Hydra Tool a detailed Guide ggvbm

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General 1nstructions :

Readthefollowing instructions carefully And followthem:

(i) This All questions are
question paper Contain8
3.3 questions.
(i1) Question paper is divded intto FIVE sections Section A, B, C, D
and E.
(ii) Section A - question number I to l6 are multiple choice type
questions. Each question carries l mark.
(iv) Section B - qUestion number 17 to 21 are very short answer type
questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
(0) oecuon C- Questin .nshor 99 to 28 are short answer type questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
( ) Section D - Question wmher 29 and 30 are case-based questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
(UW) seCtion E- question numbor 21 to 33 are long answer type questuons.
Each question carries 5 marks.
(Vu) There is no Overall choire dipen, in the question paper. However, an
nternal choice has been prouided in few questions in all the Sections
except Section -A.
(ix) Kindly note that there is a separate question paper for Visually
Impaired candidates.
(x) Use of calculator is NOT allowed.

SECTION - A 16 ×1= 16

Question No. 1 to 16 are Multiple Choice type questions carrying 1 mark each.
mol- and
1. The molar ionic conductivities of A[B* and S0 are 189S cm²
160 S cm² mol- respectively. The value of limiting molar conductivity of
Al,(S0), will be :
(A) 198S cm2 mol-l B) 858 S cm mol-1

(C) 588S cm mo1 (D) 891S cm moH

3 P.T.0.
Which of the following acids represents Vitamin C?
(A) Saccharic acid (B) Gluconic acid
(e) Ascorbic acid (D) Benzoicacid

Rosenmund preparation of Aldehydes.
3. reduction is Used
catalyst used in this reaction is
for the

4) Pd- BaSO, (B) Anhydrous AlCl,

(C) Iron (II) oxide (D) HgS0,

element shows the

4. From the elements of 3d series given below, which
maximum number of oxidation states ?
(A) Scandium B) Manganese
(C) Chromium D) Titanium

5. Consider the following reaction:

C=0+Conc- KOH ’A+ B
Identify A and B from the given options :
A) A- Methanol, B- Potassium formate
(B) A- Ethanol, B- Potassium formate
(C) A- Methanal,B Ethanol
(D) A- Methanol, B- Potassium acetate

will undergo S1 reaction

6. Which alkyl halide from the given options
(B) (CH),CH-Br
AY (CH,),C-Br
(D) (CH)gC-CH,-Br
(C) CH,-CH,-Br
The fraction of
molecules having energy equal to or greater
activation energy is :
(A) A (B) e-Ea/RT

(C) K (D) A e-Ea/RT

Identify the primary amine from the given options:
(A) (C,H),N (B) (C,H,,NH
4¬) C,H,NH, (D) (CH,),N

is :
9. The general electronic Configuration of d-block elements
(4) (n- 1) d'-10nsl-2 (B) (n-1) d10ng1-2
(C) (n- 1) d1°ng2 (D) (n- 1)

10. Match the reagents required for the given reactions :

I. Oxidation of primary alcohols to (p) NaBH,
(g) 85% phosphoric acid
at 440 K
II. Butan-2-one to Butan-2-ol
III. Bromination of Phenol to 2, 4, 6- () PCC
V. Dehydration of propan-2-ol to (s) Bromine water

(A) I-(), II- (p), III- (s), IV-(g)

(B) I-(g), II (r), II -(p), IV-(s)
(C) I-(s),II (g), III (p), IV-()
(D) I-(p), II - (s), III (), IV- (9)
56/4/3/21 P.T.0
graph of zero order
In agiven and intercept
Concentration Teaction theslope


(A) Slope = k,
Intercept =(®
B) Slope =-k,
Intercept =(Ro
(C) Slope = k/2.303, Intercept =
D) Slope = -k/2.303, Intercept = In A

to ketones followed by
12. Nucleophilic addition of Grignard reagent
hydrolysis with dilute acids forms :
(A) Alkene (B) Primary alcohol

e) Tertiary alcohol (D) Secondary alcohol

statements are given - one labelled as

For questions number 13 to 16. two
(R), Select the correct
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason
(A), (B), (C) and (D) as given
answer to these questions from the codes
below :
(R) are true and Reason (R) is the
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason
correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
are true, but Reason (R) is not the
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
is false.
(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R)
(R) is true.
(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason P.T.0.
13. Assertion (A) :Phenols are stronger acida thn alcohola.
Reason (R): Alkoxide ion is more atable than phenoxide ion.

14. Assertion (A) : For a Daniell coll, Z/Zn2M) || Cu2+ (IM)/Cu with
F°cell 1.1 V, if the external opposing potential is more than 1.I V,
electrons flow from (u to Zn
(R): Cell acts like a galvanic cell.
15. Assertion (A): Benzoic acid does not undergo Friedel - Crafts reaction.
Reason (R) : Carboxyl group is deactivating and the catalyst aluminium
chloride gets
bonded tothe carboxyl group.
16. Assertion (A) :Fructose 1s a reducing sugar.
Reason (R) : Fructose does not reduce Fehling solution and Tollen's

17. Define the following terms
(a) Half life period (ty)
(b) Effective collisions 1x 2

18. A solution containing 60 g of a non-volatile solute in 250 g of water freezes

at 270.67 K. Calculate the molar mass ofthe solute. (K,of water = 1.86 K
kg mol-). 2

19. Which of the following compounds will react more rapidly by Sy1 reaction
and why?
(a) CH, Br or CH,CH, Br
56/4/3/21 11 P.T.O.
(b) Arrange the following cOmpounds in the increasing order of their
boiling points :
Bromoform, Dibromomethane, Chloromethane, Bromomethane 1 x 2

(a) Write the reactions in

the carbonylstepwise
20. of nucleophilic
compounds. 2

(6) How will you
convert the following :
(i) Toluene to benzoic acid.
(i) Ethanol to 3-Hydroxybutanal 1× 2

21. (a) Whathappens when Glucose reacts with Nitric acid ? Write chemical
(b) Write one structural differenee between DNA and KNA. 1x 2

99. (a) Draw the geometrical isomers of the given compleX :

(b) Write the electronic configuration of d5 ion if A, <P.
(c) What is an ambidentate ligand ?

23. Write chemical equations for the following reactions :(Do any three)
(a) Hydroboration - oxidation reaction
(b) Williamson Synthesis
(c) Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Anisole
(d) Reimer-Tiemann Reaction
56/4/3/21 13 P.T.0.
(a) Give chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of
compounds :
Phenol and Benzoic acid
Propanal and
(b) Propanone
Which one of the given Compounds is a stronger acid and why ?
2+ 1
Show that the time required for 99.9% completion in a first order reaction
is 10 times of half-life ( t ) of the reaction [log 2 = 0.3010, log 10 = 1]. 3

26. Define the following terms :

(a) Glycosidic linkage

(b) Primary structure of protein
(c) Disaccharides 1x 3

o7 (a) Write the IUPACname of the given compound :

CH, = CH- CH, - CH, -C1
(b) Why is thionyl chloride preferred for preparing alkyl halides from
alcohols ?

(c) What happenswhen Methyl bromide reacts with KCN ?

28. Calculate emf of the following cell at 25 °C:

Sn/Sn2* (O.001 M) |H (0.01 M)| H¡(1 bar) | Ptye)

Given : E(Sn2+/Sn) =-0.14 V, E° H+H, =0.00 V(log 10 = 1)
56/4/3/21 15 P.T.0.
(a) Give

chemical testa
compounds: to distinguish between the folowing pairs of
Phenol and
Propanal Be
and nZ
Which one ofof the gven
Show that
Compounds is a stronger acid and why ?
the time
is 10 times of
required for
half-ife (t,) of the 99.9% completion in a first order reaction
reaction [log 2 =0.3010, log 10 = 1].
Define the
(a) fol owilinkage
Glycosidic ng terms :

Primary structure of protein
Disaccharides 1x 3

27. (a) Write the

IUPAC name of the given compound :
CH, =CH- CH, -
Why is thionyl chloride preferred for preparing alkyl halides from
alcohols ?
(c) What happens when Methyl
bromide reacts with KCN? 1x3

28. Calculate emf of the following cell at 25°C:

Sn/Sn (0.001 M) ||H (0.01 M)|H(l bar) |Pts)
Given : E°(Sn2+/Sn)=-0.14 V, E° H+H, = 0.00 V(log 10 = 1)
56/4/3/21 15 P.I.0.
the questionsthat SECTYON -D
Ina galvanic
cel, Solow.
energy, Whechemreaicsal in eannergyellectrolvtic
on passing of a redox reaction is converted into

soleleucarettiroincity.of ZnSO.
placedin a cell the redox reaction occurs
The two rods simplest
galvanic cell is in which Zn rod is
nd Cu rod is placed in a
solution of CusO,.
aglutions are jcooinnenedctebyd abysalt metallic through voltmeter.
a wire a The

In the potentofials of the two hridge. is knowndifference

The between thetwo

by passing elect rodes as electromotive force.

an electrolysis, the decomposition substance takes place
of a
through a cell
electric current. One mole of electric charge when passed
Cu*. This was
first discharge half a mole of a divalent metal ion such as
Answer the
formuleated by Faraday in the form of laws of

(a) What
following questions:
is the
(b) When
function of a salt bridge in agalvanic cell ? 1
does galvanic cell
(c) Can copper
behave like an electrolytic cell ? 1

sulphate solution be
Explain with the help of the value ofstored in a pot made of zinc ?
E° cell.
(E° CuztI Cu =0.34 V)
(E° Zn2+
IZn=-0.76 V) 2

(c) How much charge in terms of Faraday is required for the
1mol of MnO,4 to Mn+

(iü) lmol of H,0 to 0,

56/4/3/21 17 P.T.0.
The nature of
osplained to some bondinextg, entstrubycture
atom/ion makes available the coordination compound can be
coordination Valence bond theory. The central metal
metal hybridise number.gveThe umber of vacant orbit.als equal to its
such as
covalent bond is

planar, a pa
set iat
ofe atomic orbitals (9, p and d) of the
equivalent orbitals of definite geometry
extent. The formed onlteytrahwhenedral, octahedral and so on. A strong

the orbitals overlap to the maximum

(n-1) dorinvolouterved in the hybridisation

may be either inner
called inner
(high spin
orbital d-orbitals i.e. nd.
The complexes formed are
complex (Qow spin complex) and outer orbital
paramagnetic or complex) respectively. Further, complexes complex the can be
that this
diamagnetic in
involves number of assumptions drawbacks
colour of the complex,
nature. The of this theory are
and also does not explain the
Answer the

following questions :
Predict whether [CoF is
[Atomic number : Co =271 diamagnetic or paramagnetic and why ?
(b) What is the
coordination number of Co in [Co(en), Cl,"? 1
(c) i) Write the IUPACname of the
given complex:
() Explain (Co(NH)J3+ is an inner orbital or outer
complex. 1+1

(c) Using valence bond theory, deduce the shape and

hybridisation of
.Ni(NH) [Atomic number of Ni =28] 2

56/4/3/21 19
An amide SECTION-E Hoffmann
31. (a)
'A with undergoes
formula C,H,ON treatment
Bromamide molecular on
amine B. B
chloroform and
nitrous acid at Teaction to give
K form
C' and on
treatment with
forms D'. C'
and'E.' and
write the
with etethhanolanolic potassium
gives 'E.
Identify 'A, B, C D'

sequence of chemical equations.

(b) () (1) What is Hinsberg's reagent ?
increasing order
(2) compounds in the
Arrange the
of their basic following
strength in gaseous phase :
C,H,NH, (C,H),
(ii) Give reasons for the
N, (C,H)2
following :
(1) Methyl amine is more basic than aniline.
water to give 2, 4, 6
(2) e readily reacts with bromine
tribromoaniline. than tertiary
(0) Primary amines have bigher boiling points 2+3

92. Attempt any five of the following:

(a) Why Zincis not regarded as a transition element ?
(b) What is Lanthanoid contraction ?
than that of Zn ?
(c) Why is first ionization enthalpy of chromium lower
(d) Why are transition elements good catalysts ?
coloured. Give reason.
(e) Compounds of transition metals are generally
paramagnetic and why ?
() Out of KMnO, and K,MnO, which one is
(g) Complete the following ionic equation :
Cr,0 + 14 H+ + 6e 1x 5

21 P.T.0.
(i) Define reverse Osmosis.
(i1) Why are aquatic species more comfortable in cold water in
comparison to
(iii) Asolution containing Water
2 gof ? glucose (M= 180 g mol)in 100 g of
water is prepared at 308 K. If the vapour pressure of pure water
at 303 K is
the solution ? mm Hg, what would be the
vapour pressure of
1+1 +3

i) Predict whether Van't Hoff factor will be less or greater than
one,when Ethanoic acid is dissolved in benzene.
(ü) Define ideal solution.
(ii) Calculate the mass of CaCl, (molar mass 111 g mol-) to be
dissolved in 500 g of water to lower its freezing point by 2K,
1+1+ 3
assuming that CaCl, undergoes conmplete dissoCiaot
(K, for water = 1.86 K kg mol-)

N43/21 23

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