Crown of the Kobold King Anniversary Edition
Crown of the Kobold King Anniversary Edition
Crown of the Kobold King Anniversary Edition
Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Nicolas Logue,
and F. Wesley Schneider
James Jacobs
Mark Seifter
Introduction 5
Janica Carter, Avi Kool, Ianara Natividad,
Simone D. Sallé, and Shay Snow
Setiawan Lee
Emanuele Desiati, Francesco Di Pastena, Rob
Lazzaretti, Pixeloid Studios, Riley Spalding,
Chapter 1 11
Jessé Suursoo, Mark-Erwan Tarrisse
Part 1: Welcome to the Hollow 12
Sonja Morris and Sarah E. Robinson Part 2: Darkmoon Vale 22
James Jacobs Part 3: The Ruined Monastery 30
Erik Mona
Chapter 2 39
Part 1: Droskar’s Crucible 40
Part 2: The Kobold Warrens 56
Paizo Inc.
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Chapter 3 65
Part 1: The Restless Cemetery 66
Part 2: Into the Vault 72
Part 3: Grave of the Third Seal 84
Chapter 4 95
Part 1: A Bloodstained Crown 96
“Only the Desperate and the Brave.” So reads the proud As originally presented, these three adventures were CHAPTER 3:
motto of the town of Falcon’s Hollow, for here on the published separately, and the option to run them all as HUNGRY ARE THE
fringes of Andoran, in the shadow of the looming volcano one larger mini-campaign was always just that—an DEAD
known as Droskar’s Crag, the dim, mist-laden forests option. Now that all of Droskar’s Crucible has been
are prowled by feral beasts, ravenous monsters, and the gathered in one book, the individual adventure plots for CHAPTER 4:
restless souls of the dead. Once, a great dwarven kingdom the previous adventures have been significantly revised or DROSKAR'S DOOM
brought safety and stability to the region, but that all outright replaced.
ended with the wakening of Droskar’s Crag during the In addition, some NPCs have been reworked or even ADVENTURE
apocalypse known today as the Rending. For too long removed entirely from the plot. For example, readers of TOOLBOX
did sibilant whispers ride the vale winds after nightfall in Hungry are the Dead will note that Lucimar, the strange
the aftermath of this disaster, and during those desperate undead warg, has been removed entirely from this version
years, evil took root in the hidden places deep below. of the adventure. This was done in part to streamline the
Today, the land has recovered from the volcanic eruption, plot and allow for a stronger focus on its central villain,
and as is humanity’s wont, settlers have returned to the the Kobold King himself, but also because when we
region. “Only the Desperate and the Brave” came to shifted to the Pathfinder RPG soon after the publication
build Falcon’s Hollow, and time has appeared to reward of Hungry are the Dead, Lucimar’s larger role in the
that desperation and bravery, for now their home feels world of Golarion required a revision to his statistics,
relatively safe and secure. powers, and history that made him inappropriate for use
This is all a lie, for what awaits the people of Falcon’s in a low-level adventure.
Hollow deep below might well be doom adorned with a
bloodstained crown.
With the defeat of the undead Whispering Tyrant at the
end of the Shining Crusade in 3827 ar, the victorious
Crown of the Kobold King is a revision and return to some crusaders worked quickly to imprison the lich in his own
of the earliest adventures set in the world of Golarion. This domain to prevent his return. They sealed him under
book revises and reprints the classic adventures Hollow’s the tower Gallowspire with a powerful ward, the Great
Last Hope (by Jason Bulmahn and F. Wesley Schneider), Seal, then linked that seal to three lesser seals that would
Crown of the Kobold King (by Nicolas Logue), and Hungry prevent its destruction as long as they remained intact.
are the Dead (by Tim Hitchcock), gathered together with a The First and Second Seal were entrusted to the Knights
brand new, never-before-published dungeon level created of Ozem and the nation of Taldor respectively, while the
by Nicolas Logue. The rules are updated, and the story has protection of the Third Seal fell to the dwarves of the
been revised to present a cohesive whole, but the desperate Kingdom of Kraggodan.
need for brave heroes in Falcon’s Hollow remains the While the Knights of Ozem hid the First Seal within their
same as ever. capital city of Lastwall and the armies of Taldor brought
Readers of the originals might note significant the Second Seal far from their borders to hide it in distant
changes have been made to the individual adventures. Varisia, the dwarves of Kraggodan entrusted their charge,
the Third Seal, to a remote monastery devoted to Torag that saw him through the murder of his 18 siblings and
in the southern foothills of the Five Kings Mountains. It cleared his path to the throne didn’t allow Merlokrep
would’ve remained under watchful protection therein for to heed inauspicious omens. Instead, he led his people
generations to come, were it not for the Rending. into the chambers below Droskar’s Crucible to claim a
new domain.
DROSKAR’S CRUCIBLE Many of his “bravest” warriors met grisly deaths
The Rending occurred with the eruption of the volcano during their campaign to scare off the creepy-crawlies
known at the time as Torag’s Crag—a disaster that and monstrous denizens of the caverns, but the Kobold
threw the Kingdom of Kraggodan into a chaos from King saw only glory in his future. Even when a third of
which it never fully recovered. It also shattered the faith his subjects perished in a haphazard mining excavation
of the keepers of the Third Seal. The faithful of Torag to retrieve more “shiny good-good” treasures, Merlokrep
trapped within the dungeons on the volcano’s lower remained undaunted. All he needed to verify the wisdom
slopes abandoned their faith and, over the course of of his push to claim the Crucible as his own was the
the traumatic years to follow, began worshipping the discovery of an amazing, extra spiky crown in one of the
evil dwarven god of toil instead, renaming the volcano dungeon’s forgotten corners—a crown that seemed to fit
Droskar’s Crag to reflect their new allegiance. his head perfectly. Merlokrep adorned the crown with
In the decades that followed, the keepers of the Third the skull of the previous king, as long-standing Truescale
Seal fell fully into the teachings of Droskar and renamed tradition required, and proclaimed his new headgear as
their home Droskar’s Crucible. Some worked tirelessly the Crown of the Kobold King. Finally, he settled his
to build, bury, and rebuild the underground chambers, people into their new home to lead them to what he
never quite satisfied with their work. Others toiled at hoped would be a new age of Truescale prosperity.
forges spread throughout the complex, crafting magic But when the necromancer Drazmorg came to the
items to honor Droskar—items they never quite saw to Crucible, all of that changed.
completion. In the cult’s final days, the man destined to
be its last leader, a dwarf named Gristogar, set out to DRAZMORG’S DISCOVERY
construct something he hoped would save his faltering Drazmorg was an unremarkable wizard, a man never
cult: a magical crown. Gristogar felt that this powerful brilliant enough to make a name as an outstanding
magic item would serve as a symbol of a “new king,” one student but always competent enough to avoid failure.
who would rise from the Rending’s ashes to found a new At Absalom’s Arcanamirium, he acquired the moniker
dwarven kingdom devoted to Droskar instead of Torag. Drazmorg the Drudger, but drudgery, it seemed to
But even as Gristogar toiled, the cult of Droskar Drazmorg, was found in death, not in studies. While
continued to dwindle. With no infusion of fresh blood other students sought education, Drazmorg fell to that
from outside and no new births within, each death put oldest of wizardly obsessions—the pursuit of immortality.
the cult one step closer to the grave. Eventually, the last His research eventually resulted in the discovery of an
remaining cultists were forced to admit that they were incomplete text called In the Shadows of Toil, a book
doomed, and instead of abandoning their home, they riddled with missing passages, errors, and inaccuracies.
instead collapsed key tunnels to bury the chambers and Despite this, mention of a “seal that guards the way back
seal themselves within, stubbornly refusing to share the from death” fascinated Drazmorg. When he investigated
incomplete fruit of their endless toil. the text’s origin, he discovered that the book had come to
Gristogar was the last of the cultists, and after his Absalom years before when a dwarven adventurer named
lonely death, Droskar’s Crucible lay forgotten for Druingar the Glintaxe visited the city, whereupon a copy
centuries, along with the treasures kept within—ranging of the text was made for the city’s library, and Drazmorg
from Gristogar’s nearly complete Crown of Toil to the had discovered this hastily created copy.
Third Seal. Frustrated by the incomplete text, Drazmorg
abandoned his studies and began retracing Druingar’s
A KING IS CROWNED footsteps. It took years of research and exploration across
The reign of Merlokrep, first of his name, all-mighty the Isle of Kortos, Taldor, and Andoran, for Druingar
King of the Truescale Kobolds, suffered misfortune from was hardly a well-known figure, but in time, Drazmorg
the day of his coronation. When his consort Vreggma discovered the mysterious site mentioned in Druingar’s
slipped on the dais steps and poked out the king’s eye text—and learned that Druingar vanished after entering
with one of the bristly points of the traditional Truescale the location not long after his last visit to Absalom.
Crown, breaking it in the process, he should’ve known Drazmorg hired a team of professional adventurers as
his rule would be ill-starred. However, the sturdy resolve guards, then set out to excavate and explore the lost
dungeon in search of the fabled seal he theorized would tunnel that led to deeper chambers below. Strange noises
aid him in securing immortality. and spooky shadows plagued this new tunnel, but King INTRODUCTION
This location was none other than Droskar’s Crucible. Merlokrep convinced his kobolds that the adventurers
were long gone, no doubt eaten by monsters in the dark. CHAPTER 1:
THE SEAL IS SUNDERED Life returned to normal for the Truescales, at least at HOLLOW'S LAST
When Drazmorg finally arrived at Droskar’s Crucible, first. While the kobolds avoided exploration of the spooky HOPE
accompanied by a small band of mercenaries he’d hired hole in the soon-to-be-called “Forsaken Passageway,”
for protection, he found the place claimed by the Truescale King Merlokrep began to have strange visions and CHAPTER 2:
Kobolds. The necromancer and his mercenaries hacked exciting dreams in which he saw himself gaining power CROWN OF THE
and blasted their way past the scaly inhabitants, scattering over not just the region’s kobolds, but over all the people KOBOLD KING
the Truescales into the surrounding woods of Darkmoon of Darkmoon Vale. The king kept these dreams largely
Vale, and soon cleared the cultist-collapsed tunnels that CHAPTER 3:
once led to the deeper vaults. With a combination of HUNGRY ARE THE
physical exertion and magic, Drazmorg led his group ever DEAD
deeper, becoming the first living creatures to explore these
chambers in centuries. CHAPTER 4:
Drazmorg eventually reached the goal of his quest, only DROSKAR'S DOOM
to discover that the so-called “seal that guards the way
back from death” was, in fact, the Third Seal. Undaunted, ADVENTURE
Drazmorg adjusted and adapted his TOOLBOX
investigation and research, quickly
learning that the Third Seal
had been critically damaged
long ago by the Rending. Its
energies, initially meant to contain
a great necromantic danger, had
twisted and warped back in on
themselves. Rather than keep the
Great Seal in place, the Third Seal
had become a metaphysical crack in
the dam that allowed a tiny trickle
of necromantic power to seep out from
under Gallowspire and build up within itself.
Over the next few months, Drazmorg
uncovered some of the occult secrets of the
Third Seal, but the final result of his research
was entirely unexpected. In its Rending-
weakened state, the Third Seal couldn’t withstand
Drazmorg’s tampering and triggered a massive
explosion of negative energy. Drazmorg took the
worst of the backlash. So potent were these forces
that they destroyed his lower half and blasted his
mind and soul alike, transforming him into an undead
abomination who now believes himself to be the
herald of Tar-Baphon himself.
not fit in well. If a player wants to play a goblin, you
THE UNFOLDING PLOT should work with them to find a place in the town for
You could run Crown of the Kobold King as a multi- them to feel at home. Dwarf PCs will likely be particularly
level dungeon crawl, but the expectation is that events intrigued by some elements of the adventure, as they have
unfolding in the dungeon as the PCs explore it create an a chance to uncover some forgotten fragments of local
evolving story line. The chapters lay out when new changes dwarven history below the old monastery.
occur, often keying them to points when the PCs leave the Falcon’s Hollow isn’t the friendliest of towns, but
dungeon to return to Falcon’s Hollow to rest and resupply, as a place founded by desperate outcasts, the people
but feel free to adjust the timing and nature of these events are relatively accepting of most ancestries, even those
as makes sense for the specifics of your table’s experiences who have no established representation in the town.
in the adventure. Characters of Uncommon or Rare ancestries might
find themselves the object of local speculation or even
prejudice, but not to the extent that they’ll be shunned
to himself, or tried to, but over the following weeks, his or automatically treated as monsters. One choice in
personality grew darker and more sadistic. Of course, this particular, though, brings an unusual complication to the
change only resulted in greater (if more fearful) loyalty plot—kobold PCs.
from his followers, so Merlokrep eventually grew to If you have a player who wants to play a kobold, take
embrace his new, increasingly violent urges. the time to build a backstory so that the player’s history
What Merlokrep didn’t realize was that the source of won’t clash against the plot of the adventure. Kobold-
these dreams and visions creeping into his mind was the on-kobold conflict is nothing new, of course, especially
Crown of the Kobold King—a crown originally created in the case of non-evil kobolds who face more traditional
to adorn the brow of a new dwarven tyrant. Filled with kobold villains like those in this adventure. While the
potential, yet long denied, the crown lingers on the verge locals of Falcon’s Hollow know kobolds live in the
of sentience. The dreams, visions, and urges it sends area, the sight of an individual kobold traveling with
Merlokrep will soon compel the Kobold King down a an adventuring group isn’t likely to cause undue alarm,
path of violence and sacrifice that, if not curtailed in time, although such characters should expect to be greeted with
will see the rise of a Kobold King the likes of which the wary and nervous glances at the very least.
Inner Sea region has never endured. Of course, you and your group could lean in to this
theme, and rather than playing characters with links to
Falcon’s Hollow, the entire group could play kobolds of
a competing clan who seek to oust the Truescales and
CHARACTER claim the Truescales’ much fancier home for their own.
Consider relocating the adventure’s start from Falcon’s
Hollow to a minor kobold encampment or settlement of
your own design located elsewhere in Darkmoon Vale in
this case. In the end, since the necromantic dangers that
Crown of the Kobold King provides enough adventure build deep below threaten all forms of life, much of this
for a brand-new 1st-level party to reach 6th level by its adventure’s encounters should play out the same way—
conclusion. As the adventure begins, there are hints of a even if your entire table consists of kobolds!
sinister darkness in the region, but the people of Falcon’s
Hollow have no awareness of the true scale of the danger CHARACTER BACKGROUNDS
that looms under Droskar’s Crucible. Likewise, the PCs’ When your players choose their character’s backgrounds,
initial journey to the Crucible is meant to be a minor you should consider adjusting the flavor text a little bit
quest at first, but what they discover within the ruins to directly tie them into Falcon’s Hollow’s history and
places them on center stage of events that will, in time, see plots. On page 12, four initial quests are given to get the
nations fall and Tar-Baphon rise again. adventure started—these quests can be tied, thematically,
It’s best if all of the PCs are from Falcon’s Hollow. to many of the common backgrounds from the Core
Whether or not they begin the adventure already knowing Rulebook, as follows.
each other is up to the individual players, but having a A Missing Person: A PC who’s a friend or relative to
shared stake in defending their hometown helps to give local hunter Barlus Chortun (a man destined to go missing
the events of this adventure a more immediate urgency. as this adventure begins) might have one of the following
Characters built from the Core Rulebook options are the backgrounds: Animal Whisperer, Bounty Hunter, Hunter,
most logical choices for locals, although goblin PCs might Nomad, or Scout.
An Elusive Antidote: A PC who has an ailing relation
or friend, or who might be contacted to gather important INTRODUCTION
medicinal supplies from the wild, might have one of
the following backgrounds: Acolyte, Field Medic, CHAPTER 1:
Herbalist, or Scholar. HOLLOW'S LAST
The Darkmoon Beast: A PC who might have ties HOPE
to local woodcutters or otherwise be invested in
helping to hunt down the Darkmoon Beast might CHAPTER 2:
have one of the following backgrounds: Bounty CROWN OF THE
Hunter, Detective, Guard, Hunter, Laborer, Martial KOBOLD KING
Disciple, Scout, or Warrior.
Following Footsteps: A PC who has links to the CHAPTER 3:
dwarven hero who went missing in Droskar’s Crucible HUNGRY ARE THE
might have one of the following backgrounds: Artisan, DEAD
Gladiator, Miner, Street Urchin, or Warrior.
Kobold PCs: As mentioned above, kobold PCs face a CHAPTER 4:
specific challenge in this adventure, in that a large majority DROSKAR'S DOOM
of the foes they’ll face during Crown of the Kobold King THIRD SEAL
are kobolds. If your group elects to all make kobold PCs, ADVENTURE
then it’s best to shift focus from Falcon’s Hollow to the TOOLBOX
PCs being members of an opposing kobold society, but if into a source of great necromantic power will decide the
only one or two PCs in the group are kobolds, consider future of Falcon’s Hollow.
allowing them to take the following Rare background. One final note to consider is that the events of this
adventure predate the standard starting point for most
FRIENDLY DARKMOON KOBOLD BACKGROUND Pathfinder Second Edition adventures. Based on some of
RARE Paizo’s earliest adventures, Crown of the Kobold King
It has taken time, but over the years, you’ve managed to is assumed to begin in the year 4707 ar, over a decade
find a place among the citizens of Falcon’s Hollow. While before the “current year” as presented in the Pathfinder
many still distrust kobolds, they at least see you as a fellow Lost Omens: World Guide. Some of the developments in
villager, if not a friend, and you’ve got quite the talent for this adventure set into motion greater events that echo
quickly convincing larger groups of people that you mean into Adventure Paths like Return of the Runelords or
them no harm. Tyrant’s Grasp, and you might find that some of your
Choose any two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom players are already familiar with these events or have
or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. even experienced these adventures in their original
You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and Kobold Lore format. In such a case, work with your players to remind
skill. You gain the Group Impression skill feat. them of the boundaries between player knowledge and
character knowledge.
You can also set this adventure during the current year,
but if you do so, keep in mind that you’ll need to adjust
the timing of Tar-Baphon’s recent escape and attack on
Absalom. If you wish, you can present those events as a
coda to this adventure—but if you do so, take care not to
minimize or gloss over the PCs’ accomplishments. Instead
of implying that nothing they did in this adventure
The initial lure that draws the PCs from home to matters, suggest that, through their heroics within
Droskar’s Crucible can vary—several potential adventure Droskar’s Crucible, they helped to minimize what could
hooks are presented at the start of Chapter One. Choose have been an even more devastating doom for Absalom
the hook (or hooks) that you feel works best for your once Tar-Baphon finally escaped his prison.
group of players. Once they start exploring the ruined Note that Falcon’s Hollow has limits as to who can
monastery and Darkmoon Vale, the PCs soon discover make the richer purchases in its High Market, but
hints of the true threat that faces the region, and whether during character creation, don’t place unusual limits on
or not they find success in their initial quest, the greater the PCs’ purchases. Allow them to spend their initial 15
goal to prevent a sadistic kobold king from stumbling gp normally.
Falcon’s Hollow is the end of the line for many of its PCs to give them a built-in reason to head into Darkmoon
residents—a final destination in a flight from the law, a Vale. You could even give each PC their own quest, so that
haven from crushing debts, a sanctuary from abuse, or a rather than traveling into the vale for one reason, each
new start free from religious persecution. Yet those who character can pursue their own personal goal.
dwell in the town know that it has more than its fair share
of problems, and many who come to live here soon realize A MISSING PERSON
they simply traded one set of worries for another. A local hunter named Barlus Chortun has gone missing, and
Crown of the Kobold King starts as the PCs gather a worried priest asks the PCs to investigate and track the
to head into the depths of Darkmoon Vale on a quest. missing hunter down.
Exactly which quest they set out to pursue is up to you, as Personal Hook Barlus is a friend, family member, or
long as it eventually leads them to the ruined monastery associate of the PC in question.
known as Droskar’s Crucible. Four potential quests are Starting Location Temple of Iomedae (area A4, page 16)
detailed below; pick the one you feel would appeal the
most to your players, or construct one of your own design AN ELUSIVE ANTIDOTE
if you wish. As the season turns and hints of a yearly recurrence of
When you’re ready to begin, present your chosen quest illness rise, the PCs are asked to gather important
to the PCs, then begin play at the town location indicated ingredients from Darkmoon Vale to help bolster the
in the quest. Note also that each quest includes a “personal townsfolk’s health.
hook”—something that ties that quest directly to one of the Personal Hook A friend, family member, or associate of
the PC in question has symptoms that require medicine
made from these ingredients.
REWARDING ROLEPLAY Starting Location Roots and Remedies (area A8, page 18)
Note that it’s possible for the party to finish Chapter 1 and
gain access to the dungeons of Droskar’s Crucible without THE DARKMOON BEAST
completing every single encounter in Darkmoon Vale along Loggers have grown timid and nervous about working in the
the way. While a group can earn extra experience from Vale after rumors of an unusually intelligent wolf circulate;
wandering monsters, much of what takes place during the PCs are hired to track the wolf down and deal with it.
this chapter will consist of roleplay encounters with the Personal Hook A friend, family member, or associate of the
inhabitants of Falcon’s Hollow. In order to encourage the PC in question was attacked by the wolf.
PCs to engage with the town’s NPCs and to help offset the Starting Location The Cutyard (area A5, page 16)
potential shortage of combat encounters along the way,
you should absolutely reward the party XP for time spent FOLLOWING FOOTSTEPS
roleplaying in town. Consider granting an award of 40 XP Several years back, a dwarven adventurer went missing in
for a standard roleplaying encounter, or up to 60 for a Droskar’s Crucible, and the PCs have been asked to follow
more involved scene. If you hand out around 300 XP for in his footsteps to determine his fate. If he’s still alive,
roleplaying over the course of this chapter, you should be rescue him—if he isn’t, find out what happened to him.
on track, and you can always inflate the reward for finally Personal Hook The missing adventurer is a relation, family
defeating Graypelt and gaining access to the lower levels if friend, or childhood hero of the PC in question.
you need to. In the end, PCs should earn enough XP to reach Starting Location Sheriff’s Office (area A6, page 17)
2nd level before delving into the dungeons below the ruined
monastery at the start of Chapter 2. Reward: Whenever the PCs complete one of these
quests, grant them 120 XP for the accomplishment.
children of Falcon’s Hollow until the attic whisperer
responsible was defeated by the eldest of the Kreed
daughters, Balkri.
Eventually, the three founding families began to die off.
Falcon’s Hollow has had numerous tragedies and violent The Hobgoblin Strife of 4679 claimed the last living scion
conflicts with monstrous neighbors during its century and of the Samkil family, though more than a few old-timers
a half of history. Tales of these events are passed on from insist that the crossbow bolt buried in young Jebrika
one generation to the next, cobbled together from gossip Samkil’s back bore a suspicious resemblance to those
sessions known alternately as “cutting dust” (chatting in used by Kreed’s patriarch. Then in 4701, the Falcon’s
the cutyards) or “blowing cinders” (telling tales around a Feud culminated in the eradication (by mass burning)
hearth fire at one of the town’s taverns). of the Larko clan by a panicked mob who had come
Founded in 4573 ar, Falcon’s Hollow was hastily to believe the Larkos had become “unnatural folk”—
erected by one of Taldor’s oldest companies, the Lumber changelings and stranger kin (thanks in no small part to
Consortium. Over those first desperate years, Falcon’s rumormongering from Kreed lips). Today, Thuldrin Kreed
Hollow successfully clung to its existence in the face and his son Jurin are the only surviving descendants of
of wild beasts, monstrous threats from deep within the original founding families, and the sole owners of the
Darkmoon Vale, and other horrific trials made all the whole region’s Lumber Consortium chopping rights.
more desperate by self-absorbed leadership from the
Lumber Consortium itself. DAILY LIFE
The survival of Falcon’s Hollow is a testament to the Far from the cares and demands of civilization, the dense
steely resolve of its three founding families: the taciturn forest and crystalline river near Falcon’s Hollow might
Larko clan, the brave Samkils, and the brutal Kreeds. seem to promise freedom, but in truth, those who dwell
These families weathered the Harpy-Hag Massacre of here do so under the oppressive auspices of the Lumber
4603, finally ending that conflict by marrying a Larko son Consortium and Thuldrin Kreed’s harsh vigilance.
Significant events in Falcon’s Hollow’s history are presented on the following timeline, along with other hidden events
drawn from this adventure’s background.
Nevertheless, the resilient folk of Falcon’s Hollow find Hollow. Disputes between loggers are settled on the river
a grim pride in their work. The cutyards are a pumping, in a bout referred to as a “loggerheads.” Every so often, a
bleeding heart of the town, with shifts around the clock shout rings through the yard with one logger challenging
cutting and shipping darkwood and other lumber down the another to go loggerheads on their dispute. The combatants
River Foam. Laborers break their backs and lose limbs to balance on logs in the water with a length of knobby
saw and axe in the yards, seemingly aging several years for timber in hand. The first battered into the water is pulled
each one they spend toiling under these grueling conditions. out by the rest of the crew and acknowledges the truth
They’re a rough and honest (for the most part) folk who of the other’s claims. Some superstitious loggers believe
generally don’t turn to heroes—their problems are their that water sprites judge the contests and take delight in
own. Though they’re usually too proud to look to strangers ensuring that the wronged party gets vengeance, even in
for deliverance, recent events (and the quests mentioned on defiance of the competitors’ comparative strengths and
page 12) have forced some of the townsfolk to ask for help. skills. From that moment on, the dispute is “given to the
This cutyard culture dates back over a century, with river,” and no one speaks of it again. This phrase is also
rituals persisting from the earliest years of Falcon’s common parlance for a slight judged unworthy of actual
dispute, with grumblers urged to give their complaints to
the river and move on. Old Kreed approves of this logger INTRODUCTION
justice, citing the old maxim, “People are soft and bend to
lies. Timber is hard; let it decide.” CHAPTER 1:
Remote lumber town ruled by a self-interested consortium CHAPTER 2:
Government council (Lumber Consortium) CROWN OF THE
Population 1,400 (95% humans, 3% halflings, 1% elves, 1% KOBOLD KING
Languages Common, Halfling CHAPTER 3:
Religions lip service to various faiths HUNGRY ARE THE
Threats kobolds, uncaring leadership, undead, violent DEAD
Lumber Town Those who come to Falcon’s Hollow can THULDRIN KREED CHAPTER 4:
always find work in the cutyards or lumber mills. DROSKAR'S DOOM
A character can Earn Income in Falcon’s Hollow by
attempting Athletics or Labor Lore, and if they do, they A1. THE ROUGE LADY ADVENTURE
can attempt up to a 6th-level task. Characters who The silk-veiled parlors of this burlesque and gambling hall TOOLBOX
attempt to Earn Income with Crafting or Performance are owned by Kabran Bloodeye (CE male half-orc rogue
are limited to tasks at 4th level or lower. 6), leader of the Redrock Guild—a criminal syndicate that
Deldrin Baleson (LN male half-elf fighter 5) Sheriff of controls the town’s shadier activities for Thuldrin Kreed.
Darkmoon Vale Aside from his bloodred eyes, Kabran’s most striking
Payden “Payday” Teedum (LE male human monk 4) Lumber feature is his missing nose, cut from his face long ago as
Consortium overboss punishment for crimes committed in a far-off city. He
Vamros Harg (NE male halfling sorcerer 5) town magistrate wears a bronze nosepiece over the crater in his face; the
Thuldrin Kreed (LE male human rogue 10) Gavel of the nosepiece whistles disturbingly as he sucks air through it
Lumber Consortium and periodically dribbles blood and mucus, which he wipes
away with a crimson handkerchief.
The Rouge Lady offers games of chance unique to Falcon’s
Hollow, such as “huckle-chuck” (played with scrimshawed
to a green hag who shape-changed and walked through the provide what small bits of aid she can to the townsfolk
front gates, they instigated the rigorous use of passwords. and hoping to slowly lure them away from Thuldrin’s rule.
The Kreed family hasn’t survived the perils of Darkmoon Cirthana is the only cleric posted here, but she does her
Vale for over a century by accident. best. She asks for standard donations for her spellcasting
services, but if the PCs prove themselves to be altruistic or
A3. WOODWIL otherwise seem to her to be potential foils against Thuldrin,
The workshop of outspoken artist Deveera Gadsel (CN she provides her healing services to them for free whenever
female half-orc artist 4) also serves as a haven for a clique they visit the temple—regardless of their faiths.
of semi-artistic locals, those interested in doing more with Starting a Quest: Falcon’s Hollow is a rough-and-tumble
their lives than simply hacking and sawing all day. Deveera town, and it isn’t unusual for locals to simply vanish. Many
has had more than a few run-ins with Ayda Vorshin of the of these disappearances are simply citizens who left town
High Market (area A14), who sees the growing popularity to seek their fortunes elsewhere, but some are victims of
of Deveera’s crafts as cutting into the profits of her own criminals or dangerous creatures from the nearby woods.
import business; Ayda has used similar intimidation tactics Since these disappearances aren’t noteworthy, no one took
on other local artisans, attempting to frighten them into much of an interest when a local hunter named Barlus
restricting their business to Low Market. The trader Chortun went missing—except Cirthana. That Barlus,
and her cronies have broken into workshops, including a worshipper of Erastil, came to the Temple of Iomedae
Woodwil, where they’ve smashed goods and injured to seek blessings for his upcoming hunt (Cirthana being
artisans. Deveera is currently trying to organize a guild to the closest he had in town to a like-minded soul) before
provide mutual protection from Ayda. Thus far, Thuldrin vanishing into Darkmoon Vale certainly impacts Cirthana’s
finds the situation amusing and hasn’t intervened, although hope for his quick rescue and recovery, as she feels a bit
he promises to crush both sides with equal relish if they guilty about perhaps giving him false comfort in a pursuit
pose a threat to public order. Meanwhile, he’s allowing that isn’t a core part of her faith.
Deveera to form her guild provided she pays a hefty share Cirthana has approached Lumber Consortium agents
of her profits to the Consortium as an “administrative fee.” in the lumber camp at the edge of the woods for aid in
tracking Barlus down, but they’ve been unhelpful. She
A4. TEMPLE OF IOMEDAE doesn’t suspect they’re responsible for Barlus vanishing,
Falcon’s Hollow has few clerics. Despite anemic only that they don’t see it as their problem. She knows
competition from other faiths and a demonstrated record Barlus was going to use one of the lumber camps as a
of care for the town’s residents, Lady Cirthana Gensar staging ground for his hunt, so she suggests the PCs begin
(LG female human cleric of Iomedae 6) continues to their search for him there, hoping that the workers will be
struggle to win converts in the beleaguered town. Few more open to speaking to someone they don’t recognize
locals trust Cirthana, and most lay their medical concerns as one of their employer’s more vocal critics.
at Laurel’s feet instead at Roots and Remedies (area A8). Cirthana offers a low-grade silver longsword as a
The Lumber Consortium made itself clear in denouncing reward if the PCs can provide closure on the mystery or,
the Inheritor’s meddling in the town’s affairs, and the even better, find him and bring him back home alive.
locals oblige by avoiding the temple as much as possible.
Cirthana regularly requests assistance from others of her A5. THE CUTYARD
faith in her quest to aid the endangered souls of Falcon’s Spewing sawdust into the Foam around the clock, the
Hollow, but the corrupting nature of this wild frontier post is Cutyard is the ever-pumping heart of Falcon’s Hollow.
far too tempting for the devotion of most initiates to survive. Lumber crews work the yard under horrific conditions.
Cloistered would-be paladins and clerics find themselves Night shifts operate waterwheel-powered saws and
woefully unprepared for the challenges of Falcon’s Hollow, grinding lathes with only a single dim lantern to light their
and most end up pawns of the Consortium, lured from their dangerous toil. Maiming and accidental deaths frequently
ideals by bribes from Thuldrin’s agents, whether in the form occur. If questioned, Thuldrin merely answers that lantern
of gold or free passes to the Rouge Lady. oil is hard to come by up in Falcon’s Hollow, but there are
Thuldrin enjoys flaunting his power by condescendingly always plenty of fingers.
offering donations to her cause, praising her efforts to Far more insidious than the threat of physical injury is
“look after the hardworking souls of Falcon’s Hollow” the crushing effect of unending labor and monotony on the
while secretly crippling her efforts to reform the town. workers’ psyches. Most of the lumber crew live in cramped
Cirthana recognizes such acts for the mockery they are, shacks surrounding the Cutyard, plagued by the sounds of
but she has done nothing to act directly against Thuldrin, saws and axes even when they aren’t working. More than
instead stubbornly playing a long waiting game, ready to a few workers have snapped after years in the yard, taking
axes to their coworkers before Thuldrin’s guards mow
them down with crossbow fire. The loggers call this “going INTRODUCTION
axe-happy,” a term that has come to indicate losing one’s AN UNPLEASANT PLACE
temper in an explosive manner. Falcon’s Hollow isn’t the nicest place to live. Many of the CHAPTER 1:
The Cutyard is overseen by Payden “Payday” buildings are run-down, and just as many of its citizens are HOLLOW'S LAST
Teedum (LE male human monk 4), one of the town’s foul-tempered at best or downright cruel at worst. There are HOPE
more notorious figures. A pug-faced, mash-nosed man, holdouts of kindness and patience in the town (such as at the
“Payday” Teedum earned his nickname from the way he Temple of Iomedae), but for the most part, the PCs shouldn’t CHAPTER 2:
doles out violent “dues” to anyone who fails to follow expect automatic friendship with the locals. CROWN OF THE
his commands fast enough. He has long squabbled with Depending on your play style, this might cause your KOBOLD KING
Deldrin Baleson, the town’s sheriff. The only reason that players to have little interest in helping to save Falcon’s
he hasn’t taken more violent steps against his nemesis is a Hollow from the dangers it faces, or worse, might compel CHAPTER 3:
fear of turning the sheriff into a martyr. them to simply abandon the region (and the adventure) HUNGRY ARE THE
The Cutyard keeps a well-stocked company store, where entirely. You know your players best, and if you feel that DEAD
its employees can spend their scrip on food, supplies, and they’d react better to a friendlier locale, feel free to “file off”
tools needed for their work. The exchange rate for this the rougher edges of Falcon’s Hollow to help the players CHAPTER 4:
scrip is awful—yet one more way Boss Teedum keeps his become more invested in the town’s fate. DROSKAR'S DOOM
“employees” under strict control. Of course, Falcon’s Hollow gives rougher, less reputable
Starting a Quest: The loggers of Falcon’s Hollow are PCs a place to call home, so Crown of the Kobold King works ADVENTURE
no strangers to forest beasts and monsters, and their tall quite well for a self-interested group of antiheroes. TOOLBOX
tales of dangerous woodland denizens are a popular form
of entertainment after work around campfires or at bars.
Lately, a new rumor about a particularly large, vicious,
and cunning gray wolf has been making the rounds, with 5), a man who used to be a poor woodcutter toiling in the
loggers claiming the wolf has been laying traps for them. cutyards under Boss Teedum. One day, Deldrin refused to
Several claim to have been wounded in these traps, and a pay an “axe tax” on a lumber axe he had already bought
few imply that several (or perhaps all) of the loggers who and paid for from the company store. When Payden tried to
have supposedly left the job and moved south were in fact take Deldrin’s axe, the half-elf smashed Payden’s face with
captured and eaten by this wolf. the flat of it. As one of the only locals to stand up to Payden
Normally, Boss Teedum ignores these rumors, but this and Thuldrin, he was elected sheriff the following week.
latest one is gathering steam quickly, and he suspects Now, Deldrin carries the same axe around on his shoulder
there’s truth behind the tales. He’s concerned that some of to remind Thuldrin and Payden alike that he doesn’t fear
his workers will soon start using these rumors as an excuse them. Of course, the real thing keeping Deldrin from violent
to avoid work or demand more security. He asks the PCs to reprisal is the fact that his presence prevents the Lumber
hunt for this gray-pelted “smart wolf” in Darkmoon Vale, Consortium from paying more frequent (and annoying)
kill it, and bring it back to Falcon’s Hollow for him to stuff visits to town. After all, if Falcon’s Hollow were to become
as a trophy—less to put his workers’ minds at ease and more lawless than it already is, the attention it would garner
more to show them that he’s the one they should really be from the Andoren government would put a significant crimp
wary of crossing. on Thuldrin’s lifestyle.
Payden suggests interviewing workers at the lumber Deldrin himself feels immense civic pride for Falcon’s
camps to learn where the gray wolf has been spotted most Hollow and remembers a time not so long past when the
frequently. He’s prepared to reward the PCs with a +1 Kreeds weren’t the only movers and shakers in town. He
greataxe if they succeed. hopes to someday see more honor and pride return to
Falcon’s Hollow, but in the meantime, he has spent his
A6. SHERIFF’S OFFICE energy keeping the town as safe as possible. To this end,
Falcon’s Hollow might be a Lumber Consortium town he maintains a small group of deputies who patrol and
under Thuldrin Kreed’s authority, but the law itself isn’t resolve petty conflicts on the streets. When larger dangers
subject entirely to his whims—much to his annoyance and threaten the region, he’s typically forced to resort to
frustration. Indeed, as part of the Consortium’s agreement mercenaries or adventurers for solutions.
with the Andoren government, a non-affiliated arbiter of Starting a Quest: Sheriff Deldrin might be frustrated
the law must be employed in the town at all times. with Falcon’s Hollow’s current leadership, but he has
For the past several years, this role has fallen to a towering immense pride in the town’s history, particularly in how
half-elf man named Deldrin Baleson (LN male half-elf fighter it has endured hardship over the years. Recently, while
researching a collection of old records and ledgers he was suspicious enough, but when Vamros Harg certified
found forgotten among town records, he learned that the the deed as genuine, it was all the evidence the townsfolk
dwarven adventurer Druingar the Glintaxe was more than needed to confirm that Thuldrin had decided the
just a visitor using Falcon’s Hollow as a staging Duck needed to be under the Consortium’s direct
ground to explore Droskar’s Crucible—he was control. A few claim Thuldrin took deep
born here! The fact that records of Druingar’s offense to the fact that the Ferret’s surname
childhood in town were forgotten doesn’t was a homophone for his own.
surprise Deldrin, considering the records date Thuldrin likes to keep close tabs on any
back decades and the town’s leadership for the adventurers or mercenaries passing through
past 10 years has only been interested in its own Falcon’s Hollow. The Duck is the perfect venue
legacy, but he hopes to use Druingar’s story to for gathering all these potential employees and
inspire the people of Falcon’s Hollow and to build threats in one place. Ergin closely
up civic pride. watches the clientele, but she isn’t
He can’t do that without an Thuldrin’s only pair of eyes
ending to the explorer’s story, in the place. The bartender,
though, and so Sheriff Deldrin Jalene Artem (CE female
asks the PCs to investigate human rogue 4), is one of
what might have happened Thuldrin’s most trusted
to the dwarf. By all accounts, agents, as skilled in slitting
Druingar went north to explore throats as she is at prying secrets
Droskar’s Crucible nine years from even the most stalwart paladin.
ago and never returned. Few visit the ruined Ergin and Jalene deliver reports to Thuldrin
monastery these days as its remote location tends to every morning on the past night’s activities at the Duck.
attract dangerous predators, but if the PCs are up for the
challenge of investigating the site and looking for clues to A8. ROOTS AND REMEDIES
Druingar’s fate, the sheriff is willing to reward them with Creeping ivy and flowering window boxes cover the facade
an onyx dog wondrous figurine that he confiscated from of this two-story log building. The small, mud-tracked
a troublesome woodcutter several years ago. shop’s interior smells of burned earth and spicy incense.
Bunches of dried herbs hang from the ceiling, along with
A7. THE SITTING DUCK dangling pots, presses, alchemical equipment, and arcane
The Duck is the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, glassware. Pouches of rare plants, jars of colored powders,
and other rapscallions looking for excitement. The tavern and a collection of dried, preserved, and jellied animal parts
serves a potent brew of fermented darkwood leaf that’s fill high shelves and tables that serve as both displays and
said to be able to “floor an ogre” in a few tankards. workspace. The owner, Laurel Gebre (NG female human
Raucous games of “knivesies” and “lefty-loosey” (two herbalist 3), is a rail-thin Garundi woman with glasses,
quite dangerous recreational activities with a high rate her hair arranged in dreadlocks loosely pulled back from
of maiming) rage late into the night among adventurers her face. The tough but good-hearted woman serves as
sharing tales of the dangers of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar’s the local herbalist and healer, though her income stems as
Crag, and other nearby landmarks. The noise emanating much from her sale of snake oils and aphrodisiacs as from
from the town’s most dangerous drinking den attracts the her cure-alls and medicinal teas. Although well versed in
attention of the occasional predator outside the palisade, the healing properties of various concoctions, she’s quick
and these creatures often hop the wall and attack. Luckily, to remind angry patrons that she isn’t, in fact, a physician.
the clientele is nothing if not well armed, and such events For many who can’t afford more expensive healing magic,
only fuel the night’s revelry. Laurel is the best hope for health and even a thimbleful of
Originally built by a retired adventurer named Larden sympathy in Falcon’s Hollow.
“Ferret” Kried, the Duck was taken over by the brawny Alchemical items and supplies of up to level 3 can be
mercenary Ergin Tock (CN female human fighter 2) after purchased here.
the tavern became a beacon to dangerous adventurers and Starting a Quest: As Falcon’s Hollow’s most trusted
the Ferret disappeared. Ergin produced a dubious deed caretaker for many years, Laurel has become something of
to the Duck with Larden Kried’s signature (though most an expert at spotting health trends among the locals, even
claim it was forged), along with a letter explaining that through the “tough frontier dweller” tradition of only
Ferret had returned to her carefree life as an adventurer. seeking medical aid as a last resort. Lately, she has noticed
Ergin’s former job as hired muscle for Thuldrin Kreed a concerning increase in the amount of illness among
the loggers, which has her worried that an outbreak of Criminal-minded PCs can attempt to Earn Income at the
sickness looms in the near future. The threat of an Low Market with Thievery checks if they wish, but INTRODUCTION
outbreak couldn’t come at a worse time, for the on a critical failure to do so, they might face
herbs she often relies upon to concoct antiplague fines or other punishments. CHAPTER 1:
and other medicines have grown scarce. HOLLOW'S LAST
Laurel asks the PCs for help in gathering A10. JAK A’ NAPES HOPE
supplies of a particular core ingredient to A ramshackle inn offers food and
her medicine—ironbloom mushrooms. lodging to travelers passing through CHAPTER 2:
Normally these mushrooms can be found Falcon’s Hollow. The rotund and CROWN OF THE
throughout Darkmoon Vale at this time of ruddy Jak Crimmy (CG female KOBOLD KING
year, but this season she has seen very few. She human bard 6) is a retired troubadour
suspects that more can be harvested deeper who sports an easy smile and always CHAPTER 3:
in the forest, but she lacks the skill to deal has a warm welcome, a solid meal, and HUNGRY ARE THE
with the forest’s dangers. If the PCs agree, a tale or two ready for weary visitors. Her DEAD
she suggests that they check a particularly cinnamon-crusted flapjacks are legendary, as
notorious spot in the northern woods is her skill at juggling frying pans and her CHAPTER 4:
known as the Hag-Haunted Hollow astonishing marksmanship with a crossbow. DROSKAR'S DOOM
where the mushrooms are supposedly Jak makes her cinnamon pancakes
prolific. It was here, years ago, that the once per week, and the line to taste ADVENTURE
hag Ulizmila kept one of her many lairs; a sugared forkful runs all the way
Laurel assures the PCs that Ulizmila around the building and halfway down
is long dead but warns them that the site might still be the thoroughfare. For some reason, Thuldrin never sets
dangerous. She knows the approximate location of the foot in the inn, a peculiarity that’s the source of many wild
Hollow and gives the PCs detailed directions. When they rumors. Some claim Jak is related to the old Samkil family,
later attempt to locate the site in Part 2, these directions and some strange magic pact or fey curse bars Thuldrin
give them a +2 circumstance bonus on their Survival check from taking action against this last scion of the Kreed
to find the location. family’s old counterparts. Others whisper that Jak was
In return for gathering at least a dozen large ironbloom once a member of the Talons, one of the most notorious
mushrooms, Laurel promises the PCs each a Common adventuring parties in Darkmoon Vale, which would
level 3 non-poison alchemical consumable of their choice make her a very dangerous woman. Whatever the truth,
in thanks. Jak won’t give credence to any of the tales, saying only
that she’s a retired entertainer from far-off Riddleport.
A9. LOW MARKET When asked about Thuldrin, she merely shrugs and laughs
Open to all, the Low Market sells High Market’s that “cinnamon isn’t for everyone.”
leftovers, including produce no longer fresh enough for
High Market’s favored customers, heavily salted meats, A11. HOLLOW TRIBUNAL
and other questionable foodstuffs, most of which barely Magistrate Vamros Harg (NE male halfling sorcerer 5)
survive their trip to the market. Weapons, armor, and dispenses merchant licenses, stamps mining and lumber
adventuring gear can be found for sale here, provided the claims, and passes judgment on criminal and civil cases
items aren’t too pricey—only weapons and adventuring from this sturdy log building. Most residents appreciate
gear worth 1 gp or less or armor worth 4 gp or less can the irony of the Hollow Tribunal’s name since the justice
be purchased at the Low Market. Those who seek more meted out is rarely equitable.
expensive wares must earn the right to visit High Market The charismatic young magistrate, a failed barrister
(area A14). with a fondness for finery, is known to be firmly in
Portly Jalin Greatoak (N male human merchant 2), Thuldrin’s pocket. Thuldrin put Vamros in power with
called “Great Oaf” by unkind children, organizes the the understanding that he could remove the halfling just
market’s various stalls and cart-bound booths. Though as easily at the first sign of disobedience. Vamros doesn’t
good-natured, he isn’t particularly clever, and he rarely dare oppose Thuldrin directly, but his shame at his own
has a sober thought run through his head. Hordes of poor cowardice leads him to try to nudge cases away from
woodcutters, struggling farmers, and outcasts frequent Thuldrin’s greedy eye and give people a fair shake when
the Low Market. A few ramshackle stalls serve ale and he can. If he were ever to get enough support from folks
blindness-inducing moonshine to carousing loggers, fueling not yet broken by Thuldrin’s regime, Vamros might step
their revels and making picking pockets an easy prospect. up to the challenge and start doling out true justice.
A6 A12
0 160
A stormy romantic relationship with one of Sheriff staples, dried foods, and mining supplies. Some of the
Deldrin Baleson’s deputies, the cantankerous yet dashing more noteworthy items include a gourd of alchemist’s
Tabrik Splint (LG male dwarf ranger 3), takes up most fire shaped like a baby, a petrified house drake hollowed
of Vamros’s time away from work. Tabrik is unabashedly out into a bull’s-eye lantern, and an unnaturally cold
outspoken about Thuldrin’s corruption and the need for and stubbornly blood-stained chisel. Brickasnurd claims
a change in leadership, and Vamros finds it increasingly to find some of his most curious inventory during long
difficult to protect his lover from his patron’s wrath. walks in the woods, but some say the gnome keeps
Strangely, their almost diametrically opposed ideologies counsel with several of the cryptic fey who still lurk
about what’s good for society only adds further passion amid the groves of Darkmoon Vale.
and fuel to their romance, but it’s likely just a matter of A small number of magic items are for sale at the
time before one or the other oversteps their bounds and Goose ’n’ Gander, but to find one of them on the shelves,
does something their partner can’t abide. a character must spend 1d4 hours Searching and attempt
a DC 20 Perception check. On a success, the PC comes
A12. GOOSE ’N’ GANDER across one of the following hidden treasures. On a critical
Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks (CN male gnome wizard 3), failure, their attempts cause a minor “landslide” of clutter
the only gnome in Falcon’s Hollow, runs this cavernous to topple down on them. The PC takes 1d6 points of
general store. Goose ’n’ Gander is a labyrinthine bludgeoning damage (DC 15 basic Reflex save) and earns
muddle of winding aisles and precariously balanced a temporary one-week ban from the store from a highly
shelves stocked with everything someone living on the annoyed gnome.
frontier might require, and a fair amount of clutter that At the time this adventure begins, the following items
almost no one requires. There’s no apparent method to can be found for sale. Roll to determine randomly which
the store’s organization, and one might find a variety item a character discovers (on a success, roll 1d6, and
of unusual items stocked among the usual domestic on a critical success roll 1d10). If you roll an item that
has already been found, the PC instead discovers the clothing, shoes, spices, and jewelry. Local artists such as
next lowest-value undiscovered item. Once the PCs learn Deveera Gadsel (area A3), known for her woodcarvings INTRODUCTION
about an item, they can find it again on a subsequent visit and jewelry, offer wares among the imports. High Market
with only 10 minutes of looking. As time passes, feel free is one of the few reliable places in Falcon’s Hollow where CHAPTER 1:
to add new items to the list. Even though these items can weapons, armor, and more can be purchased. HOLLOW'S LAST
be tricky for the PCs to find, Brickasnurd knows where One of Thuldrin’s most insufferable lickspittles, Kilarin HOPE
everything is and keeps a watchful eye on the store. If the Salk (NE female halfling rogue 4), personally inspects all
PCs are tempted to rob him or, worse, get in a fight, use the groceries sold in High Market. Kilarin is a notoriously CHAPTER 2:
stats for a mage for hire (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide corrupt former farmer who left the profession when CROWN OF THE
226) adjusted to “gnome” to resolve the unfortunate it became clear she can’t have an aptitude for keeping KOBOLD KING
situation. A PC who gets caught stealing or picks a fight plants alive. Although plenty of high-quality produce and
is banned from the Goose ’n’ Gander for life, and they meats are brought to her for daily inspections, a third of CHAPTER 3:
might (at your discretion) face other fines or punishment the stock never makes it to the market. Farmers in the HUNGRY ARE THE
handed down from the Lumber Consortium. region know that quality is only one of the qualifications DEAD
needed to pass the inspection—a hefty bribe is required as
d10 Item Price well. Kilarin’s jumped-up position has made her prickly, CHAPTER 4:
1 Four minor healing potions 15 gp and any real or imagined insult to her pride results in DROSKAR'S DOOM
2 Potency crystal 4 gp a lifetime ban from selling goods in Falcon’s Hollow, a
3 Vial of silversheen 6 gp sentence that generally equates to a choice between exile ADVENTURE
4 +1 weapon potency rune 35 gp or poverty for most farmers. TOOLBOX
5 Cold iron light pick 40 gp
Even then, High Market’s wares aren’t available to
6 Moderate acid flasks (3) 10 gp each
7 Scroll of restoration 12 gp all. Boss Teedum’s loyal thugs restrict access, admitting
8 Wand of cure light wounds 60 gp only those Thuldrin deems influential. Thuldrin holds a
9 Coyote cloak 60 gp lottery once per month to grant nine lucky “common”
10 Striking weapon rune 65 gp residents permission to shop in the market for up to three
days. Normally, this drawing would exclude the PCs, but
depending on the quest they start with, they might be
A13. SHARVAROS VADE’S TOWER granted access. Otherwise, the PCs must earn Thuldrin’s
The necromancer Sharvaros Vade (LE male human wizard permission to shop here by successfully completing their
4) occupies a stone tower overlooking the dreary souls starting quest. At your option, the PCs could earn access
of Falcon’s Hollow from its place of prominence on the to High Market in other ways.
Perch, the hill at the east edge of town. Within, Sharvaros
conducts gruesome experiments on corpses discarded by A15. LUMBER CONSORTIUM HEADQUARTERS
the town. Occasionally, the recluse requires a live subject Once the most impressive building in town, this office
for his research, generally an out-of-towner supplied by has fallen into disrepair. Thuldrin uses this building only
Kabran Bloodeye. Sharvaros’s only living companion is to host important Consortium guests and conduct other
his frail daughter Savram (LN young female dhampir official business he wishes to keep out of his private
adept 1), a pale girl whose mother’s identity remains estate. Otherwise, the building remains empty, alone
a mystery. Many locals claim the child was born from with the ghosts of its former grandeur. The only object
a dead consort, thus explaining her spindly frame and in the building not left to the ravages of time is a statue
ivory complexion. of Thuldrin’s father, Thalsin. The stern visage and proud
The tower itself is a sturdy, ugly edifice without much frame of one of the greatest leaders in the town’s history
in the way of adornment. A handful of gargoyles stand is always freshly polished by Thuldrin’s cowed servants,
sentinel atop its upper parapet, and observers swear they who live in terror of his ire should the statue not be
change location and posture over time, speculating that properly respected and maintained. The host of clerks
Sharvaros uses these stony thralls to collect the victims of who once toiled here have been released from employ as
accidents and violence to fuel his research. Thuldrin gradually reduced the amount of paperwork
concerning the lumber trade in Falcon’s Hollow. He has
A14. HIGH MARKET grown bold in his corruption, and now the few clerks
High Market’s greatest draw is the rot-free meats and keeping track of his affairs work out of his manor house.
vegetables for sale. The ex-mercenary Ayda Vorshin (NE Any real dealings the Consortium conducts with outside
female human merchant 4) runs weekly caravans to and forces occur there, and the message is clear: in Falcon’s
from the town of Olfden, stocking the market with silk Hollow, Thuldrin Kreed is the Lumber Consortium.
While the PCs’ initial quests in Part 1 might seem adventure’s plot: the four lumber camps located along the
disparate, they all share the same sinister root cause— forest’s southern reaches, the Hag-Haunted Hollow, and
trouble brewing deep under the ruined monastery known the ruins of Droskar’s Crucible. These areas are detailed
today as Droskar’s Crucible. The sickness Laurel Gebre below, along with two additional optional encounter
has noticed growing among the loggers is a reaction to areas you can use to liven up a journey through the forest
the low-grade but growing necromantic energy leaking as you wish.
into the environment. The missing hunter Barlus Chortun Since the focus of Crown of the Kobold King is on
is the latest victim abducted by the Truescale Kobolds as exploring the dungeons below Droskar’s Crucible, it’s best
they start stockpiling sacrifices for the ritual to empower not to spend too much time forcing the PCs to wander
the Crown of the Kobold King. The sinister gray wolf aimlessly through the wilderness. The trip between
that has been hunting loggers is a warg named Graypelt Falcon’s Hollow and the lumber camps is a brisk 10- to
who’s helping the kobolds in these abduction plots and 16-mile journey for the western three and an additional
has taken residence in the aboveground ruins of Droskar’s 10 miles to the easternmost one. Travel through the dense
Crucible. Of course, PCs who track down the dwarven woodland is more difficult and time consuming, as there
adventurer Druingar will find themselves approaching the are no maintained trails within.
selfsame ruins in time, for it’s here that Druingar met his
ignominious end. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
These quests are meant to expose the PCs to the danger If you wish to liven up the PCs’ journey through the
growing below Droskar’s Crucible, and by the time they forest, you can use one of the two optional encounters
fully explore the aboveground ruins, they’ll know that the presented at the end of this section. Alternately, you can
true peril they’re destined to face lies below their feet. check for random encounters. Do so once during the PCs’
travel time during the day, and once during the night
at their camp, by attempting a DC 14 flat check. On a
success, an encounter occurs; roll on the table on page 23
EXPLORING to determine what takes place.
Note that these encounters are meant to challenge a
level 1 group, and it’s expected that the PCs will run afoul
of at least a few (and earn XP as appropriate) during
their first few trips through Darkmoon Vale. As the PCs
Regardless of their initial quest (or quests), the PCs’ grow more powerful, the focus of their adventures should
first step into adventure takes them into Darkmoon increasingly be within the dungeon itself, so the role
Vale. The region is dominated by a sprawling, trackless random encounters play later should diminish as well.
forest that has long been the source of rumors, tall tales, Strange Tracks: The PCs come across a swath of muddy
and whispers—stories the woods have had no problem ground through which a strange set of tracks passes. The
justifying with monsters and cults and things that go tracks appear to be the slithering trail of an immense
bump in the night. But the forest is an astounding natural serpent but also feature deep claw prints, as if made by
resource—particularly for darkwood trees—to the extent taloned feet, at odd intervals. If this encounter takes place
that living and working along the vale’s woodland fringes while the PCs sleep, they discover this trail to have passed
has long been worth the risk. by at some point during the night a few hundred feet
While the PCs should plot their own course through from their campsite. A character who succeeds at a DC
Darkmoon Vale, there are only a few locations of 16 Nature check confirms that the tracks are made from a
note in and around the vale that play directly into this single creature that slithers like a snake and has two limbs
that periodically dig into the ground, while a character DARKMOON VALE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS
who succeeds at a DC 18 Arcana check correctly identifies Roll Encounter
the tracks as belonging to a tatzlwyrm. With a successful 1 Strange Tracks (Trivial 1)
DC 20 Survival check, a PC can Track the tatzlwyrm to its 2 Dead Fey (Trivial 1)
lair (see optional encounter B4 on page 29). This encounter 3 Glowmold (Trivial 1)
doesn’t occur once the tatzlwyrm is killed, unless you wish 4 Wyvern Sighting (Trivial 1)
to have a second tatzlwyrm move in on the first’s territory. 5 Kobold Zombie (Trivial 1)
Dead Fey: The PCs happen upon a dead tree streaked 6 Grung’s Trap (Trivial 1)
with blood to a height of 3 feet above the ground. The 7 Hunters (Low 1)
first PC to step around the tree automatically notices 8 Bloodseekers (Low 1)
the bodies of three dead sprites that have been pinned
9 Giant Moorsnake (Low 1)
10 Wolves (Moderate 1)
to the tree trunk a foot off the ground by thin metal
spikes. With a successful DC 15 Medicine check to Recall
Knowledge, a character notes that while the tree trunk the kobolds intend to perform to empower their king’s
has been smeared with blood, the otherwise bloodless crown. If this encounter takes place while the PCs camp,
nature of the dead sprites suggests that whatever killed they discover the grisly scene soon after breaking camp
them didn’t use all of that blood on the tree—about half and setting out on the day’s travels.
of it is missing. A character who Searches the area and Glowmold: Strange, glowing mold covers the undersides
succeeds at a DC 16 Perception check finds a number of of several large rocks deep in the forest. A character who
tiny reptilian footprints around the tree; a character who succeeds at a DC 16 Survival check can harvest enough of
succeeds at a DC 20 Society check identifies these prints the mold without destroying it to serve as a light source.
as kobold prints. The PCs can track these prints with a Once removed from the rock, the mold continues to glow
successful DC 20 Survival check, which leads the PCs to with the brightness of a torch for 3 days. If this encounter
Droskar’s Crucible, where the kobold perpetrators dwell. occurs at camp, the glowing of the mold isn’t apparent
These pixies are victims of “trial runs” for the rituals until after nightfall; its soft yellow-green glow can be seen
through the undergrowth a dozen yards from camp, which behind in the undergrowth when they fled their home. That
might initially worry the PCs that a will-o’-wisp or some wasn’t what caused Kolmokmurk to rise from the dead,
similar monster has noticed them. though—this final affront took place when Drazmorg
Wyvern Sighting: Have all the PCs attempt Perception fractured the Third Seal. Kolmokmurk’s decayed remains,
checks. Whoever rolls the highest happens to glance up positioned almost directly above the deep underground
while passing under a break in the canopy at just the right location, absorbed a potent blast of necromantic energy.
time to spot a dark blue wyvern soaring through the sky Had Kolmokmurk’s soul still been lingering, the resulting
above. They wyvern doesn’t notice the PCs and continues undead could have been much more dangerous, but with
toward its nest on the lower slopes of Droskar’s Crag, unless only the mortal remains to animate, Kolmokmurk’s body
the PCs are higher level and an attack from a level 6 creature instead became a zombie. For the past several weeks, the
would liven things up. If this encounter takes place during kobold zombie has been wandering the woods aimlessly,
camp, the PC might hear the creature’s wings or rumbling driven by a mindless fury that, so far, it has only been
roar as it passes through the night sky above instead. able to vent upon helpless forest creatures. The PCs give
Kolmokmurk’s zombie its first real chance at inflicting pain,
WYVERN CREATURE 6 and it won’t waste this chance. If this encounter happens
Pathfinder Bestiary 133 during camp, then Kolmokmurk shambles into the camp
Initiative Perception +13 at some point to attack the PCs. The negative energy that
animated the kobold’s remains has resulted in a particularly
Kobold Zombie: Kolmokmurk was once a priest hardy undead horror; it has the unkillable variant ability.
among the Truescale Kobolds, but when Drazmorg swept In addition, the zombie is Small, although this size change
through the place and forced the Truescales out into the doesn’t otherwise affect its statistics. More unusual,
wild, Kolmokmurk was fatally injured. The Truescales though, is the way Kolmokmurk’s glazed, dead eyes glow
abandoned Kolmokmurk to his fate, leaving his body from within with an unsettling yellow light. This side effect
comes from the Third Seal’s unstable necromantic energy;
it doesn’t grant the zombie any additional abilities, but it
will soon become a recurring theme among the undead the
PCs face in the future.
Once he’s defeated, a PC who searches his tattered
outfit and who succeeds at a DC 20 Society check
recognizes him as a one-time member of the Truescales.
While his weapon is long gone, the PCs can recover the
unused (and rather filthy) wolf fang talisman still affixed
to his mostly-ruined leather armor.
Unkillable zombie kobold (Pathfinder Bestiary 340)
Initiative Perception +0
Pathfinder Core Rulebook 523 Pathfinder Bestiary 42 INTRODUCTION
Initiative Stealth +6
Hunters: Three inexpert and slightly drunk human CHAPTER 1:
hunters travel the forest, trapping rabbits and tracking Giant Moorsnake: The Vale’s giant moorsnakes are HOLLOW'S LAST
larger game. They aren’t having the best of luck, as their large, dangerous constrictors that can reach lengths of up HOPE
loud arguments over whether the legendary gray wolf is to 8 feet. Nocturnal hunters, they tend to be more lethargic
real or a spirit give them away. The PCs will likely to hear during the day, and any encounters with them during this CHAPTER 2:
the hunters well before they meet them. If confronted, time causes a giant moorsnake to suffer a –2 circumstance CROWN OF THE
the hunters drunkenly ask the PCs for directions to “the penalty to its Initiative check. These dark gray and brown KOBOLD KING
gray wolf’s cave” and quickly lapse into mockery and pythons prefer prey that doesn’t fight back and attack
taunts if they detect any sort of disdain from any party slumbering prey when possible. If reduced to fewer than CHAPTER 3:
members. The hunters aren’t citizens of Falcon’s Hollow 10 Hit Points, the snake attempts to flee. HUNGRY ARE THE
and haven’t yet realized they’re lost. They have little help DEAD
to offer the PCs, although if this encounter occurs while GIANT MOORSNAKE CREATURE 2
the PCs camp, the sheepish hunters ask if they can share Elite ball python (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 302) CHAPTER 4:
the campsite. If the PCs guide the three hunters out of Initiative Perception +8 DROSKAR'S DOOM
the forest, grant them 20 XP—otherwise, the next time
this encounter occurs, they’ll find the three hunters dead Wolves: A pair of wolves in the service of Graypelt ADVENTURE
and partially eaten—whether by the tatzlwyrm at area (area C16 in Part 3) patrol the far reaches of their master’s TOOLBOX
B4, Graypelt the warg (area C16 in Part 3), or another claimed territory. They viciously attack the PCs on sight,
creature entirely is up to you. but both flee if either one is reduced to fewer than 10
Hit Points, returning to the ruined monastery to inform
FOOLISH HUNTERS (3) CREATURE –1 their warg master. In this case, the two wolves can be
N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID encountered again at area C1 of the monastery.
Perception +9
Languages Common WOLVES (2) CREATURE 1
Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +4, Hunting Lore +4, Pathfinder Bestiary 334
Survival +3 Initiative Perception +7
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items dagger, leather armor, shortbow (20 arrows), hip ADDITIONAL FAUNA
flasks of cheap ale and wine, not enough food to last Beyond the curious (and sometimes dangerous) random
long in the woods encounters and set encounters in this part, a number of
AC 16; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 unusual creatures dwell in the region around Falcon’s
HP 10 Hollow and in Darkmoon Vale. Listed here are a few PCs
Slightly Drunk When first encountered, the hunters are might encounter along their travels. Feel free to include
slightly drunk and take a –1 penalty to all checks until chance encounters or sightings of these creatures if you
they sober up. wish. Note that some of these creatures might pose
Speed 25 feet threats to the PCs if confronted, but for the most part,
Melee [one-action] dagger +3 (agile, versatile S); Damage 1d4+1 these animals avoid conflict if possible.
piercing Dunlied (Brush Colt): A particularly stout breed of
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +5 (deadly d10, range 60 feet); small-antlered deer, notable for their bounding method of
Damage 1d6 piercing fleeing through the undergrowth. (Use stats for a ringhorn
ram; Pathfinder Bestiary 3 212.)
Bloodseekers: bloodseekers can be found roosting Firefoot Fennec: Small foxes with large ears and wispy
in nests throughout the forest. This encounter is with a patches of flame-colored fur around their paws, firefoot
group of three bloodseekers (a Low 1 encounter); you fennecs are popular pets among many locals, who regard
can increase the number of bloodseekers in the encounter them as both adorable and lucky. (Bestiary 3 102)
to give higher-level PCs a greater challenge if you wish, Moorsnake: The non-giant versions of the earth-colored
but once the PCs are 4th level or above, encounters with moorsnakes are skilled at hiding amid debris and floating
bloodseekers should be resolved with a description on foliage at the edges of rivers and lakes, but they aren’t
how the characters quickly defeat the pests rather than above slithering for long distances through underbrush.
putting the group through the fight. (Use stats for a ball python; Bestiary 302.)
0 2 4 6
Razorcrow: Overly large rooks with distinctive, jagged B1. LUMBER CONSORTIUM CAMPS
beaks and unkempt, oily black feathers. (Use stats for an The four Lumber Consortium camps located along
elite raven; Bestiary 2 6, 221.) the southern edge of the Darkmoon Vale woods cut an
Saingrist’s Crawler: A breed of angry red and black ugly scar of stumps into the dense stands of the forest’s
centipede capable of growing to monstrous size. (Use darkwood trees. At each site, five sturdy log buildings
stats for an elite giant centipede; Bestiary 6, 61.) stand out—a bunkhouse, a meal hall, an office, a stable,
Slurk: Disgusting, pale-tusked amphibians that secrete and a tool shop—with numerous outhouses, wide
powerful adhesives. (Bestiary 301) carts, sleds, and stacks of unprocessed lumber amid the
sawdust-speckled clearings.
Entirely owned and operated by the local Lumber
Consortium, each camp appears as callous and
unrelenting as the folk who work them. Visitors without
direct business with a camp supervisor are typically
sent packing by the first band of surly woodcutters
(CN human logger 0) they encounter. These workers
meet the PCs with derision, insults, and veiled threats,
Darkmoon Vale’s defining feature is its sprawling but quick-talking PCs can Lie about their purpose
woodland. Encounters B1 and B2 are located in specific here (DC 15 Deception), Make an Impression to earn
areas, and in order to experience these encounters, the PCs the woodcutters’ temporary trust and respect (DC 17
must seek them out. Encounters B3 and B4 are optional Diplomacy), or fight fire with fire and Coerce them into
encounters that have dynamic locations—you can place compliance (DC 13 Intimidation). Any success here
these two anywhere you wish if you’re looking to spice convinces most of the loggers to step aside, while a few
up travel through the Vale, but neither encounter directly step forward to lead the PCs to the camp supervisor.
links to Droskar’s Crucible. While the workers are foul-mouthed and quick to sling
insults, they know better than to throw the proverbial Looking for Mushrooms: If the PCs are on the hunt
“first punch” and won’t initiate violence against the PCs. for ironbloom mushrooms, Jarlben just shrugs if they ask INTRODUCTION
If the workers are attacked, they raise an alarm and fight about them. “I’m more interested in the trees, not stuff I
back ferociously, fleeing only if they’re reduced to 6 Hit barely notice that I might have stepped on.” CHAPTER 1:
Points or fewer. Reward: Grant the PCs 80 XP if they visit a lumber HOLLOW'S LAST
Each lumber camp has a different supervisor, but for camp and learn more information about any of their HOPE
sake of ease, you can assume that the first one the PCs active quests.
visit is overseen by Jarlben Trookshavits (NE male human CHAPTER 2:
logger 3, Perception DC 23, Will DC 19), a surly, grizzled B2. THE HAG-HAUNTED HOLLOW LOW 1 CROWN OF THE
slab of a man with an unruly, red beard. Jarlben has little The location of Ulizmila’s old shack is known to the KOBOLD KING
time or patience for distractions and does his best to deal locals, even if no one visits the place out of fear and
with the PCs before sending them packing. superstition. Anyone in Falcon’s Hollow (including any CHAPTER 3:
Seeking the Missing Hunter: If the PCs ask Jarlben PC who can succeed at a DC 15 Society check to Recall HUNGRY ARE THE
about the missing hunter Barlus, Jarlben scoffs and admits Knowledge) knows the approximate location of the DEAD
he remembers the man’s visit and request to use the camp “Hag-Haunted Hollow” in the woods. Once this location
as a flophouse. Jarlben sent Barlus on his way, letting is known, a PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Survival check CHAPTER 4:
him know in no uncertain terms that the only people during Exploration of the woods can guide their party to DROSKAR'S DOOM
allowed to spend the night in the camp had to earn their the location. On a failed check, the PCs end up needing
stay with a dawn-to-dusk session of “bracing outdoor to camp overnight in the woods and can attempt a new ADVENTURE
exercise”—in other words, the camp is for employees Survival check to locate area B2 the next day. TOOLBOX
only. An argument ensued, and Jarlben suggested Barlus When the PCs approach the location, read or
head into the woods to camp at “old Ulizmila’s place,” paraphrase the following.
implying that the hunter would be safer sleeping in the
ruins of a notorious local legend’s home than anywhere The sounds of the forest become suddenly distant as the trees
here, where “axes were always tipping over for no reason part, opening into a small, almost perfectly circular glade. The
and landing on things they shouldn’t.” Jarlben isn’t sure if nearest stands of pine, fir, and darkwood twist away from the
Barlus took his advice but does know the hunter headed clearing, as if bent by some impossibly strong wind or perhaps in
into the woods in that direction. an attempt to turn away from the clearing. At the glade’s center
Wolf Hunting: If the PCs ask Jarlben about the strange squats an ugly cottage, little more than a pile of twigs, shoots,
“smart wolf,” his demeanor changes from gruff and and ivy stacked upon mud walls. From the thatched roof dangle
cantankerous to drop-dead serious in a heartbeat. A bundles of gnarled roots, old animal bones, and knucklebone
PC who succeeds at a DC 19 Perception check to Sense bangles, all clattering together like gruesome wind chimes. A
Motive catches a brief flash of fear on Jarlben’s bearded dozen small thatched fetishes—each shaped like a tiny person,
face before he masks his expression. His first reaction imp, or rearing serpent—stand propped in the yard, keeping
is a somewhat surprised, “So Payday’s finally sending guard before a rickety plank door. What appears to be the
someone to help? Better late than never, I guess.” He remains of a recent campsite sit near the northern portion of
confirms that the rumors are true and that several workers the clearing.
over the past few months have been wounded by traps
in the woods or even gone missing; just four days ago, Years ago, this cottage was home to the witch Ulizmila,
he personally saw one of his workers in the woods step a wise woman, practitioner of the old ways, and local
into a hidden trench and impale his foot on a wooden bugaboo. While some said she was a monstrous hag or
spike, only for the “biggest, meanest-looking wolf” he has even one of Baba Yaga’s great-great-granddaughters,
ever seen to burst from the bushes, grab the worker by others knew her as a harsh but wise sage willing to
the back of the neck, and race off to the north with its share her wisdom for strange and often morbid prices.
still-shrieking prize. Jarlben is close to calling for a work Although her works still spoil in this glen, Ulizmila is long
stoppage as a result, and knowing that someone is on the since gone.
job sets his mind at ease—even if the PCs only distract the This clearing is roughly 120 feet in diameter, with a
wolf with new victims, at least his workers will be safe dilapidated, circular cottage 15 feet in diameter at its
for a while. He tracked that wolf for a bit, but when it center. Fourteen unnerving but harmless 3-foot-tall
became obvious the creature was heading in the direction scarecrow-like effigies are propped up throughout the
of Droskar’s Crucible, he lost his nerve. He suspects the glade. The remains of the campsite are detailed on page
wolf has been living in the ruins and suggests the PCs start 28 under “Seeking the Missing Hunter.” Anyone who
their hunt there. approaches the cottage can see that its moldering door
has rotted off its hinges and now leans precariously who dares to enter, pursuing intruders all the way to the
against its frame, blocking the way within. Any character clearing’s edge before returning to its place inside the
who succeeds at a DC 10 Athletics check to Force Open hut. When the cauldron attacks, it “bites” at enemies
the door can easily heft the barrier aside. by snapping at them with its hinged lid while its inner
Inside, the cottage is dank, reeking, and filled with surfaces swiftly heat up to cook anything Small it can
shadows. Haphazardly hung shelves line the walls, covered “gulp” down.
in all manner of clay jugs, clouded bottles, strangely cut
rocks, rotted bunches of herbs, and a museum of other ULIZMILA’S CAULDRON HAZARD 2
crude curios and remnants of a bone grinder’s artifice. A N SMALL CONSTRUCT MINDLESS
rusted iron cauldron, with a hinged lid built to resemble Variant animated object (Bestiary 20)
a frog’s jaws and a depth of almost 3 feet, occupies the Perception +4; darkvision
center of the hut’s single room, its ash-covered surface Skills Athletics +8
shaped with a relief of capering fiends and leering devils. Str +2, Dex –2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5
A high-back chair stands against the far walls across the AC 17 (13 when broken); construct armor; Fort +8, Ref +4,
door, made of wicker, the gigantic curved tusks of some Will +6
monstrous beast, and thousands of humanoid teeth. In HP 20; Hardness 9; Immunities bleed, death effects,
the chair sits what looks like a corpse wrapped in filthy disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental,
burial linens, its form padded with pungent herbs and necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison,
sprouting patches of thick white mold. This ominous sickened, unconscious
shape is actually only a bundle of branches, mud, and Construct Armor As animated object, but reduced to AC 13
linen, left by Ulizmila to distract trespassers from her when broken.
home’s actual defense, her cauldron. Speed 15 feet
Creature: While Ulizmila is long gone, her animated Melee [one-action] lid +8; Damage 1d10+2 bludgeoning plus Grab
cauldron remains a dangerous guardian of the hut. The Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Small, 2d6 fire, Rupture 3
mindless construct lurches to life and attacks anyone
Treasure: Due to the volume and disorganization of
the cottage’s contents, it takes 10 minutes to Search the
place, after which the PCs discover a combination of
unique wood-carvings and semi-precious stones worth a
total of 3 gp in all. The real treasure to be found here is
a disgusting trinket resembling a shrunken head called a
soulspeaker (page 117; this one currently doesn’t contain
a message).
Seeking the Missing Hunter: The campfire at the
north side of the clearing was built by the hunter Barlus,
who the kobolds abducted in the middle of the night
and dragged back to Droskar’s Crucible as a future
sacrifice. If the PCs Search the campsite, it’s obvious that
a struggle took place, and a PC who succeeds at a DC 10
Perception check notices the numerous small reptilian
prints and a larger swath that indicates a human-sized
object was dragged away from the camp recently. A PC
who succeeds at a DC 20 Society check identifies the
footprints as kobold prints.
Searching for Mushrooms: If the PCs came here under
Laurel Gebre’s advice to seek ironbloom mushrooms,
they’ll find about half the number she needs growing
along the shack’s southern edge. With a successful DC
15 Perception check, a PC can tell that many more of
these mushrooms had grown here recently, but they
ULIZMILA'S CAULDRON appear to have been harvested. This same check reveals a
number of small reptilian tracks; a PC can confirm these
tracks are kobold prints with a successful DC 20 Society,
suggesting a likely perpetrator for the mushrooms’ The dense trees and thick brush of the forest give way,
recent harvest. parting seemingly in respect for the titanic darkwood tree INTRODUCTION
Tracking the Kobolds: If the PCs wish to track the that dominates this clearing. Its towering trunk reaches over a
kobold prints from this clearing, they can do so with a hundred feet toward the sky, its broad branches fanning over CHAPTER 1:
successful DC 10 Survival check (dragging Barlus back the surrounding glade while thick tangles of roots spread out HOLLOW'S LAST
left a very clear trail) that eventually leads them to at the tree’s base. HOPE
Droskar’s Crucible.
This elder darkwood tree is the most ancient of its kind CHAPTER 2:
B3. BAIT LOW 1 in Darkmoon Vale. A PC who gazes upon it and who CROWN OF THE
This optional encounter can take place whenever you succeeds at a DC 20 Nature check to Recall Knowledge KOBOLD KING
wish. When it occurs, allow each PC to attempt a DC remembers an old legend passed down by the druids who
15 Perception check—those who succeed hear an long ago dwelled in the region. Those stories say this tree CHAPTER 3:
animal’s whimpering a short distance away through the was carried as a sapling from the First World and planted HUNGRY ARE THE
undergrowth. If the PCs investigate, they find a firefoot here in the distant past by Deirzir, the Eagle of The First DEAD
fennec near an old tree, its hindquarters caught fully in Way. The story goes on to claim that all of Darkmoon
the jaws of a crude iron trap. Vale grew from this tree. CHAPTER 4:
Although the fox here has obviously been snared by The clearing is roughly ovular, 180 feet from north to DROSKAR'S DOOM
a hunter’s cruel trap, the beast’s cries are part of a ploy south and 110 feet from west to east. The elder darkwood
meant to lure greater prey. The hobgoblin poacher Grung has a 5-foot-diameter trunk with low, easy to climb ADVENTURE
Knifetongue lies in wait, hoping the fox’s cries attract branches (DC 10 Athletics to Climb) that extend 35 feet TOOLBOX
a wolf, one of the giant moorsnakes, or best of all, a from the trunk in every direction. A persistent character
delicious humanoid. could eventually scale the tree’s full 120 feet, gaining a
Creatures: If a PC approaches the trapped fox, the commanding view of the entire forest. A PC on the ground
pitiful animal puts up no resistance other than to whine who succeeds at a DC 17 Perception check notices three
a bit more loudly, unsure if the PCs represent danger or bodies hanging in the high limbs, while a character who
potential salvation from its situation. A PC can free the climbs notices the bodies automatically upon reaching a
fox from the trap with a successful DC 13 Thievery check height of 50 feet.
to disarm the trap or a successful DC 15 Athletics check Creature: Despite its serene nature, the glade isn’t
to Force Open the trap. The fox is badly injured and, if without danger, for it has served as the den of a tatzlwyrm
left alone, will die within a day. A PC who administers for years. When the PCs enter the glade, the tatzlwyrm is
any healing to the creature might find the fox becomes a hiding amid the tree’s leaves and branches near its trunk.
loyal pet at your option. It rolls Stealth for initiative and attacks as soon as the PCs
Of course, before much can be done to rescue the approach within 30 feet of its hiding space. It flees into
trapped fennec, the PCs must deal with Grung. The the forest if reduced to fewer than 10 Hit Points.
cruel hobgoblin uses Stealth for initiative and focuses
his attacks on elves if possible. He’s waiting in a crude, TATZLWYRM CREATURE 2
hidden tree stand 20 feet from the fox and 10 feet off the Pathfinder Bestiary 2 256
ground, and he prefers to use his bow against the PCs. He Initiative Stealth +7
attempts to flee once reduced to 10 Hit Points or below;
if captured alive, he begs for mercy. At your option, his Treasure: Those who investigate the bodies in the
advice could lead the PCs to Droskar’s Crucible. elder darkwood find the corpses of three hunters who
went missing from Falcon’s Hollow many months ago,
GRUNG KNIFETONGUE CREATURE 2 killed by the tatzlwyrm when they happened upon
Elite hobgoblin soldier (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 206) the grove. Although the bodies have been stripped of
Initiative Stealth +8 nearly all flesh, their equipment still dangles from their
half-devoured carcasses. A PC who Searches the bodies
B4. THE FOREST ELDER LOW 1 finds the following items remain in useful condition:
This optional encounter can take place whenever you two crossbows, two shortswords, a suit of hide armor,
wish, perhaps after the PCs spend time following a set a shortbow with 7 arrows, a signet ring with the image
of strange tracks they found in the woods, or simply as of a flaming hawk (worth 5 gp), 5 gp, 12 cp, eight days’
an encounter meant to liven up a session of play that has worth of rations, a rusty iron scroll tube that contains
otherwise fallen into a lull. As the PCs approach the area, three scrolls of heal and an old map that shows the way
read or paraphrase the following. to Droskar’s Crucible.
When Droskar’s Crag erupted hundreds of years ago, it
devastated the surrounding terrain, yet the stout dwarven
monastery located on its lowest eastern slopes honored
its people’s architectural talents by surviving the disaster.
While the structure weathered the eruption, the dwarven CRUCIBLE
kingdom of Kraggodan—and the faith of those who
dwelt within this very structure—didn’t.
Cut off for years, these dwarves lost their faith and The aboveground ruins are far from abandoned. While
turned to the worship of Droskar, coming to see ceaseless the Truescale Kobolds once again dwell in the chambers
toil as the way to absolution. In a heartbreakingly below, an ally of the clan, a warg named Graypelt, has
short span of time, they became prisoners of their taken over a large portion of the surface ruins. As the
own industry, producing weapons, armor, and more to Truescales gather the sacrifices needed for their crown-
appease their new god, only to destroy and remake their infusing ritual, they increasingly rely on Graypelt’s aid in
creations in a never-to-be-realized quest for perfection. securing new sacrifices for them. The hunter Barlus is but
Gristogar, the last of the cultists of Droskar, perished in one of these victims; he has already been delivered below,
4100 ar, and the monastery was left to fall into decay. and in the days since, Graypelt’s been taking time to relax
Known today as Droskar’s Crucible, the location of and wait for the next mission to come his way.
the ruins is no mystery, yet the locals of Falcon’s Hollow Unless otherwise noted, none of the chambers
avoid the site. Now and then, an eager adventurer dares inside the ruined monastery are lit. All of the rooms
to explore the ruins, but few emerge again—the most have 10-foot-tall ceilings at a minimum, but since
recent (and tragic) example being Druingar the Glintaxe most open up to the sloped roof above, many reach
back in 4698. a height of up to 20 feet. The walls are all stone, with
If the PCs take the time to ask around Falcon’s the interior walls being 1 foot thick and the exterior
Hollow for information about Droskar’s Crucible, walls measuring at least 3 feet thick. All of the doors
a PC who succeeds at a DC 13 Diplomacy check to are strong wooden doors, and while many are swollen
Gather Information learns that “hosts of monsters stuck, few are locked.
plague the Crucible’s halls, including the ghosts of the Reward: The first time the PCs reach the ruined
dwarves who built the place hundreds of years ago.” At monastery, grant them 120 XP for the accomplishment and
the mention of Druingar’s ill-fated attempt to explore to celebrate their arrival at the adventure’s primary site.
the ruins, some people claim his ghost has joined the
site’s eternal guardians. With a critical success on this C1. APPROACHING THE RUINS MODERATE 1
Gather Information attempt, a PC learns less common
(but more accurate) rumors that a group of kobolds, A ruined monastery sits squat at the foot of Droskar’s Crag,
the Truescales, moved into the dungeon chambers surrounded by stands of ancient, gnarled trees. Made of
below the ruined monastery several years ago and that simple stone blocks worn smooth with the passage of time,
recently someone, or something, caused the Truescales the stout building appears to be slowly falling apart. Sections
to temporarily abandon their home before returning of the slanted shale roof have collapsed, and portions of the
to dwell within once again. The nature of this intruder outer wall have crumbled. Weeds and wild thorny plants run
varies, with some (correctly) claiming it to have been a rampant across the field leading up to the place, leaving only
cruel wizard in search of an ancient magical relic, while the slightest indication of a path that ends at the ruined front
others speak of cultists or vampires or even demons doors. Beyond, an overgrown yard sits in shadow.
claiming the deeper dungeon levels.
The old path that leads from the main entrance to WOLVES (2) CREATURE 1
the ruins fades into undergrowth about 50 feet to the Pathfinder Bestiary 334
south of the monastery. Before entering the yard, the Initiative Perception +7
path passes between a pair of old stone statues. While
one of them has been reduced to little more than rubble, C2. THE YARD
the other is relatively intact. This 5-foot-tall statue is
incredibly worn, but it can still be identified as a dwarf Tall grasses and chunks of stone debris have all but overtaken
holding aloft a great stone hammer. Moss and creeper this small yard. Off to one side, a wooden stable has collapsed
vines cover most of its surface. Removing the vines into a mound of rotting timbers and moldy straw. The outer
around the base uncovers an old inscription in Dwarven wall on the east side has also collapsed, leaving a ragged hole.
that reads, “All praise…” although the name of whoever Three doors also exit into this yard: a set of double doors to the
was intended to be praised has been smashed into east, a smaller door to the north, and a lone door leading into
illegibility long ago. the squat tower in the southeast corner. Narrow footpaths in
Creatures: If the PCs approach the ruins during the the grass run between these doors.
day, they find the surrounding area free of danger. A
few lone razorcrows roost atop the tower and caw at The dwarves once used this yard for physical training,
any who enter their domain. At night, however, a pair but now it lies in ruin. If the PCs take 10 minutes to
of Graypelt’s wolf minions wander the area in search of Search the tall grasses, they’ll automatically discover a
an easy snack, provided the PCs didn’t fight and defeat few interesting clues. A low stone well, almost entirely
these wolves in a random encounter earlier. If the wolves overgrown with foliage, sits in the northwest corner
still live, they don’t sleep in the ruins during the day as of the yard with 10 feet of rope dangling into it. The
the other wolves do and are only encountered outside water is more than 30 feet down and is brackish but
at night. potable—the kobolds get their water here, and if the
C10 C4
C9 C7
PCs stake out the yard, they might eventually spot a C3. WATCHTOWER TRIVIAL 1
few of the Truescales making a run to resupply their The door that leads into this tower is stuck, but a
stores at your discretion. character can Force the door Open with a successful
The ruined stable hides a few ancient pony bones but DC 15 Athletics check. Atop the 30-foot-tall tower, a
little of actual value. trapdoor leads into the interior, connecting to a narrow
The trails through the grass that lead to the various flight of stairs.
doors resulted from kobold foot traffic through the area,
and a PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check Thick webs cover the ancient crates and barrels stored inside
notes the prints here and there, mixed with the paw the tower’s base. A rickety wooden staircase ascends along
prints of wolves. If the PCs are tracking the trail left by one wall to reach an open trapdoor above.
the kobolds dragging Barlus, that trail leads from area
C1 to area C4 before fading away inside the ruin. Creatures: A rather aggressive hunting spider dwells in
Note that if the PCs arrive here at night, the kobold this room, making it one of the chambers that Graypelt
Gurtlekep might notice their arrival from his hideout in avoids. The moment the door opens, the spider drops
area C11. If the PCs carry any visible sources of light, he down to attack. Its webs allow it to move throughout the
automatically notices their approach and does his best tower without using the stairs. The spider fights to the
to prepare for them. death and will pursue prey into area C2 if needed but not
Treasure: A PC who Searches the stable discovers beyond.
ancient pony bones scattered all over the ground.
With a successful DC 20 Perception, a PC finds a HUNTING SPIDER CREATURE 1
rotting backpack tucked into a corner. Much of its Pathfinder Bestiary 306
contents have rotted away, but it also contains a set Initiative Stealth +7
of thieves’ tools, 50 feet of rope, a small coin purse
with 42 sp, and a small blue vial containing a minor Hazard: The stairs leading up to the open trapdoor
healing potion. above are on the verge of collapse.
UNSAFE STAIRS HAZARD 0 into the head. With a successful DC 15 Religion check to
ENVIRONMENTAL Recall Knowledge, a PC can identify the symbol as that of INTRODUCTION
Stealth DC 16 Droskar. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check
Description The rickety stairs groan and strain alarmingly while investigating the body finds 2 pp stashed away in a CHAPTER 1:
if a Small or larger creature ascends them. hidden pouch on the inside of the belt. HOLLOW'S LAST
Disable DC 16 Crafting to quickly jury-rig some supports to HOPE
prevent the stairs from collapsing C6. CLOAK ROOM
Collapse [reaction] Trigger A Small or larger creature attempts CHAPTER 2:
to climb the stairs; Effect The stairs attempt a DC 8 This small chamber was used to store the traveling cloaks, coats, CROWN OF THE
flat check (if a Small creature triggered the hazard) and hats of visitors to the monastery. Now only a few moth- KOBOLD KING
or a DC 16 flat check (if a Medium or multiple Small eaten rags hang on the pegs while a single soiled hat rests on
creatures triggered it). On a failure, the stairs collapse. the table. CHAPTER 3:
All creatures on the stairs fall and take 2d6+3 HUNGRY ARE THE
bludgeoning damage from the collapsing rubble (DC Treasure: Growing in the southeast corner of the room DEAD
16 basic Reflex save). is a single ironbloom mushroom. While not enough to
save the entire town, the lone mushroom is a promising CHAPTER 4:
Treasure: While the supplies in most of the crates and start. A PC can find the mushroom with a successful DC DROSKAR'S DOOM
barrels in this room have long since rotted, one small crate 15 Perception check.
contains a low-quality cold iron shortsword wrapped in ADVENTURE
The door leading into this chamber from the hallway
C4. ENTRY HALL is locked. The device is quite ancient and easy to pick,
though—a PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Thievery check
Beyond the double doors is a small dark hall littered with can Pick the Lock. Barring that, a PC can Force the door
mounds of debris and a year’s worth of dead leaves. A narrow Open with a successful DC 17 Athletics check.
path winds inside.
This small chamber appears to be some sort of sitting room,
Both wolves and kobolds occasionally use this chamber complete with a single table and a pair of chairs, both in relatively
to enter or exit the monastery. A PC who succeeds at a good condition. Resting atop the table is a half-eaten crow next to
DC 15 Survival check to Track discerns that most of the a crude knife and a cracked mug.
traffic through this area heads north.
This room is used by Gurtlekep, a Truescale kobold
C5. WAITING ROOM stationed on the surface, as a place to rest and take meals.
The door to this room is wedged shut from the inside with Gurtlekep has prepared a relatively simple trap to greet
a chair, and a PC can Force it Open with a successful DC anyone entering his room, as he is quite paranoid about
15 Athletics check. the warg and his minions. The crow was the kobold’s
most recent meal, and he becomes quite distressed if
A long-dead dwarf lies slumped on the floor in the middle of this anyone disturbs his leftovers.
dark, dusty room. Hazard: A net strung up near the ceiling holds a
number of stones and a small metal anvil, rigged to fall
This chamber was once used as a waiting room for on anyone walking through the door without noticing the
the monastery’s guests. When the dwarven cultists trip rope (the door opens out). Each character entering
realized that their time was about to end, one of them the room must succeed at a DC 10 Reflex save or set off
headed into this room, barricaded himself in, and the trap. Those who make it don’t necessarily notice the
imbibed a great deal of poison. His mummified remains trap. If set off, the noise also warns Gurtlekep (area C8)
rest at the center of the chamber. Wearing the garb of of their presence.
a blacksmith, the dwarf has the shattered shards of a
glass vial in one hand and a scrap of ancient parchment FALLING DEBRIS HAZARD 1
in the other. Written in Dwarven, the parchment reads, MECHANICAL TRAP
“Forgive me, true father of the forge, for my toils were Stealth DC 20
not enough.” Description A net filled with stones and a small anvil
Treasure: Tucked into the dead dwarf’s belt is a low- crashes down on someone who steps into the room.
quality silver clan dagger with a religious symbol carved Disable DC 17 Thievery to disarm the trap through a
cracked-open door, or [three-actions] Interact to open the door room. He focuses his attacks on targets who wear less
slowly without triggering the trap armor, but if dropped to 10 Hit Points or fewer, he
Drop Debris [reaction] Trigger A creature opens the door without attempts to flee to area C16 to warn Graypelt before
taking care to avoid triggering the trap; Effect The net retreating into the dungeon below. If the PCs capture
drops a dozen hefty stones and a small but quite hard him alive, Gurtlekep stubbornly remains silent and
anvil onto the creature, inflicting 3d6 bludgeoning takes every opportunity to escape; his initial attitude
damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The sound of this trap is Hostile, but if the PCs can get him to talk, see the
going off alerts Gurtlekep in area C8. “Speaking With Kobolds” sidebar on page 44 for
advice on what he might have to say to them.
This cramped chamber features two beds (one of which is LE SMALL HUMANOID KOBOLD
covered in bird bones), a small sack, and an array of old tools. Male kobold lookout (Bestiary 212)
The other bed looks recently slept in. Perception +7; darkvision
Languages Draconic
Creature: This chamber is the home of Gurtlekep, a Skills Acrobatics +8, Craft +6 (+8 traps), Stealth +10,
kobold sent up from the dungeon below to keep a lookout Thievery +8
on the surface. Gurtlekep sleeps here during the day and Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +0
usually roams the halls of the monastery at night. If the Items daggers (4), leather armor, minor healing potions (2),
PCs arrive during the day, Gurtlekep is unprepared for shortsword, thieves’ tools
them unless they set off the trap in area C7. If it’s night, AC 18; Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5
Gurtlekep can be found in area C11, keeping watch on HP 30
the courtyard. Speed 25 feet
If Gurtlekep is alerted to the PCs’ proximity, he hides Melee [one-action] shortsword +10 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+3
under his bed to try to ambush them, scurrying out and slashing
using Stealth to roll initiative once the PCs enter the Ranged [one-action] dagger +10 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 feet,
versatile S), Damage 1d4+3
Knife ’n Run [one-action] Requirements Gurtlekep is adjacent to at
least one enemy and holds a dagger in a hand; Effect
Gurtlekep Strides up to his Speed plus 5 feet and then
attempts a ranged Strike with his held dagger. He
must end this movement in a space that isn’t adjacent
to any enemy.
Sneak Attack Gurtlekep deals an additional 1d6 precision
damage to flat-footed creatures.
This room was once the monastery’s library, filled with energy washes out from the altar, hitting everyone in the
books on dwarven lore and history. It has long since been room and causing an unearthly dwarven choir to spring INTRODUCTION
plundered of nearly anything of value, and fungus has up from the darkness before fading away. All creatures
claimed nearly all the books that remain. in the room are healed for 3d6 points and gain a +1 CHAPTER 1:
Hazard: The fungus that lines the shelves in this room is status bonus on attack rolls for 1 hour. While this drains HOLLOW'S LAST
hazardous if disturbed. the garnet of its magic, it still retains its intrinsic value. HOPE
Creatures: A pair of darkmantles have taken up
PHANTOM MOLD HAZARD 2 residence in this chamber and roost on the ceiling above. CHAPTER 2:
ENVIRONMENTAL FUNGUS The strange aberrations use Stealth to roll initiative but CROWN OF THE
Stealth DC 18 (expert) hold back their attacks until all the PCs are in the room KOBOLD KING
Description A burst of pale gray spores sprays into the air. if possible. They shed darkness into the room on the first
Disable Survival DC 18 to remove the mold without round of combat, after which one of the creatures pursues CHAPTER 3:
triggering the spores an aggressive attack against the PCs while the other lies HUNGRY ARE THE
AC 15; Fort +11, Ref +5 in wait near the doors leading to area C4, ready to attack DEAD
HP 30; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision anyone who tries to flee in that direction. The creatures
damage fight to the death. CHAPTER 4:
Spore Burst [reaction] Trigger The moldy books are moved or the DROSKAR'S DOOM
mold takes any damage; Effect All creatures within 10 feet DARKMANTLES (2) CREATURE 1
of the mold patch are exposed to phantom mold spores. Page 118 ADVENTURE
Phantom Mold Spores (inhaled, poison) Any penalties to Initiative Stealth +7 TOOLBOX
Perception from this poison persist for 1 hour after the
poison’s duration ends (this effect can be removed before C11. HALLWAY LOW 1
then by any effect that neutralizes poison); Saving Throw
DC 18 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage This long hallway ends with a ruined dwarven statue. Smashed
1 1d6 poison damage; Stage 2 1d6 poison damage, and long ago, the statue is barely recognizable as a dwarven monk.
the victim takes a –1 status penalty on visual Perception Their stone hammer sits on the ground next to the shattered
checks as strange shadows and flittering movement remains of their head.
appear in their peripheral vision; Stage 3 as stage 2, but
a –2 status penalty. Creature: If the PCs enter the ruins at night, Gurtlekep
can be found here instead of area C8. From this hallway, he
Treasure: A single tome has managed to avoid the watches the courtyard for any sign of intruders. If he spots
destructive fungus atop one of the bookshelves. This the PCs entering the monastery, he rushes to warn Graypelt
beautifully illustrated book is written in Dwarven and and his kobold brethren who live below. After raising
contains hymns to Torag; it’s worth 10 gp. Folded into the the alarm, he silently stalks the PCs and waits to strike
last page of the book is a scroll of spiritual weapon. until they engage another foe. Unlike if he’s encountered
elsewhere, Gurtlekep fights to the death here.
Darkwood pews lie tipped over and covered in dust on either Page 34
side of this ancient shrine. At the far end sits a large ceremonial Initiative Perception +7
anvil, but its surface is defaced and ruined.
This shrine was once dedicated to Torag, but when the
monastery turned to Droskar’s worship, this chamber This chamber is entirely shattered, with much of the outer wall
was defaced and left to rot. The anvil can be identified and ceiling completely crumbled.
as an object devoted to Torag by a PC who succeeds
at a DC 10 Religion check to Recall Knowledge. Of This room once served as a study for the monks of
particular note is a space atop the altar containing five the monastery. Today, it’s home to a swarm of vampire
small hexagonal depressions. These depressions once bats that roost in the remnants of the ceiling above. Note
held five gemstones. While most of these stones are long that most of this room is difficult terrain due to the large
gone, one still remains and can be found among the chunks of stone and debris littering the floor.
other relics in Gurtlekep’s room (area C8). If the garnet Creature: During the day, the vampire bat swarm that
is placed in one of the depressions, a wave of positive lives in this room remains calm and quiet; during most
of the night, the swarm is out in the surrounding wilds imprisonment. Her skeleton lies in a peaceful posture on
hunting. If the PCs make any loud noise in the chamber the simple straw cot. On one of her hands is a ring of Torag,
(such as disturbing the rubble), or if they enter the an ancient magic item (page 116). A pair of ironbloom
chamber during the hours of sunset or sunrise, the swarm mushrooms grows inside her rib cage.
descends to attack.
VAMPIRE BAT SWARM CREATURE 1 The southern door to this room hangs half-open on
Pathfinder Bestiary 39 damaged hinges.
Initiative Perception +10
This small study looks like it has been lived in recently. Gnawed
C13. ARMORY bones litter the floor, and tufts of gray fur lie scattered here
and there. An old stone desk sits in the center of the chamber,
Old cobweb-covered racks and armor stands fill much of this scratched and cracked in many places. The stench of wet fur
small chamber. What must have once been a well-tended armory hangs heavy in the air.
is now devoid of arms and armor.
The monastery’s high priest once used this room as a
This chamber was pillaged long ago by a group of study, where he wrote his upcoming sermons and met
adventurers. The secret door located in the northeast with foreign visitors. Today, it functions as the den of a
corner of the room can be discovered by a PC who pair of wolves allied with Graypelt.
succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check. Creatures: If the PCs arrive in this room during the
Treasure: In their haste, the adventurers who looted day and haven’t put the ruins on alert, they find both
this chamber knocked over one of the bolt cases, spilling wolves asleep in this room. At sundown, the wolves wake
its contents across the floor. They gathered up most of and head out to hunt, so if the PCs explore the ruins at
the bolts, but two freezing crossbow bolts (Pathfinder this time, you could have them encounter the wolves
Advanced Player’s Guide 257) ended up underneath one anywhere between this room, areas C1–C2, area C4, or
of the racks, which a PC can discover with a successful areas C11–C12.
DC 15 Perception check. If Graypelt has been alerted to the PCs’ presence
(either because the PCs have been exceptionally noisy
C14. SECRET PRISON LOW 1 or after he’s been warned by one of the other creatures
in the ruins), he sends both of these wolves out to scour
One side of this short corridor is a wall of bars. Four rusted doors the ruins to confront the PCs. Where and how the PCs
in this wall open into four cramped cells. encounter them then is left to you to determine.
This chamber was built after the monastery’s conversion WOLVES (2) CREATURE 1
to the worship of Droskar. It housed the members who Pathfinder Bestiary 334
didn’t convert—a trio of unfortunate dwarves who were Initiative Perception +7
left here to die. The locks on the cell doors have rusted
away, making them easy to open. Treasure: The desk is completely empty save for a few
Creatures: While all the cells contain the bones of long- scraps of ancient parchment and an old quill. One of the
dead dwarves, three of them were recently animated as drawers has a secret compartment that a PC can find with
skeletons when the pulse of necromantic energy from the a successful DC 15 Perception check. It contains a +1
Third Seal was released. These three skeletons rise to attack handaxe, a small pouch containing 10 gp, and a prayer
the characters as soon as any of the cell doors open, the book. The book is written in Dwarven and describes the
strange yellow flickering in their empty eye sockets adding worship of Droskar. A small note on the inside cover
to their unnerving appearance. These skeletons are unarmed reads, “Torag is no longer worthy of our devotion. Only
and can only make claw Strikes. Droskar can deliver us from the failings of the king.” The
book is worth 15 gp to a scholar interested in dwarven
Pathfinder Bestiary 298
Initiative Perception +2 C16. GRAYPELT’S CHAMBER MODERATE 1
Treasure: The only skeleton here that doesn’t animate Faint light enters this ruined chamber from gaping holes in the
is from a dwarf who remained pious to Torag during her roof. One of the stone columns that once supported the ceiling
has toppled, its broken pieces littering the floor. A thick patch GRAYPELT CREATURE 3
of black mushrooms hides in a nearby corner, giving the room Male elite warg (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 322) INTRODUCTION
an earthy scent that’s barely noticeable above the stench of Initiative Perception +10
wet fur. CHAPTER 1:
Treasure: Graypelt hid a few things of value behind the HOLLOW'S LAST
A flight of stairs at the western end of this room leads pillar, including a bag with 354 sp, a finely crafted light HOPE
down to the dungeon, which is now the domain of the crossbow worth 30 gp, a moderate juggernaut mutagen,
Truescale Kobolds. The stairs lead to area D1 (see page and a wand of burning hands. In the dark corner of the CHAPTER 2:
41 in Chapter 2). room grows a small patch of six ironbloom mushrooms. CROWN OF THE
Creatures: Graypelt is a cunning foe and recognizes KOBOLD KING
the PCs as a serious threat the moment they enter. He
understands that if the PCs made it this far through the
dangers in the ruins, he needs to be cautious in dealing with HUNGRY ARE THE
them. His first act is to spring out of his hiding spot atop DEAD
the ruined column to attempt to Demoralize the closest
PC. If the PCs move to attack, he speaks, demanding to CHAPTER 4:
know why they’ve disturbed his rest, knowing that many DROSKAR'S DOOM
humanoids can be distracted and thrown off by a talking Depending on the quest that sent the PCs into Darkmoon
animal. Vale, they might be able to complete their quest without ADVENTURE
Graypelt’s main goal is to determine if the PCs know venturing below the ruined monastery (as in the case TOOLBOX
anything about his allies, the Truescale Kobolds. If the for “An Elusive Antidote” or “The Darkmoon Beast”),
PCs make it apparent they intend to head downstairs, he or they might need to press on downward into the first
howls in rage, then says, “The only way you’ll be heading level below Droskar’s Crucible (if they were pursuing “A
belowground is in your graves!” before he attacks. Missing Person” or “Following Footsteps”). In any case,
Until then, or until the PCs attack him first, Graypelt once the PCs defeat Graypelt, they can begin exploring
does his best to make it seem like he’s the toughest foe the dungeon below their feet—but eventually they’ll need
in the area. If the PCs claim that all they want are the to return to Falcon’s Hollow. When they do, they’ll learn
mushrooms in the corner, the warg is puzzled, but then that the need to explore Droskar’s Crucible has only
nods to them and says, “Take your weeds and begone with grown in their absence.
you!” He’ll allow the PCs to harvest the mushrooms, but if
they don’t leave soon thereafter, he attacks.
If the PCs ask him about the rumors of
the “Darkmoon Beast,” he cackles in
delight. “Is that what they’re calling
me? Good! This isn’t your fight.
Leave those unpleasant loggers
to their fates.” As
above, if the PCs don’t
leave soon thereafter,
Graypelt attacks.
Finally, if the PCs ask
about the missing hunter
Barlus, Graypelt snickers
and says, “Too late for
him—he’s been taken below,”
only to gasp in shock that he
admitted something he shouldn’t have, after
which he attacks at once, hoping to correct
his admission.
If the PCs leave, only to return later, they
find Graypelt much less prone to talking and
more eager to fight. Once combat begins, GRAYPELT
Graypelt fights to the death.
When the necromancer Drazmorg tore through the upper
levels of Droskar’s Crucible and temporarily displaced
the Truescales, King Merlokrep wasn’t pleased. The
kobold king’s resulting display of cowardice threatened
to upend his rule far more quickly than anything that
had come before. To combat this dissension, the kobold HOLLOW
king has fully accepted his strange visions and dreams,
interpreting them as his own thoughts and inspiration
to grow ever more merciless and sadistic. In fact, these Eventually, the PCs will need to return to Falcon’s
inspirations come from the crown he wears. It aches Hollow to recover, sell their loot, shop for upgrades, and
to complete its latent magic, and its continued close claim rewards.
proximity to the king’s brain lets it influence his actions. The first time they return to town, the PCs find Falcon’s
These visions share key steps to a ritual the king calls Hollow abuzz with unsettling news: someone was
the rite of the blood crown. King Merlokrep hopes the snatched from their home last night. Feel free to choose
ritual will give him incredible powers of leadership and an NPC with whom the PCs have formed a relationship
supernatural protection against harm. His first attempt for this role, but the adventure assumes the abduction
to satiate the crown’s blood lust was a gory, sloppy, and victim is the town butcher, Colbrin Jabbs. If the PCs look
confusing ordeal. He sacrificed a captured adventurer for rumors or news, they should learn with minimal effort
named Tyran Moonsliver in a ritual that succeeded but that it appears Colbrin was overwhelmed in his backyard,
almost cost the king his life when Tyran nearly broke and then dragged off to the north in the dead of night.
free of his restraints and tried to turn the tables on his The nature of the perpetrators varies wildly—evil
captors. The kobold king hopes to refine the rite of the forest spirits, a cartel of bandits, vengeful dead, or even
blood crown and to recruit the aid of several of his (some take care to whisper carefully) agents of Kreed
kobold allies for the next time he performs the ritual. In himself. Numerous investigators have trampled the site
preparation for these upcoming sacrifices, he continues of the abduction. Worse, the town’s leadership seems
to capture new victims. more interested in squabbling over who should really
The hunter Barlus was the latest to be abducted. be protecting the town, jurisdictions, and responsibility
While the PCs explore Darkmoon Vale during Chapter than in organizing a rescue effort for Colbrin.
1 of this adventure, the kobolds mount a daring raid on Choose a local NPC you feel the PCs trust (perhaps
a home at the edge of Falcon’s Hollow, snatching away one who gave them a quest in the first chapter of this
the town’s butcher. Whether more victims are actually adventure), and have that NPC confide in them that
sacrificed or taken from town depends on how long it tiny reptilian footprints were found in the vicinity of
takes the PCs to mount an expedition into the dungeon. Colbrin’s home before the evidence was obliterated. If
Once word reaches King Merlokrep that adventurers the PCs don’t conclude kobolds were involved, this NPC
have invaded his home, he bravely retreats deeper into suggests that Droskar’s Crucible seems to have more
the dungeons to shore up his defenses. While this retreat going on than anyone expected. It’s well-known that
curtails the Truescales’ plans to snatch victims from kobolds dwell in the dungeons there, but this abduction
Falcon’s Hollow, it also changes the kobold king’s goals. marks the first time they’ve dared anything so blatant.
By delving deeper into the dungeons, King Merlokrep If the PCs don’t rise to the occasion on their own, have
follows his crown’s urgings to return to the forge upon their NPC ally promise a reward, pointing out (rightly
which it was created and unknowingly steps ever closer so) that if the PCs take care of this situation on their
to undreamed-of power! own, the town’s leaders will surely owe them a favor.
before widening to a 10-foot-square landing. A staircase
descends to the north of this landing, down another 20
feet into area D1 of the crucible. The dungeon’s walls are
masonry, and there’s no source of light anywhere except
The first dungeon level below the ruined monastery at the Crucible of Offering and Foundry of Souls (areas
is the region that bears the title the entire complex D2 and D19). The halls of the crucible were constructed
now uses: Droskar’s Crucible. In the aftermath of the to warp sound in strange ways, which has enabled the
Rending, the cult of Droskar significantly expanded special qualities of the Listening Chamber (area D11).
this monastery’s original basement, as cultists toiled Elsewhere, the complex features strange echoing noises
relentlessly to carve out ever-growing glory to their of dripping, scurrying, whispering, and skittering,
impossible-to-please god. ensuring it’s never truly silent herein.
Where present, doors are strong and wooden. Unless
CRUCIBLE FEATURES otherwise noted, they’re unlocked.
The crucible presents a hallmark of a decline in
imagination and spirit, its spartan interior serving D1. MONUMENT CHAMBER LOW 2
as a testament to the joyless final days of the
dwarven cultists. Smooth halls stretch between cold- The stairway opens into a large, rectangular chamber, its stone
stoned chambers. Crudely hewn tunnels connect the walls covered with intricate carvings of dwarves toiling in
underground monastery directly to dreary mines and mines or over forges. In the center of the chamber stands the
thundering forges that long ago hammered steel, day bottom half of a broken obsidian obelisk. Crude picks, hammers,
and night. The only area of artisanship in which Droskar and other tools lie scattered around the broken obelisk.
Droskar’s Crucible
Level One
D12 D10
D4 D6
A monolith of polished obsidian dedicated to Droskar
once stood in this atrium. Carved with devotions to the RITE OF THE BLOOD CROWN INTRODUCTION
Dark Smith and bearing a dismal mural of dwarven While the rite of the blood crown is a key part of this adventure’s
supplicants bowing at the Dark Furnace, the monolith plot, the exact mechanics of how it plays out are largely CHAPTER 1:
has been harvested recently by kobolds who create irrelevant since they take place “off-screen” before the PCs HOLLOW'S LAST
obsidian shards by chipping at the obelisk. Despite the encounter the kobold king and his magic crown. HOPE
reflective quality of these shards, the low quality of the If you want to include the rite of the blood crown in your
stone renders these fragments worthless beyond serving game, perhaps allowing the PCs to learn it somewhere along CHAPTER 2:
as baubles. the way and use it against the kobold king, you can use the CROWN OF THE
A character who can read Dwarven and takes 10 ritual described at the end of this sidebar for those purposes. KOBOLD KING
minutes to study the carvings on the walls can piece
together some of the ancient cult’s prayers to Droskar: RITE OF THE BLOOD CROWN RITUAL 3 CHAPTER 3:
“...Toil is the only true path to Salvation. Those who RARE CONSECRATION EVOCATION HUNGRY ARE THE
will not work shall have their blood boiled in the Dark Cast 1 day; Cost blood sacrifice (see below); DEAD
Furnace for all time... There is no decadent paradise Secondary Casters 2, must regard you as their king
awaiting us after death, as our corrupt ancestors claimed, Primary Check Arcana; Secondary Checks Crafting CHAPTER 4:
only industrious labor in Droskar’s Forge awaits the Range 40 feet; Target the Crown of the Kobold King DROSKAR'S DOOM
faithful. This great work is its own reward... The Using resources left behind by the cult of Droskar,
unfaithful, they will serve in the end, their blood and King Merlokrep hopes to use this ritual to complete ADVENTURE
bones shall stoke the fires of our industry... The world the Crown of the Kobold King, allowing it to reach TOOLBOX
will burn to the glory of Droskar.” its true intended potential as the Crown of Toil. (Of
Creatures: Vreggma, Merlokrep’s favored consort, course, Merlokrep has no intention of changing how
loves to gaze at her reflection, particularly in obsidian. he refers to the crown should he succeed at this
She enjoys posing before large pieces of polished ritual—it will always be the Crown of the Kobold King
obsidian and periodically sends her servants here to chip to him and his subjects!)
off new sections of the stone from the dwindling obelisk. At one point during the casting of this ritual, an
She’s slowly assembling these harvested chips into a full- enemy of the primary caster must be sacrificed.
size mirror. Initially, Merlokrep intended to use the abducted
The first time the PCs enter this room, four kobold victims as these sacrifices, but the blood of a PC will
warriors are struggling to drag a 60-pound chunk of the do just as well!
fallen monument behind them toward the hallway to the If you wish to include this ritual as something the
west. Upon spotting the PCs, the four kobolds hiss and PCs must instead use to potentially undo the Crown
sputter, and then quickly move to attack. Once two are of the Kobold King’s magic, the ritual instead requires
slain, the other two kobolds attempt to flee. rare incense and offerings worth a total value of 60
gp instead of a blood sacrifice.
KOBOLD WARRIORS (4) CREATURE –1 Critical Success The rite is a complete success, and
Pathfinder Bestiary 212 the Crown of the Kobold King is bolstered to its
Initiative Perception +3 true potential. What these powers might be are
left to the GM to devise as they see fit. If this rite
D2. CRUCIBLE OF OFFERING LOW 2 is being performed to neutralize the Crown of the
Kobold King’s potential, you instead render the
At the center of this large, stone chamber is a deep pit filled with magic item forever unsuitable for ascension to the
molten slag and sizzling blood that casts a hellish red gleam on Crown of Toil.
the walls. Three narrow chutes open in the ceiling directly above Success The rite is a partial success, but the crown
the pit. The air is oppressively hot and thick with ash. isn’t yet complete. If you attempt this ritual again
the next day, primary and secondary checks made to
Droskar’s cultists and devotees offered their blood and determine its success gain a +2 circumstance bonus.
steel to the dark god in this large stone chamber. Old vent Failure The ritual fails but can be attempted again
shafts once breached the surface 20 feet up but are now without additional penalties.
choked with centuries of soot. Critical Failure The ritual fails, and the primary caster
A character who investigates the forge and vents and becomes stupefied 2. The rite of the blood crown
who succeeds at a DC 20 check to Identify Magic can can’t be attempted again for 1 month.
tell the forge is sustained by ancient divine magic that
also prevents the smoke from billowing far from this
SPEAKING WITH KOBOLDS room. That magic needs constant upkeep—something,
The Truescale kobolds are cruel, sadistic, and quick to somewhere, keeps this forge going.
violence. They fear and respect their king in equal measure. A PC can deactivate the forge by succeeding at a DC 21
If the PCs capture a kobold alive, the Hostile captive spits Thievery check, a DC 28 Religion check to offer prayers
and hurls insults and is generally uncooperative. To learn in opposition to Droskar, or by destroying it (Hardness
anything of value from a captured kobold, they must be 10, HP 60).
made Helpful. Creatures: The warmth of the crucible attracted a
How much help a cooperative kobold can give is up to grick, a wormlike creature that now roosts in the vents.
you, but unless magically controlled, most will constantly The grick prowls the ruins for prey but is delighted when
look for a chance to escape or to lure the PCs into a trap. a party of delicious humanoids delivers themselves right
Other kobolds encountered react to captured kobolds to its home. It attacks from the vents above.
with squeals of “traitor!” and do their best to execute
these kobolds to prevent the traitors from giving the PCs GRICK CR 3
more information. Page 120
A helpful kobold might be able to sketch a partial map Initiative Stealth +10
of this level or the one below, although they generally
don’t know what lies in the areas where true monsters D3. FOUNTAIN CHAMBER MODERATE 2
dwell, as indicated in the text. They also might warn the
PCs about traps and hazards, reveal locations where any This small chamber features a large fountain. Steam rolls off
abducted captives are kept, or warn the PCs about the water pouring from a stone obelisk at the fountain’s center, filling
more dangerous named kobolds encountered later on. the entire chamber with its haze and damp.
Most importantly, you can use captured kobolds to
drive home the point to the PCs that their king, “Mighty The dwarven cultists created this fountain by tapping
Merlokrep,” intends to infuse his crown with great magic into an existing hot spring. The water is thick with
power by sacrificing “smoothskins plucked from their minerals and tastes of stone, and the mist created by
homes.” the hot spring fills this chamber enough to impose a –1
circumstance penalty to vision-based Perception checks.
Creatures: A mated pair of shocker lizards resides in His armor and magical axe proved indigestible and
the shallow fountain. The kobolds avoid this room, but a remain suspended inside the cube. The magical glow shed INTRODUCTION
captured kobold might try to trick the PCs into entering by his enchanted axe refracts through the cube, creating
this room by promising that the steam is “shockingly an eerie ghostly shimmer, but a PC who isn’t deceived by CHAPTER 1:
restorative,” only to perhaps ruin this trick by giggling at the gelatinous cube’s transparency can discern the truth. HOLLOW'S LAST
their own pun. HOPE
The shocker lizards don’t pursue foes from this room GELATINOUS CUBE CREATURE 3
but otherwise fight to the death. Pathfinder Bestiary 254 CHAPTER 2:
Initiative Perception +5 CROWN OF THE
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 240 Treasure: Druingar’s suit of full-plate armor needs
Initiative Stealth +8 a good wash to rinse off the bitter stink of the cube’s CHAPTER 3:
enzymes but is otherwise functional. His +1 battle axe HUNGRY ARE THE
D4. CRUCIBLE HALLS LOW 2 bears the inscription “Glintaxe” and a long-ago cast DEAD
Creatures: The 10-foot-wide halls that wind through this continual flame spell.
level are plain, but a small flock of bloodseekers nests in A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check finds CHAPTER 4:
cracks and niches near the roofs. These pests are trained a slender bone scroll tube behind the southernmost bed. DROSKAR'S DOOM
not to attack kobolds, but other creatures have no such The tube contains a scroll of remove curse.
protection. A flight of four bloodseekers attacks the PCs ADVENTURE
the first time they move into these halls, after which, the D6. HALL OF THE HEADLESS CORPSE LOW 2 TOOLBOX
remaining bloodseekers avoid the party.
A headless corpse wearing patchwork leather armor lies
BLOODSEEKERS (4) CREATURE –1 sprawled at this corridor junction.
Pathfinder Bestiary 42
Initiative Stealth +8 This poor adventurer stumbled into the dungeon a few
months ago and fell victim to the vargouilles in area D7.
D5. MONKS’ QUARTERS LOW 2 Creatures: Four giant rats feed noisily on the rotting
carcass, attacking anyone who interrupts their just-
This long barracks is completely unadorned save for a row of discovered meal.
uncomfortable stone beds.
Creature: This room is occupied by something the Pathfinder Bestiary 276
kobolds refer to as the “Dwarf Ghost,” an entity they’ve Initiative Perception +5
learned to distract by throwing juicy pieces of meat at it
whenever they encounter it in the halls. The dwarf ghost Treasure: The kobolds had picked the body clean of
is actually a gelatinous cube that contains the undigested its belongings, but its boots of elvenkind didn’t fit any
armor of none other than Druingar the Glintaxe—the of them, so they left the footwear behind. In addition,
dwarven adventurer the PCs might be seeking within a blood-soaked journal lies here, a few gory pages still
these halls. legible (see Handout 1 on page 47).
When the cube approaches from the south, describe
it first as an evil-sounding hiss. A moment later, what D7. LODESTONE TRAP SEVERE 2
appears to be a floating dwarf in full plate floats toward
the PCs, its boots gliding a full foot above the floor as it This large, circular chamber has four massive iron doors to the
clutches a gleaming axe in one hand. north, south, east, and west. The south and east doors stand
When Glintaxe arrived at the monastery years ago, open, while the north and west doors remain closed. At the
he hoped to probe its secrets and retrieve the Grasp of center of the room, a strange stone obelisk rises from floor to
Droskar, an axe created by one of his ancestors a thousand ceiling, its surface covered with metal bands and encrusted with
years ago. His wild carousing the night before his arrival deposits of a strange greenish mineral. The floor is strewn with
left the usually steady warrior a little under the weather. headless skeletons and scattered bones. A dented steel shield
Addled by drink and exhausted from the long hike to the and bits of metal armor lie at the foot of the obelisk.
crucible, he decided to nap here before continuing deeper
into the ruined monastery. As he slumbered, a gelatinous This large, circular stone chamber contains a complex
cube engulfed him and quickly digested the dwarven hero. trap. The heavy iron doors on swinging hinges on the
south and east walls open away from the chamber. They LODESTONE TRAP HAZARD 2
brace against the masonry doorframe and jam shut if UNIQUE COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP
pulled or pushed toward the chamber’s interior. The north Stealth +8
and west doors are reversed to be pulled open inward Description The magical lodestone discharges bolts of
(although they’re very heavy). Behind these doors are electricity that also magnetize metal in the room.
small alcoves where the creatures wait. Disable DC 18 Thievery to unhook the pressure plates
Hazard: The obelisk is a giant magical lodestone whose from the trap, or dispel magic (2nd level, counteract DC
magnetic properties are activated when more than 30 18) to counteract the trap
pounds of pressure are applied to the chamber floor. AC 18; Fort +11, Ref +5
Hardness 8; HP 30 (BT 15); Immunities critical hits, object
immunities, precision damage
Magneto-Electric Pulse [reaction] Trigger A single Medium or
two or more Small creatures end their turn inside the
room. Effect A pulse of electricity discharges from
the lodestone to strike all four doors, with smaller
arcs of electricity lancing out to strike all creatures in
the room. The south and east doors slam shut, while
the north and west doors fly open, releasing two
vargouilles into the room. All creatures in the room
take 2d6 electricity damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save).
The trap then rolls initiative.
Routine [one-action] On its initiative, the trap exerts a strong
magnetic pull on the doors, causing the north and
west doors to open if they’re closed, or causing
the south and east doors to close if they’re open. A
character can open or close a door against this pull
with a successful DC 18 Athletics check to Force
Open the door. At the same time, any character in
the room who wears primarily metal armor must
attempt a DC 18 Reflex save (characters in medium
metal armor suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to this
save, and characters in heavy metal armor suffer a –2
circumstance penalty).
Critical Success The PC is unaffected.
Success The PC resists the pull but treats the room as
difficult terrain.
Failure The PC treats the room as difficult terrain and
is knocked prone. A PC who’s already prone suffers a
critical failure instead.
Critical Failure As failure, but the PC is also pulled 5
feet toward the lodestone. A PC who is adjacent to
the lodestone instead becomes stuck to it and is
restrained as long as the trap continues its routine
(escape DC 18).
Reset At the end of a round in which there are no
creatures standing on the floor or stuck to the
lodestone, the trap deactivates. The vargouilles return
to their alcoves, and the doors close. The trap resets
automatically after 1 minute.
D8. WAR MONUMENT TRIVIAL 2 Hazard: The kobold fell prey to a deadly trap meant to
prevent anyone from reaching area D9.
This arched chamber features rows of statues lining the
east and west walls. The statues to the east depict fearsome CHARGE OF THE SPEAR LEGION HAZARD 3
dwarven warriors clad in simple plate armor as they heft UNIQUE MECHANICAL TRAP
their warhammers high. The statues to the west depict Stealth DC 20 (expert)
grotesque caricatures of dwarves as overly obese, pig-nosed Description When triggered, the room lurches suddenly
brutes with huge, grinning mouths and beady eyes. These on its side, causing those in the room to slide down
western statues are arranged in two lines with the front row toward the double line of spears on the west wall while
kneeling, and both rows hold sharp, jutting spears leveled at the statues on the east slide down on a pulley-and-roller
the warriors opposite them. The corpse of a kobold remains system to smash into the victims.
impaled upon the stone spear of one of the western statues. Disable Thievery DC 20 to deactivate the triggering
The limp body unceremoniously sags on the haft, eye to eye pressure plate near the northern door
with its statuesque killer. Shift Sideways [reaction] Trigger A Small or larger creature
approaches within 15 feet of the double door to area D9.
The eastern statues depict Droskar’s smiths, dwarven Effect The entire room rotates, its west half descending
warriors who gave their lives in a brutal battle with the as its right half rises, forming a 45º slope down to the
forces of the old empire that had fallen into decadence. west. All creatures in the room fall prone and slide
They laid low the elite armies of the king (depicted to toward the west wall (a creature adjacent to the north
the west) and paved the way for a joyless theocracy or south wall can attempt to arrest this fall with a DC
dedicated to Droskar, but they perished to the last in the 20 check to Grab an Edge) and take 2d6+5 piercing
bloody battle. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Religion damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save) as they land among
check to Recall Knowledge knows this information. the spears. At the same time, the warhammer-wielding
statues to the east slide downward on chains to smash device lurches to life, powered by the lingering grief and
into the lower wall; each person in the trap is subjected confusion and rage that filled the homunculus. It attacks
to a sliding statue Strike. immediately, this time using a much more dangerous
Melee sliding statue +12, Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoning body. It functions as an animated statue, but it lacks a
Reset After 1 minute, the chamber rights itself and resets Grab ability.
the trap. If the PCs flee, the animated anvil pounder doesn’t
pursue. After 1 minute of seeing no obvious foes, the
D9. CHRONICLE OF THE FAITHFUL animating spirit permanently leaves, and the device
becomes inert once again.
This simple room has polished obsidian walls that bear long lists
of Dwarven names. HOMUNCULUS CREATURE 0
Pathfinder Bestiary 208
The inscriptions here give the names of several Initiative Perception +3
generations of dwarven cultists. A trigger at the bottom
corner of the east wall (under the name “Grindbolt ANIMATED ANVIL POUNDER CREATURE 3
Stoneslider”) opens a secret sliding door to area D11. A Variant animated statue (Pathfinder Bestiary 20)
PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check locates the Initiative Perception +9
door and the trigger.
Treasure: A half-finished obsidian statuette of an
D10. ABBOT’S QUARTERS LOW 2 owlbear worth 5 gp rests on the table. An obsidian tablet
nearby has a face carved into it with a last message to
This large chamber once functioned as the living quarters of Droskar (see Handout 2 on page 49). This relic of the
an important dwarf. In one corner stands a simple stone bed old dwarven theocracy is worth 30 gp. Gristogar’s robe
near a large stone table. A large anvil on the other side looks has rotted almost to nothing, but his bracers of missile
somewhat out of place with a massive maul attached to it by a deflection have not yet succumbed to time’s rot. The
crude mechanical arm. Atop the anvil rests a dwarf skeleton, its skeleton’s left hand still bears a fire-blackened cold iron
skull crushed. gauntlet—a grasp of Droskar (page 115).
The abbot of Droskar’s Crucible lived here. The last D11. LISTENING CHAMBER MODERATE 2
abbot was a gnarled old dwarven monk named Gristogar
Ashbreath, who served Droskar unwaveringly even as the Simple stone benches line the walls of this octagonal room.
cult crumbled around him. When the last disciple tried These benches are positioned near small openings along the
to abandon the crucible, Gristogar shattered the traitor’s west, northwest, and northeast walls. An unusual device that
spine with a well-placed punch and retired to his quarters resembles a stone trumpet is attached to the northeast wall near
to meditate. To aid in his focus, he began tinkering with the opening. A faint whispering sound permeates the chamber.
one of his latest creations: a metal machine meant to
automate the process of hammering metal. Gristogar’s In this secret room, Gristogar Ashbreath spied upon his
attention waned, and his machine activated unexpectedly, disciples to ensure their faithful devotion to Droskar. This
smashing his skull against the anvil as he leaned in to entire level was constructed to channel sound into this
make some adjustments. room from several places. Gristogar spent many hours
A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check can here each day listening to his monks at their vespers in
find the secret doors in this room’s walls. the Chamber of Penance (area D16), to conversations
Creature: Ages ago, Gristogar crafted a homunculus to over meals in the Mess Hall (area D12), and to secrets
serve him. The pathetic little creature’s spirit broke with whispered to the dead in the Ossuary (area D14). Three
its master’s death, and it languishes here, interpreting stone benches sit next to strange, conical openings along
anyone who enters this room as enemies who have come the wall. A pedestal in the room’s center shows a rough
to cart away the master’s bones. The homunculus attacks map of this level, demonstrating the connections of each
at once, fighting until destroyed. opening to their dedicated areas of reconnaissance.
If the PCs destroy the homunculus, a strange With a successful DC 16 Architecture Lore or
transformation occurs: the spirt that animated the Engineering Lore check, or a successful DC 21 Crafting
homunculus rises from its remains, swirls through the air, check to Recall Knowledge, a PC understands the purpose
and then merges with the hammer contraption (unless the of this chamber and also ascertains that the stone trumpet
PCs already destroyed the device). An instant later, the channels a speaker’s voice into area D16, where it echoes
and booms powerfully. If the PCs arrive here before
exploring the rest of this level, they can get an idea of Our people have lost their way. INTRODUCTION
what awaits them by listening at the listening posts.
Western Listening Post: The western opening monitors They flee the shelter of your CHAPTER 1:
the Mess Hall (area D12). Listeners can discern the HOLLOW'S LAST
squeaking yaps of kobolds hurling curses and threats, great forges. Our fires dim, HOPE
followed by the crack of a stone striking one in the
head and a squeal of pain. A moment later, what sounds my master. We have failed CHAPTER 2:
like a male voice starts laughing before crying out in CROWN OF THE
Common, “There’s more of that where that came from, you. No use to you here, I now KOBOLD KING
you scaly little toads!” The kobold voices redouble in
rage, hurling back insults. A PC who speaks Draconic can come to you. I shall join you CHAPTER 3:
deduce the kobolds have cornered a halfling who escaped HUNGRY ARE THE
imprisonment, but they’re struggling to recapture him. in the Grim Forge, whether DEAD
Northwest Listening Post: The northwest opening
allows anyone next to it to hear what transpires in the to serve at your anvil or stoke CHAPTER 4:
Ossuary (area D14). A male voice nervously prays. This DROSKAR'S DOOM
voice belongs to the missing hunter Barlus, who escaped its flames with my soul.
his captors only to end up stuck in this room, cornered by ADVENTURE
silently watchful, undead guardians. With a successful DC TOOLBOX
11 Religion check to Recall Knowledge, a PC can identify
the prayers as ones traditionally offered to Erastil for HANDOUT 2
protection against supernatural danger.
Northeast Listening Post: The northeast opening ties The check gains a +1 item bonus; if the PCs choose to
into the Chamber of Penance (area D16), where the Demoralize the kobolds, they can’t reduce the resulting
young kobold mystic Kerrdremak argues with a handful frightened condition below 1 for 1 hour. See area D16
of warriors. Kerrdremak, the priest-in-training under for information the PCs can learn from speaking with
Jekkajak, complains to the warriors about the troubles Kerrdremak and his nervous acolytes.
befalling their people as of late. Read or paraphrase the Creature: Before the PCs can use this chamber’s unique
following if the PCs listen and can understand Draconic. features, a swirling, vaguely dwarf-shaped shadow
confronts them. This undead shadow is all that remains
“...but we all know the pop-pop to our king’s eye was just the of Gristogar’s spirit. The shadow’s memories of life are
start! So many of us died when the bald, dead-speaker wizard hopelessly tangled, and the creature has been drifting
man came and ran us off. Our king did not fight. He led us in from listening post to listening post for centuries without
flight to the sun, and it took so long to come back here. Now understanding what’s going on at each location. The PCs
that we’re back, the bald, dead-speaker wizard man is still represent its first chance to interact with the world of the
downstairs, and our king’s plan to magic up his crown is going living, and it does so violently. It won’t pursue the PCs
to get us in even more trouble if we keep snatching people from from this room, but otherwise, it fights until destroyed.
the human town. That’s how you get do-gooders in your home! Once destroyed, a shriek echoes from area D10, and
Now, join me in prayer, my acolytes, so that we might make Gristogar’s skeleton in the room to the south crumbles to
peace with the bones and the shadows, and save ourselves dust as he’s finally sent to his punishment in the afterlife.
from our king’s crown!”
The chamber fills with soft, hard-to-understand prayers Male shadow (Pathfinder Bestiary 289)
that persist for quite some time. With a successful DC 16 Initiative Perception +10
Religion check to Recall Knowledge, a PC can tell that
the prayers seem to focus on something sinister associated D12. MESS HALL MODERATE 2
with devils and undeath. With a critical success on this The first time the PCs approach this area, they hear
check, the PC identifies the prayers as being offered to kobolds shouting insults and yelping in pain.
Lorcan, the infernal duke of blood, rebirth, and undeath.
Speaking Trumpet: By using the speaking trumpet, Three large, stone tables stand in the middle of this room. The
the PCs can attempt to Lie to, Make an Impression long benches that once stood next to them have been knocked
on, Demoralize, or Coerce the kobolds in area D16. askew and overturned. To the southwest, several wooden stools
and shelves stacked in a makeshift barricade block access to a at them. Ygrik has been trying to exhaust Edgrin’s
room beyond. supplies of ammunition by sending kobolds in one at
a time, but the kitchen has an ample stock of forks,
Creatures: Once where the cultists took their grim knives, and cups.
meals of tasteless gruel in silence, this chamber has The PCs see three kobolds dead on the floor, each body
become the site of a heated battle between Merlokrep’s impaled with kitchen implements hurled via Edgrin’s
kobold warriors and an escaped prisoner named Edgrin telekinetic projectile cantrip. Ygrik and three of his
Galesong. Edgrin escaped his holding pen on the lower guards stand throughout the room with their attention
level and made it as far as this room before Merlokrep’s focused toward area D13; the kobolds suffer a –2
guards caught up and cornered him in the kitchen to the circumstance penalty to Perception checks and initiative
south (area D13). He barricaded himself in the kitchen until they notice the PCs. Once they do, Ygrik shrieks
and has endured a miniature siege from the north for the in rage (and maybe a little fear) and urges the guards to
past hour or so; Edgrin is fully detailed in area D13. attack. Excited by the arrival of newcomers, the kobolds
The kobolds are led by a proud and stubborn jailer surge to obey. Their morale is such that any kobold who
named Ygrik, who fears King Merlokrep will learn takes any damage attempts to flee—if any escape, the PCs
that his favorite singing halfling escaped. Ygrik hopes might encounter them wherever you choose elsewhere in
to catch Edgrin alive and return him to his cage before the dungeon. Ygrik sees no option other than to fight to
word spreads to the king’s ears, but his cowardly and the death. If he’s slain, any surviving kobolds flee. Edgrin
inept guards make for an increasingly frustrating watches quietly from area D13 but doesn’t join the battle,
siege. Every time the kobolds try to enter the kitchen, as he’s already close to exhaustion.
Edgrin uses magic to hurl something heavy or sharp If the PCs trigger this encounter but flee before they
save Edgrin (or if they first hear this battle in progress but
take too long to investigate), the kobolds finally manage
to recapture Edgrin. In such a case, the PCs can instead
meet (and perhaps rescue) Edgrin from his cage in
area E26.
Male kobold jailer (Pathfinder
Bestiary 212)
Perception +7; darkvision
Languages Common,
Skills Acrobatics +7,
Crafting +6 (+8 traps),
Intimidation +8, Stealth +7,
Survival +5
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0,
Wis +1, Cha +2
Items +1 flying talon (page 115), leather armor, keys to
prisoner cages
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5
HP 30
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] flying talon +11 (finesse, trip); Damage 1d4+3
Ranged [one-action] flying talon +11 (ranged trip, tethered, thrown 10
feet); Damage 1d4+3 piercing
Intimidating Retreat [one-action] Requirements Ygrik is adjacent
to at least one enemy and at least one ally; Effect
Ygrik commands an adjacent ally to fight harder and
YGRIK threatens dire punishment if the ally fails to obey; that
ally gains a +1 circumstance bonus to its next melee unconscious when he was first captured, Edgrin doesn’t
Strike attack roll, as long as that attack is made before know a route to safety. INTRODUCTION
the start of Ygrik’s next turn. Ygrik then Strides up to Edgrin is a sweaty, moon-faced halfling whose heart
his Speed and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC is as big as his stomach. His once debonair, CHAPTER 1:
against reactions triggered by this movement. brocaded, green velvet doublet and silk HOLLOW'S LAST
He must end this movement in a space that leggings are torn and grimy. His lute HOPE
isn’t adjacent to any enemy. still hangs on a strap at his side, but he
Sneak Attack Ygrik deals an additional 1d6 splintered it on a kobold’s skull during CHAPTER 2:
precision damage to flat-footed creatures. his escape. His time in the dungeon has CROWN OF THE
traumatized him, and he wants nothing KOBOLD KING
KOBOLD WARRIORS (3) CREATURE –1 more than to escape. If the PCs escort
Pathfinder Bestiary 212 him from the dungeons, he’s confident CHAPTER 3:
Initiative Perception +3 he can return to civilization safely, but he HUNGRY ARE THE
has nothing to reward them with other DEAD
D13. KITCHEN than knowledge and healing. He offers
to use all his remaining spell slots to CHAPTER 4:
This once well-appointed kitchen has long cast soothe on the PCs and points DROSKAR'S DOOM
suffered from neglect. Shelves covered in out a hidden cache of treasure in
broken stone and other refuse line the the kitchen if the PCs haven’t ADVENTURE
walls. Across the room, an old, rusty noticed it already. (Edgrin hasn’t TOOLBOX
cauldron rests in the ashes of an ancient fire. EDGRIN GALESONG had a chance to study the contents
of the cache and has no idea what
Creature: Edgrin Galesong, a halfling and bard the bottles within do.)
extraordinaire, was a member of the Gray Eagles, an Edgrin’s flight through the dungeons was disorienting,
adventuring troupe based in the town of Olfden, south so he can’t really give the PCs accurate directions other
of Falcon’s Hollow. Knowing that Falcon’s Hollow than to tell them the level below consists of winding
had a reputation for being unpleasant, the Gray Eagles caves. He tells the PCs the kobold king intends to sacrifice
bypassed the town on their latest expedition north to the prisoners to empower his crown with magic, and he also
mountains to seek fame and treasure, only to get attacked overheard his captors complain that teaching the ritual to
by a group of Truescale kobolds fighting alongside a other priests has been unexpectedly difficult. Once they
scary gray warg (Graypelt). Most of Edgrin’s companions learn it, though, Edgrin knows the prisoners’ days are
were killed, but he and a half-elf wizard named Tyran numbered. He confirms the other two prisoners are Barlus
Moonsliver were captured alive and dragged to Droskar’s and Colbrin. He isn’t sure what happened to Colbrin and
Crucible to be eaten or sacrificed. fears the butcher might not have made it out of the cage
Dejected by the death of his friends, Edgrin consigned at all. Barlus almost made it to the kitchen before they
himself to his fate, but when King Merlokrep sacrificed were forced to split up. The last Edgrin knows, Barlus fled
Tyran to empower his crown, Edgrin redoubled his efforts through the doors to the north of the kitchen.
to survive. Drawing upon all his skills as an entertainer, he If you think the PCs need help, you can allow Edgrin
managed to situate himself as a delightful distraction for to join the party. He’ll ask for weapons and armor so he
the kobolds and earned a stay of execution. Since the rite can protect himself—how he fares if he joins the PCs is
of the blood crown requires the sacrifice of enemies of the up to them and fate.
Truescales, the Kobold King couldn’t justify sacrificing his
Over the next few weeks, Edgrin managed to stay alive UNIQUE CG SMALL HALFLING HUMANOID
by trading performances for stays of execution, even after Male halfling bard
new prisoners joined him in the cages—first the hunter Perception +7
Barlus and, more recently, the butcher Colbrin. Languages Common, Draconic, Halfling
Edgrin took his chance to escape about the same time Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +8, Diplomacy +8,
the PCs started exploring this dungeon level. The three Performance +8, Society +7, Stealth +7
prisoners managed a daring escape during a changing of Str –1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +4
the guard, though they got separated in their panicked Items broken lute, dirty clothes
race through the dungeon. Edgrin doesn’t know if Bardic Lore Edgrin can Recall Knowledge on any subject
Barlus and Colbrin still live. Since he was transported with a +7 modifier.
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 These undead skeletons now patrol the southern
HP 32 portion of the ossuary, and they quickly move
Speed 25 feet to attack the PCs as soon as they notice the
Melee [one-action] fist +7 (agile, finesse, nonlethal, party. They won’t pursue the PCs from the
unarmed), Damage 1d4–1 bludgeoning ossuary. All four are elite skeleton guards
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 18, attack +10; that possess the screaming skull variant
1st (3 slots) alarm, bless, soothe, spirit link; ability, and their bones flicker faintly with
Cantrips (1st) dancing lights, detect magic, unsettling yellow light.
mage hand, read aura, telekinetic projectile If the PCs defeat the skeletons, Barlus
Bard Composition Spells 2 Focus Points, DC gasps in relief and staggers forward to thank
18; 1st counter performance (Pathfinder Core them. He begs to be escorted to safety and
Rulebook 386), lingering composition promises to reward the PCs
(Core Rulebook 387); Cantrip with a family heirloom—
(1st) inspire courage, (Core his father’s +1 composite
Rulebook 386) longbow that hung over
his hearth for decades—
Treasure: The refuse on if the party escorts him
the eastern shelf conceals BARLUS CHORTUN back to Falcon’s Hollow.
a hidden cache that a PC In addition, once he recovers, he
can discover with a successful DC 18 agrees to provide free healing services
Perception check; alternately, Edgrin can point it out to to the PCs whenever they’re in town. He can share the
the PCs if he’s rescued. The cache contains a moderate same information as Edgrin about the kobold king’s
eagle-eye elixir, a moderate serene mutagen, and a ritual plans if asked.
moderate silvertongue mutagen.
XP Award: If the PCs rescue Edgrin and escort him HEAD-HURLING ELITE SKELETONS (4) CREATURE 0
from the dungeon, grant them 40 XP. Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 298
Initiative Perception +4
This dark ossuary is cold and full of the sound of dripping water. LG male human hunter (variant acolyte of Nethys,
A dark corridor runs north down the center of the room. On Gamemastery Guide 212)
either side, two large bays open into small niches that contain Initiative Perception +7
ancient dwarven skeletons. At the far end of the corridor rests
a large, iron anvil. XP Award: If the PCs rescue Barlus and escort him to
Falcon’s Hollow, grant them 40 XP.
This grim mini-catacomb of alcoves contains the
bones of several dwarven cultists. Locked iron gates D15. ABATTOIR MODERATE 2
once barred all the niches. Now, the grates are rusted
and broken along the far east and west walls. The ones Two large stone blocks rest in the center of this room. To either
that seal the alcoves directly adjacent to the corridor, side hang large rusty hooks over small channels in the stone
however, remain solid. floor, leading to old drains choked with refuse. A dead kobold lies
Creatures: Several of these alcoves contain skeletons on one of the blocks. The little creature’s chest is ripped open,
of long-dead dwarven cultists, and some of them were and its entrails hang obscenely off the sides of the block.
recently animated when the pulse of eerie, yellow
necromantic energy from the Third Seal flowed through Centuries ago, this yawning stone chamber served as a
the region. slaughterhouse where livestock were bled and their meat
When Edgrin and Barlus separated during their stripped from bone.
escape, Barlus fled into this room, only to be confronted Creatures: Four dwarven ghouls, sad and rotting
by the undead as they rose from their crypts. Without holdovers from their collapsed kingdom, skulk in this
his gear and no remaining spells, Barlus fell to desperate bloody hall. Perhaps their shredded souls still cling to
prayer in the northernmost portion of the ossuary. As the memories of bloody slaughter they saw transpire
long as he continues to pray for Erastil’s salvation, the here in life. Now, they partake of their grisly meals in the
four undead skeletons continue to leave him alone. abattoir. The ghouls have little interest in moving from
this room, but if foolish kobolds sneak in to look for in Draconic, then attempts the same in Infernal. If the
treasures (that don’t exist) or on a dare, the ghouls aren’t PCs can’t communicate, he rolls his eyes and orders INTRODUCTION
above snatching up a meal. the attack.
When the PCs enter, the ghouls are at the butcher’s If the PCs establish communication, Kerrdremak CHAPTER 1:
block. One gnaws on the kobold’s leg, another slurps up offers to step aside and let the PCs pass to the north, HOLLOW'S LAST
strips of entrails like sausages, while the third sits back telling them his superiors dwell below and the PCs HOPE
and pontificates on the flavor of kobold meat through its can reach the lower level by taking the elevator in
various stages of decay. All three ghouls attack as soon as area D17. Kerrdremak warns the PCs about the trap CHAPTER 2:
they detect the party. on the elevator and instructs them to have only one CROWN OF THE
“of you big’uns” ride at a time, but he justifies his KOBOLD KING
GHOULS (3) CREATURE 1 treason by not providing any more assistance. His
Pathfinder Bestiary 169 initial attitude toward the PCs is Indifferent, but if he CHAPTER 3:
Initiative Perception +7 can be made Helpful, Kerrdremak relents and gives the HUNGRY ARE THE
PCs directions to the king’s throne room: “Down the DEAD
D16. CHAMBER OF PENANCE MODERATE 2 elevator, then north, left, right, left, and left. You can’t
miss it!” If the PCs return to this area later, Kerrdremak CHAPTER 4:
Six stone prayer platforms with well-worn knee rests are spread and his followers are nowhere to be f o u n d — t h e DROSKAR'S DOOM
through this large chamber.
Long ago, disciples of the crucible came here to pray to TOOLBOX
Droskar and beg his leniency for being too lax in their toil
or for committing crimes against his creed.
Creatures: A malcontent mystic of the Truescales
named Kerrdremak holds court over five kobold warriors.
Technically charged with scouting the upper halls and
reporting obvious threats to King Merlokrep and his elite
minions below, Kerrdremak has grown frustrated with his
position and what he believes to be Merlokrep’s obsession
with empowering his crown. Instead, Kerrdremak has
grown impressed and fascinated with the upswing of
undeath in the region, and he has turned to a somewhat
obscure patron for mystical inspiration: an infernal duke
named Lorcan, who teaches of the glories of rebirth into
Rather than patrol, Kerrdremak has been preaching
the wisdom of Lorcan to his followers, and the kobolds
are eating it up. The idea of being reborn as vampires
or ghosts—or vampire ghosts—appeals to them,
particularly in the ways Kerrdremak
describes the transition as granting
them all great power. Much of what
Kerrdremak knows about Lorcan has been
whispered to him in dreams from his familiar, an albino
rat named Taily.
If a PC listens at the door before entering this room,
they can hear Kerrdremak preaching with a successful
DC 11 Perception check. On a critical success, a
character who speaks Draconic hears his speech clearly
(see the read-aloud text for the Northeast Listening Post KERRDREMAK
in area D11).
Kerrdremak and his four followers react with
surprise at the sight of the PCs, but the kobold witch
holds back the command to attack. He calls to the PCs
devil-worshipping traitors have abandoned Droskar’s This area once functioned as a refuse pit for the
Crucible for now but will meet the PCs again in monastery’s dwarves. When the kobolds claimed the
Chapter 3. region, they repurposed this one-time trash chute into
If a fight breaks out, Kerrdremak flees if reduced to the primary entrance to the warrens below. They rigged
fewer than 5 Hit Points, choosing to abandon Droskar’s a large cauldron, several lengths of chain, and pulleys
Crucible rather than stick around. If he flees, or is killed, harvested from area D20 to construct a rudimentary
the remaining kobold warriors flee as well. pulley-operated elevator.
Creatures: Four kobold warriors commanded by a
KERRDREMAK CR 1 kobold scout guard the elevator. They fight more bravely
UNIQUE LE SMALL HUMANOID KOBOLD than most, but if the scout is slain, the remaining warriors
Male kobold witch 1 (Pathfinder Bestiary 212) try to flee by clambering into the cauldron to escape. In
Perception +5, darkvision their panic, they don’t think to disable the trap.
Languages Draconic, Infernal
Skills Deception +6, Intimidation +6, Occultism +7, Religion KOBOLD SCOUT CREATURE 1
+5, Stealth +7 Pathfinder Bestiary 213
Str –1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +3 Initiative Perception +8
Items dagger
AC 15; Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 KOBOLD WARRIORS (4) CREATURE –1
HP 20 Pathfinder Bestiary 212
Speed 25 feet Initiative Perception +3
Melee [one-action] dagger +7 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage
1d4–1 piercing Hazard: The kobolds rigged the elevator to
Divine Spells Prepared DC 17, attack +9; 1st command, malfunction if too much weight is placed inside.
fear, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (1st) divine lance, While the oversized cauldron could hold four Medium
guidance, message, shield, sigil creatures at a time, it’s only safe to operate with no
Hex Cantrips DC 17; 1st stoke the heart (Advanced Player’s more than one Medium or two Small creatures per trip.
Guide 239) Those who make the trip safely can reach area E1 below
Whispering Retreat [two-actions] (divine, emotion, enchantment, after cranking the cauldron downward for 6 rounds.
fear, mental) Requirements Kerrdremak is adjacent to Alternately, using the dangling chains (either before or
at least one enemy; Effect Kerrdremak whispers under after the cauldron is dropped), a character can Climb
his breath, and one adjacent enemy must attempt a up or down the 30-foot shaft with a successful DC 15
DC 17 Will save or become frightened 1 as they hear Athletics check.
a whispering voice just behind them that claims to
know when the target will die; the target is then TRAPPED ELEVATOR HAZARD 2
temporarily immune to Whispering Retreat for 1 hour. UNCOMMON MECHANICAL TRAP
Kerrdremak then Strides, and this movement doesn’t Stealth DC 18 (expert)
trigger reactions from frightened creatures. He must Description An oversized cauldron rigged as an elevator
end this movement in a space that isn’t adjacent to suddenly drops 30 feet if it’s overloaded.
any enemy. Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) to lock the releasing
mechanisms in place, or Crafting DC 20 to rig additional
KOBOLD WARRIORS (4) CREATURE –1 supports for the cauldron (this activity requires 10
Pathfinder Bestiary 212 minutes of work)
Initiative Perception +3 Release the Cauldron [reaction] Trigger More than one Medium
or more than two Small creatures are inside the
XP Award: If the PCs manage to get Kerrdremak’s cauldron when it is activated to lower; Effect The
assistance, grant them 90 XP as if they defeated all five cauldron releases from its anchor points on the chains
kobolds in combat. and drops 30 feet to area E1; any creatures within take
15 points of bludgeoning damage in the fall. A creature
D17. ELEVATOR MODERATE 2 can attempt to Grab an Edge to avoid falling by clinging
to a chain.
A ten-foot-diameter pit occupies the center of this chamber. Reset Creatures can still fall down the shaft even after
Directly over the pit, a long chain feeds through a complex pulley the cauldron is released, but the cauldron must be
system before disappearing into the depths. reset manually.
D18. SMOKING TUNNELS MODERATE 2 undead dwarf exists, the forge burns hot without needing
Unlike the rest of this level, this area features rough stone to be refueled. INTRODUCTION
and undressed rock reminiscent of a mine shaft. The A fissure in the back of the cave, opened long ago
tunnels divide and rejoin several times, marring one’s during the Rending, drops 30 feet into area E4. A CHAPTER 1:
ability to maintain a sense of direction. Thick, acrid smoke character can scale this fissure with a successful DC 20 HOLLOW'S LAST
in these tunnels makes it difficult to see and breathe. Athletics check. HOPE
These rough-hewn tunnels lead to a great forge-filled Creatures: The dwarven cultists of Droskar died
hall where cultists ceaselessly toiled at their craft. Smoke centuries ago, but one didn’t quite complete their journey CHAPTER 2:
from these magical forges traveled through cunning into the afterlife. This cultist ceaselessly toils in this room, CROWN OF THE
flues to vent periodically from numerous locations along tearing down their creations upon completion only to KOBOLD KING
the lower slopes of Droskar’s Crag. Over the years, the forge them anew. The cultist exists now as an undead
chimneys clogged with soot, and a great deal of this smoke monster known as a forge-spurned, and it reacts to any CHAPTER 3:
ended up drifting into these tunnels. The thick smoke interruption with furious wrath, attacking at once and HUNGRY ARE THE
imposes a –2 circumstance penalty to visual Perception fighting until destroyed. The forge-spurned won’t pursue DEAD
checks, and creatures are concealed at a distance of more intruders beyond areas D18 and D19.
than 10 feet. Any creature that breathes in the smoke CHAPTER 4:
becomes sickened 1 and can’t reduce this condition’s FORGE-SPURNED CREATURE 5 DROSKAR'S DOOM
value below 1 until they can get a breath of fresh air. Page 119
Creature: A hellhound guards the approach to area Initiative Perception +11 ADVENTURE
D19. It outlived the cultists who conjured it and remains TOOLBOX
bound to the site. It considers the creature in area D19 its Treasure: The forge-spurned has a non-magical
current master, but it’s supernaturally patient and content warhammer, but the creature still wears the lifting belt it
to patrol these tunnels. With no need to eat or drink as wore in life.
a result of the ancient conjuration magic, and perfectly
at home breathing smoky air, the hellhound howls in DREAMS FROM THE KOBOLD KING
excitement and then attacks as soon as it notices intruders. When the PCs first enter the dungeons, the kobold king
The kobolds long ago learned to avoid traveling too far seeks shelter in the deepest reaches of Droskar’s Crucible.
into these tunnels. Since there are no quest-giving NPCs to spur the PCs
onward or to warn them of this danger, use any chance
HELLHOUND CR 3 you have to impart to the PCs that leaving Merlokrep
Pathfinder Bestiary 205 alone is not a great option. Captured kobolds or rescued
Initiative Perception +9 prisoners provide ways to impress upon the PCs that the
kobold king has big plans, but the best way to propel
D19. FOUNDRY OF SOULS SEVERE 2 this plot point forward is through nightmares sent by
Merlokrep himself.
A loud crackling fills the room. Blistering hot smoke pours forth, Once the PCs make themselves known to him,
lit with a strange orange light. A massive forge responsible for Merlokrep can use the Crown of the Kobold King’s ability
the hellish atmosphere takes up the entire far wall of the cavern. to cast nightmare to taunt and torment the PCs—and he
Between the forge and the entrance stands a massive anvil, and does so often. Choose a new PC as his target each time.
nearby rest hammers, tongs, and other blacksmithing tools. The These nightmares need not come every night, but they
roar of the forge almost drowns out a faint whimpering sound. should occur often enough to compel the plot forward.
Don’t overwhelm lower-level PCs with them since a
The smoke in this chamber is even worse than in area critical failure can result in drained conditions that can
D18—visual Perception checks take a –4 circumstance become an ordeal. Use taunting dreams only when the
penalty, and creatures are concealed at a distance of PCs need a reminder of the adventure’s focus.
more than 5 feet. Any creature who breathes the smoke In these nightmares, the PCs meets Merlokrep on
becomes sickened 1 and must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude an immense throne. The kobold king is three times the
save; on a failure, they become sickened 2, and on a size of the PC, and in the nightmare, he forces the PC to
critical failure, they begin to suffocate. A creature can’t perform a series of grueling, exhausting, and dangerous
reduce this condition’s value below 1 until they get a tasks. During a nightmare, the kobold king makes it plain
breath of fresh air. that once he completes his crown in the “deep and deadly
The forge is fully functional and haunted by the dwarf dungeons,” he’ll bring all of those in the land above
presence of the nearby forge-spurned. As long as the under his boot as his prisoners, starting with the PCs!
The Truescale kobolds aren’t as numerous as they were at Creatures: Three kobold scouts stand guard here with
the height of their power. They lost some of their number a slurk. The kobolds have been entertaining themselves
during Drazmorg’s invasion and several more during the by seeing how long they can each stay mounted on the
grim weeks they spent in the wild before returning home. slurk while they goad it into a bucking frenzy. If they
While King Merlokrep promises to lead his people into hear the elevator from area D17 start moving, they stop.
a new area of glory once his crown is fully infused with They attack the PCs on sight. While the slurk fights to the
magic, the Truescales are perhaps only a few violent clashes death, a kobold reduced to 5 or fewer Hit Points flees.
away from collapse. While such a development could
remove the kobold clan as a threat, it also creates a much KOBOLD SCOUTS (3) CREATURE 1
more desperate and dangerous kobold king in the process. Pathfinder Bestiary 213
When the PCs entered Droskar’s Crucible, Merlokrep Initiative Perception +8
retreated to the dungeons below, and a false king now sits
on the throne. SLURK CREATURE 2
Pathfinder Bestiary 301
Initiative Perception +6
Droskar’s cultists never expanded this part of the dungeon Creature: A choker named Skirrsh lives here. He hides in
beyond transforming two areas to the south into space the rafters and watches the PCs explore the chamber before
for refuse. The entrance to even deeper dungeon levels he summons the courage to call to them in Undercommon,
created by the original dwarven constructors remained and then Aklo. If he can establish communication, he asks
buried by volcanic activity for the duration of the cult’s the PCs who they are. If he realizes they’re here to fight
stay in the chambers above. They were reopened recently kobolds, he awkwardly offers to help. If the PCs accept his
by the necromancer Drazmorg. aid, Skirrsh fights at their side for a few encounters. With
The tunnels on this level are a bit low for Medium each passing hour, the choker’s cruelty eventually spurs him
creatures, with an average ceiling height of 5 feet. In to move against the PCs. At some point after a fight, when
the tunnels, Medium creatures function as if in difficult he thinks the PCs are wounded, Skirrsh cackles gleefully
terrain since they must stoop and crouch. Ceiling height and attacks. He flees Droskar’s Crucible for good if reduced
rises to an average of 7 feet in the larger caverns, allowing to 8 Hit Points or less.
Medium creatures to move about normally. None of the
chambers on this level are lit unless otherwise indicated. SKIRRSH CREATURE 3
Elite choker (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 51)
E1. REFUSE PIT MODERATE 3 Initiative Stealth +11
The shaft drops into a large, mostly square chamber. An archway E3. MINES MODERATE 3
opens in one wall, while two other walls have been broken
through from the outside. Cramped, narrow tunnels beckon from Cramped passageways open to a large cavern filled with rocky
beyond the breached walls. overhangs and jutting boulders.
Droskar’s Crucible
Level Two
E7 E8
crack in the ceiling leads to a distant fiery glow next to stalactites Perception +8; darkvision
and stalagmites that have grown together to form columns. Languages Common, Draconic INTRODUCTION
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Crafting +6 (+8 traps),
The crack in the room above leads to area D19. A Stealth +8, Survival +8 CHAPTER 1:
character can clamber up the stone columns and through Str +1, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 HOLLOW'S LAST
the narrow fissure with a successful DC 20 Athletics Items flying talon, studded leather HOPE
check to Climb. AC 19; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6
Creatures: Different creatures have laired in this cavern HP 26 CHAPTER 2:
over the years. Its latest occupant is a gargoyle named Speed 25 feet CROWN OF THE
Reglos. The gargoyle shrouds himself with his stony wings, Melee [one-action] flying talon +10 (finesse, trip), Damage 1d4+3 KOBOLD KING
appearing to be a particularly broad and rough stalagmite piercing
near the southern reach of the cavern. Reglos spends much Ranged [one-action] flying talon +10 (ranged trip, tethered, thrown CHAPTER 3:
of his time in an almost hibernation-like state, slumbering 10 feet), Damage 1d4+3 piercing HUNGRY ARE THE
for months before waking, dusting itself off, and then No Retreat [one-action] (necromancy, primal) Frequency once per DEAD
moving into the surrounding warrens to hunt for a meal. day; Requirement The Dark Talon kobold is adjacent to
The kobolds tell stories of the “rock devil”—they’re used at least one enemy, and the Dark Talon has fewer than CHAPTER 4:
to Reglos’s hunting patterns, and when “rock devil season” 12 Hit Points; Effect The Dark Talon shrieks in fury and DROSKAR'S DOOM
begins, the Truescales leave a freshly killed wild animal at regains 2d6 Hit Points.
the entrance to the tunnel leading to this cave from area Sneak Attack A Dark Talon kobold deals an additional 1d6 ADVENTURE
E3. As a result, there has been a dramatic downturn in rock precision damage to flat-footed creatures. TOOLBOX
devil–related deaths among the Truescales.
Reglos ignores the PCs unless they make a lot of noise, E6. INTERSECTION AMBUSH MODERATE 3
approach within 10 feet of his position near the southern
wall, or attack him. Roused from his slumber, the gargoyle This long cave has numerous openings in its walls: three at
attacks at once, fighting to the death. He’ll pursue the ground level and three about five feet off the ground.
PCs throughout this level, although if this chase results
in an encounter with kobolds, the gargoyle gleefully Creatures: One of the Truescale Dark Talons,
changes targets to attack the kobolds instead (although he Grugakurg, organized this chamber’s guards into an
switches back to the PCs if they start fighting him again). ambush. Grugakurg trusts rank-and-file Truescales will
cravenly tell the PCs the route to the prison if the kobolds
REGLOS THE “ROCK DEVIL” CREATURE 5 are captured, and he eagerly anticipates springing his
Male elite gargoyle (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 161) ambush on the PCs. He stationed a kobold just inside
Initiative Perception +12 each of the three alcoves while he waits around the corner
leading to area E7, mounted atop his slurk.
E5. CHOKEPOINT AMBUSH LOW 3 The three kobold warriors attack with their crossbows
as soon as the PCs reach the middle of the cave. Grugakurg
This ten-foot-high, very narrow corridor is flanked by ledges, charges on the second round of combat, hoping to catch
each six feet above the corridor’s rocky ground. the PCs off-guard. He fights to the death, but if he’s slain
while his slurk still lives, the slurk spends the next several
The lower portion of this corridor isn’t quite 3 feet wide, rounds eating the body of his brutal oppressor. The sight is
and while the ceiling height is roomy for Medium creatures, enough to send any other kobolds running for their lives.
they still treat this portion of the tunnels as difficult terrain.
Creatures: The most feared (and certainly the bravest) GRUGAKURG CREATURE 2
of the Truescale kobolds are the Dark Talons. These Dark Talon kobold (page 59)
kobolds excel at ambush tactics and fighting with flying Initiative Perception +8
talons. A pair of these kobolds perch in hiding on the
ridges here—one on each side of the corridor. As the party SLURK CREATURE 2
navigates the tight passage, the kobolds attack using their Pathfinder Bestiary 301
flying talons at range. They fight to the death. Initiative Perception +6
Treasure: Grugakurg carries a large iron key that can was training a fellow Truescale in the finer art of slurk
open the cages in area E7. riding. When the slurk hopped a little too high while
returning to this chamber, it brained its rider against the
E7. PRISON roof. That kobold’s corpse remains affixed to the slurk’s
sticky back, and Kapmek spent the last hour consoling
A half-dozen small depressions look like empty nests in this and codling the slurk to make sure the creature doesn’t
cave’s sandy floor. Three wooden cages press against the feel guilty about killing its rider. The slurk doesn’t, but it
northwestern wall, each containing a scattering of dry, moldy still enjoys the attention.
grass and uprooted weeds. Once the two spot the PCs, Kapmek howls in excitement
and quickly clambers onto his slurk to ride into battle. The
This hatchery now serves as a prison, with the Truescales slurk fights to the death, but if it’s killed while Kapmek yet
focusing on defense and preparation. The kobold king has lives, the kobold panics and attempts to flee.
promised a new era of glory, during which the “hatchery
will overflow with fresh Truescale eggs.” KAPMEK CR 4
The cages are solidly constructed; a PC must succeed at UNIQUE LE SMALL HUMANOID KOBOLD
a DC 20 Athletics check to Force Open a cage or a DC 20 Male kobold slurk-trainer (Pathfinder Bestiary 212)
Thievery check to Pick the Lock. Two of the three cages Perception +11; darkvision
are empty, their doors hanging open. Until recently, these Languages Draconic
cages held Edgrin (area D13) and Barlus (area D14), who Skills Acrobatics +10, Nature +11, Stealth +10, Survival +11
recently escaped. Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +1
The third prisoner, the butcher Colbrin Jabbs, also Items black adder venom (3 doses), crossbow (10 bolts),
escaped but was swiftly recaptured and returned to his hatchet, studded leather
cage. Guarded by the kobolds in area E6, he has been left AC 21; Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +9
to despair in the dark while tightly bound. He moans for HP 60
aid through a rag-and-rope gag once he notices the PCs. Speed 25 feet
Of the three prisoners, Colbrin is the least capable on his Melee [one-action] hatchet +9 (agile, sweep); Damage 1d6+3 slashing
own, and his poor condition is increased by the fact that Ranged [one-action] crossbow +12; Damage 1d8+3 piercing
he suffers from malnutrition. He’s currently enfeebled 2. Ranged [one-action] hatchet +9 (agile, thrown 10 feet); Damage
He begs the PCs to escort him to Falcon’s Hollow. If the 1d6+3 slashing
PCs get him to the surface and send him on his way, he Hurried Retreat [one-action] As kobold warrior.
has little chance of making it out of the woods alive. Quick Poison Dip [reaction] Trigger Kapmek loads his crossbow
while he carries a dose of poison; Effect As he loads
COLBRIN JABBS CREATURE –1 his crossbow, Kapmek can dip the crossbow bolt into
N variant human merchant (Gamemastery Guide 244) a dose of carried poison as part of the action taken to
Initiative Perception +6 load his crossbow.
Sneak Attack Kapmek deals an additional 1d6 precision
XP Award: If the PCs rescue Colbrin and get him home damage to flat-footed creatures.
alive, grant them 40 XP.
E8. SLURK KENNEL MODERATE 3 Pathfinder Bestiary 301
Initiative Perception +6
A semitransparent, slippery gray slime covers the walls and floor
of this chamber. Two narrow tunnels lead south from this cave, E9. FORSAKEN TUNNEL
and a flight of steps leads up to the north.
A cave-in partially blocks this tunnel, but recent excavation has
This cavern’s walls are covered in the foul-smelling cleared much of the rubble to allow access to a yawning pit just
slime secreted by slurks, and the floor is slick with their beyond the ancient rockfall. Near the edge of the pit sits what
belly grease. While the height of the cave is 7 feet, the appears to be bits and pieces of discarded climbing gear.
floor is still treated as difficult terrain by non-slurks.
Creatures: Kapmek, honored slurk-wrangler of the The cult of Droskar sealed this stretch of corridor in
Truescale kobolds, spends most of his time here with an attempt to hide the lower levels, but when Drazmorg
his goo-slick charges. The green-scaled kobold, with an arrived, he restored access to the dungeon level below.
overly long snout and swathed in black leather armor, The entrance consists of a 40-foot-deep pit, the walls of
which quickly change to worked stone after a drop of typically spread out through this level and the level above
10 feet. This circular shaft drops into the center as detailed in the text. INTRODUCTION
of area F1 of the Upper Vault. An iron flight of Creatures: By the time the PCs arrive, King
circular stairs once descended this shaft, but Merlokrep and his handpicked group have CHAPTER 1:
those stairs collapsed into area F1 during the abandoned these kobolds, making their flight HOLLOW'S LAST
Rending. Drazmorg and his allies navigated to the lower levels in secret. Most of the HOPE
the shaft when they first uncovered it by Truescales believe their king remains on his
rigging a rope-and-pulley system, but the throne in area E12, but they know better than CHAPTER 2:
kobolds smashed the setup when they to interrupt him when he’s relaxing on his CROWN OF THE
returned to the caves, hoping to strand chair unless something really important comes KOBOLD KING
Drazmorg and his minions below. up. Furthermore, the potential glory of
King Merlokrep and a small being the Truescale to strike a CHAPTER 3:
group of minions fled down this death blow to an adventurer is HUNGRY ARE THE
shaft when the PCs entered enough to keep the half-dozen DEAD
their domain. kobolds here eager to fight.
If the PCs have at least A kobold who’s reduced CHAPTER 4:
100 feet of rope, they can to 5 or fewer Hit Points DROSKAR'S DOOM
rebuild Drazmorg’s one-seat panics and flees to area E12
elevator with an hour of work and to beg for help. ADVENTURE
a successful DC 15 Crafting check. A seat attached to TOOLBOX
these pulleys can transport a single Medium creature KOBOLD SCOUTS (2) CREATURE 1
from this area to area F1 below with a minute of work. Pathfinder Bestiary 213
A PC can also Climb down the shaft by succeeding Initiative Perception +8
at a DC 15 Athletics check for the first 10 feet and a
DC 20 Athletics check for the next 20 feet of flagstone KOBOLD WARRIORS (4) CREATURE –1
afterward. The shaft opens through the ceiling in the Pathfinder Bestiary 212
middle of area F1, 10 feet above the surface of the water Initiative Perception +3
in that room. A climbing character must either turn
back or drop into the water below. (The DC 40 Athletics E12. THRONE OF THE KOBOLD KING SEVERE 3
check to Climb along the ceiling of area F1 is beyond the
reach of low-level characters.) All the rubble and fungus have been cleared from this room,
leaving only a single object to decorate the chamber: a throne
E10. SHRIEKER TUNNEL TRIVIAL 3 made from the corpse of an enormous centipede. The creature’s
Both of these tunnels are guarded by a patch of shriekers. bright-red, chitinous plates and legs have been repurposed into
If the PCs trigger the shriekers, the kobolds in area E11 an unsettling design for the throne. The centipede’s head looms
prepare. In addition, if the PCs trigger the shriekers at above the seat, which has been fitted with a ratty-looking curtain
area E10a and haven’t yet dealt with Grugakurg’s crew in that hides whoever might be seated within.
area E6, they come north quickly to investigate. Likewise,
if the PCs trigger the shriekers at area E10b but haven’t Creatures: Here stands the Crawling Throne of King
dealt with Kapmek and his slurk in area E8, they come Merlokrep, yet it isn’t the kobold king who sits upon
north to investigate. the throne when the PCs arrive. Merlokrep fled into
the deeper levels, in part hoping to find more magic to
SHRIEKERS HAZARD –1 empower his crown, but also to avoid a conflict with
Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 77 the PCs.
Merlokrep’s retreat has been kept secret from all the
E11. KOBOLD DEN MODERATE 3 Truescales save those who accompanied him into the
deeper levels, his consort Vreggma, and the Truescales’
This cavern is filled with dirty straw nests, scraps of weapons, religious leader, Jekkajak. Jekkajak now sits on the
armor, and the discarded remains of the kobold tribe’s meals. Crawling Throne, hidden behind a recently erected curtain
of rags. She’s flanked by a pair of Dark Talon kobolds,
Most of the Truescale kobolds live here, sleeping neither of whom know the one they guard isn’t the true
among the rocky boulders and fighting over comfortable king. However, both have started to wonder why the voice
niches against the walls. The majority of them are they hear inside the curtain sometimes sounds strange.
When the PCs arrive, the Dark Talons take up a AC 21; Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +9
defensive position before the throne and demand the HP 60
intruders’ immediate surrender. Jekkajak takes advantage Speed 25 feet
of this opportunity to activate her greater hat of disguise. Melee heartripper blade +10 (agile, finesse, versatile S),
She assumes King Merlokrep’s appearance, disguising her Damage 2d4 piercing
hat as the Crown of the Kobold King, and imperiously Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 21, attack +13; 2nd (4 slots)
sweeps aside the curtain with a scaly hand before rising death knell, dispel magic, heal, sound burst; 1st (4 slots)
from the throne to demand the PCs kneel before the glory command, fear, heal, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (2nd)
of the kobold king. As Jekkajak continues the charade, the detect magic, divine lance, message, prestidigitation, shield
Dark Talon kobolds shift in discomfort and glance side to Sorcerer Bloodline Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 21; 1st diabolic
side. A PC who succeeds at a DC 10 Perception Check edict (Core Rulebook 403)
to Sense Motive can tell something the king is doing is Smoky Retreat [three-actions] (divine, evocation, move) Frequency
distracting or worrying them. On a critical success, the PC once per hour; Requirements Jekkajak is adjacent to
deduces that the Dark Talons look surprised by or even at least one enemy; Effect Jekkajak squeals in fright
disbelieve the kobold king. as she exhales a noxious cloud of stinking smoke.
Jekkajak does her best to get the PCs to toss aside their This smoke fills a 10-foot emanation around her and
weapons and kneel. If they do so, she orders her Dark grants concealment to all creatures within the smoke.
Talons to bind and imprison the PCs while she stashes their In addition, any non-kobold starting their turn in the
gear in a heap next to the Crawling Throne. If the PCs can’t smoke must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become
engineer an escape, they’re likely doomed to be sacrificed sickened 1 by the foul smoke (or sickened 2 on a critical
in a few days when word of their capture reaches King failure). Once created, the cloud of smoke is immobile
Merlokrep. You decide how long this takes. and persists for 3 rounds. Jekkajak can move up to her
Any disrespect or defiance posed by the PCs results in Speed, but she must end her movement in a space that
the kobold king ordering the PCs’ immediate execution. isn’t adjacent to any enemies. This is a 2nd-level spell
The Dark Talons leap to the order, glad for the distraction. that requires a somatic component.
Jekkajak issues commands and enters the fight only once
a Dark Talon is defeated. At this point, she hisses, “Guess DARK TALON KOBOLDS (2) CREATURE 2
I gotta do it for the king myself!” in Draconic, and then Page 59
attacks with her spells. Initiative Perception +8
Jekkajak is loyal to Merlokrep but not willing to lay
down her life. If she’s reduced to fewer than 10 Hit Points, XP Award: Grant the PCs 80 XP for discovering the
she rips off her greater hat of disguise and begs for her kobold king abandoned the Truescales.
life, promising to tell the PCs where the real king went
if they just let her go. Any surviving Dark Talon kobolds E13. KING’S QUARTERS TRIVIAL 3
shriek “traitor!” at this point and attack her, mistakenly
assuming she killed Merlokrep. If the PCs can secure Bricks of old, mold-ridden incense keep this cozy chamber heated.
the opportunity to speak to Jekkajak, she can tell them In one corner of the room lies a tousled wolfskin bed. A stone
word of their rampage scared Merlokrep, and he took table is piled high with knocked over and empty jewelry boxes
his favorites with him down deeper, “following dreams and displays. Several chunks of polished obsidian are stacked
and visions of where to go to make his crown even more haphazardly against one wall, forming a bizarre half mirror.
powerful.” She agrees to anything the PCs demand, even
promising to lead the Truescales from the region, in return Creature: When King Merlokrep fled the tunnels, he
for being spared. left his people and his home—and his consort, Vreggma.
His betrayal infuriated the blue-scaled kobold dragon
JEKKAJAK CREATURE 4 mage. She has spent the past few days here, concocting
UNIQUE LE SMALL HUMANOID KOBOLD methods by which to exact her revenge on him, starting
Female kobold sorcerer (Pathfinder Bestiary 212) with “stabbing him with his own silly spiky hat.”
Perception +9; darkvision When confronted by the PCs, Vreggma holds up her little
Languages Common, Draconic scaly hands and says she “was just leaving and won’t be a
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +12, Intimidation +12, Religion bother.” If the PCs seem hesitant about letting her go, she
+9, Stealth +11 offers them all the treasures in this room, noting that “the
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +4 real troublemaker you’re after is that fool, Merlokrep.”
Items greater hat of disguise, heartripper blade (page 115) She can tell the PCs how the king fled their advance, but
she also warns them his magic crown has made him braver A character who examines this room’s altar and who
(she adds with a snort, “and more stupid”) every day. succeeds at a DC 16 Religion check to Recall Knowledge INTRODUCTION
Vreggma implies that if he isn’t put down soon, Merlokrep can deduce the chamber was a place of worship for
will surely cause trouble far beyond Darkmoon Vale. She the archdevils of Hell, but no single archdevil seems CHAPTER 1:
hopes to send the PCs deeper into the dungeon, affording more important than the next. With a successful DC HOLLOW'S LAST
her a chance to escape while also getting vengeance on 18 Arcana or Occult check to Recall Knowledge, a PC HOPE
Merlokrep for abandoning her in the first place! can tell the chamber was used recently to perform some
sort of blood ritual meant to awaken latent or lingering CHAPTER 2:
VREGGMA CREATURE 2 magical power. With a critical success, that PC also CROWN OF THE
Female kobold dragon mage (Bestiary 213) knows the ritual was meant to awaken power within an KOBOLD KING
Initiative Perception +5 ancient magical item.
Treasure: With a successful DC 10 Perception check, a PC HUNGRY ARE THE
can tell someone went through the room’s contents quickly DEAD
and made off with several objects. When Merlokrep fled,
he had time to grab only a few belongings. With a critical
success, the PC finds a few missed items scattered about:
eight bracelets worth 1 sp each, three necklaces worth 2 gp
each, and a bent tiara worth 8 gp. ADVENTURE
While the PCs are free to delve deeper into the dungeon TOOLBOX
E14. SACRIFICE CHAMBER once they discover the forsaken tunnel at area E9, they’ll
likely need to return to Falcon’s Hollow at some point to
A gruesome, bloodstained altar sits at the center of this rest, recover, or escort rescued prisoners home. Whether
otherwise unadorned chamber. or not the PCs discovered the kobold king fled, the
first time the PCs reach 4th level and return to Falcon’s
Jekkajak held her diabolic rituals and worship rites to Hollow, they find the dead are rising!
Hell in this room. The kobold king also performed the
first rite of the blood crown here. He planned
to perform the ritual several more times
before the PCs caused him to flee.
The PCs can continue exploring the dungeons of reached 4th level. (Feel free to adjust the encounters in
Droskar’s Crucible at their own pace, but events within this part down a bit if the PCs aren’t 4th level yet.)
the dungeon aren’t static. In particular, Drazmorg’s Drazmorg’s first attempt to animate the dead focuses
experiments with the Third Seal finally bear necromantic on the cemetery on the outskirts of Falcon’s Hollow. The
fruit, and he discovers a method to replicate the blast of sight of zombies and skeletons crawling from graves
negative energy released when he first began his work. sends the cemetery’s caretaker, Verrin Tieruk (N male
Drazmorg is fascinated that this seal has been absorbing human grave keeper 3), into a panic. Verrin reports the
tiny bits of necromantic leakage from the Great Seal supernatural event and attempts to gather help, but
under Gallowspire, but his work triggered events he Kreed’s or Teedum’s cronies consider Verrin’s ravings
didn’t anticipate: the eventual erosion of the First and desperate attempts for attention and don’t bother
Second Seals, and the inevitable release of the Whispering reporting the event to their bosses. Verrin is about to
Tyrant. While these events aren’t a part of Crown of the take to the streets to raise the alarm when the PCs return
Kobold King and play out much later (see the Return of to Falcon’s Hollow and catch his eye.
the Runelords Adventure Path and the Tyrant’s Grasp
Adventure Path for more details), the immediate effects VERRIN’S WARNING
of Drazmorg’s access to this spring of necromantic The PCs have probably started to build a reputation as
energy have immediate impact on Darkmoon Vale. heroes or champions in town since they’ve likely rescued
Living creatures don’t notice when Drazmorg begins at least one of the locals abducted by the Truescales by
his latest round of experiments, wherein he directs now. As such, Verrin recognizes them. The sight of their
necromantic energy into the surrounding environments fortuitous return gives the grave keeper hope. If he can
in hopes of causing an undead uprising. His initial work convince the PCs to investigate the cemetery and put
is partially successful, but not what he had hoped for; down the restless dead, a town-wide panic can be avoided!
particularly vexing is that some of the magic keeps When Verrin first approaches the PCs, his wild-eyed
getting shunted deeper underground (unbeknownst countenance and mannerisms make it immediately
to him, to the Crown of the Kobold King). If the PCs apparent something is wrong. The PCs recognize Verrin, if
don’t confront him in time and stop him, he’ll not only only by reputation, with a successful DC 15 Society check
animate all the dead of Darkmoon Vale, but also infect to Recall Knowledge—the local grave keeper is prone to
all the living with the curse of undeath. strange outbursts, often at important meetings, and the
townsfolk accept him as a harmless annoyance. Normally,
his outbursts result in the town leadership drawing straws
to determine who gets to escort him home. This time, his
fear seems more primal. Several locals watch with a mix
of concern and amusement as he approaches the PCs.
Verrin is short and slender, with narrow shoulders
and poor posture, but his muscles are wiry from digging
graves. His sloppily shaved face bears a few razor
The timing of when Drazmorg runs this latest experiment nicks. Dark circles rim his dull, gray eyes, which linger
is variable, but it should begin before the PCs venture into uncomfortably on whomever he encounters, as often as
the Upper Vault (detailed in Part 2 of this chapter). The not staring at some part of the person’s face rather than
best point to begin is when the PCs return to Falcon’s the eyes.
Hollow with the final rescued prisoner from the dungeon’s Though he isn’t inept, Verrin often forgets the names
upper levels, preferably at a point when the PCs have of everyday objects, and many townsfolk consider
him scatterbrained. His reputation as an overly eager what they look like—he doesn’t know the names but he’s
scavenger has spread through the town. None have good with details about corpses. His descriptions match
accused him of being a grave robber, but they know those of zombies and skeletons. A PC who succeeds at
better than to leave valuables on bodies he has to bury. a DC 16 Religion check to Recall knowledge realizes
Verrin inherited the role of grave keeper from his other elements Verrin mentions suggest more dangerous
great-grandfather. He lives alone in a shack at the undead (a critical success identifies his descriptions of
edge of the cemetery and purchases meager supplies “crawling bodies” as likely referring to festrogs). He
on monthly trips to town in a mule-drawn wagon— proudly notes he locked the cemetery gate before fleeing,
the same conveyance he uses to cart the dead to the then begs the PCs to return with him to the cemetery and
cemetery. Verrin tends to interrupt others mid-sentence, put down the dead before they break out.
interjecting creepy comments such as “I like your sword.
Is it sharp enough to cut bone?” or “Why do so many CEMETERY FEATURES
people think dead bodies smell bad?” or “I saw a dead The cemetery is a brisk 15-minute walk north of
sorcerer once.” Feel free to swap “sorcerer” for whatever town, secluded in a small depression between hills and
class the PC in the conversation is. His voice is raspy, surrounded by a wrought iron fence that has seen better
like that of a man much older than his 35 years. days. When the town funded the cemetery’s construction
For all his eccentricities, the news Verrin carries to the decades ago, it spared no expense. Since then, it has
PCs is a true threat. A PC who succeeds at a DC 14 left upkeep to Verrin’s family. With Verrin as the last of
Perception check to Sense Motive confirms his fear is his line, upkeep has been spotty at best. As a result, the
real. He tells the PCs that just a few hours ago, he saw wilderness has encroached on the path in many places.
bodies in the cemetery pull themselves from their graves As the PCs approach the cemetery, raspy groans,
and start walking around without so much as a “how clattering bones, and unnerving growls confirm Verrin’s
do you do?” Before anybody might suggest he does, he stories before they round the final bend in the narrow
points out he had nothing to do with it. Verrin describes road leading to the cemetery.
The cemetery’s rusting fence is missing a few bars. It’s
THE COLOR OF UNDEATH enough to hold back mindless undead for a while, but not
The magical energy that spilled from the Third Seal the determined efforts of thinking undead or the PCs. A
carries a distinctive hue: an upsetting and unpleasant Medium character can Squeeze through one of the gaps
yellow tinge. As the PCs encounter the undead here, as in the fence with a successful DC 20 Acrobatics check
well as deeper in the dungeon levels later in this chapter, (a Small character gains a +4 circumstance bonus to this
describe the eerie yellow glow that issues from gaping check). Alternately, a character can clamber over the fence
maws, empty eye sockets, or even flickering within the with a successful DC 15 Athletics check to Climb; on a
mortal wounds carried by these unliving foes. When the critical failure, a character slips onto the sharp spikes on
PCs finally reach the grave of the Third Seal at the end of the top of the fence for 2d4 piercing damage.
this chapter, they’ll have visual clues for what caused the The easiest way into the cemetery is to unlock the gate
dead to rise. with Verrin’s key. Without the key, a character can Force
Open the gate DC 20 Athletics check or Pick the Lock
with a successful DC 18 Thievery check.
The paths winding through the gravestones are the only
non-difficult terrain in the fenced-in area. Elsewhere, tall
grass, brambles, and overgrowth create difficult terrain.
A character who moves through a square containing
an open grave can treat that square as difficult terrain to
navigate it safely; otherwise, anyone who moves through
a square containing an open grave must succeed at a DC
15 Acrobatics check to avoid tumbling into the grave.
On a failure, a character falls into the grave, taking 1d6
bludgeoning damage and becoming prone. A character
must succeed at a DC 10 Athletics check to clamber from
the hole.
Use the map of the Falcon’s Hollow Cemetery on
page 70 for the next encounters. Time each wave as you
like, but give the PCs time to recover from the previous
wave and reposition themselves. Each wave after the
first provides ways attentive PCs can prepare before new
undead rise.
Any undead that escape the cemetery unscathed head
to Droskar’s Crucible, drawn by the call of the Third Seal.
At your option, the PCs might encounter such escaped
undead later, milling about aimlessly in the monastery
ruins. Canny PCs might even deliberately release some
undead and then observe them, giving the heroes a chance
to confirm something at the crucible has drawn the
attention of the undead.
When the PCs first arrive, they find a shambling,
scuttling pack of skeletons and zombies
clumped against the cemetery fence. The undead
are clustered on the northern side of the fence, opposite
the locked gates and the shorter path to town. This mass
of undead consists of a mixture of animated skeletons
and fleshy corpses. Individually, these undead are a minor
threat to a 4th-level party, but the undead are treated as a
shambler troop—a much more dangerous threat.
Wise PCs might take advantage of the fence preventing
the undead from escaping and attack from afar. The troop
treats the fence as lesser cover, but as soon as it notices the Have the PCs roll Perception checks to determine
PCs, the mass of undead begins pushing harder against initiative. The area within the emanation continues INTRODUCTION
the fence. Unless a PC lures the troop from the fence by to shake softly and turns into difficult terrain when
approaching from the inside of the cemetery, the troop a shambler troop scrambles from the ground on its CHAPTER 1:
uses all of its actions each round in a single, focused initiative. These bodies animated from a mass grave dug HOLLOW'S LAST
attempt to smash through the fence—which it can do during the hobgoblin strife of 4679 ar. Place the shambler HOPE
with a successful DC 15 flat check. If no fence blocks troop anywhere within the emanation you wish.
the route to living targets, the shambler troop lurches A second shambler troop rises from this location on the CHAPTER 2:
forward to attack, pursuing until no more targets are second round, and a third and final troop clambers up on CROWN OF THE
available. At this point, the shambler troop heads north the third round. These shambler troops behave like the KOBOLD KING
toward Droskar’s Crucible. troop from Wave 1. The PCs are likely inside the cemetery
now and won’t have a fence to slow the undead down— CHAPTER 3:
SHAMBLER TROOP CREATURE 4 the troops immediately lurch forward to attack the PCs HUNGRY ARE THE
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 302 at once and pursue them relentlessly, even outside of the DEAD
Initiative Perception +7 cemetery if the PCs flee the area.
Once the shambler troop is defeated, give the PCs about Pathfinder Bestiary 3 302
10 minutes to recover and explore the cemetery before Initiative Perception +7 ADVENTURE
starting the second wave of undead. If the PCs seem ready TOOLBOX
to return to town before this time passes, the second wave Treasure: If the PCs Search the churned up ground
should alert them that the dangers at the cemetery are that constituted the mass grave and succeed at a DC 19
far from over—and indeed, might just be getting started! Perception check, they’ll make a fortunate discovery.
This second wave begins as more intelligent undead— While most of the bodies were buried without their gear,
creatures that took longer to necromantically quicken a +1 striking dagger was overlooked; it’s filthy with dirt
than mindless undead—claw their way from relatively but remains fully functional.
recent graves that contained the bodies of a half-dozen
loggers who perished at a work site accident a few weeks UPRISING AFTERMATH
before this adventure began. Unlike the older bodies that When the last of the undead are destroyed, the cemetery
rose as a shambler troop, these bodies have transformed once again goes quiet. Verrin is traumatized by the
into festrogs. Six festrogs clamber from their graves at a event, and without significant support from the PCs,
rate of 1d4 per round on their initiative count until all he abandons his home and post by sundown, leaving
six have risen. They fight until destroyed, but like the Falcon’s Hollow without a grave keeper. Thuldrin Kreed
shambler troop, any festrogs who lose focus on living foes and the other town leaders bicker over what to do until
head north to Droskar’s Crucible. Kreed eventually appoints a replacement.
If the PCs spend an hour investigating the cemetery,
FESTROGS (6) CREATURE 1 they can discover a pair of significant clues.
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 98 The Cause: Any PC who’s trained in Arcana, Occultism,
Initiative Perception +6 or Religion who Investigates the cemetery after the undead
are defeated can attempt a DC 21 Arcana or Occultism
WAVE 3 SEVERE 4 check, or a DC 19 Religion check. On a success, that PC
Soon after the defeat of the six festrogs, an unsettling confirms a wave of necromantic energy recently washed
tremor shakes the entire cemetery. Choose a square through the cemetery, as if attracted by the presence of so
within the cemetery to serve as the epicenter of this many dead bodies, but offers no obvious explanation for
strange tremor. Any PCs within a 20-foot-emanation of the event.
this square feel the ground shift and bulk below their feet The Trail: A PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Perception
and must succeed at a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid falling check while Investigating or Searching notes some undead
prone. A character standing in the epicenter square suffers escaped—shambling tracks lead north from the cemetery.
a –4 penalty to this saving throw. The cause of this eerie This trail can be Tracked by a PC who succeeds at a DC
tremor soon becomes apparent, as necromantic energy 15 Survival check. Fewer than a dozen skeletons and
has built to a point where all of the dead clamber to the zombies shambled away and spread out. If the PCs pursue
surface at once. The ground shakes as these dead stir to them, a 4th-level party can easily dispatch the creatures.
unlife in the grave dirt below. Otherwise, the undead head to Droskar’s Crucible.
captured and spared a second time convinces the kobold
to give serious thought to his faith and his loyalty to INTRODUCTION
HOOKS ago are behind recent events. The “heroes” he mentions— HOLLOW'S LAST
Drazmorg and his hired mercenaries—are anything but, HOPE
yet to the Truescales, one group of violent adventurers
invading their home is much the same as the next. CHAPTER 2:
While the PCs don’t have hard evidence that the CROWN OF THE
necromantic uprising originates somewhere deep below KERRDREMAK CREATURE 1 KOBOLD KING
Droskar’s Crucible, they might suspect this is the case. Page 54
The recent upwelling of undead at the cemetery, if Initiative Perception +5 CHAPTER 3:
nothing else, should be cause for concern to the PCs that HUNGRY ARE THE
some sort of necromantic blight is brewing in the region. ELITE SKELETON GUARDS (4) CREATURE 0 DEAD
If none of the PCs come to this conclusion, an allied NPC Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 298
from Falcon’s Hollow should suggest this possibility to Initiative Perception +4 CHAPTER 4:
the party. DROSKAR'S DOOM
If the PCs don’t go to the cemetery with Verrin, VENGEFUL ARE THE DEAD MODERATE 4
you can use the following potential hooks to get them Not all of the undead that rise from the soil are merely ADVENTURE
to investigate the cemetery. Alternately, you can use hungry for life—in this optional encounter, an undead foe TOOLBOX
these additional encounters to give the PCs a few more is specifically hungry for the PCs! In this encounter, the
opportunities to gain experience, or to keep journeys to PCs face a revenant risen from the remains of a foe they
and from Droskar’s Crucible interesting and uncertain. defeated earlier in the adventure. While the nature and
appearance of this undead foe can vary, its statistics (even
UNDEAD SIGHTINGS LOW 4 if it’s Small or Large) remain the same.
If the PCs wait too long, they might be ambushed by This encounter works best if you select a foe the PCs
zombies or skeletons on the road outside town, or witness defeated unfairly, or perhaps one a PC might even have
an attack in town by a small band of festrogs. The point of slain without cause, for revenants rise from those who are
this encounter isn’t to particularly challenge the PCs, but filled with a righteous need for vengeance—not out of any
instead to spur them toward investigation. These festrogs sort of intrinsic evil. The necromantic energies infusing
are in addition to those that rise from their graves in Wave the region certainly play a role, and this revenant’s
3. As they’re more intelligent undead, they manage to leap glowing eyes flicker with that same shade of unpleasant
or climb over the cemetery fence. At your option, since yellow, but the core of this creature’s return to life isn’t
the PCs took longer to investigate the cemetery, the initial the necromantic energy leaching into the surrounding
mass of undead they face in Wave 1 can automatically environment, but the creature’s need for vengeance from
break down the cemetery fence to attack. beyond the grave.
An excellent choice for this revenant is the warg
FESTROGS (4) CREATURE 1 Graypelt, whom the PCs likely slew at the climax of
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 98 Chapter 1 of this adventure, but keep in mind a revenant
Initiative Perception +6 needs a body to come back to! If the PCs hauled Graypelt’s
remains back to Falcon’s Hollow as proof, though, his
KERRDREMAK’S RETURN LOW 4 partially taxidermy–prepared remains could make for a
If the kobold Kerrdremak fled a previous confrontation particularly unsettling foe to face!
with the PCs, they can encounter the diabolic little cultist While this creature doesn’t present any new clues as
after he gathers a group of four particularly dangerous to the nature of the necromantic energy in the region,
skeletons under his command. In fact, he’s doing little it should serve to make the PCs nervous that, until they
more than leading the undead toward town, trusting solve this supernatural problem, any foe that they defeat
them to do what comes unnaturally once they find living might come back to try one more time to bring them into
victims. As above, it’s easy to track the undead to the death’s embrace as well!
cemetery, but this time, Kerrdremak let a few of them out.
If the PCs capture him, he can tell them “something REVENANT CREATURE 6
glorious is waking deep below the Truescale home,” and Pathfinder Bestiary 2 227
when it’s fully awake, the dead will rule the world. Being Initiative Perception +14
After the events of Part 1, the PCs should be ready
to continue exploring Droskar’s Crucible. Once the THE KING'S PASSAGE
Truescales learn their king fled deeper into the dungeons, When King Merlokrep and his advisors fled into the
the remaining kobolds flee the complex and scatter into deeper dungeons, they weren’t completely without
the surrounding wilderness. With the exception of King guidance. The visions granted by the slowly wakening
Merlokrep’s coterie in the dungeon’s deepest level (see powers of the Crown of the Kobold King grow stronger
Chapter 4), the Truescales are no longer a thematic the closer Merlokrep comes to the site of the crown’s
danger to the PCs. original creation deep below, helping to lead him through
A much greater danger faces them in the form of the Upper and Lower Vaults safely to Droskar’s Doom (see
undead—some of which rose from the remains of the Chapter 4). The deeper guardians of the dungeon interpret
dwarves who were trapped in these dungeons after the the power exuding from the crown as an indication of
Rending, but most manifested in the wave of necromantic Droskar’s favor.
energy released by the Third Seal. While the PCs face
more significant foes in the vault’s two levels, you can
add mindless zombies formed from the bodies of slain A character who examines the area for magical auras
foes on levels one and two of the crucible as the PCs with spells such as detect magic or read aura and who
make their way through the dungeon. These foes should succeeds at a DC 15 check to Identify Magic notes
be little challenge for a 4th-level party, but if the PCs are the entire complex has been infused with necromantic
still 3rd level, they’re an excellent way to create a few energy that periodically manifests as faint ripples of
extra encounters to prepare the group for the dangers unpleasant yellow energy; the cause of this infusion is
that await in the vault. unclear. On a critical success, that character discerns
the aura is a sort of magical echo left by power that
likely concentrated in dangerous ways throughout the
complex, suggesting undead-themed monsters and
THE UPPER hazards ahead. In some areas of the Upper and Lower
Vault, this energy manifests as eerie sights and sounds,
as detailed in the individual encounters.
the vault, likely just after they finish dealing with the than the floor of the southern hallway and is 10 feet
dangers of the Archives (area F3). deep throughout the chamber. A PC who investigates the
Once they detect the PCs, the shadows avoid conflict. waters below discovers a tangle of rusted, fallen stairs in
Instead, they creep along the walls and keep to the the middle of the pool—all that remains of the stairs that
shadows as the PCs advance. If a PC has a Perception DC once connected to the level above.
of 25 or higher, they notice the strangely moving shadows A few moments after living creatures enter this room,
at some point soon after the shadows begin stalking them; the slime clinging to the walls slithers and congeals,
otherwise, the PCs have a nagging sense of being watched. running together along the cracks in the stonework
to solidify into the shapes of dozens of disembodied
SHADOWS (2) CREATURE 4 human eyes that peer and watch from the walls. This
Pathfinder Bestiary 289 manifestation of the Third Seal’s necromantic wave
Initiative Stealth +14 isn’t just unsettling, but is also psychically linked to
Drazmorg, allowing him to observe events through the
F1. THE STAGNANT POOL LOW 4 eyes in this chamber as long as they remain formed.
These eyes melt away as soon as the room contains no
This large, circular room smells strongly of old earth and faintly more living creatures, or can be destroyed at once by
of rot. Slime coats the walls, and old pieces of wood and patches the application of any area effect that causes damage,
of congealed muck float on the surface of the still, dark water including from positive energy.
that covers all sight of the floor below, making it difficult to Creatures: After King Merlokrep passed through this
determine the water’s depth. A large hallway leads south, its area, Drazmorg placed some undead minions within this
floor a foot above the surface of the water. In the middle of the chamber—a clot of several horrific undead creatures that
ceiling ten feet above, a ten-foot-diameter hole opens to a shaft. manifested spontaneously from the walls and floors of the
vault during the Third Seal’s wave of power. These are
Creatures who jump or fall from the upper level land in squirming swills—shapeless undead normally associated
the middle of this room. The water level is a foot deeper with residues found within the cauldrons and cooking
Level Three
F3 F9
F13 F7
74 F8
pots utilized by covens. In this case, they were dredged levers from the gears to trigger two traps (see Hazards,
directly from the walls of the place, manifested from the below). Once the traps activate, the undead lurch into INTRODUCTION
latent trauma baked into the dungeon by the Rending so the room to attack.
long ago. CHAPTER 1:
Three squirming swills float in the water and attack GHASTS (2) CREATURE 2 HOLLOW'S LAST
any living creature who enters the room. They pursue Pathfinder Bestiary 169 HOPE
foes throughout the complex but abandon pursuit once Initiative Perception +8
line of sight is broken for more than a few rounds. CHAPTER 2:
While the swills are unintelligent, their link to the eerie FESTROGS (2) CREATURE 1 CROWN OF THE
necromancy of this room channels some of Drazmorg’s Pathfinder Bestiary 3 98 KOBOLD KING
idle thoughts, causing vague, mouthlike orifices to open Initiative Perception +6
in the swills during battle. These mouths can’t attack, CHAPTER 3:
but their eerie, raspy whispers are certainly unnerving Hazards: These two traps were once more complex HUNGRY ARE THE
since they describe in Necril the many ways the and fully automated, but now they’re simple traps that DEAD
PCs’ flesh and bones will be used to create new must be triggered manually. If the PCs defeat the undead
undead minions. in this room quickly, then they’ll have little to fear from CHAPTER 4:
both of these traps. DROSKAR'S DOOM
Stealth DC 20 (expert)
Treasure: A PC who Searches the stagnant waters Description Several swinging pendulums mounted with
and ruined stairs below, and who succeeds at a DC 19 razor-sharp blades extend from the ceiling and slice into
Perception check, finds a rotting leather pouch of gems. the room below.
There are 12 small gems in the satchel—mostly quartz, Disable DC 20 Thievery to jam the gears and prevent the
jasper, and agate—11 of these gems are worth 5 gp, but trap from being activated
the 12th gemstone is obviously more valuable, as it’s a Swinging Blades [two-actions] (attack) Trigger This trap must
fear gem talisman that flickers with an eerie green glow. be manually activated by a creature adjacent to the
southwest gear stack; Effect Blades swing down to
F2. CHAMBER OF GEARS MODERATE 4 strike at all creatures in area F2 before wrenching to
a frozen halt against the opposite walls. All creatures
The tunnel opens into a large, cone-shaped room. The air reeks of in the central part of this room take 6d6+3 slashing
decay, and an immense stone door looms in a wide alcove to the damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save).
south. To either side of these doors are stacked several immense
stone gears, each interlocking with the surrounding walls and SPIKE THROWER HAZARD 2
visibly straining for release. UNCOMMON MECHANICAL TRAP
Stealth DC 18 (expert)
This chamber once served as a trap-filled corridor, Description Slats in the ceiling open and pepper the
but Drazmorg’s trap expert, Grimbal Slipstone, handily chamber below with long, metal spikes fired from
disabled the traps when the necromancer arrived. When spring-loaded tubes.
King Merlokrep and his kobolds recently moved through Disable DC 18 Thievery to jam the gears and prevent the
the area with ease, Drazmorg placed some guardians trap from being activated
to watch the chamber. With Grimbal no longer able to Throw Spikes [two-actions] (attack) Trigger This trap must be
rebuild and repair the traps (area F3), these traps must be manually activated by a creature adjacent to the
manually triggered by the guards. southwest gear stack; Effect The spike thrower makes
Creatures: This chamber is guarded by a pair of a ranged attack against each creature in the central part
ghasts and a pair of festrogs. The festrogs lurk in the of area F2.
15-foot-wide alcove to the south, just before the stone Ranged spike +14, Damage 4d6+3 piercing
door, while a ghast hides near each of the stacks of
gears to either side of the door. When the PCs enter, F3. THE ARCHIVES MODERATE 4
the festrogs howl and gibber in an attempt to lure
them forward. The ghasts wait until at least a few PCs Square pillars, each carved with words large enough to be read
enter the main body of the chamber before releasing from arm’s length, stand in orderly rows in the middle of this
immense chamber. The pillars rise from floor to ceiling and are Creatures: An unsettling sight draws the attention of
almost entirely surrounded by a three-foot-high stone wall. the PCs from the stone archives: in the southern half of
Further south, six looming stone statues of dwarves stand in the room, the decapitated body of a dwarf thrashes and
circular alcoves to either side of an open hallway. twitches. Occasionally, the animated remains stand up,
take a few staggering steps in a random direction, and
The Dwarven words carved onto these pillars date then tumble onto the ground in a fresh set of shuddering
back more than 800 years. Each pillar recounts a specific fits. Where the body’s head should be is a faint, spectral
dwarven commander’s recollections of their experiences shape of yellow smoke in which burn two tiny pinpoints
leading troops during the Shining Crusade and include of light where the eyes should be.
numerous accounts of the horrific actions taken by the This unfortunate form is the decapitated corpse of
Whispering Tyrant and agents of the Whispering Way. a dwarf, Grimbal, who was one of the mercenaries
Many of these firsthand accounts have otherwise been Drazmorg hired to aid in his exploration of the vault.
lost to time, but there are no revelations in these writings The neck wound is ragged, as if the head were torn
that would significantly alter established historical facts, from the body rather than severed by a blade. Suffused
with one exception—a character who spends at least with necromantic energy from the breaking of the Third
an hour studying these accounts learns the 18 dwarven Seal, Grimbal’s corpse flops about in an unnerving but
commanders who recorded their stories here were chosen ultimately harmless manifestation of undeath. Treat the
by the dwarven kingdom to safeguard one of the lesser corpse as a zombie shambler if statistics are needed,
seals meant to keep the Great Seal in Gallowspire in place. except it can’t make any attacks; if destroyed, it drops to
the ground, finally still.
Much more dangerous than Grimbal’s thrashing
headless body is his undead spirit. The necromantic energy
unleashed by the Third Seal corrupted his lingering soul,
twisting and transforming it into a ghost. While Grimbal’s
body won’t react to intruders, his ghost most certainly
will—the “head” that seems to extend from the body’s
neck is in fact the ghost. As it vacates its body to attack on
its own, the headless undead corpse continues to stagger
and stumble about aimlessly. This ghost attacked King
Merlokrep’s band when they scuttled through this room
to the south, and it attacks the PCs, although it won’t
pursue foes from this chamber.
If the PCs reunite Grimbal’s head (from area F4) with
his body, the head seems to sigh before head and body
both crumble into dust. This also causes his ghost, if it
still exists, to fade as well, put to rest by the restoration of
his mortal remains.
Grimbal’s ghost is similar in appearance to his body,
but a roiling mass of shadows replaces its head, and two
furious, glowing pinpoints of yellow light peer from the
mass. The ghost flits from one archive pillar to the next,
using Stealth to roll initiative when it attacks.
Male dwarf ghost
Perception +13; darkvision
Languages Common, Dwarven
Skills Stealth +14
Str –5, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2
Site Bound
AC 22; Fort +10, Ref +16, Will +13
HP 75, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities death
effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; with protecting the head and locked him in this room. The
Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost touch, or undead priest no longer has magical abilities and exists as INTRODUCTION
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical) a mummy, albeit one whose disease affects the living in a
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) Restoring Grimbal’s different way than that of a typical mummy. CHAPTER 1:
head from area F4 to his remains in this room allows HOLLOW'S LAST
him to move on to the afterlife. CILIOS CREATURE 6 HOPE
Speed fly 25 feet Variant male mummy guardian (Pathfinder Bestiary 240)
Melee [one-action] ghostly hand +16 (agile, finesse, magical), Damage Initiative Perception +16 CHAPTER 2:
2d8+6 negative plus drain mind Blinding Rot (curse, disease, divine, necromancy, negative) CROWN OF THE
Drain Mind (divine, necromancy) When Grimbal damages Cilios’s fist Strikes expose those they damage to KOBOLD KING
a living creature with his ghostly hand Strike, the ghost blinding rot. This disease and any damage from it can’t
gains 5 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must be healed until this curse is removed. A creature killed CHAPTER 3:
succeed at a DC 24 Will save or become stupefied by blinding rot turns to dust and can’t be resurrected HUNGRY ARE THE
1. Further damage dealt by the ghost increases this except by a 7th-level resurrect ritual or similar magic. DEAD
stupefied value by 1 on a failed save to a maximum
of stupefied 4. Each time a creature affected by drain CHAPTER 4:
mind gets a full night’s rest, decrease its stupefied value DROSKAR'S DOOM
caused by drain mind by 1.
Treasure: Grimbal’s possessions include a chain shirt, TOOLBOX
+1 striking rapier, magnifying glass, some drafting papers,
a set of infiltrator thieves’ tools, a skeleton key, and 47 gp
(Drazmorg’s last payment for his services, minus a few
Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with a dormitory. The only feature that survived the passage of
no ill effect (1 minute); Stage 2 4d6 negative damage time relatively intact is a large, iron gear-like wheel fitted to
and dazzled (1 day); Stage 3 4d6 negative damage and a stone pillar in the northwest of the room. The larger alcove
blinded (1 day) to the south of this pillar has a curved stone wall. Bones and
fragments of metal armor lie scattered among the debris.
Treasure: In addition to the cresset of grisly
interrogation, Cilios wears a choker of elocution that This room was once a dormitory for the bulk of the
grants the ability to understand Necril. Grimbal’s head dwarves who remained here to guard the Third Seal.
can aid the PCs in navigating the dungeon or warn them After the Rending trapped them within, they eventually
of traps, but it can’t warn them of any undead guardians succumbed to starvation.
placed by Drazmorg, as these developments took place The wheel mounted on the pillar can be turned, but
after Grimbal’s death. The head can also advise the doing so requires strength and patience. A PC can rotate
PCs on Drazmorg himself. While Grimbal has seen the the pillar one full revolution over 1 minute and with
Third Seal and knows the magic it unleashed caused a a successful DC 20 Athletics check; once complete, the
wave of necromantic energy that (among other things) larger pillar to the south that blocks access to area F6
transformed Drazmorg into an undead monstrosity, he grinds into the ground. Originally, doing so released
isn’t sure what the Third Seal is, nor does he know its six creatures that were trapped within long ago, but
significance. those monsters are now free to lurk about the chamber
(see Creatures, below). Once lowered, the pillar can be
F5. CRYPT OF THE STARVED MODERATE 4 rotated again with another minute of work to seal area
F6 again.
The crumbled remains of furniture lie scattered over the floor, Creatures: Ages ago, six desperate dwarves allowed
hinting that this chamber once served as a lounge or perhaps themselves to be sealed within the hollow chambers of
the southern barrier, hoping their spirits would infuse
the rooms beyond with protection. They succumbed to
starvation just like the rest, but these six rose from death
as festrogs. When Drazmorg originally lowered this
pillar, he released the festrogs. He quickly recruited their
aid by offering them some of his traveling companions
as food. The festrogs remain in this chamber, but their
hunger remains. They attack the PCs on sight and pursue
them throughout the level.
movements filling the chamber with a horrible concert into an eye-filled pit. The eyes cushion the fall so the
of sliding, squishing sounds. 20-foot fall inflicts only 5 bludgeoning damage, but INTRODUCTION
The burst of energy from the broken Third Seal they also completely obscure vision; a character is
converted the eyeballs, which were once baked clay and effectively blind as long as they remain in the pit. The CHAPTER 1:
part of a strange magical trap, to animated flesh. The walls of the pit are slick, though a character can Climb HOLLOW'S LAST
eyeballs are alive but can’t attack. They rotate to watch them with a successful DC 25 Athletics check. HOPE
PCs near them but have no offensive or defensive abilities. Trip [reaction] Trigger A creature walks into a small pit’s square;
Any damaging area effect that inflicts at least 5 points of Effect The triggering creature must succeed at a DC CHAPTER 2:
damage clears the eyes from the floor in that area. 18 Reflex save or fall prone (on a critical failure, the CROWN OF THE
While the carpet of eyes is only a few inches thick, creature also twists its ankle and becomes clumsy 1 KOBOLD KING
walking through the room is particularly unsettling as until it receives any amount of healing).
eyes burst under every footstep. A character can shuffle CHAPTER 3:
through the mess to push the eyes in their path out of the F7. THE COPPER PALADIN TRIVIAL 4 HUNGRY ARE THE
way to avoid stepping on them, but doing so causes the DEAD
character to treat the room as if it were difficult terrain. A life-sized, copper-plated statue of a dwarven paladin stands
Further complicating navigation through the room in the middle of this otherwise empty room. The statue’s armor CHAPTER 4:
are a dozen large pits and nine smaller depressions in bears a distinctive design. It holds an unlit wax candle in each DROSKAR'S DOOM
the ground (see Hazard, below). outstretched hand. A message is inscribed on the low, circular
Creature: The leaking energy from the Third Seal did stone platform at the statue’s feet. Beyond the statue, a large, ADVENTURE
more than manifest thousands of disembodied eyes— metal double door stands in the southern wall. TOOLBOX
it also spontaneously created a living amalgamation
of eyes that now lurches around this room as an The inscription at the statue’s feet reads “By Your
impromptu guardian. This creature’s body is made Light, We Follow” in Dwarven. With a successful DC
entirely of eyes, and when it attacks, the larger eyes 19 Religion or Society check, or a successful DC 17
transform into fanged mouths. This hideous monstrosity Iomedae Lore (or other appropriate Lore) check to
is otherwise identical to an elite gibbering mouther. It Recall Knowledge, a character confirms the paladin’s
slithers through the room without a care for any eyes it armor and design represent the dwarven armies that
might pop, and the nature of its body allows it to slide fought in the Shining Crusade. On a critical success, a
over the smaller depressions in the room and avoid the PC recalls stories of certain dwarven paladins who used
larger pits with ease. It fights to the death but doesn’t candles as a way to denote locations of safety behind
pursue the PCs from this chamber. enemy lines during the Shining Crusade, suggesting there
might be more to this room than initially appears.
THE MYRIAD EYES CREATURE 6 Drazmorg gave this apparent dead end only a cursory
Elite gibbering mouther (Pathfinder Bestiary 176) glance, but if the PCs Search the statue and succeed at
Initiative Perception +17 a DC 19 Perception check, they find a pair of small,
circular depressions in the floor just behind the statue’s
Hazard: A number of pits—some large enough to feet. On a critical success at this check, a PC discovers
engulf a human, and some only big enough to wrench faint smears of wax on these holes.
an ankle—lie hidden under the room’s unsettling carpet If the candles are removed, placed in the depressions,
of eyes. and then lit, the entire statue, base included, slides east
to reveal a 7-foot-wide shaft leading downward. The
OBSCURED PITFALLS HAZARD 2 iron rungs of a ladder allow for easy navigation of the
UNCOMMON ENVIRONMENTAL 20-foot-deep passageway, which leads to area F8.
Stealth DC 18 (or 0 if the eyes covering an area that The entire mechanism is magical, so a character who
obscures a pitfall are destroyed) examines the statue and succeeds at a DC 19 check
Description A layer of disembodied eyes obscures a pitfall to Identify Magic on the statue can tell it’s a magical
in the floor that’s either deep enough for a human to doorway of some sort, and that candles have something
fall into, or narrow enough to cause a painful fall. to do with its activation. On a critical success, a PC
Disable This hazard can’t be disabled, merely avoided. discovers the exact method of opening the way to area
Pitfall [reaction] Trigger A creature walks into a large pit’s F8. If the PCs achieved a critical success at Recalling
square; Effect The triggering creature falls into the pit Knowledge about the paladin statue (see above), they
but can attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to Grab an Edge adjust the result of this attempt to Identify Magic up by
to avoid falling. On a failure, a creature falls 20 feet one degree of success.
The statue returns to its position if the candles are This room was designed to give the original architects
snuffed out or if it’s closed from below. As soon as the a place to retreat if something went wrong with the
copper paladin slides into place, the candles teleport into Third Seal. The dwarves maintained several long-lasting
its hands, their lengths fully restored as if they’d never protective wards here, but none of these preparations
been lit. mattered when the Rending threw it all into chaos. The
Hazard: The double door to the south is a trap meant cultists of Droskar had little use for this room, which has
to distract and harm intruders, and the thunderous sound been ignored since that time.
of the trap triggering alerts anyone hiding in the safe The map on the floor is eight centuries out of date, and
room below (area F8) that enemies have drawn near. some of the locations are forgotten or no longer exist.
At your discretion, some of these lost locations can turn
AVALANCHE DOORS HAZARD 4 into future adventures if the PCs reference this map for
UNCOMMON MECHANICAL TRAP additional exploration around the Lake Encarthan region.
Stealth DC 22 (expert) If the candle on the opposite wall is lit, the statue above
Description The double door is a false door; when triggered, resets, hiding the entrance to this room. This candle burns
the door slams downward like a drawbridge to crush bright but without heat, and it constantly refreshes, rather
anyone standing before it. than diminishes, the oxygen in the room—snuffing the
Disable DC 22 Thievery (trained) to detach the trigger from candle out (an Interact action) or removing it from its
the doors and lock them in place holder causes the statue above to move aside and allow exit
AC 21; Fort +14, Ref +8 from the safe room. If the candle is removed, it vanishes
Hardness 11, HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities critical hits, object after 1 minute and reappears, unharmed, in its wall setting.
immunities, precision damage Treasure: A few magic items remain in this room,
Topple Forward [reaction] Trigger Someone attempts to open including three moderate healing potions, two scrolls of
the doors, or the doors take enough damage to become remove disease, two scrolls of remove curse, a wand of
broken; Effect The heavy metal doors are spring-loaded restoration, and a greater staff of healing.
to slam downward, dropping like a drawbridge to smash
all creatures in a 10-foot-square before the doors. All F9. BROKEN ROOM
creatures in this area must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature lurches to the side and Extensive structural damage collapsed the east wall,
takes no damage—move the creature to a square of the transforming it into a pile of rubble that partially blocks the
creature’s choice adjacent to the trap’s area of effect. entrance to a natural cavern beyond. Recent human remains
Success The creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage poke from beneath the rubble. The walls to the west survive
and is pushed into an adjacent square just outside the and depict images of dwarves engaged in funerary practices—
trap’s area. although the carvings appear to have been altered by less
Failure The creature takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage, is talented sculptors at some point.
pushed into an adjacent square just outside the trap’s
area, and falls prone in that square. Wails, cries of pain, and gasping sobs issue from beyond
Critical Failure The creature takes 12d8 bludgeoning the rubble leading to area F10.
damage and is knocked prone. The heavy doors pin This room was once the entrance to the cultists’ crypt
the creature to the ground, Immobilizing it (Escape beyond. Droskar’s worshippers left a surprise to punish
DC 22). A non-immobilized character can lift the anyone who dared to despoil their remains. When
doors by Forcing them open with a successful DC 22 Drazmorg’s minions unwittingly triggered this explosive
Athletics check so that an immobilized character can magical trap, it caused this room and the crypts beyond
crawl to safety. to collapse into the large cavern beyond.
Droskar cultists attempted to improve the carvings of
F8. SAFE ROOM their predecessors in the western walls. With a successful
DC 19 Religion check to Recall Knowledge, , a character
A ladder on the north wall leads to a hole in the ceiling. Various knows the original carvings depicted burial practices
items line shelves built into the walls, including several rolls that followed Torag’s teachings. The adjustments are a
of vellum, some stone decanters, a few books, and a wooden much less artistic interpretation of these same practices
staff, but the majority of the other items have long decayed. according to Droskar’s faith.
The floor is engraved with a sprawling map of central Avistan. Treasure: If the PCs Search the rubble, they uncover
A single candle sits in a holder mounted on the wall opposite the crushed corpses of a half-dozen of Drazmorg’s
the ladder. mercenaries who perished in the explosion. Most of their
gear was destroyed, but the PCs can recover a wand of BLOODY SKELETONS (5) CREATURE 0
burning hands from one of the bodies with a successful Elite bloody skeleton guards (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 298) INTRODUCTION
DC 20 Perception check. Initiative Perception +4
F10. THE PIT OF ETERNAL TOIL SEVERE 4 Hazard: While the ectoplasmic manifestations of the HOLLOW'S LAST
toiling dwarven cultists are harmless, the necromantic HOPE
Hints of a worked-stone crypt are visible along the edges of energies that seethe in the pit are anything but. The pit
this immense cavern, but the majority of the chamber has is 15 feet deep, and its sides, while steep, can be scaled CHAPTER 2:
collapsed into rubble. The floor slopes gently down to the by a character who succeeds at a DC 10 Athletics check CROWN OF THE
southeast before plummeting into a large sinkhole surrounded to Climb. A living creature inside the pit is subject to KOBOLD KING
by a wide, rubble-strewn ledge. necromantic danger.
Creatures: To Droskar’s faithful, death is but a doorway PIT OF TOIL HAZARD 2 HUNGRY ARE THE
one steps through between the toils performed during life UNIQUE COMPLEX HAUNT DEAD
and those performed during death. Unfortunately for the Stealth +0
dwarven cultists who were buried here centuries ago, this Description As ghostly, ectoplasm-dripping figures of CHAPTER 4:
faith was so deep-seated that their spirits remained to dwarves work all around, the body of a living creature DROSKAR'S DOOM
haunt the crypt. When Drazmorg’s mercenaries triggered within the pit begins to ache with the pains of countless
the trap that destroyed this crypt, it transformed the burial hours of back-breaking toil. ADVENTURE
chamber into a scene from Hell. Tormented spirits of the Disable DC 21 Crafting (expert) to shame the pit by miming TOOLBOX
dead cultists toil in the pit below, forging or carving a skilled artistry, or DC 18 Religion (trained) to exorcise
new object to carry to Droskar for approval. When these the haunt
spirits haul their creations up the sides of the pit to offer Invite Toil [reaction] Trigger A living creature enters the pit; Effect
them, they’re tormented, berated, and forced back into The surrounding dwarven shapes begin to chant in
the pit by haunting reflections of themselves. In death, Dwarven, encouraging newcomers to join them as they
as in life, the cultists of Droskar remain their own most grasp for them with their cold, incorporeal hands. The pit
intolerant critics. of toil rolls initiative.
The haunting shapes are semi-real, formed from Routine (1 action; divine, necromancy) As the dwarves
glistening ectoplasm drawn from the spiritual turmoil continue to chant and grasp at the living, the pit
that infuses the chamber and enhanced by the Third Seal’s infuses all living creatures inside it with the ache
necromantic energy. While they remain largely harmless and pain a body endures after hours of constant toil.
in this semisolid state, other creatures in the room enjoy Each living creature in the pit must attempt a DC 18
a role in the judgment at the pit’s edge. These creatures Fortitude save.
include several undead Drazmorg created from fallen Critical Success The creature suffers no ill effect and is
mercenaries that cavort here until he needs them. The thereafter immune to the pit of toil’s routine.
tormenting undead include a ghast, two festrogs, and Success The creature suffers no ill effect.
five bloody skeletons. These undead gleefully shift their Failure The creature takes 2d6 negative damage and
attention to the PCs and fight until destroyed. If a PC becomes enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
engages one of the undead while adjacent to the pit’s Critical Failure The creature takes 4d6 negative damage
edge, the undead can attempt to Shove a PC into the pit and becomes fatigued.
or attempt to Trip a PC; a PC who falls prone from a
trip must succeed at a Reflex save against the undead’s Treasure: Disabling the pit of toil releases the trapped
Athletics DC to avoid falling into the pit. A PC who spirits to the afterlife. Normally, the trapped spirits of
tumbles down the steep slope into the 15-foot-deep pit Droskar cultists would transition into similar torments
takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage (DC 13 basic Reflex save). in his domain, but the PCs’ act of mercy, combined with
the 800 years of time served, allows the released souls
GHAST CREATURE 2 to be judged worthy of redemption and to move on to
Pathfinder Bestiary 169 Torag’s realm instead. All PCs involved in this encounter
Initiative Perception +8 feel a sense of relief and thanks from the spirits, and they
all receive a minor boon from Torag: the next time any
FESTROGS (2) CREATURE 1 item wielded by one of these PCs becomes destroyed,
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 98 it’s instead restored to full HP. This boon triggers
Initiative Perception +6 automatically, but only once per character.
F11. CORRIDOR CROSSROAD TRIVIAL 4 At the far end of the room, a slightly raised dais holds several long
knives, a glass alembic, and six bisected skulls filled with strange,
Two corridors here intersect to form a crossroads. To the east, putrescent powders.
the corridor ends shortly at a small waterfall spilling from the
open mouths of four carved human faces. The water collects in This chamber was first built as a shrine to Torag, then
a small stone pool beneath. To the north, a ten-foot-square slab rebuilt by the cultists to be devoted to Droskar. Drazmorg
of solid granite rests in a wheeled track, permitting it to slide further adjusted and converted the chamber into a
left or right to allow or deny access to the northern hallway; it’s necromancy work room. He and his mercenaries used this
currently slightly ajar. chamber as a base camp, but now that his mercenaries
are all dead (or worse) and he has been transformed,
A successful DC 20 Arcana, Occultism, Religion, or Drazmorg uses the chamber less frequently.
Nature check to Identify Magic on the fountain reveals Creatures: Drazmorg hired mostly mercenaries to
the water constantly recycles and replenishes, and serves accompany him into Droskar’s Crucible, but he has an
as a source of potable drinking water. undead companion, Hymmir, who has accompanied
Hazard: At one point, the slab to the north could slide Drazmorg for years.
open or closed, but time has dangerously decayed the Not long before Drazmorg first encountered him,
track on which the slab rolls. Hymmir stumbled upon the cairn of an ancient mystic
dedicated to the Whispering Way after becoming lost in the
LOOSE SLAB HAZARD 3 wilds. The mystic had attempted the transition to lichdom,
UNCOMMON MECHANICAL TRAP but after perishing from the failed attempt, his disciples
Stealth DC 23 (trained) buried him in the remote hills. His body remained perfectly
Description The stone slab tears free from its track with preserved as a side effect of his failed bid at lichdom, and
the ear-piercing sound of failing metal. when Hymmir stumbled across the remains in a starvation
Disable DC 20 Crafting (expert) to shore up the track so induced delirium, he fed. The necromantically infused flesh
that it functions as intended, or DC 18 Thievery (trained) killed Hymmir, but he rose from that death a ghoul. Now,
to wedge the slab in place to immobilize it strange and terrible whispers echo in his skull like sour
Falling Slab [reaction] Trigger A creature attempts to move the winds. His search for answers to these whispers led him
slab; Effect The slab rips free from its track and falls, to meet Drazmorg. Hymmir has served Drazmorg loyally,
slamming down in one direction while it kicks up twisted hoping that one day he’ll discover a way to interpret and
metal debris in the other. All creatures adjacent to the quell the whispers.
slab take 3d6 bludgeoning and 3d6 piercing damage (DC Drazmorg has little immediate use for Hymmir and
20 basic Reflex save). told the ghoulish barbarian to wait in this room, both to
protect its contents and to meditate on the whispers in
Treasure: If the PCs approach this fountain after his mind. Hymmir is now starting to wonder if Drazmorg
disabling the pit of toil in area F10, the ghostly form of a really plans to help him, but he sees the arrival of the PCs
thankful dwarf manifests next to the fountain and holds as justification for his role and leaps to attack at once. If
out one hand toward the water as if to invite the PCs reduced to fewer than 20 Hit Points, he attempts to flee
to partake. The water in the fountain takes on a faint to area F13 and to the Lower Vault to warn Drazmorg;
golden radiance, and with a successful DC 10 Crafting if cornered, he fights until destroyed—a fate that sets
or Religion check to Recall Knowledge, a character him free from the whispers more surely than anything
confirms the water has been transformed into holy Drazmorg could ever do.
water. The PCs can harvest up to 10 vials of holy water
from the fountain before the remaining water returns HYMMIR URATH CREATURE 5
Male human barbarian ghoul (Pathfinder Bestiary 168)
F12. LABORATORY LOW 4 Perception +13; darkvision
Languages Common, Hallit, Necril
Thick iron chains line the interior walls of this T-shaped room, Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +14, Intimidation +11,
linked and welded into a single, massive chandelier that hangs Stealth +11, Survival +13
from the central ceiling. Upon twisted branches of symmetrically- Str +5, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2
positioned, blackened chains rest scores of half-burnt candles. AC 21; Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +13
Within, the air chokes with greasy soot and the scent of rotting HP 80, negative healing; Immunities death effects, disease,
flesh. An oversized granite altar serves as the room’s centerpiece. paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Speed 30 feet, burrow 5 feet in the laboratory, a character can gather a full set of
Melee [one-action] jaws +14 (finesse), Damage 2d6+7 plus ghoul expanded alchemist’s tools. INTRODUCTION
fever and paralysis
Melee [one-action] claw +14 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d4+7 plus F13. CHAMBER OF BONES MODERATE 4 CHAPTER 1:
paralysis HOLLOW'S LAST
Consume Flesh [one-action] (manipulate) As ghoul, but Hymmir Vaulted crawl spaces sealed with iron bars extend from the HOPE
regains 3d6 Hit Points. northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast corners of this
Ghoul Fever (disease) As ghoul, but DC 22. octagonal chamber. In the center of the room stands a statue of CHAPTER 2:
Hungry Rage [reaction] (concentrate, emotion, mental) Trigger a dwarven priest dressed in formal robes with his head bowed. A CROWN OF THE
Hymmir damages a living creature with his jaws Strike; flight of stairs leads downward from a southern hall. KOBOLD KING
Effect The taste of flesh and blood throws Hymmir into
a violent rage. He gains 9 temporary Hit Points, deals an The smaller crawl spaces serve as ossuaries for the bones CHAPTER 3:
additional 2 damage with melee Strikes, and takes a –1 of workers who perished during the vault’s construction. HUNGRY ARE THE
penalty to AC for 1 minute. The flight of stairs to the south lead to the Lower Vault, DEAD
Gnaw and Chew [three-actions] Requirements Hymmir is in a narrowing in width from 10 feet to 5 feet after descending
hungry rage; Effect Hymmir attempts a jaws Strike. If he 30 feet, and then continuing a further 30 feet to area G1. CHAPTER 4:
hits, he chews at his target and inflicts an additional 1d6 Creatures: The two skulking shadows (page 72) that DROSKAR'S DOOM
slashing damage. Hymmir regains 3d6 Hit Points. have been stalking the PCs through this dungeon are
Paralysis (incapacitation, necromancy, occult) As ghoul, normally found here, guarding the entrance to the Lower ADVENTURE
but DC 22. Vault ever since King Merlokrep and his kobolds made TOOLBOX
Swift Leap [one-action] (move) As ghoul. Drazmorg realize the need for guards. If the two shadows
haven’t yet attacked the PCs, they do so here, fighting
Treasure: The liquid in the alembic contains 5 until destroyed.
doses of necrobinding serum (page 116), a potent
blend of Drazmorg’s creation with which he has been SHADOWS (2) CREATURE 4
experimenting. He hopes to develop a version of the Pathfinder Bestiary 289
serum with permanent effects. Among the other tools Initiative Stealth +14
The leaking energy of the broken Third Seal is much
stronger on the fourth level of Droskar’s Crucible. The
stale air feels thicker and carries a noticeable scent of
decaying flesh. While these sensations don’t have actual
game effects, the PCs still feel a strange metaphysical
resistance whenever they attempt to utilize any effect
with the positive trait. Eyes seem to randomly open and
close on the walls, and PCs have the constant sensation of
being watched. These effects are largely just cosmetic, but The rooms of the Lower Vault are unlit. Ceiling height
should serve to keep the PCs on edge as they explore the here is twice as high on average; tunnels reach heights of
Grave of the Third Seal. 20 feet, rising to 30 feet in most larger rooms. Doors are
made of stone and open easily.
Spew Toxins [reaction] Trigger A visible living creature enters the The pool of water is 30 feet deep. The wall of bones
room, or a Stealthy creature fails to remain hidden from is a 5-foot-thick barrier Drazmorg created to completely
the toxic furnace with a DC 25 Stealth check (the trap’s block the passageway. Each 5-foot-by-5-foot section of
sensors have darkvision and lifesense); Effect One of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 25 Hit Points. It’s
the toxic furnace’s vents swivels to aim at the triggering immune to critical hits and precision damage, and it heals
creature and then spews a gout of boiling toxin at the damage to itself at a rate of 2d6 Hit Points at the end of
target. The toxic furnace then rolls initiative. a round. A destroyed section of the wall of bones can be
Routine (3 actions) The trap loses 1 action for each disabled moved through, and it no longer heals damage, allowing
vent. On each of the trap’s actions, a vent spews a gout access to the stairs beyond (which lead to area E1).
of boiling toxin at a living creature in sight of it. It can’t
target a single creature more than once per round, so if G3. THE HANGING SEER LOW 5
there aren’t enough viable targets for all 3 actions, the
trap loses those unspent actions. In the center of this thirty-foot-diameter chamber is a large
Ranged boiling toxin +17 (range 30 feet), Damage 1d6 acid, green crystal. Iron chains extend from it and connect to the
2d6 fire, and 2d6 poison ceiling, suspending the crystal a few feet above the floor. The
Reset The trap resets after 1 minute, during which it sees crystal has the corpse of a man dressed in a hooded robe of
no creatures to target. archaic style entombed within it. A piece of the crystal is broken
off, exposing the man’s hand, and tiny fragments of the broken
G2. FLOODED INTERSECTION crystal lie scattered about the floor.
A still pool of what appears to be dark water floods this A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Religion check to
intersection. Tunnels extend into the dark to the east, west, and Recall Knowledge confirms the garb worn by the corpse is
south. To the north, they end at what appears to be a tangled associated with an obscure and archaic sect that venerated
wall of bones and skulls. Pharasma, though it hasn’t been active for over a century.
G6 G5
Level Four
Creature: The man in the crystal was a priest of
Pharasma named Tazimir, a member of a minor sect INTRODUCTION
called the Spiral Seers who focused on Pharasma’s role
as a goddess of fate. He volunteered to accompany the CHAPTER 1:
dwarves when they set off to find a hiding place for the HOLLOW'S LAST
Third Seal. Tazimir became concerned once he realized HOPE
how slowly and deliberately the dwarves were building
the complex. After much soul-searching and prayer, he CHAPTER 2:
decided extending his life and becoming a longer-lived CROWN OF THE
guardian for the good of the future was the right choice. KOBOLD KING
He intended his servitude as the Hanging Seer to last
for only a century beyond his normal lifespan, as CHAPTER 3:
it would be plenty of time for the dwarves to HUNGRY ARE THE
finalize the Third Seal’s defenses. Then, the DEAD
dwarves would smash his crystal and allow
his 100-year-delayed death to take him to CHAPTER 4:
the Boneyard. DROSKAR'S DOOM
His transformation into a preserved
guardian was flawless, but this worshipper of fate ADVENTURE
failed to anticipate the Rending. When the time came TOOLBOX
for his release, the now-cultists of Droskar believed the
man’s endless toil was sacred. They left him to continue to
defy death, even after the cult died out.
Drazmorg was the next to encounter the Hanging
Seer after centuries of isolation. Even at a fraction of
his original strength, the Hanging Seer proved to be
a dangerous threat. Instead of spending more time
investigating, Drazmorg abandoned the imprisoned priest
after managing to smash only a corner of the crystal,
which exposed one of the Hanging Seer’s hands to the air
and caused it to decay instantly. TAZIMIR
The Hanging Seer can’t move or speak, but he
can observe his surroundings and communicate
telepathically. As soon as he notices the PCs, he warns
them that a reckless necromancer broke the ancient Tazimir’s anguish and the influence of the broken Third
seal entombing the Whispering Tyrant. In addition Seal has transformed him into a wraith that immediately
to understanding the history of the dungeon and the escapes his crystal prison to attack the PCs with a howl;
atrociousness of Tar-Baphon, Tazimir can confirm there this allows the wraith to roll initiative with an Intimidation
are two other seals that keep the Whispering Tyrant check. Once he’s destroyed, the sound of Tazimir’s sigh of
imprisoned (but he doesn’t know where they are). He relief echoes through the room as his soul finally moves
can tell them how to enter the safe room (area F8) and on to meet its maker.
that there are several potent healing tools stored therein,
but his information about Drazmorg is outdated—he TAZIMIR, THE HANGING SEER CREATURE 6
isn’t aware the man has become undead. Wraith (Pathfinder Bestiary 335)
Once the PCs learn enough or are about to leave, the Initiative Intimidation +15
Hanging Seer’s grip on reality ends. Combined with the
creeping decay that has worked its way from his now Reward: For freeing Tazimir the Hanging Seer from his
exposed hand, death finally comes for the long-imprisoned fate, the PCs earn a tiny boon from Pharasma. Once, each
priest—or it would, in a less awful situation. PC can gain a +2 status bonus to a single check; the PCs’
Instead, the decay that began on his hand accelerates, player can apply this bonus after determining the result,
spreading into his body and causing his remains to swiftly and it can potentially change the degree of success.
crumble to dust. This is just the beginning. In place of the XP Award: Grant the PCs an additional 80 XP for
formerly imprisoned body looms a shadowy duplicate. accomplishing this merciful act.
G4. TALLOW WORKSHOP MODERATE 5 this area has interacted with the tallow in the westernmost
vat to form a strange magical object: a tallowheart mass.
The air in this room is befouled by a haze of smoke that reeks of This item (page 117) bobs on the surface of that vat’s
burnt animal fat. Drizzling from corner alcoves, streams of pallid bubbling contents; if it isn’t allowed to cool for a minute,
wax pool across the floor from the two-foot-diameter stubs of it deals 1d4 fire damage per round to a creature handling
once massive candles, their sputtering wicks now moments from it.
winking out. Beyond the alcoves is a semi-attached room filled
with oversized metal and stone cogs. G5. UNDEAD STORAGE LOW 5
The dwarves once made significant use of tallow in the The hall widens into a larger chamber with a vaulted ceiling
creation of molds, and they built this workshop for easier rising nearly forty feet. Alcoves to the north and south lead to
access to the materials needed. The magical furnaces and cylindrical chambers nearly filled with copper-plated statues of
generators of raw tallow continue to function, but they’ve dwarven crusaders, now caked with dust.
been recycling the same materials for centuries.
The secret door in the wall can be found by a character Creatures: Drazmorg has gathered a large number
who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check. of undead minions to his cause—some animated from
Five vats of bubbling tallow in the western wing of remains gathered here, while others stumbled into the
this room are minor magical items that constantly keep area after being drawn from the surrounding terrain.
their contents at a scalding temperature. A creature He placed the more powerful undead minions elsewhere
splashed with bubbling tallow takes 1d4 fire damage. throughout this level and the one above. He has little use
A creature who’s fully immersed in a vat takes 6d6 fire for the bulk of the skeletons and zombies at the moment.
damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save) upon being dunked, These undead stand motionless in this chamber in case
and then again each round they end a turn inside the vat. they’re needed in the future. While the mix of undead were
The vats are low enough that climbing out merely takes culled from humans, kobolds, dwarves, and even a few
a Move action. Each vat is AC 15, has Hardness 10, and wargs or other monstrous bodies, the mass of undead as a
50 HP (BT 25); a broken vat loses its ability to maintain whole functions as a pair of shambler troops. The undead
its temperature and causes the tallow within to harden remain mostly still unless they spot living intruders, at
into solid wax. which point both troops lurch to attack. Their orders
Drazmorg was intrigued and tinkered a bit with the prevent them from pursuing foes from this chamber, but
room’s contents, but he quickly determined there was little characters who attack them from afar discover these
of interest here, especially given its dangerous guardian. orders aren’t strong enough in the face of such tactics,
Creature: When Droskar’s cultists took over this and doing so draws the troops from the room to carry on
chamber, they used the materials here to build a guardian, the fight elsewhere.
just because they could. This creature is known as a tallow
guardian: a construct whose body is formed from the SHAMBLER TROOPS (2) CREATURE 4
tallow of ancient funerary candles but whose animating Pathfinder Bestiary 3 302
force is powered by the imprisoned soul of a sacrificed Initiative Perception +7
victim—in this case, one of the last dwarven faithful of
Torag to resist the decay that allowed Droskar into their G6. THE DISCIPLES MODERATE 5
The tallow guardian stands motionless in the southern This strangely shaped chamber is an oblong room with six
alcove. It doesn’t react as long as the PCs don’t attack it or oval alcoves branching off it at regular intervals. The domed
attempt to touch anything in the room. If either of these ceiling in the center rises to thirty feet; in each of the side
triggering events occurs, the guardian lurches to life and alcoves, the ceiling height drops to fifteen feet. Every alcove
fights until destroyed although it won’t pursue foes from has a pair of steps that lead up to a semicircular platform.
the room. These platforms each support an intricately carved, upright
sarcophagus and large, broken iron chains that, at one point,
TALLOW GUARDIAN CREATURE 7 probably held the sarcophagi shut—the stone coffins’ lids now
Page 122 hang slightly ajar.
Initiative Perception +13
Creatures: In the early years, the dwarves discovered
Treasure: The tools scattered about this room are six of their own were, in fact, double agents—disciples
relatively mundane, but over the centuries, the magic of of Tar-Baphon who hoped to hamper or sabotage the
efforts to hide the Third Seal. Shocked that these agents they’re a less powerful but still quite dangerous variant of
made it so far before being discovered, and worried that this unsettling monster. INTRODUCTION
if they were released or executed, the Whispering Way
would be able to contact them or their souls to learn THE DISCIPLES CREATURE 7 CHAPTER 1:
what they knew, the dwarves made a difficult decision— UNIQUE NE MEDIUM UNDEAD HOLLOW'S LAST
one that might well have planted the seed that, after the Variant unrisen (Pathfinder Book of the Dead 153) HOPE
Rending, bloomed into Droskar’s faith. They imprisoned Perception +15; darkvision, lifesense 30 feet
the six spies in magical sarcophagi so they and their Languages Dwarven (can’t speak any language) CHAPTER 2:
souls would remain bound until they could no longer Skills Athletics +17, Stealth +14 CROWN OF THE
aid the Whispering Tyrant. The Rending happened Str +6, Dex +3, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +4, Cha +2 KOBOLD KING
much sooner than that, but once the dwarves began to AC 22; Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +15
worship Droskar, they opted to keep the six imprisoned HP 130, negative healing; Immunities death effects, CHAPTER 3:
here out of cruelty. disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious HUNGRY ARE THE
When Drazmorg broke the Third Seal and infused the Rise Again (necromancy, occult) If the Disciples are reduced DEAD
region with necromantic energy, these six imprisoned to 0 Hit Points by means other than fire or positive
dwarves underwent a horrific new transformation— damage, they return to unlife at the start of their next CHAPTER 4:
each was wrenched out of stasis and slain. Their remains turn. They have 45 Hit Points and are prone in the space DROSKAR'S DOOM
then broke free from their sarcophagi and shambled
into the middle of the room, where they fused into an ADVENTURE
awful mass of undead hatred, their minds as conjoined TOOLBOX
as their bodies into a blasphemy that refers to itself only
as “The Disciples.” What, exactly, the semi-sapient tangle
of undeath considers themself the disciples of, not even
they seem to agree on. They offer prayers variously to
Droskar, Tar-Baphon, Urgathoa, and even blasphemous
prayers to Torag. Drazmorg is fascinated by the Disciples.
Once he completes his current tasks, he intends to study
this unique undead monstrosity to find a way to duplicate
its creation, but for now, he has left the Disciples to their
prayers here.
The Disciples lurch forward with howls and
gibbering, fighting until destroyed. They pursue foes
as far as the crossroads to the east of area G5
before returning here to take up their prayers
once again.
This horrid creature’s limbs are composed
of parallel bones and flesh from the bodies
of the six original dwarves, yet compacted
down and fused into the size of a single
broad human. Their head is a broken-
and-fused amalgam of three skulls.
Their rib cage numbers nearly 20
overlapping pairs of ribs, some of
which jut at odd angles. Their limbs
are large and tangled like the roots of a
great tree, made up of at least three hands or feet each.
Withered intestines and dry sinews writhe at their core
or trail behind like twitching tails.
In time, and once their discordant blasphemies congeal
around a single source to venerate, the Disciples could
well grow into a fully formed undead monstrosity known
as an unrisen (a level 11 creature fully detailed on page
153 of Pathfinder Book of the Dead). At the moment,
in which they were destroyed. The Disciples can’t be The runes carved on the southern wall read “death”
returned by this ability again for 1 hour, and if destroyed in several languages, including Dwarven and Common.
before this time passes, they remain truly dead. A character who examines the southern wall with a
Speed 30 feet successful DC 15 Perception check realizes the hall
Melee jaws +17 (deadly d10, magical), Damage 2d8+9 piercing continues south—the smooth stone surface appears to be
Melee claw +17 (agile, magical), Damage 2d6+9 a massive slab of rock filling further progress.
Agonized Howl [two-actions] (auditory, enchantment, mental, occult) While it’s possible to mine one’s way through the
The Disciples howl in pain at their cursed existence. 10-foot-thick slab of stone blocking access to area G9,
Creatures within a 30-foot emanation take 6d8 mental a far easier and swifter method is to use the crossed bars
damage (DC 25 basic Will save). The Disciples can’t use on the wall; even with a cursory examination of the
Agonized Howl again for 1d4 rounds. contraption, a character notes the bars can be turned
Awful Approach [one-action] The Disciples reshape their grotesque like a wheel. Doing so causes the stone plug blocking
form to move swiftly. They Stride twice. Any living the southern hallway to slowly grind into the wall to
creature that can see the Disciples during this movement the west. The process is noisy and slow, with the plug
must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be sickened grinding into the wall at a rate that opens 1 foot after 1
1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). This is a mental and minute of work (after 5 minutes of turning the wheel, a
visual effect. The Disciples can’t use Awful Approach 5-foot-wide passage to area G9 is revealed, and after 10
again for 1d4 rounds. minutes, the stone plug is fully retracted into the wall and
the wheel no longer turns).
G7. VESTIBULE MODERATE 5 Treasure: The candles on the wall are non-magical,
but the sconces have minor magical elements that keep a
This room has curved walls to the north and square corners to candle placed in them preserved and viable as a source of
the south. On either side sit two copper braziers partially filled illumination despite the passage of time. The candles still
with a sour-scented oil that does little to mask the nauseating burn normally and extinguish naturally when their wicks
scent of rotting flesh that seeps from the shale stone walls. run out, but a candle can sit in a sconce for centuries
without degrading.
Creature: A single wretched figure stands in the center A character who examines the candles and succeeds
of the room, a desiccated human form with new-looking at a DC 20 Perception check notices something that
armor and weapons. Maggots churn and burrow through Drazmorg missed: the candle on the east wall closest
this creature’s exposed flesh, filling the air around him with to the room’s northern entrance is a candle of revealing
a faint but awful rustling sound. This creature was once (Advanced Player’s Guide 257).
Raksmit, Drazmorg’s hired bodyguard, but is now yet
another of his vile undead minions, commanded to stand G9. THE OUTER RING LOW 5
watch and let no one pass into the inner hall. Raksmit
fights until destroyed and pursues foes relentlessly if they This gently curving, fifteen-foot-wide hallway extends out of
flee south, but he won’t pursue those who flee north. sight to the left and right. Its walls are plain and smooth.
Those who suffer from mummy rot inflicted by Raksmit
must endure the awful sight and sensation of maggots This outer hallway is one of the greatest achievements
churning in their afflicted flesh, but this unpleasant side of the complex’s original dwarven creators. It’s the
effect has no additional game effect. primary force that has kept the presence of the Third
Seal hidden within area G10 for so long. After their fall
RAKSMIT CREATURE 7 into the worship of Droskar, the dwarves never came
Elite mummy (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 240) close to accomplishing something as glorious as this
Initiative Perception +16 hallway. Out of jealousy and shame, the cultists regarded
this part of the complex and the chamber beyond as
G8. PLUGGED PASSAGEWAY forbidden, acts that made the resting place of the Third
Seal even more secure.
Iron sconces line the walls of this twenty-five-foot-long hall. A creature who steps into this hallway immediately
The black candles in the sconces are unlit, though wax droplets notices its power, for there’s no gravity within the outer
beneath indicate they were recently extinguished. Two crossed ring. Anyone in the ring immediately begins to float,
iron bars on a metal rod protrude from the western wall near slowly drifting clockwise around the ring, borne on faint
the hall’s southern end, the stone face of which is adorned with magical currents that transport creatures 5 feet per round.
carvings in different languages. Loose objects of up to 2 Bulk also float at a rate of 5 feet
in a clockwise direction, but bulkier objects drop to the creatures remain in the Outer Ring for 6 seconds or
ground if not carried by a creature. longer; Effect Six spheres of crystal, each measuring 2 INTRODUCTION
By spending an action to activate the Outer Ring via feet in diameter, manifest from thin air and begin quickly
envisioning, a character in area G9 can fly at a speed of floating toward intruders. A sphere manifests at each of CHAPTER 1:
25 feet in this ring (although moving against the ring’s the points on the map indicated with a small numeral HOLLOW'S LAST
mysterious motive force means a character treats the (labeled 1 through 6); the trap then rolls initiative. HOPE
ring as difficult terrain when traveling counterclockwise). Routine (6 actions) On each of the trap’s actions, a crystal
With a successful DC 20 check to Identify Magic, a sphere that hasn’t yet taken an action during the turn CHAPTER 2:
character discerns this function of the Outer Ring; on a either flies 25 feet toward the closest creature in the CROWN OF THE
critical success, the character knows that deeper, subtler, Outer Ring (if no creature is within 25 feet), or it attacks KOBOLD KING
and more powerful magic in the ring serves as a focus to a visible creature within 25 feet (the crystal spheres can
hide something at the center of the ring from divination sense targets via darkvision). If a crystal sphere attacks CHAPTER 3:
magic. The PCs must travel to area G10 to discover a target, that target takes 1d6 force damage (DC 24 HUNGRY ARE THE
exactly what’s being hidden. basic Reflex save) as the sphere hits them and bursts. A DEAD
Two additional stone plugs block further access into the creature can be attacked by multiple spheres in a turn,
central area of the ring: one at the southern end of the ring but a sphere always targets the closest target. Once a CHAPTER 4:
and one north at the end of an inner half-ring. Gravity sphere attacks and bursts, it vanishes but respawns at its DROSKAR'S DOOM
within this inner half-ring functions normally, and the spawn point at the start of the next turn and continues
spheres manifested by the hazard don’t enter here. Unlike its routine. A sphere that has been destroyed or had its ADVENTURE
the plug at area G9, these stone plugs sink into the ground spawn point disabled vanishes and doesn’t continue to TOOLBOX
at a touch, opening fully at the end of the round they’re respawn and attack, and the trap loses 1 action for each
activated in this manner. A sunken stone plug remains flush sphere destroyed or disabled in this way.
with the ground as long as a creature or object is located
above it in the opening. It rises into place automatically G10. VAULT OF THE THIRD SEAL SEVERE 5
after 1 minute passes with nothing in the way.
Hazard: The creators of the Outer Ring also set a The walls, floor, and ceiling of this vast rotunda are formed from
deadly trap to destroy intruders. Centuries of neglect tremendous limestone blocks that sporadically bear ancient
have resulted in this trap losing much of its power, but cracks and bits of fallen masonry. At the center of the room, a
it was still enough to kill a few of Drazmorg’s minions ten-foot-tall dais is surrounded by a concentric mini-ziggurat of
before he disabled the trap with a successful Arcana layered, rune-covered stone steps. The rest of the room’s floor
check. Drazmorg reactivated the trap so he can continue holds an unsettling combination of half-scorched bodies and
to study the Third Seal in area G10. The repetitive bones, mixed with shards of stone and wood and ash and rubble
Dwarven chant the original builders used to render the in a blast pattern that suggests some sort of explosion took place
trap inert when they moved through this chamber has in the center. That some of these blasted mortal remains still
long been lost to time. twitch, writhe, or even groan in pain only makes this chamber
more surreal.
COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP As grisly and distracting as the sights in the rest of the
Stealth +15 (expert) chamber are, the sight above the dais commands all
Description Shimmering, glyph-graven, two-foot-diameter attention. Here a shattered disk of glowing yellow stone
crystalline spheres shimmer and condense in the air, floats 5 feet above the dais. The broken fragments of the
launching with explosive force at intruders. disk, which looks to have once measured nearly 5 feet in
Disable DC 25 Thievery (expert) to locate and deface tiny diameter, all float close together, as if frozen in the instant
activation runes located at one of the six locations that after a catastrophic explosion caused the stone slab to
spawn crystal spheres, or DC 28 Arcana (expert) or DC shatter in all directions. Here and there, fragments of the
28 Occultism (expert) to manipulate the magical energy disk are obviously missing. Between the glowing yellow
at one of those locations to render the spheres inert, or shards of stone, tendrils of sickly yellow energy writhe
dispel magic (3rd level; counteract DC 22) to counteract and twist, appearing like some sort of invasive fungal
one of the crystal sphere spawn points infection or a diseased network of decaying arteries that
Sphere AC 24; Fort +11, Ref +17 seems to be growing from the ruined remains. Now and
Sphere Hardness 13, Sphere HP 54 (BT 27); Immunities critical then, tendrils of this diseased energy flicker downward
hits, fire damage, object immunities, precision damage to the north, as if being drawn deeper underground by
Manifest Crystal Sphere [reaction] Trigger Three or more an unseen attractor.
This chamber was built centuries ago for one purpose: room with a bone wall; otherwise, he uses this ability
to hide and protect the Third Seal from agents of the to give himself cover from ranged combatants after
Whispering Tyrant. While the Rending damaged the dropping to ground level. He fights until destroyed and
room and set into motion a slow decay in the Third Seal, doesn’t pursue foes from this chamber.
Drazmorg’s increasingly invasive experiments finished
what the Rending started hundreds of years ago. When DRAZMORG THE DAMNED CREATURE 8
his tampering caused the Third Seal to explode, he took UNIQUE LE MEDIUM UNDEAD WIGHT
the bulk of the unholy energy’s force and was immediately Male variant wight necromancer (Pathfinder Bestiary 332)
slain and animated as a powerful wight. Those of his Perception +16; darkvision
followers who were assisting him were merely slain, but Languages Common, Dwarven, Necril
the residue of necromantic energy caused their scattered Skills Academia Lore +17, Arcana +17, Crafting +15,
body parts to twitch and writhe. Deception +13, Intimidation +15, Medicine +15, Occultism
See “Concluding the Chapter” on page 93 for +17, Religion +13, Society +15, Stealth +15
information about the shattered Third Seal and what the Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +2
PCs can learn by examining it. Items Drazmorg’s Staff of All-Sight (page 115), In the
Creatures: Drazmorg’s exposure to the necromantic Shadows of Toil (page 116)
energy unleashed by the Third Seal did more than AC 23; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +17
transform his body; it warped his mind and corrupted HP 115, negative healing; Immunities death effects, disease,
his soul. The blast spread downward over the ground paralyze, poison, unconscious
like roiling, heavier-than-air gas, obliterating the lower Final Spite [reaction] As wight.
half of Drazmorg’s body and replacing it with shards Speed fly 25 feet
of stone blown into him from the exploding seal. What Melee [one-action] claw +15, Damage 2d6+4 plus drain life
remains below his waist are jagged shards of stone Arcane Prepared Spells DC 25, attack +17; 4th
tangled among entrails, veins, and strips of bloody flesh. clairvoyance, dispel magic, grim tendrils; 3rd lightning
His upper torso remains humanoid, although his flesh is bolt, mind reading, vampiric touch; 2nd false life,
blackened and cracked, revealing raw red meat beneath. mirror image, spectral hand; 1st command, fear, ray
His eyes burned away, leaving tiny pinpoints of yellow of enfeeblement; Cantrips (4th) chill touch, light, mage
light within his empty sockets. hand, read aura, shield
Drazmorg moves via flight, the unholy energies of his Drain Life (divine, necromancy) As wight, but DC 25.
infusion allowing him to move through air as easily as he Raise Bone Wall [two-actions] (divine, necromancy) Frequency
used to walk across the ground. He hasn’t yet taken full once per day; Requirements Drazmorg is in the Lower
advantage of his new mobility, instead spending most of Vault of Droskar’s Crucible; Effect Drazmorg draws
his time in this chamber offering prayers to the shattered upon the necromantic energy that infuses the area
seal, whispering promises of loyalty to Tar-Baphon and and causes a tangled wall of bones to rise from the
proselytizing his predictions for a global undead future ground. The wall is 5 feet thick, 10 feet wide, and 10
to the otherwise empty room. Where once this chamber feet tall; once created, it’s permanent until Drazmorg
served as a vault for the Third Seal, it now serves as its uses this ability again, whereupon a previously created
grave, and from the shattered seal, Drazmorg preaches bone wall (such as the one at area G2) crumbles. The
the wisdom of the Whispering Way. In time, the last of bone wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 25 Hit Points.
the Third Seal’s leaking energies will fade, and Drazmorg It’s immune to critical hits and precision damage, and it
will be released from its grip to emerge into the world heals damage to itself at a rate of 2d6 Hit Points at the
above to spread the word that the first of the three seals end of a round. Everything on each side of the wall has
has fallen. greater cover from creatures on the opposite side, and
Drazmorg greets the PCs as they arrive with an the wall can’t be moved through. A destroyed section
unpleasant whispering voice that still carries through the of the wall of bones can be moved through freely and
chamber. He offers them the chance to lay down their no longer heals damage. A creature caught in a space
arms and lives and join the Whispering Way. PCs who when a bone wall is created must attempt a DC 25
comply are turned into undead minions. Any sense of Reflex save.
disobedience against this offer drives the necromancer Critical Success The creature is unaffected, and the
into a fury. He attacks, attempting to maintain range via bone wall fails to form in any square occupied by
flight so he can cast spells at the PCs below. If some of that creature.
the PCs remain in the outer hall as the fight begins, he’ll Success The creature is forced into an adjacent square of
attempt to split the party by filling the entrance to the its choice as the bone wall forms in its previous space.
Failure As success, but the creature is also knocked prone.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature also takes INTRODUCTION
4d6 piercing and 4d6 bludgeoning damage from the
force of being struck by the bone wall. CHAPTER 1:
Wight Spawn (divine, necromancy) As wight. HOLLOW'S LAST
Treasure: In addition to the unusual staff Drazmorg
carries and (of course) his spellbook, once he’s CHAPTER 2:
destroyed, the remaining power that dwelt in the CROWN OF THE
shattered shards of the Third Seal concentrates in one KOBOLD KING
small, knife-shaped fragment, transforming it into a
glowing magical item: a shard of the Third Seal (page CHAPTER 3:
117) that, among other things, could aid the PCs in HUNGRY ARE THE
escaping up the shaft to the Forsaken Tunnel on the DEAD
second level of Droskar’s Crucible.
Once the PCs destroy Drazmorg, a foul wind blows from
his corpse and then dissipates; the lingering necromantic
energy suffusing this area is gone. The glowing shards of
the Third Seal clatter to the ground, and the necromantic
energy that appeared to be draining into the floor seems to
burrow out of sight (this energy was being siphoned into
the Crown of the Kobold King in Droskar’s Doom below;
see Chapter 4 for details). A character who witnesses this
phenomenon can attempt a DC 21 Arcana, Occultism, or
Religion check to theorize something deeper underground DRAZMORG THE DAMNED
is siphoning some of this necromantic energy away. All
the undead created by Drazmorg’s abuse of the Third
Seal that wandered Darkmoon Vale above collapse.
Those still undefeated in this dungeon remain active until
individually defeated by the PCs, but without Drazmorg
to direct them, they don’t pose a threat beyond their of the Kobold King, but once they do, they contact the
immediate domains. PCs to interview them about their explorations in the
With Drazmorg’s defeat, the PCs stop a radical threat to crucible. These dwarves are less interested in seeking the
the region, but news of the broken Third Seal is ominous. First and Second Seals than they are in recovering a lost
The remainder of this adventure doesn’t cover a journey fragment of their history. Regardless of their goals, they
to find and protect the First and Second Seals. If you want express their gratitude for the aid the PCs provided in
to develop an adventure based on this potential plot, helping to recover this legacy. Once you complete Crown
consider consulting “Runeplague” (the third adventure of the Kobold King, these dwarven archaeologists and
of the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path) and the pilgrims present the PCs with additional rewards for
Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path, where the fates of these their work. Use this opportunity to give each PC a magic
two seals are revealed. item of about 6th level in power that fits their themes,
As word of the Third Seal’s destruction spreads, or gold and gemstones worth a total of 350 gp per PC.
representatives from the Five Kings Mountains arrive in The dwarves might also serve as triggers for a series of
the region to reclaim the site. These dwarves likely won’t new adventures of your design now that the PCs have
arrive until after the PCs have already finished Crown attracted their attention.
While the upper levels of Droskar’s Crucible once housed Note that while this chapter’s encounters assume the
the Truescales, and the middle levels recently served as PCs are 6th level, it’s likely they haven’t quite reached this
the redoubt of a sinister necromancer, the deepest level level when they first enter Droskar’s Doom unless you’ve
of the ancient dungeon has largely remained unclaimed. continued to hand out experience points for roleplaying
This level isn’t as ancient as those crafted by the original encounters. If the PCs have only just reached 5th level by
dwarves, instead built by the cult of Droskar to serve as this time, consider delaying their entrance to this dungeon
a sort of proving ground for prospective leaders. Any level—perhaps by including a classic hindrance like a
member of the cult of Droskar could make a bid for locked door whose key might be hidden on an upper
its rule, but they had to first earn Droskar’s favor by level that the party skipped? Of course, you can also let
navigating a gauntlet of chambers known as “Droskar’s the PCs press on into this level. The first few encounters
Doom.” Of course, the original architect of this level they’ll face will be more dangerous than expected, but if
and then-current leader of the cultists, Gristogar, did they’re careful and take ample opportunities to rest and
everything he could to build a gauntlet that none of his recover, they should make it to 6th level soon enough!
followers could ever best, thereby attempting to keep his
position as ruler for his entire life. DROSKAR’S GLOOM
No dwarf of Droskar ever completed Droskar’s The influence of Droskar still pervades this dungeon,
Doom, but recently, an unlikely visitor became the first more so than anywhere else in Droskar’s Crucible, and
to succeed: King Merlokrep, following the influence of affects visitors to the dungeon if they aren’t careful,
his slowly awakening crown, has made it to Gristogar’s manifesting in the form of a curse called Droskar’s gloom.
forge where the crown was first created. Here, the While Droskar’s gloom can afflict anyone, dwarves run
Kobold King has begun the final steps of fully awakening an additional risk. Each time a dwarf sleeps anywhere
his crown, and if he completes these rites, he’ll rule more on this level, they’re exposed to Droskar’s gloom—only
than just a single group of kobolds. He’ll rule all of dwarves who already worship Droskar are exempt from
Darkmoon Vale! this effect.
You grow increasingly glum and stoic, viewing frivolity
with disdain and eventually forgetting how to smile or take
joy in anything. Over time, you become obsessive about
work, toiling away at menial tasks (especially crafting,
masonry, or smithing).
This deepest level of Droskar’s Crucible can be reached Saving Throw DC 22; Effect Whenever you attempt to
by a lengthy flight of stairs leading down from area G2. Earn Income or a Crafting check for any reason, you
These stairs descend nearly 300 feet to the chambers become obsessed with perfection to the point you
below, which were carved into stone near volcanic vents hamper your chances of success. Roll the Earn Income
and underground lakes of magma. or Crafting check twice and take the worst result. If
Unless otherwise noted, the chambers of Droskar’s you ever critically fail at a Crafting check or a check
Doom are unlit. Their plain, functional design lacks the to Earn Income, you become fatigued. In addition,
elegance and style of the monastery’s original architects. you suffer a –1 status penalty on all Charisma-based
Ceilings average 8 feet high in passageways, rising to 12 checks as your personality suffers under the effects of
feet in larger rooms unless otherwise specified in the text. this curse. A dwarf who dies while under the effects of
Droskar’s gloom must attempt a DC 5 flat check; on a As soon as he notices the PCs, the desperate kobold
failure, the dwarf rises as a forge spurned 1d4 rounds tries to stay hidden in the shadows, but it’s likely he’ll be
after death occurs. noticed nonetheless (if he isn’t, he creeps along behind the
PCs and attempts to steal food and water from them the
H1. COWARD’S CORNER TRIVIAL 6 first chance he gets). Once the PCs notice him, Yurkyurk
drops to his knees and begs for water, food, and mercy
The long, winding descent along the seemingly endless flight from the “brave smooth-skin, smashy-killer heroes.”
of stairs finally ends. The crumpled corpse of a small, withered He wants nothing more than to flee Droskar’s Crucible
kobold lies on the floor in the middle of the room, which features entirely, and if the PCs agree to let him go after revealing
oddly-shaped alcoves at both sides. that the bone wall is gone, the kobold flees at once.
Before letting him go, though, the PCs can ask him
Creatures: Of the kobolds King Merlokrep for information. Yurkyurk can confirm that King
selected to accompany him into the deepest corners Merlokrep led a group of kobolds down here to avoid
of Droskar’s Crucible, not all were ultimately up to a confrontation with the PCs. The king claimed that
the task. One of the Dark Talons who survived the his new magic crown was leading the way toward a
journey through the Upper and Lower Vault and the source of power he could use to defeat the PCs and all
first few rooms of this level, Yurkyurk, abandoned the their friends, and while it seemed like the magic advice
Kobold King and attempted to flee back upstairs, only from his crown (advice Yurkyurk never actually heard
to find that a “creepy wall of bones” had sealed the himself) gave good hints for navigating the dungeon
exit above. For the past several days, Yurkyurk has chambers safely, the increasingly frightening foes and
been cowering here, subsisting on what nourishment traps finally broke his resolve.
and moisture he can derive from bugs and creepy- Yurkyurk warns the PCs that the “smoky nightmares”
crawlies on the walls. The kobold is fatigued from that lurk not far to the north like to jump out of the walls
malnutrition, and if he doesn’t find a source of food to scare you, that the “funny tasting orange water” in
and water soon, he’ll perish. the room beyond can heal wounds but the “angry clear
Level Five
H14 H13
H1 H16
water” is best left alone, and that he finally fled when the
king led them into a maze of “hot lava and hotter worms” VISIONS FROM THE CROWN INTRODUCTION
beyond that room. He also warns the PCs that if they Visions of the past from the Crown of the Kobold King have
confront the king, they’d better make sure they kill him guided King Merlokrep’s passage through this dungeon CHAPTER 1:
dead, because if they don’t, he’ll for sure know Yurkyurk level to the southeast wing in areas H11–H18, helping him HOLLOW'S LAST
sold him out and hunt down the Dark Talon. If the PCs to avoid traps and dangers and to pass the monstrous HOPE
attack Yurkyurk, he fights to the death. guardians uncontested. If the PCs look for evidence of
the Kobold King, hints of the Truescale troupe’s journey CHAPTER 2:
YURKYURK CREATURE 2 through the area can be given out as rewards if they CROWN OF THE
Dark Talon kobold (page 59) succeed at DC 25 Perception checks at your option. KOBOLD KING
Initiative Perception +8
Reward: If the PCs spare the Dark Talon kobold and ashes eerily reforming into their pyramid pile, as if by HUNGRY ARE THE
learn something about what lies ahead from him, grant some unearthly wind. DEAD
them 80 XP. While the mounds of ash are strange but harmless, the
undead spirits of the dwarven architects are anything CHAPTER 4:
H2. THE LAST CORRIDOR MODERATE 6 but. These four dwarves exist now as ashen guardians, DROSKAR'S DOOM
and they step out of the wall at the backs of their alcoves
The walls of this corridor are paved with rectangular stones to attack the PCs from behind as soon as anyone comes ADVENTURE
that don’t always fit together as flush as they would had a within 5 feet of the northern door. These shadowy TOOLBOX
slightly more competent mason carved and placed them, yet undead appear in the shape of eyeless, bearded dwarves
they certainly appear to have done the job of keeping the roof
up over the ages. Four alcoves are recessed in the walls, their
edges ragged as the surrounding stonework doesn’t quite line
up. A single pile of ash tapered into a pyramid sits in each alcove.
Further to the north, the hall ends at a large stone door with an
inscription carved into its face.
clad in ornate plated armor but are composed entirely of slithers out of its pool to attack from behind. The id
darkness and incorporeal ash. They function as shadows, ooze fights to the death.
but the damage they inflict with their shadow hands
causes fire damage rather than negative damage. ID OOZE CREATURE 7
Page 121
ASHEN GUARDIANS (4) CREATURE 4 Initiative Stealth +17
Variant shadows (Pathfinder Bestiary 289)
Initiative Stealth +14 H4. THE LAST CRUCIBLE MODERATE 6
Melee [one-action] shadow hand +15 (finesse, magical), Damage
2d6+3 fire Stinging white-hot cinders and choking sulfurous fumes fill the
air of this hellish passageway. Somewhere nearby, the slow grind
H3. THE LAST DRINK LOW 6 of ancient and massive gears begins, a low thunder that slowly
builds and sends ominous vibrations through the stone floor.
The air in this obsidian chamber is surprisingly cool and
refreshing. A dais at the center of the chamber contains two This relatively simple but dangerous maze and its
rectangular pools of water. The water in the eastern pool is accompanying trap were crafted to hasten the faithful to
crystal clear, but the pool to the west has a strange orange their scorching end—the first true test of the prospective
tint. A short, carved phrase adorns the wall to the north of new cult leader. A character makes their way through the
the pools. maze to the cave entrance to area H5 is greeted with a
phrase carved into the floor in Dwarven: “And thus hast
The words on the north wall are in Dwarven: “Let thou prepared within the Last Crucible, ready to step into
Droskar’s sheen guide your Last Drink, for beyond lies the Last Forge.”
only toil.” These words provide a hint that the orange Every round that a creature starts its turn in this area
waters are the right waters to drink from—a character while not holding its breath, it must attempt a DC 20
who succeeds at a DC 20 Religion check to Recall Fortitude saving throw. On a failure, the stinking, cinder-
Knowledge knows that Droskar is often associated with laced air of this maze causes the creature to become
the color orange (along with gray, meant to symbolize the sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure). Taking
glow and smoke from his forges). precautions, such as by placing a wet strip of cloth over
A character who drinks from the orange pool the mouth and nose, affords a character a +4 circumstance
finds that the waters taste faintly of smoke but are bonus to this saving throw.
unexpectedly refreshing. A drink from this water Hazard: This entire maze is one complex trap designed
restores 3d8 Hit Points, reduces the value of the to ensnare and cook those who attempt to navigate its
drinker’s clumsy, enfeebled, or stupefied conditions by halls. Four elemental creatures complicate the situation:
1 each, and removes the fatigued condition. A character wormlike beasts called thoqquas that have spent the
can only benefit from this drink once, for drinking a last several hundred years in hibernation. Note that the
second time renders the symbolism of the “last drink” thoqquas don’t treat the room as difficult terrain since
meaningless; each drink beyond the first instead they slither like snakes, and being elemental creatures of
exposes the drinker to Droskar’s gloom (page 96). If fire, they aren’t impacted by the smoke in the air.
a PC examines the orange pool and succeeds a DC 22
check to Identify Magic, they understand the effects of THE LAST CRUCIBLE HAZARD 6
Creature: The crystal-clear waters of the eastern Stealth +15 (expert)
pool might look more appetizing, but they’re stagnant Description Magically hardened sheets of obsidian drop
and bitter. Worse, they’re the home of a dangerous down over the room’s exits while the machinery within
subterranean predator—an id ooze. This mostly taps into wells of magma to begin spewing lava—and
transparent creature prefers to float lazily atop the monsters—into the maze.
water, slowly soaking in the area’s ambient emotional Disable Thievery DC 28 (expert) to disable the main
energy in much the same way a plant derives sustenance pressure plate at area H4a and deactivate the trap
from sunlight (a process that has kept it nourished entirely (this causes the obsidian walls to retract up into
for centuries), but it quickly rouses from its torpor to the ceiling as well), Thievery DC 25 (trained) to disable
attack any creature that attempts to drink from the one of the three lava spouts, or Athletics DC 28 (trained)
clear water. If no one does so, the id ooze finally takes to Force Open a fallen obsidian wall
notice of the PCs as they move into area H4, and it AC 22; Fort +17, Ref +11
Obsidian Wall Hardness 15; Obsidian Wall HP 58 (BT 29) to This dismal cave is the final official challenge to those
smash a 5-foot-square hole in the wall; Spout Hardness who walk Droskar’s Doom. The majority of the dwarves INTRODUCTION
13; Spout HP 20 (BT 10); Immunities critical hits, fire, who attempted it during the height of the cult’s activity
object immunities, precision damage ultimately met their fates here, for in those days, the CHAPTER 1:
Drop the Wall [reaction] Trigger Four or more Small or larger bodies of dwarves who fell to the previous several rooms HOLLOW'S LAST
creatures walk onto the pressure plate at area H4a; Effect were eventually dragged to this chamber, where their HOPE
A magically hardened sheet of obsidian drops down like souls were bound into chains by the creature that toils
a portcullis in the western and northern entrances to here to this day. CHAPTER 2:
this room that lead to areas H3 and H5, respectively. The forge and anvil at the north end of this room are CROWN OF THE
Any creatures standing in one of these squares takes similar in build to the one located in area D19 (and like KOBOLD KING
4d6+4 bludgeoning damage from the falling wall (DC 24 that forge, a nearby forge-spurned haunts this one), yet
basic Reflex save) and then decides what side of the wall unlike that room, airflow in this chamber leaves the cave CHAPTER 3:
they want to be on. At the same moment, four thoqquas hot and stifling but breathable. HUNGRY ARE THE
that have spent centuries in hibernation awaken and Creature: The sound of a hammer clanging against an DEAD
emerge from vents into area H4b. The trap then rolls anvil fills this area as long as the undead smiths who forever
initiative, as do the thoqquas. CHAPTER 4:
Routine [three-actions] The trap loses 1 action per disabled DROSKAR'S DOOM
spout each turn. On each action, a different
spout located at one of the three areas ADVENTURE
marked H4c spews a gout of lava at the TOOLBOX
closest non-thoqqua target in its line of
sight; these spouts use magical sensors that
have darkvision and a Perception DC of 25.
Originally, agents of the abbot would come
through here after the trap was triggered,
deactivate it, and clean out the hardened blobs
of lava and dead bodies that remained, but the
amount of time it would take for this trap to
clog tunnels with cooled lava makes tracking that
slow accretion over the course of this adventure
Ranged [one-action] lava gout +17 (fire), Damage 4d8 fire; no
multiple attack penalty
Reset The Last Crucible deactivates and resets 10 minutes
after it has no target creatures (because the creatures
either left area H4 or died). Any thoqquas that still live
sense the magma river at area H6 and eventually make
their way north to that area to swim away.
toil within remain active. The smiths are forge-spurned, as she touched the weapon and felt the strength sapped
and while they haven’t had a fresh soul to bind into a from her limbs.
soul chain for hundreds of years, they’ve still spent those Azarim longs to be free of this den of misery so that she
centuries mindlessly forging, destroying, and rebuilding can fight evil once more, but more than anything she hopes
other chains, waiting for another chance to serve Droskar. to complete the journey she began through Droskar’s
If the PCs encountered the forge-spurned in area D19, a PC Crucible. She makes contact with a PC who picks her up
who succeeds at a DC 18 Crafting check can identify the using telepathy, begging to be carried through the dungeon
almost mechanical precision of these chains as a sign of and to be used to liberate the ancient dwarven site from
forge-spurned in the cavern head. Droskar’s hold. News that hundreds of years have passed
The forge-spurned still works tirelessly here, as he has and that the cult is long gone surprises Azarim, but she
for hundreds of years. Known in the days of the cult’s adjusts quickly to the new reality. You can use Azarim to
power as the Soul Smith, this powerful forge-spurned is provide additional advice to the PCs or to fill in elements
assisted by a clot of four dullard demons bound into his of the ancient history of Droskar’s Crucible to the limits of
service by abbot Gristogar ages ago. These four dretches, her knowledge. Azarim prefers to be wielded by chaotic,
as demons of sloth, hated when they were called upon by free-spirited characters.
the Soul Smith to drag bodies back here for him to forge Azarim is detailed further on page 113.
into soul chains, but the past several centuries have given
the demons plenty of time to wallow in their favorite sin. H6. THE RIVER OF FIRE
When the PCs first attract the attention of the Soul Smith,
he roars in outrage and orders the dretches to rise up, The air in this cavern is hot and dry, both heated and lit by the
attack, and bring the bodies of the intruders to him for same source: a slowly roiling river of magma that winds from
soul forging. north to south at the bottom of a thirty-foot-deep rift bisecting
The Soul Smith continues to toil at his anvil near the the middle of the cave. Crumbling pillars carved with the faces
northern portion of the cavern while the dretches fight— of stoic dwarven elders lay strewn about the area, of which
he only abandons his pointless drudgery to join the battle only three on the west side of the chasm remain standing and
if a PC damages him or once two of the dretches are supporting the roof twenty feet above.
killed. At this point, he sighs and joins the battle. He and
the dretches pursue PCs throughout this entire level if The cult of Droskar chose this region to build the level
necessary and fight until destroyed. due to its proximity to a fresh new underground river
of magma, one they tapped into to empower the Final
SOUL SMITH CREATURE 6 Crucible (area H4). When their digging broke through
Elite forge-spurned (page 119, Pathfinder Bestiary 6) into the natural caves in areas H5–H6, the architects
Initiative Perception +13 chose to leave the area as it was, incorporating the slowly
flowing river of magma as an additional defense. In those
DRETCHES (4) CREATURE 2 earlier days, a magical drawbridge of stone extended
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 60 from the edge of the rift to allow passage, but erosion
Initiative +0 flat check and time have destroyed this device, leaving the cave even
more treacherous to cross.
Treasure: Not all those who attempted to traverse The river of fire presents a dangerous obstacle to the
Droskar’s Doom in the days of the cult hoped to win party but also symbolizes the transition from the proving
rulership of the Crucible. One of these dwarves was a grounds of the dungeon level to the eastern wing, which
woman named Azarim who heard rumors of the cult was originally built to serve as an inner sanctum for the
and infiltrated it in the hopes of taking it apart from cult’s rulers. King Merlokrep, who becomes more a pawn
within, only to fall victim to the cult in her final attempt. of Droskar with every day spent wearing the magical
In her death, her soul fled into her rapier to avoid being crown, has now claimed the area.
imprisoned in the Soul Smith’s soul chain, and over the Merlokrep and his minions navigated this obstacle
centuries, she has bonded with the weapon. The result is with the use of levitate and spider climb spells to ferry
an intelligent magic weapon named Azarim. individuals and supplies back and forth while clambering
Azarim lies near the cavern’s exit toward area H6, out along the southern wall. This method will certainly work
of sight of the Soul Smith and kept safe for hundreds for the PCs, but you should let them come up with their
of years by her soul’s presence within the blade. One of own solutions. Characters can Climb the walls to the
the Truescales attempted to pick up the blade when she north and south of the chasm, as well as those of the
passed through the area, only to gasp in shock and pain chasm itself, with a DC 20 Athletics check. The rift itself
is 20 feet across, so it’s also a DC 20 Athletics check to Creature: The flickering flame on the anvil quickly
make a Long Jump over it. grows into a whirling torrent of fire as soon as any INTRODUCTION
The actual magma river below is only 10 feet across, character approaches within 20 feet of it, quickly
but without any room to Stride, a Long Jump over the disgorging a salamander armed with a massive hammer. CHAPTER 1:
river from down below isn’t possible. Complicating this is This creature, conjured from Droskar’s realm, swiftly HOLLOW'S LAST
the astounding heat within the chasm—a character who slithers into position before the entrance to area H8 to HOPE
ends their turn in this area takes 2d6 fire damage (DC 20 the south, demanding in Common that the intruders bow
basic Fortitude save). in submission to Droskar’s judgment. The salamander CHAPTER 2:
A character who falls into the rift can attempt a DC Strikes anyone it suspects of not being a worshipper of CROWN OF THE
20 Reflex save to land on the closest shore below, taking Droskar but won’t attack those it believes are his agents— KOBOLD KING
normal falling damage for the 30-foot drop, but on a including any character who can trick the salamander
critical failure, that creature lands in the magma. While with Lies or a disguise. The salamander can sense those CHAPTER 3:
this allows the falling character to treat the fall as if they who truly worship Droskar but also those who will HUNGRY ARE THE
were falling 20 feet shorter when determining falling likely soon convert to his cause—it won’t attack anyone DEAD
damage, they also take 20d6 fire damage (DC 25 basic who’s currently cursed by a soul chain or suffering from
Reflex save) upon landing in the magma, and then again Droskar’s Gloom except in self-defense. CHAPTER 4:
on every round they start their turn in the river. DROSKAR'S DOOM
The pillars on the west side of the chasm are SALAMANDER CREATURE 7
crumbling at the base, and with a bit of work, they can Pathfinder Bestiary 148 ADVENTURE
be forced over, either by doing enough damage to them Initiative Perception +15 TOOLBOX
to cause them to topple (Hardness 7, HP 28 [BT 14]), or Items +1 maul
by pushing them over with a successful DC 25 Athletics Melee [one-action] maul +18 (shove), Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning
check (this is an Interact action). Once a pillar topples,
attempt a DC 11 flat check—on a success, it lands across H8. CHARNEL WORKSHOP LOW 6
the chasm and forms a bridge that the PCs can cross by
succeeding at a DC 10 Athletics check, but on a failure, This chamber holds two stone tables, their dark-stained slabs
it topples into the chasm below. Characters can use the fitted with leather straps and jagged blades mounted on
crumbled chunks of pillar to hop across the magma articulated arms.
by clambering down into the pit but will still take fire
damage from the heat. Those who attempted to run the Doom in a bid to
Other solutions can work as well—use the above as seize rulership of the cult weren’t the only worshippers
guidelines for determining the chance of success for the
PCs in navigating this treacherous chamber.
Reward: Grant the PCs 40 XP the first time they
successfully navigate this room.
of Droskar who came to this dungeon. Ironically, those one of the target’s limbs. The target must attempt a DC
cultists who were found lacking or who volunteered to be 22 Fortitude save.
sacrificed were escorted deeper into this dungeon than any Critical Success The creature suffers no additional effect.
prospective new leader would ever see. Of course, none Success The creature takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage.
ever made it back out, as the sadistic cult leaders brought Failure The creature takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage
them here to prepare them for sacrifice. The tables in this and is clumsy 1. This clumsy condition ends once the
room were used to dismember cultists, removing their creature is restored to full Hit Points.
ability to toil by removing hands or arms and their ability Critical Failure As failure, but clumsy 2.
to flee by removing feet or legs, all while preserving their
lives for eventual sacrifice to Droskar. H9. PIT OF THE SINNERS LOW 6
Creatures: The dwarven suffering experienced in
this room festered tangibly after the cult met its end. This rough-hewn stone chamber features a large, oval pit
The agonized spiritual echoes infused the very objects against the western wall, although the pit’s depth is difficult to
of their torment, transforming the two dismembering discern with the layer of dwarven skeletons that fill it to within
tables into animated objects. The tables fear the presence three feet of its edge. What appear to be two dead kobolds lie
of the chosen of Droskar and remained quiet when King near the northern wall.
Merlokrep passed through after sensing the power
exuded from his crown. A character who suffers from The pit contains dozens of skeletal dwarves, each
Droskar’s gloom doesn’t exude quite so much power dismembered and then sacrificed to Droskar via a
but does gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC crushing blow to the front of the skull. The cult disposed
against attacks made by the animated tables. Otherwise, of the bodies here to deny them the honor of proper
the haunted tables attack intruders immediately, but entombment.
they don’t pursue them from this chamber. When they Creatures: This chamber is haunted by a pair of
animate, the tables move with an eerie flexibility, and poltergeists formed from an amalgamation of shattered
now and then, the faint images of screaming dwarven spirits and lingering souls denied an honorable burial.
faces seem almost to push up from inside the tables’ The two poltergeists attack all intruders, including
surfaces, as if they were thin strips of cloth with a Merlokrep and his contingent of kobolds (who made it
trapped dwarf pressing against it from the other side. through the room with minimal losses, apart from the
two Dark Talons who “distracted” the poltergeists long
DISMEMBERMENT TABLE CREATURE 5 enough for the rest of the kobolds to flee to area H10.
N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT MINDLESS The poltergeists use bones drawn from the pit for ranged
Variant animated object (Pathfinder Bestiary 20) attacks and telekinetic storms, but they don’t pursue
Perception +11; darkvision foes from this room.
Skills Athletics +13
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 POLTERGEISTS (2) CREATURE 5
AC 22 (18 when broken); construct armor; Fort +13, Ref Pathfinder Bestiary 264
+11, Will +9 Initiative Stealth +14
HP 56; Hardness 8; Immunities bleed, death effects,
disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, H10. DEMESNE OF THE FAITHLESS MODERATE 6
necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison,
sickened, unconscious; Weakness positive 8 This putrid chamber reeks of decay and filth. Against the far
Construct Armor As animated object, but reduced to AC 18 wall, an obsidian altar is strewn with mangled offerings in the
when broken. form of three broken but relatively fresh kobold corpses.
Haunted The dismemberment table is powered by
unquiet spirits, and it takes damage from positive Creatures: Once a shrine devoted to Droskar, this
energy as if it were undead. Positive energy bypasses room is now the horrific lair of Kieragan Skross, an
the table’s hardness. unfaithful heretic who spurned Droskar’s favor in the
Speed 25 feet cult’s final days. Once a tall, handsome dwarf, Kieragan
Melee [one-action] blade +14 (magical), Damage 2d8+7 slashing is now a twisted, wretched thing animated after death
Melee [one-action] strap +14, Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus Grab as a herexen—an ex-cleric whose final reward for
Disabling Strike [one-action] The dismemberment table attempts blasphemy is undeath. Today, the undead blasphemer
a blade Strike on a single target that it has grabbed or regards himself as the true heir of Droskar’s Crucible,
restrained. If this Strike hits, the blade cuts deep into and he takes great satisfaction in the schadenfreude
of continuing an existence, even if that “life” is one of commanding lash (Core Rulebook 390), touch of
undeath, when the rest of the cult perished long ago. obedience (Core Rulebook 398) INTRODUCTION
Kieragan’s memories of the cult and his previous life are Heretic’s Smite (divine, necromancy) As herexen, but 2d6
warped and twisted, as much fabrication as truth. Most evil damage. CHAPTER 1:
of his time over the past several centuries has been spent HOLLOW'S LAST
in motionless contemplation and self-congratulatory H11. MERLOKREP’S DOMAIN MODERATE 6 HOPE
imaginings as the true heir of the Crucible, indulging in
plans for a new era to such an extent that the dwarf lost The western wall of this room presents a carving of a massive, CHAPTER 2:
track of time for ages. glowering dwarf toiling away at an immense forge. Closer CROWN OF THE
King Merlokrep’s arrival roused the herexen from his inspection shows the dwarven smith is smashing a screaming KOBOLD KING
torpor, but by the time he fully returned to the present, smaller figure with his hammer, as if either forging or destroying
the wary kobolds had fled deeper into the complex, a dwarven king instead of a metal tool. The artistry of the CHAPTER 3:
leaving Kieragan unsure why he’s awake. In the span of a carving appears almost amateurish in its quality, yet the HUNGRY ARE THE
few more years without disturbance, he’ll likely return to depiction is unsettling. Several slabs of stone shaped like beds DEAD
his eerie hibernation, but the PCs’ arrival provides ample line the eastern wall of this room.
distraction. Kieragan greets them as if he were the temple’s CHAPTER 4:
high priest, in his blasphemy now believing himself to be This room once served as a barracks for Gristogar’s DROSKAR'S DOOM
Droskar in the flesh. He demands the PCs report on the chosen bodyguards. The slabs to the east are indeed
state of the world above, then attempts to convince them ADVENTURE
to carry word of his return to any who would listen, and TOOLBOX
to slaughter those who would resist. It should be only
a matter of time before Kieragan interprets a word or
reaction from a PC as insubordination and flies into a
furious frenzy, but until then, canny PCs can use him to
learn more about the site’s history at your discretion.
Once enraged, Kieragan fights until destroyed, pursuing
the PCs relentlessly until either he or they are no more.
ancient dwarven beds, built to last rather than to had nothing but fawning praise for Merlokrep—a defense
provide comfort. mechanism he developed over the course of serving
With a successful DC 20 Religion check to Recall several different kobold kings in his long life and learning
Knowledge, a character recognizes the carving on the that obedience to the fickle person in power is the safest
west wall as a depiction of Droskar forging Torag himself, way to stay alive.
taken from one of several blasphemous parables among Of course, after seeing the dangers King Merlokrep
the faithful of Droskar that present an alternate version exposed him and the other Dark Talons to on their
of the foundation of the pantheon of dwarven deities. fraught journey below, Narlynark has grown to doubt
Creatures: When Merlokrep fled to this depth, he the wisdom of fawning over the Kobold King. He knows
abandoned most of his allies, including his advisor that he would never survive a return trip up to the surface
Jekkajak and his consort Vreggma, trusting the whispers alone and has been plotting an escape on bat back down
of his crown that he needed only “fodder” to aid him in into the Darklands, theorizing that riding a giant bat will
his journey below to gain more power. Beyond a steadily keep him away from the monsters. All he needs to put his
dwindling number of Dark Talons, the only kobold escape plan in motion is to build up the bravery—and to
of note Merlokrep brought with him was his “slurk finish training the giant bats as mounts.
catcher” Narlynark. The first time the PCs arrive here, they interrupt a
As a druid, Narlynark’s skills go well beyond serving as conversation between Narlynark and four Dark Talon
the Truescales’ primary catcher and tamer of slurks, but guards. If the PCs are sneaky and understand Draconic,
it was the kobold’s slavish, almost embarrassing devotion eavesdropping reveals that Narlynark is attempting to
to Merlokrep that convinced the king to bring the druid convince at least one of the Dark Talons to “test ride” one
along. In Narlynark, there was no hint of Jekkajak’s split of the giant bats, promising an exciting and life-changing
devotion between her king and her faith, or any experience. The Dark Talons, of course, worry that the
indication of Vreggma’s disinterest in accepting “life-changing” promised is in fact death, since the last
his offers of becoming a queen. Quite the few times Narlynark convinced a Dark Talon to try riding
opposite: Narlynark has always a giant bat, things didn’t end well for that kobold.
Once the group notices the PCs, all chatter about bat
riding turns to shrieks of indignant rage at the “clumsy big
heads” invading their territory. The Dark Talons engage
the PCs in melee while Narlynark hangs back to blast
them with his magic. While the Dark Talons fight
to the death, Narlynark doesn’t—if two of the
Dark Talons are slain, or if he’s reduced to fewer
than 30 Hit Points himself, Narlynark flees to
area H13 to mount a giant bat and then moves on
to area H15 to warn the Kobold King... and to watch
for a chance to flee south into the Darklands if the
opportunity presents itself.
Male kobold druid (Pathfinder Bestiary 212)
Perception +13, darkvision
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +12, Deception +11, Nature +13, Stealth
+12, Survival +13
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2
Items sickle, leather armor, primal focus (wand of spider
climb made from a giant spider’s foot)
AC 22; Fort +14, Ref +10, Wis +13
HP 75; Resistances electricity 5, poison 5
NARLYNARK Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] sickle +12 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d4+2
Primal Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +14; 3rd fireball, pass, it grows increasingly worried that its next 800 years
lightning bolt; 2nd burning hands, create food, heal; of unlife will be a return to starvation, as its haunting INTRODUCTION
1st create water, heal, spider sting; Cantrips (3rd) acid howls meant to lure more prey into the chamber have had
splash, electric arc, produce flame, ray of frost largely the opposite effect on the kobolds, who now avoid CHAPTER 1:
Wild Retreat [three-actions] (move, primal, transmutation) this prison entirely. HOLLOW'S LAST
Frequency once per hour; Requirements Narlynark is Upon noticing the PCs, the specter of Klavniir begs HOPE
adjacent to at least one enemy; Effect Narlynark shrieks them to approach, spectral arms reaching through the
in terror, a sound that quickly transitions from a kobold bars in supplication. Of course, Klavniir attacks any PC CHAPTER 2:
cry to the shrill cry of a bird. A pair of feathery wings foolish enough to do. It hopes to transform at least one CROWN OF THE
grows from his back and his feet turn into bird talons. PC into a spectral thrall; if successful, it orders that PC to KOBOLD KING
As he leaps into the air to flee, his talons lash out—one remain here and protect it. Eventually, as is the fate of all
adjacent enemy of Narlynark’s choice takes 3d6+6 spectral thralls, this unfortunate will be slain. CHAPTER 3:
slashing damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). Narlynark Once combat begins, the specter can emerge from its HUNGRY ARE THE
can then fly up to 35 feet away. He must end his cell to continue to fight, but it remains bound to the site of DEAD
movement in a space that isn’t adjacent to any enemies, its death and can’t pursue foes out of this area.
and if he doesn’t end the movement on the ground, CHAPTER 4:
he falls to the ground as his wings vanish and his feet KLAVNIIR CREATURE 7 DROSKAR'S DOOM
return to normal. Specter (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 248)
Initiative Perception +15 ADVENTURE
Page 59 Treasure: The shiny object clutched to Klavniir’s bony
Initiative Perception +8 chest is a mithral chunk worth 500 gp—a bit of wealth
Gristogar allowed Klavniir to keep in his cell, knowing
H12. HAUNTED PRISON LOW 6 full well that no amount of wealth would save him.
This cramped passageway reeks of decay. Along either side of H13. HALL OF THE TRUESCALES LOW 6
the tunnel are crudely hewn cells with sturdy iron-barred doors,
but the foul smell obviously comes from the two dead kobolds This long, arched hall is filled with short-legged stone tables sized
on the floor near the westernmost cell door. Further beyond, an to host a dwarven feast. The entire area appears in disarray. One
ancient dwarven skeleton lies slumped against the far wall of of the tables is strewn with half-eaten and unpleasantly large
the westernmost cell, its bony hands still clutching something cave insects and other vermin, and another is broken in half. The
shiny to its chest. floor is littered with tankards and iron platters splattered with
raw meat and sweaty-looking fungi. The ceiling rises to a lofty
The iron-barred doors are all unlocked, but their thirty feet and is crisscrossed with stone support arches.
ancient hinges mean that opening them to enter one of
the cells beyond requires a character to succeed at a DC Creatures: Cult leadership took their meals and
15 Athletics check to Force Open a door. socialized here, and this hall has served King Merlokrep
Creatures: Cultists who found themselves judged as and his kobolds in the same way. While they generally
heretics or failures ended up in these cells, but as the rely upon Narlynark’s ability to create food and water, the
numbers of cultists dwindled, one final insubordinate kobolds have taken to augmenting those bland meals with
cultist named Klavniir was left imprisoned here and creepy-crawlies and fungi harvested from the Darklands
forgotten. This doomed soul died of thirst in the shaft (area H17), leaving behind uneaten portions in a
westernmost cell not long before Gristogar himself met growing display of filth.
his end in his quarters several levels above (area D10). There are no kobolds present in this room when the
Klavniir rose from death as a specter, only to find undeath PCs arrive (unless some fled here from a previous fight),
held more starvation for the next several centuries. Bound but the room is hardly vacant. When the Truescales first
to the site of its death much in the same way as a ghost, got here, they encountered a pair of unusually large
this specter spent most of its undead existence in the and frightening albino bats—creatures that Narlynark
throes of painful starvation, finally escaping from that placated enough so that the bats now tentatively regard
condition when a pair of Dark Talon kobolds wandered the kobolds as allies. Now and then, a bat might lash out
in here in search of treasure. The specter slaughtered them at a Dark Talon, but so far, no kobold has been killed and
quickly in desperation before realizing it should have eaten by one, a metric that, to the Truescales, indicates a
kept at least one of them alive to feed off of. As the days solid friendship in the making.
The two albino giant bats originally used area H16 Treasure: Most of the objects sitting on plinths are
as a roost, but since the kobolds arrived, Narlynark incomplete, but they’re still worth a small amount of
has lured them in here with food and soothing words. coin. “Unfinished” objects here function as if they’re
Ever since, he’s been working at training the giant bats broken but can be completed by the proper resources
to serve as kobold mounts. That work has gone slowly, and time needed to Repair them. Among the objects are
but at least the bats no longer snap at kobolds as two unfinished low-grade cold iron light hammers, an
frequently. The giant bats aren’t nearly so patient with unfinished low-grade silver light hammer, an unfinished
the PCs when they arrive, and the bats attack at once, standard-grade cold iron shield, an unfinished low-grade
dropping down from the stone arches above. Cornered cold iron breastplate, and an unfinished gold and silver
as they are at this point, the giant bats fight to the death circlet worth 85 gp. Only two of the plinths contain items
unless the PCs think to open doors, in which case a that are actually complete: a +1 striking ghost touch cold
giant bat reduced to 15 or fewer Hit Points flees as iron light hammer and a lesser sturdy shield.
best it can.
N LARGE ANIMAL The southern portion of this immense chamber features
Variant giant bat (Pathfinder Bestiary 39) twin rows of stone pews, all facing toward a wide northern
Perception +15; echolocation (precise) 40 feet, low-light vision extension of the room where a stone lectern sits before a
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +12, Stealth +12 massive forge, as if this hall was devoted to the very idea of
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +4, Cha –2 toil as faith. Carvings on the walls depict dwarves working
Echolocation As giant bat. under back-breaking labor of all types. The faint scent of burnt
AC 22; Fort +15, Ref +12, Wis +11 flesh lingers in the room, likely coming from the scorched body
HP 72 parts that are barely visible within the northern forge’s flames,
Wing Thrash [reaction] As giant bat. which flicker and glow with a strange, unnatural yellow light.
Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feet All these aspects combine to fill the very air of this room with
Melee [one-action] fangs +14, Damage 2d8+7 slashing an oppressive feeling.
Melee [one-action] wing +14 (agile), Damage 2d4+7 piercing
The lingering sensation of oppression in this room is
H14. STATUARY OF THE OLD KINGS a faint echo of the magic that once worked here. This
magic instilled real feelings of exhaustion and fatigue in
Eight bulky dwarven statues loom along this chamber’s walls, the minds and bodies of the faithful for them to struggle
lit by pulsing magical flames of white and blue that dance against while paying attention to the cult’s leader.
hypnotically in brass braziers. A short stone plinth sits at the Unaffected by this malaise, the leader preached from the
base of each statue. Objects sit on seven of the eight plinths. pulpit for hours at a time, always ready to break their
lecture to punish any dwarf nodding off or otherwise
The statues adorning these walls were carved by the faltering in their concentration.
past abbots of Droskar who ruled in the decades after Creatures: The Crown of the Kobold King compelled
the Rending. Each time a previous abbot died, the new King Merlokrep to travel to this chamber, for the
abbot would personally craft a memorial for their magic item was first constructed in this forge. Here,
predecessor. The combination of lack of talent and the rituals King Merlokrep needs to fully awaken the
artistry and traditions of disdain for those who came crown’s power can be completed with ease, although he
before infuses the stonework of these statues, leaving realized that he has come up short on a key ingredient—
them looking crude, amateurish, unfinished, or all three. the sacrifices. The burned body parts in the forge are
As more abbots passed away, the older statues here were the remains of animals and beasts harvested from the
reworked to replace even older abbots, further degrading nearby Darklands, but without a sapient enemy of
the stonework’s ancestry. his people to sacrifice, King Merlokrep can’t finish
The plinths each displayed that abbot’s greatest work, awakening the Crown.
although in most cases, these worshippers of Droskar In addition to any kobolds who fled earlier encounters
excelled at the faith’s tendency to never quite finish what and might have ended up here, King Merlokrep is
they started, and to go about the work with drudgery attended by two of his current favorite Dark Talon guards
and toil. as well as an inky black deep-dwelling giant stag beetle
The pulsing flames that light this room are continual the group found on their first exploratory trip down the
flames cast ages ago. shaft in area H17. The giant beetle, whom Merlokrep has
named Vreggma after the consort he suspects he’ll never final chance to bend the knee and lay down their arms,
see again, has remained a loyal pet of the Kobold King and if the PCs do so Merlokrep seems surprised only for INTRODUCTION
ever since he fed the beetle an insubordinate Dark Talon. a moment before ordering his Dark Talons to confiscate
King Merlokrep is a physical paragon of kobolds, their gear and bind them for imminent sacrifice. If you CHAPTER 1:
and his imposing powerhouse frame belies the usual feel like the PCs need any final closure to the adventure, HOLLOW'S LAST
assumptions about his people. Yet in his heart, there will or have missed out on a key plot element (such as the fact HOPE
always remain a shard of cowardice. His one good eye that Merlokrep has been following the crown’s whispered
peers from his skull with a fierce aspect, smoldering with advice, or that he plans to rule Darkmoon Vale once he CHAPTER 2:
rage at the party’s intrusion. Merlokrep’s skill at arms fully awakens his crown), feel free to have the Kobold CROWN OF THE
is unparalleled among the Truescales, and he wields his King reveal these secrets with the classic “taunting villain KOBOLD KING
magic axe Man-Feller in an impressive display. A gold speech” trope. However, the Kobold King won’t delay the
nose ring pierces his regal snout, and carvings and jewels inevitable too long and soon enough orders the attack. CHAPTER 3:
adorn his horns. He wears a bejeweled skull-themed eye King Merlokrep fights to the death, but if the PCs HUNGRY ARE THE
patch over his ruined eye, but none of his gear compares capture him alive and take the crown from his head, DEAD
to the Crown itself. This magnificent headgear features he quickly reveals his pathetic true colors and begs for
blood-dripping metal spikes arrayed around a gold band, mercy. Whether or not the Kobold King can truly atone CHAPTER 4:
but Merlokrep’s addition of a smaller kobold’s skull for his cruelties is left to you and your players to decide! DROSKAR'S DOOM
strapped to the top of the crown itself transforms the
look into a seamless fusion of menace and unintentional KING MERLOKREP CREATURE 8 ADVENTURE
comedy. The crown glows with a hideous yellow light; UNIQUE LE SMALL HUMANOID KOBOLD TOOLBOX
a character who succeeds at a DC 20 Arcana, Occult, Male kobold king (Pathfinder Bestiary 212)
or Religion check to Recall Knowledge realizes it has Perception +16; darkvision
absorbed additional energy from the Third Seal above. Languages Common, Draconic
The arrival of the PCs—the very intruders who forced Skills Acrobatics +18, Arcana +16, Athletics +16, Craft +14
him to begin his flight down into these depths—gives him (+16 traps), Intimidation +20, Mining Lore +14, Stealth +18
the final chance to finish his ritual, though even now King Str +4, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6
Merlokrep cringes inwardly at the prospect of Items Crown of the Kobold King, Man-Feller (page
clashing against the heroes. Before a fight 116), gold horn bangles worth 12 gp, 2 gold lip
begins, he imperiously gives the PCs one rings (worth 5 gp each) oversized red and gold satin
cloak with a crude painting of a gold dragon on the back H16. MERLOKREP’S TREASURY
(worth 10 gp)
AC 26; Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +16 Whatever purpose this chamber might have once served, today
HP 140 it seems to be an impromptu treasury of sorts. A scattered
Rise from Death (aura, divine, necromancy) If King heap of bones, coins, baubles, and jewels sits in a pile near the
Merlokrep is slain, the Crown of the Kobold King glows eastern wall.
brighter with an awful yellow radiance; this light slithers
down inside the dead kobold’s flesh, emanating from Treasure: This chamber contains the sum total of the
within as his body begins to twitch and writhe. If the Kobold King’s wealth and dearest treasures: 35 gp, 84
Crown is allowed to remain on his head for 3 rounds, sp, 194 cp, a bulldog’s skull, three rat skulls dipped in
King Merlokrep rises from death as an undead Kobold gold (worth 25 gp each), three fire opals worth 10 gp
King—this restores him to full hit points and grants each, a small agate worth 20 gp, a garnet worth 50 gp,
him the Undead trait (along with negative healing and a lovely statuette of a red dragon eating a horse worth
susceptibility to positive energy). Once the undead king 100 gp, a filthy food-stained greater dancing scarf that
is defeated, he remains destroyed—the absorbed energy appears to have been used many times as a napkin, a
of the Third Seal allows him to Rise from Death only pointy darkwood wand of wall of thorns Merlokrep uses
once. If the Crown is removed before 3 rounds pass, the as a tooth pick, and a greater rope of climbing (Advanced
light winks out, and the energy absorbed by the Third Player’s Guide 262) that has proved invaluable to the
Seal dissipates harmlessly. kobolds in recent days.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] battle axe +19 (sweep), Damage 2d8+7 slashing H17. DARKLANDS DESCENT
Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 26 (DC 27 with emotion The hallway ends at what looks to be a bottomless
spells), attack +18; 4th confusionE, phantasmal killerE, pit, its inky blackness plunging away into the gulf of the
weapon storm; 3rd fireballS, levitate, paralyze; 2nd world below. Narrow steps and handholds have been
dispel magicS, hideous laughterE, mirror image; 1st fearE, carved into the walls leading up to the ceiling, where
feather fall, magic missileS; Cantrips (4th) dancing lights, recent work appears to have been undertaken to extend
daze, detect magic, electric arc, shield the pit upward toward the surface.
Signature spell; Eemotion spell This shaft isn’t truly bottomless, but it does drop away
Imperious Retreat [two-actions] (manipulate, move) Requirements nearly 300 feet into a network of Darklands tunnels below.
King Merlokrep is adjacent to at least one enemy; The kobolds have been using this access to the Darklands
Effect King Merlokrep whips his fabulous satin cloak to augment their food and recruit bestial allies, but King
into the face of an adjacent creature and attempts an Merlokrep’s eventual goal was to dig a tunnel upward to
Intimidation check against that creature’s Will DC. On create a “secret entrance” for his kobold armies to more
a success, the creature is humiliated and distracted easily raid the surface world. So far, his minions have only
by the act and is flat-footed until the end of King made it about 5 feet upward.
Merlokrep’s next turn. King Merlokrep then Strides The Darklands shaft’s walls can be Climbed by a
up to his Speed and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to character who succeeds at a DC 20 Athletics check, but
AC against reactions triggered by this movement. He the true extent of what lies deep below goes beyond the
must end this movement in a space that isn’t adjacent scope of this adventure.
to any enemy.
Signature Spells King Merlokrep can cast any of his
signature spells (indicated on his list of spontaneous
spells above with an S) as heightened versions freely. CONCLUDING
Sneak Attack King Merlokrep deals an additional 1d6
precision damage to flat-footed creatures. THE CHAPTER
Page 59 With the defeat of King Merlokrep, the looming threat
Initiative Perception +8 posed by the Kobold King comes to an end. Furthermore,
no additional chambers await exploration in Droskar’s
“VREGGMA” CREATURE 4 Crucible; it’s only a matter of time before dwarven
Giant stag beetle (Pathfinder Bestiary 41) archaeologists from the Five Kings Mountains learn of the
Initiative Perception +10 PCs’ adventures and come to investigate the possibility of
reopening the site and reconsecrating it to Torag’s faith. or a political mission to the dwarven kingdom to warn
See the end of Chapter 3 for more details on how these them of upcoming peril, the legacy of the Crown of the INTRODUCTION
dwarves might reward the PCs for their work. Kobold King need not die with Merlokrep, first—and
The leaders of Falcon’s Hollow aren’t quite as likely likely last—of his name. CHAPTER 1:
to see a need to reward the PCs, but the fame of the Speaking of Merlokrep, simply because he has been HOLLOW'S LAST
region’s most successful recent adventurers quickly earns slain doesn’t mean his time as a villain must end. At your HOPE
the party a grudging respect from the town’s insular option, Merlokrep can return to seek revenge against
and foul-tempered government. Given time, the PCs the PCs, rising as an undead monstrosity with a ghostly CHAPTER 2:
could work toward better living conditions in Falcon’s crown atop his head! Whether the undead kobold king CROWN OF THE
Hollow, but attempts to do so will likely be resisted by returns to Droskar’s Crucible to attempt to retake his KOBOLD KING
the status quo, particularly the old guard of the Lumber home or sets up a domain in an entirely new ruin of
Consortium. It might be best at this point for the party your design is up to you. Exactly how powerful the new CHAPTER 3:
to seek further fame elsewhere in the world, but if PCs in undead Merlokrep is should depend on your PCs’ levels, HUNGRY ARE THE
the group count Falcon’s Hollow as their home, the goal of course, but he should be created as a creature that’s DEAD
to redeem and rebuild the settlement into something to at least 1 or 2 levels higher than the party’s level. If his
be proud of could take many more months or years of body remains intact, he can come back as a powerful CHAPTER 4:
work that might prove as deadly and fraught with peril wight—perhaps a cairn wight (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 292) DROSKAR'S DOOM
as any dungeon delve. who has advanced in power that he now wields a brand
The Crown of the Kobold King also represents a new weapon in place of Manfeller. If the PCs destroyed ADVENTURE
potential continuation of the plot, for if the PCs do Merlokrep’s remains, he can still come back as a dread TOOLBOX
anything other than destroy it, the item’s latent need to wraith (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 298) or even a ghost.
adorn the brow of a tyrant could compel a new owner The PCs likely won’t leave the Crown of Toil in reach
to take up the mantle. Alternately, word could reach of an undead Merlokrep to claim, so one of the kobold
surviving cultists of Droskar who could infiltrate Falcon’s king’s new goals might be an attempt to reclaim his
Hollow under the guise of merchants or travelers when, crown. Until then, the force of his stubborn will results
in fact, they seek to liberate and rebuild the Crown in a ghostly image of his crown appearing on his head—
of Toil and use it in a bid to stage a deadly regardless of whether he comes back as a corporeal or
coup in the Five Kings Mountains. Be it incorporeal monster. This ghost crown could even be
a scramble to track down the stolen the source of his undead power and can possess eerie
crown and its cultist protectors abilities of its own!
Numerous unusual and memorable magical treasures await discovery in Crown of the Kobold King. CHAPTER 1:
AZARIM ITEM 7 While she prefers to exist in the form of a rapier, she can use CHAPTER 3:
UNIQUE CG DIVINE EVOCATION INTELLIGENT one of her actions to activate her shifting rune to take the HUNGRY ARE THE
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 shape of another weapon as needed. DEAD
Perception +12; darkvision 30 feet, hearing 30 feet While Azarim prefers to be wielded by chaotic good
(imprecise) characters, particularly those who worship Cayden CHAPTER 4:
Communication telepathy (Celestial, Common, Cailean, she’s open-minded and eager to work with any DROSKAR'S DOOM
Dwarven, Undercommon) wielder who seeks to oppose corrupting or toxic traditions
Skills Alcohol Lore +13, Deception +15, in society, particularly those who work against the ADVENTURE
Diplomacy +13, Religion +13, Society +15 influence of the cult of Droskar. To wielders she doesn’t TOOLBOX
Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4 approve of, she works to convince them to either change
Will +15 their ways or to hand her over to someone who she can
In life, the dwarven rogue Azarim was always work with, resorting to her ability to induce weakness in
something of an outsider among her people for her carrier as needed when simply having them discard
her fast and loose relationship with dwarven her is the only option left.
tradition. However, she still harbored in her heart a Azarim deals an additional 1d6 chaotic damage
fierce pride in what dwarves had accomplished. She to worshippers of Droskar, to creatures allied with
had long fought against the cult of Droskar, seeing it Droskar’s faith, and to those who are under the
as emblematic of all the worst parts of dwarven culture. influence of Droskar’s faith—which includes
By the time she infiltrated Droskar’s Crucible in 4065 the Kobold King Merlokrep for as long as he
AR, the cult was already in decline. She knew portions of continues to wear his crown as well as most of
Droskar’s Crucible were built by the worshippers of Torag the intelligent inhabitants of the deeper levels
who preceded the cult and that something of great power of Droskar’s Crucible.
had been locked away in the Lower Vault, but not what Full rules for intelligent items appear
that object was. If she could gain control over the cult, on pages 88–89 of the Pathfinder
she could simultaneously use them to open the Lower Gamemastery Guide.
Vault and convince them to set aside their worship of Activate [reaction] Trigger A creature picks up
Droskar—if not for her own patron, Cayden Cailean, then Azarim or begins its turn carrying Azarim;
any other faith with a more positive leaning. Effect The creature who carries Azarim
Unfortunately, her attempt to seize control of the cult becomes enfeebled 2. This condition
using their own traditions against them backfired when persists as long as the creature carries
she succumbed to the Soul Smith. Unlike the others who Azarim. A non-lawful creature can attempt
were slain by the Soul Smith, Azarim’s soul managed to to resist this effect with a DC 23 Fortitude
somewhat escape being bound into the Soul save, but lawful creatures don’t
Smith’s soul chain by instead seeking shelter gain a save to resist.
in her own magic rapier. Frustrated at the Activate [two-actions] (command, Interact)
fact her soul slipped away but ignorant of Azarim casts 2nd-level illusory
where that soul fled to, the Soul Smith returned to his disguise on her wielder. This effect ends immediately
tasks and soon forgot about Azarim—she was, to the as soon as the wielder no longer carries Azarim.
undead dwarf, just another in a long line of failures. Activate [reaction] (command, Interact) Frequency once per
Today, Azarim is an intelligent +1 striking shifting rapier. hour; Effect Azarim bolsters her user’s ability to lie. She
The rapier has been waiting patiently for centuries for a can either attempt her own Deception check to resolve
new, like-minded ally to take her up in arms against her foes. her wielder’s Lie, or she can assist with her wielder’s
attempt to Lie and grant a +2 circumstance bonus to back the deceased’s spirit. The head must be forcefully
the Deception check. commanded to answer with a secret Intimidation check—
Activate [three-actions] (command, Interact) Frequency once per other attempts to query the head without attempting an
day; Effect Azarim gains the effects of an anarchic Intimidation check for a result automatically fail. Once
weapon rune for 1 minute. When wielded by a character activated in this way, this activation of a cresset of grisly
who’s at least 11th level, Azarim becomes a +2 striking interrogation can’t be performed again for 1 hour. The head
anarchic shifting rapier, and instead this activation can answers the question based on the result of the secret
be applied to another weapon that’s in physical contact Intimidation check against the Will DC the creature had
with Azarim. when it was alive or DC 25, whichever is higher.
Critical Success The head answers the question truthfully,
CRESSET OF GRISLY INTERROGATION ITEM 9 to the best of its ability.
RARE MAGICAL NECROMANCY Success The head answers the question truthfully, but
Price 700 gp the answer is brief, cryptic, or repetitive.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 Failure The head’s answer provides false information,
This iron cresset appears as a cage-like basket with a attempting to Lie to you with a +15 Deception modifier,
metal bowl fitted into its base—a bowl sized perfectly to or the creature’s original Deception, whichever is higher.
hold the severed head of a Medium or Small humanoid. Critical Failure As failure, but the head gains a +4
Activate [three-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect circumstance bonus to its Deception check, and the
You open the cresset by detaching the top and folding next time you use this activation of the cresset of grisly
it back on a hinge so that a decapitated head can be interrogation during the next 24 hours, the result of
placed inside the bowl. Once the cage lid is folded back your Intimidation check is one degree of success worse
over the head and latched in place, and as long as the than the result you rolled.
decapitated head has been dead for no longer than 10
minutes before being placed inside the cresset, the head CROWN OF THE KOBOLD KING ITEM 9
is no longer subject to decay, and bugs and pests (such as UNIQUE ENCHANTMENT INVESTED MAGICAL
maggots) are prevented Price 700 gp
from consuming the Usage worn headwear; Bulk —
remains. This doesn’t Originally, this magical crown was
prevent the rest of the to be known as the Crown of Toil—a
corpse or its soul from magic item crafted by the
becoming undead, nor dwarven priest named Gristogar.
does it prevent effects He intended for the crown to
that restore life to the bolster his ability to rule and
dead (but note that some herald in a new era of a dwarven
spells, such as raise dead, kingdom that followed the
can’t be used to restore teachings of Droskar. Yet Gristogar
life to a decapitated corpse wasn’t equal to his own ambitions,
in the first place). If the head and before he could complete the
is later removed from within the Crown of Toil, his cult died out and he
cresset, the head’s delayed decay ended his own life. For centuries, the
immediately catches up with it in a few incomplete crown lay dormant, but over
seconds, rendering it useless for further that time, fragments of Gristogar’s soul
use inside of a cresset of grisly interrogation. infused it—not enough to transform it into a
Activate 1 minute (command, Interact); Requirements truly intelligent item, but enough to give it a
A severed head is within the cresset of rudimentary need and desire to be
grisly interrogation; Frequency three completed.
times per day; Effect You pose a question CROWN OF THE KOBOLD KING When the Kobold King Merlokrep
to the head contained within the cresset, discovered the discarded crown and
and it animates briefly to reply with a short answer over placed it upon his head, the crown at last had agency—
the course of a minute. The cresset empowers the severed if not in a hale and hearty dwarf, at least in the frame
head with the ability to reply even without breath, of a powerful and ambitious kobold. Just as the crown
granting the head a semblance of life, calling upon the began influencing Merlokrep, so too did the Kobold King’s
physical remains’ latent memories rather than summoning personality influence the crown. Today, the device is
known as the Crown of the Kobold King, and while it still Some kobolds are particularly fond of using flying talons,
urges the one who wears it to build a kingdom of endlessly especially as a sort of badge of office above those who INTRODUCTION
toiling workers, it no longer does so in honor of Droskar. serve them. The ranged trip and tethered weapon traits
Instead, it seeks the rise of a brutal kobold kingdom. are detailed on page 85 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. CHAPTER 1:
The crown appears as a golden band surrounded by Weapon Price Damage Bulk Hands Group HOLLOW'S LAST
iron spikes that glisten with fresh blood—the addition of Flying talon 6 gp 1d4 P 1 1 Flail HOPE
a kobold skull to the top is largely decorative, but one the Weapon Traits
crown has grown to “enjoy.” Even in its incomplete state, a agile, finesse, kobold, ranged trip, tethered, thrown 10 ft., trip CHAPTER 2:
few rituals away from its true potential, the Crown of the CROWN OF THE
Kobold King is a potent item. Wearing the crown grants GRASP OF DROSKAR ITEM 5 KOBOLD KING
you a +2 item bonus to Intimidation checks and a +1 RARE CURSED DIVINATION INVESTED MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION
item bonus to saving throws against fear effects. Price 155 gp CHAPTER 3:
Activate [two-actions] (command, envision) Frequency Usage worn glove; Bulk — HUNGRY ARE THE
once per day; Effect The crown infuses you with This +1 striking gauntlet appears little more than a DEAD
the glorious conviction that you’re meant to rule, dull, soot-stained, metal-plated glove at first glance, but
granting you a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, in truth it is an invasive boon granted by Droskar to CHAPTER 4:
saving throws, and Charisma-based skill checks his most faithful subjects. Placing the glove on your DROSKAR'S DOOM
for 1 minute. hand causes excruciating pain as your appendage
Activate 10 minutes (envision, Interact); curls into a tight fist and then slowly transforms to a ADVENTURE
Frequency once per day; Effect You cast a supernaturally hard ball of black stone, fusing to you TOOLBOX
nightmare spell. and preventing you from using this hand for anything
other than gauntlet Strikes or the grasp of Droskar’s
DRAZMORG’S STAFF OF ALL-SIGHT ITEM 10 activated abilities (a grasp of Droskar does not have the
UNIQUE DIVINATION MAGICAL STAFF free-hand weapon trait). The gauntlet can’t be removed
Price 475 gp without a successful casting of remove curse or a
Usage held in 1 hand, Bulk 1 similar spell. The gauntlet reverts to normal (and can be
This long, gnarled staff looks like several bones fused removed with ease) if the curse is removed, the hand is
together, then wrapped tightly with strips of desiccated, removed from the body, or the wearer dies.
gray skin. At the top of the staff, a clump of sinew clasps Activate [one-action] envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect
a small stone orb resembling a large human eye. When You gain a +1 item bonus on all Athletics checks for 1
the staff is activated, this eye twitches and glances minute.
around randomly. When wielding this staff, you gain a Activate [two-actions] envision; Frequency once per day; Effect
+1 item bonus to visual Perception checks. You cast ray of enfeeblement with a spell attack modifier
Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You expend a number of +10 and a DC of 20.
of charges from the staff to cast a spell from its list.
• Cantrip read aura HEARTRIPPER BLADE ITEM 5
• 2nd darkvision, flaming sphere (creates what Price 160 gp
appears to be a large eye made of fire), see Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
invisibility This wicked-looking curved weapon is
• 3rd organsight (Pathfinder Secrets a +1 striking dagger that draws power
of Magic 120), web of eyes (Secrets DRAZMORG'S STAFF from defeating foes, either to bolster
of Magic 140) itself or its wielder. A heartripper blade
• 4th clairvoyance, countless eyes is well suited for use in any ritual that
(Advanced Player’s Guide 217), detect scrying involves divination, and incorporating it into any ritual
Craft Requirements Supply one casting of all listed levels with the divination trait grants the wielder a +1 item
of all listed spells. bonus on any check made to resolve the effects of the
ritual’s casting.
FLYING TALON ITEM 1 Activate [reaction] command; Frequency once per day;
UNCOMMON Trigger You reduce a foe to 0 Hit Points with a Strike
This weapon consists of a three-pronged barbed hook from the heartripper blade; Effect The heartripper blade
attached to a length of chain. It can be used as a melee draws power from the devastating strike, causing its
weapon to stab at foes or hurled as a ranged weapon. blade to erupt in black flames. For 1 minute, Strikes with
the heartripper blade inflict an additional 1d6 negative other creatures. It’s up to GM discretion whether this
damage to living creatures. effect applies against such a disguised human.
Activate [reaction] command; Frequency once per day; Those who might find it amusing to point out the
Trigger You reduce a foe to 0 Hit Points with a Strike awkward and almost comedic duplication in the
from the heartripper blade; Effect The heartripper blade weapon’s name would do well to consider that those who
draws life from the victim’s body and siphons it into previously mocked the name of King Merlokrep’s favorite
you. Choose one of the following effects: restore 2d8 Hit axe to the kobold’s face didn’t live long enough to finish
Points; reduce the value of your clumsy, enfeebled, or their self-congratulatory chuckles.
stupefied conditions by 1; or reduce the stage of one toxin
or disease you’re suffering by one stage (this can’t reduce NECROBINDING SERUM ITEM 5
the stage below stage 1 or cure the affliction). RARE CONSUMABLE INCAPACITATION INJURY MAGICAL NECROMANCY
Price 30 gp
IN THE SHADOWS OF TOIL ITEM 8 Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
UNIQUE GRIMOIRE MAGICAL NECROMANCY Activate [two-actions] Interact
Price 500 gp This potent necromantic serum is distilled from the
Bulk L body of an intelligent corporeal undead who
In the Shadows of Toil was originally an seeks to establish absolute control
incomplete copy of a journal kept by over their undead minions. The raw
the dwarven adventurer Druingar the materials of a necrobinding serum
Glintaxe. Drazmorg made extensive use of are composed of a slurry made from the creator’s
the book’s wide margins and several dozen own flesh and blood mixed with pulped fungal toxins.
blank pages left in the back to serve as a The exact ingredients vary, but the act of brewing a
spellbook. Over the years, he further enhanced necrobinding serum is typically viewed with distaste
his copy to transform it into a grimoire (see page at best and, in many societies, is regarded as an evil
162 of Secrets of Magic for full rules on grimoires). A act. While necrobinding serum isn’t a poison, its method
character who reads Necril can learn about Drazmorg’s of delivery is identical to that of an injury poison—it’s
history, his discovery of the Third Seal, and his hopes to applied to a weapon that’s then used to Strike an undead
absorb all of its power before seeking out the Whispering target (living creatures suffer no additional effect from
Way to lead them on a new crusade to hunt down the next exposure to a dose of necrobinding serum).
two seals, destroy them, and bring back the Whispering When an undead creature is targeted by a dose of
Tyrant. Beyond these frightening notes, the grimoire also necrobinding serum, it must attempt a DC 19 Will save.
contains copies of all the spells Drazmorg has prepared Critical Success The undead creature is unaffected.
and those needed to recharge his staff; feel free to add Success The undead creature is momentarily disoriented;
more spells to this list if you wish. it takes a –1 status penalty to all attack rolls made
Activate [one-action] envision (metamagic); Frequency once per against you until the start of your next turn.
day; Effect If your next action is to cast a necromancy Failure The undead creature becomes friendly toward you.
spell that you prepared from this grimoire and that If it was already friendly, it becomes helpful. It can’t use
allows a saving throw, you infuse the magic with hostile actions against you. This effect persists for 8 hours
sensations of endless toil. If the target fails its if the undead is mindless. Against other undead, the effect
saving throw against the spell, it becomes fatigued gains the mental trait and persists for 10 minutes.
for 1 minute by the sense of exhaustion imbued in Critical Failure The undead creature becomes helpful
the magic. toward you and can’t use hostile actions against you.
This effect persists for 24 hours if
MAN-FELLER ITEM 7 MAN-FELLER the undead is mindless. Against other
UNIQUE DIVINATION MAGICAL undead, the effect gains the mental
Price 360 gp trait and persists for 1 hour.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 Craft Requirements You must be a corporeal undead, and
This impressive-looking weapon is forged from a single the serum must include some of your flesh and blood.
piece of cold iron. Man-Feller is a +1 striking cold iron
battle axe that strikes particularly painful wounds into RING OF TORAG ITEM 3
the flesh of humans it hews. The battle axe deals an RARE ABJURATION INVESTED MAGICAL
additional 1d6 slashing damage to any human it wounds. Price 60 gp
This benefit doesn’t apply against humans disguised as Usage worn; Bulk —
This simple golden ring has a large, red gemstone set into target’s ears, the message is stored in
it that sparkles with an inner fire. the soulspeaker. The soulspeaker’s INTRODUCTION
Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per round; eyes open, and the next time it’s
Requirements You’re taking persistent fire damage; activated, the soulspeaker repeats the CHAPTER 1:
Effect You call upon the ring to put out the flame and its message you spoke to it with a rasping HOLLOW'S LAST
magic attempts to bring the fire under control. This is whisper before its eyes close again, the HOPE
especially effective assistance against persistent fire message expended.
damage, so you gain an immediate flat check to CHAPTER 2:
remove the persistent fire damage, and the DC SOUL CHAIN ITEM 6 CROWN OF THE
typically decreases from 15 to 10. RARE CURSED EVOCATION MAGICAL KOBOLD KING
Activate [reaction] envision; Frequency once per Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
day; Trigger You’re targeted by a fire effect; A soul chain is a +1 striking spiked chain that CHAPTER 3:
Effect The ring’s red gemstone flashes has become cursed after a forge-spurned HUNGRY ARE THE
with light, granting you resistance 5 used it to kill a creature and trap its soul. In the DEAD
against fire and a +1 status bonus on your hands of a forge-spurned, a soul chain inflicts an
AC or saving throw against the fire effect additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Other creatures CHAPTER 4:
targeting you; these benefits end as soon as can use a soul chain as a standard +1 striking spiked DROSKAR'S DOOM
the fire effect is resolved. chain. A soul chain fuses with its wielder the first
time the wielder damages a living ADVENTURE
SHARD OF THE THIRD SEAL ITEM 9 SHARD OF THE THIRD SEAL creature with the weapon. A character TOOLBOX
UNIQUE ABJURATION MAGICAL who dies while carrying a soul chain
Price 600 gp must attempt a DC 20 Will save; on
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L a failure, they’re immediately transformed into a forge-
This stone fragment from the Third Seal retains a tiny spurned. Carrying multiple soul chains doesn’t increase
sliver of that legendary item’s power. The shard sheds the DC of the save, but the carrier must attempt the save
light constantly, with the effects of a torch requiring no once for each chain they carry.
oxygen and generating no heat. The flame can be covered
or hidden, but it can’t be smothered or quenched. TALLOWHEART MASS ITEM 8
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Effect You generate the RARE ABJURATION DIVINE HEALING NECROMANCY TRANSMUTATION
effects of a disrupt undead cantrip, heightened to 3rd level. Price 425 gp
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per day; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Effect By passing the shard over a creature or object, you can This disgusting mass of magically-infused hardened
produce the effects of a nondetection spell on that target. tallow is often found divided into three portions, each
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per attached to the other by a thin tangle of fibers and
day; Effect By gripping the shard tightly and waving it hair. While some create tallowheart masses that are
before you, you can produce the effects of a levitate spell connected via lengths of scented cord or even fine
on yourself. chain, the mass of tallow is always off-putting in texture,
scent, and appearance. Despite the mass’s unpleasant
SOULSPEAKER ITEM 2 look, this magical item can be quite helpful. Each of the
RARE ILLUSION INVESTED MAGICAL three portions can be activated in one of three ways,
Price 25 gp but once a portion is activated, it’s consumed. Once
Usage worn; Bulk — you’ve consumed all three portions, you fully expend the
This grotesque, amulet-like shrunken head is said to hold tallowheart mass.
a shard of its owner’s psyche. The head is often that of Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect If you rub a portion
a humanoid, but any creature capable of speaking in life between your hands, the mass melts into your flesh and
can provide the grisly component needed for this magic you gain the quickened condition for 1 minute. You can
item’s creation. The head can contain a short message use the extra action each round only for Strike actions
whispered to it and can then be commanded to repeat the made with weapons you wield in your hands.
message later. While a soulspeaker carries a message, Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect If you consume a portion,
the eyes of the shrunken head open, and they close as you regain 4d8+12 Hit Points.
soon as its message is delivered. Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect If you rub a portion on your
Activate [two-actions] command; Effect You cast message, but body, it melts into your worn gear and flesh and grants
instead of your message being transferred directly to a you resistance 10 to fire damage for 1 minute.
FRUSTRATING SHEDDINGS These dark blue or black mollusk-like creatures have a similar appearance to an
The liquid darkness shed octopus, save that they have only six tentacles, all of which are connected by a thick
by darkmantles has long leathery shroud. While darkmantle aren’t a particularly good climber, they excel at
fascinated alchemists, who clinging and can clutch onto a cave roof for days, patiently waiting to ambush any
have tried countless methods of prey that walks below them with a disorienting blob of darkness. When clinging to
extracting and preserving the a cave roof, and with their bulbous red eyes closed down to squints, darkmantles in
fluid to generate dark-spewing ambush look similar to stalactites. Their preferred hunting method works best on
bombs of their own design. creatures without darkvision, so they frequent ruins aboveground or shallow caves
While some alchemists have not far from the outside world. When darkmantles sense prey, they shed darkness
succeeded in their attempts, down onto their prey before dropping away from the ceiling to flap quickly down to
the cost and trouble of doing their victim, whereupon these beasts clutch and squeeze with their thick, muscular
so tend to make the process tentacles. Despite the shape of darkmantles, their bodies’s texture is more like thick
a great way for an aspiring leather or even rubber—they can’t cause damage with their spike-shaped bodies by
alchemist to lose a lot of money dropping down onto other creatures.
and waste a lot of time. Darkmantles have a swift life cycle—their young grow to maturity in a matter of
months, and most of these creatures die of old age after living for only a few years.
As a result, generations of darkmantles quickly accrue, and over the years, they’ve
developed a similarly rapid propensity to adapt to new locations. Aquatic caverns,
for example, might be infested with darkmantles that can swim instead of fly; on
the other hand, icy caverns would’ve led to darkmantles that developed white or
pale blue colorations, and these specimens might produce blasts of obscuring fog
instead of darkness. The deepest, darkest reaches of the Darklands are rumored to
host darkmantles of incredible size, capable of smothering multiple human-sized
victims simultaneously. These deep-dwelling darkmantles
have the capacity to shed more powerful darkness that can
plunge even creatures with darkvision into inky blackness—
darkness in which these deep-dwelling creatures can, of
course, still see well within.
Perception +6, darkvision, tremorsense (precise) 60 feet
Skills Stealth +7
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
AC 15; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4
HP 20
Speed 15 feet, fly 25 feet
Melee [one-action] tentacles +7 (agile, finesse); Damage 1d8+1 bludgeoning plus Grab
Constrict [one-action] 1d8 bludgeoning, DC 17
Shed Darkness [two-actions] (darkness, evocation, primal) The darkmantle sheds an inky
blob of black fluid from the folds of its body. It can shed this blob horizontally to
a distance of up to 30 feet, or simply let it fall up to 120 feet below itself (shed
darkness that falls more than 120 feet before striking a surface evaporates
without effect). When the blob of darkness lands, it explodes into a 10-foot
burst of darkness that prevents light from penetrating or emanating within the
area. Light doesn’t enter this area, and any non-magical light sources, such as
a torch or lantern, don’t emanate any light while inside the area, even if their
light radius would extend beyond the darkness. This also suppresses magical
light of 1st level or lower but has no effect on magical light from 2nd-level or
higher spells. From the outside, it appears as a globe of pure darkness. The
darkmantle can’t shed darkness again for 24 hours.
Evil dwarves who die having failed to live up to the exacting standards of the HAUNTED FORGES
duergar god Droskar are sometimes forced to return to the material world as Forge-spurned are often CHAPTER 1:
undead abominations known as forge-spurned. Forge-spurned look like dwarves encountered near abandoned HOLLOW'S LAST
with pupilless eyes and leathery flesh, and with their hair and beard made of smoke forges, and the presence of these HOPE
and fire—newly formed forge-spurned can almost be mistaken for living creatures undead dwarves can infest that
as a result. The longer forge-spurned exist, the more skeletal and fiery their visage forge with an ever-burning fire. CHAPTER 2:
becomes; those who have existed for centuries or more often look as if they have Such “haunted” forges burn CROWN OF THE
skulls for faces and fire for hair. without the need for fuel, though KOBOLD KING
they extinguish automatically
FORGE-SPURNED CREATURE 5 when their forge-spurned source CHAPTER 3:
Perception +11; darkvision DEAD
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
Skills Athletics +14, Crafting +14, Droskar Lore +12 CHAPTER 4:
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +0 DROSKAR'S DOOM
Items soul chain (page 117), warhammer
AC 22; Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +11 ADVENTURE
HP 75, eternal damnation, negative healing; Immunities death effects, disease, fire, TOOLBOX
paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses cold 5
Eternal Damnation (divine, necromancy) As long as their soul chain remains intact,
a forge-spurned can’t be truly destroyed. They rise again fully healed at the next
sundown, even if their physical body was destroyed.
Searing Heat (fire) A creature who touches a forge-spurned (including by Grappling
them or hitting them with an unarmed attack) takes 2d6 fire damage with a DC
21 basic Reflex save.
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] soul chain +15 (disarm, trip), Damage
2d8+5 slashing plus 1d6 fire
Melee [one-action] warhammer +14 (shove), Damage 1d8+7
Inflate Bellows [two-actions] Requirements The forge-spurned
has used Forge Breath; Effect The forge-spurned
draws a massive breath to refill their emptied lungs,
enabling them to use Forge Breath again.
Forge Breath [two-actions] (divine, evocation, fire) The forge-spurned
breathes a cloud of stinging soot, ash, and glowing
embers. This can affect either a 30-foot cone or a 20-foot
burst centered on the forge-spurned and persists for 1d4
rounds. Each creature that moves into or starts their turn
in the area takes 6d6 fire damage, with a DC 21 basic Reflex
save. A creature who fails its save is also blinded for 1 minute.
Creatures within the cloud are concealed, though not from the
forge-spurned. The forge-spurned can’t use Forge Breath again
until they’ve used Inflate Bellows.
Soul Chain (divine, fire, necromancy) If a creature is slain by an
attack from the soul chain and the forge-spurned is able to retain
the creature’s corpse, they can bind the creature’s soul into a
soul chain (as bind soul) with a day of work at a forge and a
successful DC 20 Crafting check. An individual whose soul is
bound in this way can’t be resurrected unless the soul chain
is destroyed (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10).
JUNGLE GRICKS The wormlike gricks terrorize the caverns and tunnels in which it dwells, lying in wait
These surface-adapted varieties near heavily traveled underground passages or subterranean cities for the chance to
of the underground grick appear reach forth from the darkness and take its prey. Those laid low by a grick are rarely
in shades of green. They lurk consumed on the spot. Instead, gricks haul back fresh food back to their lair in a tight
in the undergrowth of jungles burrow or high on a cavern ledge, where they consume their spoils in small bites at
or climb low-hanging branches the gricks’ leisure.
to drop on unsuspecting prey. The origin of gricks is unknown. Even though these creatures have a rudimentary
Their greater skill at Stealth intelligence, they don’t have any social structure to speak of. Most gricks are
checks applies in forested terrain encountered alone. Even on those occasions when unfortunate travelers meet
instead of rocky terrain. Jungle multiple gricks in small groups, those gricks don’t appear to communicate or work
gricks are heartier creatures than together; each instead attacks an individual target and retreats with its prize as
their underground-dwelling kin; soon as it manages to bring down an opponent. Capable predators, gricks also have
all jungle gricks have the elite a strangely weapon-resistant hide that makes them especially dangerous to the
creature adjustments as a result. unprepared. Many novice adventurers have fallen to grick attacks merely because
they couldn’t damage these creatures with their non-magical weapons. Those familiar
with gricks (especially dwarves, morlocks, and xulgaths) know the best strategy for
dealing with them when one lacks access to magic weapons is to fall back and wait
for more powerful or magical reinforcements.
Gricks rely on their dark coloration and ability to climb walls to keep them out
of sight until they’re ready to spring an ambush. On occasions, when food becomes
scarce in a particular area, gricks have been known to travel to
the surface and roam the wilderness in search of prey, but they
make these sojourns almost always out of necessity, lasting only
as long as it takes them to find entrances to new subterranean
lairs. These creatures prefer darkness and the comfort of a ceiling
overhead; they avoid the open sky and go to great lengths to keep
the cover of trees, low clouds, or buildings between them and the empty
gulf overhead.
Some Darklands societies have tried to recruit gricks as guardians or even
beasts of burden, but their intelligence—while middling at best—is more
than enough for them to stubbornly resist and even resent attempts
at “training.” The best most societies can manage is to keep a grick
guardian happy by making sure it remains well-fed and comfortable.
Perception +8; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Aklo (can’t speak any language)
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8 (+10 in rocky terrain)
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +3, Cha –2
AC 20; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10
HP 35; Resistances physical 5 (except magic)
Gripping Tentacle [reaction] Trigger A creature in the grick’s reach uses
a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using;
Effect The grick makes a tentacle Strike against the target. If
the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a
move action, the grick disrupts that action.
Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d12+6 slashing
Melee [one-action] tentacle +11 (agile), Damage
1d8+6 bludgeoning
Not all oozes are mindless predators capable of little more than ambushing and BRAIN OOZES
consuming prey. The id ooze is a thinking, calculating creature with the capacity Just as id oozes are an evolution CHAPTER 1:
to carry out complex plots and plans—not always to secure a meal. Left to its of the lesser gray ooze, so do HOLLOW'S LAST
own devices, an id ooze is just as content to spend decades or even centuries in there exist evolutions of id HOPE
introspective philosophical pursuits as it is to crawl through the underground rivers oozes known as brain oozes.
and moist caverns it prefers to call home. While brain oozes aren’t much CHAPTER 2:
An id ooze can derive sustenance from the consumption of organic material, more powerful than an id ooze, CROWN OF THE
but without easy access to plants or animals to eat, they can subsist in a state of they tend to be much crueler KOBOLD KING
semi-hibernation for centuries while slowly absorbing residual psychic energies in and more sadistic in their
locations that have been host to powerful emotions, such as long-standing temples behavior. Brain oozes appear as CHAPTER 3:
that once hosted generations of worshippers, settlements that endured horrific disembodied brains that lash out HUNGRY ARE THE
wars or devastating disasters, or even just the home of a powerful occult spellcaster with slimy tentacles. Where the DEAD
whose thoughts left marks upon the walls long after they moved on. id ooze possesses occult magic
An id ooze prefers water but is equally at home on land. The slimy creature appears that allows them to confuse CHAPTER 4:
as a patch of water until it attacks, when its gelatinous body piles up on itself to form and hinder thought, brain oozes DROSKAR'S DOOM
a single pseudopod that strikes like an angry snake. specialize in controlling thoughts
and revels in the resulting ADVENTURE
ID OOZE CREATURE 7 feelings of superiority before, TOOLBOX
RARE N MEDIUM AMPHIBIOUS OOZE inevitably, they consume their
Perception +15; motion sense 60 feet, no vision mind-controlled victims.
Languages Common, Undercommon (can’t speak any language); telepathy 60 feet
Skills Athletics +16, Deception +15, Occultism +15, Stealth +15 (+17 in moist areas)
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4
Motion Sense An id ooze can sense nearby creatures through vibration and air
or water movement.
Puddled Ambush [reaction] Trigger A creature enters or interacts with a space occupied
by an id ooze; Requirements Initiative hasn’t yet been rolled; Effect The id
ooze automatically notices the creature, then makes a pseudopod Strike
against one creature adjacent to itself before rolling initiative.
AC 21; Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +17
HP 105; Immunities acid, critical hits, precision, unconscious, visual;
Resistances slashing 5, piercing 5
Speed 10 feet, climb 10 feet, swim 20 feet
Melee [one-action] pseudopod +18 (agile); Damage 2d4+8 bludgeoning
plus 1d6 acid and Grab
Occult Innate Spells DC 25; 4th confusion, phantom pain; 3rd fear,
hypnotic pattern; Cantrips (4th) daze
Constrict [one-action] 1d4+8 bludgeoning plus 1d6 acid, DC 25
Id Ooze Acid An id ooze’s acid damages only metal
and organic materials, not stone.
Manipulate Ooze [free-action] (enchantment, occult)
Frequency once per turn; Effect The id ooze
manipulates the senses and impulses within a mindless
ooze of the id ooze’s level or lower within 30 feet, issuing
it telepathic orders to undertake a specific action. The orders
must be simple, such as a directive to attack a specific target
in preference to another, or to hold ground in a spot to protect a
location, or even to adjust its positioning and body to form crude
shapes or symbols. A manipulated ooze performs the direction to
the best of its ability on its next turn, after which it returns to its
normal behavior.
FROM EVIL INTENT A tallow guardian typically appears as a vaguely humanoid-shaped mass of
While a tallow guardian itself tallow or wax, its surface constantly melting, running down its body, and then
isn’t intrinsically evil, the hardening only to be reabsorbed into the central mass. The tallow guardian’s face
traditional methods of creating seems constantly on the verge of melting into a shapeless blob, yet the unsettling
it involve rendering humanoid construct can still sense the world around it with ease.
corpses to generate the tallow
needed to construct its frame. TALLOW GUARDIAN CREATURE 7
The guardian is then animated RARE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT MINDLESS
by siphoning fragments of Perception +13; darkvision
souls that linger in the area into Skills Athletics +17
a rudimentary but mindless Str +5, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5
animating force. Other methods AC 23; Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +13
of infusing tallow guardians with HP 145; Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing,
raw positive energy or voluntary mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious;
donations could work, but the Weaknesses cold 10; Resistances fire 5, physical 5 (except bludgeoning)
traditional method persists, Melt If a tallow guardian takes any fire damage, its body melts somewhat and
giving these constructs an becomes even more difficult to damage. Until the end of its next turn, its resistance
unsettling legacy. to slashing and piercing damage increases to 10, and its resistance to bludgeoning
damage increases to 5.
Slowed by Cold If a tallow guardian takes any cold damage, it loses the benefits
granted by melt and becomes slowed 1.
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +18 (magical), Damage 2d8+8 bludgeoning plus 1d6 persistent fire
and Grab
Encase [one-action] (attack) The tallow guardian attempts to pull a Medium or smaller creature
it has grabbed into its body. The tallow guardian attempts an Athletics check
opposed by the grabbed creature’s Reflex DC. If it succeeds, it encases the
creature with its body. An encased creature is grabbed, is slowed 1, and
must hold its breath or start suffocating. It takes 2d6 fire damage from
the tallow guardian’s molten hot wax when it’s first encased, and at the
end of each of its turns while it’s encased.
A tallow guardian can only have one encased creature at a
time; if a tallow guardian encases a new creature, a previously
encased creature is forced out of its body into an adjacent
square of the creature’s choice.
An encased creature can break free with a successful DC
22 check to Escape. An encased creature can attack the tallow
guardian, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light
Bulk or less. The tallow guardian is flat-footed against the attack. If the
tallow guardian takes 7 or more bludgeoning or slashing damage from an
encased creature, the creature wrenches itself free. A creature that gets free
by either method can immediately breathe and exits the tallow guardian’s
space, but it continues to take 1d6 persistent fire damage from the molten
wax that clings to its body.
If a tallow guardian is destroyed, any creature it has encased is
automatically released as the guardian’s body collapses into a shapeless
mound of tallow.
Molten Wax All persistent fire damage caused by a tallow guardian comes
from globs of molten hot tallow that cling to its foes. This tallow cools
automatically after 4 rounds, or immediately if the creature takes any cold
damage; once the tallow cools, the persistent fire damage ends.
Thoqquas are cantankerous creatures of fire and slag. Their bodies generate STARVING THOQQUAS
incredible heat that allows them to burrow or melt through most surfaces, even A thoqqua feeds on a CHAPTER 1:
solid rock. Thoqquas are native to the vast ash deserts and lava fields of the combination of raw stone, ore, HOLLOW'S LAST
Plane of Fire. There, they consume ore and minerals, which their furnace-like and heat. When denied these HOPE
bodies then smelt into armor plates that grant the creatures their armored forms. nourishments, a thoqqua won’t
These creatures’ foremost body segment tapers into a straight, hornlike perish from starvation, but it CHAPTER 2:
beak that glows with a blistering heat. Steam and smoke constantly hiss from does grow less armored as it’s CROWN OF THE
their joints, and from a distance, thoqquas can be mistaken for strange metallic forced to absorb and weaken KOBOLD KING
constructs. Adult thoqquas are 5 feet long and weigh 200 pounds. its armored body plates. A
Thoqquas are dangerous to approach—they attack without thinking when startled starved thoqqua’s Armor Class CHAPTER 3:
or frustrated. If they don’t immediately chase away intruders within their territory, is reduced by 2, but it gains a HUNGRY ARE THE
then they might gradually come to view that area as property and even guard it. +1 circumstance bonus on all DEAD
Mephits seem to understand this curious thoqqua thought process, occasionally attack rolls.
brokering deals with the magma worms. The mephits claim that the mountain- CHAPTER 4:
sized ancestors of modern thoqquas were servants of the elemental lords and dug DROSKAR'S DOOM
the first volcanoes in the young worlds of the Material Plane. These “progenitor
worms” then retired to the worlds’ cores, where their heat warms the planets even ADVENTURE
today. Thoqquas on the Material Plane do congregate around volcanoes—though TOOLBOX
whether this tendency is to protect a mineral-rich food site or sacred place, or
simply out of comfort, depends on the thoqqua in question.
Perception +7; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Ignan (can’t speak any language)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +5 (+7 in lava)
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +0
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will+5
HP 45; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses cold 5
Molten Body (evocation, fire, primal) A thoqqua’s body is hot enough
to melt stone. A creature who grabs a thoqqua, is grabbed by
a thoqqua, or critically fails a melee Strike with an unarmed
attack or agile weapon takes 1d4 fire damage (DC 15 basic
Reflex save).
Reactive Thrash [reaction] Trigger A creature within the thoqqua’s
reach hits the thoqqua with a melee Strike; Effect The
thoqqua instinctively thrashes into the attack, pressing
its molten hot scales forward. The attacker must attempt
a DC 15 Reflex save.
Critical Success The attacker is unaffected.
Success The attacker takes 1d4 fire damage.
Failure The attacker takes 2d4 fire damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but the weapon used to Strike
the thoqqua becomes broken unless the weapon is
made of metal, has more than 10 Hardness, or is
resistant to or immune to fire.
Speed 25 feet, burrow 15 feet
Melee beak +9, Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus 1d6 fire and
critical ignition
Critical Ignition On a critical hit with a body Strike, a thoqqua inflicts
an additional 1d6 persistent fire damage.
INFESTATIONS OF EVIL Vargouilles are scavengers from the swamps of Abaddon, where they flop and
While an evil spellcaster can flap through strange and haunted skies in constant search of fresh souls to
certainly conjure vargouilles torment. In this daemonic nightmare realm, vargouilles play a role similar to
and seed them through a that of a raven or vulture, although they augment these roles with a malevolent
region to spread their kind, delight in causing pain and anguish that no scavenger bird could ever hope to
these minor fiends have an match. A vargouille is larger than a human head, typically between 12 and 20
even more insidious method inches high with a 15- to 35-inch wingspan. While vargouilles aren’t natives of
of crossing the planar the Material Plane, they can be found there nevertheless, occupying graveyards,
boundary. In graveyards that ancient battlefields, or anywhere one can find remnants of death and decay.
have become corrupted by
daemonic influences or cults VARGOUILLE CREATURE 2
devoted to the Horsemen of the RARE NE SMALL ABERRATION FIEND
Apocalypse, fresh corpses can Perception +8; darkvision
spontaneously serve as portals Languages Daemonic
from Abaddon, allowing brand Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4, Intimidation +6, Stealth +8
new vargouilles to be “born” Str +0, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +2, Cha +0
from the heads of the dead. AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +8
HP 28
Speed fly 25 feet
Melee bite +10 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d8 piercing plus 1d6 poison
Vargouille’s Kiss [three-actions] (disease, occult, transmutation) Requirements
The vargouille is adjacent to a paralyzed, unconscious, or willing humanoid
creature; Effect The vargouille nuzzles up against a helpless or willing humanoid
creature in a parody of a lover’s kiss—the creature must then attempt a saving
throw or begin an unsettling transformation into a vargouille. The sickened,
stupefied, and unconscious conditions from Vargouille’s Kiss don’t improve on
their own until the disease is cured. This disease can’t progress in stage as long
as the victim is in sunlight or in the area of a 3rd-level or higher light effect.
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Stage 1 no ill effect (2 hours); Stage 2 victim’s hair
falls out, sickened 1 (2 hours); Stage 3 victim’s ears elongate into winglike shapes
and their teeth grow tangled and sharp, stupefied 1 (2 hours); Stage 4 as Stage 3,
but the victim falls unconscious (2 hours); Stage 5 death, and the victim’s head
transforms into a new vargouille that detaches from the body and flies off to
spread evil on its own.
Vargouille’s Shriek [two-actions] (auditory, evocation, incapacitation, occult, visual) The
vargouille distends its jaw awfully and emits an unnerving shriek. All creatures
within 60 feet who can see and hear the vargouille must attempt a DC 15
Fortitude save.
Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune to Vargouille’s
Shriek for 24 hours.
Failure The creature is paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
Critical Failure The creature is paralyzed. It can attempt a new save at the end of
each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save.
Tenacious Wounds (curse, necromancy, occult) A creature who takes poison
damage from a vargouille must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or be cursed.
The cursed creature can’t regain HP except via magic, and anyone Casting a Spell
to heal the creature must succeed at a DC 18 counteract check or the healing
has no effect. The vargouille’s counteract level is equal to its creature level. A
creature can attempt a new DC 18 Fortitude save once per day (typically when it
makes its daily preparations) to end this curse. The curse ends automatically if
the creature is healed to maximum HP.
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the
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This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this Roleplaying Game (Second Edition).
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game mechanics of this Paizo
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE form without written permission.
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pathfinder Crown of the Kobold King © 2022, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo,
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered
trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Abomination Vaults, the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder
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Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.
Printed in China. It’s dark as a dungeon, damp as the dew; the dangers are many, the pleasures are few.
Pathfinder Crown of the Kobold King © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jason Bulmahn,
Tim Hitchcock, Nicolas Logue, and F. Wesley Schneider.
Second Edition
Master the Secrets of Magic with a stunning array of new spells, magic items,
spellcasting methods, lore, and the new magus and summoner character classes!
© 2022, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.;
the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and Pathfinder Lost Omens are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Second Edition
The Dead
Are Rising!
This blasphemous tome brings the shambling menace of the undead to the
forefront of your game. It also includes “March of the Dead,” a grim and
dangerous adventure themed around an undead uprising!
© 2022, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.;
the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and Pathfinder Lost Omens are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Second Edition
Uncover the hidden secrets of esoteric cults, elusive cryptids, temporal anomalies, and
the paranormal world beyond with this spine-tingling new sourcebook that includes
two new character classes: the psychic and the thaumaturge!
© 2022, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.;
the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and Pathfinder Lost Omens are trademarks of Paizo Inc. PAIZO.COM
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