Superiority of Democracy
Superiority of Democracy
Superiority of Democracy
Dr.Md.Abdul Firdous
Abstract: In a democratic set set-up, the people are free and have been granted
constitutionally guaranteed rights by which the government is steered to their
fulfillment of aspirations. They have the uppermost hand in constituting the govt.
at three levels. The three organs of government run in a smooth manner in a
democratic country. This looks ideal and the people have to raise their voices when
their aspirations are unfulfilled. Honest governance leading to good governance
meant for the better life conditions of the people and their urge for a good place to
live in and to be proud of their land will only be possible if democracy vis-s-vis
good governance is in right perspective and the extent of our sensitiveness be
geared to make the govt. run in the interest of the people.
The word Democracy is derived from two Greek words such as “Demos”,
and “Kratos”. The first derivative, Demos means the people, while succeeding
derivative Kratos has the meaning of government meaning thereby that democracy
is the government of the people. There are several definitions of democracy given
by great thinkers which are as follows:
Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher and polymath, defines democracy as the
freedom of every citizen. C.F. Strong, an eminent author and a modern political
thinker says that democracy is a system of government in which the majority of the
adult population participates in politics on the basis of a representative system.
Abraham Lincoln, former President of America, has given the famous definition of
democracy and says that it is a government of the people, by the people, and for
the people. Harris Soche opines that democracy is a form of people’s government,
suggesting democracy as all-inclusive and participatory, as everyone has a role and
function to play in ensuring that democracy is strengthened and sustained. It has
been emphasized thereby that the concept of democracy has the similar meaning to
Latin phrase vox populi, vox dei meaning voice of the people is the voice of God.
We, the citizens of India, elect our representatives to constitute the central govt.,
the state govt. and also the third tier of the govt. for the smooth conduct of the
organs of the government and the fulfillment of our aspirations concerning the
better life conditions of ours. Ours is a democratic country where the citizens of
India have the right to choose their able and right thinking people as their
representatives belonging to different political parties solely devoted to the
development of our great country by formulating laws and policies in consonance
with the spirit of the constitution. In a democratic state, as has been stated in the
definitions and its characteristics, all individuals are free and equally empowered
and have been granted rights to run their country by themselves through their
representatives for tenure of five years. The organs of the govt. i.e., the legislature
and Executive are integrated while judiciary, a third separate wing, is adjudicating
the law in a free and fair manner. The engagement and involvement in the running
of the government by the people in an indirect manner is also admirable.
Democracy without good governance will be hollow as the very base of
democratic principles is placed on the fulfillment of aspirations of the people who
are all in all in respect of forming the govt. and the same can be dissolved if they
act on their whims and fancy. Moreover, democracy can never be successful if and
when good governance is not put in place. I have also narrated earlier what good
governance stands for and what characteristics they carry with.
That the topic of the seminar relates to our sensitiveness to democracy vis-à-
vis good governance meaning thereby that we react quickly and strongly if our
aspirations are not fulfilled. I want to place my view in this concern that a large
chunk of Indians are without the basic facilities of life and they think for their
livelihood and their whole time is spent to make both ends meet. They don’t have
time beyond that to be sensitive to the existing issues and understand the
complexities of governance. When it is a mass movement they do come out and
register their anger but it dies down with not much satisfaction. Such is the case
with Kisan Movement and Movement against CAA. There are many heart
touching issues needing to be resolved in the interest of the people and for the
larger development of the country in general. On the basic term, we can understand
the meaning of sensitive on the line that if our skin is sensitive to a certain climate
we have to do the necessary to keep ourselves protected from it. In consonance
with the same idea, we have to do everything possible to give life to the democratic
set up and extension of the honest governance through the organs of the govt. to be
put in the right stand. We can show our sensitive stand in the electioneering
process and elect out honest incumbent representatives or replace them to show our
power. However, our stand on different recurrent issues goes unnoticed and the
problem remains unresolved.
My heart bleeds when I see my fellow citizens begging for foods and living
a life with no basic facilities of life whereas the rich live luxurious life and enough
facilities around. Though the govt. has enacted many laws and made welfare
programmes in their interest, yet the result is seen bleak. We are human beings and
everyone will react in the same manner to the issues our country is beset with. The
leaders have to guide the citizens and streamline the sensitiveness regarding
democratic set up and execution of policies in the form of good governance.
Charity and Honesty begins at home and the representatives who run the
government are to be toeing the line for honest governance without which the
democratic set up would show a failure and good governance would remain a