Full Download Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods 1st Edition Francois Gagne PDF DOCX
Full Download Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods 1st Edition Francois Gagne PDF DOCX
Full Download Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods 1st Edition Francois Gagne PDF DOCX
Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods 1st
Edition Francois Gagne Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Francois Gagne
ISBN(s): 9780124116047, 0124116043
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 5.07 MB
Year: 2014
Language: english
Principles and Methods
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Principles and Methods
Senior Research Scientist
Biochemical Ecotoxicology at Environment Canada
Québec, Canada
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ISBN : 978-0-12-411604-7
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vi Contents
2.2.2. Polytron 28
2.2.3. Ultrasounds 28
2.2.4. FreezeThaw 29
2.2.5. Subcellular Fractionation by Differential Centrifugation 29
2.2.6. Conservation of Biological Samples for Biomarkers 31
References 31
4.1. Introduction 49
4.2. Material 53
4.2.1. Reagents 53
4.2.2. Equipment 54
4.3. Procedure 54
4.3.1. Choice of Detection Chemistry 54
4.3.2. Primer Design 55
4.3.3. Selecting the Target Nucleotide Sequence (Target and Reference Genes) 55
4.3.4. Preparation of Nucleic acid Template 56
4.3.5. Assay Optimization 62
4.4. Data Analysis-Relative Quantification with Reference Gene Normalization 69
References 72
Web Resources 73
Contents vii
Index 249
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Chantale André
Emerging methods, Aquatic Contaminants Research Division, Environment Canada,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Joëlle Auclair
Emerging methods, Aquatic Contaminants Research Division, Environment Canada,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Sylvie Bony
Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat France
Alain Devaux
Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat France
François Gagné
Emerging methods, Aquatic Contaminants Research Division, Environment Canada,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Émilie Lacaze
Institut Armand-Frappier-INRS, Laval, Québec, Canada
Brian Quinn
University of West Scotland, Scotland, UK
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I dedicate this book to Lucie, my life-long companion, for her unconditional support
in the many projects I undertake. I also dedicate this book to my daughters Geneviève,
Catherine and Valérie for providing me with reasons to fight for the protection of the
environment and to my parents for their support during my studies in biochemistry and
thereafter. I also dedicate this book to my mentors Prof Francine Denizeau (in memoriam)
and Dr Christian Blaise for their guidance, foresights and for opening my eyes to the
science of ecotoxicology.
François Gagné
January 2014
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The science of ecotoxicology is the study of contaminant exposure and its effects on
all organisms in the biosphere, including humans. This discipline started in the late
1960s and was defined as the study of the contamination of the biosphere and the
resulting toxic effects to all life forms. The scope of ecotoxicology is quite broad
because it deals with the studies of the fate and effects of contaminants from the
molecular level to the ecosystem. To address this complexity, ecotoxicology was subdi-
vided into three phases or pillars: exposure and bioavailability of contaminants, toxicity
evaluation of substances with their mixtures, and biomarkers to determine the long-
term risk of pollution in organisms and corresponding populations. This relatively new
science was further complicated by the observation that not only chemical agents are
at play but the presence of physical (radiation, temperature variations) and biological
agents (infectious diseases) are also involved. Hence, there is a need to understand the
cumulative contribution of these agents to organism health and the maintenance of
populations. In addition, the advent of new exotic products such as nanotechnology,
climate change, and landscape transformation will bring new types of toxic interactions
that could overwhelm the ability of organisms to cope with existing environmental
stressors such as preypredation changes, eutrophication, food availability, water levels
(and quality), and seasonal temperature changes.
Biomarkers are broadly defined as a measured variable that results in or follows the
interactions of (toxic) agents with a molecular or physiological target. It is generally
recognized that fundamental interactions occur at the biochemical level in cells pro-
vided that this interaction forms the basis of initiating toxic events in organisms. Some
biomarkers are more specific (more closely related) to the toxic agents so they can be
used in testing schemes to identify the contribution or the cumulative effects of vari-
ous toxic agents. These types of biomarkers are particularly valuable since organisms
are seldom exposed to one compound or toxic agent at a time. Indeed, organisms are
usually exposed to low concentrations of hundreds and perhaps thousands of chemicals
in their lifetime. Biochemical markers could also determine some biochemical changes
in organisms that could lead to deleterious effects on organism health in the long
term. To provide a clear representation for the reader, the occurrence of high lipids
(cholesterol) and oxidative stress (inflammation) in the plasma is associated with the
degeneration of blood vessels and related diseases in humans. Hence, the measure of
plasma lipids or cholesterol represents a biomarker of risk in developing a vascular
pathology in time. In other words, a biomarker could represent a biochemical
xviii Preface
The principal author is very grateful to the contributions of Dr. Brian Quinn for the
preparation and use of cell cultures in toxicity investigations in Chapter 3, Dr. Émilie
Lacaze, Sylvie Bony and Alain Devaux for the contribution on the COMET assay in
Chapter 10, Chantale André for her contribution on gene expression assays using
quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in Chapter 4, and to Joëlle
Auclair for her contribution on protein transfer and detection techniques (Western
blots) in Chapter 5 for the detection of protein-based markers.
François Gagné
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xxii Introduction
(altered cellular
Subcellular function
(altered function)
(primary interaction)
pathogenesis, but the observed effects are not always irreversible, hence their usefulness
in prevention. In other cases, responses observed at the biochemical level (i.e., gene
expression changes) do not imply an impact on the organism’s health status and perfor-
mance, hence their lower “physiological or ecological” relevance. Endless arguments
about which levels are more physiologically or ecologically relevant for ecotoxicology
studies are considered useless and outdated. It depends on the questions being asked in a
given study and the context of pollution studies. The science of ecotoxicology is hierar-
chized, i.e., one compartment is a part of another compartment at a higher level of bio-
logical organization. It is generally accepted that an impact at any level is likely to
produce changes at a higher level provided the intensity of the responses and/or dura-
tion of effects are sufficient. It is a question of knowing when an alteration at one level
(e.g., enzyme inhibition) will translate to an effect at the next level of complexity (e.g.,
altered metabolic pathway from an inhibited enzyme). From the risk assessment per-
spective, biomarkers that provide information on health status toward survival, growth,
and reproduction are particularly relevant for the protection of population toward pollu-
tion and other stressors involved in these times of climate change.
Investigators in ecotoxicology are often confronted to examine or work with all
types of species from which no genetic information or specific antibodies or other
probes are (yet) available. They have to fall back on generic tests, which focus on spe-
cial biochemical properties of the biological target. Indeed, modern and state-of-the-
art techniques are highly dependent on the information of the test species under
Introduction xxiii
introduction to set the context of the proposed analyses with a viewpoint on the rele-
vant biomarkers. The general structure of the chapters will follow a simple, direct, and
comprehensive layout: introduction and principle, reagents and materials, procedure,
and data calculation. In some cases, some chapters will end with a case study to pro-
vide examples. We are confident that this book on principles and methods of bio-
chemical ecotoxicology will help initiate real-life experiments in biochemical
François Gagné, Environment Canada
Chantale André, Environment Canada
Joëlle Auclair, Environment Canada
Émilie Lacaze, INRS-Institut Armand Frappier
Brian Quinn, University of the West Scotland
[1] Benford D, Hanley AB, Bottrill K, Oehlschager S, Balls M, et al. Biomarkers as predictive tools in
toxicity testing. ATLA 1999;28:11931.
[2] Gagné F, Blaise C. Review of biomarkers and new techniques for in situ aquatic studies with bivalves.
Environmental toxicity testing. New York: Blackwell Publishing; 2005, 205228.
[3] Gagné F, André C, Blaise C. Increased vitellogenin gene expression in the mussel Elliptio complanata
exposed to estradiol. Fresenius Environ Bull 2005;14:8616.
[4] Ellman GL, Courtney KD, Andres Jr V, Featherstone RM. A new and rapid colorimetric determina-
tion of acetylcholinesterase activity. Biochem Pharmacol 1961;961:8895.
[5] Verslycke T, Vanderbergh GF, Versonnen B, Arijs K, Janssen CR. Induction of vitellogenesis in
17alpha-ethinylestradiol-exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): a method comparison. Comp
Biochem Physiol 2002;132:48392.
Quantitative Assessments of
Biochemical Analyses
François Gagné
Chapter Outline
1.1 General Overview 1
1.2 Replication in Data Analysis 5
1.3 Replication of the Experiment 6
1.3.1 Calibration or Standardization 7
1.3.2 Using Specific and Generic Standards 8
1.4 Reference Substances 10
1.5 Defining Detection Limits in the Absence of Analytical Standards 10
1.6 Reproducibility 12
1.6.1 Reproducibility at the Calibration Level 12
1.6.2 Reproducibility at the Level of the Experiment 13
1.7 Using Reference Material to Standardize Methodologies 13
1.8 Normalization Approaches 15
1.8.1 Residual Extraction Method 16
1.8.2 Stepwise Addition Method 18
References 19
day by day basis. Moreover, bioanalytical data should be protected and well iden-
tified in the storage media. It is important to safely store the data and identify the
quality control measures from which the data were generated: the protocol, the
composition, and date of preparation of blanks, standards, type of samples, and
replication of the analysis. First, archives call for laboratory notebooks where all
the methodological and procedural details including any small modifications, if
present, are found. Replication and the method used for calibration/standardiza-
tion should always be noted in the log book for the production of any (semi-)
quantitative bioanalytical data. Details on the experimental design used and the
variation of the methodology with its limit of detection should be included as
well. In a research laboratory, it is possible that specific standards are lacking. In
this situation, recommendations are proposed to provide some extent of valida-
tion for the method of analysis. Finally, elements of quality control proposed in
situations were certified reference material for biomarkers in a given test species.
These elements will permit the undertaking of spatial or temporal surveys in
ecotoxicological investigations.
assay since the biological responses should produce changes that are above the
variation of the method. In other words, the intraindividual variation (variation of
the biomarker during analysis) should be lower than the interindividual variation
to obtain a significant effect between groups of individuals.
At the level of biomarker data, care should be taken during the sequence of
analysis of the blank, standards, and samples by the instrument to control for
any drift in the performance of the instrument. With microplate readers, read-
ings are taken within seconds depending on the technology, thus the variation
of measurement within the microplate is expected to be negligible. This is not
necessary for absorbance readings given the changes in absorbance are obtained
by the ratio in the light intensity of the instrument in the presence (Is) and
absence (Io) of the sample (log Is/Io as defined by BeerLambert’s law). If the
readings are repeated after 30 or 60 min, the rough data could differ between
reading times because the performance of the instrument could vary in time
(e.g., the lamp energy could vary in times and have major effects on fluores-
cence readings or change in a photomultiplier tube efficiency for luminescence
readings). Hence, there is a need to include blanks and standards for each
sequence analysis. Some instruments are equipped with internal reference,
which directs correction of the data after each reading by the software.
Variations in the efficiency of an instrument are more important with
instruments that require samples to be determined over minutes to hours of
analysis time. For example, if the performance of the instrument changes by
25%, then this could introduce important variability in the data. In these cases,
it is recommended to measure the blank and standards at the beginning of the
analysis, measure 510 samples, and measure again the blank and one standard
and so forth. With this approach, one could control for any drifts of the instru-
ment performances. The instrument’s reading efficacy depends on the type of
instrument (HPLC columns and detectors, fluorescence or luminescence read-
ers) and is characterized as change in (sample signalblank signal)/concentra-
tion of the standard sample. This metric is important if measures are made on
different instruments across laboratories. Indeed, the efficacy of the instrument
changes in time and with different instruments.
routine analysis where a sample is analyzed and compared with a standard and
certified reference material in a similar matrix. Take a study consisting of the
evaluation of MT in mussel populations at two sites (one contaminated by
metals and one pristine). To start, eight individuals were collected for the
determination of MT in the digestive gland (equivalent to the liver) at each
site. The MT assay was practiced in duplicate for each individual. In theory, if
the method is reproducible and precise, on the order of 5% or less, then the
required number of individuals would depend on the interindividual variability
(biological variation). If the interindividual variability is at 30% (coefficient of var-
iation of 30%), then the mean level of MT should be higher than the mean 1 30%
value to detect a difference. If the sample size is sufficient to appraise the state of
the population (we assume for simplicity that the gender, size, and age of sampled
mussels are constant) then the repetition of this experiment should provide similar
results. If not then the N 5 8 individuals was not representative of the local popula-
tion and more individuals should be determined. Usually the experiment is
repeated three times to definitely ensure the replication number was enough. In
other words, we have to make sure the differences in MT levels between the two
sites are not the result of method variation or insufficient sample size. We must
determine the number of replicates for analysis (which depends on the methodol-
ogy used) and the number of individuals (sample size), which depends on the bio-
logical variation. The latter case is a question of power analysis, that is, the number
of replicates required for a significant effect above a threshold, usually . 30% of
the mean, since the normal biological variation is usually in this order. When the
sample size is not sufficient, repeating the experiment will provide confirmation if
the observed effects are real or not.
(A) 12
Analytical signal
y = –0.19 + 2.14X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(B) 12
y = 1.04 + 1.9x
Analytical signal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Standard added
Figure 1.1 Typical calibration curve between the analytical signal and the concentration of the standard.
An external calibration curve is shown in A and an internal calibration curve using the standard addition
method in B.
bias toward the analytical signals. In this case the standards are added directly in a
constant volume of the test sample. The concentration of the analyte in the test
sample is then extrapolated by giving a value of 0 to the analytical signal (y), for
example: 0 5 1.04 1 1.9 3 (standard concentration) - standard concentration
(x) 5 j(21.04/1.9)j. This procedure, albeit more robust, requires the construction
of a standard addition in each test sample, which can become time-consuming.
When the volume of the test sample is limited, one standard addition could be
added to one of the test samples. The sample concentration is then calculated as
10 Biochemical Ecotoxicology
(A) 9
Detection limit of y
Detection limit of y and x
7 Detection limit of x
(arbitrary units/mL)
Biomarker signal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
T otal proteins
(B) 10
(arbitrary units/mL)
Biomarker signal
Optimal zone
of quantification
0 2 4 6 8 10
Total proteins added
Figure 1.2 Defining an operational limit of detection without standards. An operational (lower) limit
of detection could be determined between the biomarker signal and the normalization endpoint,
here as total proteins (A). The upper limit of quantification of the biomarker and the normalization
method should also be known (B).
method that is based on the slope between the biomarker and biomass endpoint.
When the limit of detection is reached for either the biomarker or the normalizing
assay, the slope between the biomarker and its normalization unit will change, as
shown in Figure 1.2A. In this example, the operational detection limit of the
methodology will depend on which method the limit of detection reached; for
limit of detection x, it is reached first then the detection limit is 3 (total pro-
teins 3 axis), which corresponds to the biomarker signal of 1.5 on the y-axis. For
the limit of detection y, it is reached when the detection limit is 2 for total proteins
(x-axis) corresponding to a biomarker signal of 1 on the y-axis. This approach gives
the boundary of the minimal amount of biomass (in protein units in the example)
required to measure the biomarker.
At the other side of the limit of detection, the upper limit of quantification
should also be determined to discover the maximal amount of biomass that can
be tested for the biomarker (Figure 1.2B). For example, the upper boundary
would correspond to 6 mg/mL total proteins with a biomarker of 8 arbitrary
units. Indeed, using a highly concentrated homogenate extract could over-
whelm the reagent capacity of the methodology or introduce new interferences
or matrix effects leading to altered changes in the slope of the biomarker with
its biomass. Hence, the experimenter should define the upper and lower limits
of the assay when standards are absent to determine the biomarker in the
region where the slope between the biomarker and biomass unit is invariant, as
depicted in Figure 1.2B.
There is a distinction between the methodological and the experimental or
biological reproducibility. The methodological reproducibility is characterized
by the capacity of producing constant data regardless of “when and where” the
assay is practiced. Indeed, a reproducible method will produce similar data
independent of the analyst or technician performing the data, the time and
period of the analysis, and the instrument in a given laboratory.
constant for a given instrument. These criteria are closely related to the stability of
the biomarker and the reagents used to quantify it at the day of analysis. It is
important to mark in the laboratory notebook the date of preparation of the
reagents and standards, commercial origin, and the lot number when possible.
5,5 Standard deviation
or Biomarker unit/biomass)
data (suspect)
+1 x standard deviation
3,0 Mean (2.6)
1,5 –1 x standard deviation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time of analysis
Figure 1.3 Quality control chart illustrating a biomarker from a prepared reference material or a
fixed concentration standard determined through 10 days of analysis. These data should be distrib-
uted around the mean value (filled line) with SD (dotted lines). Data value outside the SD is consid-
ered a suspect outlier and should be either removed from the data set or reanalyzed after making
the appropriate revisions of the method.
analysis. For each period of analysis, the reference material is measured (in qua-
druplicate) where it should give a value within the normal variation of the
methodology. The reference material approach is used to track the time at
which the measurement was done and determine the trueness of the method
in time [5]. This approach enables one to track the performance of the method
of analysis in time and in different laboratories. The second option consists of
using a standard from another species that is commercially available to ensure
the difference between the standard and blank is constant in time. A quality
control chart could be produced to identify which samples or day of analysis
yield data outside the normal variation of the method. In Figure 1.3, each data
point is either a fixed standard corrected against a blank or a normalized bio-
marker value (biomarker unit/biomass unit) that was analyzed at each period.
The SD of the data points corresponds to the methodological variation.
The method should always give, in principle, the same value, i.e., a value
within the normal variation of the method (within the SD or the 95% confi-
dence interval). The true “normal” variation of the method in Figure 1.3 is
depicted as the solid line with the corresponding SD (dotted lines) for all analy-
sis time. At time 6, the obtained data are outside the upper SD of the method
Quantitative Assessments of Biochemical Analyses 15
and considered an outlier or suspect. Ideally all the samples and standards
(blanks) should be reanalyzed after rechecking/re-preparing the reagents or
bringing the proper corrections of the methodology. If this is not possible, then
the data from all samples analyzed at that time should be removed from the
dataset. In some instances (for exploratory purposes), a correction factor could
be used to bring down the mean data value at time 6 to the mean value of
the method (solid line) for all the samples analyzed at time 6. The correction
factor is derived as follows: mean value at suspect time/mean value of the end-
point: 4.9/2.6 5 1.88. Hence, all the biomarker values obtained at day 6 are
divided by 1.88. However, this approach should not be applied as a final
measure of the biomarker at this time but only as a preliminary view of the
biomarker response after correcting for methodological drift. This is especially
important when each time period corresponds to a different treatment group
or study site or time survey. Some laboratories take the samples randomly and
sometimes blindly (the sample identity is hidden and replaced randomly by
numbers) to alleviate potential artifacts and subjectivity.
The use of quality control charts determines the performance of the method-
ology over different times (and different laboratories). When the production of
an in-house reference material is not possible (low availability of biological mate-
rial or test species), the mid standard value corrected against the blank could be
used. This approach is related to the precision of the method at each time of
analysis. In most cases, values outside 23 the SD are considered an outlier or
aberrant value. In conclusion, when the assays are performed at different times,
which involve different preparations of reagents and standards for calibration, the
use of a reference material is recommended. This procedure establishes the true-
ness of the method, which is the normal variation of the methodology applied at
different times regardless of the analyst, reagent, and calibration used.
Language: English
Author of
The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure
The Hardy Boys: The Secret of the Old Mill
Walter S. Rogers
The Three Strangers
"You certainly ought to have a dandy trip."
"I'll say we will, Frank! We sure wish you could come along."
Frank Hardy grinned ruefully and shook his head.
"I'm afraid we're out of luck. Joe and I may take a little trip later on,
but we can't make it this time."
"Just think of it!" said Chet Morton, the other speaker. "A whole
week motorboating along the coast! We're the lucky boys, eh, Biff?"
Biff Hooper, at the wheel of his father's new motorboat, nodded
"You bet we're lucky. I'm glad dad got this boat in time for the
summer holidays. I've been dreaming of a trip like that for years."
"It won't be the same without the Hardy Boys," returned Chet. "I
had it all planned out that Frank and Joe would be coming along
with us in their own boat and we'd make a real party of it."
"Can't be done," observed Joe Hardy, settling himself more
comfortably in the back of the boat. "There's nothing Frank and I
would like better—but duty calls!" he exclaimed dramatically,
slapping himself on the chest.
"Duty, my neck!" grunted Frank. "We just have to stay at home while
dad is in Chicago, that's all. It'll be pretty dull without Chet and Biff
around to help us kill time."
"You can put in the hours thinking of Biff and me," consoled Chet.
"At night you can just picture us sitting around our campfire away up
the coast, and in the daytime you can imagine us speeding away out
over the bounding main." He postured with one foot on the gunwale.
"A sailor's life for me, my hearties! Yo, ho, and a bottle of ink!"
The boat gave a sudden lurch at that moment, for Biff Hooper had
not yet mastered the art of navigation and Chet wavered
precariously for a few seconds, finally losing his balance and sitting
down heavily in a smear of grease at the bottom of the craft.
Quick Thinking
A Shady Trio
"I am sure my man is in Chicago. I know for a fact that he went
West, and the Windy City would naturally be his hiding place."
Fenton Hardy tapped the library table reflectively with a pencil. Mrs.
Hardy put aside the magazine she had been reading.
"Are you going to follow him?"
"I'll trail him right to the Pacific Coast if necessary."
Frank and Joe Hardy, who had been standing by the window,
disconsolately watching the rain streaking down the pane, looked
"Who is he, dad?" asked Frank.
"One of the cleverest and most daring bank robbers in the country.
I've been after him for almost a year now and it's only been within
the last few weeks that I've ever come anywhere near catching
"What's his name?"
Fenton Hardy laughed. "I've made you curious, eh? Well, this chap
has about a dozen names. He has a new alias every week, but so far
as the police are concerned he's known as Baldy Turk, because he's
as bald as an egg. He and his gang held up a bank in a small New
Jersey town about a month ago and got away with over ten
thousand dollars in broad daylight. That's how I managed to get
trace of him again. Even the police didn't know Baldy Turk was
mixed up in the affair because he was wearing a wig that day, but
he double-crossed one of the members of his gang out of his share
in the loot."
"And that fellow told the police," ventured Joe.
Mr. Hardy shook his head.
"Not the police. He didn't dare go near them because he was wanted
for two or three robberies himself. But he came to me and tipped me
off as to where Baldy Turk could be found. He wanted revenge. I
went to New York, where Baldy was in hiding; but evidently some of
his friends knew I was on his trail and he disappeared before I could
lay my hands on him."
"Where did he go then?" asked Frank, with interest.
"He hid out on Long Island for a while, but I managed to pick up the
trail again and went after him, but he was too smart for me. He got
away in a fast automobile and took a couple of shots at me in the
bargain. I managed to get the number of the car and traced it to
Manhattan and later found that Baldy Turk had left the East
altogether. He bought a ticket to Cleveland, doubled back to Buffalo
and managed to shake me off."
"What makes you think he is in Chicago?"
"Because another member of his gang went to Chicago just a week
ago. So I imagine Baldy Turk was to meet him there. In any case,
Chicago is a thieves' paradise, so it seems logical that Baldy Turk
would make for there."
"And you're going after him! Gee, I wish I could go," declared Joe.
Fenton Hardy smiled.
"It's no job for a boy," he said. "Baldy Turk is a bad man with a gun.
If I ever do find him it will take some maneuvering to get the
handcuffs on him, I'll tell you."
"You'll be careful, won't you, Fenton," said Mrs. Hardy anxiously. "I'm
always frightened whenever I know you're after one of these
desperate criminals."
"I'll be as careful as I can, Laura," promised her husband; "but in my
business I have to take chances. Baldy Turk knows I'm after him and
he doesn't mean to be caught if he can help it. He or any of the men
in his gang would shoot me on sight. There's a standing reward of
five thousand dollars out for Baldy and, besides, the Bankers'
Association have promised me a handsome fee if I can get him
behind the bars and break up the gang."
"I won't rest easy in my mind until you're back home safe," Mrs.
Hardy declared.
"Don't worry about me," replied her husband, going over to her and
patting her shoulder reassuringly. "I'll get back safely all right, and
Baldy Turk will be in jail if I have to chase him all over the States.
The boys will look after you while I'm away."
"You bet we will!" Frank promised.
"I'm sorry it keeps you from going on that motorboat trip with Chet
and Biff," Mr. Hardy remarked. "Perhaps you can arrange another
jaunt after I come back."
"We're not worrying about that, dad. We don't mind staying at
"That's the spirit," approved their father.
"When do you leave?" Frank asked.
"I'm waiting for a letter from a friend of mine in Chicago. If he writes
as I expect he will write, I should be away by the day after to-
"Then let Baldy Turk watch his step!" observed Joe.
"We'll both have to watch our step," answered Mr. Hardy, smiling. "If
I don't get him, he'll probably get me."
"Well, I'm betting on you."
Mrs. Hardy shook her head doubtfully, but said nothing. She knew
that her detective husband had escaped death at the hands of
desperate criminals many times in the course of his career and there
seemed to be no reason why he should not bring Baldy Turk to book
just as he had captured many other notorious criminals in the past;
but this time she had a vague premonition of danger. She knew that
her husband would laugh at her fears if she expressed them, so she
remained silent.
The rain had stopped, as Frank noticed when he glanced out the
window again.
"It's clearing up. What say we go out for a spin, Joe?"
"Suits me."
"Let's go."
"Don't be late for supper," warned Mrs. Hardy, as the boys started
out the door.
"We'll be in time," they promised, and the door closed behind them.
The Hardy boys went out to the shed where they kept their
motorcycles. Both Joe and Frank had machines, given to them by
their father, and in their spare time they spent many hours speeding
about the roads in and around Bayport.
Their native city had a population of about fifty thousand people and
was on the Atlantic coast, on Barmet Bay. There were good roads
along both northern and southern arms of the bay, besides the State
highway and the numerous country roads that led through the
farming country back of Bayport.
Chet Morton, whose father was a real estate dealer with an office in
the city, lived on a farm some distance off the road along the north
arm of the bay, Chet making the daily journey to school and back in
a roadster that had been given to him by his father. Chet was as
proud of his roadster as the Hardy boys were proud of the
motorboat that they had bought from the money they had received
as reward for solving the Tower Mystery.
"Where shall we go?" asked Joe, as the Hardy boys rode out of the
"Let's go to the Morton farm and see Chet."
"Good idea. I wonder if he's able to sit down yet," replied Joe,
alluding to Chet's practical joke earlier in the day.
The motorcycles roared and spluttered as the boys sped along the
gleaming pavements of the city. They rode through the main streets,
threading their way easily through the traffic until at last they were
at the outskirts of Bayport. Finally they left the city behind and
reached the road leading toward the Morton farm. The leaves of the
trees were still wet with rain and the luxuriant grass by the road-side
glistened with the heavy drops. The air was cool and sweet after the
storm. The roads had dried quickly, however, and the boys
experienced no inconvenience.
They reached the Morton farmhouse in good time and Chet's sister,
Iola, answered their knock. Iola was a pretty girl of about fifteen,
one of the few girls at whom Joe Hardy had ever cast more than a
passing glance. He lowered his eyes bashfully when she appeared in
the doorway.
"Chet just left in the car about ten minutes ago," she said smilingly,
in answer to their inquiry. "It's strange you didn't meet him."
"He probably went by the other road. We'll catch up to him."
"Won't you come in?"
"N-no thanks," stammered Joe, blushing. "Guess we'll be going."
"Oh, do come in," said Iola coaxingly. "Callie Shaw is here."
"Is she?" Frank brightened up at this intelligence, and at that
moment a brown-eyed, dark-haired girl about his own age appeared
in the hall.
"Hello!" she called, smiling pleasantly, and displaying small, even
teeth of a dazzling whiteness.
"Let's go," muttered Joe, tugging at Frank's sleeve. He was incurably
shy in the presence of girls, especially Iola.
But Frank did not go just then. He chatted with Callie Shaw for a
while, and Iola tried to make conversation with Joe, whose answers
were mumbled and muttered, while he inwardly wished he could talk
as freely and without embarrassment as his brother. At length Frank
decided to go and Joe sighed with relief. The girls bade them good-
bye after again urging them to come inside the house, and the boys
"Whew!" breathed Joe, mopping his brow. "I'm glad that's over."
Frank looked at him in surprise.
"Why, what's the matter? I thought you liked Iola Morton."
"That's just the trouble—I do," answered Joe mysteriously, and
Frank wisely forbore further inquiry.
They mounted their motorcycles again and rode down the lane, out
to the road. Hardly had they gone more than a few hundred yards,
however, than Frank suddenly gestured to his brother and they
slowed down.
Pulled up beside the road was an automobile, and as the boys drew
near they saw that three men were in the car. The men were talking
together and they looked up as the boys approached.
Something in the attitude of the trio aroused Frank's suspicions, and
this prompted him to ride slower. There seemed no apparent reason
why the men should have pulled their car up beside the road, for
they were not repairing a breakdown and they were still a little
distance from the lane leading to the Morton farmhouse. Then, as
the motorcycles slowly passed the car and the three men sullenly
regarded the two boys, Frank suppressed an exclamation of surprise.
The three men in the car were the three men who had pursued the
boys in the motorboat earlier in the day!
Frank and Joe drove past, conscious of the scrutiny of the unsavory
trio in the automobile. The men did not speak, although Frank
noticed that one of them drew his cap down over his eyes and
muttered something to one of his companions.
When they had gone by, Joe glanced back. The man were paying no
further attention to them, but were leaning close together, evidently
having resumed their interrupted conversation. There was something
stealthy and secretive in their demeanor that was far from
"Did you recognize them?" asked Frank, when they were out of
"I'll say I did! The same gang that followed us in the motorboat."
"I wonder what they're up to."
"Up to no good, by the looks of them."
"That's a queer place to park their car—so close to the Morton farm,
"They look like a bad outfit to me," remarked Joe.
"I'd like to know more about them. There was something funny
about the way they chased us in the boat. And don't you remember
how closely they looked at Chet and Biff? It seems funny to see
them hanging around the farm."
"Well, they haven't done us any harm. I suppose it's none of our
business—but I'd sure like to know what their game is. Let's find
Chet and tell him."
They increased their speed and before long overtook Chet Morton on
the shore road. But Chet laughed at their fears.
"You're too suspicious," he said. "They had probably just stopped to
fix a tire when you came along. However, we'll go back to the farm
and see if they're still on hand."
But when the boys drove back to the Morton farm they found that
the mysterious trio in the automobile were no longer in sight.
The Send-Off
On Monday, Chet Morton and Biff Hooper set out on their motorboat
trip up the coast. They were well equipped with provisions and
supplies and had been up since six o'clock that morning getting the
boat in readiness.
The Hardy boys went down to the dock to bid them good-bye, and
although they chaffed the adventurers and laughed with them,
neither Frank nor Joe could repress the disappointment they
naturally felt at being unable to go with their chums.
Chet was busy stowing away the last of the provisions and Biff was
tuning up the engine when the Hardy boys arrived. In a few minutes
Tony Prito, at the helm of his own motorboat, arrived on the scene
with Jerry Gilroy and Phil Cohen. Then, down the dock, came
tripping Iola Morton and Callie Shaw.
"Hail, hail, the gang's all here!" roared Chet, when he saw them.
"Oy, what a fine day you pick for your trip!" exclaimed Phil Cohen,
looking up at the clouds. For the sky was overcast and there was no
"That's all right," answered Chet. "We made up our minds to start
to-day and we'd start if there was a thunderstorm on."
"Brave sailors!" mocked Callie Shaw, with a smile.
"How long will you be away?" shouted Frank.
"Until the grub runs out."
"That should be about next December," ventured Iola. "It looks to
me as if you have enough provisions there to last you a year."
"Not with Chet Morton on the trip, we haven't," grunted Biff Hooper,
looking up from the engine. "We'll be lucky if it lasts us a week. I've
seen him eat before."
"I'll do my share," Chet promised modestly.
"We should have had the City Band down to give you a proper send-
off," Joe Hardy remarked.
"It doesn't matter. We'll forgive you this time. But be sure and have
the band here to welcome us when we come back."
"You'll be back by to-morrow night," declared Iola. "I know you!
Why, I'll bet you'll both be scared green when darkness comes on.
One night will cure you of sleeping in the open."
"Rats!" replied Chet good-naturedly. "I'm not afraid of the dark."
"Cut out the jawing and let's get started," said Biff Hooper. "No use
hanging around here. Are you ready?"
"All set!"
"Let's go then. Good-bye, everybody."
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