08-1 (5)
08-1 (5)
08-1 (5)
Q2) Examine the various kinds of sampling Techniques to be used in socio - legal research.
Q6) Examine the importance of “Deduction” and “Induction” in socio - legal research.
Q8) “Participant observation is better than Non – Participant observation” – Explain the
Q10) Examine the importance of “Case study” method in socio - legal research.
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages : 01
Q1) Explain the inter – relationship between the fundamental Rights and Directive principles
of state policy.
Q3) “No person shall be deprived of his life and personal liberty, except according to
procedure established by law” – Discuss
Q4) Discuss the scope of freedom of speech and expression in the light of supreme court
Q5) Explain the nature and scope of religious freedom under the Indian constitution.
Q6) Discuss about the scope, meaning of minority rights to establish educational institutions.
Q7) Examine the scope of Art.12 as expanded by the Supreme Court with case law?
Q10) Discuss about the emergency provisions provided under the Indian constitution.
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages :01
Q2) Examine the distribution of legislative powers between the Union and States in India.
Q6) Describe the procedure for amendment of federal constitution with special reference to
basic structure of the constitution.
Q7) Discuss the powers and functions of the Supreme Court of India.
Q8) What are the main features of a parliamentary form of Government? In what way is it
different from a presidential form of Government?
Q9) Discuss the financial relations between the centre and states.
Q10) What are the various safeguards available to civil servants under the Indian Constitution.
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages : 01
Q4) Examine the circumstances when a precedent may loose its authority.
Q5) ‘Courts put life into the dead letter of law’ – Comment.
Q7) Explain to what extent ‘mistake’ can be a ground for exemption from liability.
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages :02
First Year
Administrative Process - Nature and Scope
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal marks.
Q3) What is delegated legislation? How is judicial control exercised over delegated
Q4) What is the importance of ‘Lok – Pal’ in India and state the reasons for not establish this
institution till date?
Q5) Explain the doctrine of separation of powers and how it works out in a democratic
country like India?
Q6) Explain the law relating to emergency period under the Indian constitution?
Q7) Discuss the nature, scope and purpose of public Interest Litigation in India? What is its
effect on judicial review of Administrative action?
Q8) Explain the scope of the writ jurisdiction of the High courts under Article 226, Supreme
court under Article 32 of the Indian constitution in relation to the review of
administrative action.
Q9) Explain the concept of Driot Administratiff in French administrative courts compare it
with our Administrative Tribunals?
c) Write of prohibition
d) Laissez faire
Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages : 01
Q2) “The standards of Natural Justice Vary with situations” – Discuss with supported cases.
Q3) Make a comparative analysis of the Writ jurisdiction under Article 32 and 226 of the
Indian constitution.
Q4) Explain the rule against bias and discuss the types of bias.
Q5) Discuss the principle of ‘Locus standi’ and how far it has been liberalised by the courts
in view of the development of public interest Litigation?
Q6) “Inordinate delay in invoking the jurisdiction of the courts may be a good ground for
declining to issue writ’ – Discuss.
Q7) The prior decision of the High court would operate as res – judicata to a subsequent
petition under Article 32 – Discuss.
Q8) What is ‘Doctrine of Ultra Vires’ and explain this doctrine with the help of decided