Inertia Emulation Control Strategy for HVDC Transmission Systems
Inertia Emulation Control Strategy for HVDC Transmission Systems
Inertia Emulation Control Strategy for HVDC Transmission Systems
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jiebei Zhu on 19 May 2022.
Abstract—There is concern that the levels of inertia in power sys- With such an increased power in-feed loss limit, if a large power
tems may decrease in the future, due to increased levels of energy plant trips, the system frequency is at greater risk of falling to an
being provided from renewable sources, which typically have little unacceptable level before frequency response control systems
or no inertia. Voltage source converters (VSC) used in high voltage
direct current (HVDC) transmission applications are often deliber- can mitigate the situation. Large system inertia can help stabi-
ately controlled in order to de-couple transients to prevent propa- lize frequency and give ample opportunity for control systems
gation of instability between interconnected systems. However, this to act.
can deny much needed support during transients that would oth- At present, many renewable generators are connected via
erwise be available from system inertia provided by rotating plant. power electronics, especially DC sources such as PV. Power
This paper proposes a novel VSC-HVDC control system
termed “INEC” (INertia Emulation Control) which enables a
electronics effectively decouples the generators from the
VSC-HVDC system to provide support that emulates the inertia of system and prevents the kinetic energy in the inertia of the
a synchronous generator (SG). The energy to do so comes from the renewable power sources from mitigating system transients.
capacitance of the HVDC connection, which may be augmented There is evidence of a decrease in system inertia on the eastern
by the installation of additional capacitance. This paper indicates interconnector in the United States during a period of more
that the proposed INEC system allows a VSC-HVDC system with
than 10 years [5] and this is believed to be due to the increasing
a fixed capacitance to emulate a wide range of inertia constants
(H) by specifying the amount of permissible DC voltage variation. connection of renewable energy sources. Inevitably, reduced
The proposed INEC scheme has been demonstrated through inertia presents a greater risk of instability requiring mitigation
simulations, and its performance is evaluated for transients that such as changes to control systems, greater amounts of spinning
include faults and also changes in load. reserve, and more frequent starting of generation installed to
Index Terms—Frequency response, HVDC converters, HVDC support the system.
transmission control, inertia emulation, synthetic inertia, voltage In an attempt to address this issue, several inertia emulation
source converter. control strategies for wind power generators have been pro-
posed [3], [4], [6], [8]. These strategies enable wind power gen-
erators to contribute inertia during AC grid disturbances. The
authors in [3] studied the dynamic contribution of doubly-fed in-
Fig. 1. Single-line diagram of VSC-HVDC transmission system, with the conventional control system.
This paper presents an inertia emulation control (INEC) Equation (1) indicates that for a certain power imbalance
strategy that uses the energy stored in the DC link capacitors between generation and load, the aggregate inertia of a
of the VSC-HVDC systems to emulate inertia. This supports power system determines the mean change in network angular
the AC network during and following disturbances, with min- speed (i.e., acceleration or deceleration). A higher aggregate in-
imal impact on the systems connected beyond the terminals ertia reduces the rate of change in angular speed, leading to an
of the HVDC system. This can be realized by modifying the increase in the overall stability of the power system.
HVDC control systems. The proposed strategy is capable of
emulating a wide range of inertia time constants using III. VSC-HVDC SYSTEM AND CONTROL
relatively small constant capacitances connected to the DC
circuit. Additionally, the proposed strategy does not rely on Fig. 1 illustrates a point-to-point VSC-HVDC system with
measurement, unlike the methods reported in [3], [4], converter station regulating DC voltage and reactive
and [6]. Therefore it will be less sensitive to any potential power, with controlling active and reactive power.
noise amplification caused by measurement, which in is connected to a weak offshore grid through interfacing
turn may cause control system instability. Moreover, the INEC reactors, AC side filters and a coupling transformer. The
acts to isolate one AC power system from the consequences VSC-HVDC system offers a degree of control freedom by
of frequency disturbance on another AC power system by allowing independent control of active and reactive power. As
only using the electro-static energy in the DC link capacitors shown in Fig. 1, the active power can be controlled either di-
plus and the comparatively smaller capacitance of the DC rectly using a power set-point or indirectly by regulating the DC
circuit. Simulations using a point-to-point VSC-HVDC system voltage. The reactive power is controlled either directly using a
connecting two AC networks have demonstrated the proposed reactive power set-point, or by regulating the AC voltage mag-
INEC strategy. The model comprises a relatively weak power nitude at the point of common coupling (PCC). The choice of
system with a DC connection to an offshore wind farm using control mode depends on the nature of the specific application.
DFIGs. However, at least one of the VSC stations must be assigned to
control the DC voltage. The details of the inner current control
loop and various outer controllers for VSC-HVDC, as shown
II. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE INERTIA in Fig. 1, are described in the following subsections.
In power systems, a difference between generation and de-
mand will result in changes in system frequency which will be A. Inner Current Controller
counteracted initially by the mechanical inertia and then by the Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of a three-phase VSC con-
governor action of prime movers. Reference [9] defines a ficti- nected to an AC grid with three-phase voltage at the PCC.
tious “inertial center” for a large-scale power system, which has represents the three-phase voltage generated at the con-
a mean angular speed for all electrical machines in the system, verter terminals. The AC-side dynamics of the converter can be
and [9] derives the following equation: expressed by the following equation:
(1) (2)
B. Outer Controllers
The outer controllers are shown at the left hand side of the
cascaded control system in Fig. 1. In order to ensure stability,
they must be slower-acting than the inner current control loops
Fig. 2. Three-phase VSC equivalent model. introduced in the previous section [10].
The active power controller produces the -axis current ref-
erence for the inner current controller according to the active
In (2), represents the three-phase currents flowing power reference :
through interfacing reactor and coupling transformer, and L
and R are the equivalent combined inductance and resistance (11)
of the phase reactor and transformer.
A synchronous reference approach is conventionally In a similar way, the reactive power controller calculates the
employed to facilitate VSC-HVDC control [10], [11]. The pos- -axis current reference from the reactive power reference
itive-sequence three-phase voltages and currents mea- according to
sured at the PCC are transformed to components and
via the Park Transformation [12]: (12)
(5) The combination of (13) and (14) gives the -axis current
reference , which represents the output of the DC voltage
(6) controller:
where and are the d-axis and q-axis converter side (15)
voltage vectors.
In order to track the reference currents and , the inner For the control of the AC voltage amplitude at the PCC, the
current control uses proportional-integral (PI) controllers with magnitude of the voltage drop across the reactor and transformer
feedback to regulate the current vectors and . Therefore, the impedance is approximated as
VSC voltage vector references and for VSC are com-
puted as follows:
where and .
(8) In the reactor and the transformer, » , thus the voltage
amplitude drop only depends on the reactive power flow .
The voltage vector references and are transformed to The reactive component -axis current is thus calculated in
a three-phase value for pulse width modulation (PWM) to the AC voltage amplitude controller, from the error between the
produce the desired converter three-phase voltage. PCC voltage amplitude set point and the actual voltage
The active and reactive powers that the VSC-HVDC inject amplitude .
into the AC system are expressed in the dq-axis as With PI controllers, the equations of active power, reactive
power, DC voltage and AC voltage controllers in the s-domain
(9) are as follows:
(10) (17)
Fig. 6. INEC response for 5% load increase: (a) SG rotor speed; (b) SG load Fig. 7. INEC response for 5% load increase: (a) SG rotor speed; (b) SG load
angle; (c) HVDC DC link voltage; (d) VSC1 active power; (e) SG active power; angle; (c) HVDC DC link voltage; (d) VSC1 active power; (e) SG active power;
(f) Network frequency. (f) Network frequency.
the capacitors absorbing the excess energy. This results in an Fig. 8 shows the active power inputs by from the Power
instant decrease of the active power output from as System 2 for both cases of the load increase and decrease re-
shown in Fig. 7(d), with the response of the SG shown in main unchanged. It is clear that offshore active power
Fig. 7(e). Fig. 7(f) shows that increasing the value of input is not affected by the active power output varia-
reduces the AC network frequency transients. In all cases, tions and the DC capacitor voltage variations. Therefore, the
the DC link voltage is maintained within 5% (15 kV) of the INEC still provides the attractive HVDC attribute of decoupling
nominal voltage level of 300 kV. Increasing the permissible Systems 1 and 2, avoiding transients in one system propagating
limits on DC voltage (and possibly capacitor ratings) could through to another system(s). This feature will become more im-
offer higher emulated inertia. portant because of the continuing trend for AC power systems
B. AC Faults
Figs. 10 and 11 compare the INEC performance for electrical
close and remote faults. In both cases, three-phase faults are
initiated at s and cleared at s.
As shown in the zoomed Fig. 10(a) the fault results in a AC
voltage amplitude drop of 75% at busbar . Generator rotor
speed, with emulated inertia s, recovers more slowly
than for cases with lower values of from the speed in-
crease due to the fault, with relatively lower first and subsequent
swing magnitudes, as observed in Fig. 10(b). This actually ex-
hibits the electro-mechanical effect of system inertia. Fig. 10(c)
illustrates the load angle of SG for different values of emulated
inertia in the post-fault period. Fig. 10(e) presents the
active power output with and without INEC, which influences
behavior throughout each of the three simulation cases. This is
directly reflected in Fig. 10(f), where the SG active power output
with larger inertia s changes less than for cases where
s and without INEC. During the fault the ’s
current is saturated due to the significant undervoltage therefore
the active powers for s, 1 s and 0 remain the same
during this time. It is interesting to see post the fault ’s
active power with larger inertia s holds the active
power on when the fault is cleared. This can be interpreted by
the equal area criterion for SG that the kinetic energy collected
by the SG during the fault must be released after the fault, and
the reduction on ’s active power actually facilitates this
process. This is important with respect to the first swing sta-
bility of a power system. The network frequency at is shown
in Fig. 10(g), which obviously has a similar trend to SG rotor
The effectiveness of INEC strategy in enhancing system
stability for distant faults is more obvious, as shown in Fig. 11.
The distant fault is represented by a resistive fault applied at
leading to a voltage drop of 25% as shown in zoomed
Fig. 9. Comparison of different capacitance for the INEC: (a) SG rotor speed; Fig. 11(a). ’s current output is not saturated due to
(b) SG load angle; (c) HVDC DC link voltage; (d) VSC active power; (e) SG the relatively smaller voltage drop. It is clear, in the circled
active power; (f) Network frequency. region of Fig. 11(e), that during the fault (from s
to 1.14 s) effectively interacts with the network with
to interconnect via HVDC especially if sub-sea interconnection different active power outputs for different emulated inertia
is used. time constants. This leads to different SG load angle and
Fig. 10. INEC response for 140-ms three-phase-to-ground close fault: Fig. 11. INEC response for 140-ms three-phase-to-ground distant fault:
(a) zoomed AC voltage amplitude at ; (b) SG rotor speed; (c) zoomed (a) zoomed AC voltage amplitude at ; (b) SG rotor speed; (c) zoomed SG
SG load angle; (d) HVDC DC link voltage; (e) zoomed VSC1 active power; load angle; (d) HVDC DC link voltage; (e) zoomed active power;
(f) zoomed SG active power; (g) Network frequency. (f) zoomed SG active power; (g) Network frequency.
active power output behaviors as shown in Fig. 11(c) and (f). speed and network frequency drops associated with larger
As illustrated in Fig. 11(b) and (g), respectively, the SG rotor emulated inertia s are significantly less than for
s. As observed in Fig. 11(d), DC voltage drop [7] P. Bresesti, W. L. Kling, R. L. Hendriks, and R. Vailati, “HVDC
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different values of emulated inertia due to the interactions [9] P. Anderson and A. A. Fouad, Power System Control and Stability.
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The AC fault simulation study clearly shows the INEC [10] C. Du, “VSC-HVDC for industrial power systems,” Ph.D. disserta-
tion, Dept. Energy and Environ., Chalmers Univ. Technol., Göteborg,
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ride-through capability. [11] J. Zhu and C. Booth, “Future multi-terminal HVDC transmission sys-
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VI. CONCLUSION [12] MathWorks MATLAB Simulink SimPowerSystems blockset, May
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This paper has proposed and evaluated an INEC system [13] S. Bennett, “Development of the PID controller,” IEEE Trans. Control
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[14] MathWorks, Hydraulic Turbine and Governor, Aug. 2011, [Online].
electro-static energy stored in the DC capacitors to enable Available:
the inverter to provide an inertial response to load and fre- [15] IEEE Working Group on Prime Mover and Energy Supply Models for
System Dynamic Performance Studies, “Hydraulic turbine and turbine
quency changes in the power system, in a similar fashion to control models for dynamic studies,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7,
a synchronous generator. The INEC varies the DC voltage to no. 1, pp. 167–179, Feb. 1992.
exercise the capacitor energy and the amount of energy exer-
cised varies with the magnitude of the inertia time constants
being emulated. INEC possesses the following significant fea-
tures: 1) Inertia time constants can be specified and
varied; 2) DC voltage variations are limited within a spe- Jiebei Zhu received the B.S. degree in microelec-
cific range; 3) The INEC provided at the inverter terminals tronics from Nankai University, Tianjin, China, and
the M.Sc. degree in electronic and electrical engi-
of the HVDC links has no impact on the rectifier-side off- neering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
shore wind power system. Simulations verify that the INEC U.K., in 2008 and 2009, respectively. He is pursuing
the Ph.D. degree in the Institute of Energy and Envi-
for VSC-HVDC transmission system is capable of interacting ronment at the University of Strathclyde.
with connected generators, counteracting, and damping gen- His research interests involve VSC-HVDC trans-
erator rotor speed (and system frequency) changes. It allows mission technologies, synthetic inertia contribution
by voltage source converters, control of multi-ter-
the VSC-HVDC system to contribute to both the damping of minal DC networks, converter hardware-in-the-loop
low-frequency oscillations, enhancement of the primary fre- for microgrid applications, and power system stability and control.
quency control of the AC networks and consolidation of system
fault ride-through capability. In the future, this is likely to be-
come more important due to the continuing trend of HVDC Campbell D. Booth received the B.Eng. and Ph.D.
interconnection and also the possible replacement of conven- degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from
tional generation by renewable generation with lower inertia the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., in 1991
and 1996, respectively.
constants. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with the In-
stitute for Energy and Environment, University of
Strathclyde. His research interests include power
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Andrew J. Roscoe received the B.A. and M.A. Chris G. Bright received the B.Sc. degree in elec-
degrees in electrical and information sciences at Pem- trical engineering in 1980 and the M.Phil. degree in
broke College, Cambridge, U.K., in 1991 and 1994, induction motor control in 1987, both from the Uni-
respectively; the M.Sc. degree in the field of “Energy versity of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
systems and the Environment” from the University He worked for 22 years in the U.K. electricity
of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., in 2004; and the Ph.D. supply industry before joining the Electrical Systems
degree in 2009 for developing new power system and Instrumentation Group, Rolls-Royce Strategic
measurement and microgrid control algorithms. Research Centre, Derby, U.K., where he has worked
He worked for GEC Marconi from 1991 to 1995, as an Electrical Systems Specialist for seven years.
where he was involved in antenna design and cali-
bration, specializing in millimeter wave systems and
solid-state phased-array radars. He worked from 1995 to 2003 with Hewlett
Packard and subsequently Agilent Technologies, in the field of microwave com-
munication systems, specializing in the design of test and measurement systems
for personal mobile and satellite communications. He is currently a lecturer in
Smart Grid Integration at the University of Strathclyde, working on micro-grid
management, power system measurements, marine power systems, laboratory
demonstration with power-hardware-in-the loop capability, connection of off-
shore renewable generation, and inverter control within microgrids.