Local Control. The term local control, referring to the amount of balancing,
blocking and grouping of the experimental units in to number of homogeneous
sub plots. Balancing means that the treatments should be assigned to the
experimental units in such a way that the result is a balanced arrangement of the
treatments. Blocking means that like experimental units should be collected
together to form a relatively homogeneous group.. The main purpose of the
principle of local control is to increase the efficiency of an experimental design
by decreasing the experimental error. It has been observed that all extraneous
sources of variation are not removed by randomization and replication. In other
words, we need to choose a design in such a manner that all extraneous
sources of variation are brought under control. For this purpose, Local Control
is implemented..
0 0 i= 1,2…p
and i , -
ni ni i yij i= 1,2 …p
j 1
These normal equations are not linearly independent, as first equation is equal
to the sum of rest p equations. Hence no unique solution exists for µ and αi, i=
1,2..p. Since we have defined the treatment effects as deviations from overall
The fitted model after substituting the estimates ˆ and ˆ i in the linear
model , we get
Yij= ̂ + ̂ i + ϵij
Yij- y.. = ( y i. y.. )+ ( y ij y i . ), the error term is chosen that both sides are
Squaring both sides and summing over all the observations we get
p ni p
( yi j yi. )2 , the cross
i 1 j 1 i 1 i 1 j 1
product vanishes
p ni p ni
SST = (y
i 1 j 1
ij y.. ) 2
i 1
j 1
N ( simplified formula)
p p
yi2. y..2
SSTR = n (y
i 1
i i. y.. ) 2
i 1 ni
p ni
And SSE =
( yij yi .. ) 2 computed as SSE = SST-SSTR
i 1 j 1
Thus total corrected sum of squares can be partitioned into a sum of squares of
the differences between the treatment averages and the grand average
(SSTR),plus a sum of squares of the differences of the observations within
treatments averages(SSE)
5. Statistical Analysis:
We now investigate a formal test of the hypothesis
H0: α1= α2=…=αp=0
Against the alternative
H1: at least one αi≠ αj, for all i,j
We have assumed that the errors ϵij are normally and independently distributes
with mean zero and variance σ2. The observations yij are normally and
independently distributed with mean µ + αi and variance σ2. Thus SST is a
sum of squares in normally distributed random variables hence can be shown
that SST/σ2 is distributes as chi-square with N-1 degrees of freedom. Further we
can show that SSE/σ2 is chi-square N-p degrees of freedom and that SSTR /σ2
is chi - square variate with p-1 degrees of freedom if the null hypothesis i.e. H0 :
αi = 0 is true. It also implies that SSTR/ σ2 and SSE/σ2 independently distributed
chi-square random variables. Therefore if the null hypothesis is true, the ratio
SSTR /( p 1) MSSTR
F (1)
SSE /( N p) MSSE
is distributed as F distribution with p-1 and N-p degrees of freedom.
Equation (1) is the test statistics for testing H0: there is no differences in
treatment means.
6. Analysis of variance Table( ANOVA Table)
Sources Degree Sum of Mean F-Value
of of square sum of
variation freedo s squares
Treatment p-1 SSTR MSSTR MSSTR
s = / MSSE
Error N-p SSE MSSE =
1) (k-1)
total N-1 TSS
We reject H0 and conclude that there are differences in the treatment means if
F0> Fα, p-1, N-p Where F0 is computed from equation 1 and Fα, p-1, N-p, is the table
value referring to F table at α level of significance corresponding to p-1and N-p
degrees freedom.
7. Advantages and disadvantages of CRD
a) The design is very simple to implement.
b) Any number of treatments can be used with unequal replications and does not
make the statistical hypothesis complicated.
c) The statistical analysis is simple. Even if some/all of the observations for any
treatment is missing , the statistical analysis of the data does not become
d) The design provides maximum number of degrees of freedom for the estimation
of error variance. For small experiments, the precision increases with increasing
number of error d.f.
1) In most circumstances, the experimental units are not homogeneous, particularly,
when a large no. of units involved. The CRD fails to take account of the variation
among the experimental units as it does not use the principle of local control,
This will increase the value of error variance under CRD
2) CRD is appropriate only if all plots are homogeneous. In reality this will never
happen in field experiment, thus the CRD not recommended for field trials.
8. Example: A set of data involving four tropical feed stuffs A,B,C and D tested on
22 chicks is given below. All the twenty two chicks are treated alike in all respect
except the feeding treatment, Analyse the data.
Wt. gain in chicks fed on different feeding materials composed of tropical feed
A: 55 49 42 20 62 73
B: 61 112 30 89 63
C: 42 97 81 95 92 102
D: 169 137 169 85 154
We have 4 treatments A,B,C and D and we have to compare these 4 treatments
on the response vatiable ( Wt. Gain). Only the treatments (feed stuffs) affecting
the wt. gain other than general effect. Hence we assume the one way anova
Yij = μ + αi+ €ij, i=1,23.4, j=1,2,…ni ( Where n1-6, n2-5, n3=6, n4=5)
Where µ general effect
αi – ith treatment effect; ϵij- error term
We test the hypothesis
H0: α1= α2= α2=α4=0
Against the alternative
H1: at least one αi≠ αj, for all i,j, (i≠j) , (i,j: 1,2,3,4)
Step 1:Calculation of correction factor(CF): = 18792/22= 160.0483
p k
Step;2: Calculation of Total sum of squares:
i 1
j 1
y 2
N =
yi2. y..2
Step;3: Calculation of Treatment sum of squares= i 1 ni N
Anova Table:
Sources of Degree of Sum of squares Mean sum of F-Value
variation freedom squares
Treatments p-1=3 SSTR= MSSTR = MSSTR/ MSSE
(foodstuffs) 25583.152 SSTR/(p-1)= = 12.571
Error N-p=18 SSE=12210.167 MSSE =
SSE/(p-1) (k-1)
total N-1 =21 TSS
Table value for Fα is F.05, 3,18 = 3.16
Conclusion: Sinc Fcal(12.571) > F.05, 5,15 we reject Hα. Hence we conclude that
all treatment means are not equal
When Ho is rejected we can go for multiple comparison test ( method of least
square difference or critical difference ) if needed to test which pair of
treatment are significantly different . Proceed as follows.
1 1
Compute yi. y j. t
and , n p
n n . The Table value is
i j
t .05,18 is 2.101
Treatments A B C D
A - 25.73333 39.23333* 97.20000*
B - - 13.50000 71.46667*
C - - - 57.96667*
1 1
t , n p MESS
Calculation of critical difference n n
i j
Treatments A B C D
A - 34.22 18.51 34.22
B - - 34.22 35.34
C - - - 34.22
The mean difference is significant at 5% level for the pairs (A,C), A,D), (B,D),
and (C.D) which are the pairs marked *