Nuclear Structure
Nuclear Structure
Nuclear Structure
(n 189%. the vear that narks the birth of nuclear physics, thc French physicist Henri
discovered radioactivity in uranium compounds.) ollowing his discovery, scicntists did a great deal of
research in attempts to understand the nature of the radiation emittcd by radioactive substances The
nioneer work. by Ernest Rutherford showed that the emitted radiations were of three types. which he
alled alnha. beta. and ganma rays. Rutherford classified these radiations according to the nature of
the elecric charges they possessed and their abilities to penetrate matter and ionize air.
in 1897. Thomson discovered the electron and proposed the plum pudding model of
atom. This model
suggested that a positively charged matter was uniformly distributed in the atom and tiny negatively
charged electrons were spread throughout this matter such that the total negative charge due to electrons
was equal to the total positive charge thus making the atom neutral)
In 1911, Rutherford discarded Thomson's model on the basis of his
experiment on the scattering
of a-particles by thin metallic foils. He proved that a small, heavy and positively charged entity is
located at the centre of the atom, which was given the name of atomnic nucleus. From the fact of existence
of protons by Rutherford inside the nucleus it was believed that a nucleus was
composed of protons
and electrons.
In 1913, Niels Bohr laid the basis for the quantum theory of the atom, which played a major
in the improvement of Rutherford's idea. Bohr postulated the stability of orbits as the principle ot
quantization of the motion of electrons in the atom.
In 1932, the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick launched the modern era of nuclear physics.
Ihe hypothesis of the proton-neutron composition of the nucleus was later conpletely coairned
We divide this chapter into two parts :
He + Be -’ "C+ n
In 1932, in France, Iren-Curie Joliot (daughter of famous Madam Curie) and her husband, Frederic
Joliot, repeated Bothe and Becker's experiment with paraffin. They again assumed the emitted radiation
to be y-rays. They found that protons with energy of about 6 MeV were ejected from the paraffin. For 6
MeV protons to be produced, the y-ray energy has to be at least 6 MeV. But it is impOssible to
such a high energy y-ray from a-particle bombarding beryllium target to produce'C.
In 1932, James Chadwick, student of Rutherford repeated the experiment (Fig. 1.2.1) of the Joliot not
helium and
only with paraffin but also with helium and nitrogen. Comparing the recoils of the hydrogen,
nitrogen, he concluded that the emitted particle in the reaction 1S actually not gamma ray but a neutral
particle with mass nearly same as of proton. He called it neutron. ln 1935, he was awarded the
Prize for his discovery.
Be Be Paraffin
with the emission of unknown neutral radiation.
Fig. 1.2.1. (a) Alpha particle hitting beryllium target ejected.
(b) When paraffin is placed behind the beryllium target, protons are
but the nucleus of the lightest atom of
Nucleus : The nucleus is made up protons and neutrons,
no neutron is present in it. The nucleus has a
hydrogen element is made up of one proton only and
diameter of afew femtometers (1 fm = 1X10-1 m).
dimensions in an atom containing
Definition : The nucleus is an entity of rather well defined
of an atom in a very small region at is
positive charge and almost the entire mass (more than 99%)
number of protons in a nucleus.
Atomic Number (Proton Number):The atomic number Z is the
This number is also the number of orbital electrons in an atom.
number of neutrons in the nucleus.
Neutron Number: The neutron number N=A-Zis the
Nucleons : Protons and neutrons are collectively known as nucleons.
of nucleons in a nucleuS.
Nucleon Number:The nucleon number A= Z + Nis the total number
mass number because it is the nearest whoe
Mass Number : The nucleon number is also called the
number to the mass of the nucleus measured in unified atomic mass units
Note : The mass number Aof a nucleus is an
integer while the actual mass M of that nucleus 1s tu
an integer.
an element considering their relau
Isotopic Mass : The average mass of all the isotopes of
of chlorine are present n a
abundance is called isotopic mass. For example, the two isotopes massof
one of CI. Therefore the average isotopie
approximate ratio of three atoms of RCI to
3 x35+Ix37
chlorine is 35.5 amu.
Notation for Labelling a Nucleus : To designate a nucleus, the chemical synbol X of the elernent
is written with aleft superscript, which indicates the mass number A, and left subscript, which indicates
the atomic number Z of the nucleus. Thus, an atomic nucleus is often
represented as X
Mass nunber ’
Atomic nunber X’symbol for element
Using this notation, we can write the three subatomic particles as follows :
=14924 x 10-l0 J [:: J= Ikgm s
I602 x10 l3
= 931·5 MeV
|:: I MeV = I.6022 103i|
Since E = mc or m = Elc, the mass of a subatomic particle can also be
written in units of
MeV/c, The masses of the proton, neutron and electron in different units are shown in Table 1.6.1.
Table 1.6.1. Masses of proton, neutron and clectron.
Particle amu MeV/e? kg
Proton 1.007276 1.007276 x 931.5 = 938.278 1·673 x 10-27
Neutron 1·008665 1.008665 X 931.5 = 939.571 1·675 x 10-27
Electron 0-000549 0.000549 x 931.5 = 0.511 9-109 X 10-31
Alpha partlicle Alpha particle
Coulonnb repulsion
head-on collision with a nucleus of charge Ze. Because of the
Fig. 1.7.1. An alpha particle on a the nucleus,
particle will stop at a distance d fronm
between like charges, the alpha
called the distance of colsest approach.
close to nucleus that it
For a particular value of E, the alpha particle approaches soreflected ASTROPHYSICA
by the nucleus due to the strong nuclear forces rather than back due to the
This distance is then roughly cqual to the radius Rof the nucleus. From experiments on different forccieie.
it is found that the nuclear radius is varying with the mass number as :
R= Ro Al73
vhere R is the radius of the nucleus and Ro = 1:2 X 10-1 m = 12 fm is a
cOnstant. (172,'is
the general relation for the radius of the nucleus in terms of its mass number AJ Radius of ut4
is in the range of 1.2 fm for hydrogen to about 7.4 fm for a heavy nucleus such as uranium s
experiments show that the nucleus has a size of the order of 10l4 m.
The radius R of the nucleus is much smaller than that of the atom, which is of the nrde
10-10 m. Thus, the nucleus occupies an extremely small volume inside the atom.
= bA [where Vo =
Evidently, the volume of a nucleus assumed to be spherical in shape is directly proportional to the
number of constituent nucleons or mass number A.
Ax lamu
AXI amu
L.660 x10
1.333 x 3.142 x (1.2 x 10 cm)'
= 2X 10 g/em
= 2x 10'"kg/m
Nuclear density for all nucei is same and is of the order
of 2 x 1o" kg/m', this value is 2 x 104 times the density
of water (maximum density of water at 4°C is taken as 1000
kg/m'). The variation of nuclear density with distance from
the centre of the nucleus is shown in the Fig. 1.7.2.
(The density of nuclear matter is independent of the size
of the nucleus. The mass density of the atom does not follow
this rule)
>Radial distance r
The total charge of the nucleus is numerically equal to
number of protons times the elementary charge. If Z is the Fig. 1.7.2. Nuclear density as a function of
radial distance. R is the radius at which the
atomic number of nucleus and e 1S the elementary Charg°, density olr) falls to half its maximum value p(0)
then the magnitude of the charge on the nucleus is Ze.
Fig. 1.8.2, Clockwise and anticlockwise spins of nuçleons about their own axis
produce opposite Magnetie ficlds.
= |t S ..L8.5)
The magnitude of the total angular momentum j of a single nucleon is given by
where j is the total angular momentum quantum number.
The vector coupling of l and s gives two possible values forj: 1+ 2 and
The permitted values of total angular momentumj along a magnetic field parallel to z-axis are
J =m;h ...18.7)
where the total magnetic quantum number m, can take values j, -j+1, . -1.j
From eqns. (1.8.2), (1.8.4) and (1.8.7), we have
m; = m| + m, ... (1.8.3)
Since m, is always integer and m, is always half-integer, m; must be half-integer
The pernmitted valhes of the component of / along a magnetic field parallel ASTPOPes
where m, is calledthe toal angular magnetic quantum number. It can take 1. -1, 1-2, ...-.
Conditions for Nuclear Spin
For nuclei in their ground states, we can use the information we just obtained to
enerali7ations :
1. A nucleus with even mass number A has zero or integer spin. i.e 0. I., 2. 3.
2. Anuclcus with odd mass number Ahas a half-integer spin, i.e. 1/2. 3/2. 5/2.
3. A nucleus with both even Zand even N has zerospin.
where i is the current caused by the motion of a charged
particle in the loop of area A. If the partee
has charge q, velocity v, mass m and is moving in a circle of radius r, then,
i= Charge and A= Ir
Time 2Tr/v 2Tr Tune
where L = mvr is the orbital angular
In quantum mechanics, I. = + 1)h, theretore the above egn. (1.9.3)
where I is the orbital angular
nomentum quantunm number. The quantity is called a nagnet
For eleciron motion, m=M, and 2m
q=e (nvagnitude only).
Therefore, eh
eh 2m
The quantily is called the Bohr magueton, and is
2me denoted by lg
Bohr magneton Ug = = 9.274 X 10-24 J/T = 5.7890 X 10- eV/T ...(1.9.5)
For proton motion m = m, and g = e
The quantity is called the nuclear magneton, and is denoted by uN
1 Nuclear magneton = =5.0440x 10-7 J/T = 3.1486 x10-8 eV/T ..(1.9.6)
It is seen that HN<<Hg because of the difference in the masses of proton and electron.
Definition : The electric quadrupole moment of the nucleus is a measure of its departure from
spherical symmetry.
For a nucleus containing Z protons, the quadrupole moment can be evaluatedas :
(Ze(b? -a') ...(1.9.7)
where b and a are semi axes parallel and *axis (rotation axis) -axis (rotation axis) z-axis (rotation axis)
perpendicular to z-axis. respectively
(Fig. 1.9. 1).
For b > a, Q is positive and nucleus
will be of prolate shape.
For a nucleus in any state, its parity is usually denoted as a superscript, either + (even) or - (odd).
on the value of nuclear spin as shown below :
7" = SpinParity
Illustration : The statc 2* indicates that the particular nuclear state has spin /-2 with even parity.
Note : Parity P is conserved during nuclear decay and nuclcar rcactions.
130 200
Fig. 1.12.1. The Mass number 4
Main Features of binding
energy per nucleon
versus mass number A.
The average Average Binding Energy Curve
(surface tension effect). energy of light nuclei is very
The curve rises small due to high surtace/vous
MeV for Fe. sharply with
3 increase in mass number A reaches a maximum vae
Nuclei on the left of Fe
Nuclei On the right of Fe can
The average peak canrelease
energy by nuclear tusion
8 MeV. energy curve has aenergy
Corresponds to binding by nuclear procesS.
The average tission
broad maximum in the procesS A = 30
are saturated forces. energy of
heavy nuclei rang® 4
increases roughly as Aindicating that
7. The average binding energy deereases appreciably above A = 100. In a heavy nucleus, the
number of protons is more so they experience more Coulomb repulsion and hence the nucleus
has less binding energy.
Rutherford's nuclear theory based on the scattering of a-particles suggested the nucleus to be of
compact structure. Natural radioactivity suggested that though the nucleus is compact, it is capable of
emitting several particles, e.g. a. B-particles and y-rays. Artificial transmutation of elernents suggested
that a-particle, p, n, e and e* should be present in the nucleus. Cosmic rays studies predicted another
particle, called meson, inside the nucleus. From these studies, several theories of nuclear composition
were put forward.
given below:
1. Finite Size : For aheavy nucleus i is impossible lo have several electrons in addition to protons
in a very small nuclear volume (of the order of 10-45 m),.
2. Spin : The resultant spin of Anucleons is an integral or half integral multiple of h depending
and 7 electrons
on whether A is even or odd. According to the proton-electron theory, there are l4 protons
inside the Nnucleus. Thus, the nitrogen nucleus contains 21 particles. i.e. odd number of
sho0w that it carries integral
Hence such a nucleus has half integral spin. But the experimental results
particles, so the spin
3. Statistics : Since the Nnucleus contains 21 particles, i.e. odd number of that Nucleus
statistics. The experimental results show
will be half-integer. It will obey Fermi Dirac Similar arguments hold for other
obeys Bose-Einstein statistics.
has integral spin and is a boson. It
Bohr magneton.
Magnetic Moments : Magnetic moment of an electron is of the order of nuclear
one nuclear magneton. The value of Bohr magneton is 1836 times that of
while that of aproton is electrons, the net nuclear magnetic moment
magneton. If the nucleus consists of protons and
while experimentally nuclear magnetic
moment is found to be
be of the order of the Bohr magneton nucleus.
the nuclear magneton. This shows that electron is not the constituent of the
of the order of
electrons do not exist inside the nucleus but they are
5. Beta Decay : The beta indicates that
at the tÉme of emission.
nucleus then its de Broglie wavelength must be
6. Wave Mechanics : If electron exists inside the
10fm). Thus, its momentum is
less than or equal to the diameter of the nucleus (
h hc 1240 fm MeV =124 Mev
p 10 fm c C
pc = 124 MeV
below :
Using the relativistic equation, we can calculate the energy of the electron as
E' = (pc)² + (m,c²)2
Since pc = 124 MeV > > m,c'= 0.511 MeV, therefore E pc = 124 MeV
where mgc is the rest mass energy of the electron.
E, = E - mc? = 124- 0.511 = 123.49 MeV = 124 MeV
There is no experimental evidence that an electron inside the nucleus can have such a high energy. Tns
discrepancy shows that nuclei do not contain electrons.
7. Compton Wavelength : The Compton wavelength of an electron is given by the following relation :
h 6.626 x 10-34
9.109 x 10 x3x 1o
=0.2425 x 10-!! m
he= 2425 fm
This value of çisvery large as compared to nuclear diameter. Hence, electron cannot exist inside u
2. Spin : Since both proton and neutron have same spin hh, the resultant spin of A nucleons will
be an integral or half integral multiple of h depending on whether A is even or odd. This is in agreement
with all the experimental observations.
3. Statistics : Since the Nnucleus contains 14 nucleons, i.e. even number of nucleons, so tie
spin of the nucleus will be an integer. It obeys Bose-Einstein statistics.
4. Magnetic Moments : Since the nucleus contains protons and neutrons and mass of the protOn
is the same as that of neutron, so the magnetic moment of the nucleus will be of the order oe nuclear
magneton. This again is in agreement with the experimental values.
5. Beta Decay : The B-particle emission from various nuclei suggests that the electron does not
pre-exist in the nucleus but is created at the time of emission.
6. Wave Mechanics : As in the case of the electron, the momentum of neutron is of the order of
124 MeV/c.
The total energy of the neutron is given by
E = ((pc)? + (mocB)2j1/2 = [(124)? + (939.573)21'2
= 947.720 MeV
where mÍ c is the rest mass energy of the neutron. It is of the order of 939.573
Kinetic energy of neutron E, = E - moc' = 947.720 - 939.573 = 8.147
As kinetic energy of neutron is 8.147 MeV, therfore it should be possible for the free neutron to
exist inside the nucleus.
the tollowing
7. Compton Wavelength : The Comnpton wavelength of the neutron is given by
6-626 x 10-34
= |:32 x I0-15 ..(1.13.2)
I-675 x10 x3x10
d = 132 fm
neutrons can be accomnodated
This value of Ar is smaller than the nuclear diameter. Thus, protons and
in the nuclear volume.
Thus, a given nucleon can interact only with a few neighbeouring nucleons very close to it, but not
with all nucleons (Fig. 1.15.1).
Nuclear Binding Energy : The nuclear binding energy is proportional to mass nurnber A. This
property indicates that a nucleon attracts only its immediate neighbours Neutrons cxperience oniy the
and not all other nucleons present in the nucleus. This limited number of strongattractive nuclear force
interactions is called saturation. If each nucleon interacts with all nucleons
in a nucleus then the binding energy of the nucleus would be given as
Bc A(A-1) ...(1.15.2)
m,c' =
For range of nuclear force
b= 2m and hc = 197
MeV fm, we get
m,c2 197 MeV fm
= 100 MeV
2 fm
m = l00 MeV/2 ..(l.16.3
This is how Yukawa the
According to Yukavwa, every nucleon continuously emits and reabsorbs pions.
n-p Force : Exchange of n - meson between neutron and proton :
n ’p t n then
Aneutron emits anegatively charged n- meson intoits field, becoming a proton. Then the - meson
joins the field of another proton and is absorbed by that proton, which thus becomes a neutron.
p-n Force: Exchange of n* -mneson between.proton and neutron :
then It + n ’ p
A proton emits a positively charged n* - meson into its field, becoming a neutron. Then the
I*- meson joins the field of another neutron and is absorbed by that neutron, which thus becomes
a proton.
The meson transfers charge as well as momentum between the two nucleons in the above two
n-n Force : Exchange of ' - meson between neutron and neutron:
In’ n + 7 then