GI-3 (Q)
GI-3 (Q)
GI-3 (Q)
1. If in a certain code language, CRASH is written as 13. If the ‘WINTER’ is coded as ‘411434’, ‘SUMMER’
HAAIC, then TRAIN is written as— is coded as ‘372626’, then how the word ‘AUTUMN’
a) EIIAB b) BAIEI c) EIAIB d) BIAIE is written is that code language?
2. If in a certain code language, GOAL is written as a) 153441 b) 144351 c) 513441 d) 544311
15 and PLAN is written as 12, then CODE will be 14. If four words SOUTH, NORTH, EAST and WEST
written as— are coded using numbers for letters in the words.
a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 20 The number are not given in the order of letters
3. If in a certain code language, RELIEF is written as in the words. Find out the number representing
5312. How is LETTER be written? each letter and state how the word WATER could
a) 4665 b) 1443 c) 6774 d) 7334 be coded being the numbers. SOUTH–32564,
4. If in a certain code language, RAT is written as 37 NORTH–41637, EAST–5084, WEST–8459
and PEN is 25, then COBRA will be written as— a) 80560 b) 94501 c) 90481 d) 95401
a) 7 b) 9 c) 11 d) 13 15. If in a certain code language, ‘wok che ne’ means
5. If in a certain code language, ‘SUN’ is written as 63 ‘they are see’, ‘wu che rot’ means ‘we are read’
and PUT is written as 69. How is CAT be written and ‘da ne pa’ means ‘they want water’, then what
in the same language? would be the code for ‘water’?
a) 30 b) 32 c) 34 d) 38 a) da b) ne
6. If in a certain code language, CAGES is written as c) pa d) Data inadequate
296 and SILVER is written as 7114. How is WATER 16. In a certain code language ‘Phe lem ta’ means ‘you
be written in that code? are good’, ‘lem se par’ means ‘They are well’, ‘Par
a) 729 b) 765 c) 616 d) 687 lem mag’ means ‘Cows are innocent’ and ‘phy gir’
7. If STUDENT ⇒ 25, EDUCATION ⇒ 54, then means ‘you go’. What will be ‘you are innocent’ in
A, then the original height of the trunk is— of 40 mts straight. Now he turns to the south-west
a) 20 mts b) 25 mts c) 30 mts d) 35 mts and walks a distance of 100 mts. Where is Kamalesh
23. A person climbs a hill in a straight path from point standing now from his starting point?
‘O’ on the ground in the direction of north-east and a) 30 mts N.W. b) 30 mts S.W.
reaches a point ‘A’ after travelling a distance of 5 c) 30 mts N.E. d) None of these
km. He moves to point ‘B’ in the direction of north- 30. If ‘A×B’ means ‘A is to the south of B’, ‘A+B’
west. Let the distance AB be 12 km. Now, how far means ‘A is to the north of B’, ‘A%B’ means ‘A is
is the person away from the starting point ‘O’? to the east of B’ and ‘A–B’ means ‘A is to the west
a) 7 km. b) 13 km. c) 17 km. d) 11 km. of B’ then in ‘P%Q+R–S’, S is in which direction
24. Mr Raghav went in his car to meet his friends John. with respect to Q?
He Drove 30 kms towards north and then 40 kms a) South–West b) South–East
towards west. He then turned to south and covered c) North–East d) North–West
8 kms. Further he turned to east and moved 26 kms. 31. The cars start from the opposite places of a main
Finally he turned right and drove 10 kms and then road, 150 km apart towards each other. First car runs
turned left to travel 19 kms. How far and in which for 25 km and takes a right turns and then run 15
direction is he from the starting point? km. It then turns left and runs for another 25 km
a) East of starting point, 5 kms and then takes the direction back to reach the main
b) East of starting point, 13 kms road. In the mean time, due to minor break down
c) North East of starting point, 13 kms the other car has to run only 35 km along the main
d) North East of starting point, 5 kms road. What would be the distance between two cars
25. Two boys on bicycles 60 km. apart, started towards at this point?
each other at a constant speed of 10 km. / hour. a) 65 km b) 75 km
he turned right, then after 2 km. he again turned right head down. He is facing west. In which direction
and after covering 3 km., he finally turned left and will his left hand be?
reached P after going 1 km. a) North b) South
26. How far is B’s home from A’s and in which direction? c) East d) West
a) 3 km., East b) 2 km., West 35. One evening, two friends Riya and Priya were taking
c) 3 km., West d) 4 km., South to each other, with their backs towards each other,
27. If A went at a speed of 20 km per hour, at what sitting in a park. If Riya’s shadow was exactly to
time did he start? the left of Priya, which direction as Priya facing?
a) East b) West
a) 2:40 p.m. b) 2:41 p.m.
c) North d) South
c) 2:39 p.m. d) 2:38 p.m.