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GM-11-031-23 STOP JSA Risk Assessment Tools 180821

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STOP and Job Safety Analysis

Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

STOP and Job Safety Analysis Risk Assessment

Guide Manual




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WCEF-GM-HSE-0011 Released date: 21/06/2023
Version number: 2.0.0 Page 1 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW



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Actual Change Details - Replace reference to repealed Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 with new
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- Enter Level of Use Label: Continuous, Reference, or Information.

Version 2.0.0 Published 21/06/2023 Review Date 21/06/2024

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose Statement ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. STOP Tool ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Description .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Applicability ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Document and Record Management ............................................................................................................ 5
3. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Tool ............................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Description .................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Applicability ................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Initial Development.............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Review During the Task ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Document and Record Management ............................................................................................................ 7
4. Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Summary of Responsibilities......................................................................................................................... 7
5. References .............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Reference Documents .................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Key Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Record Keeping Table .................................................................................................................................. 9

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 2 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose Statement
WesCEF implements the use of two primary pre-task hazard identification and risk control tools at
their sites;
• STOP; and
• Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
This Guide Manual describes these tools, their purpose, their differences, when and how they shall
be applied in the workplace.
Outcomes of this Guide Manual are to:
• achieve clarity on the use of STOP’s and JSA’s;
• identify and record all hazards and their associated controls prior to commencing a job;
• enhancing safety awareness via employee engagement in job planning;
• achieve legislative compliance.

A team based risk assessment is a more comprehensive hazard identification and risk control tool.
—REFER TO WesCEF Team Based Risk Assessment - WCEF-GM-OHS-040-02

1.2 Scope
This Guide Manual applies to all WesCEF employees and contractors conducting work activities at
WesCEF sites.
To assist in making WesCEF a safer place to work and meet our legislative obligations under the
WA Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (previously the Occupational Safety &
Health Regulations 1996) and Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations
2007, all work tasks are to be risk assessed, that is, hazards identified, the consequence
understood/rated, and risk control measures implemented.

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STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

2. STOP Tool
2.1 Description
A STOP is a basic pre-task hazard identification and control tool.
STOPs are to be completed individually or as a small group at the task location in the STOP
If any immediate recommendations for actions or improvements are noted on the STOP, the STOP
is to be provided to the Responsible Officer or Supervisor for review and action.

2.2 Purpose
The STOP is used to assist workers to identify hazards and specific risk controls before
commencing the task.

S Stop to conduct the risk assessment on day of the work, prior to starting the job

T Think about procedural steps and associated risks

O Observe the work area for hazards

P Perform the job after implementing risk control measures

2.3 Applicability
A STOP may be completed when:
• the task is assessed as low level risk, as per the WesCEF risk matrix;
• the task has been approved as work not requiring a permit;
• the task does not require a JSA;
• the task is performed by a competent WesCEF employee;
• the work environment changes;
• returning from a break.
When a task that is recurring through the same shift - a STOP may be completed at the start of the
task, then reviewed if changes occur.

2.4 Methodology
When completing a STOP:
• Understand the job scope;
• Attend the job location;
• Review the Safe Person Commitments and the Foundation Rules;
• Think about the steps to complete the task;
• Observe the work area;
• Identify and record the task specific hazards;

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 4 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

• Implement and record appropriate controls for each hazard;

• Undertake the task safely. During the task, if additional hazards arise, stop and reassess to
ensure all hazards have been identified and controlled;
• Record any outstanding hazards, actions or improvement opportunities in Cintellate.

2.5 Document and Record Management

STOP’s shall be:
• completed by individuals in the relevant STOP booklet or online portal;
• retained for the duration of the task;
• reviewed by Responsible Officer, Supervisor or Safety Advisor at any stage;
• disposed of after collation and review.
Specific business units may have additional record management requirements.

3. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Tool

3.1 Description
The Job Safety Analysis (JSA) tool is a work crew based pre-task hazard identification and control
tool used to systematically identify and record all hazards within each task step and the controls to
be put in place to mitigate the hazards during the step.
All team members completing the task shall review and sign the JSA to acknowledge agreement
on the identified hazards and their associated risk control measures.
A completed and signed JSA must be available at the work site for reference and inspection.
The JSA shall be developed on the approved JSA work sheets:
—REFER TO CSBP Job Safety Analysis Worksheet - CSBP-SF-11-031-01
—REFER TO Kleenheat Job Safety Analysis Worksheet - KH-SF-OHS-050-02
—REFER TO EVOL Job Safety Analysis Worksheet - KH-RA-OHS-0001

3.2 Purpose
The JSA tool is used to assist workers as part of a team to identify all hazards and specific risk
controls before commencing a task.

3.3 Applicability

3.3.1 Initial Development

A JSA may be completed when:
• the task is complex in nature;
• a Work Permit or Certificate is required;
• other processes state that a JSA must be completed e.g., operating procedures;
• several jobs are being carried out simultaneously and in close proximity to one another;
• the task requires a deviation from the usual operating procedure, TBRA may also be
• a WesCEF Supervisor, RO or team member request it;

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 5 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

3.3.2 Review During the Task

When a task is reoccurring - a JSA is developed at the start of the task, then reviewed and
acknowledged in writing by all team members on a daily basis. It may also be reviewed under the
following conditions:
• the work task or methodology changes;
• the workplace changes;
• the employees / contractors performing the work changes;
• additional hazards are identified on site.
• an unplanned event occurs;

3.4 Methodology
A JSA shall be developed and/or reviewed by the team members completing the task. Where
possible, the JSA shall:
• be developed at the task location before the job commences. If this is not possible, it shall
be reviewed at the task location prior to the task/job commencement, allowing the reviewer
to observe the location, equipment, environmental and any other conditions likely to affect
the task/job;
• be facilitated by a person who is experienced in risk management and the JSA process;
• involve participation from the entire work team. This is to ensure a greater breadth of
experience, technical competence and job knowledge.

Note: Generic type or pre-written JSA’s are not adequate by themselves.

When developing a JSA, the team members involved in the task shall:
Step 1 - Define the TASK DETAILS.
Step 2 - Break the task down into logical TASK STEPS.
Step 3 - Identify the HAZARDS AND IMPACT.
Step 4 - Identify the HIGH POTENTIAL RISK(s).
If a high potential risk is identified, obtain a critical control checklist;
Step 5 - Identify the CONTROLS.
Step 6 - Assess the RESIDUAL RISK.
Step 7 - Review the JSA and sign the JSA DAILY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
Step 8 – Contractors - Gain JSA authorisation from the relevant Accountable Person. Authorisation
will be granted on the basis that the Accountable Person is adequately satisfied that the JSA
addresses the foreseeable risks and includes appropriate controls.

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 6 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

3.5 Document and Record Management

JSA’s shall be:
• retained at the task location for the duration of the task;
• reviewed by the Responsible Officer, Supervisor or Safety Advisor at any stage;
• maintained for 12 months after job completion

Any outstanding hazards, actions or improvement opportunities shall be recorded in Cintellate.

Where appropriate, the following hazard identification and risk assessment training shall be
provided to all relevant employees and contractors:
• Permit to Work - Risk Assessment and Permit Holder training
• Hazard Identification Fundamentals
Specific business units may have additional record management requirements.

4. Responsibilities
4.1 Summary of Responsibilities
The roles identified in this table hold specific responsibilities in relation to this activity.

Role title Summary of Responsibilities

Managers • Ensure compliance with this guide manual within their area of responsibility.

Supervisors • Ensure personnel are competent in basic risk assessments and comply with
the requirements of this Guide Manual.
• Ensure all tasks are risk assessed in accordance with this Guide Manual.
• Appropriate understanding of the task to determine the level of risk associated
with a job and when to carry out a more comprehensive risk assessment than
a STOP or a JSA.
• Ensure that the scope of work has been discussed with the Permit Holder and
Team Members, prior to task commencement.
• Ensure scope of work has been discussed with the Permit Holder and Team
Responsible Members, prior to task commencement.
Officer (RO) /
Accountable • Ensure Contractors have an adequate risk assessment for the task, in
Person (AP) accordance with this guide manual.
• Review and endorse the JSA for contractors they are responsible for.
Permit Authorisers • Ensure the risk assessment for the task is adequate before authorising the
Work Permit.
• Understand the hazards and controls that have been put in place to minimise
the risk of incidents.
• Discuss/ review any area specific hazards and controls with the Permit Holder.
Permit Holder • Ensure the appropriate level of risk assessment for the job is completed.
• Inspect the work site and understanding the scope of the work.
• Discuss/review any area specific hazards and controls with the Permit
• Endorse the JSA.
• Ensure all hazard controls are maintained during the task and personnel
working on the task follow the requirements of the risk assessment

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 7 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

Role title Summary of Responsibilities

Team Members/ • Participate in developing a risk assessment for the task to be performed or
Workers review and adjust an existing risk assessment prior to commencing work.
• Understand the hazards and controls that have been put in place to minimise
the risk and their responsibility in maintaining those hazard controls.
• Acknowledge their acceptance to work in line with the risk assessment on the
• Provide support to all aspects of the risk assessment process.
Health and Safety
Advisor • Audit risk assessments in their area of responsibility to ensure compliance with
this Guide Manual and identify opportunities for improvement.
• Custodians of the risk assessment training and provide support to all
Training Advisors
aspects of the risk assessment process.

Shift Supervisors • Endorse the JSA as the RO’s delegate for out of hours activities.

5. References
5.1 Reference Documents
These documents were used to develop this procedure:

Title Document Number

Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004

Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations


Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Federal)

Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Federal)

Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA)

Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WA)

Occupational health and safety management systems—General

AS/NZS 4804:2001
guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques

CSBP Job Safety Analysis Worksheet CSBP-SF-11-031-01

EVOL JSA Worksheet KH-RA-OHS-0001

Job Safety Analysis Worksheet KH-SF-OHS-050-02

WesCEF Hazard and Risk Management WCEF-GM-OHS-040-01

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 8 of 9
STOP and Job Safety Analysis
Risk Assessment
Guide Manual RISK LEVEL: LOW

5.2 Key Terms and Definitions

This table provides a summary of the key terms used in this procedure:

Term Meaning

Control A control is the process of eliminating or minimising the risk of a hazard

1. Elimination;
2. Substitution;
3. Engineering;
4. Separation;
5. Administrative Controls;
6. Personal Protective Equipment
A control is a specific action, to address a specific hazard.
A hazard is a source or a situation with the potential for harm. It could
Hazard cause damage to people, property, equipment, process, environment or
corporate image/reputation.
Hazard identification is the process of recognising a hazard in the
Hazard Identification workplace and putting controls in place to eliminate or reduce the
potential harm the hazard may cause.
Risk Risk can be measured by:
The likelihood that an injury or incident will occur during any exposure to
the hazard and;
The potential consequence or degree of injury or damage that may result
should an incident occur.

5.3 Record Keeping Table

These records, generate by this process, are to be retained as detailed here:

Record Details Storage Storage Indexing Retention Authorised Disposal

Medium Location Method Period Disposer Method
Form Title

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Version number: 2.0.0 Page 9 of 9

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