Instant Access to A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems: With Special Focus on Photovoltaic Systems 1st Edition Trevor M. Letcher ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems: With Special Focus on Photovoltaic Systems 1st Edition Trevor M. Letcher ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems: With Special Focus on Photovoltaic Systems 1st Edition Trevor M. Letcher ebook Full Chapters
Future Energy: Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for
Our Planet 2020 Trevor M. Letcher
A Comprehensive Guide
to Solar Energy Systems
With Special Focus on
Photovoltaic Systems
Edited by
Trevor M. Letcher
Universit y of Kw a Zu lu -Na t a l, Du r b a n, So u t h Afr ica
Vasilis M. Fthenakis
Center f or L if e Cycle Ana ly s is, Co lu mb ia Unive r s it y,
Ne w Yo rk, N Y, Unit e d St a t e s
A Comprehensive Guide
to Solar Energy Systems
With Special Focus on
Photovoltaic Systems
Edited by
Trevor M. Letcher
Universit y of Kw a Zu lu -Na t a l, Du r b a n, So u t h Afr ica
Vasilis M. Fthenakis
Center f or L if e Cycle Ana ly s is, Co lu mb ia Unive r s it y,
Ne w Yo rk, N Y, Unit e d St a t e s
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ISBN: 978-0-12-811479-7
Charles J. Barnhart
Western Washington University, Bellingham; Institute for Energy Studies,
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, United States
Vítězslav Benda
Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Khagendra P. Bhandari
Center for Photovoltaics Innovation and Commercialization, University of Toledo,
Toledo, OH, United States
Rhys G. Charles
SPECIFIC-IKC, Swansea University, Swansea; Materials Research Centre,
Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
Fangliang Chen
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Matthew L. Davies
SPECIFIC-IKC, Swansea University, Swansea; Materials Research Centre,
Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
Thomas Döring
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Peter Douglas
Chemistry Group, Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom;
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Beatrice Dower
MVGLA, Comrie, United Kingdom
Randy J. Ellingson
Center for Photovoltaics Innovation and Commercialization, University of Toledo,
Toledo, OH, United States
xvi List of Contributors
Nesimi Ertugrul
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Vasilis M. Fthenakis
Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Michael Ginsberg
Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Steven M. Grodsky
University of California, Davis; Wild Energy Initiative, John Muir Institute of the Environment,
Davis, CA, United States
Ajay Gupta
EROI Energy Advisors Inc., Brampton, ON, Canada
Ingrid L. Hallin
Freelance Researcher, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Ross A. Hatton
Warwick University, Coventry, United Kingdom
Xiaoping He
China Center for Energy Economics and Research, The School of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Rebecca R. Hernandez
University of California, Davis; Wild Energy Initiative, John Muir Institute of the Environment, Davis, CA,
United States
Zicong Huang
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, P.R. China
Aruna Ivaturi
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Trevor M. Letcher
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; Laurel House, FosseWay,
Stratton on the Fosse, United Kingdom
List of Contributors xvii
Jonathan D. Major
Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
United Kingdom
Michelle Murphy-Mariscal
Mt. San Jacinto College, Menifee, CA, United States
Frank Pao
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Alyssa Pek
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Alexandre Roesch
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Michael Schmela
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Thomas P. Shalvey
Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
United Kingdom
Katie Shanks
Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), University of Exeter, Penryn, United Kingdom
Graham Stein
National Grid, Warwick, United Kingdom
Senthilarasu Sundaram
Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), University of Exeter, Penryn, United Kingdom
Kristina Thoring
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
David Timmons
University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, United States
Hari Upadhyaya
Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing, Institute of Materials and Manufacturing, Department of
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Brunel University, London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
xviii List of Contributors
Zhangyuan Wang
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, P.R. China
James Watson
SolarPower Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Huiming Yin
Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Eduardo Zarza-Moya
CIEMAT-PSA, Almería, Spain
Xudong Zhao
University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Siming Zheng
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, P.R. China
Our book, A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems: With Special Focus on Photo
voltaic Systems is a companion volume to the recent book: Wind Energy Engineering:
A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines (Elsevier, 2017). It was felt that the solar
energy industry like the wind turbine industry was developing so rapidly that it was now
necessary to compile a collection of solar energy-related topics into one volume.
The use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind for electricity genera-
tion is becoming commonplace in our society as we move away from fossil fuels to more
sustainable forms of energy, free from carbon dioxide pollution. The move cannot come
quickly enough as each month we hear that the previous month was the hottest month
since records began and that CO2 levels are increasing every year and have now passed the
410 ppm level.
Our book gives an all round view of solar energy with a special focus on technical is-
sues surrounding photovoltaic cells. The 25 chapters are divided into the following six
sections: Introduction; Solar Energy Resource and Worldwide Development; Thermal
Solar Energy Technology; Photovoltaic Solar Energy—Generation of Electricity; Environ-
mental Impacts of Solar Energy; Economics, Financial Modeling, and Investment in PVs,
Growth Trends, and the Future of Solar Energy. In more detail, the book includes chapters
on the following areas:
• Scientific aspects (basic theory of photovoltaic solar energy, global potential for
producing electricity from the sun’s energy);
• Wind energy in China, Europe, Africa, and the USA, to give a flavor of developments
in very different countries but all with the same aim of reducing global warming while
providing affordable, abundant, and sustainable energy;
• Thermal solar power in solar heaters, concentrated solar systems.
• Photovoltaics in all its different forms—crystalline silicon cells, cadmium telluride
cells, perovskite cells, and organic cells;
• Large scale PV Integrated technologies (buildings);
• Integration into national grids;
• Small scale PV systems;
• Storing energy from PVs;
• Environmental issues and comparisons;
• Materials’ abundance, purification, and energy cost for Si, CdTe, and CIGS
• Life Cycle Analysis and Energy Return on Investment;
xx Preface
We wish to thank all 42 authors and coauthors for their cooperation, help, and espe-
cially, for writing their chapters. It has been a pleasure working with each and every one
of the authors. Trevor thanks his wife, Valerie and Vasilis his wife Christina for their help,
support, and encouragement they gave us over these long months of putting the book to-
gether. We also wish to thank Elsevier editors and staff for their professionalism and help
in producing this well-presented volume.
Trevor M. Letcher
Stratton on the Fosse, Somerset
Vasilis M. Fthenakis
Columbia University, New York
Why Solar Energy?
Trevor M. Letcher
[email protected]
1.1 Introduction
The importance of the sun in sustaining life has probably been known to humans in all
ancient societies, and many of these people, including the Babylonians, ancient Hindus,
Persians, and Egyptians worshipped the sun. From written records, the ancient Greeks
were the first to use passive solar designs in their homes and no doubt experimented with
harnessing the sun’s energy in many different ways. There is a story that, Archimedes in
the 2nd century BC reflected the sun’s rays from shiny bronze shields to a focal point and
was thus able to set fire to enemy ships. The Romans continued the tradition of using the
sun in their homes and introduced glass, which allowed the sun’s heat to be trapped. The
Romans even introduced a law that made it an offence to obscure a neighbor’s access to
By contrast, PV technology (the creation of a voltage by shining light on a substance)
and the main focus of this book, is a very recent application. Scientists, as early as 1818,
noticed that the electrical conductivity of some materials, such as selenium, increased by
a few orders of magnitude when exposed to sunlight; however, it was not until the 1950s
that scientists working on transistors at the Bell Telephone Laboratories showed that sili-
con could be used as an effective solar cell. This very soon led to the use of silicon solar
cells in spacecraft; and in 1958, Vanguard 1 was the first satellite to use this new invention.
This application paved the way for more research into better and cheaper solar cells. The
work was further encouraged after the rapid oil price rise in the 1970s. In 1977, the US
Government created the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. A further indication of
the rapid rise of silicon solar cell technology was the building of the first solar park in 1982
in California, which could generate 1 MW; this was followed a year later by a larger Cali-
fornian solar park, which could generate, at full capacity, 5.2 MW. The United States has
now built several PV power plants in the range of 250–550 MW. It is amazing to think that
just 34 years after the first solar farm was built in California, China has built a solar farm of
850 MW. Furthermore, the solar PV worldwide generating capacity, at the end of 2016, was
in excess of 300 GW. To put this into perspective, 1000 MW (1 GW) is the power generated
by a traditional fossil-fueled power station.
In January 2017, it was reported that Chinese companies plan to spend US$1 billion
building a giant solar farm (of 1 GW) on 2500 ha in the Ukraine, on the exclusion zone
south of the land contaminated by the 1986 nuclear explosion.
The amount of solar energy shining on the earth (with wavelengths ranging from 0.38
to 250 µm) is vast. It heats our atmosphere and everything on the Earth and provides
the energy for our climate and ecosystem. At night, much of this heat energy is radiated
back into space but at different wavelengths, which are in the infrared range from 5 to
50 µm [1]. This energy heats the greenhouse gas molecules (such as carbon dioxide and
methane) and water molecules in the atmosphere. The explanation is as follows. Us-
ing CO2 and H2O as examples, this heating process takes place because the radiated IR
frequency is in sync (resonates) with the natural frequency of the carbon─oxygen bond
of CO2 and the oxygen─hydrogen bond of H2O. The increased vibration of the bonds ef-
fectively heats the CO2 and H2O molecules. These heated molecules then pass the heat to
the other molecules in the atmosphere (N2, O2) and this keeps the Earth at an equitable
temperature. The vibrating frequencies of the O─O bond in oxygen and the N─N bond
in nitrogen molecules are very different from these radiation frequencies and so are rela-
tively unaffected. As there are many more water molecules than CO2 or CH4 molecules
in the atmosphere, the overall contribution of the H2O molecules to the greenhouse ef-
fect is larger than the contribution by CO2 or CH4 or the other minor greenhouse gases
(GHGs), such as chlorinated hydrocarbons. However, as the CO2 concentration has in-
creased from 280 ppm (280 parts per million or 280 molecules per million molecules)
before the industrial revolution, to 410 ppm (observed at Mauna Loa Observatory on
April 21, 2017), and as the H2O concentration in the atmosphere remains relatively con-
stant, it is the CO2 (together with other GHGs) that is largely responsible for present-day
global warming.
Sunlight can be harnessed in a number of ever-evolving and ingenious ways, which
include solar heating (usually water, Chapter 6), photovoltaics (for electricity production
and the main focus of this volume), concentrated solar thermal energy (Chapter 7) and
also solar ponds [2], space heating [3], molten salt power plants [4], and even artificial
photosynthesis. Some of these technologies have been developed only in the past 30 years
as ways of mitigating climate change and the build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide
from the burning of fossil fuel. The strength of solar energy lies in its inexhaustibility and
also in the wide variety of ways that it can be harnessed ranging from small scale to large-
scale applications.
In 2016, renewable energy supplied less than a quarter of electricity in the world. The
renewable energy total of 23.7% is made up of: pumped hydroelectricity being the most
prevalent, with 16.6%; wind 4%; and solar only 1.5% (Section 1.7). In spite of the rela-
tively low values for wind and solar energy, their rate of implementation is amazingly
rapid and the predictions for the future are promising. As an indication of things to
come, we note that on May 15, 2017 Germany received almost all of its electricity from
renewable and for 4 days (May 7–10, 2017) Portugal ran on renewable energy (wind,
solar, and hydro) alone [5].
Chapter 1 • Why Solar Energy? 5
1.2 How Much Solar Energy Falls on the Earth and How
Much is Used to Make Electricity?
There are many ways of expressing how much solar energy falls on the earth. Chris Goodall
writes in The Switch that the sun supplies enough power in 90 min to meet the world’s total
energy needs for a year [6]. In more scientific language, the Earth receives 174 × 1015 W
[174 PW (petawatts)] of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere.
Approximately 30% of this is reflected back to space, while the rest is absorbed by the
oceans and landmasses and things on the earth. At night this 70% absorbed energy is radi-
ated back into space keeping the earth at a constant temperature.
The total solar energy absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land masses is
approximately 3.85 × 1024 J a−1 [3.85 YJ a−1 (yottajoules per annum)] [7]. Photosynthesis
captures less than 0.1% of this, approximately 3.0 × 1021 ZJ a−1 (zettajoules per annum), in
biomass [8]. The total energy consumption in the world today is less than 0.02% of the total
solar energy shining on the earth.
Most people in the world live in areas with insolation levels of 150–300 W m−2 or 3.5–
7.0 kW h m–2 d–1, where d refers to day [9]. This magnitude of solar energy available makes
it an appealing source of electricity. The United Nations Development Programme in its
2000 World Energy Assessment found that the annual potential of solar energy was be-
tween 16 000 and 50 000 × 1018 J (16 000–50 000 EJ). This is many times larger than the total
world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ in 2012 [10].
Solar energy supplied only 0.45% of the total primary energy consumption in 2015. This
is far below traditional forms of energy or other renewable forms of energy (Table 1.1) and
reference [11]. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, solar energy produces 1.5% of all the
electricity used globally. Therefore, much work has to be done to realize the suggestion of
the International Energy Agency (IEA) that the sun could be the largest source of electricity
by 2050, ahead of fossil fuels, wind, hydro, and nuclear. According to a recent report by IEA,
solar PV systems could generate up to 16% of the world’s electricity by 2050, while solar
thermal electricity (STE) from concentrated solar power (CSP) plants could provide an
additional 11%; this will require an early and sustained investment in existing and future
solar technologies [12].
Table 1.1 World Energy Primary Consumption, 2015, Percentages [11]
Energy Types Percentages (%)
Oil 32.9
Coal 29.2
Gas 23.9
Nuclear 4.4
Hydro 6.8
Wind 1.4
Solar 0.45
Note this table is not referring to electricity production. For the breakdown of electricity production see
Table 1.3 in Section 1.7.
6 A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems
is paid for PV-generated electricity that is fed into the grid. This premium can be several
times higher than the normal tariff paid for fossil-fuel-generated electricity. This has led
to the establishment of a large number of wind farms, as well as many rooftop PV systems
for individual houses.
In spite of its intermittent nature, solar power from PV panels has many advantages:
• The wafer panels are manufactured in modular form and can be retrofitted to roofs
anywhere the sun shines.
• PV panels can be installed where the power is needed thus eliminating the need to
integrate into grid systems. This is particularly important in areas, which do not have
grid electricity.
• Often, particularly in hot countries, which have a high demand for air conditioning,
the generation of PV electricity coincides with the greatest need for electricity during
the day.
• PV electricity is useful over a wide range from the charging of mobile phones, street
lighting using LEDs, telecommunications [20], space vehicles, solar pumps [21], and
grid electricity.
Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) use optical lenses or curved mirrors to concentrate
light onto small but highly efficient solar cells. Often these systems are fitted with cooling
systems because the efficiency of PV decreases with cell temperature [18].
Most (99%) of European solar cells are connected to the grid while off-grid systems are
more common in Australia, South America, Africa, and South Korea [22].
PV systems are found in three marketing area: residential rooftop, commercial roof-
top, and ground-mounted utility-scale systems (solar farms). In 2013, rooftop systems ac-
counted for 60% of the global installations; this is changing rapidly with a shift toward util-
ity-scale systems and as of 2017 utility systems in the United States have a higher installed
capacity than the sum of residential and commercial. Residential systems are typically
around 10 kW while commercial systems reach megawatt scale. The utility-scale power
plants are in the range of 100–500 MW and moving to the 1 GW capacity, and are becoming
more common especially in hot regions of the world. Three years ago, California’s 550 MW
(Topaz Solar farm) was the world’s largest solar project. A year later, another large Califor-
nian solar farm (the 579 MW Star Solar farm) was built followed in 2016 by India’s 648 MW
Kamuthi Solar Power Project. This was surpassed in 2017 by China’s Longyangxia Dam
Solar Park of 850 MW [23].
A solar farm PV system connected to the grid, consists of the solar array and additional
components usually called “balance of system” (BOS), which includes power conditioning
equipment, and DC to AC power converters (called inverters) (Chapter 15).
The efficiency of commercial PV modules is about 16% and the modules are expected
to have a life-time of 25 years. Higher efficiencies have been recorded [24].
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damned nigger!" The boxer hauled back and hit him in the mouth
and he dropped to the pavement.
We hurried away to the restaurant. We sat around, the poor woman
among us, endeavoring to woo the spirit of celebration. But we were
all wet. The boxer said: "I guess they don't want no colored in this
damned white man's country." He dropped his head down on the
table and sobbed like a child. And I thought that that was his
I thought, too, of Bernard Shaw's asking why I did not choose
pugilism instead of poetry for a profession. He no doubt imagined
that it would be easier for a black man to win success at boxing than
at writing in a white world. But looking at life through an African
telescope I could not see such a great difference in the choice. For,
according to British sporting rules, no Negro boxer can compete for a
championship in the land of cricket, and only Negroes who are
British subjects are given a chance to fight. These regulations have
nothing to do with the science of boxing or the Negro's fitness to
participate. They are made merely to discourage boxers who are
black and of African descent.
Perhaps the black poet has more potential scope than the pugilist.
The literary censors of London have not yet decreed that no book by
a Negro should be published in Britain—not yet!
A Job in London
YET London was not wholly Hell, for it was possible for me to
compose poetry some of the time. No place can be altogether a
God-forsaken Sahara or swamp in which a man is able to discipline
and compose his emotions into self-expression. In London I wrote
So much I have forgotten in ten years,
So much in ten brief years! I have forgot
What time the purple apples come to juice,
And what month brings the shy forget-me-not.
I have forgot the special, startling season
Of the pimento's flowering and fruiting;
What time of year the ground doves brown the fields
And fill the noonday with their curious fluting.
I have forgotten much, but still remember
The poinsettia's red, blood-red in warm December.
My mother is Zebeeda,
I disavow not her name and I am Antar,
But I am not vainglorious ...
Her dark complexion sparkles like a sabre in the shades of night
And her shape is like the well-formed spear....
To me these verses of Antar written more than twelve centuries ago
are more modern and full of meaning for a Negro than is Homer.
Perhaps if black and mulatto children knew more of the story and the
poetry of Antar, we might have better Negro poets. But in our Negro
schools and colleges we learn a lot of Homer and nothing of Antar.
Back in Harlem
LIKE fixed massed sentinels guarding the approaches to the great
metropolis, again the pyramids of New York in their Egyptian majesty
dazzled my sight like a miracle of might and took my breath like the
banging music of Wagner assaulting one's spirit and rushing it
skyward with the pride and power of an eagle.
The feeling of the dirty steerage passage across the Atlantic was
swept away in the immense wonder of clean, vertical heaven-
challenging lines, a glory to the grandeur of space.
Oh, I wished that it were possible to know New York in that way only
—as a masterpiece wrought for the illumination of the sight, a
splendor lifting aloft and shedding its radiance like a searchlight,
making one big and great with feeling. Oh, that I should never draw
nearer to descend into its precipitous gorges, where visions are
broken and shattered and one becomes one of a million, average,
ordinary, insignificant.
At last the ship was moored and I came down to the pavement. Ellis
Island: doctors peered in my eyes, officials scrutinized my passport,
and the gates were thrown open.
The elevated swung me up to Harlem. At first I felt a little fear and
trembling, like a stray hound scenting out new territory. But soon I
was stirred by familiar voices and the shapes of houses and saloons,
and I was inflated with confidence. A wave of thrills flooded the
arteries of my being, and I felt as if I had undergone initiation as a
member of my tribe. And I was happy. Yes, it was a rare sensation
again to be just one black among many. It was good to be lost in the
shadows of Harlem again. It was an adventure to loiter down Fifth
and Lenox avenues and promenade along Seventh Avenue.
Spareribs and corn pone, fried chicken and corn fritters and sweet
potatoes were like honey to my palate.
There was a room for me in the old house on One Hundred Thirty-
first Street, but there was no trace of Manda. I could locate none of
my close railroad friends. But I found Sanina. Sanina was an
attractive quadroon from Jamaica who could pass as white. Before
prohibition she presided over a buffet flat. Now she animated a cosy
speakeasy. Her rendezvous on upper Seventh Avenue, with its pink
curtains and spreads, created an artificial rose-garden effect. It was
always humming like a beehive with brown butterflies and flames of
all ages from the West Indies and from the South.
Sanina infatuated them all. She possessed the cunning and
fascination of a serpent, and more charm than beauty. Her clients
idolized her with a loyalty and respect that were rare. I was never
quite sure what was the secret of her success. For although she was
charming, she was ruthless in her affairs. I felt a congeniality and
sweet nostalgia in her company, for we had grown up together from
kindergarten. Underneath all of her shrewd New York getting-byness
there was discernible the green bloom of West Indian naïveté. Yet
her poise was a marvel and kept her there floating like an
imperishable block of butter on the crest of the dark heaving wave of
Harlem. Sanina always stirred me to remember her dominating
octoroon grandmother (who was also my godmother) who beat her
hard white father in a duel they fought over the disposal of her body.
But that is a West Indian tale.... I think that some of Sanina's success
came from her selectiveness. Although there were many lovers
mixing up their loving around her, she kept herself exclusively for the
lover of her choice.
I passed ten days of purely voluptuous relaxation. My fifty dollars
were spent and Sanina was feeding me. I was uncomfortable. I
began feeling intellectual again. I wrote to my friend, Max Eastman,
that I had returned to New York. My letter arrived at precisely the
right moment. The continuation of The Liberator had become a
problem. Max Eastman had recently resigned the editorship in order
to devote more time to creative writing. Crystal Eastman also was
retiring from the management to rest and write a book on feminism.
Floyd Dell had just published his successful novel, Moon Calf, and
was occupied with the writing of another book.
Max Eastman invited me to Croton over the week-end to discuss the
situation. He proposed to resume the editorship again if I could
manage the sub-editing that Floyd Dell did formerly. I responded with
my hand and my head and my heart. Thus I became associate editor
of The Liberator. My experience with the Dreadnought in London
was of great service to me now.
The times were auspicious for the magazine. About the time that I
was installed it received a windfall of $11,000 from the government,
which was I believe a refund on mailing privileges that had been
denied the magazine during the war.
Soon after taking on my job I called on Frank Harris, I took along an
autographed copy of Spring in New Hampshire, the book of verses
that I had published in London. The first thing Frank Harris asked
was if I had seen Bernard Shaw. I told him all about my visit and
Shaw's cathedral sermon. Harris said that perhaps Shaw was getting
religion at last and might die a good Catholic. Harris was not as well-
poised as when I first met him. Pearson's Magazine was not making
money, and he was in debt and threatened with suspension of
publication. He said he desired to return to Europe where he could
find leisure to write, that he was sick and tired of the editor business.
He did not congratulate me on my new job. The incident between
him and The Liberator was still a rancor in his mind. He wasn't a
man who forgot hurts easily.
But he was pleased that I had put over the publication of a book of
poems in London. "It's a hard, mean city for any kind of genius," he
said, "and that's an achievement for you." He looked through the little
brown-covered book. Then he ran his finger down the table of
contents closely scrutinizing. I noticed his aggressive brow become
heavier and scowling. Suddenly he roared: "Where is the poem?"
"Which one?" I asked with a bland countenance, as if I didn't know
which he meant.
"You know which," he growled. "That fighting poem, 'If We Must Die.'
Why isn't it printed here?"
I was ashamed. My face was scorched with fire. I stammered: "I was
advised to keep it out."
"You are a bloody traitor to your race, sir!" Frank Harris shouted. "A
damned traitor to your own integrity. That's what the English and
civilization have done to your people. Emasculated them. Deprived
them of their guts. Better you were a head-hunting, blood-drinking
cannibal of the jungle than a civilized coward. You were bolder in
America. The English make obscene sycophants of their subject
peoples. I am Irish and I know. But we Irish have guts the English
cannot rip out of us. I'm ashamed of you, sir. It's a good thing you got
out of England. It is no place for a genius to live."
Frank Harris's words cut like a whip into my hide, and I was glad to
get out of his uncomfortable presence. Yet I felt relieved after his
castigation. The excision of the poem had been like a nerve cut out
of me, leaving a wound which would not heal. And it hurt more every
time I saw the damned book of verse. I resolved to plug hard for the
publication of an American edition, which would include the omitted
poem. "A traitor," Frank Harris had said, "a traitor to my race." But I
felt worse for being a traitor to myself. For if a man is not faithful to
his own individuality, he cannot be loyal to anything.
I soon became acquainted and friendly with The Liberator
collaborators and sympathizers: Art Young, Boardman Robinson,
Stuart Davis, John Barber, Adolph Dehn, Hugo Gellert, Ivan Opfer,
Maurice Becker, Maurice Sterne, Arturo Giovanitti, Roger Baldwin,
Louis Untermeyer, Mary Heaton Vorse, Lydia Gibson, Cornelia
Barnes, Genevieve Taggard. William Gropper and Michael Gold
became contributing editors at the same time that I joined The
Liberator staff.
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