindex.lua(67,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:26:55]: scripts/modindex.lua(250,1) WARNING loading modinfo.lua: screecher does

not specify if it is compatible with Hamlet. It may not work properly.
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerdeaths.lua(74,1) PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(702,1) loaded profile
[00:26:55]: scripts/playerprofile.lua(773,1) bloom_enabled false
[00:26:55]: DEVICE CAP 1727913556
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(103,1) Attempting to load save file saveindex
[00:26:55]: scripts/saveindex.lua(112,1) loaded saveindex
[00:26:55]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1186,1) OnFilesLoaded()
[00:26:55]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(1175,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:26:55]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(126,1) Unload BE
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x48fc3ce3 (porkland)
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c61e1f5 (shipwrecked)
[00:26:55]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa552d992 (volcanolevel)
[00:26:55]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(131,1) Unload BE done
[00:26:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(141,1) Load FE
[00:26:56]: scripts/gamelogic.lua(143,1) Load FE: done
[00:26:56]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer()
[00:26:56]: scripts/modindex.lua(77,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished

[00:26:56]: Reset() returning

[00:26:56]: HttpClientWriteCallback (0x0386E70A, 1, 1904, 0x03D8F894)
[00:26:56]: HttpClientWriteCallback READ 1904 (1904 total)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:58]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Collecting garbage...
[00:26:59]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
[00:26:59]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:26:59]: lua_close took 0.01 seconds
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xed1e0dd6 (phonograph)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa32f5a82 (shadowhand_fx)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x58d2dea4 (spear_wathgrithr)
[00:26:59]: Could not unload undefined prefab 0x87cf8cfd (wathgrithrhat)
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:26:59]: HttpClient::ClientThread::Main() complete
[00:26:59]: Shutting down

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