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International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ISSN: 2583-6129

Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May – 2024 DOI: 10.55041/ISJEM01628

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata

LoRa Based Emergency Communication System

Blesson paul S1, Lalith S2, Pachamuthu C3, Siva S4 , Sakthivel P5

Undergraduate, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AVS Engineering College
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AVS Engineering College

Abstract— The location and human activity are usually using LoRa technology it becomes easy to monitor
used as one of the important parameters to monitor the such activities going on in a remote forest.
health status in healthcare devices. However, nearly all
existing location and monitoring systems have the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
limitation of short-range communication and high
power consumption. In this project, we propose a new
Ritesh Rastogi et a1.[1] "LoRa and Edge Computing
mechanism to collect and transmit monitoring
based System Architecture for Sustainable Forest
information based on LoRa technology. The monitoring
device with sensors can collect the real-time activity and Monitoring" The combination of LoRa, and edge
location information and transmit them to the cloud computing can provide an efficient system architecture
server through IOT. The user can check all his history for sustainable forest monitoring. LoRa sensors can
and current information through the specific designed collect environmental data over a long-range wireless
mobile applications. Experiment was carried out to network, and edge computing can be used to process the
verify the communication, power consumption and data closer to where it is generated, reducing latency and
monitoring performance of the entire system. This bandwidth usage. This system architecture can help
system can collect monitoring and activity information predict the occurrence of wildfires and the spread of
accurately and provide the long rang coverage with low diseases, helping ensure the health and preservation of
power consumption. our natural ecosystems.
Hammad Aamer et a1.[2] "A Very Low Cost, Open,
Index Terms—Lora, Forest, temperature, humidity, soil Wireless, Internet of Things (IoT) Air Quality
moisture Monitoring Platform" The increasing levels of air
I. INTRODUCTION pollution pose a significant threat to the environment and
human health. Air quality monitoring has become an
The main objective of this project is to communicate from essential aspect of modern urban life, with many people
remote forest area to city using LoRa technology. relying on air quality data to make decisions about their
Various parameters are noted/tracked, and this daily activities. In recent years, the Internet of Things
information is transmitted using LoRa. The transmitted (IoT) has emerged as a promising technology to address
information is received in the city through a LoRa module this issue. It is low cost, making it accessible to a wider
and thereby the received data is stored in Google Firebase range of users. It is open, allowing for customization and
Deforestation is a very crucial thing which is happening modification of the system to suit specific needs. It is
in large scale caused by various parameters like forest wireless, eliminating the need for complex wiring and
fire, landslide, floods etc. The cause of forest fires is not infrastructure. Additionally, it is IoT-based, providing
easy to track and to detect early with the help of this real-time data and remote access to the system.
technology it can become easy, and water can be A. Kumar et fa1.[3]"Air Quality Monitoring System
sprinkled to avoid further damage. Along with this soil Based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 Standards" Air pollution
moisture and rain can be detected for further has become a major concern due to its harmful effects on
advancement of this technology. It is very difficult to human health and the environment.
monitor these activities happening in the forest area as it ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 standards provide a common
is a remote place with less technological support. Using framework for sensor communication protocols and data
LoRa as a communication act like a bridge of formats. The proposed air quality monitoring system
communication between a remote place and city by based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 standards provides an

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International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ISSN: 2583-6129
Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May – 2024 DOI: 10.55041/ISJEM01628
An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata

effective solution for monitoring air quality parameters. has emerged as a promising approach to improve the
The use of these standards ensures interoperability, effectiveness and efficiency of disaster monitoring systems. In
flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making the system this survey paper, we will review the current state of the art in
suitable for various applications. disaster monitoring based on IoT and LRAF.
Genwei Guo et a1.[4] "A Model with Leaf Area Index Roberto Vega-Rodríguez et a1.[8] "Low Cost LoRa based
and Trunk Diameter for LoRaWAN Radio Network for Forest Fire Detection" The survey paper also
Propagation in Eastern China Mixed Forest" Every discusses the different components of a LoRaWAN-based
node in LoRaWAN is connected by radio WSN for forest fire detection, including the sensors,
transmission. The radio signal may be attenuated when gateways, and cloud platforms. It also highlights some of the
it is deployed in a forest due to diffraction, reflection, challenges associated with deploying and maintaining
scattering, and absorption effects produced by LoRaWAN-based WSNs, such as the need for line-of-sight
different obstacles like trees and bushes. To design communication and interference from other wireless
effective wireless systems that can function in mixed networks. Overall, the survey paper concludes that
forests, it is necessary to better understand the LoRaWAN-based WSNs are a promising solution for forest
propagation characteristics of these difficult radio fire detection due to their low cost, long-range
propagation environments. However, due to the communication capabilities, and low power consumption.
potential for significant impacts from various Khaled A. Ghamry et a1.[9] "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
environmental factors (such as vegetation type, Based Forest Fire Monitoring and Detection Using Image
density, tree height, and weather), modeling forest Processing Technique" Forest fires are a significant
radio propagation is comparatively challenging. environmental issue that causes significant damage to the
Anita Gehlot et a1.[5] "Digitalization of forest using environment and wildlife. Traditional forest fire monitoring
the Internet of Things (IoT)" Digitalization of forests and detection methods such as satellite-based monitoring,
using the Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend ground-based monitoring, and aerial surveillance using
that has gained significant attention in recent years. manned aircraft have limitations such as cost, time-
This approach involves the integration of IoT devices consuming, and safety concerns. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
with forest management systems to improve forest (UAVs) equipped with cameras and sensors have emerged as a
management, conservation, and sustainability. In this promising technology for forest fire monitoring and detection.
survey paper, we will provide an overview of the UAVs can fly at low altitudes, capture high- resolution images
current state of the art in the digitalization of forests and videos, and quickly cover large areas of forests.
using IoT and discuss the challenges and opportunities Matthias Budde et a1.[10] "Enabling low-cost particulate matter
of this technology in the forestry sector. measurement for participatory sensing scenarios" This paper
Gagan Parmar et a1.[6] "An IoT Based Low-Cost Air proposes a low-cost solution for measuring particulate matter
Pollution Monitoring System" Air pollution has (PM) in participatory sensing scenarios. To test the effectiveness
of the sensor, the authors conducted experiments in both
become a major global concern as it poses a serious
laboratory and real-world settings. In the laboratory, they
threat to human health, natural resources, and the
exposed the sensor to different levels of PM and compared its
environment. Due to the increase in urbanization,
readings to those of a reference instrument. In the real- world
industrialization, and the use of fossil fuels, air
setting, they distributed the sensors to community members in
pollution has risen dramatically in recent years. The
a low-income neighborhood and compared the results to
continuous monitoring of air quality is necessary to
those of a reference instrument located at a nearby air quality
mitigate the effects of air pollution on human health
monitoring station.
and the environment. In recent years, the Internet of
Things (IoT) has emerged as a promising technology
for monitoring air quality in a cost-effective and
efficient manner.
Swapnil Bagwari et a1.[7] "Disaster Monitoring based
on IoT and Long Range Assisted Framework" Disaster
monitoring is an important area of research and
development, and the use of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and Long Range Assisted Framework (LRAF)

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International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ISSN: 2583-6129
Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May – 2024 DOI: 10.55041/ISJEM01628
An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata


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International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ISSN: 2583-6129
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An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata

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International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ISSN: 2583-6129
Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May – 2024 DOI: 10.55041/ISJEM01628
An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata

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