PART - 1
PART - 1
PART - 1
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a Social Sciences
BR Textbook for
Class VI
B.S. PARAKH x \&
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Book No, ----t).--Gel..... sia 53518
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New Delhi National Council of Educational
August 2002 Research and Training
Participants of the Review Workshop
* Authors
Unit I 1-48
The Earth Our Habitat 2
1. Our Earth and the Solar System 3
2. How the Globe and Maps Help us 10
3. Locating Places on the E: 16
4. How Days and Seasons 22
5. Major Domains of 1 27 Hy
6. India - Our C oe
7. Our Climate,
Unit I 49-140
. People and Society in the A \ 49
|| 8. aed
The Early Human 52
9. Early Non-Indian Ci ee 57
| Egyptian Civilization Seat ab 59
Mesopotamian Civilization
Greek Civilization
Roman Civilization OG
Chinese Civilization 73
Iranian Civilization 77
10. Indian Civilization
‘ -~
Harappan Civilization
11. The Vedic Civilization j 88
12. Indian History (600 to 100 B.C.) ny
The Age of Janapadas and Mahajanapadas 93
The Age of Mauryas and Sungas So
13. Megalithic Culture of Deccan and South India 105
Early History of Deccan and South India
14. North India after Mauryas and Sungas dil
(First Century B.C. to Third Century A.D.) 4
The Gupta Empire 114
The Era of Harsha : 120
15. Deccan and South India 124
(Fourth to Seventh Century A.D.) haa Pe
16. India’s Cultural Contacts with the Outside World 128 j
17. Major Religions : 133
Unit M1 141-165
Scientists believe that life on earth began about 3500 million
years ago. Then, how old is the earth? No one can tell the exact
time of its birth. It is believed that our planet is the part of our
solar system which began about 4500 million years ago.
Earth is our home. This planet belongs to a larger family,
which is called the solar family. The sun is at the centre of this
solar family. This was propounded by Aryabhatta long before it
was presented by Copernicus and later confirmed by Galileo
Galilei. This solar family has nine planets, their satellites,
asteroids, meteorites and comets. In this unit we shall learn
about the solar system, the earth, the moon and the basic
characteristics of our earth in the initial chapters. After obtaining
the basic knowledge about the earth and the family, we will learn
briefly about the continents, oceans and various landforms that
prevail on our planet. This unit will focus on the location of India
on the globe, which will give a brief sketch of our country in terms
of its physiography, climate, natural vegetation and wild life.
After going through this unit, learners will be able to
comprehend the facts about the planet earth, where we all live,
the family it belongs to and also about the country we live in.
On a clear night watch the starlit The Sun and Its Family
sky. A huge system of stars is called The sun is a star. It is the source of
galaxy. A galaxy has billions of stars light and heat to us. It is at the centre
very close to one another. There are
of the solar system with nine planets
billions of such galaxies in the and their satellites. This is called the
solar family. The sun is the head of
this solar family. Nine planets, i.e.
Mercury, Venus, Earti, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
move around the sun. These planets
have no light or heat of their own.
They get all their light and heat from
the sun. The sun is very big and hot.
But that tremendous heat is not so
much felt by us because we are far
away from it. Our earth is 150 million
kilometres away from the sun. Is it
not very, very far?
‘But, where from the sun came?
Scientists believe that the sun has
been formed from a moving cloud of
gases, which is called Nebula. The
sun as well as the planets were born
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Our Earth and the Solar System / 5
The names and symbols of most of the
planets are very ancient. Even now
astronomers use these symbols for
these planets. Given here are the
various symbols.
6 1 2
out of this cloud. The force of gravity
has created them. For over millions
of years, these balls of dust and gas
are moving around the sun. The sun,
by virtue of its mass and weight,
controls the movement of the planets.
This force is called the force of
gravity. Have you ever watched a top Ld
spin? These planets actually are
spinning around the sun. They keep URANUS NEPTUNE PLUTO
wandering or moving in the sky. They Symbols of the Sun and the Planets
have their own path of movement
known as the orbits. They have their diagram on solar system showing the
own speed also. That is the reason, sun and the planets. You can make
each planet takes different time to a chart and show the time taken by
complete its revolution. Observe the each planet to complete its round.
Venus Earth
@ Mercury
Asteroid belt
Solar System
6 / India and the World
Review Questions
1. Answer the following questions briefly
(i) Describe the Universe.
(ii) What are Celestial bodies?
(iii) What does the word ‘planet’ mean?
A : j
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Our Earth and the Solar System / 9
9 Try to observe and identify constellation with the help of the star
true. In other words, distances are two places on your map. You can
kept true to scale. express scale like, 1 centimetre to 5
kilometres or you can draw the same
Distance is a very important
on the map. If the scale is drawn then
component of any map. Therefore, a
it is called a graphic scale or linear
scale is chosen for this purpose. What
is a scale? Scale is the proportion or
ratio between the actual distance on When a map shows larger areas on
the ground or the earth’s surface and asmall map, it is called a small-scale
the same distance shown on the map. map. But if we show a part of Delhi
For example, you want to show the or any town or village on the sheet of
distance between your school and the same size, it is a large-scale map.
your home, which is 10 kilometres. In asmall-scale map we can give very
If you show this 10 kilometres limited information. On a large-scale
distance by 2 centimetres on a map, map, information can be given in
it means 1 centimetre on the map will greater details. The map of India, for
show 5 kilometres on ground. example, is a small-scale map while
Therefore, the scale of your drawing a map of Delhi, shown on a sheet of
will be 1 centimetre is to 5 kilometres the same size, is a large-scale map.
or 1 cm = 5 km. Thus in any map, ‘Direction is another very
scale is a very important component. important part of any map. Look at
If you know the scale, you will be able any map in the following chapters.
to calculate distances between any Near the top towards the right, you
For measuring the shortest distance can see an arrow with the letter ‘N’.
between 2 places on the globe or on a This arrow is pointing towards north.
map This is called the ‘North Line’. When
Take a piece of thread or string. you know the north, you can find out
Join those two points or places with other directions, e.g. east, west and
the string and measure it. south. Is it not very interesting?
Note the scale given on the globe/map. A very simple instrument is used
Calculate the distance as per the scale to find the main directions. Do you
to get the actual distance. know what it is? It is a compass.
Or, you can show it by drawing the Chinese were the first who invented
scale as it is shown in the diagram the compass. Now we all use it.
Linear scale
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/ India and the World
, Metalled under Construction == ;
Roads : Metalled, Unmetalled
Based on scale, maps can be of plan. A plan can show the detailed
large-scale as mentioned earlier in layout of various rooms and spaces,
this chapter. Maps of the world, their length and breadth. A map
continents or countries fall under shows only important features of an
small-scale maps, while maps of area. In fact this is the greatest
cities / tehsils / talukas or mouzas advantage of a map. On the ground
fall under large-scale maps. there are hundreds of natural and
When you draw the layout of a man-made features which might
building/school/playground, it is confuse us. But the maps select only
called a plan. A plan is also drawn some of them.
true to scale and shows true Some maps may focus on specific
direction but you must know the information one may require to know.
difference between a map and a Rainfall maps, road maps, maps of
ea eR ee
How the Globe and Maps fees te
Us a
Review Questions
1. Answer the following questions briefly
(i) In what way a globe is different from maps?
(ii) List the situations in which the globe is far more useful than maps.
(iii) How is a plan different from a map?
(iv) What are the shortcomings of a globe?
2. Fill in the blanks correctly
(i) The globe shows the ___ of the earth correctly, (shape/size)
(ii) The end points of the earth’s axis are . (poles/equator and prime meridian)
(iii) A ratio between actual distance on the ground and that on the map is
called . (scale/compass)
3. Make correct pairs from the following
(i) A compass (a) Three dimensional device
(ii) A globe (b) Distances
(iii) A map (c) Directions
When you go to a new place, you equal parts or halves. The northern
observe certain prominent features. half is known as the Northern
It could be a tree, a river or a hill. It Hemisphere and the southern half is
helps to locate other nearby places. called the Southern Hemisphere.
Such features are called landmarks Equator is an imaginary circular line
Or points of reference. Without such and is very important reference point
reference points it is very difficult to to locate places on the earth. You
locate places on our big planet. know that a circle consists of 360°. If
you travel from the equator to the pole
Two Poles and the Equator you can cover only one-fourth i.e. 90°
The spherical earth has no edge or a of a circle. That is why the North Pole
corner from where we can begin to is located at 90° from the equator. We
measure the distance of a place. But mention the North Pole as simply
there are two reference points on the 90° N. Similarly, the South Pole is
earth’s surface. These two points are located at 90° south of the equator.
the North Pole and the South Pole.
Parallels of Latitude
These are the tips or the end-points
of the axis of the earth. For locating a Parallel to the equator one set of
place these two points act as basic imaginary lines are drawn which
points of reference. If you hold a globe encircle the earth and run in east-
in front of you, the top will be the west direction. (See Figure on
North Pole and the bottom will be the page 17). These are called latitudes.
South Pole. Slowly rotate it and mark Since all these lines are parallel to
a series of points near the middle of the equator as well as one another,
the globe, from west to east. If you they are called parallels of latitudes.
join these points it will form a big Latitude is angular distance of a
circle, around the globe. This circle is place from the equator, lying either
the largest possible circle that can be in the north or in the south
drawn on the globe. It is called the directions. This angle is formed at the
Equator. It divides the globe in two centre of the earth. From the equator
kai | ‘
Locating Places on the Earth / 17
to the poles, parallels of latitudes Capricorn (23°30' S), (iii) the Arctic
become smaller. It becomes a point Circle (66°30' N), and (iv) the
at the pole. As mentioned above, Antarctic Circle (66°30' S).
there are 90 latitudes at an interval
of 1° in the northern and southern
- direction of the equator. The value of
the equator is zero. In order to avoid
the confusion, it is necessary to
mention the latitudes using letters ‘N’
or ‘S’ with the value of the latitude. Zone
For example, Ernakulam in Kerala
and Lindi in Tanzania are situated Torrid Zone
near 10° latitude. But Ernakulam is
in the Northern Hemisphere while
South Temperate
Lindi is in the Southern Hemisphere. Zone
The Arctic Circle demarcates the
northern Frigid Zone. This zone is
Important Latitudes and Heat very cold and lies north of the
Zones temperate zone of the Northern
Besides the Equator (0°), the North Hemisphere: Similarly the Antarctic
Pole, (90° N) and the South Pole (90° Circle separates southern Frigid
S), we have four important parallels Zone from the temperate zone of the
of latitude. They are — (i) the Tropic Southern Hemisphere. The Torrid
of Cancer (23°30' N), (ii) the Tropic of Zone is the hottest part of the world.
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18 / India and the World
We find most of the deserts are into the eastern and the western
located here. But the temperate zone hemispheres. This imaginary line is
is neither very hot nor very cold. The called the Prime Meridian. A set of
Frigid Zone is very cold. lines is imagined to run over the earth
in north south direction which are
There are 90 latitudes in each of the called meridians of longitudes.
Hemispheres drawn at an interval of These lines are not parallel to one
1 degree(*).
another. They all converge at the poles.
Each degree is divided into 60 equal On a globe you can notice that they
parts. Each part is known as minute (’).
form semi-circles. They are also drawn
Each minute is divided into 60 equal at an interval of 1°. These meridians
parts. Each part is known as second ("’).
of longitude and parallels of latitude
form a network which is called grid.
Meridians of Longitude With the help of these two sets of lines,
Like the equator, there are i.e., parallels of latitudes and
imaginary lines which divide the earth meridians of longitude, we can
determine location of places on the
earth. From the diagram showing
latitudes and longitudes you can
prepare a comparative chart of their
similarities and differences.
Unlike the parallels of latitudes, the
meridians of longitudes are equal in
length. But they are not parallel to
one another. As one goes from the
equator to the poles the distance
between two meridians decreases.
There was an agreement world over
that the longitude passing through
Greenwich Observatory near the city
of London will be considered as the
Prime Meridian. The Chief or Prime
Meridian is considered to be 0°. Areas
lying to the east of this meridian is
called the Eastern Hemisphere while
areas lying to the west is known as
the Western Hemisphere.
There are 180 meridians drawn at an
Longitudes interval of 1° on both the sides of the
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Prime Meridian. To avoid the confusion Therefore, it takes about one hour to
letters ‘E’ and ‘W’ are written with the complete each 15° or 4' (minutes) for
values of meridians for the Eastern each degree. Accordingly, the earth
Hemisphere and the Western has been divided into 24 time zones
Hemisphere respectively. To which of one hour each. This means each
Hemisphere do we belong? You can find place will have different time of
out in which Hemisphere Paris, sunrise and sunset. For 1° (degree)
Moscow, Tokyo and Sydney are located. of longitudinal difference, the time
difference will be of4 minutes ('). But
Locate Singapore in the world map. It
as the earth rotates from west to east,
is situated close to the equator. Find
out the oceans lying to its west and day starts at different times in
east. different places. Places east of the
Another way to know its location is its Greenwich meridian experience day/
longitude. It is 104° E or sunrise earlier than the place lying
Locate Stanley Falls in Africa whose west of the prime meridian. If
latitude is 0° and longitude is 25° E Greenwich Time is taken as a base
or Standard Time, then places
Longitude and Time located at 15° east of Greenwich will
Would you be able to tell time if you have sunrise one hour ahead of
have no clock? Thousands of years Greenwich Time. Similarly, places
ago clock, calendar or television did ‘located at 15° west of Greenwich will
not exist. To early humans, the sun have sunrise one hour later than
was the most important thing in their Greenwich Time.
lives. They used to watch the sky and Day breaks with the sunrise and
the progress of the sun along the sky. ends with the sunset. Shadow of an
object helps us to find out time.
Shadow is longest during the
a |
Review Questions
1. Answer the following questions briefly
(i) Which are the two basic points of reference on the earth’s surface?
Name them.
(ii) How can we draw the greatest circle on the earth?
(iii) Name the three heat zones along with their exact boundaries.
(iv) Which is the standard meridian of India?
(v) What is the difference between the local time and standard time?
2. Fill in the blanks correctly
(i) The value of the Tropic of Cancer is . (26°30'E/
8 Draw a diagram of the earth showing the earth’s axis, the Great
Circle, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic
How Days anp SEASONS
You already know that our earth, like feel the electric poles, trees and
any other planet, has two motions — houses or fields are moving in the
rotation and revolution. Let us opposite direction. But in reality they
know more about the earth’s rotation do not move. Imagine you are ina
and its effects. space station; you can watch how sun
How the Earth Rotates rays move across the globe and
illuminate the globe, part by part.
Draw an imaginary line from pole to
While the earth rotates, the face of
pole which will pass through the
the earth, receiving sunlight,
centre of the earth. This imaginary
experiences day, while the other face
line is called axis. Northern tip of the
away from the sunlight remains in
axis is North Pole. The southern tip
darkness. That part experiences
of the axis is South Pole. Have you night.
ever played with a top? Recollect
how it spins. Our earth spins
continuously about its axis, just like For this experiment you will require
a spinning top. This movement is (a) Globe
(b) One lighted lamp.
called rotation. The earth takes
On a table keepa globe and the
about 24 hours to complete one lamp in a line.
rotation. This period of rotation is Light the lamp.
known as the earth-day. Glow of the lamp will illuminate a
part which will be daytime in those
Owing to rotation every part of the parts of the globe.
earth gets sunlight, turn by turn. The side which is away from the
Sunlight, as you know, is very lamp will look dark. Night will
prevail in those parts.
important for the growth and survival
of living beings. Because the earth
rotates from west to east we get a Are we not lucky to have day and
wrong impression that the sun rises night one after the other? We work
or sets. You can compare this feature hard during the day and can rest
with your journey in a train when you during the night.
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How Days and Seasons are etal
/ 33
c Winter in {
the northern
hemisphere }|
Summer in
the northern
Summerin \
the southern *
Winter in
the southern
solstice. During this period, the sun latitude or Tropic of Capricorn. This
ray is vertical on the Tropic of Cancer is summer solstice for the Southern
and give more heat. This is the Hemisphere. On this day the
summer condition in the Northern Northern Hemisphere experiences
Hemisphere. shortest day and it is called winter
solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
‘On September 23, as the earth’s
revolution continues, equator faces As the earth moves forward, on
the sun most directly. On this date March 21, the equator again comes
day and night are equal all over the to face the sun, which is directly over
world. Or you can say, on this date it. Day and night become equal again
we have 12 hours of day and 12 on this day. This is called vernal
hours of night. Therefore, it is called equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
Equinox. September 23 is an
Equinox. As autumn season prevails Nights on the poles extend for six
during this time, it is called
The sun is never very high above
autumnal equinox in the Northern the horizon in the polar regions.
As the revolution continues, Now, you know that what are
gradually the Southern Hemisphere solstices and equinoxes. You also know
comes closer to the sun and the that in the Southern Hemisphere
Northern Hemisphere moves away summer and winter solstices happen
from it. Daylight hours increase in at different times than those in the
Southern Hemisphere. On December Northern Hemisphere. Try to explain
22, the sun is directly over the 2342°S why this is so.
Review Questions
1. Answer the following questions briefly
(i) How is the rotation of the earth responsible for caus ing day and
(ii) When do we observe a leap year?
experience winter and summer
(iii) Why does the Southern Hemisphere
f the Northern Hemisphere?
solstices in different times than that 0
long in the
Find out why your shadow: sa repiivetione
morning and evening
(iv) in relation to the seasons we
short at noon. What are its im
26 / India and the World
middle of the ball. A circle of bright light will fall at the centre of the
ball. It is similar to the solar ray shining at the equator.
Now, look at the light in other part of the ball. There the light is spread
over much wider area and it is dim and dull. That is how polar region
"Tropopause |
@ Tepospne
2 Hot-air balloon
Different layers of the atmosphere
Weather sattelite
kinds of life is confined in a narrow
zone where air, water and land come protects us from harmful effects as
in contact with one another. This well as the scorching rays of the sun.
narrow zone containing life is called Plants need carbon-dioxide from
biosphere. In this chapter we will the atmosphere for their survival. We
learn more about these major exhale carbon-dioxide, which the
domains and the life on the earth. plants take in. Plants release oxygen,
The moon has no atmosphere. which we inhale. So, it is a beautiful
Therefore, the day is extremely hot _ cycle of reversal, which is working,
and the night is very cold because © harmoniously on this planet.
of which life is not found on the ©
The Domain of Land
eee : wae
_ The outer layer of the earth is called
The Domain of Air skin of
the crust. Crust is like the
The air envelopes our earth on all the earth. The hard crust forms the
sides. It extends upto 1600 kilo- outer solid surface of the earth. It is
metres from the earth’s surface. But, called lithosphere, where the word
throughout this span the density of litho means stone or rock. About one-
these gases is not uniform. As we go third of the earth’s surface is
Major Domains of the Earth / 29
Name three oceans surrounding the Find out the names of major mountain
Continent of Asia. ranges of Europe.
Which is the largest country in Asia? Name the highest peak of the continent.
Find out the most populous country How many countries are there in
of Asia. Europe?
Name two different hemispheres to Please consult an atlas for this exercise.
which Asia belongs.
occupied by land while the rest is Asia is the largest continent. Several .
covered with water. countries are situated in this
Extensive masses of land rising continent. Make a chart of the
above the sea level are called countries, which are in the continent
continents. There are seven continents of Asia.
on the earth. They are generally Europe lies to the west of Asia. But
separated from one another by huge it is not separated from Asia by any
bodies of water. These are Asia, Africa, water body. Europe and Asia are
Europe, North America, South continuous single landmass. These
America, Australia and Antarctica. If two continents are separated by the
you look at the world map carefully, Ural Mountains and the Ural River.
you wiil find most of the land area lies These two continents are referred to
in the Northern Hemisphere. as Eurasia.
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The second largest continent is recent past, there had been several
Africa. In your atlas, see the map of expeditions to Antarctica. India also
Africa. You will find that the equator has participated in such expeditions.
runs almost half way through this Now we know more about this
continent but does not divide it into continent than we knew before. Find
equal halves. The portion lying in the out the names of research centres set
Northern Hemisphere is far bigger up in Antarctica by the Indian
than the part lying in the Southern scientists.
Hemisphere. Major Landforms
The continents of North America The land surface is not the same
and South America are linked by a everywhere. Some parts are very
narrow stretch of land across high, several thousand metres above
Panama. You can use your atlas to the sea level. They are rugged and
find Panama. North America lies in difficult landforms. But there are also
the Northern Hemisphere. The major some parts, which are moderately
part of South America lies in the high or not much higher than the sea
Southern Hemisphere. Because of level. Broadly these various features
such locations in the northern and can be grouped as mountains,
the southern hemispheres these two plateaus and plains. They form the
continents are called North America major landforms on our earth.
and South America respectively.
Mountains or hills are highly
Australia is a continent situated in elevated lands, which rise above the
the Southern Hemisphere. Being the surrounding region. When such high
smallest continent it is often referred hills form a long chain, they are called
to as the ‘Island Continent’. a mountain range. They may stretch
Antarctica is the southernmost continuously and may occur in a
continent. The South Pole lies at the series of parallel ranges. The
centre of this continent. Observe the Himalayas are a very good example
globe in your classroom. It will be
Making of a mountain
interesting to know that the North
All you require is a pile of paper.
Pole is situated in an ocean, while
Put the papers on your table.
the South Pole is at the heart of a
Push the papers from both sides by
continent. In size, Antarctica is bigger
your hands.
than Australia and Europe taken
The sheet will be folded and rise into
together. But, because it is situated a peak.
in the Antarctic Circle, it remains
You have made a mountain!
covered by deep snow throughout the
In the same process our Himalayas
year. Therefore, human habitation is _or the Alps were formed!
not possible on this continent. In
a @
Major Domains
iat Neal ,
of the Earth / 31
Oceans are vast stretches of water. from the point of view of business,
Unlike the continents, oceans are all i.e. export and import of products.
inter-connected. There are four major The Domain of Life
oceans on the earth — the Pacific
We have discussed the domains of
Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian
land, water and air. Now we will
Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The
discuss the domain of life. It is
oceans account for about 71 per cent
of the earth’s surface. The
known as biosphere. The word’ ‘bio’
means life. It is a rim-like narrow
hydrosphere also includes inland
zone, where land, air and water come
seas, rivers and lakes.
in close contact. The entire range of
The Pacific Ocean is the largest as life on earth is confined to this zone.
well as the deepest ocean. Earth’s It is just a few kilometres below and
deepest part is the Mariana Trench above the sea level. Animals, plants
(11022 m deep) which is situated in and microbes are found in this
the Pacific Ocean. In the map try to sphere.
find out which are the continents that
At the time of its birth the earth had
bound this ocean. no life. :
The Atlantic Ocean looks like the First came the plants in the seas and
then on the land to inhabit the earth.
letter ‘S’. It is bordered by North and The plants manufacture food from
South Americas on the west and the rays of the sun for themselves as
Europe and Africa on the east. well as for the animals including the
The Indian Ocean is bordered by In a way we all depend on plants for
the continents of Africa, Asia and our survival.
Australia. The name of this ocean
The size of organisms in biosphere
points to the importance of India in
varies from a minute virus to huge
the international trade even in early
elephants. Scientists have classified
years. classes called
them into two broad
The Arctic Ocean has North Pole kingdoms — Animal kingdom and
at the centre of the ocean. For most Plant kingdom. We, the humans are
part of the year the ocean remains very important members of the
frozen. Therefore, it is not of much animal kingdom. Therefore we should
use either for trade or for navigation. understand the interactions between
The coastline may be straight or the animal kingdom and plant
indented in nature. Indented kingdom and should work to
coastlines facilitate the development maintain the balance that is
of harbours or ports. Therefore, many beneficial for the survival of the both.
ports or harbours develop along such All the realms of the earth are
coasts. Thus coastline is important inter-dependent. Therefore each of the