5.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- Part 2
5.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- Part 2
5.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- Part 2
Thermodynamics II:
P Sat @ T
• The relative humidity ranges from 0 for dry air to 1 for saturated air.
Mold growth
Simple heating and cooling
processes appear as horizontal
lines on this chart since the
moisture content of the air remains
constant (ω = constant) during
these processes.
Moisture Content:
• No moisture is added or removed during the process.
Neglecting any fan work that may be present, the conservation of energy
equation in this case reduces to,
where h1 and h2 are enthalpies per unit mass of dry air at the inlet and the exit
of the heating or cooling section, respectively.
Heating with Humidification
• Simple heating can lead to low relative humidity (RH), causing
discomfort and potential health issues (e.g., dry skin, respiratory
• Low humidity can also affect indoor plants and materials, leading
to cracking or drying out.
• To mitigate these issues, heated air can be humidified before
distribution. This process involves two main sections:
This is achieved by, first passing the air
through a heating section (process 1-2) and
then through a humidifying section (process 2-