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Which blood vessel has a high carbon dioxide

Questions 1 – 23 concentration, a low oxygen concentration
and a high blood pressure?
Directions: Select the best answer in each case. A. Aorta C. pulmonary vein
1. The part of a cell that controls cell activities B. pulmonary artery D. vena cava
is the 12. Which statement is correct for most veins in
A. Cell membrane C. Chloroplast. the human body?
B. Nucleus D. Vacuole A. They carry blood at high pressure.
2. The part of a cell that is absent in animal cell B. They have a pulse.
is the C. They have valves.
A. Cell membrane C. Chloroplast. D. They take blood away from the heart.
B. Nucleus D. Vacuole 13. What is the correct sequence for blood being
3. A substance that is produced in the skin to pumped from the heart to the lungs?
kill bacteria and keep the skin supple. A. left atrium → left ventricle →
A. Sweat C. Melanin pulmonary artery
B. Mucus D. Sebum
B. left atrium → left ventricle →
4. Have a thick muscular, elastic, and
pulmonary vein
impermeable walls with a small lumen
A. Capillaries C. Arteries C. right atrium → right ventricle →
B. Lymphatics D. Veins pulmonary artery
5. Shedding of leaves is important to the plant D. right atrium → right ventricle →
because it pulmonary vein
A. Reduces rate of photosynthesis 14. In which list do all three blood vessels carry
B. Reduces rate of transpiration oxygenated blood?
C. Reduces rate of respiration A. aorta, pulmonary artery, renal artery
D. Reduces rate of excretion B. aorta, pulmonary vein, renal artery
6. Which part of the human eye is sensitive to C. vena cava, pulmonary artery, renal
light? vein
A. Iris B. lens C. optic nerve D. retina D. vena cava, pulmonary vein, renal vein
7. Which group of compounds ensures that 15. In a person with a low platelet level, which
metabolic reactions take place effectively? process is slower than normal?
A. carbohydrates B. enzymes A. antibody formation
B. fatty acids D. hormones B. blood clotting
8. Which effect does a gradual decrease in pH C. oxygen carriage
from 13 to 1 have on the action of amylase? D. phagocytosis
A. slows it down only 16. Which heart valves are open and which are
B. slows it down then speeds it up closed when blood passes out of the right
C. speeds it up only ventricle towards the lungs?
D. speeds it up then slows it down A. bicuspid (mitral) valve closed,
9. Which statement is correct for phloem but tricuspid valve open
not for xylem? B. bicuspid (mitral) valve open, semi-
A. It carries mineral ions. lunar valve closed
B. It carries starch. C. tricuspid valve closed, semi-lunar
C. It carries sucrose. valve open
D. It is no longer living. D. tricuspid valve open, bicuspid (mitral)
10. A palisade cell and a nerve cell are observed valve open
under a light microscope. Only the palisade 17. What helps oxygen to be absorbed rapidly
cell has a into the blood in the lungs?
A. cell membrane. C. cytoplasm. A. Air breathed in has less oxygen than
B. nucleus. D. vacuole. air breathed out.
B. Alveoli have thick walls and a large 24. The diagram shows some animal cells, as
surface area. seen under the microscope.
C. Alveoli have thin walls and a large
surface area.
D. The concentration of oxygen in the
blood is higher than in the alveoli.
18. A girl holds her breath for 30 seconds,
breathes out, and then breathes in. Compared What will be present at X?
with the air she breathes out, the air she A. one cell membrane
breathes in contains less B. one cell wall
A. carbon dioxide and water vapour. C. two cell membranes
B. nitrogen and water vapour. D. two cell walls
C. oxygen and carbon dioxide. 25. The diagrams show a leaf cell before and
D. oxygen and nitrogen. after staining with iodine solution.
19. What contains the greatest concentration of
lactic acid?
A. a bottle of alcoholic drink
B. a loaf of freshly baked bread
C. muscle cells during vigorous exercise
D. yeast cells kept in glucose at 70°C for
30 minutes
20. Which chemical could be used to show that
cells are respiring aerobically? Which substance causes the iodine
A. Benedict’s solution C. ethanol solution to change colour?
B. dilute sulfuric acid D. limewater A. Chlorophyll C. protein
21. Which diet will cause the liver to produce the B. reducing sugar D. starch
most urea? 26. The diagram shows the apparatus used in an
A. high carbohydrate, low fat investigation to measure the rate of oxygen
B. high fat, high fibre production during photosynthesis.
C. high fat, low protein
D. high protein, low carbohydrate
22. What is an example of excretion in mammals?
A. the release of hormones from glands
B. the release of saliva into the mouth
C. the removal of undigested food
through the anus
D. the removal of urea by the kidneys
23. What is the function of the kidney?
A. making glucose and reabsorbing urea The
B. making urea and removing salts
C. removing glucose and reabsorbing
D. removing urea and reabsorbing
SECTION II investigation
Questions 24 – 40 was repeated several times and the average
Directions: This section consists of questions amount of gas collected was calculated.
related to biological diagrams. Each diagram is Which two factors should be kept constant
followed by a set of questions. Select the best during the student’s experiment?
answer for each question. A. The size of the funnel and beaker.
B. The size of the aquatic plant and time the stem of a plant. A strip of the outer tissue
exposed to light. including the phloem has been removed.
C. The size of the aquatic plant and the
amount of water in the beaker.
D. The size of the aquatic plant and the
amount of gas in the measuring
27. Four test-tubes are set up as shown in the
diagram and left in full sunlight.
How is transport in the plant affected?
After several hours, which test-tube
A. Amino acids and sucrose cannot pass
contains the most dissolved oxygen?
to the roots.
B. Dissolved salts cannot pass to the
C. Water cannot pass to the leaves.
D. Water cannot pass to the roots.
31. The diagram shows a plant.

28. The diagram shows the human alimentary

canal. In which structure is most glucose
absorbed into the blood?

What is the pathway taken by most of the

water absorbed by this plant?
A. X → Y → Z C. Z → Y → X
B. W → Y → Z D. Z → Y → W
32. The diagram shows a section through the
29. The diagram shows the muscles that control heart. Which part pumps blood to the aorta?
the size of the pupil in an eye.

How do the muscles make the pupil smaller?

Circular Radial 33. The diagram shows a section through an
muscles muscles alveolus and a capillary.
A. Contract Contract
B. Contract relax
C. Relax Contract
D. Relax Relax

30. The diagram shows

37. The diagram shows the human excretory
system and its main associated blood
vessels. Which labelled structure contains

Why does carbon dioxide move from X to Y?

A. Air has a lower concentration of carbon
dioxide than blood.
B. Carbon dioxide moves more freely in air
than in blood.
C. Carbon dioxide must replace oxygen.
D. Diffusion of carbon dioxide can only be 38. The diagram shows some organs in which
out of the blood. urea is found.
34. The diagram shows someone blowing up a

What percentage of the gas in the balloon

is carbon dioxide?
A. 0.04% B. 0.4% C. 4.0% D.
35. In an experiment, three glass bell jars were Which organ makes urea, and which organ
set up as shown in the diagram. removes it from the blood?
Makes urea Removes urea
from blood
39. The diagram shows the male reproductive
At the end of the experiment, which bell
jar has the most oxygen and which has the
Most Least
oxygen oxygen
36. A bright light suddenly shines into a person’s What is the tube labelled X?
eyes. A. Rectum
What happens? B. sperm duct (vas deferens)
A. The lenses become more concave. C. ureter
B. The lenses become more convex. D. urethra
C. The pupils become larger. 40. The diagram shows a person sweating in
D. The pupils become smaller. hot weather.
46. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach,
1. Converts pepsinogen to pepsin.
2. Kills bacteria in food.
3. Stops the action of salivary amylase.

What part is played by sweat glands during SECTION IV

the process of sweating? Questions 47 – 50
A. effector C sense-organ DIRECTIONS: Each of the following questions
B. receptor D stimulus consists of a statement in the left hand column
SECTION III followed by a second statement in the right hand
Questions 41 – 46 column.
DIRECTIONS: For each of the questions below Decide whether the first is true or false; decide
ONE or MORE of the responses is (are) correct. whether the second is true or false and then
Decide which of the responses is (are) correct. choose;
Then choose. A. If both statements are true and statement
A. If 1, 2 and 3 are all correct II is an accurate explanation of statement
B. If 1 and 2 only are correct I
C. If 2 and 3 only are correct B. If both statements are true but statement
D. If 1 only is correct. II is not an accurate explanation of
A B C D C. If only the first statement is true
1, 2, 3 1 and 2 and 1 only D. If both statements are false
41. Bacteria cells are different from plant First Second statement
cells in that statement
1. The nuclear material is not surrounded A True True and is the correct
by a nuclear membrane. explanation of the first
2. They store food as glycogen. B True True but is not a correct
explanation of the first
3. Chlorophyll if present is found in the
C True False
cytoplasm not chloroplast.
42. In sexual reproduction in spirogyra, D False False
1. The gametes produced are similar.
Statement I Statement II
2. All filaments are similar and show no
47. Spirogyra has spiral Spirogyra produces
sexual differences except from a small
bands of organic food in
difference in behaviour. chloroplasts photosynthesis
3. Male and female gametes are similar. 48. Pancreatic juice Bile released from
43. All viruses, secreted in the the gall bladder
1. Have a protein coat. duodenum aids in emulsifies fats in the
2. Reproduce inside a living cell. chemical digestion duodenum
3. Contain nucleic acid. 49. In a bony fish, the The swim bladder of
44. A filamentous green alga may be pelvic and pectoral a bony fish detects
distinguished from a mould fungus by the fins control pitching vibrations during
1. Possession of chloroplast. buoyancy
2. Production of spores. 50. Bean seeds undergo In epigeal
3. Lack of roots. epigeal germination germination, the
cotyledons remain
45. The female reproductive part of a flower
below the surface of
is the ground
1. Style
2. Stigma
3. Ovary

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