Instant Access to Guide to Electric Power Generation 3rd ed Edition Anthony J. Pansini ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to Guide to Electric Power Generation 3rd ed Edition Anthony J. Pansini ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to Guide to Electric Power Generation 3rd ed Edition Anthony J. Pansini ebook Full Chapters
Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution
Third Edition Leonard L. Grigsby
Guide to
Electric Power
3rd Edition
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Guide to
Electric Power
3rd Edition
A.J. Pansini
K.D. Smalling
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pansini, Anthony J.
Guide to electric power generation/A.J. Pansini, K.D. Smalling.--3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-88173-524-8 (print) -- ISBN 0-88173-525-6 (electronic)
1. Electric power production. 2. Electric power plants. I. Smalling,
Kenneth D. 1927-
II. Title.
Introduction ...................................................................................................... xi
Chapter 4 Boilers..........................................................................................83
Index ....................................................................................................267
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Like water, food, and air, electrical energy has become an integral
part of daily personal and business lives. People have become so accus-
tomed to flicking a switch and having instant light, action, or communica-
tion that little thought is given to the process that produces this electrical
energy or how it gets to where it is used. It is unique in that practically all
that is produced is not stored but used instantly in the quantities that are
needed. For alternatives to electrical energy, one must go back to the days
of gas lamps, oil lamps, candles, and steam- or water-powered mechani-
cal devices—and work days or leisure time that was limited to daylight
hours for the most part.
Where does this vital electrical energy come from and how does
it get to its users? This book covers only the how, when and where
electrical energy is produced. Other texts cover how it is delivered to
the consumer. The operations of an electric system, like other enterprises
may be divided into three areas:
Electric Generation (Manufacturing)
Electric Transmission (Wholesale Delivery)
Electric Distribution (Retailing)
The electric utility is the basic supplier of electrical energy and is
perhaps unique in that almost everyone does business with it and is uni-
versally dependent on its product. Many people are unaware that a utility
is a business enterprise and must meet costs or exceed them to survive.
Unlike other enterprises producing commodities or services, it is obligat-
ed to have electrical energy available to meet all the customer demands
when they are needed, and its prices are not entirely under its control.
The regulation of utilities by government agencies leads to the per-
ception that utilities are in fact monopolies. People have alternatives in
almost every other product they use such as choosing various modes of
travel—auto, train or plane. People can use gas, oil or coal directly for
their own energy needs or use them to generate their own electrical ener-
gy. Indeed some people today use sunlight or windpower to supplement
their electrical energy needs. The point is that electrical energy supply
from an electric system is usually much more convenient and economical
than producing it individually. Some larger manufacturing firms find it
feasible to provide their own electrical energy by using their waste energy
(cogeneration) or having their own individual power plants. In some
cases legislation makes it mandatory to purchase the excess energy from
these sources at rates generally higher than what the utility can produce it
The fact remains that utilities must pay for the materials, labor and
capital they require and pay taxes just like other businesses. In obtaining
these commodities necessary to every business, utilities must compete
for them at prices generally dictated by the market place, while the prices
charged for the product produced—electrical energy—are limited by gov-
ernment agencies.
Since our first edition, electric systems have been moving toward
deregulation in which both consumer and supplier will be doing business
in a free market—which has no direct effect on the material contained in
the accompanying text.
The problems faced with producing electrical energy under these
conditions are described in this text in terms which general management
and non-utility persons can understand. Semi-technical description in
some detail is also included for those wishing to delve more deeply into
the subject.
None of the presentations is intended as an engineering treatise,
but they are designed to be informative, educational, and adequately il-
lustrated. The text is designed as an educational and training resource for
people in all walks of life who may be less acquainted with the subject.
Any errors, accidental or otherwise, are attributed only to us.
Acknowledgment is made of the important contributions by Messrs.
H.M. Jalonack, A.C. Seale, the staff of Fairmont Press and many others to
all of whom we give our deep appreciation and gratitude.
Also, and not the least, we are grateful for the encouragement and
patience extended to us by our families.
Waco, Texas Anthony J. Pansini
Northport, N.Y. Kenneth D. Smalling
To the Third Edition
The twentieth Century ended with more of the demand for elec-
tricity being met by small units known as Distributed Generation and
by cogeneration rather than by the installation of large centrally located
generating plants. Although this may appear to be a throwback to
earlier times when enterprises used windmills and small hydro plants
for their power requirements, and a bit later with these converted to
electric operation, then making such “left over” power available to the
surrounding communities, the return to local and individual supply
(cogeneration) may actually be pointing in the direction of future meth-
ods of supply. Will the end of the Twenty First Century see individual
generation directly from a small unit, perhaps the rays from a few grains
of radioactive or other material impinging on voltaic sensitive materi-
als, all safely controlled ensconced in a unit that takes the place of the
electric meter?
There are many advantages to this mode of supply. Reliability may
approach 100 percent. When operated in conjunction with Green Power
systems, supplying one consumer tends to make security problems dis-
appear and improvements in efficiency and economy may be expected.
Transmission and distribution systems, as we know them, may become
The output of such systems will probably be direct current, now
showing signs of greater consideration associated with Green Power
units: fuel cells, solar power and others, all provide direct current.
Insulation requirements are lower, synchronizing problems disappear,
and practical storage of power is enhanced—all pointing to the greater
employment of direct current utilization.
The current trend toward Distributed Generation, employing
primary voltages and dependence on maintenance standards being fol-
lowed by “lay” personnel, pose safety threats that do not occur with
the systems envisioned above. With education beginning in the lower
grades about the greater ownership of such facilities by the general
public, all tend to safer and foolproof service.
The Twenty First Century should prove exciting!
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The last two decades of the Twentieth Century saw a distinct de-
cline in the installation of new generation capacity for electric power in
the United States. With fewer units being built while older plants were
being retired (some actually demolished), the margin of availability
compared to the ever increasing demand for electricity indicated the
approach of a shortage with all of its associated problems. (This became
reality for consumers in California who experienced rolling blackouts
and markedly high energy costs.) Perhaps spurred by the deregulation
initiated for regulated investor utilities, an effort to reverse this trend
began at the end of the century to restore the vital position of power
generation in the new millennium, described in Chapter One. The appar-
ent decline in constructing new generation may be explained by several
The choice of fuels for new plants presents problems. Fossil fuels
still predominate but are more than ever affected by environmental and
political considerations. Natural gas, the preferred “clean fuel”, is in
short supply while new explorations and drilling are subject to many
non-technical restrictions. The same comment applies to oil, although
the supply, while more ample, is controlled by foreign interests that
fix prices. The abundance of coal, while fostering stable prices, can no
longer be burned in its natural state but must be first processed for
cleaner burning. While many other nations (e.g. France) obtain much
of their electrical energy requirements from nuclear power, the United
States that pioneered this type plant sells abroad but does not compete
in this country.
It is also evident that new transmission lines to bring new sources
of energy to load centers will be required (but are not presently being
built). Such lines now become the weak link in the chain of deregulated
supply. Notoriously, such lines are built in out-of-the-way places for
environmental and economic reasons and are subject to the vagaries of
nature and man (including vandals and saboteurs). Who builds them,
owns and operates them, is a critical problem that must be solved in
the immediate future.
Implementation of other power sources such as fuel cells, solar
panels, wind generators, etc., needs development—from expensive ex-
perimental to large-scale economically reliable application. Hydropower
may find greater application, but its constancy, like wind and sun, is
subject to nature’s whims.
The new millennium, with the changing methods of electric supply
brought about by deregulation, may see some alleviation in the prob-
lems associated with generating plants. It will also see new challenges
that, of a certainty, will be met by the proven ingenuity and industry
of our innovators and engineers, the caretakers of our technology.
Figure I-1a. Cogeneration System Overview
(Courtesy Austin American Statesman)
Figure I-1b. Cogeneration System with Gas Turbine (Courtesy Exxon Corp.)
(Top) Figure I-2a. Roof-
top photovoltaic panels
will play a key role in
on-site power genera-
tion. The natatorium of
the Georgia Institute of
Technology in Atlanta
uses 32,750 square feet
of solar panels. (Photo:
Solar Design Associates)
Figure I-2c. Microturbines can be run on any fuel, but natural gas
is the fuel of choice. (Photo, Capstone Turbine) (Courtesy Pure
Power, Supplement to Consulting Engineering)
Planning and Development of Electric Power Stations 1
Chapter 1
The period 1950-1990 was most important in the planning and de-
velopment of electric generating stations. It began with the creation of
many new stations and expansion of existing stations. Nuclear stations
made their debut and subsequently at the end of the period were no lon-
ger acceptable in most areas of the United States. The oil crisis in the 70’s
had an effect on the use of oil fired units and created the need for intense
electric conservation and alternative electric energy sources. Finally, the
large central stations were being augmented by independent power pro-
ducers and peaking units in smaller distributed area stations using waste
heat from industrial processes, garbage fueled boilers, natural gas and
methane gas from waste dumps.
The 1980’s and 1990’s also saw the effect of environmental restric-
tions and government regulation both on existing stations and new sta-
tions. Instead of a relatively short time to plan and build a new generat-
ing station, the process now takes 5-10 years just to secure the necessary
permits—especially nuclear. Nuclear units grew from 18 stations totaling
7 million kW capacity to 111 units totaling almost 100 million kW. For
now, it is not likely that many more new nuclear units will operate in
the United States because of public opinion and the licensing process. The
incident at Three Mile Island resulted in adverse public reaction despite
the fact that safety measures built into the design and operation prevented
any fatalities, injuries or environmental damage. The accident at Cher-
nobyl added to the negative reaction despite the difference between the
safer American design and the Russian nuclear design and operation.
4 Guide to Electric Power Generation
Hydro-electric Plants
With some exceptions, water supply to hydro plants is seasonal.
The availability of water may determine the number and size of the
units contained in the plant. Unless considerable storage is available
by lake or dam containment, the capacity of a hydro plant is usually
limited to the potential of the minimum flow of water available. In
Planning and Development of Electric Power Stations 7
some cases hydro plants are designed to operate only a part of the
time. Other large installations such as the Niagara Project in New
York operate continuously. In evaluating the economics of hydro
plants the first cost and operating costs must also include such items
as dam construction, flood control, and recreation facilities.
In times of maximum water availability, hydro plants may carry
the base load of a system to save fuel costs while steam units are
used to carry peak load variations. In times of low water availability
the reverse may prove more economical. The difference in operating
costs must be considered in estimating the overall system cost as well
as system reliability for comparison purposes.
Construction costs vary, not only with time, but with locality,
availability of skilled labor, equipment, and type of construction re-
quired. For example in less populated or remote areas skilled labor
may have to be imported at a premium; transportation difficulties
may bar the use of more sophisticated equipment; and certain parts
of nuclear and hydro plants may call for much higher than normal
specifications and greater amounts than is found in fossil plants. Sea-
sonal variations in weather play an important part in determining the
costs of construction. Overtime, work stoppages, changes in codes or
regulations, “extras” often appreciably increase costs but sometimes
unforeseen conditions or events make them necessary. Experience
with previous construction can often anticipate such factors in esti-
mating costs and comparing economics.
Since the cost of fuel is often one of the larger parts of the
overall cost of the product to the consumer, it is one of the basic
factors that determine the kind, cost and often the site of the generat-
ing plant. The cost attributed to the fuel must also include its han-
dling/transportation/storage charges and should as much as practical
take into account future fluctuations in price, continued availability
and environmental restrictions. For instance the oil crisis in the 70’s
8 Guide to Electric Power Generation
sharply escalated the cost of fuel for oil fired plants and limited its
supply. In the years following further cost escalations resulted from
the environmental requirements for lower sulfur fuels.
Present worth = 1
(1 + interest rate)
The impact of taxes, federal, state, and local, and others (income,
franchise, sales, etc.) and insurance rates may also affect the method
of financing and construction.
Planning and Development of Electric Power Stations 9
Chapter 2
steam), then into mechanical energy (in an engine or turbine), and finally
into electrical energy (in a generator) to be utilized by consumers. A
schematic arrangement is shown in Figure 2-1, below.
boiler/ engine
Figure 2-1
Schematic Diagram of Energy Conversion
Except for the source of heat they use to create steam, nuclear and fossil power
plants are basically the same.
Figure 2-2. (Courtesy LI Lighting Co.)
Components in Percent
Fuel Btu/lb Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Sulphur Nitrogen Ash
Wood 9,000 52.0 6.0 25.0 0.3 15.0 1.7
Coal Lignite 11,000 60.0 6.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 28.0
Oil 18,500 88.0 8.2 0.5 3.0 0.1 0.2
Natural Gas 22,000 69.0 23.5 1.5 0.3 5.7 0.0
3. Nuclear Fuels
Fuel Btu/lb
Plutonium 38.7 billion
4. Other Fuels
Garbage Components may vary widely, but the
Manure Heap Gas combustible contents generally include
Aquatic & Land Plants carbon and hydrogen as basic elements.
Chemistry of Combustion
In order to understand what takes place when fuel is burned, it
is desirable (though not essential) to review the chemistry of the action
Chemical Combinations
Chemical symbols and equations convey much information in a
condensed form. Chemical combinations may be written as equations
in which, for convenience, symbols are used to represent different ele-
ments. Thus, for the gaseous elements mentioned above: O represents
one atom of oxygen, H one atom of hydrogen, and N one atom of
nitrogen. As indicated above, molecules of gaseous elements each con-
tain two atoms and are represented by O2; H2; and N2. Molecules of
non-gaseous elements may consist of a single atom; for example, carbon
represented by C, sulphur by S, etc.
Water is represented by H2O which indicates that each molecule
of which it is composed consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one
of oxygen. Two molecules of water would be indicated by placing the
number 2 in front of the symbol - thus, 2H2O.
Atoms of the different elements have different relative “weights;”
hence chemical combinations always take place in definite proportions.
For example, hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water: these two
elements combine in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen to one
atom of oxygen and it will be found that 2 pounds of hydrogen will
combine with 16 pounds of oxygen to make 18 pounds of water. If more
hydrogen is present, it will remain uncombined; if less, some of the
oxygen will remain uncombined. The parts entering into combination
will always be in the proportion of one to eight.
has a molecular weight of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms:
1 × 12 + 2 × 16 = 12 + 32 = 44
Total Combus-
2C + O2 = 2CO N2 Air tion Products
Atom Wt 24 32 56 — — —
Pounds 1 1.333 2.333 4.425 5.758 6.758
From these unit figures, the air requirements and the amount of
combustion products (flue gases) may be determined for the different
kinds of fuels.
°C = 5 °F – 32 and °F = 9 °C + 32
9 5
Temperature of Ignition
When air is supplied to a fuel, the temperature must be high
enough or ignition will not take place and burning will not be sustained.
Nothing will burn until it is in a gaseous state. For example, the wax
of a candle cannot be ignited directly; the wick, heated by the flame of
a match, draws up a little of the melted wax by capillary action until it
can be vaporized and ignited. Fuels that liquefy on heating usually will
melt at a temperature below that at which they ignite. Solid fuels must
be heated to a temperature at which the top layers will gasify before
they will burn.
Table 2-2 gives ignition temperatures for various substances, in-
cluding some hydrocarbons mentioned earlier.
The ignition temperatures of fuels depend on their compositions;
since the greatest part is carbon, the temperature given in the table, 870°F,
will not be far wrong. Heat must be given to the fuel to raise it to the
temperature of combustion. If there is moisture in the fuel, more heat
must be supplied before it will ignite, since practically all of the moisture
must be evaporated and driven out before the fuel will burn.
Temperature of Combustion
When the fuel is well ignited, its temperature will be far above
22 Guide to Electric Power Generation
Substance Symbol Ignition Temperature
°F °C
———————— ———— ———————————
Sulphur S 470 245
Carbon (fixed) C 870 465
Acetylene C2H2 900 480
Ethylene C2H4 950 510
Ethane C2H6 1000 540
Hydrogen H2 1130 610
Methane CH4 1200 650
Carbon Monoxide CO 1210 655
Carbon and hydrogen are the only elementary fuels; sulphur and
traces of other elements do burn and give off heat, but these are col-
lectively so small as to be considered negligible and their constituents as
nuisance impurities. Oxygen from the air is the only elementary burning
agent necessary to every heat producing reaction.
Coal is a complex substance containing mainly carbon, hydrogen,
sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen. Typical approximate percentages of these
constituents are shown in Table 2-1. It must be recognized, however,
that there are different kinds of coals whose characteristics may differ
from the typical values shown. Coals are classified with the aid of the
various characteristics by which they may be distinguished. Among the
more important are:
Volatile Matter - This term describes the mixture of gases and hy-
drocarbon vapors that may be given off when coal is heated at very high
temperatures; these may include acetylene, ethylene, ethane, methane,
and others. The more the volatile matter, the more liable the coal will
produce smoke. This is an indicator of the property of the coal.
Fixed Carbon - This term applies to that portion of the carbon left
in the coal after the volatile matter is subtracted. It is usually combined
with the percentages of moisture and ash in the coal when classifying
Coals may have different properties depending on where they are
mined and require different ways of firing for best results. In addition to
24 Guide to Electric Power Generation
heating values, the amounts of ash and smoke produced when the coal
is fired are different for the several kinds of coal. Their classification is
indicated in Table 2-3.
Ash - Ash is the residue after all the carbon, hydrogen and the
small quantities of sulphur are burned away; coal ash varies consider-
ably in the different kinds of coal. A large amount of ash in coal not
only lowers its heating value but causes ash removal to become more
difficult. The clinkering of coal depends largely on its composition. Ash
may consist of alumina and silica derived from clay, shale and slate,
iron oxide from pyrites or iron sulfide, and small quantities of lime and
Heat of Combustion
If one pound of carbon is completely burned to CO2, the heat
developed will be 14.550 Btu. That is, the heat evolved would heat
14,550 lbs of water 1°F, or 1455 lbs 10°F, or 145.5 lbs 100°F, etc. The
heat of combustion of carbon is therefore said to be 14.550 Btu. (See
equation 2-2, p. 18.)
If, however, the pound of carbon is incompletely burned to CO2,
which occurs when too little air is supplied, the heat involved would
be only 4,500 Btu. If the gas passes off, the loss will be 14,550 minus
4,500 or 10,050 Btu, or approximately 70% of the possible heat that can
be evolved. That is, 70% of the fuel value is wasted if CO is formed
instead of CO2. (See equation 1, p. 18)
The CO, however, can be burned to CO2 by the addition of more
air under suitable temperature conditions and, in the end, the same
amount of heat per pound of carbon, 14,550 Btu, will be developed as
Although of low Btu, this gas can compete economically with other
fuels because:
3. The syngas produced, not only fires the gasifier unit itself, but, as
mentioned, produces valuable by-products that include sulfur and
nitrogen oxides and other materials. Sulfur nitrogen and other mate-
rials are recovered by standard processes that may employ cyclone
and ceramic filters, catalysts, scrubbers, absorption and dissolution in
amino acids and other solutions. An inert slag is also produced that
may be used as an aggregate in highway and other construction.
Language: English
Credits: Al Haines
Lord Howard of Effingham, the Trusted of the Queen
"Sir Francis" ... Coloured Frontispiece [missing from source book]
Capture of an Eskimo
The contents of this volume have been taken from Mr. Gilliat's larger
book entitled "Heroes of the Elizabethan Age," published at five shillings.
Before we touch upon the lives of some of the heroes of the Maiden
Queen, it were well to consider briefly what life was like in those days, and
how it differed from our own.
Elizabeth sank upon her knees and exclaimed: "A Domino factum est
istud, et est mirabile in oculis nostris" ("This is the Lord's doing, and it is
marvellous in our eyes")—a text which the Queen caused to be engraved on
her gold coins, in memory of that day of release from anxiety. For the poor
young Princess had lived for years in a state of alarm; she had been
imprisoned in the Tower, the victim of plots for and against her; she had
been kept under severe control at Woodstock under Sir Henry Bedingfeld,
where she once saw a milkmaid singing merrily as she milked the cows in
the Park, and exclaimed, "That milkmaid's lot is better than mine, and her
life far merrier."
And now on a sudden her terrors were turned into a great joy; and what
the Princess felt all England was soon experiencing, as soon as men realised
that the tyranny of Rome and of Spain was shattered and gone.
Harrison notes how rich men were beginning to use stoves for sweating
baths, how glass was beginning to be used instead of lattice, which was
made out of wicker or rifts of oak chequer-wise, how panels of horn for
windows had been going out for beryl or fine crystal, as at Sudeley Castle.
Then for furniture, it was not rare to see abundance of arras in noblemen's
houses, with such store of silver vessels as might fill sundry cupboards.
There were three things that old men remembered to have been marvellously
changed; one was the multitude of chimneys lately erected, whereas only the
great religious houses and manor places of the lords had formerly possessed
them, but each one made his fire against a reredosse in the hall, where he
dined and dressed his meat in the smoke and smother; the second thing was
the improved bedding. Formerly folks slept on straw pallets covered only
with a sheet, and a good round log under their heads for a bolster. "As for
servants, if they had anie sheet above them, it was well, for seldom had they
any under them to keep them from the pricking straws that ran oft through
the canvas and rased their hardened hides."
The third thing was the exchange from wooden cups and platters into
pewter or tin. Now the farmers had featherbeds and carpets of tapestry
instead of straw, sometimes even silver salt-cellars and a dozen spoons of
Harrison bewails the decay of archery, and says that all the young
fellows above eighteen wear a dagger. Noblemen wear a sword too, while
desperate cutters carry two rapiers, "wherewith in every drunken fray they
are known to work much mischief"; and as the trampers carry long staves,
the honest traveller is obliged to carry horse-pistols; for the tapsters and
ostlers are in league with the highway robbers who rob chiefly at Christmas
time, "till they be trussed up in a Tyburn tippet."
It was the same before and after a dance: you bowed, or curtseyed, and
kissed your partner in all formal ceremony. So Shakespeare—
We are told that Sir Walter Raleigh was once staying with a noble lady,
whom he heard in the morning scolding her servant and crying, "Have the
pigs been fed? have the pigs been fed?"
At eleven o'clock Master Walter came down to dinner, and could not
resist a sly remark to his hostess, "Have the pigs been fed?" The lady drew
herself up haughtily and rejoined, "You should know best, Sir Walter,
whether you have had your breakfast or no." So the laugh was turned on the
wit for once: for indeed it had become unusual for people to require any
breakfast before eleven o'clock in Queen Elizabeth's time. Formerly they had
four meals a day, consisting of breakfast, dinner, nuntion or beverage, and
supper. "Now these odd repasts," says Harrison, "thanked be God! are very
well left, and each one (except here and there some young hungrie stomach
that cannot fast till dinner-time) contenteth himself with dinner and supper
only." It was the custom at table amongst yeomen and merchants for the
guest to call for such drink as he desired, when a servant would bring him a
cup from the cupboard; but when he had tasted of it, he delivered it again to
the servant, who made it clean and restored it to the cupboard. "By this
device much idle tippling is cut off, for if the full pots should continually
stand neare the trencher, divers would be alwaies dealing with them." Yet in
the houses of the nobles it was not so, but silver goblets or glasses of Venice
graced the tables.
They were content with four or six dishes, finishing with jellies and
march-paine "wrought with no small curiosity"; potatoes, too, began to be
brought from Spain and the Indies. The best beer was usually kept for two
years and brewed in March; of light wines there were fifty-six kinds, mostly
foreign, from Italy, Greece, and Spain, clarets from France, and Malmsey
"I might here talk somewhat of the great silence that is used at the tables
of the honourable and wiser sort, likewise of the moderate eating and
drinking that is daily seen, and finally of the regard that each one hath to
keep himself from the note of surfeiting and drunkennesse."
In regard to their dress the English at that time seem to have been
somewhat extravagant, copying first the Spanish guise, then the French,
anon the Italian or German—nay, even Turkish and Moorish fashions gained
favour; "so that except it were a dog in a doublet, you shall not see any so
disguised as are my countrymen of England."
Our good friend Harrison waxes quite sarcastic as he describes, "What
chafing, what fretting, what reproachful language doth the poor workman
bear away! ... Then must we put it on, then must the long seams of our hose
be set by a plumb-line: then we puff, then we blow, and finally sweat till we
drop, that our clothes may stand well upon us."
It became the fashion for ladies to dye their hair yellow out of
compliment to the Queen, who however in her later years used wigs, and
was reputed to have a choice of eighty attires of false hair.
In 1579 the Queen gave her command to the Privy Council to prevent
excesses of apparel, and it was ordered that "No one shall use or wear such
excessive long cloaks; being in common sight monstrous." Neither were they
to wear such high ruffs of cambric about their necks as were growing
common, both with men and women. Quilted doublets, curiously slashed,
and lined with figured lace, Venetian hose and stockings of the finest black
yarn, with shoes of white leather, betokened the courtier, the clank of whose
gilded spurs announced his coming.
In regard to weapons, the long-bow had gone out of use, but they shot
with the caliver, a clumsy musket with a short butt, and handled the pike
with dexterity. Corslets and shirts of mail still remained; every village could
furnish forth three or four soldiers, as one archer, one gunner, one pikeman,
and a bill-man. As to artillery, the falconet weighed five hundred pounds,
with a diameter of two inches at the mouth; the culverin weighed four
thousand pounds, having a diameter of five inches and a half; the cannon
weighed seven thousand, and the basilisk nine thousand pounds.
In 1582 Queen Elizabeth had twenty-five great ships of war, the largest
being of 1000 tons burden, besides three galleys: there were 135 ships that
exceeded 500 tons, which could fight at a pinch, for many private owners
possessed ships of their own.
A man-of-war in those days was well worth two thousand pounds, and "it
is incredible to say how greatly her Grace was delighted with her fleet."
After all, it is the men that count most, and the men of that day were as full
of good courage as the best of us.
On the Continent they had a saying that "England is a paradise for
women, a prison for servants, and a purgatory for horses"; for the females
had more liberty in England than on the Continent, and were almost like
masters; while the servants could not escape from England without a
passport, and the poor horses were worked all too hard.
In those days they knew full well what deep ruts could do in the way of
lowering speed, and the jaded horses must sometimes have thought that they
were pulling a plough, and not a coach.
We may add that folk did not use night-gowns, as we see from George
Cavendishes "Life of Wolsey": "My master went to his naked bed." But a
night-gown in those days meant a dressing-gown. Hentzner gives us a
description of the life at Court, from which we will take a few passages. He
was at Greenwich Palace, being admitted to the presence-chamber, which
was hung with rich tapestry and strewn with hay, or rushes. After noticing
the small hands and tapering fingers of the Queen, her stately air and
pleasing speech, he says: "As she went along in all this state and
magnificence, she spoke very graciously, first to one foreign Minister, then
to another: for, besides being well skilled in Greek, Latin, and French, she is
mistress of Spanish, Scotch, and Dutch. Whoever speaks to her, it is
kneeling: now and then she will pull off her glove and give her hand to kiss,
sparkling, with rings and jewels. The Ladies of the Court that followed her,
very handsome and well-shaped, were dressed in white, while she was
guarded on either side by her gentlemen Pensioners, fifty in number, with
gilt battle-axes."
We rather suspect that Hentzner may have been mistaken about the Scot;
for surely she could not speak with a Highlander in Gaelic, and to
understand a Lowland Scot could not have taxed her royal powers much.
These men were the Robin Hoods of the sea, and when from selfish
plunderings they rose to be champions of religious freedom as well, their
career seemed in most men's minds to be worthy of all admiration. But in
order to understand fully the motives which induced the more noble spirits to
go forth and do battle with Spain on private grounds, and at their own
expense, we ought to have sat at the Mermaid, or other taverns, and heard
the mariners' tales as they told them fresh from the salt sea. We should have
listened to stories of cruel wrongs inflicted on the brave Indians of South
America, which would have stirred any dormant spirit of chivalry within us,
and made us long to champion the weak.
We should have heard the story of the Indian chief who was taken
prisoner by the Spaniards, and suffered the penalty of losing his hands
because he had fought so strenuously for his mother-land. This Indian
returned to his people, and devoted the rest of his life to encouraging and
heartening his countrymen to the great work of fighting for life and liberty,
showing his maimed arms, and calling to mind how many others had had
half a foot hacked off by the Spaniards that they might not sit on horseback.
Then, when a battle was being fought, we should have been told how this
chief loaded his two stumps with bundles of arrows and supplied the fighters
with fresh store, as they lacked them. Surely men so brave as this man
challenged admiration and deserved succour.
The young Queen of England had suffered herself, and these stories must
have stirred her heart to say with the Dido of Virgil—
It was not the massacres under Cortez and Pizarro, earlier in this century,
which roused the deepest indignation; it was the tales of inhuman cruelty
perpetrated by Spanish colonists in time of peace, and of the noble conduct
of the conquered Indians under the degrading conditions of their slavery,
which most moved pity and wrath and feelings of revenge.
Men told the story of the Cacique who was forced to labour in the mines
with his former subjects, how he called the miners together—ninety-five in
all—and with a dignity befitting a prince made them the following speech:—
"My worthy companions and friends, why desire we to live any longer
under so cruel a servitude? Let us now go unto the perpetual seat of our
ancestors, for we shall there have rest from these intolerable cares and
grievances which we endure under the subjection of the unthankful. Go ye
before, I will presently follow." So speaking, the Indian chief held out
handfuls of those leaves which take away life, prepared for the purpose; so
they disdainfully sought in death relief from the cruel bondage of their
Spanish masters.
William Hawkins married Joan Trelawny and had two sons, John and
William, both of whom made their way as seamen and merchants.
John made some voyages to the Canary Islands when quite a youth, and
with his quick eye for gain soon learnt that negroes might be cheaply gotten
in Guinea and profitably sold in Hispaniola. John Hawkins was not the first
to make and sell slaves, but he was the first Englishman to take part in this
cruel and inhuman barter. The Spaniards and Portuguese had used slaves,
both Moors and negroes, and Hawkins no doubt had seen plenty of cases of
slave-holding along the west coast of Africa, where savage warfare was
carried on between native tribes, and such of the conquered as were not
eaten were retained as slaves. He may have thought therefore that he was
only carrying them to a less barbarous captivity; and we should remember
that slavery was defended even by some religious people until quite recent
times: but we must deplore the fact that this daring sea-dog, who certainly
was not without religious feelings, found in this traffic a source of gain.
John made due apologies for entering the Spanish port: they could see he
was really in want of food and water. The Spaniards too were polite, and as
they peeped into his hold they saw the very thing they wanted—negroes. A
bargain was quickly made, and John Hawkins took off in return for his
captives quite a goodly store of pearls, hides, sugar, and other innocent
Hawkins himself arrived safely in England with his three ships, but his
partner, Thomas Hampton, who took what was left over in two Spanish ships
to Cadiz, did not fare so well. For when it became known at Cadiz that
English merchants had been trading with Spain's colonies, Philip II.
confiscated the cargo, and Hampton narrowly escaped the prisons of the
Inquisition. Queen Elizabeth was warned by her ambassador at Madrid that
further voyages of this nature might lead to war.
For it seems that Philip had been an admirer of the Maiden Queen, and
had been rebuffed as a suitor; whereby his love had changed to hate, and he
lost no opportunity of showing his resentment.
But Queen Bess had her father's spirit in her, and answered the Spanish
threat by permitting one of her largest ships, the Jesus of Lübeck, to be
chartered for a new voyage. The Earls of Leicester and Pembroke joined in
raising money for the expedition—this time it was a Court affair; there sailed
a hundred and seventy men in five vessels, and they were to meet another
Queen's ship, the Minion, before they got out of the Channel.
Again Hawkins raided the West African coast, "going every day on shore
to take the inhabitants, with burning and spoiling of their towns."
It is strange how men engaged in such ruthless work could yet believe
that they were specially preserved by Providence. For on New Year's Day
1565 they were well-nigh surprised by natives as they were seeking water.
But a pious seaman wrote thus in his journal: "God, who worketh all things
for the best, would not have it so, and by Him we escaped without danger—
His name be praised for it!" Then they set sail for the West Indies with a
goodly cargo of miserable slaves; but for eighteen days they were becalmed
—"as idle as a painted ship, upon a painted ocean." "And this happened to us
very ill, being but reasonably watered for so great a company of negroes and
ourselves. This pinched us all: and, that which was worst, put us in such fear
that many never thought to have reached the Indies without great dearth of
negroes and of themselves; but the Almighty God, which never suffereth His
elect to perish, sent us the ordinary breeze."
Let us hope that they felt some pity for the poor negroes too, who must
have suffered agonies of thirst on that hideous journey.
But King Philip had ordered his Christian subjects to have no dealings
with heretics; and for some time they could sell no negroes in Dominica.
But some heathen Indians presented cakes of maize, hens, and potatoes,
which the English crews bought for beads, pewter whistles, knives, and other
trifles. "These potatoes be the most delicate roots that may be eaten, and do
far exceed our parsnips and carrots."
But not all the Indians were so kind as these they first met; for on the
American mainland they fell in with a tribe whom the devilries of Spain had
turned to "ferocious bloodsuckers," and whom they only narrowly avoided.
Hawkins, according to his instructions from the Queen's Council, kept away
from the larger dependencies and islands, and tried to sell his cargo in out-
of-the-way places which Philip's orders might not have reached. At
Barbarotta he was refused permission to trade. But Hawkins sent in a
message: "I have with me one of Queen Elizabeth's own ships. I need
refreshment and without it I cannot depart; if you do not allow me to have
my way, I shall have to displease you."
Thereat he ran out a few of his guns to mark the form which his
displeasure might assume: the Spaniards improved in politeness. At Curacoa
they feasted on roast lamb to their heart's content: near Darien they again
had to use threats of violence in order to get licence to trade; but the price
offered by the Spaniards for the negroes so disgusted the equitable mind of
John Hawkins that he wrote the Governor a letter saying that they dealt too
rigorously with him, to go about to cut his throat in the price of his
commodities ... but seeing they had sent him this to his supper, he would in
the morning bring them as good a breakfast.
"After that we made our traffic full quietly, and sold all our negroes."
Hawkins then sailed for Hispaniola, but being misled by his pilot he found
himself at Jamaica and then at Cuba, and so along the coast of Florida,
meeting many Indians whenever they landed who were of so fierce a
character that of five hundred Spaniards who had recently set foot in the
country only a very few returned; and a certain friar who essayed to preach
to them "was by them taken and his skin cruelly pulled over his ears and his
flesh eaten." "These Indians as they fight will clasp a tree in their arms and
yet shoot their arrows: this is their way of taking cover."
In coasting along Florida they found a Huguenot colony that had been
founded there at the advice of Admiral Coligny. They had been reduced by
fighting the Indians from two hundred to forty, and were glad to accept a
passage home in the Tiger. On the 28th of July the English ships started for
home, but, owing to contrary winds, their provisions fell so short they "were
in despair of ever coming home, had not God of His goodness better
provided for us than our deserving." On the 20th September they landed at
Padstow in Cornwall, having lost twenty persons in all the voyage, and with
great profit in gold, silver, pearls, "and other jewels great store." The Queen
was delighted with the bold way in which Hawkins had traded in defiance of
the Spanish king, and by patent she conferred on him a crest and coat of
The Spanish ambassador at once wrote off to his master, saying he had
met Hawkins in the Queen's palace, who gave him a full account of his
trading with full permission of the governors of towns (he did not say by
what means he had obtained such licence); "The vast profit made by the
voyage has excited other merchants to undertake similar expeditions.
Hawkins himself is going out again next May, and the thing needs
immediate attention." The result of this letter was that Hawkins was strictly
forbidden by Sir William Cecil from "repairing armed, for the purpose of
traffic, to places privileged by the King of Spain." So the ships went, but
Hawkins stayed at home; his ships returned next summer laden with gold
and silver. The crews did not publish any account of how they had obtained
their cargoes, and as the Queen had recently been assisting the Netherlands
in their struggle for liberty against Spain, she made no indiscreet inquiries,
and proceeded to lend the Jesus of Lübeck and the Minion for another
expedition. One of the volunteers was young Francis Drake, now twenty-two
years of age, whom Hawkins made captain of one of his six vessels.
As they left Plymouth they fell in with a Spanish galley en route for
Cadiz with a cargo of prisoners from the Netherlands. Hawkins fired upon
the Spanish flag, and in the confusion many of the captives escaped to the
Jesus, whence they were sent back to Holland.
The Spanish ambassador wrote strongly to the Queen, and the Queen
wrote strongly to Hawkins; but Hawkins had sailed away and was
encountering storms off Cape Finisterre, so that he had a mind to return for
repairs. But the weather moderating he went on to the Canaries and Cape
Verde. Here he landed 150 men in search of negroes, but eight of his men
died of lockjaw from being shot by poisoned arrows. "I myself," writes
Hawkins, "had one of the greatest wounds, yet, thanks be to God, escaped."
In Sierra Leone they joined a negro king in his war against his enemies,
attacked a strongly paled fort, and put the natives to flight. "We took 250
persons, men, women, and children, and our friend the king took 600
prisoners," which by agreement were to go to the English, but the wily negro
decamped with them in the night, and Hawkins had to be content with his
own few. They were at sea from February 3rd until March 27th, when they
sighted Dominica, but found it difficult to trade, until after a show of force
the Spaniards gave in and eagerly bought the slaves. At Vera Cruz the
inhabitants mistook our ships for the Spanish fleet. There is a rocky island at
the mouth of the harbour which Hawkins seized. The next morning the
Spanish fleet arrived in reality, but Hawkins would not admit them until they
had promised him security for his ships. Now there was no good anchorage
outside, and if the north wind blew "there had been present shipwreck of all
the fleet, in value of our money some £1,800,000." So he let them in under
conditions, for even Hawkins thought that he ought not to risk incurring his
Queen's indignation. On Thursday Hawkins had entered the port, on Friday
he saw the Spanish fleet, and on Monday at night the Spaniards entered the
port with salutes, after swearing by King and Crown that Hawkins might
barter and go in peace.
For two days both sides laboured, placing the English ships apart from
the Spanish, with mutual amity and kindness. But Hawkins began to notice
suspicious changes in guns and men, and sent to the Viceroy to ask what it
meant. The answer was a trumpet-blast and a sudden attack. Meanwhile a
Spaniard sitting at table with Hawkins had a dagger in his sleeve, but was
disarmed before he could use it. The Spaniards landed on the island and slew
all our men without mercy. The Jesus of Lübeck had five shots through her
mainmast, the Angel and Swallow were sunk, and the Jesus was so battered
that she served only to lie beside the Minion, and take all the battery from
the land guns.
As the Spanish and English fleets were anchored at Vera Cruz apparent amity and
goodwill existed between the two, but as Hawkins was sitting at dinner one day a Spaniard
sitting at table with him was discovered with a dagger up his sleeve, but fortunately was
disarmed before he could use it.
Hawkins cheered his soldiers and gunners, called his page to serve him a
cup of beer, whereat he stood up and drank to their good luck. He had no
sooner set down the silver cup than a demi-culverin shot struck it away.
"Fear nothing," shouted Hawkins, "for God, who hath preserved me from
this shot, will also deliver us from these traitors and villains."
The Judith under Drake sailed for England and reached Plymouth in
January 1569; the Minion, with 200 men, suffered hunger and had to eat rats
and mice and dogs. One hundred men elected to be landed and left behind to
the mercies of Indians and Spaniards. "When we were landed," said a
survivor, "Master Hawkins came unto us, where friendly embracing every
one of us, he was greatly grieved that he was forced to leave us behind him.
He counselled us to serve God and to love one another; and thus courteously
he gave us a sorrowful farewell and promised, if God sent him safe home, he
would do what he could that so many of us as lived should by some means
be brought into England—and so he did." Thus writes Job Hartop. So we see
that John Hawkins, the slave-dealer, sincerely tried after his fashion to serve
God as well as his Queen. His men loved him and spoke well of him when
he failed; a good test of a man's worth when men will speak well of you
though all your plans be broken and your credit gone. But alas! for the poor
hundred men left ashore on the Mexican coast! They wandered for fourteen
days through marshes and brambles, some poisoned by bad water, others
shot by Indians or plagued by mosquitoes, until they came to the Spanish
town of Panluco, where the Governor thrust them into a little hog-stye and
fed them on pigs' food. After three days of this they were manacled two and
two and driven over ninety leagues of road to the city of Mexico. One of
their officers used them very spitefully and would strike his javelin into neck
or shoulders, if from faintness any lagged behind, crying, "March on,
English dogs, Lutherans, enemies to God." After four months in gaol they
were sent out as servants to the Spanish colonists. For six years they fared
passing well, but in 1575 the Inquisition was introduced into Mexico, and
then their "sorrows began afresh." On the eve of Good Friday all were
dressed for an auto-da-fé and paraded through the streets. Some were then
burnt, others sent to the galleys, the more favoured ones got three hundred
lashes apiece. One who had escaped had spent twenty-three years in various
galleys, prisons, and farms.
Meanwhile Hawkins was taking his other hundred men back to England,
meeting violent storms, but "God again had mercy on them." Then food
became scarce and many died of starvation: the rest were so weak they could
hardly manage the sails. At last they sighted the coast of Spain and put in at
Vigo for supplies; here more died from eating excess of fresh meat after their
famine. At length, with the help of twelve English sailors they reached
Mount's Bay in Cornwall, in January 1569.
Thus our hero, ruined but not broken, bided his time for revenge. As the
years wore on England and Spain grew more embittered. Private warfare had
existed for some time, and Philip had wished to declare open war in 1568;
but the Duke of Alva cautioned him against making more enemies, while
they still found it hard to subdue the Low Countries. So, for a while, the
King contented himself with underhand efforts to stir up rebellion in Ireland
and England.
In the year 1578 John Hawkins was summoned by the Queen from
Devon and appointed Comptroller of the Navy. His business was to see to
the building of new ships, the repairing of old ones, and the victualling and
manning of all about to take the sea. Hawkins is said to have invented "false
netting" for ships to fight in, chain-pumps and other devices. Acting with
Drake he founded the "Chest" at Chatham, a fund made up by voluntary
subscriptions from seamen on behalf of their poorer brethren. In fact he
entered upon his work with the same zeal which he had shown in the West
Indies. Lucky was it for him that he had a mistress like Elizabeth; for under
the craven James he would certainly have been handed over to the
Inquisition, or put to death by Spanish order, like Raleigh. In 1572 Hawkins
and George Winter were commissioned to do their utmost to clear the British
seas of pirates and freebooters, for of late the coasts of Norfolk and the East
had been much troubled by sea-robbers. But through all his multifarious
duties the old sea-rover was ever most bent on paying off old scores against
King Philip. So many of his friends, beside himself, had lost their all or
endured sharp punishment in Spanish dungeons, that he grimly chuckled
when he heard of Drake having "singed King Philip's beard"; and when the
news came that the invasion of England was only put off, and Pope Sixtus V.
had spurred his Spanish Majesty to quick action by the oft-quoted taunt,
"The Queen of England's distaff is worth more than Philip's sword," then
John Hawkins rubbed his hands gleefully, and lost no time in getting all the
Queen's ships taut and in order, well victualled and well manned. But
Hawkins did not mince matters when he saw anything amiss; any hesitation
or signs of parsimony met with his blunt disapproval. He writes in February
1588 to urge that peace could only be won by resolute fighting: "We might
have peace, but not with God. Rather than serve Baal, let us die a thousand
deaths. Let us have open war with these Jesuits, and every man will
contribute, fight, devise or do, for the liberty of our country."
Hawkins also wrote to ask for the use of six large and six small ships for
four months, with 1800 mariners and soldiers, which he would employ in
another raid upon the Spanish coast, so as to hinder Philip's grand Armada.
"I promise I will distress anything that goeth through the seas: and in
addition to the injury done to Spain, I shall acquire booty enough to pay four
times over the cost of the expedition."
But Burghley, like his mistress, kept a tight hand over slender resources,
and he rejected Hawkins' offer. Macaulay says that even Burghley's jests
were only neatly expressed reasons for keeping money carefully. Lord
Howard bitterly complained to Walsingham that "her Majesty was keeping
her ships to protect Chatham Church withal, when they should be serving
their turn abroad"; and again, when Drake was being prevented from getting
his Plymouth squadron in order for sea-service, he writes: "I pray God her
Majesty do not repent her slack dealing.... I fear ere long her Majesty will be
sorry she hath believed some so much as she hath done." Lord Burghley's
task was to defeat the Armada with an almost empty exchequer. We find
calculations of his as to whether it will not be cheaper to feed the sailors of
the fleet on fish three days a week and bacon once, instead of the usual
ration of four pennyworth of beef each day. And naturally these attempts to
cut down expenses were misconstrued into parsimony. But with all her rigid
economy, Elizabeth could show a brave front when the crisis came; as in the
camp at Tilbury, when she addressed the little army that was expecting every
hour to be called to meet the fierce onset of the invaders: "I have placed my
chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and goodwill of my
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