With reference to the above subject, M/s. Sri Sal Krishna Agencies, the licensee have
the e-DFS facility from State Bank of Indiaas per agreement between BPCL and ICICI Bank.
As per the agreement between State Bank of India and BPCL, the Bank required a comfort
letter from the Company for recommending credit limit for running of RPO business.
M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee are having average monthly projected sales of 60 KL
In MS and 120 KL in HSD.
M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee agree to comply with all the terms and condition of
the agreement between State Bank of India and BPCL and further agree that in case of
any information from Bank to BPCL that there is default in payment from M/s. Sri Ram
Agencies, the licensee on any account, then BPCL shall have the right to suspend the
sales and supplies of the dealership and M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee shall have
no objection regarding the same.
M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee further state that in case payment is not made to
Bank within Six months from the date of suspension of sales and supplies
shall have the right to terminate the DPSL agreement.
M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee shall not mortgage Retail Outlet / outfit/facilities,
dispensing units, sales rooms, etc. and the land of the Retail Outlet premises.
In case of any dispute with the Bank, M/s. Sri Ram Agencies, the licensee shall not
make BPCL a party in such litigation, court case or proceedings in manner and shall keep
BPCL indemnified from such actions.
The DPSL agreement dated 30 December 2023 between BPCL and E.Sumathi or M/s. Sri
Ram Agencies shall stand modified forthwith.