3.1 Fiscal policy
3.1 Fiscal policy
3.1 Fiscal policy
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The government budget:
A proportional tax has a fixed rate for all tax payers, regardless of income. It is also
called a flat tax. For example, all tax payers might have to pay 20% income tax rate.
The incidence of taxes is equal, regardless of the ability of the taxpayer to pay. It
could encourage people to earn higher incomes, because the rate of tax paid does
not increase.
A progressive tax has an increase in the average rate of tax as income increases. As
income increases, the proportion of income taxed increases. For example, in the UK
income tax is progressive. People have a personal allowance of £10,600 where tax is
not paid. For incomes below £31,785, people only pay the basic rate of 20%. For
incomes between £31,786 and £150,000, people pay the higher rate of 40%. Above
this, a 45% rate is paid. This should help reduce inequality, because those on lower
incomes pay less tax. The tax is based on the payer’s ability to pay. Higher income
households are more able to pay higher rates of tax than lower income households.
Generally, direct taxes are more progressive.
A regressive tax does not relate to income, but means those on lowest incomes have
a higher average rate of tax. In other words, the proportion of income paid as tax is
higher for those on lower incomes than those on higher incomes. For example, as a
percentage of income, the London Congestion Charge and Council Taxes are higher
for those on lower incomes. This leads to a less equitable distribution of income.
Generally, indirect taxes are more regressive.
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Direct and indirect taxes:
Direct taxes are imposed on income and are paid directly to the government from
the tax payer. Examples include income tax, corporation tax, NICs and inheritance
tax. Consumers and firms are responsible for paying the whole tax to the
Indirect taxes are imposed on expenditure on goods and services, and they increase
production costs for producers. This increases market price and demand contracts.
These ‘Canons of Taxation’ were first developed by Adam Smith. They are essentially
the criteria taxes are judged by. They are:
1) The cost of collecting the tax must be low relative to the yield
2) The timing and quantity paid must be obvious to the tax payer
3) The timing and way of paying should be convenient for the tax payer
4) Taxes should be imposed depending on the ability to pay
5) The tax should not limit efficiency, and there should only be a minimum loss
of efficiency.
6) Tax should be compatible with tax systems of other countries. For the UK,
taxes should be compatible with the rest of Europe.
7) Taxes should adjust with inflation.
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The advantages and disadvantages of a flat rate tax system:
A flat tax is a uniform tax rate on income, regardless of the level of income.
Low income households have to purchase the same necessities as higher income
households. If all taxpayers pay the same rate, low income households will have
significantly less disposable income than high income households.
Income tax is a significant source of revenue for the government. If all tax payers pay
the same rate, it could disproportionately benefit the rich. It could also meant the
government receives significantly less revenue than if they charged high income
households a higher tax rate.
Government expenditure:
Current government expenditure is spending which recurs. This is on goods and
services which are consumed and last for a short period of time. For example, it
could be on drugs for the health service.
The fiscal stance is the impact that taxes and government spending has on the future
The budget position refers to whether the government has a deficit, surplus, or if the
budget is balanced.
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A government has a budget surplus when tax receipts exceed expenditure.
The national debt is the amount of money the government has borrowed at one
time through issuing securities by the Treasury.
This is a temporary budget position, which is related to the business cycle. A deficit
might occur during recessions, when governments increase spending to stimulate
the economy.
This is an accumulation of deficits and surpluses over time to give the overall budget.
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Taxes could be increased. For example, the UK government increased the rate of VAT
to 20%.
There could be caps to the amount of welfare benefits someone can claim. In the UK,
there is a £26,000 cap per annum.
Budget deficits could be reduced with less government spending and higher taxes.
However, this could lead to lower economic growth, which might cause government
finances to worsen since tax revenue falls.
Moreover, if taxes are too high, people could be discouraged from working, since
they are not keeping much of their income.
Economic growth could be promoted to help reduce a deficit. This would increase
revenue from taxes without needing to raise the rate of tax. For example, consumers
would spend more, which raises revenue from VAT. However, this is not effective is
the government has a structural deficit.
The cost of borrowing could increase, since by borrowing money, the government is
increasing demand for credit in the economy.
It could lead to higher taxes and austerity measures, especially if the debt becomes
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Distinction between automatic stabilisers and discretionary fiscal
Governments might have to fund its spending using taxes or running a budget
deficit. This leaves fewer funds in the private sector for firms to use, since the
government is borrowing money, which crowds them out of the market.
When the government borrows a lot of money, interest rates might increase.
This discourages spending and investment among the private sector.
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Average and marginal rates of taxation
The marginal rate of tax is the rate of tax applied to the next unit of currency of the
income. For example, in the UK, the marginal rate of tax is the rate of tax each extra
pound added to any taxable income.
The average rate of tax is the total tax paid divided by total income. It is a proportion
of income.
Increasing the average rate of tax as income rises means the tax is progressive.
This aims to increase AD. Governments increase spending or reduce taxes to do this. It leads
to a worsening of the government budget deficit, and it may mean governments have to
borrow more to finance this.
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Deflationary fiscal policy
This aims to decrease AD. Governments cut spending or raise taxes, which
reduces consumer spending. It leads to an improvement of the government
budget deficit.
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o If the government spends too much, there could be difficulties paying back
the debt, which could make it difficult to borrow in the future.
Fiscal rules:
A fiscal rule is a long term constraint on fiscal policy by putting numerical limits on
the budget.
A fiscal rule was established in the UK for the first time in 1997. This was with the aim
to balance the government’s books by only borrowing to fund capital projects.
Another rule was established to ensure the ratio of investment to GDP should not be
above 40%.
However, by 2010, the coalition government decided these rules were no longer
feasible, since public debt was increasing and they needed to control it.
The Laffer curve shows how much tax revenue the government receives at each level
of tax. Up until the point ‘T’, as tax rates increase, government tax revenue
increases. After point ‘T’, people do not think it is as worthwhile working, and the
lack of incentive to work leads to falling tax revenue. ‘T’ is the optimum tax rate
where the government can maximise their revenue. Laffer argued that tax rates are
too high, so they provide a disincentive to work. To encourage people to work
harder, Laffer argued, tax rates should be reduced.
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