2nd REVISI M.HASAN BASRI - D05214014 komen
2nd REVISI M.HASAN BASRI - D05214014 komen
2nd REVISI M.HASAN BASRI - D05214014 komen
Muchamad Hasan Basri
NIM D05214014
S1 :RizkaSafriyani, M.P.d.
S2 : Dr. SitiAsmiyah, S.Pd, M.TESOL
This section introduces the general problems of this research. This chapter presents the
background of the study, research questions, problem, objectives of the study, the significance of
the study, the scope and limitation of the research, and the definition key of terms.
A. Research Background
process. WinaSenjaya suggested that the learning strategy is a learning activity that must be
done by teachers and students to aim learning can be achieved effectively and efficiently. 1To
get the effectiveness and efficiency of English learning strategy, we have to look for
innovation that is relevant to all parts of the learning process itself, especially we have to
adjust it with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as one of a tool for learning
the view that there is something new, unique, and interesting. Novelty, uniqueness, and
The utilization of ICT for education, especially learning English, has become a
necessity that cannot be delayed any longer. We have to be aware, nowadays we have an
access to almost everything on our hand that’s called gadget, it means we can do almost
anything on it, even about how do we learn English effectively and efficiently. And various
ICT applications are available and ready to be used optimally for educational purposes.
be carried out in various forms under its function in education. According to Indrajut, the
seven functions, namely: (1) as a storehouse of knowledge, (2) as a learning aid, (3) as an
educational facility, (4) as a competency standard, (5) as administrative support, (6) as a tool
for school management, and (7) as an educational infrastructure Referring to the seven
functions,2 it can be understood that ICT can make a significant contribution to improving the
For those preparations, we have to focus on the next generations which are
language. Being a beginner generally connotes being in an initial stage of learning or doing
something. Some of the renowned English explanatory dictionaries give the subsequent
1. “A beginner is someone who has just started learning to do something and cannot do
Wina, Senjaya. StrategiPembelajaran; BerorientasiStandar Proses Pendidikan.(Jakarta: KencanaPrenada Media
Group, 2008).
Indrajut, RichardusEko. Arsitektur Sekolah Modern Indonesia. (PresentasiSajian, 2004).
2. “A beginner is a person who is beginning something or doing something for the first
From those definitions above, the researcher use the second definition by Collins-
Cobuild Dictionary, which means that beginner is “someone who has just started learning to
do something and cannot do it very well yet”. The future generations as beginner EFL
learners, which incidentally are young people and those who are on productive age cannot be
separated with technological advances that are so rapid and they as the generation who are
also enjoying this technological progress, then it is also impossible for us as educational
actors to ignore it all and still use the old way of teaching English which is not satisfying
enough when we talk about the results obtained by students. Seeing the progress of
technology and also the importance of being able to master English, I think integrate both in
know The use of YouTube is not taboo for the public society. The utilization of technological
developments as a medium of delivering learning material is also able to facilitate the role of
teaching staff in delivering material. Media of learning content in the form of audiovisual
through YouTube platform can be easily accessed and not fixed on the specified schedule.
That's why some people should do this research because, with it, we can access all learning
material only through YouTube from anywhere and anytime with a gadget on student’s hand.
Number 58 of 2014 concerning the 2013 Curriculum Junior High School / Madrasah
Tsanawiyah4. written that English material is started given to the student at the first grade of
junior high school. That is why the researcher chooses the subject of the research as the first
M.D. Rettigové 4, Praha 1Continuing Beginner Learners in Adult EFL Classes.
From those backgrounds, the researcher wants to do the research about how the use of
learner and how do the teacher use YouTube itself as media development for English learning
context and the researcher is interested in exploring student perceptions after experiencing the
process of learning English while using ICT-based media, because when the teacher consider
some of the media that they want to use while learning process, they should consider the
which is the process of receiving stimulus by individuals through the sensory devices or also
called sensory processes. But the process does not just stop, but the stimulus is continued and
the next process is the process of perception.5 Knowing student’s perceptions is important to
know the relevancy and the accuracy by using the media itself.
This research tries to analyze and describe how the implementation of using ICT-
based materials for them who are foreign English learner and how the teacher delivers the
materials as well. This case is has been doing by teachers and students in their English
learning process in SMP Swadaya Jombang, they use YouTube as the main ICT-based
material and some other teaching ICT-based media. this research wants to analyze and
describe how they implement ICT-based materials for their learning activity process.
The reasons for choosing SMP Swadaya Jombang as the place setting for this research
are because this school has been used YouTube as an English learning material for a year, the
uniqueness of the school based on the researcher’s viewpoint is the location of the school is
quite far from urban areas in Jombang but they have realized the important role of
development are felt by the people of the developed areas, and the location of the school is
near from the researcher’s home, it makes the mobility of the researcher easier. This research
will focus on only 7-1 class, it’s because the teacher who implement youtube as an ICT based
material in english teaching is only teach on this class. The class contains 20 students and one
teacher, that number is to make sure that the researcher analyzes and describe some stuff such
as the lacks, easiness, the benefits. in-depth through some observations, interviewing the
teacher, and give the students a questionnaire to become the main data of this research to
Bimo, Walgito. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Yogyakarta: C.V Andi.
conduct how the teacher uses it and what are the student’s perceptions while learning through
this method.
B. Research Question
1. How does the teacher use YouTube as an Information and Communication Technology-
based material for Beginner EFL learning in the first grade of SMP Swadaya Jombang?
2. How are the student’s perceptions at the first grade of SMP Swadaya Jombang toward
From the objective above, the significance of conducting this research is expected to be
1. Theoretically, the result of this study is hoped to be a reference of educational actors for
the development of English learning strategy through ICT- based materials specifically the
use of YouTube as a learning media and giving more attention to the informal learning
2. Practically
The finding of this research can be a reference for the teacher who wants to explore
how English learning strategy development through ICT- based materials and
triggering learners to explore their learning process even though they are not in school
The result of this study is hoped to give them a learning spirit and optional choice to
This research gives a reference in academic information for the future researcher in
ICT- based materials and gives them a reference to their academic needed.
materials, in this case, YouTube as the main media. this research is trying to describe and
analyze how the teacher of SMP Swadaya Jombang use YouTube as an Information and
Communication Technology-based materials for Beginner EFL learning, and what are the
The subjects of the research are the teacher who has been used YouTube as an ICT-
based material as a medium for his teaching process in 7-1 class and 20 students of the class.
the researcher looks into the way that teachers implement this learning process and what are
In this research, the writer presents the following key terms to prevent
a. YouTube
YouTube is the largest video-sharing site around the world. Since its establishment in
2005, YouTube has experienced rapid growth and now is one of the most popular video-
sharing sites around the world. YouTube has more than two billion registered users, and
billions of videos are watched each day, which in turn generates billions of dollars of
revenue for YouTube and its partners. 6 Many studies recently believed that the use of
video as a media is very effective to teaching and learning in the classrooms. According
to Čepon, the video format is useful for teaching/studying FL. In terms of FL capabilities,
quantitative results indicate that writing shows acquisition effects that are greater than
acquisition shows the most beneficial outcome. Reflections interviewed from in depth
interviews showed that by exposing native Slovenian speakers to video subtitles who saw
their optimal conditions to reduce their foreign cognitive burden created. 7 as a context in
this research the YouTube videos that used are predominantly basic English
synonym for information technology (IT) but is a more specific term that stresses the role
storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and
A beginner is someone who has just started learning to do something and cannot do it
very well yet. EFL is teaching English to people whose first language is not English. EFL
is the abbreviation for English as a Foreign Language. Based on Yoko Iwai defines that
EFL refers to those who study English in countries that do not speak English for example
d. Perception
Perception is a process that is preceded by the sensing process, which is the process of
receiving stimulus by individuals through the sensory devices or also called sensory
processes. But the process does not just stop, but the stimulus is continued and the next
S. Čepon, Effective Use of the Media: Video in the Foreign Language Classroom, (2013: 83-105)
Yekini Nureni Asafe, Information communication technology: concepts and application, (Nigeria, Yeknua ICT and
Educational Research Publication Centre 2014:10)
Yekini Nureni Asafe, Information communication technology: concepts and application, (Nigeria, Yeknua ICT and
Educational Research Publication Centre 2014:11)
John H. Harvey and William P. Smith quoted by Abu Ahmadi interpreted as readiness to
This chapter discusses some issues and theories related to the vocabulary notebook and
writing skills. This chapter is divided into two parts; those are some theories to approach the
research questions discussed in this study and the review of some related previous studies.
Bimo, Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum, (Yogyakarta: C.V Andi, 2010)
Abu Ahmadi, Psikologi Sosial, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1999)."
EFL is the abbreviation for English as a Foreign Language. Based on Yoko Iwai
defines that EFL refers to those who study English in countries that do not speak
English for example Japanese who study English in their country are EFL
learners.12 Shu Dingfang said that EFL means learning English in non-English-
Language Teaching” that foreign language means the language used abroad.
reading foreign journals, and so on. 14 From the above, EFL is mainly used by non-
someone who has just started learning to do something and cannot do it very well
the EFL context means the start of learning English. This is, however, rather
learning English.
Jones stated that EFL beginner students have no or very little knowledge
of English and they have to be taught the basic rules and vocabulary to be able to
their knowledge and skills and their socio-cultural backgrounds and may have
various perspectives.
Rogers stated that beginner EFL learners are associated with changing
interests, increasing talent, lack of maturity in valuing others and themselves, and
running away from their responsibilities.19 Jones also called them less motivated
and considerate and consequently caused discipline problems. On the other hand,
he also characterized them as having “greater language awareness” and being able
to understand new languages more easily.20 Both Jones and Rogers agree that
young learners have less defined expectations as to their teacher, their learning
styles, and the anticipated results of their learning and that they are in the process
The term ‘beginner’ has been defined from a general and linguistic point
of view and has been characterized through the competencies it is associated with.
students who take up English as a foreign language. Yet for some students, it is a
very long-term and almost unreachable goal. In the subsequent chapter, such
students will be explored in greater detail. It means that beginner EFL learners
can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases
himself/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal
details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
They also can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and
Salehi said that In Indonesia, learning using ICT media has been developing,
especially for schools which able to provide such media.21 He said the leading cause of
the use of ICT media in many schools because practical value, economic value, and ease
Rogers, Alan. Teaching Adults. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2002.
Jones, Byron. Teaching Beginner Students. International TEFL & TESOL Training.
Salehi, H., &Salehi, Z. (2012). Integration of ICT in language teaching: Challenges and barriers. Proceedings of
the 3rd
of use. All the reasons make learning more interesting, easy, and can be implemented
Yelland said that ICT could be effectively used to enhance the quality of learning,
but some teachers did not sufficiently use computers.22 Kremer and Holla also said that
the use of ICT in teaching can mitigate weaknesses in teaching and substantially improve
test scores.23 On the other hand, Maxwell stated that using technology could be interesting
ways to learn the language in a classroom. 24 Therefore, language learners can establish
interaction with peers, teachers, and native speakers. He also claimed that using
Newby et al stated that ICT provides powerful tools which support the shift to
student-centered learning as well as the new roles of students and teachers. 25 The research
about ICT’s capacity to improve learning and teaching shows that it can play a key role in
the complex task of better engaging young people in the learning process said Clarkson et
al.26 From many statements above, the combination of ICT and language learning could
enhance generic skills such as teamwork and problem solving, which are important both
3. YouTube
YouTube as a video clip server is being used more and more by E-learning today.
people. Of course, this is the challenge as well. Students may enjoy watching these clips,
but the poor sound quality, pronunciation, and slang can make these short videos even
more difficult to understand. On the other hand, students are attracted to the "real life"
nature of these videos. By creating the context for these short videos you can help your
Yelland, N. (1999). Information technology in childhood education annual. Reconceptualising schooling with
technology for the 21st century: Images and reflections. Virginia: AACE
Maxwell, D. (1998). Technology and foreign language learning: A report to the Charles E. Culpeper foundation.
Washington, DC: National Foreign Language Center
. Zeigler, K. (2008). Getting organized at work: 24 lessons to set goals, establish priorities, and manage your time.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., & Russell, J. D. (2000). Instructional technology for teaching and
learning. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Clarkson, P., Dunbar, A., & Toomey, R. (1999). Whole school reform and the use of ICT: An evaluation of the
navigator schools project. Melbourne: Department of Education, Employment and Training.
Brown, J. D. (1997). Computers in language testing: Present research and some future directions. Language
Learning and Technology, 1(1), 44- 59. Retrieved February 13, 2001 from the World Wide Web:
February of 2005, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim founded YouTube with
the domain name www.youtube.com The site was created as a forum for people to create
and share short video clips online.28 One year later Google purchased YouTube for $1.65
18 to 34 year-olds often share videos with other people (YouTube Fact Sheet). Solomon
and Schrum describe “The World’s First Web Band” as a microcosm for the impact
YouTube has had on society as a whole.29 Consider that the members of this Web band
never met each other in person, created a music video, and recruited a drummer
completely online. Initially, they did not even know each other’s names.
YouTube is used for varying purposes, the majority of which are not
educationally relevant. For example, many people use YouTube simply as a form of
others go to check it out. In some cases, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions,
of viewers. For other users, YouTube is a venue for sharing family videos, posting a work
from across the globe. It is this educational value of YouTube that will be explored here
celebrated its tenth anniversary and promises to keep growing rapidly over the next
decade. The website has over 1 billion users, with 300 hours of video being uploaded
every minute.30YouTube is a video portal site that is often accessed by internet users, also
has a video sharing feature (video sharing) so that it can be seen by anyone who clicks on
the video. There are various kinds of videos inside such as tutorials, music videos, news,
and others.31
to ComScore data, YouTube reached 81.2% of Internet users in the United States. For 18-
24 years old, that statistic is significantly higher with YouTube reaching 98.3% of U.S.
internet users. The time spent on YouTube for that age demographic also averaged 10
Berk, R. A. (2009). Multimedia teaching with video clips: TV, movies, YouTube, and mtvU in the college
classroom. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 5(1), 1–21.
Solomon, G., &Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Washington, D.C.: International Society for
Technology in Education.
Blattberg, Eric. "The Demographics of YouTube, in 5 Charts - Digiday."Digiday. N.p., 23 Apr. 2015.
AsdaniKindarto, BelajarSendiri YouTube (MenjadiMahirTanpa Guru), (Jakarta: PT
ElexmediaKomputindo, 2008), hal 1.
hours, 15 minutes per month. With such a large repository of content and wide reach, it’s
fair to say that YouTube is quickly transforming media consumption in the internet age.
Given its dominance, YouTube has a wide range of functions for its users. To some,
YouTube’s role is limited to a publishing platform where videos can be stored and
The impact of the Internet in education in recent years fosters the vision of open,
global, and flexible learning, as authors such as Colás state that leading to radical shifts in
the teacher’s role and competencies.33 In the framework of this educational landscape, the
role of the teacher is that of acting as a guide and instrument to assure a comprehensive
learning process via the Internet, managing the student’s learning process by creating - at
the same time- new instructional models set in newly-created virtual environments.
understands knowledge manager as the person who can manage the student´s skills,
abilities, and knowledge, motivating and taking benefit of the student´s both individual
The teacher will have to develop skill related to the learning contexts that
changes in teaching and learning paradigms require Thus, the teacher’s role is multiplied
and shifts from being a single transmitter of knowledge to become facilitator and guide of
the learning process, integrator of new ICT media, researcher and designer of suitable
learning scenarios, collaborator (with other teachers and students), orchestrator, learner,
and evaluator. The ICC report is especially devoted to the role of teachers of foreign
languages determines the skills and competencies a teacher has to master to integrate ICT
conceptual skills together with the new literacies: technical, scientific, digital, critical,
Similarly, referring to the role and function of teachers who develop their
activities in ICT-based settings, Lufti, Gisbert, and Fandos point out five main functions a
generator of knowledge, and finally, academic supervisor. The authors add that the
following functions: assessor and guide of the autonomous learning process, resource
different processes in which these environments and resources are involved and finally
he/she will have to be able to acquire a professional viewpoint on ICT life-long learning.
The necessity of thinking through the challenge that ICT integration supposes to
teachers constitutes a basic aspect upon which many authors such as Gisbert, Colás,
Blázquez, and other reports agree and determines-at the same time- the appearance of
clearly defined instructional needs. As Gisbert points out, the teacher’s role in ICT-based
learning settings is not easy, they must acquire instruction regarding the design and
together with the creation of suitable instructional spaces becomes fundamental to enable
teachers to implement successfully ICT in their teaching and becomes -at the same time-
Adell and Sales point out several functions, suitable for online training, which
the teacher has to design and develop a proper curriculum that the use of ICT requires. 38
If we understand ICT as a basic competency that both teachers and students need to
and contents which have already been created and the teacher may decide to
adopt them or not into the teaching/learning situations; Tutor and facilitator: the teacher
becomes the facilitator of knowledge with the help of multiple telematics tools and
resources and guides the process for an efficient and correct selection. Evaluation: a non-
LUFTI, T. GISBERT, M. I FANDOS, M. (2001): “El ciberprofesor, formador en la aldea global”, en Las ciencias
sociales en Internet, Mérida, Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, 59-76.
LUFTI, T. GISBERT, M. I FANDOS, M. (2001): “El ciberprofesor, formador en la aldea global”, en Las ciencias
sociales en Internet, Mérida, Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, 62.
ADELL, J. (1997): Tendencias en educación en la sociedad de las tecnologías de la información. In Edutec. Revista
Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 7.
traditional evaluation is required at the time that new tools and resources open up new
perspectives for the teacher. Students interact with multi-faceted materials which
sometimes the teacher cannot control. Thus, a deep evaluation of all the elements that
The existing literature on the role and functions of teachers is varied and diverse.
Authors such as Cebrián de la Serna, Majó and Marqués, Gisbert, Cabero, González Soto,
Alonso and Gallego have tackled this issue in their works.39 Santandreu makes a
compilation of the different contributions to which we agree and reproduce the four main
4. Evaluator
distribution of functions to each role, and accounts for distinctive aspects inherent to each
DIAS, PAULO (2004): Online learning and training communities, 14-17.
Facilitator of the
contents - Carrying out well-structured expositions according to the
characteristics of pupils.
- Presenting an interdisciplinary prospect of the contents
- Interacting with the class group, setting forth and arguing different
points of view.
- Considering the three phases of the didactic act: global, analytic
(research), and synthetic (recapitulation).
Consultant, guide, and knowledge facilitator
Assessors in the - Advising on the use of technological tools effectively and efficiently
use of resources for the search and retrieval of information
- Advising the process of the information of the matter in the good
use of the computer instruments that they facilitate.
- Advising on the use of ICT as media.
- Helping in the resolution of small technical problems related to ICT
Guides in the - Keep track of student’s developments and guide their learning
development of process
activities Take diversity into account
Enhance co-operative group learning.
- Evaluate the teacher’s methodology to introduce changes
After the changes and roles in function by teachers, the techniques of teaching
and learning processes is a fact and the educational system of the 21st century now
AHMAD, K., G. CORBETT, M. ROGERS & R. SUSSEX (1985): Computers, language learning and language teaching.
Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
enormous challenge: the different educational institutions have to face the fact that
the educational and pedagogical possibilities that ICT-rich learning environments require.
5. Perception
that perception is a process that is preceded by the sensing process, which is the
called sensory processes. But the process does not just stop, but the stimulus is
So, from the explanation above it can be concluded that students' perception
is the way students interpret the picture and understanding what is felt. This
process goes through stages starting from collecting, recognizing, and interpreting
b. Perception Process
1. Selection
2. Organization
Qiong, O. A Brief Introduction to Perception. Studies in Literature and Language, 2017: 19.
Bimo, Walgito. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Yogyakarta: C.V Andi.
the structure of human perception. In this stage, raw stimuli from the
3. Interpretation
B. Previous Study
studies as considerations and references for conducting this research. The first is from
Ebtesam Thabet Alqahtani with the title “Effectiveness of Using YouTube on Enhancing
EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension Skills” in this thesis Ebtesam aims to examine
the effect of YouTube videos as a teaching tool to enhance Saudi EFL students on their
listening comprehension skills. The study proved that there were statistically significant
differences between the achievement of the experimental group and the control group on
the listening comprehension test due to the use of YouTube videos.44 The correlation with
the study is using same focused media, which is (YouTube videos as ICT-based
materials) for EFL learner, but the object of my research is to know how the teacher
deliver the materials and what is their perspective within this learning media, while
The second previous study by I Wayan Sastra Gunada with the title “Using
YouTube Video; An IT-based Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill” in this thesis
media to improve students’ speaking skill.45 This study is quite similar with the first one,
but in this case, is focus on speaking skill. but the object of my research is to know how
the responses of students who a subject and what are their perspective within this learning
The third previous study from Muhammad SirrulMuna with the title “Utilizing
YouTube Videos to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill” in this thesis Sirrul identify
whether or not and what extent YouTube videos improve the students’ speaking skill and
describe the class situation when YouTube videos are used in speaking class.46 This study
is quite similar with the first and the second previous studies, in this study focus on
speaking skill, the differences with the study is the focus, which is The use of YouTube
The last previous study by SiminGhavifekr, Wan Athirah Wan Rosdy with the
Schools” This study aims to analyze teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of ICT
integration to support the teaching and learning process in the classroom.47 The
correlation with the study is utilizing ICT-based material, but their focus is the teacher’s
perceptions for formal learning. It is different from the study in which are the study’s
subject is beginner EFL learner and the aim is to know The use of YouTube videos as
The method used by the researcher is very important in every research guideline to attain
the objective of the study. This chapter elaborates information dealing with the procedure of the
research that the researcher applies while conducting this study. It covers approach and research
I Wayan Sastra, G (2017) Using YouTube Video; An IT-based Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill.
Muhammad Sirrul, W (2011) Utilizing YouTube Videos to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill.
Simin, G Athirah,W&Rosdy,W (2015) Teaching and Learning with Technology: Effectiveness of ICT Integration
in Schools.
design, the subject of study, research location, the data and the source of data, method of data
From the research questions in the previous chapter, this research is intended to
analyze and describe “How a teacher and beginner EFL learners at 7-1 class of SMP
Swadaya Jombang use YouTube Video as ICT-based materials of English learning”. This
research used a descriptive qualitative research method. as words, sentences, and interactive
dialogue are used to get in-depth when the researcher analyzes and describes the data.
The research design used in this research is included in the descriptive methodology.
This descriptive research is designed to obtain information about a particular problem and the
benefits then describe it. Descriptive research is used to represent various activities that have
the same goal to describe the situation or phenomenon.48 According to Sudarwan said that
Here, the researcher acts as the observer who observed the teacher and students who
processed, and interpreted data. As a non-participant observer, observers only observe the
use of YouTube as an ICT-based material. The researcher did not interact directly with the
research subject. The data presentation is followed by the results of the interpretation. In
other words, inductive analysis was used in this research. In the end, the researcher focused
In this study, two teachers teach English at SMP Swadaya Jombang, but just one of
them teaches English using ICT-based material. So, the subject is a teacher at SMP Swadaya
Jombang who has been used YouTube as an ICT-based material as media for his teaching
process. The teacher teaches in a 7-1 class that contains 20 students. It means the main
C. Research Setting
a. The Place
Emmanuel J.MasonandWilliam J.Bramble, UnderstandingandConductingResearch,(NewYork: Mcgraw-
SudarwanDanim,MenjadiPenelitiKualitatif.(Bandung:Pustaka Setia,2002),61.
b. The Time
The researcher researched during the odd semester from August 2020 to January 2021
In this research, the data are collected through interviews and questionnaires as the data
collection technique. The research use interview to find how the teacher uses YouTube videos
as an ICT-based material. Besides that, this research use questioner to find the student’s
perceptions of using YouTube videos as ICT-based material. The source of the data was from
the teacher and students at the 7-1 class of SMP Swadaya Jombang.
In this research, the data collection technique is conducted using interviews and
questionnaires. The interview will ask how the teacher uses YouTube videos as ICT-based
material. It used the interview guidelines. And doing some observations to the students to
find out how the student’s perceptions of using YouTube videos as an ICT-based material.
F. Research Instrument
The researcher used two kinds of a research instruments to collect the data from this
research. The first instrument is the interview guideline which was formulated based on the
Santandreu study (see appendix 1), it is used to cover how the teacher implements the
material in the learning process. The second instrument is a questionnaire to find out the
learning process. This questionnaire is made by the researcher by adapting the International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health with the title “The Impact of the
based on the United Nations. Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond. The
researcher designs the questionnaire sheet in open-ended form (see appendix 2).
manner. The core of data analysis itself is to parse and process raw data into the data that can
be interpreted and understood more specifically and recognized in the same scientific
perspective, then the results of good data analysis are if the data is appropriate and has the
same or relatively the same interpreted and can make some different perspectives. 50
Whereas what is meant by qualitative descriptive according to Bogon and Taylor quoted
by Lexy J. Moelong is a method used to analyze data by describing data through the form of
written or oral words from people and observed behaviors, so in this qualitative descriptive
study, the researcher describes the actual reality under the phenomena that exist in complete
and detailed.51
In light of the qualitative method, the research was analyzed the data descriptively. The
researcher categorized the students’ answers to the questionnaire in the process of using
YouTube as some ICT-based materials. Then, the researcher also transcribes the record of
the interview. Finally, the researcher described the learning process of students using
YouTube as an ICT-based material. In essence, the data obtained from questionnaire and
1. Transcribing
The interview section will use voice recording; it makes it easy for the researcher to
analyze the data related to the use of YouTube videos as ICT-based material by the
2. Identifying
Based on the transcription, the researcher identifies how the students use YouTube as an
ICT-based material and how the learning process of the students' YouTube as an ICT-
based material.
3. Data reduction
Reduction data refers to choosing the primary data that only needed by the researcher.
Reduction data means choosing and focus on the main topic of the research.
4. Displaying data
After the data reduction by doing several categorizations, because the original data is
using BAHASA, it needs to be translated to English. Then the data are displayed to make
them more compact and accessible for readers. Data display is defined as an organization
that allows conclusions to be drawn by presenting the data as narrative text and chart
HarisHerdiansyah, MetodePenelitianKualitatif (Jakarta: PenerbitSalembaHumanika, 2010).
LexyMoleong, MetodePenelitianKualitatif (Bandung: RemajaRosdaKarya, 2008).
The conclusion of the data finding was drawn based on the regularities and similarity
This chapter will present the results of the research finding to answer the objectives and
research questions of this study. To find out how does the teacher uses YouTube as an ICT-
based material for Beginner EFL learning and how are the student’s perceptions toward using
this material.
A. Research Finding
the time of research is during the Covid19 pandemic, so generally, the finding of the
research is a lot of things that affected the pandemic. The researcher uses the
techniques for collect the data which have been explained in the previous chapter, in
order the researcher aimed the research to answer some focused points of this study
which are to know how does the teacher use YouTube as an Information and
grade of SMP Swadaya Jombang and to know-how are the students at the first grade of
To gain the data of this point, the researcher used the interview to
know how the teacher who teaches English material at 7-1 class of SMP
Beginner EFL learner in her learning process. The researcher has created
some points of interview guidelines that are based on some literature on the
communication medium with the participant which means the teacher, from
this interview section the researcher asked some questions. The researcher
will divide and elaborate the interview into some points below:
smartphone on the hand and in this era, they get used to it in their
daily life, from that I think they are capable to use it, another
YouTube is not the only media that I use, I use YouTube is mostly for
YouTube videos but also listening and reading skills, because I choose
subtitle and gesture in it, so they can receive the meaning of the
some questions about this sub-topic is “first step is look for the KD
for some videos on YouTube that most related with the KD, then I
YouTube video, so after they watch the video, I give them some
questions related to the topic, from that I can measure how far their
using the WhatsApp platform to collect the data, the reason is that the limited
based on the questions of the questionnaire the instrument, the first is about
the difficulties they deal with the learning process. Most students face the
same problem, which is internet access, in fact, mostly the students get a
problem with internet access, it can be seen from their response “sometimes I
have to go to the Wi-Fi spot first to get the network” which is caused by the
location they are live in which relatively hard to have good internet access or
They who get benefit interest while learning English through this
media are interested because they were facing new technique concept of
English and can easily access it wherever they want, “Yes, because if the
happy to repeat the material to make them sure that they’d understand the
materials well.
they feel the improvement through this media, and some of them did not feel
the improvement in their English skill and they who face the difficulties to
access the media generally were not motivated through this learning process,
but some of these blocks are surprisingly were motivated to this learning
B. Research Discussion
related theories and previous study comparisons for each of the following
between the achievement of the experimental group and the control group
quite different from the study that the researcher has done, which is proved
Speaking Skill, it is quite different from the study that the researcher has
done, which in this study focused on what are the student’s perspective
Generally, the same of this study with the previous studies is its
learning and how are the student’s perceptions learning English through
this method.
teacher has some reasons for choosing this media as an e-learning model.
Collis stated that the role of the teacher is that of acting as a guide and
learning mode is because she thinks in this era almost all of the students at
this age have their smartphones, but in the fact is not all of the students
COLLIS, B. (1994): A reflection on the relationship between technology and teacher education: synergy or
separate entities. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher, 3, 1, 17.
have smartphones. It may cause some of the students to get some specific
problem from others, and this is the teacher's responsibility to take special
The teacher said YouTube is not the only media that she used in
English skills which are including listening and reading skills as additional
based learning settings is not easy, they must acquire instruction regarding
management skills.53 From this statement, the teacher tries to discover the
limitations of the pandemic conditions, she knew the potential media for
To make sure that the students receive the materials well, the
teacher chooses video material that she’d already summarize the points she
need then make some questions related to the points and gave it to the
information technology society Book”, Adell and Sales point out several
teacher has to design and develop a proper curriculum that the use of ICT
requires.54 Even in the fact, some of the students face some difficulties by
LUFTI, T. GISBERT, M. I FANDOS, M. (2001): “El ciberprofesor, formador en la aldea global”, en Las ciencias
sociales en Internet, Mérida, Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, 62.
ADELL, J. (1997): Tendencias en educación en la sociedad de las tecnologías de la información. In Edutec. Revista
Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 7.
But the process does not just stop, but the stimulus is continued and the
can be concluded that students' perception is the way students interpret the
based on the data, the researcher can easily divide the data into 3
points to describe what are the difficulties the students deal with. the first
one, the students who don’t feel that they faced any difficulties accessing
the material. the second is, the most students face the same problem, which
is internet access, in fact, mostly the students get a problem with internet
access which is caused by the location they are live in which relatively
hard to have good internet access or signal. the last is they who don’t have
the hardware to access the media, to solve these limitations, some of the
b. Student’s experience
the students get some different arguments from students, I want to make it
easier to understand so I make it to the two blocks, which are those who
feel interested to study through this media and they who feel not comfort
learn through this media. They who get benefit interest while learning
English through this media are interested because they were facing new
Bimo, Walgito. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Yogyakarta: C.V Andi.
technique concept of English and can easily access it wherever they want,
besides that they’re happy to repeat the material to make them sure that
they’d understand the materials well otherwise the students who don’t
have the interest, they are showing some reasons, they feel weird because
of the cannot interact to the teacher, they feel this unfamiliar condition
because this is the first time they learn English in ICT-based materials.
c. Improvement skills
through this media, and some of them did not feel the improvement in their
English skill, and some of them said that they cannot measure if they get
materials were given to them, and all of the students were saying the same.
e. Student’s questions
Most of the students feel good to ask any question of the materials
to the teacher, which means the interactions of teacher and students were
still involved. But some of the students don’t do the same thing which they
d. Student’s Motivation
who face the difficulties to access the media generally were not motivated
through this learning process, but some of this block are surprisingly were
learn English.
Based on the research finding in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes
1. Teacher Implementation
The reason for choosing YouTube as a learning media platform, the teacher thinks
that all of the students have easy access to this media, that's why she confidently chooses
this media to implement in her learning process. but in fact, not all of the student have
their smartphone, which means that some of the students will face problems to access the
materials. the teacher chooses every single video based on teaching needed, including
basic daily conversation, etc. to make sure the students understand the materials well with
give them task or questions related to the main points of the materials.
2. Student’s Perceptions
media, some of them stated that learning English while at home is quite good. They argue
that this method is arguably quite effective because the cane repeats the materials to make
sure that they understand it well, also they can still learn even if not directly in school.
Learning English through ICT-based Learning has many advantages, such as students can
be more independent to learn so that they do not depend on the teacher, time and place to
Otherwise, some of the students are less motivated and lack enthusiasm with
learning English through this media, this can be seen from the questionnaire that they’d
answered. Students said that learning English through this media during the Covid-19
pandemic was quite difficult, as the material delivered by the teacher was not well
received and the lack of hardware and internet access during online learning resulted in
students, not understanding. Also, the ineffectiveness of this learning system makes some
students lazy to learn because the responses given by the teacher concerned are not so
1. Theoretically
Based on the research the researcher hopes that any literature review and any
study quoted in this research can be references for the other researcher.
2. Practically
The teacher who wants to implement this kind of learning process should
give big attention to the student’s perceptions, which is the biggest subject on the
learning process, whether their ability to access the materials, the familiarity
A lot of things that students in this digital era can explore, especially on
learning through the digital medium, the students have to realize that they have
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