Lect 3

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Crown & Bridge Prosthodontics

Lecture 3 Dr. Lamis A. Al-Taee

Evaluation Abutment tooth

Abutment in fixed prosthodontic terminology is a tooth or portion of a tooth

that supports and/or retains a fixed bridge or part of the bridge, to which the
retainer is connected (cemented).

All forces that are absorbed by the missing tooth are transmitted, through the
pontic, connectors, & retainers to the abutment teeth. Abutment teeth must
withstand forces that are normally directed to the missing teeth, in addition to
those usually applied to the abutments, therefore, the choice of abutment is
important because it has to withstand the forces that acting on it and on the

So the clinician have to evaluate the abutment teeth carefully

Considerable time & expense are spared by thoroughly investigating each

abutment tooth before proceeding the preparation. Radiographs are made &
the pulpal health is assessed by evaluating the response to thermal & electrical

Evaluation Aids:

They include; clinical examination using examination tools, vitality test,

radiographs, diagnostic casts, & periodontal probe.


1- The abutment must withstand forces normally directed to the missing teeth,
whenever possible the abutment should be vital tooth.

2- A symptomatic endodontically treated teeth with a radiographic evidence of

good seal & complete obturation of the canal can serve as abutment (post &
core for retention & strength).

3) The supporting tissue surrounding the abutment teeth must be healthy &
free of inflammation.

4) Abutment teeth must not exhibit any mobility, since they will be carrying an
extra load. Sever uncorrectable periodontal disease is contraindicated for

Abutment evaluation (selection):

Factors related to tooth (abutment)

1. Shape:

Some teeth have conical, peg, bulbous or tapered crown form that interfere
with the preparation parallelism, necessitating full coverage crowns to improve
aesthetics and retention. Examples; Peg laterals, anterior teeth with poorly
developed cingula and short proximal walls, mandibular premolars with poorly
developed lingual cusps & short proximal surface, and thin incisors.

Peg form

2. Crown length

- Abutment teeth must have adequate occlusocervical crown length to achieve

sufficient retention. Full coverage restorations & crown lengthening are
considered with short clinical crowns to ensure adequate retention.

3. Size of the crown:

It determines the type of retainer to be used. For example: short, thin, conical,
tapered teeth are poor indication for partial veneer crown.

3. Health of abutment (caries or pulpal):

- A sound abutment tooth permits ideal type of preparation. Carious tooth may
be used as abutment if the caries is removed with pulp protection (lining) and
then restored to its original form by suitable filling material.

- Degree of mutilation of the crown: The size, number &

location of the carious lesion or restorations in a tooth will
influence the type of the retainer on the abutment. If the
caries is small and far away from the margin, the retainer
design will extend beyond the caries area. If the
mutilation/fracture is severe, removal of the tooth might be indicated.

-Vital teeth are preferred, however, pulpless teeth can be used only after
endodontic treatment. Pulp capped teeth should be avoided because they are
under risk of requiring RCT.

- Modifications like dowel core and pin retained restorations may be needed to
restore crown morphology in grossly destructed teeth.

4. Axial relationship:

a) Rotation, tilting, over lapping, malposition might lead to a decision of

excluding such a tooth to be used as abutment (because rotation or torque
can damage the supporting structure or cause retainer to become loose).

b) It may indicate the use of specific retainer (over reduction lead to weaken
the tooth & endanger pulp health).

c) Rotation lead to either increase or decrease of space available for pontic

(size of pontic planned).

Factors related to root

1. Root configuration (root shape, angulation & length)

- The shape of the roots determine the ability of the roots to handle the occlusal
forces. Root that is wider labiolingually than mesiodistally with elliptic cross-
section offers better support than a tooth with similar root surface area but
has a circular cross-section.

- Parallel-sided roots with developmental depressions are better to resist

occlusal forces than smooth-sided conical roots which can be used for short
span bridge, if the other factors are optimal.

- A single-rooted tooth with irregular configuration or with some curvature at

the apical third of the root is preferable than tooth that has a nearly perfect

- Multi-rooted teeth with separated roots provide greater stability than single-
rooted teeth or teeth with conjoined roots.

- Teeth with longer root are stronger abutment than shorter one, since root
length is directly proportional to the stability & strength of the prosthesis.

2. Crown - root ratio: It is a linear measurement of the length of the tooth

occlusal to the crest of alveolar bone (crown) compared to the length of the
tooth that is embedded in the bone (root).

- 2:3 Crown/Root ratio is the optimum for a tooth to be used as abutment.

- 1:1 Crown/Root ratio is the minimum acceptable ratio. It might be considered

adequate if the opposing occlusion is mobile or periodontally involved, or it
composed of artificial teeth, which reduce occlusal forces that acting on the
abutment which means less stress on the abutments.

Factors related to Gingivo-Periodontal complex

- Abutment teeth must be free from periodontal disease, periodontal pockets,

osseous defect, and gingival inflammation with adequate zone of attached

- The supporting tissue surrounding the abutment teeth must be healthy & free
of inflammation. The abutment teeth should not exhibit any mobility, since
they will be carrying an extra load. Intra oral radiograph should be used to
evaluate bone architecture.

- The alveolar bone support is one of most important factors that aid to evaluate
an abutment which must be healthy, have good trabecular architecture with
no sign of bone defect or bone loss.

3. Root surface area (Periodontal ligament area):

- The periodontal ligament area can be used as a scale or measurement to

determine the potency of an abutment for FPDs.

- Tylman stated that “Two abutment teeth could support two pontics”.

- Johnston et al improvised Tylman’s statement and proposed the famous

ANTE’s Law

Periodontal surface area “Ante's law”:

- The root surface area of abutment teeth (embedded in bone) (pericemental

area) must be equal or greater than root surface area of teeth to be replaced.
- If the periodontal surface area seems inadequate, the use of multiple teeth
for abutments may be indicated depending on other biomechanical factors.

Example: Missing 1st molar alone or with 2nd premolar, the root surface areas
of both are equal to the root surface area of abutments (second molar & first

According to this premise:

- One missing tooth can be successfully replaced if

abutment teeth are healthy. In selected case and in
order to increase the capability of the bridge to
withstand the loading force 1st premolar can be
used as a secondary abutment.
- If two teeth are missing, a FPD can probably
replace the missing teeth but the limit is being
- If three missing posterior teeth (1st molar & two
premolars) or when the root surface area of the
teeth to be replaced by pontics are greater than that
of the abutment teeth, then a high risk or an
unacceptable situation for FPD is exists.

- Jespen (1963) reported average measurements of root surface areas that
can be used to calculate the abutment to pontic ratio

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