Lecture 7
Lecture 7
Lecture 7
Student name: Mohammed Omar Ibrahim
Student ID: 52010496
Prof. Dr. Osayed Sayed
1. External forced convection is important in the design of which engineering systems?
a. Electrical circuits
b. Chemical reactors
c. Aircraft and automobiles
d. Water treatment plants
2. The flow fields and geometries for most external flow problems are too complicated to be solved
analytically. Therefore, we rely on correlations based on:
a. Theoretical models
b. Experimental data
c. Computational simulations
d. Empirical formulas
3. The velocity of the fluid relative to an immersed solid body outside the boundary layer is called the:
a. Free-stream velocity
b. Surface velocity
c. Boundary velocity
d. Drag velocity
4. The force a flowing fluid exerts on a body in the flow direction is called:
a. Lift
b. Thrust
c. Drag
d. Resistance
5. The drag force on a body in external flow is due to the combined effects of:
a. Pressure only
b. Wall shear only
c. Friction and pressure
d. Lift and thrust
6. The drag coefficient is primarily a function of the shape of the body, but it may also depend on:
7. The part of drag that is due directly to wall shear stress is called:
8. For parallel flow over a flat plate, the drag coefficient is equal to:
a. Laminar flow
b. Turbulent flow
c. Transitional flow
d. All flow regimes
10. The pressure drag is usually dominant for which type of bodies?
a. Streamlined bodies
b. Blunt bodies
c. Thin plates
d. Airfoils
11. The separated region behind a body where recirculating and backflows occur is called the:
a. Wake
b. Boundary layer
c. Shear layer
d. Separation zone
12. The larger the separated region, the larger the:
a. Lift force
b. Pressure drag
c. Friction drag
d. Skin friction coefficient
a. Lift drag
b. Pressure drag
c. Skin friction drag
d. Form drag
14. For parallel flow over a flat plate, the drag coefficient is equal to which coefficient?
15. What is the separated region behind a body in which recirculating and backflows occur called?
a. Boundary layer
b. Wake
c. Free-stream region
d. Separation region
16. The phenomena that affect drag force also affect which aspect of heat transfer?
a. Thermal conductivity
b. Heat flux
c. Nusselt number
d. Temperature gradient
17. Which equation represents the relationship between local and average Nusselt numbers?
a. Nusselt = Reynolds^2
b. Nusselt = Prandtl^2
c. Nusselt = Grashof^2
d. Nusselt = Prandtl × Reynolds
18. The experimental data for heat transfer are often represented by which type of relation?
a. Exponential relation
b. Linear relation
c. Power-law relation
d. Quadratic relation
19. What is the value of the constant C in the power-law relation for heat transfer?
20. Which term refers to the fluid temperature at the surface in the thermal boundary layer?
a. T∞
b. Ts
c. T0
d. Tavg
21. The drag force on a body is influenced by which of the following factors?
a. Pressure drag
b. Wall shear stress
c. Lift force
d. Frictional force
a. Fluid temperature
b. Surface roughness
c. Mach number
d. Body orientation
28. The drag force is the net force exerted by a fluid on a body in the direction of flow due to the
combined effects of:
a. Laminar flow
b. Turbulent flow
c. Transitional flow
d. Both laminar and turbulent flows have the same drag coefficient
a. Streamlined bodies
b. Blunt bodies
c. Thin plates
d. Airfoils
32. The forming section of a plastics plant puts out a continuous sheet of plastic that is 4 ft wide and
0.04 in thick at a velocity of 30 ft/min. The temperature of the plastic sheet is 200°F when it is exposed
to the surrounding air, and a 2-ft-long section of the plastic sheet is subjected to
airflow at 80°F at a velocity of 10 ft/s on both sides along its surfaces normal to the
direction of motion of the sheet, as shown in Fig. 7-15. Determine (a) the rate of
heat transfer from the plastic sheet to air by forced convection and radiation and
(b) the temperature of the plastic sheet at the end of the cooling section. Take the
density, specific heat, and emissivity of the plastic sheet to be p= 75 Ibm/ft*, c, =
0.4 Btw/lbm°F, and £ = 0.9.
the rate of heat transfer from the plastic sheet to air by forced convection
and radiation?
a. 1639 Btu/h
b. 2639 Btu/h
c. 4639 Btu/h
d. 2619 Btu/h
the temperature of the plastic sheet at the end of the cooling section?
a. 393.6°F
b. 143.6°F
c. 199.6°F
d. 193.6°F
33. A 2.2-cm-outer-diameter pipe is to span a river at a 30-
mwide section while being completely immersed in water
(Fig.). The average flow velocity of water is 4 m/s, and the
water temperature is 15°C. Determine the drag force exerted
on the pipe by the river.
a. 530 kN
b. 5275 kN
c. 530 kN
d. 5.30 kN
34. An airstream at | atm flows, with a velocity of 4 m/s, in parallel over a 2-m-long flat plate
where there is an unheated starting length of 0.5 m. The airstream has a temperature of 20°C, and
the heated section of the flat plate is maintained at a constant temperature of 80°C. Determine:
the average Nusselt number
a. 93.6
b. 143.2
c. 299.6
d. 396.2
convection heat transfer coefficient for the heated section
a. 542 W/m2K
b. 143 W/m2K
c. 499 W/m2K
d. 193 W/m2K
the rate of heat transfer per unit width for the heated section.
a. 347.8 W/m
b. 87.8 W/m
c. 487.8 W/m
d. 187.8 W/m
35. Engine oil at 60°C flows over the upper surface of a S-m-long
flat plate whose temperature is 20°C with a velocity of 2 m/s
(Fig.). Determine :
The rate of heat transfer per unit width of the entire plate.
a. 11,050
b. 1,050
c. 10,050
d. 9,050
36. What is the primary purpose of external forced convection in the mechanical and thermal
design of engineering systems?
a. To reduce drag forces
b. To enhance heat transfer
c. To increase fluid velocity
d. To decrease surface area
37. Which type of flow problems in external forced convection can be solved analytically?
a. Flow across cylinders
b. b. Parallel flow over flat plates
c. Flow across tube banks
d. Flow over solid bodies
38. The availability of high-speed computers has facilitated which approach in external forced
a. Analytical solutions
b. Experimental testing
c. Numerical experimentations
d. Correlation-based methods
40. The experimental data for heat transfer are often represented by a simple power-law
relation. What does this relation describe?
a. Pressure drop
b. Friction coefficient
c. Nusselt number
d. Temperature distribution
41. What does the fluid temperature typically vary from in the thermal boundary layer?
a. Surface temperature to room temperature
b. Surface temperature to infinity
c. Room temperature to infinity
d. Room temperature to the outer edge of the boundary