Article+1+ +Reading+Response+1
Article+1+ +Reading+Response+1
Article+1+ +Reading+Response+1
The main point of this article was to show how overlooking the cause of someone’s
symptoms can have drastic consequences. Some key points were an overview of how the
system works when trying to reach a diagnosis for a patient, and how the process can be
honestly identified as lazy, and the focus has fallen into pragmatic constraints of budgets and
personnel, and time instead of patients ultimate wellbeing. Also, a study was conducted to
show how depression and anxiety can be symptoms of trauma and not a diagnosis alone
without a cause. This study better explained and showed how the lack of a deeper look can
consequently lack the appropriate treatment for these patients and professionals can oversee
their main goal as health care providers, help their patients to the maximum of their abilities.
(b) How does this information help inform or change your opinion about this topic?
This article was very eye-opening to me, of course, we all know that things in this world
unfortunately always fall into, politics, and budgets, but this was beyond my knowledge. The
system has the wrong priorities in the matter, which is sad because we are dealing with
human lives, these people have goals, and families, ambitions, and all go away because
overall the system just does not care enough. Not everything can be solved with a pat on the
back and a bottle of pills, the system, the people, the professionals involved know better, they
must dig deeper when it comes to situations like this. Look for the varied roots that might be
(c) What follow-up questions would you have for the author?
I think my follow-up questions would be what efforts she thinks the government and
professional involved could make to change this current situation; what she was expecting
once the article came out, and if those expectations were achieved; is the study focused on
only one side of the story, was the other party involved given a chance for explanations of the
why the situation is like it is; and I guess a more cliché one, what inspired her to research this
matter, why was important to her for this problem to be out and mirrored in the way she did.
(d) Based on this article, what direction should follow-up studies focus upon?
I think this article was very informative and did a good job of making sure we see there is a
problem to be solved. However, that is all it did, it highlighted the problem. It showed us a
break on the system and the professionals involved. In my opinion, follow up studies should
be concentrated on solutions to the problem, focusing and trying to find a way where the
system will stop overlooking these patients and give them the appropriate care, focusing on
lives and not money. And I am aware it is a naive hope, and it is not something easy to reach
but follow up studies should be focusing on that. Because just highlighting the problem will
(e) How could this information be helpful for you in your future career?
My wished career is not really in the field of psychology, but I still think this information can
be helpful. You see, I want to be a college soccer coach and in doing so I will be dealing with
people, with my athletes every day. They might have their unhealed wounds, and this
information will help me not overlook them, maybe help them in some type of way. If I see a
pattern with the examples given maybe try and indicate them to a professional that will dig
deeper and not overlook them. Or maybe nothing to that extreme but just knowing that a
problem can have many roots, many reasons I can deal better with people, understand better,
Bond, P. (n.d.). Falling through the net: Unrecognised trauma Healthcare Counselling and