Arun Karnwal,
[email protected] Engineered nanomaterials have emerged as a promising technology for water
Tabarak Malik,
[email protected]
treatment, particularly for removing heavy metals. Their unique physicochemical
properties enable them to adsorb large quantities of metals even at low
RECEIVED 29 February 2024
ACCEPTED 15 April 2024
concentrations. This review explores the efficacy of various nanomaterials,
PUBLISHED 06 May 2024 including zeolites, polymers, chitosan, metal oxides, and metals, in removing
heavy metals from water under different conditions. Functionalization of
Karnwal A and Malik T (2024), Nano-revolution nanomaterials is a strategy to enhance their separation, stability, and
in heavy metal removal: engineered adsorption capacity. Experimental parameters such as pH, adsorbent dosage,
nanomaterials for cleaner water.
Front. Environ. Sci. 12:1393694. temperature, contact time, and ionic strength significantly influence the
doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1393694 adsorption process. In comparison, engineered nanomaterials show promise
for heavy metal remediation, but several challenges exist, including aggregation,
© 2024 Karnwal and Malik. This is an open- stability, mechanical strength, long-term performance, and scalability.
access article distributed under the terms of the Furthermore, the potential environmental and health impacts of nanomaterials
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
The use, distribution or reproduction in other require careful consideration. Future research should focus on addressing these
forums is permitted, provided the original challenges and developing sustainable nanomaterial-based remediation
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are strategies. This will involve interdisciplinary collaboration, adherence to green
credited and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted chemistry principles, and comprehensive risk assessments to ensure the safe and
academic practice. No use, distribution or effective deployment of nanomaterials in heavy metal remediation at both lab and
reproduction is permitted which does not large-scale levels.
comply with these terms.
1 Introduction
A clean water source is essential for the long-term survival of life. However, water
pollution has become a global issue, threatening the entire ecosystem and life on Earth
(Chandran et al., 2023; Rangappa et al., 2024; Rybarczyk et al., 2024). A variety of industrial
improvements (Figure 1), including energy plants, mining industries, and environmental
disasters caused by climate change, have had a significant impact on the spread of harmful
toxins in aquatic ecosystems. Pollution and increased demand due to population
development have resulted in a widespread scarcity of safe drinking water in many
locations around the world (Sukmana et al., 2021). Heavy metal ions in wastewater are
a form of pollution that has caused serious health problems (Sharma et al., 2023; Moukadiri
et al., 2024). These ions are of special significance because of their persistence in the
environment, long-term accumulation, and potential threat to human health via the food
chain. Heavy metals are defined as elements with atomic weights ranging
from −63 to −201 and densities above 5 gm/cm³ (Arun Karnwal, 2012; H Karami,
2013). They include toxic elements such as chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As),
Sources of heavy metal pollution.
cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and mercury (Hg) (Lu and tests employing a central composite design (CCD) approach, optimal
Astruc, 2018). Untreated or badly treated effluents from many conditions for dye removal are determined. Langmuir and Freundlich
enterprises release harmful heavy metals into the environment, adsorption isotherms elucidate the equilibrium reached after 90 min.
hence exacerbating water pollution. The inappropriate treatment Response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with CCD optimizes
of landfill sites has compounded the situation, as the leachates from experiments, while kinetic modeling assesses pseudo-first- and pseudo-
these sites contain considerable amounts of heavy metals that can second-order kinetics. Thermodynamic analysis indicates endothermic,
infiltrate groundwater (NC). Arun Karnwal (2012); Arun et al. natural adsorption. FTIR characterization confirms Methylene Blue
(2018); Sall et al., 2020; Zamora-Ledezma et al. (2021). Scientists adsorption, suggesting SCB, PHB, and OCB as viable substitutes for
and engineers have become more conscious of the gravity of this commercial biosorbents in wastewater treatment.
pollution, but developing effective and economically viable solutions Certain limitations hinder the usage of typical adsorbents such as
remains a difficult task. activated carbon and metal oxides. As a result, novel nano adsorbents
In recent years, several technologies have been utilized to clean have been created that use nanoparticles to overcome these limitations
wastewater and purify water. These technologies encompass both (Umeh et al., 2023). Nanomaterials have emerged as possible
proven procedures and novel ways for combating water pollution adsorbents for heavy metal removal due to their unique properties,
(Qiu et al., 2022; Goyal et al., 2023). Although these technologies such as a large specific surface area and the ability to be modified (Yu
have the potential to eradicate a wide range of pollutants, they typically et al., 2021). Because of their specific surface charge, porosity, and high
face restrictions such as high costs, complex procedures, and capacity to bind ions, nanomaterials have a wide range of forms and
unsatisfactory performance (Abd Elnabi et al., 2023; Fei and Hu, architectures, which improves their effectiveness in removing heavy
2023; Solanki et al., 2024). Even when utilizing well-established metals. Nonetheless, several challenges exist in the practical application
approaches, the broad dispersion of heavy metal contaminants in of these technologies, particularly in the separation of treated water. To
water makes their clearance difficult, owing to problems connected solve this difficulty, nanomaterials are chemically modified to increase
to their ionic forms and ion selectivity. The adsorption approach has their ability to segregate and adsorb diverse compounds (Abdelbasir
gained popularity because it is a safe, environmentally acceptable, and and Shalan, 2019; Abu Shmeis, 2022). Nanomaterials’ recyclability
highly effective way to treat heavy metal ion-polluted industrial makes them an intriguing and cost-effective option for adsorption-
wastewater (K Liu et al., 2023). Adsorbent materials with large based heavy metal removal from water and wastewater. This review
surface areas, considerable porosity, and the ability to be reused investigates the use of nanomaterials to adsorb and remove heavy
have proved efficacy, making the adsorption process economically metals from water and wastewater. As part of the analysis, a variety of
viable (Bahadi et al., 2024). Jain et al. (2022) investigated the use of variables influencing this process are examined. These parameters
economical organic biosorbents (SCB, PHB, and OPB) for eliminating include pH, temperature, contact time, initial heavy metal
Methylene Blue dye from textile wastewater. Through batch adsorption concentration, and adsorbent quantity.
TABLE 1 Comparative analysis of mechanisms for heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions: Advantages, disadvantages, and applications (Azimi et al.,
2017; Almomani et al., 2020; Bhandari et al., 2021; Alzahrani et al., 2022; Aragaw and Ayalew, 2022; Beiranvand et al., 2022; Abdullah et al., 2023).
Ion Exchange Exchange of ions between an aqueous • High selectivity for specific metals • Limited capacity for metal • Zeolites
solution and a solid material with similar uptake
charged ions (Figure 2B)
• Reversible process for regeneration • Requires specific ion • Clay minerals
exchange resins
• Ion exchange resins
Precipitation Conversion of soluble metal ions into • Effective for removing large • Requires specific pH and • Co-precipitation with
insoluble salts through chemical reactions quantities of metals chemical conditions other metals/hydroxides
Membrane Selective separation of metal ions from • High purity of treated water • High energy consumption • Reverse osmosis
Separation water through membranes based on size,
charge, or other properties
• Can be combined with other • Membrane fouling issues • Nanofiltration
• Electrodialysis
Biosorption Uptake of metal ions by living organisms or • Environmentally friendly • Slow process • Bacteria (e.g., E. coli)
their biomass (Figure 2D)
• Potential for in-situ remediation • Limited capacity for metal • Algae (e.g., Chlorella)
Bioaccumulation Intracellular accumulation of metal ions by • High selectivity for specific metals • Slow process • Bacteria (e.g.,
living organisms Pseudomonas)
Biomineralization Transformation of toxic metal ions into less • Reduces mobility and toxicity of • Specificity to certain metals • Bacteria (e.g., Shewanella)
bioavailable forms by microorganism metals
(Figure 2E)
• In-situ remediation possible • Requires specific • Enzymes (e.g., urease)
environmental conditions
Electrochemical Removal of metal ions through reduction or • High efficiency and selectivity • High energy consumption • Electrodeposition
Methods oxidation at an electrode surface
• Can be automated • Requires specialized • Electrocoagulation
2 Methods for removing heavy metals precipitation, ion exchange, and membrane filtration, provide
from water distinct advantages, including high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and
adaptability (Lu and Astruc, 2018). However, each technique has
The risk of heavy metal contamination looms over our world, limitations, including limited capacity, pH dependence, and
endangering ecosystems and human health. These persistent regeneration issues (Azimi et al., 2017; Bui et al., 2021).
contaminants enter water sources through industrial, mining, and Understanding the merits and disadvantages of each approach is
agricultural processes, where they accumulate in living creatures and critical for determining the best technique for a given environmental
pose serious health concerns (Abd El-Aziz et al., 2023; Ahmadian et al., remediation scenario. This detailed investigation helps to advance long-
2023; Ali et al. Fortunately, scientists are equipped with a variety of term solutions for reducing heavy metal pollution in water systems.
remediation options, and knowing the mechanisms underlying heavy
metal removal from aqueous solutions is critical for their successful
implementation (Abd Elnabi et al., 2023). Table 1 provides a 2.1 Adsorption: a sticky situation for metals
comparative review of heavy metal removal processes from aqueous
solutions, revealing a range of advantages, disadvantages, and One of the most widely employed techniques for heavy metal
applications. Various processes, including as adsorption, removal is adsorption (Figure 2A). In this process, metal ions
Various mechanisms used for remediation of heavy metals from water (A) Adsorption; (B) Ion Exchange; (C) Precipitation; (D) Biosorption; (E)
cling to the surfaces of adsorbent materials, effectively trapping • Adsorbents: These materials, with their high surface areas and
them and preventing their spread (Abobakr and Abdo, 2022; abundant functional groups, act as magnets for metal ions.
Adisasmito et al., 2023). The key players in this adsorption Activated carbon, clays, zeolites, and various nanomaterials
drama are: are popular choices.
Performance evaluation of four membranes in rejecting various heavy metal particles and ions.
• Metal ions: These positively charged metallic culprits are attracted settling out of the water as solid particles (Figure 2C) (Yu
to the negatively charged sites on the adsorbent surface. et al., 2021). This method is particularly effective for metals like
lead, copper, and cadmium (Godwin et al., 2023; L Liu
Several mechanisms govern the adsorption dance: et al., 2022).
The mechanisms at play here involve:
• Physical adsorption (physisorption): This weak, van der Waals
force-driven interaction creates a temporary bond between the • Hydrolysis: Metal ions react with water molecules, forming
metal ion and the adsorbent surface. insoluble hydroxide precipitates.
• Chemical adsorption (chemisorption): This stronger, covalent, or • Precipitation with anions: Adding anions like phosphates or
ionic bond formation leads to more permanent metal ion sulfates forms insoluble salts with the metal ions, promoting
attachment. their removal.
• Ion exchange: Metal ions replace other cations bound to the
adsorbent surface, achieving selectivity for specific The choice of precipitating agent and optimal pH conditions are
metals (Figure 2B). critical for efficient precipitation.
• Reverse osmosis: A pressure difference forces water molecules environmental remediation, Table 2 offers a snapshot of the latest
through a semipermeable membrane, leaving behind nanobiotechnology strategies being used to tackle heavy metal
larger metal ions. contamination. It details innovative methods and techniques
• Nanofiltration: Membranes with smaller pores allow selective specifically designed to combat this form of environmental pollution.
passage of water molecules while rejecting larger metal ions
and some organic contaminants.
3.1 Functionalized carbon (C) nanomaterials
Membrane selection, pressure control, and pretreatment of the for removing toxic metals from wastewater
solution are crucial aspects of successful metal removal using
this technique. Functionalized carbon nanoparticles are currently employed as
effective adsorbents for removing hazardous metals from wastewater
due to their distinctive chemical and physical characteristics, showing
2.4 Bioaccumulation: nature’s significant potential for application in water purification initiatives
detoxification squad (Surti et al., 2023). These materials have gained considerable
attention across scientific and technical disciplines for their
Nature itself holds the key to some promising remediation exceptional thermal, mechanical, optical, chemical, and physical
strategies. Certain microorganisms and plants have the properties. Various carbon-based nanomaterials, such as carbon
remarkable ability to bioaccumulate heavy metals, taking them nanotubes, nanocomposites, and graphene, have been utilized for
up and accumulating them in their tissues (Z Xu et al., 2023). eliminating contaminants from water sources (Abbasi and Khan,
This natural detoxification process offers a sustainable and 2021). Graphene, a two-dimensional substance composed of a single
environmentally friendly approach. layer of carbon atoms, is extremely thin (Abdel Wahab et al., 2023).
The mechanisms involved are complex and diverse, including: Carbon nanotubes, on the other hand, are cylindrical nanostructures
made of sp2-bonded carbon atoms. The hydrophilic nature of
• Biosorption: Microorganisms bind metal ions to their cell graphene, attributed to the oxygen functional groups present on the
walls or extracellular polymers (Figure 2D). surface of graphene oxide (GO), enables exceptional solubility in water
• Bioaccumulation: Specific proteins within plants or (Abdel Wahab et al., 2023). The use of GO in water purification is
microorganisms actively transport and sequester metal ions. highly recommended due to its large surface area and various functional
• Biotransformation: Some microorganisms can convert toxic groups. Nanoparticles based on graphene have been proven to be
metal forms into less harmful ones. exceptionally effective in eliminating various pollutants from water
(Ahlawat et al., 2021; H Ahmad and Liu, 2021). Complexes formed
While further research is needed to optimize and scale up between oxygen functional groups on graphene and cationic metals play
bioaccumulation techniques, their potential for eco-friendly metal a crucial role in the adsorption mechanism utilized by graphene for
removal is significant. removing hazardous metals. Similarly, in the case of organic dyes (Cano
No single technique holds the silver bullet for heavy metal removal. et al., 2023), contact occurs through the expanded configuration of π-
Often, combining multiple approaches proves most effective (Abbas, electrons within graphene. The incorporation of MnO2 nanotubes into
2021). For instance, adsorption followed by membrane filtration can reduced graphene oxide (rGO) hydrogel by Zeng et al. resulted in the
achieve high removal efficiencies. Integrating bioaccumulation with creation of a three-dimensional nanomaterial with a size of 20 nm. This
other methods can enhance sustainability and reduce environmental material effectively removed various heavy metals from the
impact. By understanding the diverse mechanisms behind heavy metal environment, including zinc (83.9 mg/g), copper (121.5 mg/g), silver
removal, scientists can tailor strategies to specific contaminants and (138.2 mg/g), cadmium (177.4 mg/g), and lead (Zeng et al., 2019).
environmental conditions. Ongoing research continues to explore novel These impressive adsorption capacities are attributed to the synergistic
materials, optimize existing processes, and develop cost-effective interaction between manganese dioxide nanotubes (MnO2) and
solutions. The ultimate goal? A cleaner, healthier planet free from reduced graphene oxide (rGO) within the material’s 3D porous
the threat of heavy metal pollution. structure. Notably, GO nanosheets also exhibited good adsorption
potential for cobalt, demonstrating a removal quantity of 68.2 mg/g.
Similarly, Cd (II) ions were removed using graphene oxide nanosheets,
3 Nanomaterials for heavy metals which showed a removal capacity of 106.3 mg/g (Zhou et al., 2023).
removal from aqueous reservoir Environmental engineers find carbon nanotubes (CNTs) highly
appealing due to their unique attributes, such as extensive surface
Wastewater treatment is undergoing a significant revolution with area, small dimensions, cylindrical hollow structure, and electrical
the application of nanomaterials. Researchers are exploring a diverse conductivity (Suresh and Rajendran, 2022). CNTs primarily exist in
range of these materials, including zeolite, various forms of carbon, two forms: multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and single-
polymers, chitosan, ferrites, magnetic particles, metal oxides, bimetallic walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Several investigations have
structures, and even pure metals (Aloulou et al., 2022; Amariei et al., delved into the utilization of CNTs for treating wastewater to
2022; Gao et al., 2022). These nanoparticles boast a remarkable property eliminate toxic heavy metals via adsorption. Researchers have
called adsorption. This essentially means they can act like tiny magnets, effectively employed CNTs to remove ions of manganese (II),
attracting and holding onto heavy metals from wastewater, effectively zinc (II), cobalt (II), lead (II), and copper (II) (Sun et al., 2015;
removing them. As a valuable resource for those working in Trojanowicz, 2006; J Zhang et al., 2021). An additional investigation
TABLE 2 Summary of nanobiotechnology approaches for mitigating heavy metal pollution (Biswas et al., 2021; Gong et al., 2021; Kolluru et al., 2021; Baby
et al., 2022; Dhara, 2024).
Bioaccumulation - Bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli, Accumulation of heavy - Environmentally - Slow process - Bioaccumulation of Cu,
Bacillus subtilis) - Fungi (e.g., metals within the biomass of friendly Zn, Ni, Co by bacteria
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, living organisms
Aspergillus niger) - Algae (e.g., - In situ remediation - Limited capacity for
Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus possible metal uptake
- Specificity to certain
Biomineralization - Microorganisms (e.g., Transformation of toxic - Reduces mobility and - Specificity to certain - Biomineralization of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, heavy metals into less toxicity of metals - In metals As, Pb, Cd by bacteria
Shewanella oneidensis) - Enzymes bioavailable forms (e.g., situ remediation
(e.g., urease, phosphatase) carbonates, phosphates) possible - Requires specific
environmental conditions
Biocatalysis - Enzymes immobilized on Degradation of organic - Can target specific - Complex and expensive - Degradation of PAHs,
nanoparticles - Engineered pollutants that mobilize contaminants enzyme development BTEX, MTBE to reduce
enzymes with increased specificity heavy metals mobilization of Pb, Cd
and activity - High efficiency and - Potential for enzyme
selectivity inactivation
revealed that the effective removal of lead ions from water yielded a porous skeletal framework with pores and channels spanning from
remarkable adsorption capacity of 70.2 mg/g (Marwani et al., 2022). nano to micrometer dimensions. Zeolites consist of tetrahedral SiO4
The application of MnO2 as a coating on oxidized multi-walled and AlO4 units (Marotta et al., 2021), these units form a framework of
CNTs resulted in an adsorption capacity of 41.7 mg/g for the pores and channels capable of accommodating cations, water, and small
removal of cadmium ions from water (Y Liu et al., 2021). Recent molecules, resembling a sponge with numerous small or extremely small
advancements have led to the development of nanocomposites pores but lacking flexibility. Within the crystal structure, Si and Al atoms
comprising carbon-layered silicates, offering enhanced properties occupy central positions, while O atoms are located at the corners, shared
compared to traditional carbon nanomaterials. One such composite, between SiO4 and AlO4 units, creating regular gaps and channels. The
known as nano adsorbent montmorillonite/carbon (H Zhang et al., negatively charged Al3 ions attract positively charged cations such as
2023), exhibited a remarkable adsorption capacity of 247.86 mg/g Na+, Mg2+, K+, and Ca2+, allowing them to occupy vacant positions and
for lead ions, making it a promising and eco-friendly solution for neutralize the framework’s negative charge (Mahdavi Far et al., 2022; Mo
water treatment. Table 3 presents a comparative analysis of various et al., 2022). Zeolites demonstrate robust three-dimensional framework
nanomaterials used for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous structures with limited interactions between ions and molecules confined
reservoirs, highlighting their effectiveness, mechanisms of action, within pores and voids, facilitating the removal of ions without damaging
and specific heavy metals targeted. This comparison aids in the zeolite structure. Zeolites are categorized into three groups based on
understanding the suitability and performance of different their Si/Al molar ratio:
nanomaterials in remediation processes.
• zeolites A and X, with low silica content and an Al/Si ratio
less than 2;
3.2 Zeolites nanoparticles • zeolites Y and L, with intermediate silica content and an Al/Si
ratio between2 and 5; and
Zeolite materials are composed of crystalline hydrated • zeolites beta and ZSM-5, with high silica content and an Al/Si
aluminosilicate structures (Jarosz et al., 2022), exhibiting a highly ratio greater than 5.
Nanomaterial Mechanism Surface Porosity Functional Adsorption Regeneration Magnetic Metal Advantages Disadvantages Examples Cost Maturity
of removal area groups capacity ease properties selectivity
(m2/g) (mg/g)
Functionalized Adsorption, ion High Moderate Carboxyl, Varies Moderate No Broad High surface area, Potential Functionalized High Medium
Carbon exchange, chelation Hydroxyl, etc. high adsorption environmental risks, CNTs for Pb,
Nanomaterials (CNTs, capacity, tunable difficult regeneration Cd, As
Graphene, Graphene functionality
Zeolite Nanoparticles Ion exchange, Moderate High Silanol, Varies Moderate No Depends on High selectivity, Limited capacity, pH- Clinoptilolite Medium High
adsorption Aluminol, etc. zeolite type good regeneration dependent for Pb, Cd, Cs
Polymer-Based Adsorption, Low to Low Amine, Thiol, etc. Varies Low to Moderate No Tailorable with Biocompatible, Can be an expensive, Chitosan beads Medium Medium
Nanomaterials encapsulation, Moderate functional groups good stability complex synthesis for Cu, Cr
Cellulose-Based Adsorption, High Moderate Hydroxyl, Varies Moderate No Abundant, Biocompatible, Lower capacity than Cellulose Low Medium
Nanomaterials chelation Carboxyl, etc. renewable low cost some other materials nanofibers for
Hg, Pb
Dendrimer-Based Adsorption, Moderate Low Amine, Varies Low to Moderate No A high degree of Highly selective, Complex synthesis, PAMAM High Low
Nanomaterials chelation Carboxyl, etc. functionalization high-capacity high cost dendrimers for
Pb, Hg
Chitosan-Based Adsorption, Moderate Moderate Amine, Varies Moderate No Good Biodegradable, Limited pH range, Chitosan beads Low Medium
Nanomaterials chelation Hydroxyl, etc. biocompatibility, high adsorption lower capacity than for Cu, Cr
abundant capacity some
Magnetic Adsorption, Varies Varies None Varies Moderate Yes Easy separation, Tunable Potential Iron oxide Medium Medium
Nanomaterials separation with reusable properties, high environmental risks, nanoparticles
magnetic field recovery efficiency complex synthesis for As, Pb
Nanocomposite Adsorption, Varies Varies Depends on Varies Moderate Yes Enhanced High recyclability, Complex synthesis has, Fe3O4- High Low
Magnetic separation with Components adsorption good selectivity higher cost than a graphene oxide
Nanoparticles magnetic field capacity, tunable single component for Pb, Hg
Metal Oxides and Adsorption, High Moderate Hydroxyl, Varies Moderate No Varies with metal High reactivity, Can be expensive, pH- TiO2 for Pb, Cr Medium High
Metal-Based photocatalysis Carboxyl, etc. oxide potential for dependent
Nanomaterials degradation
(TiO2, ZnO)
Silica-Based Adsorption, High Moderate Silanol, Varies Moderate No High surface area, Biocompatible, Lower capacity than Mesoporous Medium Medium
Nanomaterials encapsulation Hydroxyl, etc. good stability can be some other materials silica for Pb, Cd
Karnwal and Malik 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1393694
TABLE 4 Zeolite nanoparticles for heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions (Mo et al., 2022; Umejuru et al., 2023; B Zhao et al., 2024).
- Chelation: Formation of strong bonds - Good regeneration potential - Potential for nanoparticle
between metal ions and functional groups on release into the environment
- Environmentally friendly
Surface Area Typically in the range of 200–800 m /g, - Increased adsorption - Can be energy - Nanoporous zeolites
providing abundant sites for metal interaction capacity synthesized with hydrothermal
- Enhanced removal efficiency - intensive to achieve high surface
Pore Size Can be microporous (<2 nm), mesoporous - Tailored selectivity for - Complex synthesis methods for - Mesoporous zeolites for
(2–50 nm), or macroporous (>50 nm), allowing different metal ions desired pore size distribution larger metal ions like Pb.
targeting of specific metal sizes - Microporous zeolites for
- Increased accessibility for smaller ions like Cd
larger metal ions
Surface Introduction of functional groups (e.g., -OH, - Improved selectivity and - Can increase the cost and - Amine-functionalized
Modification -NH2, -SH) to enhance metal binding adsorption capacity for specific complexity of synthesis zeolites for Cu removal.
metals - Thiol-functionalized zeolites
for Hg removal
- Can target different
mechanisms (e.g., chelation)
Composites Combining zeolites with other materials (e.g., - Improved separation and - Can be more complex to - Zeolite-magnetic
magnetic nanoparticles, biopolymers) for reusability with magnetic synthesize and characterize nanoparticle composites for
enhanced functionality properties easy separation.
- Zeolite-biopolymer
- Increased stability and composites for improved
biocompatibility with durability
Cost Generally lower than some other nanomaterials - Affordable option for large- - Highly purified and modified - Naturally occurring zeolites
(e.g., dendrimers), but dependent on specific scale applications zeolites can be more expensive like clinoptilolite are cost-
synthesis methods and modifications effective
Maturity Well-established technology with numerous - Reliable and readily available - Not all advanced modifications - Several commercial products
research studies and pilot-scale demonstrations technology are commercially available yet. based on natural and modified
zeolites exist
These differences result in distinct characteristics in the Zeolites serve as effective catalysts in chemical processes due to their
structure of zeolite frameworks, enabling various industrial porous properties, facilitating unimpeded liquid flow through their
applications (Umejuru et al., 2023). For instance, zeolites with pores and supporting chemical reactions on their surfaces. Additionally,
low silica content and a Si/Al ratio of 1, possess a larger number they can be modified to enhance their adsorption capacity. Zeolite
of cation exchange sites, leading to higher cation contents and nanoparticles are utilized for eliminating hazardous metals from
exchange capacities. Zeolites with moderate silica content are wastewater owing to their reactive surfaces and expansive area
essential for enhancing heat and acid resistance, crucial for (Deravanesiyan et al., 2015). Both natural zeolites like clinoptilolite
catalytic purposes. Conversely, high silica zeolites exhibit and synthetic variants such as zeolite 4A and zeolite X are commonly
excellent adsorption capabilities, particularly for organic employed for heavy metal treatment (Gao et al., 2022). These zeolites
molecules with lower polarity, and limited affinity for water and assist in transmitting alkali and alkaline earth metals to balance the
other polar substances. They feature a more uniform surface and a overall negative charge within the framework. Sprynskyy et al. (2006)
preference for organic molecules, along with greater resistance to conducted a sorption experiment using natural zeolites, specifically
water due to their porous crystal structure (Mo et al., 2022). clinoptilolite, for heavy metal elimination. The process involved three
Table 4 presents data on the efficacy of zeolite nanoparticles in phases: rapid adsorption on the surface, an inversion stage, and
removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions, detailing their diffusion flow from within the microcrystals. Particle size
adsorption capacity and efficiency for various heavy metal significantly influenced metal ion absorption, with smaller particles
contaminants. This table provides valuable insights into the enhancing removal. However, clinoptilolite’s adsorption efficacy varied
potential of zeolite nanoparticles as efficient adsorbents in water slightly when treating solutions with one metal versus multiple metals
treatment processes. due to distinct sorption sites.
Various studies have distinguished natural and synthetic metal pollutants, ensuring efficient removal from water sources
zeolites, highlighting synthetic versions’ superior effectiveness in (Razman Shah et al., 2023; Y Wang and Sun, 2021). Additionally,
metal ion removal (Vishnu et al., 2021; Jarosz et al., 2022). Yurekli these materials boast impressive mechanical properties, including
(2016) demonstrated that incorporating zeolite nanoparticles (NaX) high strength and flexibility, ensuring durability and stability during
into polysulfone membranes effectively removes lead and nickel the adsorption process, even under challenging environmental
from water-based solutions, enhancing metal impurity elimination conditions, maintaining consistent performance over time.
and reducing membrane pressure. Jain et al. (2021) developed an Table 5 presents an overview of polymer-based nanomaterials
ultrathin forward osmosis (FO) membrane using cellulose acetate used in heavy metal removal processes, showcasing their
(CA) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles through phase promising adsorption capacities and tailored characteristics for
inversion. The membrane exhibited high water permeability and effective capture of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions.
stability, characterized by scanning electron microscopy, elemental Synthesis methods for polymer-based nanomaterials, such as
mapping, and x-ray diffraction. Evaluating FO performance showed electrospinning, polymerization, and self-assembly, offer versatility
consistent water flux and low reverse salt flux, with an average water in fabricating diverse structures tailored to specific applications.
flux of 33.63 L/m2/h and reverse salt flux of 10.34 g/m2/h attributed Moreover, their cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness make them
to strong hydrogen bonding between cellulose ester and titania attractive options for large-scale water treatment endeavors.
particles. The membrane demonstrated high efficiency for water Polymer-based nanomaterials show great potential for heavy
desalination, promising for practical applications. In another study, metal removal from water due to their high adsorption capacity,
Khorram Abadi et al. (2023) employed electrospun nanofibers made customizable surface chemistry, and robust mechanical properties.
of polyvinyl alcohol and nano zeolite (PVA/NaX) to eliminate Ni2+ Continued research and development efforts are necessary to
and Cd2+ ions, finding Cd2+ ions had higher adsorption capacity. optimize their performance and overcome challenges for their
Another study evaluated three sorbents (ANIZ, NaX zeolite practical implementation in water treatment processes.
granules, Al2O3 nanoparticles) for Cr3+ and Co2+ ion removal,
emphasizing pH’s crucial role, with pH 5 and 6 most effective for 3.3.1 Cellulose-based nanomaterials
Cr3+ and Co2+ removal, respectively. ANIZ exhibited superior Researchers investigated the efficacy of biopolymer-based
removal efficiency for both ions compared to Al2O3 adsorbents, particularly cellulose, for the removal of harmful
nanoparticles and NaX. heavy metals from water (Yusuf, 2021). Abou-Zeid et al. (2018)
Furthermore, Al-Jubouri & Holmes (2020) demonstrated the synthesized three bioadsorbents: tetramethyl piperidine oxide-
production of carbon composites using 4A and 4A zeolite to extract oxidized 2,3,6-tricarboxylic cellulose nanofibers (T-CNFs), TPC-
cobalt ions from water solutions, significantly increasing ion cellulose nanofibers (TPC-CNFs) with and without polyamide-
exchange capacity and enhancing cobalt removal efficiency by amine-epichlorohydrin crosslinker (PAE). They assessed the
adjusting pH and temperature. effectiveness of these adsorbents in purifying water contaminated
with Cu, Pb, and Ca ions. For lead and copper ions, the adsorption
capacities of crosslinked TPC-CNFs were determined to be
3.3 Polymer-based nanomaterials 82.19 mg/g and 97.34 mg/g, respectively. Mautner et al. (2016)
showed that CNF/P, formed by adding phosphate groups to
Scientists have shown significant interest in nanofibrous cellulose nanofibers using phosphoric acid, efficiently removed
membranes based on polymers such as cellulose and chitosan, copper ions from water. Cellulose nanofibers were developed by
widely regarded as environmentally friendly remediation methods Choi and Lee (2022) using electrospun cellulose acetate
(Yu et al., 2021). The presence of a well-designed porous fiber deacetylation and subsequent esterification to incorporate thiol
network, along with a large specific surface area and high gas groups. According to the Langmuir isotherm (Abuhatab et al.,
permeability, enhances their ability to absorb pollutants 2023), this modified nanomaterial has adsorption capabilities of
effectively (Muthukumaran et al., 2022). Their biodegradable 22.0 mg/g, 45.9 mg/g, and 49 mg/g for lead (II), cadmium (II), and
nature, customizable surface functional groups, and robust copper (II) ions, respectively. The functionalized nanomaterial
structural integrity make them ideal alternatives for adsorption. facilitated the removal of metal ions through complexation
Polymer-filled nanomembranes exhibit notable selectivity and interactions between surface thiol groups and divalent metals,
adsorption prowess due to unique functional moieties such as showcasing its effectiveness in water remediation. Similarly,
NH2, COOH, and SO3H (Elakkiya et al., 2021). These nano cellulose nanofibrous mats modified with citric acid were
adsorbents can be categorized based on the substrate utilized, fabricated using the same method, and batch adsorption studies
showcasing their versatility in heavy metal removal applications. confirmed their efficacy in eliminating chromium ions, particularly
With their distinct properties and adaptable functionalities, Cr (VI), from aqueous solutions (Chen et al., 2022).
polymer-based nanomaterials have emerged as promising
solutions for addressing heavy metal contamination in water. 3.3.2 Dendrimer-based nanomaterials
A significant advantage of these materials lies in their high A highly efficient method for eliminating toxic metals involves
specific surface area, facilitating increased interaction sites for heavy utilizing organic polymers equipped with functional groups capable
metal ion adsorption. This feature enhances adsorption efficiency by of strongly binding these harmful substances (Guo et al., 2022). This
promoting stronger interactions between the polymer matrix and system comprises a polymeric support with functional appendages,
metal ions. Moreover, the surface chemistry of polymer-based with various ratios of acrylamide and acrylic acid being employed to
nanomaterials can be tailored to selectively bind to specific heavy fabricate a superabsorbent polymer hydrogel (Ahmadian et al.,
TABLE 5 Polymer-based nanomaterials for heavy metal removal (Asif et al., 2021; Zambare and Nemade, 2021; Chauhan et al., 2022; Kayanja et al., 2023).
Surface Area - High surface area to volume ratio - Increased adsorption sites - Can be limited by particle size & Polyaniline nanofibers for
and morphology Pb, Cd
Porosity - Microporous, mesoporous, - Enhanced accessibility for metal ions - Fabrication complexity, Chitosan hydrogels
macroporous structures potential pore collapse (macroporous) for Hg
Biodegradability - Degradable by natural processes - Reduced environmental impact - Lower mechanical stability & Cellulose nanocrystals
and reusability for As
Charge - Cationic, anionic, neutral - Tailored electrostatic interactions - Limited effectiveness for Chitosan (cationic) for Cu
with metals oppositely charged metals
Composites - Incorporation of magnetic - Synergistic properties for removal & - Increased complexity & cost Metal-organic frameworks
nanoparticles, metals, zeolites, etc. and regeneration (MOFs) for Pb, Cd
Stimuli- - Respond to pH, temperature, light, etc. - Controlled release & regeneration - Complex design & and synthesis pH-responsive hydrogels
Responsiveness for Hg
2023). Designed to remove Cd (II), Ni (II), Cu (II), and Co (II) from Poly (styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) resin underwent chemical
water, this hydrogel exhibits remarkable adsorption capacity. modification using either 1,2-diaminoethane or 1,3-
However, the effectiveness of the material in adsorbing cadmium diaminopropane, alongside 3-aminobenzoic acid, for the removal
and nickel ions is comparatively lower than its ability to adsorb of Pb (II), Zn (II), Cu (II), and Fe (II) from water (Hasanzadeh et al.,
copper and cobalt ions (Naseem et al., 2019). This discrepancy may 2013; Hasanzadeh et al., 2017). Additionally, Sohail et al. (I Sohail
arise from the smaller size of the cations, allowing them to easily et al., 2020; Sohail et al., 2021) adopted a divergent approach to
penetrate the polymeric support and undergo rapid chelation by the synthesize poly-amidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers, yielding zero-
functional arms. generation dendrimers measuring between 200 and 400 nm. These
The adsorption capacities of Zn (II), Pb (II), and Cd (II) ions dendrimers, featuring a higher concentration of functional groups
were found to be 7.2, 8.8, and 6.1 mmol/g, respectively, in nanofibers on their external surface, effectively eliminated nickel ions
made of a polyacrylonitrile base polymer, diethylenetriamine, from water.
ethylene glycol, and ethylenediamine, according to another study
(Morillo Martín et al., 2018). These nanofibers’ remarkable
adsorption capacity is due to their large surface area, which 3.4 Chitosan based nanomaterials
allows functional groups to interact with toxic metals more
effectively. Additionally, 1,3,5-tris (6-isocyanatohexyl)-1,3,5- Chitosan nanoparticles, derived from shellfish and crustaceans
triazinane-2,4,6-trione and diethylenetriamine were combined to like squid beaks, shrimp, prawns, and crabs, have several uses
form two novel polymers (Cegłowski et al., 2018). The ethylene (Ahmed et al., 2023). This hydrophilic polymer has beneficial
amine groups found in these nanomaterials can undergo properties such as non-toxicity, biodegradability,
complexation processes and bind metallic ions. The effectiveness biocompatibility, renewability, and biorenewability. Chitosan is
of the nano adsorbent in absorbing divalent copper, chromium, often obtained by breaking down chitin under acidic conditions
cobalt, and cadmium ions was greatly enhanced by including such as strong NaOH or enzymatic hydrolysis with chitin
pentaethylenehexamine to form longer amine chains, as deacetylase. Its unique characteristics can be further modified
compared to diethylenetriamine. chemically and mechanically to generate new functionalities,
Scientists made nanofiber membranes out of polyacrylonitrile expanding its potential applications. The increasing presence of
and metal-organic frameworks (MOF-808) using a co- -NH2 and -OH groups in chitosan, coupled with its excellent
electrospinning technique (Efome et al., 2019). The PAN/MOF- solubility in water and organic solvents, has attracted attention
808 nano adsorbent that was produced was outstanding in removing for its potential use as a chelating agent for pollutants like heavy
heavy metals from water, in the following order: Hg (II) < Pb (II) < metals and dyes in water purification processes (Bilal et al., 2022;
Cd (II) < Zn (II). This implies that the size and configuration of the Agha et al., 2024).
metals influence their interaction with active sites and complex Chemical changes and chelation can add functional groups to
formation. Another study (Ren et al., 2013) showcased the efficient chitosan’s structure, increasing its sorption and selectivity
extraction of hexavalent chromium impurities from wastewater properties. For instance, Dubey et al. (2016) produced carbon
using nanofibers composed of poly-(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol), nanoparticles (CANPs) to remove Hg2+ ions from water,
achieving an impressive adsorption capacity of 90.75 mg/g within demonstrating an impressive adsorption capacity of 217.4 mg/g
a timeframe of less than 100 min. Furthermore, employing at 30°C. According to Saad et al. (2018), a nanocomposite made
amidoxime-modified polyacrylonitrile nanofibers proved highly of ZnO and chitosan successfully removed lead, copper, and
effective in eliminating divalent lead and copper ions from water. cadmium ions from water, exhibiting a strong predilection for
Illustration depicting the procedural steps involved in water purification utilizing MNPs.
Pb2+ ions, while adsorbing Cd2+ and Cu2+ ions at lesser rates. magnetic nanoparticles, with substantial surface areas, lack toxicity,
Similarly, a mixture of TiO2 and chitosan nanoparticles efficiently and easily disperse, prove to be reliable, efficient, and cost-effective
absorbed copper and divalent lead ions (Razzaz et al., 2016). water purifiers, particularly effective in removing heavy metals
Esmaeili and Khoshnevisan (2016) developed an alginate- (Ukhurebor et al., 2023). Figure 4 illustrates the sequential steps
functionalized chitosan nanoparticle composite, achieving a involved in water purification with MNPs, highlighting the efficiency
94.9% removal of Ni2+ ions from water. Moreover, Yuan et al. of MNPs in removing heavy metal impurities from water at each stage.
(2018) engineered porous three-dimensional carbon materials using Iron oxide nanoparticles, widely acknowledged for their
chitosan, exhibiting strong adsorption capabilities for Pb2+ and reusability, easy separability, and high adsorption capacity (Tao
Cd2+ ions in aqueous environments. The adsorption mechanism et al., 2023), play an indispensable role in various applications. Fe3O4
involves coordination and electrostatic interactions with functional nanoparticles, with an adsorption capability of 36 mg/g, effectively
groups present in the carbon compounds derived from chitosan. remove divalent lead ions from water-based solutions (Nassar,
Chitosan-based nanoparticles hold promise for various 2010). Additionally, Fe3O4 nanoparticles have successfully
environmental applications, particularly in heavy metal removal extracted Cu (II), Pb (II), Mn (II), and Zn (II) ions from water
from water, owing to their unique properties and versatile in separate research projects. Changes in conditions influence the
functionalities. Further research and innovation are crucial to electrostatic interactions between these nanoparticles and the
enhance their effectiveness and advance their practical specific metals, consequently impacting their adsorption capacity
implementation in water treatment processes. (Yamini et al., 2023; K Zhang et al., 2023).
Table 6 provides a comprehensive analysis of magnetic
nanomaterials utilized for the removal of heavy metals, offering
3.5 Magnetic nanomaterials detailed insights into their efficacy and mechanisms of action. This
exploration sheds light on the diverse range of magnetic
Magnetic nanoparticles, distinguished for their exceptional nanoparticles employed in heavy metal remediation strategies,
capacity to enhance toxic metal extraction and facilitate magnetic highlighting their potential for environmental applications.
separation (Zaman et al., 2022), are extensively utilized in Through a systematic examination, Table 6 elucidates the
environmental remediation due to their excellent recyclability post- promising advancements and challenges in harnessing magnetic
separation. As their dimensions decrease, significant alterations occur nanomaterials for efficient heavy metal removal.
in their properties. Non-magnetic nanoparticles, possessing smaller Nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes, owing to their larger
surface areas and undergoing challenging separation processes, surface area, demonstrate remarkable efficiency in removing heavy
exhibit lower efficiency in water treatment compared to their metals from wastewater and water. For instance, Fe3O4 nanorods
magnetic counterparts (Ukhurebor et al., 2023). In contrast, exhibited adsorption capacities ranging from 76 to 127 mg/g for
TABLE 6 Magnetic nanomaterials for heavy metal removal: A detailed exploration (Suhasini & Thiagarajan, 2021; Targuma et al., 2021; Thakur & Kumar,
2023; Yamini and Devi Rajeswari, 2023; Yaseen et al., 2021; K Zhang et al., 2023; Zhu et al., 2016).
Cobalt Ferrite Adsorption, surface Pb, Cd, Ni, Co High magnetic Higher cost than iron Cobalt ferrite Emerging, promising
Nanoparticles (CoFe₂O₄) complexation, susceptibility, high oxides, potential toxicity nanoparticles due to high
magnetic separation adsorption capacity, performance but
good stability requires further
research on
environmental safety
Nickel Ferrite Adsorption, ion As, Cu, Zn High thermal stability, Lower adsorption capacity Nickel ferrite The early stage of
Nanoparticles (NiFe₂O₄) exchange, magnetic good chemical than some other ferrites, nanoparticles development requires
separation resistance, potential toxicity further optimization
magnetically separable and research on the
Carbon-Based Magnetic Adsorption, Broad (Pb, Hg, Enhanced adsorption Complex synthesis has, Fe3O4-GO Growing interest, is
Nanomaterials (Fe3O4- chelation, magnetic As, Cr, etc.) capacity, high surface higher cost than single- composites, promising due to
Graphene Oxide, Fe3O4- separation area, good component materials Fe3O4-CNT enhanced
CNTs) conductivity, composites performance but
magnetically separable requires further
research on large-scale
synthesis and cost
Polymer-Magnetic Adsorption, Tailorable with Biocompatible, easy Complex synthesis, Fe3O4-chitosan The early stage of
Nanomaterials (Fe3O4- encapsulation, functional groups functionalization, potential environmental beads, Fe3O4- development, is
Chitosan, Fe3O4- chelation, magnetic (specific metal magnetically separable risks depending on the PAMAM promising for specific
PAMAM) separation selectivity) polymer component dendrimers applications but
requires further
optimization and
research on the
environmental impact
Cu+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, Zn+2, Pb+2, and Fe+2 ions in water (H Karami, 2017). This simplifies the cleanup process by facilitating the retrieval
2013; N Karami et al., 2024). However, the oxidation and aggregation of nanoparticles along with attached heavy metal pollutants,
tendencies of bare magnetic nanoparticles limit their practical value in enabling further treatment or disposal.
water. Functionalizing the surface of magnetic nanoparticles enhances Moreover, the composite structure enables the integration of
stability, increases adsorption capacity, and improves selectivity. different adsorbent materials onto the magnetic core, allowing for
Various surface modifiers, such as carbonaceous, biomolecule, precise customization of performance in removing specific heavy
inorganic, organic, and polymer substances, have been utilized to metals. Materials like activated carbon, graphene oxide, or chitosan
modify magnetic nanoparticles’ surfaces. Functionalization prevents can be incorporated to enhance adsorption efficiency (Abo Markeb
aggregation and enhances interactions between metals and surfaces, et al., 2023).
including electrostatic, chemical bonding, and complex formation. Additionally, nanocomposite magnetic nanoparticles exhibit
Tailoring magnetic nanoparticles’ surfaces to selectively bind exceptional stability and reusability, making them cost-effective
hazardous metals through chelation significantly influences their alternatives for prolonged cleanup efforts. The presence of a
selectivity and effectiveness in adsorbing pollutants. Additionally, magnetic core ensures the nanoparticles remain suspended in
capping with hydrophilic coatings like polyethylene glycol inhibits water during remediation, preventing aggregation and ensuring
aggregation and increases surface area, further enhancing their consistent performance across multiple cycles. Recent research
adsorption capabilities. has demonstrated their effectiveness in removing various heavy
metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, and chromium
3.5.1 Nanocomposite magnetic nanoparticles (Hasanzadeh et al., 2017; Shahamati Fard et al., 2021; Joshi et al.,
Nanocomposite magnetic nanoparticles are recognized as a 2022; Jjagwe et al., 2023; Mallick et al., 2023; Rani et al., 2023),
promising solution for heavy metal contamination due to their indicating their potential for practical use in addressing
unique characteristics and versatile applications (Bui et al., 2021). environmental challenges.
Comprising a magnetic core enclosed in a composite material, these Kim et al. (2013) synthesized flower-shaped Fe3O4/MnO2
nanoparticles offer several advantages for efficiently extracting nanocomposite. The research focuses on the development and
heavy metals from polluted water sources. One significant application of various metal ferrite nanocomposites for heavy
advantage is their heightened magnetic sensitivity, allowing for metal removal from aqueous solutions. Firstly, an adsorbent
easy extraction using external magnetic forces (Hasanzadeh et al., exhibited superior adsorption capacity for Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+,
and Zn2+ compared to Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Additionally, ferrites (e.g., ZnFe2O4, CuFe2O4), have a high attraction to certain
researchers synthesized metal ferrite magnetic nanoparticles with heavy metals (El Messaoudi et al., 2024; Y Zhang et al., 2021).
magnetic separation properties, represented by the general formula Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been employed to effectively eliminate
M (FexOy), where M denotes the metal atom forming divalent lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) ions from water solutions
bonds. Several metal ferrites including copper ferrite (CuFe2O4), due to their exceptional adsorption abilities. Conversely, metal
zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) (Tu et al., 2016; Tu et al., 2017), and ferrite nanoparticles have exhibited distinct adsorption
manganese-zinc ferrite (Mn0.67Zn0.33Fe2O4) (Tu et al., 2013) have characteristics for various heavy metals, depending on their
been developed for the removal of heavy metals. Specific studies chemical compositions (Chandrani et al., 2024). For example,
highlighted the efficacy of ZnFe2O4 in eliminating lead ions, ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles have demonstrated a significant attraction
CuFe2O4 in removing molybdenum ions, and Mn-Zn ferrites in to lead ions, whereas CuFe2O4 nanoparticles possess a notable ability
removing As5+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions. Furthermore, cobalt spinel to adsorb copper ions (Tu et al., 2017).
ferrites (CoFe2O4 and MnFe2O4) synthesized via the co- Modifying inorganic magnetic nanoparticles offers a versatile
precipitation method were utilized to remove divalent zinc ions approach to increase their affinity for specific heavy metals.
with notable adsorption capacities (Asadi et al., 2020). Another Applying organic ligands or polymers to these nanoparticles can
study (Vamvakidis et al., 2020) demonstrated the effectiveness of a improve their specificity and durability, thereby boosting their
nanocomposite cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) modified with effectiveness in heavy metal removal. The magnetic nanoparticles
octadecylamine coating in adsorbing Cu2+ ions from aqueous can be altered using various inorganic elements such as silica, metals,
solutions, with efficient separation and recovery processes. nonmetals, and metal oxides. The coatings stabilize nanoparticles in
Overall, these findings illustrate the potential of metal ferrite water-based solutions and increase their chemical bond to particular
nanocomposites as efficient adsorbents for heavy metal removal ligands. The magnetic nanoparticles were modified by adding
in water treatment applications. amorphous oxide shells made of Mn-Co. As a result, surfaces
Various magnetic nanocomposites, including metal oxides, have with substantial negative charges were formed at different
been developed for extracting heavy metals from water. For example, pH values. These nanoparticles were modified to enhance their
a Fe3O4/MnO2 nanocomposite with a flower-shaped structure ability to bind to Cu (II), Cd (II), and Pb (II) ions (Ma et al., 2013).
showed improved adsorption compared to iron oxide The reference provided the adsorption capacities for these ions as
nanoparticles (Kim et al., 2013). Metal ferrite magnetic 481.2, 386.2, and 345.5 (Ma et al., 2013). According to the electrical
nanoparticles, such as ZnFe2O4 and CuFe2O4, have demonstrated properties of the atoms participating in the complexation reaction,
a strong affinity for specific heavy metals, effectively removing them the technique efficiently removed lead ions but zinc ions to a lesser
from aqueous solutions (Wang et al., 2021; Alshehri et al., 2024). extent. To influence the creation of stable complexes by highly ionic-
Nanocomposite magnetic nanoparticles offer a promising method potential metals, the adsorption sequence tracked the hydrated ionic
for addressing heavy metal contamination by providing effective radius of the metals.
removal, convenient retrieval, and exceptional stability. Further Calcium carbonate, an inexpensive, non-toxic, and easily soluble
research and development in this area hold the potential to chemical, belongs to the carbonate group of inorganic chemicals
enhance the performance and scalability of these nanoparticles utilized to modify magnetic nanoparticles for recovering heavy
for broader environmental remediation initiatives. metals from water. Despite its numerous advantages, constraints
such sludge formation, restricted efficacy, and separation challenges
3.5.2 Inorganic functionalized magnetic hinder its widespread application in water and wastewater treatment
nanoparticles (Fadia et al., 2021). These challenges can be reduced through the use
Inorganic magnetic nanoparticles are increasingly being of magnetic nanoparticles, which increase their adsorption capacity
recognized as a viable method for tackling heavy metal pollution and facilitate their separation from the experimental media.
in several environmental contexts. The nanoparticles, made of Nanocomposites composed of magnetic mesoporous calcium
magnetic substances like iron oxides or metal ferrites, have carbonate were synthesized by Wang et al., 2020 via annealing
distinct characteristics that make them efficient adsorbents for after solvothermal treatment. The nanocomposites, measuring
removing heavy metals in water remediation procedures. An 50 nm in size and having an irregular spherical shape, efficiently
important benefit of inorganic magnetic nanoparticles is their eliminated Pb (II) and Cd (II) from water, with maximum
ability to respond to magnetic forces, enabling them to be easily adsorption capacities of 821 mg/g and 1179 mg/g, respectively.
separated from water using external magnetic fields (Gangaraju Inorganic magnetic nanoparticles have the potential to remove
et al., 2022). This enhances the retrieval of nanoparticles together heavy metals due to their extensive surface area, specific affinity
with absorbed heavy metal contaminants, streamlining the process for heavy metals, and the capability to be controlled using magnets
of cleaning up and allowing for further treatment or disposal. (A Islam et al., 2021; Islam et al., 2017). Further research and
Furthermore, inorganic magnetic nanoparticles demonstrate development are required to enhance the design and application of
elevated surface area-to-volume ratios, which offer abundant these nanoparticles for efficient environmental remediation.
active sites for the adsorption of heavy metals. The increased
surface area facilitates effective interaction between the 3.5.3 Carbon materials magnetic nanoparticles
nanoparticles and heavy metal ions in water, resulting in fast There have been significant breakthroughs made in the removal
adsorption rates and high removal efficiencies. Studies have of heavy metals from aqueous solutions by the utilization of nano
demonstrated that certain kinds of inorganic magnetic adsorbents, like graphene oxide and activated carbon. In order to
nanoparticles, such as iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4) and metal improve the adsorption capacity of surface nano adsorbents, Danesh
et al., 2016 carried out a study in which they investigated the efficacy Furthermore, competition between chromate and hydroxide (OH-)
of graphene oxide, iron oxide, and EDTA for the adsorption of lead ions for binding sites weakened the adsorption as the pH rose. While
ions. This improvement is attributed to the coordinating properties other components present in low amounts or at higher pH levels didn’t
of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and the hydroxyl and affect the process, this method proved effective for removing metal ions
carboxyl groups that are thought to be present in graphene oxide. at low pH and high metal concentrations.
Increased electrostatic interactions between the surface functional
groups and hazardous metals are made possible as a result of these
properties. By producing extremely effective Fe3O4 nano adsorbents 3.6 Metal-based nanomaterials for efficient
that were treated with EDTA, Ghasemi et al., 2017 were able to attain heavy metal remediation
adsorptive capacities that ranged between 71 and 169 mg/g for ions
such as Hg2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. A Metal oxides and metal-based nanomaterials play a significant
nanocomposite with a peak adsorption capability of 28.8 mg/g role in heavy metal remediation due to their unique properties and
for the removal of lead2+ was created by Li et al., 2020 by the high surface area-to-volume ratios, which make them efficient
synthesis of Fe3O4@C-SH nanoparticles. This was accomplished by adsorbents for removing heavy metals from contaminated
functionalizing the nanoparticles with thiol (SH) groups. environments (Gupta et al., 2021; Ani and Egbosiuba, 2023;
Functional groups derived from organic sources have been explored Bichave et al., 2023). These nanomaterials can be tailored to
to enhance the ability of magnetic nanoparticles to adsorb heavy metals. target specific heavy metals, offering a versatile and effective
Ge and co-authors (Ge et al., 2012) synthesized Fe3O4 magnetic approach to remediation. Iron oxide (Fe3O4), titanium dioxide
nanoparticles and functionalized them with 3-amino propyl (TiO2), and manganese dioxide (MnO2) nanoparticles have been
triethoxysilane (APTES), acrylic acid (AA), and crotonic acid (CA) extensively studied for their ability to adsorb heavy metals through
for the removal of metal ions. The use of the modified adsorbent mechanisms like ion exchange, surface complexation, and
demonstrated a preferential elimination sequence of metal ions, with precipitation (Bichave et al., 2023). For example, Fe3O4
decreasing reactivity observed in the order of Pb > Cu > Zn > Cd. nanoparticles have shown promising results in removing heavy
Another study utilized EDTA-modified silica-coated magnetic metals like lead, cadmium, and arsenic from water systems.
nanoparticles to remove divalent mercury, with the addition of These materials can be functionalized or modified with specific
dithiocarbamate groups leading to increased hazardous metal ligands or coatings to enhance their adsorption capacity and selectivity
removal and enhanced adsorption capability. The modification of for target heavy metals. For instance, silver nanoparticles have
silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles was done using glutathione to demonstrated excellent antibacterial properties and can be utilized in
create the GSH/SiO2/Fe3O4 nano adsorbent, specifically designed for conjunction with other nanomaterials for the removal of heavy metals
removing lead ions from water (J Wang et al., 2024; P Xu et al., 2017). and microbial contaminants from water sources (Alamier et al., 2023;
Lead ion adsorption was enhanced at higher temperatures and the Dutta et al., 2023). Table 7 presents an overview of nanoparticles and
magnetic properties of the adsorbent aided in its removal from the metal oxides utilized in the removal of heavy metals from water. It
reaction mixture. The study used iron oxide nanoparticles treated with details their properties, efficiency, and mechanisms of action, providing
metformin and amine to remove copper ions from water. The addition valuable insights for environmental remediation strategies. This
of silica and 0.1 wt% metformin led to a significant reduction of 92% in comprehensive compilation aids in understanding the diverse
copper ions (Ghaemi et al., 2015; Ghaemi, 2016). Meanwhile, Shen et al. applications of nanomaterials in tackling heavy metal pollution in
(Shen et al., 2012; Shen et al., 2013) investigated the adsorption process aqueous environments.
of Cr6+ using tetraethylene pentaamine-modified magnetic Regeneration: Additionally, the utilization of hybrid
nanoparticles. Their findings revealed that a decrease in electrostatic nanomaterials, which amalgamate metal oxides with organic
interaction and charge transfer on the resulting adsorbents facilitated compounds or polymers, engenders synergistic effects enhancing
the adsorption of Cr6+. Zhang et al., 2019 effectively extracted Cr6+ adsorption efficiency and stability (Babar et al., 2022). These hybrid
from water using nitrogen-doped Fe3O4 magnetic porous carbon materials offer tailored properties that mitigate challenges related to
modified with humic acid, achieving a mass of 130.5 mg/g due to heavy metal contamination, such as pH sensitivity, competition
the presence of surface functional groups. A nanocomposite comprising from other ions, and environmental stability. Recent investigations
Fe3O4/SiO2/chitosan and triethylenetetramine was capable of extracting (Raza et al., 2023; Vinoth and Wang, 2023) suggest that metallic and
Cr6+ from water, adsorbing 254.6 mg/g Cr6+ within 15 min (X Wang metal oxide nanoparticles hold promise in removing heavy metals
et al., 2020). Additionally, Shen et al., 2013 synthesized core-shell Fe3O4 from water. However, due to their inherent instability and
nanoparticles with NH2 magnetic nanoparticles, demonstrating the difficulties in separation, pure metal nanoparticles are not ideal
adsorption of Cr6+ and Cu2+ ions in both simultaneous and individual for use as adsorbents. Encapsulating or modifying the surface of
metal-ion systems (MISs). Changes in pH significantly impacted how nanostructured adsorbents improves their stability and facilitates
well copper (Cu2+) and chromium (Cr6+) ions stuck (adsorbed) to the their separation (Kanel et al., 2006). Zero-valent nanoiron Fe0 is
material. At low pH (2–4), electrostatic forces were the main driver of biologically inert, exhibits stability in water treatment applications,
adsorption. However, as the solution became more acidic, the boasts a substantial surface area, and demonstrates excellent
-NH2 groups changed their charge (protonated), reducing their adsorption capacity (Kanel et al., 2006). Consequently, some
ability to bind metal ions. Interestingly, Cu2+ adsorption still researchers have utilized Fe0 as a means to eliminate harmful
improved despite this change. Above pH 4, Cu2+ likely formed metals from water (Kanel et al., 2006; Xiao et al., 2017; Xia et al.,
precipitates due to the attraction between negatively charged 2023). The oxygen present in metallic oxides reacts with aqueous
chromate (HCrO4) and positively charged -NH3+ groups. pollutants, leading to their removal. Numerous studies worldwide
TABLE 7 Nanoparticles and metal oxides for the removal of heavy metals from water (Balakumar and Manivannan, 2021; Iqbal et al., 2022; Alhalili, 2023;
Chakraborty et al., 2023; El-Sawy et al., 2023).
Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis, Broad, enhanced High activity, good Requires UV light, Anatase TiO2 for Medium High
(TiO2) adsorption under UV light stability, self-cleaning potential toxicity Pb, Hg, Cr
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Adsorption, Broad, enhanced High surface area, Can be pH-dependent, ZnO nanoparticles Medium High
photocatalysis under UV light photoluminescence potential toxicity for Pb, Cu, Cd
properties concerns
Aluminum Oxide Adsorption, ion High for As, P High surface area, Lower capacity than Activated alumina Medium High
(Al2O3) exchange good stability, some other oxides for As, F
Manganese Oxide Adsorption, Broad, high High surface area, high Can be unstable at low Birnessite (MnO2) Medium High
(MnO2) oxidation affinity for As redox potential pH, potential for As, Pb, Hg
environmental risks
Cerium Oxide (CeO2) Adsorption, Broad, high High surface area, Expensive, limited CeO2 nanoparticles High Low
oxidation affinity for good redox stability commercial availability for As, Pb
Silver Antimicrobial Broad, especially High biocidal activity, Expensive, potential Silver nanoparticles High Medium
Nanoparticles (Ag) activity, adsorption antibacterial good dispersibility environmental risks for bacterial
disinfection and
metal removal
Metal-Organic Adsorption, ion Tailorable for High surface area, Complex synthesis, UiO-66 MOF for High Low
Frameworks (MOFs) exchange specific metals tunable porosity limited stability Pb, Cd
have investigated various nano metal oxides, including ferric oxides heavy metals. Sounthararajah et al., 2015 demonstrated that the process
such as hydrous ferric oxide, hematite (α-Fe2O3), goethite (α- of single-system adsorption effectively eliminated a greater number of
FeOOH), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), zinc oxides, metals as a result of the competition for adsorption sites among many
cerium oxides, titanium oxides, aluminum oxides, and adsorbates. A sodium titanate-based nanofibrous adsorbent effectively
magnesium oxides, as well as hydrous manganese oxide and eliminated Pb+2, Cu+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, and Zn+2 (Zhou et al., 2021). The
mixed-valence manganese oxide (Recillas et al., 2010; Wang CuO nanoparticles, produced via magnetron sputtering, exhibited a
et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011; El Mouden et al., 2023). high absorption capacity of 37.02 mg/g for Pb2+ and 15.62 mg/g for
Hierarchically structured metal oxides are renowned for their Cr6+ in aqueous solutions (Sounthararajah et al., 2015).
high reactivity towards heavy metal ions, favorable surface-to-
volume ratio, mechanical strength, and ease of regeneration. Fe⁰
exhibits a higher absorption capacity than metallic nanoparticles. 3.7 Silica based nanomaterials
When combined with water, Fe⁰ nanoscale zero-valent iron
effectively eliminates 99% of pentavalent arsenic. Silica-based nanomaterials are essential for cleansing water
The plant Syzygium jambos exhibits a high adsorption capacity for contaminated with heavy metals due to their carefully designed
Cr+6, reaching 983.3 mg/g. In a relevant study (Xiao et al., 2017), zero- pore size, regulated surface properties, and large surface area.
valent iron (Fe⁰) was synthesized from ferric chloride (FeCl₃) using this Modifying these nano adsorbents with thiol and amino groups
plant material. To ensure the stability of nano-iron particles, some improves their ability to selectively adsorb metals and increases
studies incorporate stabilizing agents in conjunction with Fe⁰. The their adsorption capacity (Sankareswaran et al., 2022; Trofymchuk
chitosan carboxymethyl β-cyclodextrin containing Fe⁰ acts as a et al., 2023). Due to their eco-friendly and non-toxic characteristics,
biodegradable stabilizer that reduces Cu2+ and Cr+6 to Cu0 and they have become more widely used in water treatment applications.
Cr3+, while also oxidizing Fe⁰ to Fe3+(Sikder et al., 2014). In Studies have compared the effectiveness of functionalized and non-
addition, bimetallic nanoparticles can eliminate heavy metals. The functionalized silica nano adsorbents in binding divalent ions such
efficiency of removing divalent copper ions by kaolinite-embedded as lead, nickel, and cadmium (Y Li et al., 2019; Peralta et al., 2021).
Fe/Ni nanoparticles is 99.8% (C Li et al., 2022; Zhan et al., 2021). Metal The materials evaluated included NH2-functionalized silica gel, non-
oxides possess the ability to effectively remove heavy metals from water. functionalized silica nanoparticles, and hollow silica spheres (Najafi
The metal oxide nanoparticles were categorized into magnetic and non- et al., 2012). The modified versions showed adsorption capabilities
magnetic types. Copper, Manganese, Iron, Cerium, Aluminum, and of 96.80 mg/g for lead, 31.40 mg/g for nickel, and 40.74 mg/g for
Zinc oxides are frequently used to purify water contaminated with cadmium. Chemical changes using phenyl groups and 3-
aminopropyl were utilized on silica nanospheres to improve the around 30%–20%. pH levels in aqueous solutions significantly influence
adsorption and elimination of divalent copper ions. the performance of nanomaterials, affecting their surface charge,
Interestingly, adding amino groups increased copper ion reactivity, and adsorption capacity for heavy metals (Alli et al., 2023;
adsorption. In a separate investigation, nitrilotriacetic acid altered Asmat-Campos et al., 2023; Assad et al., 2022; R Biswas et al., 2023).
silica gel to treat wastewater with two-valence lead, cadmium, and
copper ions. The improved nano adsorbent adsorbs 76.23, 53.15,
and 63.6 mg/g of Pb, Cd, and Cu in 2–20 min. The authors used 4.2 Impact of contact duration
silicon waste with kerf loss to create nanoporous silicon (NPSi)
functionalized with 3-amino-propyl-ethoxysilane (APTES) via The length of time nanosorbents interact with metal ions plays a
chemical etching and nanosilver. The functionalized nano crucial role in the cost-efficient treatment of water or wastewater
adsorbent was investigated for hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) polluted with harmful heavy metals. Extended contact durations
adsorption from water (Z Yang et al., 2020). The greatest between pollutants and adsorbents enhance adsorption efficiency by
adsorption capacity was 103.75 mg/g in 1 hour. Protonated prolonging the interaction between active chelation sites and the metals
amino groups reduced Cr (VI) to Cr (III) for adsorption. This (Aghababai Beni and Jabbari, 2022; Ahmad et al., 2023; Areche et al.,
improved nano adsorbent works after 5 adsorption cycles. 2023). Usually, in the early stages of adsorption, the removal efficiency
shows quick advancement, then progresses gradually. A study on the
adsorption of divalent mercury ions onto carbon-based nanoparticles
4 Environmental factors affecting the (CANPs) showed a significant increase in adsorption as the contact
performance of nanomaterials duration increased from 0 to 90 min (Dubey et al., 2016). The
adsorption rate initially increased rapidly, then slowed down
Nanomaterials have gained significant attention in gradually, and finally stabilized at 90 min.
environmental remediation due to their unique properties and Another study examined how divalent cadmium and lead ions
potential applications in removing heavy metals from aqueous bind to the surfaces of composite materials made from magnetic
environments. However, the performance of these nanomaterials nanoparticles (Hasanzadeh et al., 2017). Adsorption efficiency
can be influenced by various environmental factors (Kolluru et al., reached 91% within the initial 20 min of contact, achieving the
2021; Kumar & Kumar, 2023; Madkour et al., 2021; Solanki et al., maximum adsorption capacity of 48.54 mg/g for Cd(II) ions and
2024; J Yang et al., 2019). Understanding these factors is crucial for 100% efficiency with a capacity of 53.35 mg/g for Pb(II) ions
optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of nanomaterial-based (Hasanzadeh et al., 2017).
remediation strategies.
conducted an experiment using superparamagnetic iron oxide positive correlation between temperature and immobilization
nanoparticles at varying doses between 0.1 and 1.8 g. The efficiency, with higher temperatures ranging from 15°C to 45°C
objective was to eliminate Ni2+ from aqueous solutions within a resulting in increased efficiency, consistent with the principles
90-min timeframe. (Rad et al., 2014). The researchers discovered outlined in the Arrhenius equation.
that the highest level of removal effectiveness, reaching 99%, was
attained when using an adsorbent dosage of 0.2 g (K Nithya et al.,
2018). The quantity of nanomaterials employed is a critical 4.5 Effect of ionic strength
determinant affecting the efficacy of heavy metal ion removal.
Multiple studies have identified the optimal quantities of A solution’s ionic strength, or ion concentration, is an important
adsorbents needed to achieve specific degrees of pollutant determinant of nanomaterials’ efficacy in heavy metal removal.
removal, aiding in the efficient and cost-effective utilization of According to Yang et al. (F Yang and Yang, 2022; G Yang et al.,
nanomaterials. Arshadi et al., 2014 found that increasing the 2022), nanomaterials may have their adsorption effectiveness reduced
quantity of immobilized NZVI on sineguelas waste biomaterial in solutions with high ionic strength because metal ions compete more
from 0.05 to 0.15 g resulted in a rise in the clearance rate of strongly with other ions in the solution. An increase in ionic strength
Pb(II) from 15.6% to 89%. However, escalating the dosage may also affect nanomaterial performance by changing their stability
further did not notably enhance the elimination effectiveness. and aggregation behaviour (L Kong et al., 2023; Q Kong et al., 2021).
Fu et al., 2015 investigated how sepiolite-supported NZVI Adsorption processes rely on ionic strength, which quantifies the effect
performed in removing Cr(VI) and Pb(II) from groundwater. of extra ions on molecule adsorption onto the adsorbent surface (Y Liu
Increasing the adsorbent quantity from 0.05 to 3.2 g/L improved et al., 2022; Musso et al., 2019), as it estimates the concentration of ions
the removal rates of Cr(VI) and Pb(II). The most effective dosage dissolved in a solution. To explore how experimental ionic strength
was determined to be 1.6 g/L, although clearance rates only showed a affects chelation efficacy, ions like Cl− and Na + are commonly added to
small improvement above this concentration. Zand et al., 2020 did a the solution. The concentrations and affinities of these extra ions can
study using different quantities of TiO2 nanoparticles for greatly impact the adsorption effectiveness.
phytoremediation of soil contaminated with Cd. Higher dosages The role of ionic strength in particle aggregation cannot be overstated
of TiO2 NPs were found to enhance the absorption of Cd by when considering electrostatic interactions. Particles aggregate when
Trifolium repens. Excessive doses led to a reduction in plant ionic strength increases, which lowers electrostatic repulsion and,
biomass as a result of toxicity. consequently, the number of available binding sites and the number
of ions that can be adsorbed (Y Liu et al., 2022). Sodium chloride, at a
concentration of 0.025 mM, enhanced the surface functional group
4.4 The effect of temperature dispersion of Fe3O4/SiO2/GSH nanoparticles, which in turn promoted
the adsorption of Pb2+ ions (P Xu et al., 2017). Increasing the sodium
The kinetics of adsorption processes incorporating nanoparticles chloride concentration to 0.2 mM reduced lead ion adsorption, perhaps
are greatly affected by temperature. The temperature variations can because it decreased the number of available chelation sites (P Xu et al.,
influence the speed at which heavy metal ions are adsorbed, diffused, 2017). Hasanzadeh et al., 2017 showed that the nanocomposite surface’s
and desorbed on the surface of nanomaterials (J Liu et al., 2020). affinity for Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions over Na + ions remained constant, as
Elevated temperatures can promote the movement of metal ions and heavy metal ion adsorption was unaffected even in the presence of 3 mol/
intensify their interaction with nanomaterials, leading to an L NaCl. These data highlight the sensitivity of the adsorption process to
augmentation in adsorption capacity (Shi et al., 2023). Nevertheless, sodium chloride content, as well as other parameters that influence the
high or low temperatures might induce alterations or clustering of adsorbent’s affinity for the target adsorbate.
nanomaterials, which can have a detrimental impact on their
functionality (Behnam and Firouzi, 2023; Khorram Abadi et al.,
2023). The temperature-dependent energy of reaction activity is a 5 Navigating the nano-revolution:
critical factor in the adsorption process. Temperature variations environmental impacts and challenges
significantly affect the equilibrium adsorption capacity of of nanomaterial-based heavy metal
nanomaterials. Elevated temperatures lead to a reduction in the remediation
interparticle spacing and expedite the redox reaction process (Yu
et al., 2023). Dubey et al., 2016 investigated to evaluate the efficacy Although nanoparticles present promising opportunities for
of chitosan-alginate nanoparticles in the removal of Hg(II) across a wastewater treatment due to their versatile features and ability to
temperature range of 10°C–40°C. The results revealed an enhancement selectively remove various contaminants through mechanisms such
in removal efficiency with increasing temperatures, peaking at 30°C and as adsorption and photocatalysis, there are still some obstacles that
subsequently declining gradually. Similar trends were consistently need to be overcome (Elsaid et al., 2023). The exponential
observed across various studies (Roostaee et al., 2022; Khorram advancement of nanomaterials surpasses our comprehension of
Abadi et al., 2023; Morales et al., 2023). Nassar (Nassar, 2010) noted their potential environmental and health hazards (Table 8).
an increase in the adsorption of Pb(II) using Fe3O4 nanoparticles at Significant areas of knowledge that need to be addressed include
elevated temperatures, particularly within the range of 298–328 K, the mechanisms by which nanomaterials are released, transported,
indicative of an endothermic adsorption process. Furthermore, Liu and exhibit behavior in water systems. Furthermore, it is necessary
et al. (1996) investigated the immobilization of Re(VII) in soil and to conduct thorough toxicological studies to investigate any negative
groundwater employing starch-stabilized NZVI. They observed a health consequences at appropriate dosages. Membrane filtration, a
TABLE 8 Potential Environmental and Health Impacts of Nanomaterials (Ahmed et al., 2024; Babu et al., 2021; Elsaid et al., 2023; Roostaee et al., 2022;
Yaqoob et al., 2020).
Soil Nanoparticles can bind to soil particles and Landfills containing nanomaterials - Research the impact of
Contamination potentially alter nutrient cycling and soil fertility could contaminate surrounding soil nanomaterials on soil microbial
- Develop strategies to remediate
soil contaminated with
Water Nanoparticles can enter water bodies through Fullerenes used in solar cells could - Investigate the fate and transport
Contamination wastewater discharge or industrial processes, leach into water if not properly of nanomaterials in water systems.
potentially harming aquatic life and impacting disposed of - Develop methods to remove
water quality nanomaterials from wastewater
Health Impact Inhalation Inhaling airborne nanoparticles can lead to Workers in nanomaterial production - Improve workplace safety
respiratory problems and inflammation facilities are at risk of inhaling regulations for handling
nanoparticles nanomaterials.
- Develop personal protective
equipment for workers
Skin Contact Nanoparticles can penetrate the skin and cause Consumers using cosmetics - Conduct thorough safety testing
irritation or allergic reactions containing nanomaterials could of nanomaterial-based consumer
experience skin problems products.
- Develop labeling guidelines for
products containing nanomaterials
Ingestion Ingestion of nanomaterials through contaminated Nanoparticles used in food packaging - Investigate the potential for
food or water can lead to gastrointestinal could migrate into food nanomaterials to migrate from food
problems and potentially other health effects packaging to food.
- Develop regulations for the safe
use of nanomaterials in food
Unknown Long- The long-term health effects of exposure to The potential for nanomaterials to - Conduct long-term studies to
Term Effects nanomaterials are still largely unknown cause cancer or other diseases needs assess the health risks of
further investigation nanomaterials.
- Develop methods for monitoring
human exposure to nanomaterials
current treatment technique, is hindered by issues such as pore 5.1 Advantages of nanomaterials
obstruction and reduced effectiveness over time caused by fouling
(Morales et al., 2023; Roostaee et al., 2022; Yaqoob et al., 2020). • High Efficiency and Selectivity: Due to their large surface area
Likewise, the ability to be used again is a significant obstacle for and unique functionalities, nanomaterials can effectively
nanosorbents. Optimally, these materials should effectively capture and remove even very low concentrations of
eliminate contaminants while facilitating straightforward post- specific heavy metals from aqueous solutions and soil.
treatment retrieval. The US Environmental Protection Agency • Versatility and Tunability: Different types of nanomaterials
(USEPA) has recognized crucial inquiries regarding the can be tailored to target various metals through surface
elimination of nanoparticles throughout the process of modifications and functionalization, offering a highly
wastewater treatment. These factors encompass comprehending adaptable approach.
the processes involved in eliminating nanoparticles, their • Potential In-situ Remediation: Certain nanomaterials can be
interactions with other pollutants, and the efficacy of directly injected into contaminated sites, enabling targeted
conventional techniques such as coagulation and carbon and efficient decontamination without extensive excavation.
adsorption. Moreover, it is necessary to develop tests in order to
detect probable degradation products that are produced during the
treatment process using these approaches. Continued research is 5.2 Challenges and environmental concerns
essential to create economical and reliable methods for assessing the
intricate characteristics of nanoparticles in wastewater treatment • Limited Understanding of Long-Term Impacts: The long-
(Babu et al., 2021; Elsaid et al., 2023; Ahmed et al., 2024). term fate and behavior of nanomaterials in the
environment are still not fully understood, raising concerns highly promising for water treatment, particularly in removing heavy
about potential unintended consequences. metals, owing to their high adsorption capacity and selectivity, even at
• Unforeseen Toxicity and Ecotoxicity: Some nanomaterials can low concentrations. Throughout this review, we have explored the
exhibit toxicity towards organisms, potentially harming efficacy of various nanomaterials, ranging from zeolites, polymers,
beneficial bacteria and disrupting ecosystems. chitosan, and metal oxides to metals, in extracting heavy metals
• Release and Persistence in the Environment: Accidental release or from water under diverse environmental conditions. Moreover, the
leaching of nanomaterials from treatment sites can lead to their functionalization of nanomaterials has emerged as a strategic approach
accumulation in various environmental compartments, posing to enhance separation efficiency, stability, and adsorption capacity,
risks to water resources and food chains. achieved through the incorporation of molecules such as biomolecules,
• Difficulties in Recovery and Reuse: Efficient and cost-effective polymers, and inorganic materials.
methods for recovering and reusing spent nanomaterials after However, despite the remarkable potential of engineered
remediation are still under development, raising concerns nanomaterials, several challenges and limitations persist, including
about waste management. issues related to aggregation, stability, mechanical strength, long-term
• Regulatory Uncertainty: As nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving performance, and scalability. Furthermore, nanomaterials’ potential
field, regulatory frameworks often struggle to keep pace, creating environmental and health impacts necessitate thorough investigation
challenges for responsible development and application. and consideration. In order to overcome these issues and create
sustainable nanomaterial-based remediation techniques, focused efforts
must be made in the future. This will require interdisciplinary
5.3 Mitigating the risks collaboration, adherence to green chemistry principles, and
comprehensive risk assessments to ensure nanomaterials’ safe and
Several strategies can be adopted to minimize the environmental effective deployment in heavy metal remediation at both laboratory
impact of nanomaterial-based remediation: and large-scale levels.
Further research endeavours are essential to optimize synthesis
• Environmental Design and Risk Assessment: Developing processes, enhance reusability and separation techniques, and
nanomaterials with inherent biodegradability or biocompatibility minimize environmental impacts. By doing so, we can contribute
and conducting thorough risk assessments before large-scale to developing robust solutions for mitigating heavy metal pollution
application. in water and safeguarding human health and the environment for
• Surface Modification and Coating: Coating nanomaterials future generations. In essence, while the journey towards harnessing
with biocompatible and environmentally friendly materials the full potential of nanomaterials for heavy metal remediation may
can reduce their toxicity and enhance their stability. be challenging, it is a journey worth undertaking to improve society
• Development of Recovery Technologies: Investing in efficient and preserve our planet’s precious water resources.
and cost-effective methods for collecting and reusing spent
nanomaterials is crucial for sustainable application.
• Improved Regulation and Collaboration: Strengthening Author contributions
regulatory frameworks and promoting collaboration
between scientists, engineers, and policymakers is essential AK: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Validation,
for responsible development and deployment. Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. TM: Data
curation, Formal Analysis, Investigation, Resources,
Writing–original draft.
5.4 The future of nanoremediation
Publisher’s note organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated endorsed by the publisher.
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