A Glossary of Constitutional Terms English Nepali
A Glossary of Constitutional Terms English Nepali
A Glossary of Constitutional Terms English Nepali
Constitutional Terms
English | Nepali
Lead Authors:
Jill Cottrell (English) &
Surya Dhungel (Nepali)
This is an International IDEA publication. International IDEA publications are independent of specific
national or political interests. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of
International IDEA, its Board or its Council members.
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ISBN: 978-91-85724-20-8
Vidar Helgesen
Secretary General
August 2007
Thanks are due to Ganesh Bhurtel, Manju Rana, Shiva Acharya, Usha
Titikshu, Guna Raj Luintel, Badri Bishal Bhattarai, Puskar Mathema,
Loknath Sangraula, Mukti Rijal, Sunil B. Pant, Khushee P. Tharu, Mitra
Pariyar, Dip Magar, Manoj Karki, Shaligram Subedi, Basanta Subba,
Bidhya Nath Bhurtel, Surendra Nepali, Hari Prasad Sitaula, Kedar Bhattari,
Pramilla Gurung, Sristi Vaidya, K.B. Maharjan and Ram P. Humagai. Their
contribution to the making of the Glossary has been invaluable.
Jill Cottrell
Available on the Internet at http://www.azleg.state.az.us/alisPDFs/council/ XI
I particularly liked p. 11 of this document, which suggests alternatives to various
Anglo/French words that Eurocrats and other people in love with the EU seem
unable to avoid.
*Signifies that the word or phrase occurs in the official translation of the Nepali
Constitution, 1990; n. = noun; conj. = conjunction; adj. = adjective; adv. = adverb;
vi. = intransitive verb; vt. = transitive verb; L = Latin; C = Constitution.
An underlined word or phrase indicates a synonym or something close to a
Prepositions in square brackets must accompany the English word.
A word or phrase in round brackets in column 2 is an explanation or further
A word or phrase in quotation marks indicates a concrete illustration of usage.
52. appellate adj. Pertaining to appeal (in a high level k'g/fj]bg -dflyNnf]
court) cbfntsf] ;Gbe{df_
53. Appellate Court* In Nepal, the court between District k'g/fj]bg cbfnt
n. phrase Courts and the Supreme Court.
Elsewhere, and with no initial capitals,
it would mean simply a court which
hears appeal cases
54. applicable adj. Capable of being applied; relevant to k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]
55. applicant n. Those who have applied (for certain lgj]bs
posts); (more likely in C) those who -jf cfj]bs_
apply for a legal remedy in the court
66. arrest n. and vt. (n.) Restraint on a person's liberty (by lu/k\mtf/L -gf=_,
the police or a person with authority kqmg' -lqm=_ 9
or even a private citizen, usually for
a crime or suspected crime). Literal
meaning is 'stop'
69. assent* vi. and n. To agree; (n) the expression of :jLs[lt -gf=_,
agreement; in C, often used in the :jLs[lt k|bfg ug'{
sense of approval of legislation by the -lqm=_
head of state
76. audit* n. and vt. (n) The act of examining, etc.; (vt.) to n]vfk/LIf0f -gf=_,
examine and verify accounts n]vfk/LIf0f ug'{
77. audited vt. Accounts officially examined n]vfk/LIf0f ePsf]
78. Auditor-General* The chief auditing authority of a state dxfn]vf k/LIfs
n. phrase
121. civil adj. (In relation to law) not criminal; gful/s -jf
relating to civilian lghfdtL_
128. come [into force]* Become legally effective (used of law nfu' x'g] jf sfof{Gjog
vi. or C) x'g] ;do jf ldlt
-;+ljwfgsf] k|of]u
…k|f/De x'g]Ú_
129. command* n. and An authoritative order; mandate; lgoGq0f -jf cfb]z_
vt. control over the military or police; -gf=_,
16 (vt.) to exercise control; to issue an k|fKt ug'{ -ax'dt
order k|fKt ug]{ ;Gbe{df
;+ljwfgsf] k|of]u_
132. commencement n. Beginning or coming into legal effect k|f/De -jf ;'?cft_
(of a law or provision)
153. considered (past Carefully taken into account or based Wofg jf ljrf/
participle of on careful consideration: 'considered k'¥ofOPsf]
consider) opinion'
154. considering Taking something into account ljrf/ ub}{
155. consider vt. Think about; take a view: 'any other Wofg jf ljrf/
person … whom the national director k'¥ofpg'
considers to be relevant'
174. construe vt. To adduce or explain the meaning of; cy{ nufPsf] -jf
interpret JofVof ul/Psf]_
175. consul n. An official appointed by a jfl0fHob"t
government to reside in a foreign
country and represent his or her
government's commercial interests
and assist its citizens there
195. Court of Record* Court, the records of which have clen]v cbfnt
n. phrase value as evidence of facts (higher
court) (technical term)
224. designate vt. and (vt.) Appoint for a job; (adj.) 'prime lgo'Qm
adj. minister designate' means a person
identified as prime minister but yet to
officially take office
225. detainee n. A person detained or kept in custody y'g'jf
226. detention n. Keeping in confinement gh/aGb -jf y'gf_
227. determination n. The process of fixing something lgwf{/0f -jf b[9
exactly: 'determine the time'; can lgZro_
involve application of law and fact:
'determine that he is guilty' 29
228. determine vt. To find out or fix something exactly lgwf{/0f ug'{ -jf
;'lglZrt ug'{+_
288. exile n. and vt. (n) A person staying in another b]z lgsfnf
country by choice or out of fear of
the consequences of returning home;
(vt.) to expel people from their native
289. ex officio* adj. By virtue of an office: 'the minister is kb]g
ex officio a member of the Defence
290. explanation n. A statement that makes something :ki6Ls/0f
comprehensible; (specific use in a law)
relates to a statement that elucidates
or defines a particular provision or
291. exploitation n. An act that exploits or victimizes zf]if0f
36 someone (usually by making them
do something against their will or
296. expropriated vt. Property, etc. taken away from its hkmt, x/0f jf
owner for public use with or without sAhf ul/Psf]
300. favour vt. and n. (vt.) To prefer somebody/something; kIfdf nfUg' -jf
F (n.) preference for somebody, etc. ;xof]u ug'{_ -gf=_
301. federal adj. A system of government in which a ;ª\3Lo
country is divided into several states/
units, which have certain powers to
make laws and govern a territory
302. federation n. A country which is so divided ;ª\3
303. fee n. An amount of money paid for z'Ns -jf
professional advice or services kfl/>lds_
304. feudalism n. The social system that developed in ;fdGtjfb
Europe in the 8th century, involving
hierarchical relationships of service
and servitude. Often used, as in the
Interim Constitution, to refer to
oppressive hierarchical and outmoded
regimes of other sorts
305. Finance Bill* n. A legislative bill concerning taxes, cfly{s ljw]os
phrase public funds, loans or expenditure
38 306. first-past-the-post An electoral system in which the one klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt
system n. phrase who receives more votes than any x'g] -lgjf{rg
other candidate gets elected k|0ffnL_
340. impede vt. To delay or stop the progress or afwf Jojwfg v8f
movement of somebody/something ug'{ -jf /f]Sg'_
341. implement* vt. To put something into effect; to carry sfof{Gjog ug'{ -jf
something out nfu' ug'{_
342. implicit adj. Implied, though not directly cJoQm -jf ;ª\s]t
expressed; inherent in the nature of ul/Psf]_
434. municipal adj. Of a town or city with its own local dxfgu/;DaGwL
phrase nation
441. National Defence An official body under the /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb\
Council* n. phrase Constitution of Nepal with
the responsibility of making
recommendations on the mobilization
of the army
447. nominate* vt. Put a person forward for a position, dgf]lgt ug'{
an honour or a prize
500. polling booth n. A small area enclosed within a polling dtbfg s]Gb|
station, within which voters mark
ballot papers or otherwise cast vote
501. polling station n. A place where voters cast votes dtbfg s]Gb|
529. procurement n. The act of getting possession of vl/b
something (in C, usually the process
by which the government decides on
and acquires services, goods, etc.)
595. residual power n. Power (usually to make laws, etc.) left cjlzi6 clwsf/
phrase after others have been allocated
596. resignation* n. The act of resigning (from a post or /flhgfdf
598. resolve vt. Reach a conclusion after a discussion lg0f{o ug'{ -jf
or deliberation ;dfwfg ug'{_
599. respect n. and vt. (n.) 'Respect for human rights, etc.' cfb/ -jf ;Ddfg_
means observance of and regard for; -gf=_, cfb/ ug'{ -jf 75
'in respect of' means in relation to; (vt) ;Ddfg ug'{_ -lqm=_
to honour (e.g. rights)
642. Standing Orders n. A set of rules that remain in force :yfoL cfb]z
phrase until the rules are specifically changed 81
or withdrawn, especially relating to
parliamentary procedure
648. subject n. and adj. (n.) Any member of a state apart from /}tL jf k|hf
its supreme ruler; 'subject of' means -s;}sf] cwLgdf
82 dealt with by (of law, etc.); (adj.) under /x]sf] cy{df_
some person, authority or power:
'subject people'
652. submit [to] vt. and (vt.)To suggest or argue; (vi.) (less k|:t't ug'{ S
vi. likely) to recognize superiority of:
'submit to authority'
662. Supreme Court n. The highest court (formal title in ;jf]{Rr cbfnt
phrase many countries)
669. terms (in terms of) Used in South Africa to mean cg';f/ -jf
n. 'according to or under' a law or C k|fjwfg_
677. traffic (in human Implies illegal trade (in drugs, animals a]rlavg -dfgj_,
beings*) n., vi. and or human beings) cf];f/k;f/ -nfu'
86 vt. kbfy{_
678. transformation n. A major qualitative change ¿kfGt/0f
International IDEA/Nepal
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ISBN: 978-91-85724-20-8