Can the Theory of Everything Be the Great Filter
Can the Theory of Everything Be the Great Filter
Can the Theory of Everything Be the Great Filter
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1 author:
Federico Re
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
All content following this page was uploaded by Federico Re on 15 November 2022.
1 Introduction 2
1.1 State of art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 The role of time and distance in communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Appendices 21
A Glossary 21
Superficial considerations about the exponential growth humanity experienced in the last few centuries
lead us to wonder how much can it endure. This rapid progress can benefits from subsequent explosions
thanks to the discover of always new scientific theories. Hence we conclude that it will find an end, or a
slowdown at least, after the Theory of Everything will be eventually discovered. Since the technological
progress is linked to economic wealth and to pacific policies, we conjecture if its stop can constitute a
risk of collapse for our civilization.
Since the Theory of Everything can act as a Great Filter for the human society, we wander if this
mechanism can work for any galactic civilization, thus finding a solution to the Fermi Paradox. After
a recap of the main conceptual tools to tackle the Fermi problem, and of the already proposed answers
about, we generalize the concept of exponential growth. The technological civilizations, which are the
matter of the Paradox, should experience such a rapid growth, as humanity is doing. If an exponential
explosion has no end, a technological society should rapidly occupy the entire Galaxy, but we do not
see any trace of galactic empires. These considerations leads again to believe that the progress must
have an end, for any civilization, and that the Theory of Everything should constitute its ultimate
limit. This results to be a somehow preferable answer to the Fermi Paradox.
1 Introduction
The Great Filter is a concept that emerged [1] among the discussion on the Fermi Paradox: “Where
are everybody?”[2], [3]. I.e., let the Mediocrity Principle holds, and nor the Earth nor the human
species have a privileged role among the nature (as five centuries of astronomical, biological and
scientific discoveries suggest) [4]. And let therefore life, intelligence and technology are widespread in
the Galaxy and in the whole universe. So why none of these technological civilizations ever tried to
contact us, in person or by message? Why we do not detect their presence in any way?
• fl is the probability that life appears on an habitable planet - while the forms of life are defined as
a set of termodinamically semi-open systems, such that they are able to regulate (homeostasis)
their internal energy and entropy [9], and following a darwinistic evolution process [10];
• fi is the probability that life evolves in an intelligent species - which can be defined as a creature
with an elaboration system complex enough to include a model of the world and of its place in it
[11], and such that these models and generically the behaviors of the creatures are predominantly
regulated by memetics and cultural information, rather than by genetics [10];
• fc is the probability that an intelligent species develops a technological civilization - that, for
our purposes, is characterized by the ability of establish interstellar communications (Cfr. with
discussion in §1.2 for the exhaustive definition of what a “communication” is, and see the Glos-
• L is the average time span of technological civilizations - what contemplate also possible break
periods, when the species somehow lose the ability of communication and then get it again,
or periods when the species is extinguished, but is later replaced by another intelligent and
technological society.
Obviously, the Drake Equation admits criticisms. E.g., one can observe that the probability of hab-
itability of a planet depends on the class of its star. Hence, it would be better to distinguish the
formation rates of the different classes of stars, and each of them has different habitability criteria
[12] [13]. One can argue that some of the passages considered in (1.1) are not strictly necessary for
the subsequent ones. Life could appear on interstellar planets [14], or on satellites big enough [15]
[16]. The “life”, as it is defined, may not be a prerequisite of intelligence: let’s imagine an IA, or a
Boltzmann brain [17]. Similarly, technology may not require to be developed by an “intelligence”, as
we defined it. Moreover, the estimation of the Drake Equation is uniform in space and along time,
but the distance between us and the other civilizations can put decisive obstacles to communication
[18]; or the period we live in, more or less prolific of intelligence, could be as much relevant [19] [20]
With all these cautions, we recognize that the Drake Equation has the advantage of systematize the
approach to the problem, and divides it in more manageable sub-problems. Looking at it, we can
categorize the possible answers to the Fermi Paradox with three major classes.
a common outcome the expression of science and technology [26], or their equivalent in alien
Whether one imagines an essentially lifeless universe; or a universe rich only in simple life; or
only in complex, not intelligent life; or in intelligent, but not technological civilizations: for all
these cases, he is claiming that the today’s planet Earth is in a special condition, a condition
characterized by at least one of the listed reasons.
• The Dark Forest, the Zoo hypothesis, and so on: “They don’t want to talk”.
The Drake Equation estimates the number of today’s existing civilizations capable of commu-
nicating. It does not contemplate their desire to really establish a communication. Hence, we
can imagine many pictures about a Galaxy swarming of technological civilizations, which do not
show themselves, for some reason.
The desire of communicate and know seems a natural one to us, we can even claim that it is
intrinsic of an intelligent species. But actually, we know very little about the general character-
ization of intelligence, since we can study just one example: ourselves. It could be the case that
an intelligent species is more frequently an isolationist one: even if it is capable of building radio
antennas for interstellar communication, it has no reason to do so [36]. We can also imagine a
composite explanation. Intelligent species may belong to two classes. The curious and aggres-
sive ones rapidly self-destruct in an atomic Great Filter. On the other hand, many passive and
pacific civilizations are perhaps existing right now, since they have not incurred in any Great
Filter, but they don’t want to contact us or each other3 .
According to the original definition of Great Filter [1], it could consist of any obstacle on the way to the technology,
even in the past of the humanity. However, the cases in which our planet and our species already passed the Great Filter,
fall in the first class of answers: the Rare Earth hypothesis. Cfr. the Glossary
We don’t know if the human concepts of “desire” or “will” can be applied to alien cultures. Here we intend them
as any mechanism which works analogously to our will, leading to an action rather to another, within the possibilities.
On the opposite, the Dark Forest hypothesis claims that all the galactic civilizations are forced
to be aggressive [37], because the abysmal difference about biology and culture between alien
species leads to xenophobia, incomprehension, and any mutual trust is impossible. Moreover,
if the civilizations discovers the Dark Forest hypothesis, as we did, a fortiori they choose the
preventive destruction of any possible enemy - not necessarily because they want to do it, but
for self-preservation. Anyway, any civilization makes sure not to reveal itself, in order to avoid
the preventive attacks of all the others.
Yet another hypothesis is the Zoo’s one [38]. According to it, mutual tolerance and respect
for the diversity dominate in the Galaxy. For this reason, the more advanced civilizations don’t
want to contact us: in order to preserve our specificity, in the same way that we avoid contacting
the Sentinel people [39], and other un-contacted traditional cultures.
However, this correction on the definition of fc allows us to mostly neglect the distance dependence.
Distance has nevertheless a relevant role in the difficulty sending a message that is perceptible for
the recipient. This is the main reason why we usually talk only about the life in the Milky Way, and
why the extra-galactic civilizations are neglected: they would need a huge energy to send a message
to us. Our current civilization has no energy enough for a message which is perceptible just by the
nearer star, although we have the radio technology. This did not stop us to try, with messages as the
Arecibo one [43], hoping in some superior alien reception technology. However, if antennas sensitive
about as the ours are listening, there are no hopes that the Arecibo message will be collected.
Let we define fc as: “the fraction of intelligent civilizations that are able to send a perceptible inter-
stellar message, even a one-side one”. Hence, humanity does not belong to them. Kardashev called
them civilizations of I kind, i.e. civilizations that are able to control the whole energy of their planet
[44]. Recall that the Kardashev degree is defined as
log10 W − 6
K := , (1.2)
where W is the number of watt the civilization can produce [45]. The II degree is reached by a
civilization that is able to control the energy of its star; the III degree by one that controls the energy
of all its galaxy. Today (data for 2019) humanity has a Kardashev degree of 0.725 about [46]. So, we
are not at the technological level of a message sender, although we have the technology required to
Kardashev did not consider civilizations beyond the III degree, since they should be characterized
by a scientific and technological knowledge that would be totally unintelligible to us. Here we recall
the Clarke’s Third Law: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”[48].
We can e.g. imagine that a civilization above the III degree discovers scientific laws overcoming the
Conservation of Energy. If it is the case, then the concept of energy itself, which is the theoretical
foundation of Kardashev scale, would lack. Such a scale would not be applicable to higher civilizations.
Sometimes, these civilizations are generically put in an Ω kind, instead of enumerate the degrees IV,
V, and so on, purposeless [49]. In other words, the Ω civilizations are those who realize Shermer’s
Last Law: “Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from God”[50].
Even for less esoteric cases, which are applicable to the future of humanity or to other civilizations,
one can doubt of the descriptiveness of the Kardashev scale. Indeed, Kardashev assumes a certain
validity of energetic determinism, which is disputed [51]. Nevertheless, in this work we will use the
energetic determinism and the Kardashev scale as conceptual instruments. Indeed, some technical
or intellectual achievements do not require big amount of energy, but the interstellar communication
does, apparently. For the purposes of the Fermi Paradox, this is what we have to consider. Moreover,
higer is the degree in Kardashev scale, and more difficult is to hide the civilization. Hence, the energy
level seems to be a good parameter for observational checks.
Here we see the need to generalize the definition of “communication”, for the last time. Indeed, we
have to include also the unaware communications. For the purpose of Fermi Paradox, it doesn’t matter
the will in communication, as it doesn’t matter if it receives an answer. A civilization of level I needs
some effort, in order to send a perceptible message; but it is probably necessary to build some mega-
structures, e.g. a Dyson sphere [52], in order to get the level II, and these would make the civilization
detectable, even without its will. The discover of any techno-signature would constitute a one-side,
unintentional communication. We need to explain why the SETI program, along fifty years of activity,
never detected any (but see [53]). Regarding to the civilizations of III kind, we can certainly say that
none of them exist in our galaxy: otherwise, it would have already colonized the Solar System too.
Their mega-structures should be so huge that they would be detectable from a distance of several
galaxies - but we have no clues of such beings, in all the visible universe.
Figure 1: Regression line for K(t) data, from 1800 to 2019.
If this linear law is projected in the future, it would foresee that humanity will become a type I
Kardashev civilization in the year 2406 ± 16, and so being part of the fraction fc . This forecast is
obtained with coarse methods, but it is confirmed by the recent analysis [55]. Jiang and his colleagues
showed how it is possible to reach the degree I even in 2371, just with the today’s known technological
tools. This year falls within the ±3σ of our projection.
Secondly, it’s difficult to keep up to date with technological innovation for the average human, even
today. With a constantly accelerating progress, people would be soon unable to learn quickly enough
how the new world works [61]. Not to mention emotionally accepting it. This “mental friction” could be
reduced changing the human nature itself, with technological tools as genetic engineering. Otherwise,
the AIs could manage the progress [62]. Or a middle ground can be followed, enhancing the human
mind with electronic systems, nanotechnologies, and linking it to computer processor or to a mental
internet [63], and so on.
The first and second objections admit these answers, imagining some suitable future technology.
Now we consider a third one, which is linked to the Fermi Paradox itself. Assume that, when a civ-
ilization reaches a scientific phase (or a technological one, or any equivalent), it really takes three or
four millennia to colonize the whole Galaxy. So why hasn’t it already happened? The Drake Equation
estimates our contemporaries civilization of type I (or those civilizations that existed on our past light
cone, anyway). The number of the technological societies ever appeared in all the galactic history,
of ten billion of years, has a totally different order of magnitude. It is enough that this event - a
technological explosion of four millennia - although improbable it is, happened just once along 1010
years, on any of the 1011 star systems of the Milky Way. If it happened, we would live now on a
“xeno-formed” world (as we would like to “terraform” the other worlds, such an alien species would
have “xeno-formed” the Galaxy in his image). Its empire could also have collapsed later, but it is
enough if it lived for some millennia. Its traces would be everywhere. Instead, we see nothing.
This is a sort of a strong version of the Fermi Paradox. Not: “Where are everybody?” But rather:
“Why they are not already here?” The question is justified, because the disproportion between two
orders of magnitude: the age of Galaxy, and the time required to colonize it, in the case of an ex-
ponential technological explosion. The explanations for the Fermi Paradox belonging to the third
class, “They don’t want to talk”, are not applicable to this strong Fermi Paradox. Regardless of its
willingness to communicate, the presence of a conquering civilization would be obvious5 .
In the light of the strong Fermi Paradox, only the first two classes of answers are acceptable. Within
the first one, we can consider a variation of the Early Bloomer hypothesis: the “First in, last out” hy-
pothesis [21]. The idea is that a scientific-technological revolution has such a potential that makes
inevitable the domain of the Galaxy, with a time scale that is trifling if compared with the age of
the Galaxy itself. However, we see no such empire. Hence, we are the first civilization that reaches
this stage. There might be someone else that did the same almost at the same time, but no more.
Unfortunately, this is another way to refuse the Mediocrity Principle. It is justified by an adaptation
of the Anthropic Principle: if we weren’t the first, then we wouldn’t even exist; so, the fact that we
are here, wandering about the problem, is a proof of our primacy [66].
Remember however that is it preferable to avoid this kind of answers, belonging to the first class: if
only for Occam’s Razor. Indeed, we can object that it does not seem legitimate to apply the Anthropic
Principle in this case [67]. Let’s imagine an Aztec thinker, with enough abstraction skills. He could
propose an analogous argument, but on the smaller scale of the human cultures, expanding on the
world. Making use of the Anthropic Principle, he would have concluded that the mesoamerican culture
was the only one that achieved the Neolithic Revolution. Only in the Mesoamerica, the writing was
discovered and an urbanization was experienced - otherwise, he would not be able to consider these
matters. A few years later, the landing of Cortés would prove his mistake.
We don’t want to consider non-falsifiable and solipsistic explanations here, e.g. the argument of the simulated
universe [64]. However, it could be considered the case in which the conquering civilization made so deep changes that
are not identifiable. An example from the sci-fi is the Cixin Liu’s trilogy, in which the limit of speed of light itself is due
to xeno-formation [65].
So, the best class of answers seems to be those of the Great Filter. We can sketch a quantitative
argumentation adapting the Drake Equation (1.1) to this strong version of the paradox. Let Ns be
the number of civilizations that colonized the whole Milky Way in some moment of the past. Then
we can write
Ns = R∗ np fe fl fi fIII A, (2.2)
where A ∼ = 1010 y is the age of the Galaxy, and fIII is the probability that an intelligent species reaches
the III Kardashev degree. Hence, fIII is the probability that a civilization starts a technological
explosion regime similar to (2.1), and endure it for three or four millennia.
It is an empirical fact that Ns < 1, since the absence of a galactic empire cannot be due to a choice
of the colonizers not to communicate. A is a fixed and big factor, unlike to L. If any factor between
np and fi is set very low, we break the Mediocrity Principle; and the Anthropic Principle seems not
to be a justification for that. Hence, deduce that fIII 1.
Humanity already reached the exponential growth regime. So, we can’t justify that fIII 1 assuming
a very low probability of starting the technological phase: this would break the Mediocrity Principle,
too. Hence, the best conclusion is that these technological phases do not endure for more that three
The strong Fermi Paradox is a key clue that the technological growth cannot be exponential for
millennia. The Great Filter is the cause of stunting, since the only class of acceptable answers for this
version of the paradox is the second one.
whether banknote or electronic money, takes not its value from concrete goods, or from services. Its
value comes from investments on what will be realized, but does not exist yet. Hope for the future is
the biggest source of economic value. This fact allows virtuous financial circles to establish. Thanks
to this confidence in the future, in the Modern Era the interest rates on loans became quite low, with
respect to previous historical periods. This allowed to many more companies to born, and to gain
success. Observing the effectiveness of the progress, the banks lowered more and more the interest
rates on loans. This consolidated the economic value of the hope [69].
Such psychological and sociological mechanisms are the reason why economy has no conservation laws.
This way of thinking can be strongly counter-intuitive for physical scientists. The amount of money
and value in the world is not constant. It is not limited by the present matter or energy, but only
by people’s imagination. For this, an economist does not distrust from unlimited growths, as long as
the population has the time for recognize and validate them. Of course, he is aware of the physical
limits, as the speed of light, or the heath death of the universe; but these are negligible for his models,
because they are too far.
Human hope needs a constant improvement in material welfare to be justified. For this, the market
has to always puts new ideas into action. It has to open new market niches, and it is inspired by
technological and scientific discoveries. There is a mutual catalysis between the scientific-technological
world and the economic-financial one. This is one of the alliances that are allowing the fast, exponential
growth in the Modern Era. Discoveries and inventions consolidate the people’s trust in progress; the
obtained capital is invested also in research and development sectors.
physics, but we know the laws of modern physics for more than a century, and we are applying them
to quantum computing [68].
The energetic growth is granted by constant technical innovations, and these are in turn allowed
by the succession of scientific discoveries, which can be led back ultimately to the fundamental laws of
nature. Such discoveries can happen with great advance (even more than a century) with respect to
the time when their applications are needed. However, they are the remote cause of the linear climbing
of Kardashev scale, and they are indispensable for this. Even the economic growth is in some way
coupled to scientific discovers, although it is untied by material obstacles: discoveries and inventions
justifies the investors’ trust in the future.
This analysis depends strongly on human specificity, especially for the role of economy. Other in-
telligent beings may have no analogues of economy, or may have analogues with radically different
mechanisms. Nevertheless, we are allowed to believe that if a civilization is experiencing a techno-
logical explosion (improving linearly its Kardashev degree, with a rate comparable to ours), then it
must have had their own kind of Scientific Revolution. For our purposes, we can generalize the role
of scientific thinking as: “a certain trait of the civilization that allows to substitute continuously and
quickly its growth models, so that any previous Malthusian limit is broken” (Cfr. the Glossary).
Without such an element, any exponential growth must run out soon.
Now recall the first objection we met in §2.2, about extending the exponential model to future mil-
lennia. Now we can reformulate the answer to it, thanks to the concept of “generalized scientific
progress”: the limit of the speed of light is usually taken for granted, but it is just another Malthusian
limit to the growth. The Special Relativity can be considered valid for a long time, as other funda-
mental laws were: the Galilean Invariance resisted for three centuries, and the Einstein’s one has little
more than one. Analogously to other theories, also the Special Relativity can eventually collapse,
finding a substitute. The exponential model (2.1) can remain valid, just if Relativity will be refused
in some moment by the LII century. This seems not to be so unlikely, if we look at the past history
of science.
Such a line of thought can be criticized as not-falsifiable [74]. We are imaging that anything is
possible for an advanced enough civilization. But if we cannot study the Fermi Paradox relying at
least on our most fundamental knowledge about universe, then any rational analysis is impossible. We
could legitimately claim any arbitrarily absurd idea about aliens, and about the nature of the cosmos.
Any objection would use some accepted law, but these would be refused for higher civilizations.
Moreover: if we believe in an unlimited scientific progress, then the strong Fermi Paradox becomes
even more serious. Assume that even the speed of light is not an inviolable limit, and that even a very
young (if compared with the age of the Galaxy) civilization will be able to broke it in just two or three
millennia. Then why the Galaxy was not inexorably colonized a long time ago? If the speed of light
is not a true limit, then we need to consider also the intelligent beings from all the other galaxies, not
only from ours. The estimation (2.2) has to be extended even beyond the visible universe: indeed,
only the limit of the speed of light makes its horizon inviolable.
The universe is not infinitely old, as far as we can tell. Nevertheless, its spatial curvature results to
be zero, net of experimental errors [75]. Hence (assuming an homogeneous spatial topology, even at
large scale [76]), the universe is spatially infinite, beyond our visible horizon. Assuming always the
Mediocrity Principle, it follows an infinite amount of habitable planets. However small the factors
in (2.2) are, doesn’t matter. However small is the probability fIII that a civilization discovers the
superluminal travel (i.e. the Kardashev’s III degree), doesn’t matter. As long as these numbers are
not exactly zero, the Drake estimation returns an infinite amount of civilizations that whould have
already colonized the entire universe - including the Earth.
These considerations point that the superluminal travel is impossible, whatever is the progress degree.
With more generality, we should believe that an unlimited technological progress is impossible. Inci-
dentally, this means that the Clarke’s Third Law, the Shermer’s Last Law and similar claims have no
absolute validity.
The Theory of Everything is unknown to us, but we may infer that the limit of the speed of light
(or some analogous obstacle) could be among its components. Indeed, if the Laws of Nature would
allow arbitrarily fast travels, the universe would be already colonized by infinite civilization, as we
said above. The first two Principles of Thermodynamics could be other components of the ultimate
Theory: if a civilization would break them, it would be able to deploy a perpetual motion machine of
the first kind, and this would make it a Ω level civilization.
With a bigger generality: any scientific theory consists of a prohibition, of a claim of impossibility,
rather than of the possibility to build new technologies. Any scientific law claims that only the
phenomena allowed by it can happen; among all the other phenomena one can imagine, none of them
can happen. The wider is the exclusion, the more noteworthy and advanced the law, and the more
falsifiable it is, in the Popper’s sense [74]. The Theory of Everything should be seen as the ultimate
obstacle, for the discovering society, rather than a source of technical applications. Such applications
run out over a couple of centuries, while the no-go principles are eternal.
Fermi Paradox seems to act like a Rorschach Test. The very definition of intelligence, which we have
given in the Introduction, is just an effort to generalize a concept of which we do not know the true
limits. Memetic could be irrelevant in cases as hive-minds [78], which are nevertheless capable of
developing technology.
Beyond these defining difficulties, we should prefer as much as possible culture-independent answers.
This was already highlighted in [21]. Indeed, the “First in, last out” hypothesis has the merit of
disregard the particular features of each kind of intelligence. On the contrary, it exploits their differ-
ences, given by billions of years of independent biological evolution: it is impossible to recognize the
“life” and the “intelligence” of what you come into contact with. The expanding civilization would
wipe away any other being, not because a destructive will, but inadvertently. In the same way, a
excavator can devastate an anthill, unaware that it developed a collective intelligence - and maybe it
wouldn’t even care.
The Dark Forest hypothesis is another explanation that exploits the biological and cultural differences
between civilization, and so it enjoys some culture-independence. It is inspired by human history,
anyway, in which the first contacts between different civilization was followed almost ever by total
incomprehension, and devastation for the weaker part. It is based nevertheless on quite objective
points: space and matter are limited and civilizations grow, so that they will eventually compete, if
only for self-preservation. Cooperating and federating would be an alternative, but mutual trust is
needed for this purposes. Some civilizations can be aggressive, some other can be pacific; but if we
don’t know to which category belongs the one we are dealing with, we cannot take risks. Without
common cultural traits (does this species believe in honor? Does it understand basic logic?), the safest
strategy is preemptive attack. This is a big Prisoner’s Dilemma [79], on galactic scale.
Except for these two, all the other proposed answers to the Fermi Paradox listed in §1.1 seem to be
culture-dependent, even those in the second and third classes. Indeed, a Great Filter is a threat only
if the civilization has the inclination to take that path. The will or indifference in communication are
even more determined by culture.
In the meanwhile, the civilization could run out its physiologic life L. Or it could split up, because the
communications to interstellar colonies require too much time to keep them together. If divided by
millennia of independent history, without contacts, the colonies can differentiate so much to become a
different civilization de facto. This new culture could even fight against the motherland. However, even
if interstellar war is avoided, interstellar distances hold back the expansion. During the technological
explosion phase, the growth catalyzes other growth; during the interstellar colonization phase, on the
contrary, growth inhibits a further growth. Probably, even W (t) will be less than linear.
Another possibility is that the Malthusian limit can create a backlash to the civilization. The expansion
can be stopped. The civilization can even collapse. This would be the very effect of a Great Filter.
Anyway, all these possible developments would be a consequence of the laws inherent in the universe: c
is inviolable, energy cannot be created by nothing, and so on. Hence, these are all culture-independent
In the previous Sections, we mentioned other “preferability criteria”(Cfr. the Glossary), aside the
culture-independence. It turns out that the Theory of Everything enjoys also these other criteria.
First, an answer to the Fermi Paradox should provide an explanation to its strong version too. The
Theory of Everything does. So it is preferable to, e.g., the Dark Forest hypothesis. The Dark Forest
does not explain why, along billion of years, none of the competing technological societies arrived
to colonize the Earth. This could be done silently, without betraying its presence. If only to gain
advantage to the other civilizations, each one should colonize uninhabited planets, as fast as possible.
A second preferability criterion is the Mediocrity Principle. It is broken by all the answers in the
first class, including the “First in, last out” hypothesis. On the other hand, the Theory of Everything
respects it. We can require as a third criterion to refuse the Clarke’s Third Law - or at least, to refuse
an absolute validity to it. Otherwise, any rational study on the Fermi Paradox, using the knowledge
available to us, would be totally impossible. The fourth and last preferability criterion is the culture-
Pay attention: these criteria have no material value. A problem as the Fermi Paradox has no obligation
to have a solution which is formatable by human beings, on the base of our current knowledge. In
the same way, the universe has no obligation to meet the Mediocrity Principle. These criteria have
value just as methodological principles. They do not exclude totally some options, but they rather
point which options are best to consider first. Only when all the answers that satisfy a criterion are
confuted, then the other ones becomes plausible.
In this sense, we claim that it is preferable - currently preferable, until no evidence to the contrary
emerges - to answer to the Fermi Paradox saying that any technological society discovers the Theory
of Everything, within a maximum of two or three millennia of scientific explosion. The discover of this
Theory constitutes the Great Filter, ending the technological explosion. As far as we know, this is the
only explanation that solves also the strong Fermi Paradox, that meets the Mediocrity Principle, that
negates the Clarke’s Third Law, and that is culture-independent.
Let’s assume that, about in the middle of this century, we will manage to quantize gravity [80]. The
definitive experimental confirm could arrive around 2100, with a suitable particle accelerator or some
other experimental setup, e.g. one that detects the graviton. Adding the graviton to the Standard
Model (SM), all the theoretical predictions becomes coherent to the experimental measures, within
their errors. Assume also that the open problems in cosmology - as dark matter, dark energy and
inflation - will be explained, thanks to the new quantum gravity (QG).
A century from now, physics seems to explain almost any known phenomenon. Obviously, some small
problems remains. Many scientists believe that these “small clouds”[81] can be clues for an imminent
revolution of physics, analogously to the photoelectric effect, the black body problem and the ether
at the end of XIX century. Explanations are proposed, modifying the SM+QG, adding particles, or
even changing the paradigm. After experimental checks, these turn out to be always wrong. On the
contrary, suitable applications of the main theory clear progressively the small clouds.
Two centuries from now, humanity reaches the Kardashev degree of 0.85. Energetic crisis are solved.
On the Moon and on Mars there are permanent colonies, starting terraforming [82] [83]. Energy is
guaranteed by a mix of fusion reactors and photovoltaic systems [55]. Projects exist about mining
the asteroid belt [84] [85] [86]. Meanwhile, the fundamental physics did not see relevant discoveries
in the last hundred years. More and more experts start to suspect that the current theory could be
the last one - or at least, that a progress would require very advanced experimental setup, more than
available; or superior computing power; or some analogous jump.
Technology, informatics and applied science continue to provide inventions for all the XXII and XXIII
centuries. They draw on the “old fashioned” quantum physics8 , and then on the particle physics9
and on quantum gravity. These inventions keep on supporting the exponential growth. In the XXIV
century, even the bicentenary quantum gravity starts to run out the applications. The innovations
are reduced to the logistic and organizational ones. This is enough to lead humanity to become a
civilization of I kind for Kardashev, four centuries from now.
In the XXV century, the majority of physicists are convinced that the quantum gravity is the Theory
of Everything. For intellectual correctness, they know to must contemplate the possibility that the
theory can be put in crisis, by some extraordinary experiment, or by an observation from the deep
space. But the more decades and centuries pass, the less this is believed to be plausible. Popper’s
falsiability becomes more a myth, than a method: a curiosity from the history of philosophy. Even
the non expert population incorporates this mentality. They see that the level of wealth and progress
is similar to those of their fathers, or of their grandparents.
A half of millennium from now, no one can remember a time when the humanity had a different
technology. Big works go on, of course. Mars is almost terraformed. The terraforming of Venus is
started [87] [88], as the colonization of satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, as well. Spatial stations orbit
around the Sun, as the first elements of a Dyson swarm [89]. But the rhythm of these improvements
is constant, without a hope in sudden, relevant innovations.
Along this historical period, the interest rates slowly grows, reaching the pre-modern levels. Ob-
viously, it is not a uniform trend. Investments at low cost are allowed in random moments, due to
political and social changing, popular protests or projects organized by governments. However, the
global trend of the markets is to distrust investment on future. Indeed, any production growth can
be easily predicted: it depends essentially by planetary colonization. The total richness of humanity
grows slowly, or it does not grow at all. It is senseless to hope in its relevant increase.
This has political consequences. In the age of exponential growth, the more rational and effective way
This started already in XXI century, with quantum computers
Cixin Liu imagines “strongly interacting materials”[65]
to get rich is to pacifically invest. With the end of this growth, the pre-modern conception of economy
returns to be valid: the total richness is like a pie, with an almost fixed size [69]. Hence, the more
effective way to get rich is to appropriate the other slides, even with violent methods [90].
In five centuries, the political institutions can change a lot, with respect to those of the XXI century.
We can try to identify the global trends. Since the birth of the first states, the history showed the
trend to unify humanity [69]. So, at the start of XXVI century, it could exists a government of the
Earth - maybe a federal government. It could even exist an interplanetary union. However, in the
Modern Era the unification is favored by mechanics of mutual investment (aside to other factors),
which invite to cooperate. With the end of investments, the competition between different regions
would increase - even if included is the same nominal state. If the biggest colonies, on Mars and on
the Moon, are not already independent, they can easily secede because the big distances.
The following political history could embark on a cycle: formation of big multicultural empires, split-
ting up, and again; as it was in the Middle Ages. With a key difference: in the XXVI centuries,
nuclear and thermonuclear weapons exist. They might have been banned and dismantled, in some
phase of international cooperation or global government. But the awareness of being able to build
them is not canceled. During any war, any front can decide to develop again a nuclear arsenal; if only
as deterrence against the rivals.
This triggers an arms race, analogous to the post-war’s one. The resulting equilibrium is not stable,
because it is not made easy by economic benefit; it is supported only by the awareness of the Mutual
Assured Destruction. It can’t hold on forever. Any fanatic movement can decide that the destruction
of the enemy worth more than their own survival. Else, the malfunction of the deterrence automatic
systems can lead to the random launch of bombs, and to the cascade responses. Or else, a power can
be aware of the possibility of such a breakdown, and installs control mechanisms. But these mecha-
nisms can cause a delay in the deterrence response, maybe involving a human second check, and this
encourages the enemy power to attack. It would trust in an excessive delay in the response, which
does not occur, leading to the mutual destruction.
This is a totally fictional scenario. It is arbitrary to fix to the XXVI century the collapse of human
civilization, and it is due to the pessimistic assumption that we are now almost reaching the Theory of
Everything. Nevertheless, this imagined future has the advantage of point out the main vulnerabilities
of the humanity, before the Theory of Everything.
Even if we would wait millennia for the Theory of Everything, it would lead to the stop of technology
over just a couple of centuries. If we consider the fundamental mechanisms of economy, as they are
currently, this would mean the end of the virtuous circle of financial investments. According to this
interpretation, the whole scientific progress is just a huge financial bubble. Its bursting would lead
to the worst and deepest financial crisis of the history. It could be long or short; it could lead to
immediate upheavals, or the society could be able to adapt itself again to a pre-modern economy. But
such a production economy promotes war conflicts [69] [90], and the post-atomic humanity cannot
afford the total war.
This cause-and-effect chain is highly culture-dependent. It cannot be applied to civilizations without
economy, without wars or weapons. For a generic society, the Theory of Everything could mean just
a brake on growth. But we have reasons to believe that for some societies, including ours, it could be
such a shock that leads to the collapse. For this cases, it would be a Great Filter, with the original
meaning of this term.
The above hypothesis about future history could be excessively pessimistic (or optimistic?). Anyway,
the exponential trend (2.1) seems to point out that this Great Filter awaits us. We can estimate that
it will arrive between a minimum of five centuries and a maximum of two millennia.
5 Conclusions, future perspectives and criticisms
With this work, we tried to set up a methodical approach for the problem of the Fermi Paradox. We
considered equally, as far as possible, the many proposed solutions. We classified them, and afterwards
we proposed some preferability criteria on them. After a superficial modeling of the exponential
technological explosion, we tried to study its functioning. Hence, we formulated a strong version of
the Fermi Paradox. Inspired by these considerations, we made our proposal of solution: the Theory of
Everything entails an impassible limit for the technological growth, and hence it constitutes a Great
Filter for any civilization. It is the only answer, known to us, that enjoys all the preferability criteria.
Morevover, we argued that its consequences would be particularly serious for humanity.
We believe that these considerations can have some utility. Firstly, an intellectual utility, if it is the
solution of the Fermi Paradox; or, at lest, for the methods we developed to face the problem. Secondly,
there could be even a utility as long term warning, about the risks that the society may face in the
If we would like to guard against the consequences of the Theory of Everything, avoiding at least the
particular vulnerabilities of the human species, it would be useless to discourage the scientific research.
It would only anticipate the big financial bubble, running out anyway the applications of the known
science. It is rather advisable to act on the deep mechanisms of economy and politics.
Note that the science may run aground even if it does not reach the Theory of Everything. We
could reach the same result because endogenous social dynamics. E.g. if the members of scientific
community would be more and more victims of logical bias. In this case, the experimental confutation
would no longer be enough for abandoning a theory. We can imagine another dynamic, if the different
disciplines lose contact, because an extreme specialization, and because the number of researchers and
the amount of required knowledge grow too much. In this case, the cross fertilization [91] of sciences
would be impeded, as the serendipity phenomena as well [92], and the research as a whole would be
braked. A third example: the expectations of the societies and of the markets could conflict too much
with the intellectual honesty of the researchers, and with the falsifiability principle [93]. Humans can
even run into an extreme case: an historical phase globally dominated by dictatorships. In order to
preserve the regime ideology, the critic thought and methodical doubt would be forbidden. This would
make science, and any other rational study of reality, basically impossible.
Any of these mechanics could lead to the end of scientific discoveries, and to the consequences we
imagined in §4. However, these are not unavoidable phenomena - unlike the Theory of Everything.
Our line of thought has some limits and is open to criticism, of course.
First of all, it could be in reality determined by author’s personal convictions and concerns, and
hence its validity would be only apparently objective. However, as we highlighted above, this is an
inevitable risk when one approaches to the Fermi Paradox. We hope to have minimized this risk with
the application of a methodical setting, and seriously considering the other possible answers to the
Another limit is the almost total absence of quantitative calculations in this work. So, the claim to
have solved the Fermi Paradox and its strong version is a fragile claim, since they involves numerical
estimates. E.g., it could be the case that many civilizations do not collapse, once the Theory of
Everything is reached, but rather keep on with a linear growth. If this happens after the most part
of the exponential curve, and if the linear growth is nevertheless fast enough, then the time scale for
reaching K = 3 would be anyway short with respect to the age of the Galaxy. The strong Fermi
Paradox is hence already open, because of this possibility.
A fortiori, the original (“weak”) Fermi Paradox would remain open. Indeed, even the pessimistic
projection in §4 contemplates that humanity would become a I kind civilization, and that for a couple
of centuries it would remain at this Kardashev degree. Other civilizations can be even more stable.
It follows a certain abundance of civilizations of I kind, i.e. capable to send interstellar messages.
If we want really to answer to the Fermi’s question, we have to calculate exactly how many these
civilizations are, and how long they last. Such calculations are postponed to future work - assuming
that it is even possible to do.
A third possible critic is that the depletion of scientific discoveries does not necessarily implies the end
of exponential explosion. It could be however supported by other kind of discoveries. Mathematics,
in particular, seems not to be limited by a Theory of Everything, or by something analogous. We can
potentially discover infinite mathematical theorems. Even the extensions of axiomatic systems are
infinite: the Incompleteness Theorems grants this [94]. The “interesting” mathematical discoveries
(the discoveries open to applications) could be however limited; but, as far as we can tell today,
nothing points out this. A growth could be supported by the mathematical, logistic and IT efficiency,
and not by fundamental physics or science. It may be slower, but still exponential.
Fourth critic: even if the exponential explosion ends, it could eventually start again. The applications
of scientific methods have limits, because the Theory of Everything; but we can’t exclude that, in
some future, some totally different method for rationally determining the truth will be formulated.
Such new method could be superior to our current scientific method, as much as science is superior
to the pre-modern systems of thought. Hence, civilizations could alternate phases of technological
explosion, and linearly growing phases, or even involution phases.
Regarding this latter criticism, we observe that it has some non-falsificability, analogously to the
Clarke’s Third Law. We can’t totally exclude it. However, we believe that it should be provisionally
set aside, until proven otherwise, because the preferability criteria.
We thank Francesco Haardt, Vittorio Gorini, Anna Riva, Davide Astesiano and Sergio Cacciatori for
useful discussions.
A Glossary
Along this paper, we introduced some technical expressions, in order to define precisely what we are
talking about. We made also use of terms that already existed in the literature, but with a slightly
different meaning, or a generalized meaning. In order to improve the readability, we recap here all the
definitions built in the text.
Here are not included all the technical concepts taken from the literature about the Fermi Paradox,
or about other fields of study, if used with their original meanings. Any deepening about is provided
by Bibliography.
• Culture-dependence
We say that a proposed answer to the Fermi Paradox is cultural-dependent when it applies only
on civilizations with certain cultural traits, involving its evolution path or choices; i.e., when the
answer supposes that these traits belong to all intelligent beings, and not only to humanity (see
• Great Filter
The second class of explanations of the Fermi Paradox, characterized by the conjecture of a short
average life L for technological civilizations (see §1.1).
• Intelligence
A form of intelligence is a population of creatures that are complex enough for self-reference, i.e.
that include a model of the world and of themselves inside it. Such a model and self-reference
constitute the cultural information, which is spread through the population, and is describable
by memetics. The creatures are intelligent only if their behaviors are determined by culture
more than by genetics (see §1.1).
• Interstellar communication
For the purpose of Fermi Paradox, an interstellar communication is any kind of message, even a
unique and one-side message, which makes an intelligent species aware of the existence of another
living species on a different stellar system, even if the second one sent the message inadvertently
(see §1.2).
• Law of Nature
The order intrinsic to the universe. Scientific research must require, as a meta-scientific axiom,
that it exists and is unique (see §3).
• Life
A form of life is a population of termodinamically semi-open systems, which are able to regulate
their internal energy and entropy - i.e. are capable of homeostasis - and which evolves according
to a Dawrinistic process (see §1.1).
• Preferability criteria
We can’t determine whether of the proposed answers to the Fermi Paradox is the correct one;
but we can judge whether is more or less preferable, in some sense. We say that an answer
is preferable if it explains also the strong Fermi Paradox; if it does not break the Mediocrity
Principle; if it refuse the Clarke’s Third Law; and if it is cultural-independent. It turns out that
the most preferable answer is a Great Filter consisting of the Theory of Everything (see §3.2).
Preferability criteria can be met even within other topics, whenever the true can’t yet be deter-
mined by rigorous methods. Mediocrity Principle is a preferability criterion even aside of the
Fermi Paradox, as well as the Occam’s Razor. These should be seen as methodological principles,
which can’t determine the correct hypothesis, but rather suggest whether hypothesis should be
followed first.
• Rare Earth
The first class of explanations of the Fermi Paradox, characterized by the refusal of the Medi-
ocrity Principle (see §1.1).
• Scientific explosion
With its most general meaning, a scientific behavior is a trait of a culture that allows its en-
ergy consumption to have many exponential explosion, without rest, breaking each time the
Malthusian limit of the previous growing phase. It makes possible the technological phase of the
civilization (see §2.4).
• Technological civilization
The word “technology” is used with two slightly different meanings, in the text. In the first
meaning, a civilization is technological if it is accounted in the Drake’s estimation, i.e. if it is
capable of interstellar communication (see §1.1 and §1.2). The Fermi Paradox requires to explain
why we never detect the existence of such a civilization, since we are already able to receive some
forms of communication, and we are ourselves almost at that level.
According to the second meaning, a civilization lives its technological phase if its energy produc-
tion grows exponentially through time, with a rate of a whole Kardashev degree in few millennia
(see §2.1). Such regime is possible thank to a scientific explosion.
• Theory of Everything
The ultimate scientific theory, which describes totally the Law of Nature. Due to falsifiability
principle, scientists can never say to have achieved the Theory of Everything, even if they have.
In such case, scientific method keeps on search a better theory, without ever finding it (see §3).
• Will
With its most general meaning, it can be any mechanism that leads an intelligent creature to
follow a certain action, rather any other action in the range of the possible. The third class of
explanations of the Fermi Paradox are characterized by the appeal to the will, or free choice to
communicate, of the technological civilizations (see §1.1).
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