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31s eo

A Lt L
i t t t - SL Fut

Nhy did leto Sp in.drokd tel\ke heois

na a barut uuingin mthe pope Do lendho
Otnpe Hm oim neu Cai
2 H dt he ren hage Pohet hettenaa encho'si

A Crop in khro i ditHed

3 did elpusthnoaten dQ h uitáa theletn
Ceeby rod byerie, Jaih hgad He diat t t shale lis
ato, he decid1d to. Gled tenontona Ser c h o
Hho doealencho ba lahblst in? hich setuna inie Stoty tul
HH Lencho had (amblt p in 1od The t ehte hot tul k e
Locho thoght oiy ohisohe. hop-e:hehelkogad n
hcho stosed hot te diktet burprie Oh beeihg te mou h hed his
h y did Hhe hstnaste end he ohitg to lenche? Hde bt h te
talh je

, ercD dio. nar

(ahti us ttd
T fstnostu aloha
mploycad le
tond hora
L hot relatza, io lehcho ih Gy manhiT a
act G kindnus Ond elRleAheas h ie art
Kolknd Ifod

Kobent trost
ws id
eAiniSrheb»t Uhdah a henlock J e h
Te fPat berds is head, exkosi
Ond aheh a Cro Cnes ta pechoteitte. cbhunt
oAhok Ralls oh the ttet: The het ouniolu d u
a hit diuck Chtod with hfohe ua. g n y rude
ub han his
ad Aumber Can olso be Pen l "
kuh+ch Chonge tis hrocd, gia
li. to. hic bs d Jpn
Aohct. bondt othe otheawwie ruted do

Nhat is dut cf sh?? What dass K bet Aay ha

ncod' Hor has the st'shmod doned? hurged

Dust o hO" oL the tine Panticlu or flokes oR

Falen oh thefort he Auddeea o e old aa ttot tp
hin Ahcck hin ovt Shasdust olling ot
o h deteing thoughts He
psirnid hnjajity. his inaang A his os being
nthmlock tree (eals buoyrt høH thovghts block
aryd ic dolvuhined ta ace
sord oith hihmiss t
2 tHou dou fest
besert alune is hs Fahn
fros Pleent houn Aih
iais gnJally noges o doteaion onp dtoTh *

stt-th thd o A I
re laur
qho he Cho is ektin doan'tosily
i n Ron ts is S tosge 0ocioledt eAN
bee a ah) illO
diath TIh ehmr
Or dath
"e ovtha
Ova cut cuhe
3 t h u beh tints abRh ai d rewot hoa
How au Okuienred a similo mantd that changel yeu
mood tho day

tDpL ood luhpkebahod becae bohd eoboh Ondhotoach

Shauied o me Ond gaNR, me veuy l4 pk H Jdkrolndd

YepT heve Ccpeuoncea a sirilo rotred ot dhonga uy moo

Aorme dayn QNehung
ha o mod She Soa o Ondamead h om.
Told ne dA He
Robent ls f

Litthal meanih O t d ihe ahd ice

The Aun 9lan bote dhote i i bUrh t t

ogLundit and bursts Te othe Option PDud bo unptht
older and Coldon
Ice Agecaue by he BUh gelhg

0tabhoriol reni
fre s ymboltc o gHiee desile1ghLed poAth 0ng
Just passesire bn
IeApmolic o cdd habd inabadtuity indieaeo

RTCfam Stanza T

ahhS oport frod

2 Kch e od authtioh kt & ulkiha, sbcuet

HHhig dhenme_ of otanza T
Huhig ichen storza-1 abaa
7hit 2 0Ptio hoo Ie bRandvabt t
Cahetih t hh

i e oet rond ao o diu

5 Nhet do Hau udstord ecn libe21
Tfe por
and ongøA
Cang Tceirnca pealpl' daino 9
dcquu man esirga He olota
doxire wit he hlapgh lie3

62 Whatic heSpmboliç o
A Fire is aymuic o dosites
EAokt)019,ustaosteAire s
RTe f Btuhea, IL
Stahza T
Cne & te orld killend h Fhe oh


auld buRRia

7Sivc hchym o pea

5haun og- erion is0xe

ht de at leljan ta be on elgdine
dos thayirq k? dplitn t "kire in
hpst beve ta e an Rie ophop toa 'rein daA-trHia
he hed He Soya ita e ord tuadd
Cause odatrocion
woud be ze

h o ht Rhod
hotekel diutustioh thttia Ould teJki Drita
abau HA nd 0- the otld Diha

Mtougl tohrod

he hattulawl , a Vele»u0 bga i . oke

with Ca ana ore He ir qotd o1het kah b

barvo Ch hin
hould bay he is both fodg w a.
6 Cehvmoi gnu 04
Ache ord is tudßul in tjoyhg ti eung ok g.
Cond u d
d is olble to hondlo hier ove hdugonto
Do ye .itk friky aP t ga hchne? h t yal

A2 eook o ty ge home hn titki (ans his tnisk

m he v w in a tttrahdas Sasp 0od
ailed Thfa bíslop dattedOh ha hh
ae a

ha ta dekend tRTA{a he phatme ovd hdi ckng

ace nd bobuehg

I i k therlrould, bettho AcehésFe dg cauld Laco teor

toblenagain Od becah@ a gih od H iskteb e CNUL
Nokse Ts iddionor the dag ad havt aad lis Jelpkh ond

bsto ibk his is a like,eljal itna fkia,?OrJo

t hktult o th 7
AHAI thin k it is a hixButc of both
Te Oeldhy ristrels ih othing ih to bothen her excopt
Ae healh h e pet da u Se oveniodukges in ond, ais
wwu toe. fe wy tucial dadicatd, ond haet vet
wh miediadaly ddb he pralek) ond. ith ye ek eiu

mis tes,on ao ret e Atyotu

O e daCUNia bonel pshe vit toi ite sake,ot *adag

únitiakn 4he doe hod u leeisbotue ond 1otn,tioali
capecial he hid ond. ths kardy spn idikio. hdt
dAn Gcey o the dna ho od tehe aucha a
d i alk a biz fTcHHinis
he iebSteay
Ht-Roskin band

te the opet
Lhat a Honi hgb'sJacdion
ah eucstienDehChnqe or tine{uld
hi ulm te Aril
A Hari Sigh's eakion to fhe hostect ok eduoli
Change oveh Hme- hen, be Atoik liihg-Loith Asl,
he onted te be itholi bo thot be cobE bccneq
mate Cuwhuhe cheat
La Ob hexe t a dhehge n is heat He yoaA ae
espectih bisge robsbly te is pluokcades
Unkced by HeGAn h s AHaugb both
ohan dopend ufoh itrequlan dore o ibcm
Atl Seems o e ae tagiod
bi gh dovekaksa desh to be ot ok. ke cail

haek b eapl huve dahe Sh t MaS

Asl duploint om uth enduyed
Ahil dce bot end the hioh over ta He dre becaut
behw ut endebock b ts oce shons Hat
be a0alihs autFe tmoke ahrhhdu fu
AaysHe hust howe ekb ouilktb hiniel. L

Nos 'h tday'sNotld hnect Paple, wovldet hoddeht ltug

t mut be kehA but Juh Sortot butince, hd
Iie Midnight Viaimi
len-Robort Athur
bfect Duedieoh
Foge othen btcndage,ti ?
HopiCAUSLk dikenet kom
vesL oh
enldor oh
Ih Q othlt Cannldo
Ausable bad,a small roohm
Ftes.oh e Ah opd
the glaehy: rerdh w'el
ACacy Ke seg tok.a rohmortio
Qla and of ig
He ARs exhemtly tat-hspike
a ehtune- Aoke frnch
oven R tuehnty geord ht
l pors ahaa dhamaiah cOnt
eman ohly Phulably sta hs handl y donk
huoges Ad
hatad , Jothg a
telathhe Gll haking. Ah
a beauties, he got os
02 Hheir bler o uhet ishist AMedic thst) pt
A2 touley b a hle, Ond hehad, ohe a mat Asabla-
Gula' At outhostio hilloR: Ae day caine ukib, he.b
a man ib Alsable 'sRctm pointihg_afistol topodAsb
and hinbel

Mer hed get: ta he tco, tbtotgh tte-talcot th a
haky ot a hasto Rey
dsuAosble Syp he get k
HUGbly Sd Hot he #ovgkt Maxhad gat îtka lt
thkevgh bolcany Had h t Nah bta
ito hch. Hat trpksdu tad go, it-s ro

hus nbsly drd, hot fit ny dayioh ka, Eo, toue

k liPe it 'o chi Discuss it, atots ot b CaM botne

Ad wmko hi parloncu, nith ttot oR Ausalda

h t e t ogu ih Fichioh e Pronctid ke ideal hnob o
dank md rondaotne Tr Ussuol h built Afrot
anng oihos bnt. , ist:Uug7 ngthobus aus whoNa-k
w and hiphd kho deo. ith tphog nd dongh on ou
ond th fo Oock of sug ond, dougs ih wie Md
Lpok Vaiuoe brauages ilh Foll ohkidthci ahd cla
ruy odangioU Caak md hove eihon beauliul o
Bneitoiton on arl osociatud with donk-eyd. beuita
Ihuy oe laoy hikin td iatkUrg ch thieh Ca

sa bly Ch he, ohor hand Jiel. ho qloemy subiomamic hot

s,sbtt4 hot koo oad otbizugu) ada diakinct

1oh doe HOSoe tnanage to. mor ma beliawe that haa

tnlcety ollashad, to 6tt robho? Look ack ot bis dctiud
wwiehioh. oH t hA oke tt a Cowibcng dtaks7

o s He ecoyd. itpe ih a moh th Hat Sofrehodu

th Eetttm, 1hitotiwh thet it a ho bís bolsn.
yhih ertehdduhdn bis sibdok omd (plA be gut ohr

Wheh he told him ti* he d

E i e to in
hin fharecto) Maxpecam herwoul orA usp
te eacakee, Q) a reautt kthout ncltctTha heunpd ouki ny
Ausoble doatatlud naraattien et iha, 0ol tra
d Follb Cbwclioh ina Athoe oþoric ih
ataH -fa Hrok Auic A r t r o k hk Atory
Nelsch Mamdala

12- O binbelnn Cbec

hea dia Co toka pa P nh

ne Cgmphieook pace ine Cond ob
ned bu Dhioh

i oha leadau
mod ondahe
p thM g an ou nin0a
A Soh ica s in e AouHhah ehishL
May al ih HoTumn aJohhu ohayom ay

3 A He Beghii ha hishis dech Maraea

R AOklihu nna olit h ThA
tina 'in
A i pebe 0ccomit
ho Mo,Juds
Mamdolo nctiofth

(ommu hity nd biC COUhtr

AL Re ohy oh Rid rDs Hroggr

meonda bt Fre
in r e Heomo r tro is
J90meai ohan ,

0ble suirp
ple ased a onertne ote

SocioyOhce Mandz

L4 io 0 haud who is ouhi bodt
d aho is
pt nakio oirdpdr he thint Hst
oh rpt -ulu it s*
Sonen0 eje' fre pshb)
to h e cprsged
and Depleorhee he bny i
oDed pmany prsthen o
He Chsid oo o
h a block um hod ecame pruid e
oheu i a ne blocks LJehoeen
nt kyeolod. adli
Ck edOmabehg ond sA

AMandela Fw vptaeged m A .

btree hottoo ng 09a uh Raucand o

Cenainbhad Otln He husahRA adik hn
ika Cohe t ktheas historal oony
hb kp fVre ive hteheugnal onisa,
to a htuiy botrhe Jehgrstic hotoh od ito
be Cohetded a a conmoh icror De uk
peacond hunan d

aa5 gouhap
Whod idua do Mondla set ter tabatuu
ptopk ro pehda9e t Oer, dtiotin
we haa d e ha dioinhoden oe.d
AJht Aid
utfrhde ch
ighat, militen shus
ahl uhy da ?Houdu

tuhy ne two
On-i dupicTous acTsloY)
tto hatota o
Qhthem Ohe l whirel nd
aualt theackj aand unt

do yu oi 7 he
teasug1 hetas
a ,

ouh Dp he fo
fnenda molhe n

otdy tht Apordo, du-

Th on all ioagiroy
bostiiy bi ot
Chewctn that hou amohda
Cosh hoNe a lovtoge o

ti aku ís lIHenina 4 Apeakni

,3hd ,+
hoda is,the, Apeoko ttovgh Sne douh
the ordbalsud:Dhe. dotsht sleh tsonu
te ihstoclfon o h motheh ond ts ihdipw

5 ho Could hohda da A e n a rhi

T Amenda nod o Choice o btLtni
grorVmoi ht Loould have lipe o dr ay
pern Sea j t oDe n
sHhonda an
orphan? shy do e baoi
AhnohdaiS hotral aup or an dses Bh
be phe buat She
Nabis te
aSolute alene LTHhout nhoy e ina
e frecdsm e. i
dahe to ok k
ert tten oh the ond poResthà hokedi
boakiin ihe alih
lence nhobf aagaung
Doyeu khor u hery o Repun 2e
L t behopunzel sdaes she
Hmehaa wishe toe c hiy e dheata
shou pthed u in.a toea ba itk tosto Rapukze
hettan b
be h he hace nd
Chaloh ana hat hadathtahat
e SI)
hman da ua
clinb up ou ev t en mothe
daq hen
877 what de he
y a about Anenda uhs e otdsathks fotm
Thu gu can
hen Ror readohn nd
hd Imake her dike m theziatt a doive
Cb hen oHh Mithout
xin itucted homoke
mere ehen deision
k b hogg ing Inottey ho ta it
i ton
iAthe lia oAbbe ftotk
Ane fothon iklad en a digy
bithda becu e t t h a t deoe
Lle p e hengelß
rds ahpour heLheoit QUF H{boat ohy
ean ot eing udgd He ehes Hhod Ar
dhet hove oy r Riehd

Aht Honk. beuoled that abe ebuld hot ihul

Ccvtett to ohyoh beraup RtheKeo d
wo be hetiqkt hediur 0s it is
n h ho relaet it t e beSAob enohonle.
t s hnore tolezont n tiat uhib
3 ha kid
he anily hemAaiierahih di hine Ahane wh
Arme had
wohdankuk Fomil with

ALden ohd Joria foL one elda

Ahe a pheli yeheht u tha
Chtldhony ped cboh ih
tomlybhe Coud Cohher ib he.
Undotood hen eo and t , w ben
hen athanuha
hah 1uha
nethe sdin
absdin heuas
wheay Hhbe-
hen ahd
dhdpoore oduLbE lbve. oh theothp
Page Ne

Nhtdia HhHe_ rite îh \nea

Keeing euae Lahwinoe
a cohwih ce RAKiha, h vLte the rou paaea e
und tac She ooua do he t
hoshe lauld ht oe aldee ts e R
the bebit iha hu mohe talRed os
Ahe dd ona Ahe moch a
h Jna'S hot bruh yaucan ào obout

qal totulols
a hin oguz t Omd. becae t
he Luot l"° Vhotl vl ol und beok e ,he
(an lo be ncish ohe ok the hot u
as nost dn utted R Ve tolo(aut victíilms

Ho lahoS ny e n ork. Lerny deerb

r e el hot oh
heogë o he uile

J dots Ahhe hasd

aout h hondy ? Doe she t t P
Tid orom out saeN
ver hough, Hhie o tho h o d boplon)
Jolling UhLohe elae reod \ota dou he he
dded tl ovdby a briekSvnmoue
ho Pp uoould be a right
Tta wite dio e bøa cuived t
t on b
fhit-leenh Brthoy
&hc Calls clu
uindHith kity dht, Con plhd sd
oho he
hlmest teugkt So 1 qohe cao -

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