New Blepharandra shrub (Malpighiaceae) from Venezuela
New Blepharandra shrub (Malpighiaceae) from Venezuela
New Blepharandra shrub (Malpighiaceae) from Venezuela
MACBRYDE, B. 1974. A new Bleplmrcrndrci shrub (Malpighiaceae) from Venezuela. Can. J. Bot.
52: 2437-2438.
A species of Blepharnrzclru (Malpighiaceae) new to science is reported and briefly discussed in
relation to its genus and subtribe. A key to the species recognized in the genus is provided.
The following recently recognized species of al. 1953-1972). A full revision of the Galphi-
Blepharandra Grisebach is presented now so that miinae Niedenzu wi1.l be published later (cf.
it will be available for the treatment of the MacBryde 1970.). This species may be distin-
Malpighiaceae in a forthcoming part of The guished from the others accepted in the genus by
botany of the Guayatza Highland (cf. Maguire et the following key.
Diagnosis Discussion
Blepkar.andvaJimbrintn B. MacBryde, sp. nov. It is readily apparent that this shrub, to 2 m
Species haec insignis a taxis alliis generis tall, is a new species by (1) its small leavcs with-
praesertim differt foliis parvis infra leviter flavo- out a white exfoliate bloom; (2) large stipules
virentibus haud albis, stipulis majoribus, inflores- (to 20 mm long, maximum length in the other
centiis tenellis indumento sparsiore, sed apprime species is 15 mm); (3) delicate inflorescences with
bracteis bracteolisque persistentibus ad instar persistent bracts and bracteoles; and (I) the
loborum calycum marginibus fimbriatis. fimbriate margins of these and the lobes of the
HOLOTYPUS: Venezuela: Bolivar: Cerro Guai- calyces. There is also less indument and an ap-
quinima, alto Rio Paragua, alt. 1740 in, Oct. parent tendency for abortion of one or two
1943, Fklix Cardona 934 (US); isotypus cum carpels in the few flowers of the type collection
habitu adjectu sic 'arbusto 2 m alto' (VEN (the fruit is unknown). Variation from the typical
5497, n.v.; photo MO). tricarpellate condition of the Malpighiaceae to
2438 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 52, 1974
two, one, or four carpels in flower and (or) on a study of 33 specimens of 15 collections from
fruit is also known in the following number of 10 herbaria, including the types of both specific
species in five of the other six genera in the names.
Galphimiinae (the denominator refers to the
total number of species in each genus): 2/2 Acknowledgments
Acmnnthera (A. H. L. Jussieu) Grisebach; 1/1 I thank L. Aristeguieta for the photograph of
Coleostaclzys A. H. L. Jussieu; 2/10 Gnlphinzia the isotype and D. G. Burch, B. Faden, 0.
Cavanilles; 2/4 Lophnnthera A. H. L. Jussieu; Herrera-MacBryde, W. H. Lewis, C. M. Mac-
2/5 Pterandrn A. H. L. Jussieu. Such variation is Bryde, and R. L. Taylor for aid.
not known in the monotypic Verrucuhria
A. H. L. Jussieu or other taxa of Blepharrindrn. LASSER,T. 1947. Malpighiaceae. IN Cathlogo de la flora
Venezolana. Torno 11. By H. [F.] Pittier, T. Lasser,
The type collection of B. firnbriata has been L. Schnee, 2. Luces de Febres, andV. [IM.]Badillo [F.].
listed as "Cnrdoiza 944-1107" under B. Izypoleuca 3a Conferencia Interamericana de Agricultura, Vargas,
Caracas. pp. 21-34.
in the literature (Lasser 1947) and was thus mis- MACBRYDE, B. 1970. A revision of the Gal himiinae
identified in the herbarium. BIephnrandrn ptnri- Ndz., Malpighiaceae. Diss. Abstr. Int. B. 5ci. Eng.
ar7n Steyermark does not appear in the key, 31(4): 1763-B.
since it is considered to be within the variation MAGUIRE, B., and collaborators. 1953-1972. The botany of
the Guayana Highland. Parts I-IX. Mem. N.Y. Bot.
and therefore a synonym of B. Izypoleuca, based Gard. Vols. 8-10, 12, 17, IS, 23, in part.