Personal Details
UG NEET Roll No 1710010414 Candidate Name GARIMA BHANU
Gender Female Date of Birth 19-11-2005
Domicile Chhattisgarh Category Schedule Tribe (ST)
CLASS Person with Disability:No,
Freedom Fighter:No, Sainik:No
Rank Details
NEET All India Rank [UG Medical] 432321
Chhattisgarh State Rank [UG Medical] 3997
Allotment Details
Roll Number 1710010414 Round Number 1
Allotted Option Number 8
Program Name MBBS
Rank Type NEET ALL INDIA RANK Rank 432321
Allotted Category ST/NO Allotment Quota GQ-ST-NO CLASS(BOTH)
Reporting Center Details
Note The above candidate has been allotted seat during 1st Round.
Dear Candidate,
Based on your merit and choices of Institutions & Programs exercised by you during online Counselling, you have been provisionally allotted a seat in the
above mentioned Institute and Program. Kindly report to allotted Government Medical College/ Government Dental College. In case of Private
Medical College/ Private Dental College allotment to the candidate, kindly report to mentioned Government Medical College/ Government Dental
College for scrutiny, fees payment and admission within the stipulated time, failing which the allotted seat will be cancelled.
1. Candidates are required to produce all original documents at the time of reporting at the Allotted Institute as mentioned in the Information Bulletin of
NEET UG 2024.
2. The candidate will be required to undergo a medical examination at their own cost on a notified date(s) by the allotted college.
3. Allotted candidates are advised to report and complete the scrutiny, fee payment, admission and Medical Examination as early as
possible. Please also take into consideration holiday(s), local holiday(s).
4. The candidate is requested to ensure that the Admission Letter issued by the allotted college should be generated through online submission of his/
her details by the allotted college through the portal provided by CG Medical and Dental Counselling Committee (CGMDCC). Any offline
admission which is not generated through the portal by the allotted institute will be treated as Null & Void.
5. Candidate will be required to produce all concerned original certificates (NEET admit card and Score card and other eligibility documents applicable
like Domicile ,Caste/class/EWS / NRI etc.) at the time of scrutiny for verification and submit all the original documents at the time of admission in the
allotted institute.Read the Gazette and Information bulletin carefully for detailed information.
Important Instructions:
1. This Provisional Allotment Letter is based on the personal data viz. Category, Class and Gender etc. submitted by the candidate. CG Medical and
Dental Counselling Committee /CGDME is not responsible for the truth/ factualness of the data. Neither CGDME nor CGMDCC is responsible for
any inadvertent error that may have crept in the Provisional Allotment Letter being published on the web. The allotment is purely “Provisional” and
the seat of candidate is liable to cancel in case the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria on verification of original documents at the time of
Reporting or any time thereafter.