liderlik sunum
liderlik sunum
liderlik sunum
The trait theory of leadership suggests that certain inborn or innate qualities and characteristics
make someone a leader. These qualities might be personality factors, physical factors,
intelligence factors etc. Trait theory proposes that the leader and leaders’ traits are central to an
organisation’s success. The assumption here is that finding people with the right traits will
increase organisational performance. One of the applications of the trait approach is that by
participating in various tests, candidates can benchmark and assess how strong or weak they are
in terms of leadership skills. In doing so, this can provide direction for future action plans. Based
on this theory, tools and instruments have been developed that enable individuals to appraise
their potential to better their performance. Some organisations use personality tests to find the
‘right’ people with the ‘right’ traits, using tools such as the Myers Briggs test and Leadership
Trait Questionnaire (LTQ).
Behavioral leadership theory argues that the success of a leader is based on their behavior
rather than their natural attributes. Behavioral leadership theory involves observing and
evaluating a leader's actions and behaviors when they are responding to a specific situation. This
theory believes that leaders are made, not born. Proponents of this theory suggest that anyone
can become an effective leader if they can learn and implement certain behaviors. This theory
promotes the idea that all leaders are capable of learning and developing through adopting
beneficial behaviors and performing them in their workplace. Behavioral leadership theory also
encourages leaders to be self-aware of their behavior and to recognize how it affects the
productivity and morale of their team. There are several key styles of behavioral leadership like
people-oriented leaders, task-oriented leaders and participative leaders etc. Each one involves a
different set of behaviors and may be more or less effective in certain work environments.
Situational theories of leadership work on the assumption that the most effective style of
leadership changes from situation to situation. To be most effective and successful, a leader must
be able to adapt his style and approach to diverse circumstances. For example, some employees
function better under a leader who is more autocratic and directive. For others, success will be
more likely if the leader can step back and trust his team to make decisions and carry out plans
without the leader’s direct involvement. On a similar note, not all types of industries and
business settings require the same skills and leadership traits in equal measure. Some fields
demand a large measure of innovation, whereas in others, personal charisma and relational
connection with clients are far more important. According to the Paul Hersey and Ken
Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory, the theory identifies four main leadership
-Telling: Directive and authoritative approach. The leader makes decisions and tells employees
what to do.
-Selling: The leader is still the decision maker, but he communicates and works to persuade the
employees rather than simply directing them.
-Participating: The leader works with the team members to make decisions together. He supports
and encourages them and is more democratic.
-Delegating: The leader assigns decision-making responsibility to team members but oversees
their work.