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Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan & Kespro Vol. 4 No.

1 Edition: April 2021 - Oktober 2021

Received: 29 September 2021 Revised: 23 Oktober 2021 Accepted: 25 Oktober 2021



Suci blezinsky1, Erlina Hayati2, Gf Gustina Siregar3, Husna Sari4

Midwifery Faculty, Institute Kesehatan Deli husada Delitua
e-mail: [email protected]

Low milk production is a major problem for new mothers, apart from drowning
or flat nipples, swollen breasts, babies who are reluctant to breastfeed
because of improper technique or babies with short tongues. The purpose of
this study was to determine the effect of giving soy milk on increasing breast
milk production in post-partum mothers at the Pratama Sehati Husada clinic,
Blu-Biru District, Deli Serdang Regency in 2020. This study used a quasi
experimental method with a One Group Pretest-Postest design. Sampling was
done by total sampling method. The respondents used are postpartum
mothers. The bivariate analysis used in this study was the nonparametric
difference test with the Wilcoxon test. The results of statistical tests give a p
value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05 (0.655 <0.05), so it can be concluded that
Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that there is an effect of
giving soy milk on increased milk production in postpartum mothers. His
suggestions can add insight and knowledge for researchers about Soymilk
Feeding on Increasing Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers. And for
mothers and families who already know how to consume soy milk and its
benefits can be disseminated in society to support government programs to
promote the reduction of breastfeeding that is not smooth. As well as
providing knowledge to the community about the application of consuming soy
milk in overcoming unsanitary milk production in postpartum mothers, so as
to help postpartum mothers to facilitate the smooth production of breast milk.

Keywords: Soy milk, Breast milk productio.

1. INTRODUCTION pneumonia dan diare

Breast milk (ASI) is the best (Prihatiningtyas, 2014).
baby food and can meet the Low milk production is a major
nutritional needs of infants during problem for mothers who have just
the first three to six months of WHO given birth, in addition to the
(World Health Organization, 2014). problem of sinking or flat nipples,
Breast milk is the best food for swollen breasts, babies are
newborns up to 6 months of age. reluctant to suckle because of
Breast milk has many contents such improper technique or babies with
as vitamins, minerals, fats, short tongues (Dewi, 2013). This
carbohydrates, and proteins so it has a bad effect on the baby
has a very important role untuk because mothers usually look for
melindungi anak dari infeksi seperti alternatives by giving formula milk
to their babies This causes the

Blezinsky, Hayati, Siregar & Sari, The Effect Of, ...

intensity of the baby's sucking to flavonoids and other substances

decrease because they take turns that are effective in stimulating
using formula milk which makes oxytocin and prolactin hormonally
less milk come out (Budiasih, to produce breast milk, when the
2008). Decree of the Minister of baby sucks the mother's nipples,
Health No. 450 of 2004 concerning neurohormonal stimulation occurs
Exclusive Breastfeeding for Babies in the nipples and areolas of the
in Indonesia (Widjaya, 2007). At mother. Isoflavones contained in
the 2010 World Breastfeeding soy milk are amino acids that have
Week, the Indonesian Ministry of vitamins and nutrients in soybeans
Health also launched the that form flavonoids. Flavonoids are
Breastfeeding Program; Ten Steps pigments, such as leaf green
to Love Babies, with the slogan substances that usually smell.
Love Babies, and Give Green leaf substance has many
Breastfeeding. Therefore, benefits for the health of the body.
breastfeeding mothers need help so Broadly speaking, the benefits of
that the breastfeeding process is isoflavones contained in soy milk
more successful, one of which is by are to increase metabolism in the
consuming foods that can stimulate body, are nutrients needed by the
milk production. Breast milk body, prevent constipation, boost
production can be carried out by the immune system, strengthen
consuming several drugs that bones and teeth, control blood
facilitate breast milk from katuk leaf pressure, control cholesterol levels,
extract, and powdered or liquid milk prevent the risk of obesity and
specifically for breastfeeding diabetes. relieves symptoms of
mothers. Ironically, in rural areas, ulcer disease. Isoflavones or
katuk leaves are hard to find, let phytoestrogen hormones are
alone breast-feeding drugs, while estrogen hormones which is
special milk for breastfeeding produced naturally by the body and
mothers is too expensive for can help the mammary glands of
villagers, and not all mothers like nursing mothers to produce more
milk. Another alternative to support milk Based on the results of an
the nutritional needs of mothers initial survey conducted by
during the puerperium is the researchers by looking at the data
consumption of soy milk. The effect or book records of postpartum
of soy milk on increasing breast mothers' visits at the Pratama
milk production showed a positive Sehati Husada clinic, Biru-Biru
effect where all respondents District, it was found that 50% of
experienced an increase in breast postpartum mothers experienced
milk production. Soy milk which is a non-fluent breastfeeding.
beverage processed from soy bean
starch has many nutritional and 2. METHOD
beneficial properties. Soy milk This study uses an
contains many ingredients such as experimental method (quasi
alkaloids, polyphenols, steroids, experiment). The design of this

Blezinsky, Hayati, Siregar & Sari, The Effect Of, ...

study used the One Group Pretest- age less than 25 years are 4
Posttest design. Where there is no respondents (40%) and above 25
comparison group (control), but the years 6 respondents (60%). For the
first observation (pre-test) has educational characteristics of
been carried out which allows respondents with elementary
researchers to test the changes that education level as many as 2
occur after the experiment respondents (20%), junior high
(program) (Notoatmodjo, 2015). school education levels as many as
The normality test of the data was 4 respondents (40%) and at high
carried out before the bivariate school education level as many as 4
analysis was carried out. The results respondents (40%). For the job
of the Shapiro Wilk test (n<50) characteristics of respondents who
obtained p = 0.002, it can be work as IRT as many as 4
concluded that the distribution of respondents (40%) and
numerical data from the difference respondents who work as
between pretest and posttest scores entrepreneurs as many as 6
is not normal. Furthermore, non- respondents (60%). For parity
parametric bivariate analysis was characteristics of respondents who
carried out with the Wilcoxon test. are Primipara as many as 6
respondents (60%) and
3. RESULT respondents with Multipara as many
Table 3.1. as 4 respondents (40%). For the
characteristics of the type of
Respondent delivery in respondents with normal
delivery as many as 7 respondents
F (%)
Age : (70%) and with SC delivery as
< 25 year 6 60% many as 3 respondents (30%).
> 25 year 4 40%
Total: 10 100 Table 3.2
No. Category N Presentase
SD 2 20%
SMP 4 40%
SMA 4 40% 1. Category
Total: 10 100% Mother 10 100%
Work : Smooth
entrepreneurIRT 6 60% Milk
Total: 4 40% Production
10 100% 2. Category of
Parity: Mothers - -
Primipara 6 60% with Non-
Multipara 4 40% Smooth
Total: 10 100% Milk
Type of delivery: Production
Normal 7 70%
SC 3 30%
Based on table 4.3, it can be
Total: 10 100%
Based on table 3.1, the age concluded that after giving soy milk
characteristics of respondents with to postpartum mothers at the

Blezinsky, Hayati, Siregar & Sari, The Effect Of, ...

Pratama Sehati Husada Clinic, Kec. on 10 respondents found that the

Blue-Blue District. Deli Serdang, the majority had junior high and high
production of breast milk in 10 school education, namely 80%.
postpartum mothers from 10 According to researchers, the level
mothers experienced changes in the of education of a mother has
smoothness of breast milk something to do with the mother's
production. Based on the output of knowledge of breastfeeding. As
the Test Statistics above, the according to Notoadmodjo who said
Asymp value is known. Sig. (2- that the more highly educated
tailed) of 0.002. Because the value mothers will give a more rational
is 0.002 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected response to the available
and Ha is accepted. This means that information, on the contrary,
there is an effect of giving soy milk mothers who have low education
to the increase in breast milk will give an indifferent response to
production in mothers Nifas. information. Based on table 4.1 the
results of research conducted on 10
4. DISCUSSION respondents obtained the majority
The results obtained from the of jobs by working as
frequency distribution and entrepreneurs, namely as much as
percentage based on age are the 60%. Based on table 4.1 the results
majority aged >25 years as many of research conducted on 10
as 6 people, based on education are respondents obtained the majority
the majority of junior high and high of primiparas 60%. According to
school students as many as 4 Murtina (2014) the relationship
people, based on work who work as between parity and smooth
entrepreneurs as many as 6 people bleeding of breast milk was found,
and based on parity at the Pratama mothers who had parity 1 tended to
Sehati Husada clinic mostly have a relationship with bleeding
Primipara respondents as many as smooth breast milk due to not
6 people, based on the type of labor knowing how to breastfeed
who gave birth normally as many as properly. Parity 2-3 is a safe parity
7 people. Based on table 4.1. The in terms of smooth breastfeeding,
results of the research conducted parity 1, which is parity of the
on 10 respondents found that the mother's unpreparedness for the
majority response age was <25 first breastfeeding, is a factor in the
years as much as 60%. This is in mother's inability to face changes in
accordance with Murtiana's research breasts. And the results of research
(2014) with the results showing conducted on 10 respondents
that most of the respondents in the obtained the majority of types of
healthy reproductive age range (25- labor that are normal as much as
35 years) were 34 people (85%) 70%. Based on tables 4.2 and 4.3,
and the remaining 6 people (15%) the results of research conducted
belonged to the high risk age by 10 respondents found that the
group. Based on table 4.1, the smooth production of breast milk in
results of the research conducted postpartum mothers before giving

Blezinsky, Hayati, Siregar & Sari, The Effect Of, ...

soy milk was 10%, while the konseling menyusui. 2014.

smooth production of breast milk in Jakarta: Departemen
postpartum mothers after giving Kesehatan.
soy milk was 100% Haryono R, Setianingsih, S. 2015.
Manfaat Asi Eksklusif Untuk
5. CONCLUSION Buah Hati Anda. Yogyakarta:
1) Based on the results of the Gosyen Publising.
study, it can be seen that Irwan A.W. 2015. Budidaya
the respondents are Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max
postpartum mothers who (L.) Merill). Jurusan Budidaya
have problems with milk Pertanian. Fakultas Pertanian.
production as many as 10 Universitas Padjadjaran.
respondents Jatinangor. Bandung.
2) Based on the results of the Kementerian Kesehatan RI. 2014.
Willcoxon test data analysis, Profil Kesehatan Indonesia
a significance value (p) of Tahun 2014. Jakarta:
0.655 is obtained, if p is less Kemenkes RI.
than 0.05 then the Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan
hypothesis is accepted and Republik Indonesia Nomor
if p is greater than 0.05 450/ MENKES/ SK/ IV/ 2014
then the hypothesis is tentang Pemberian ASI
rejected. The results of the Eksklusif pada Bayi Indonesia.
statistical test gave a p Available from: URL
value of 0.000 less than HIPERLINK.
0.05 (0.655 <0.05) so it can www.gizi.depkes.go.id/
be concluded that Ha is download/ pekanasi-2014 (13
accepted and Ho is rejected, Mei 2014).
which means that there is Medeiros M. F. D., Rocha S. C. S.,
an effect of soy milk feeding Alsina O. L. S., Jerönimo C. E.
on increasing breast milk M., Medeiros U. K. L., da Mata
production in postpartum A. L. M. L. (2016). Drying of
mothers. Pulps of Tropical Fruits in
Spouted Bed: Effect of
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