Report Phase 1 Raji
Report Phase 1 Raji
Report Phase 1 Raji
About two decades back, steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) were
considered a new technology for the construction industry. However today this
technology has found wider acceptance among the construction industry. And its now
well established that one of the important properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete
is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. The fibre composite
pronounced post – cracking ductility which is unheard of in ordinary concrete. The
transformation from a brittle to a ductile type of material would increase substantially
the energy absorption characteristics of the fibre composite and its ability to withstand
repeatedly applied, shock or impact loading.
SFRC is a concrete mix that contains discontinuous, discrete steel fibers that
are randomly dispersed and uniformly distributed. The quality and quantity of steel
fibers influence the mechanical properties of concrete. Intended for reinforcing
concrete are defined as short, discrete lengths of steel having an aspect ratio in the
range of 20-100, with any cross section and that are sufficiently small to be randomly
dispersed in an unhardened concrete mixture using usual mixing procedures.
Use of SFRC is increasingly popular in the U.S. and other countries, as it tends
to improve mechanical properties and structural performance relative to
conventionally reinforced concrete (with the same steel volume fraction). The addition
of steel fibers to a reinforced concrete beam is known to improve shear and flexural
behaviour. The improved behaviour of SFRC members is associated with the post
cracking tensile strength of SFRC; thus, the use of SFRC helps in reducing the degree
and width of cracking. Along with these advantages, one of the most useful
1.4 I-BEAM
An I-beam is only the most efficient shape in one direction of bending: up and
down looking at the profile as an I. If the beam is bent side to side, it functions as an H
where it is less efficient. The most efficient shape for both directions in 2D is a box (a
square shell) however the most efficient shape for bending in any direction is a
cylindrical shell or tube. But, for unidirectional bending, the I or wide flange beam is
superior. Efficiency means that for the same cross sectional area (volume of beam per
length) subjected to the same loading conditions, the beam deflects less.
In I-beam the web resists shear forces, while the flanges resist most of the
bending moment experienced by the beam. Beam theory shows that the I-shaped
section is a very efficient form for carrying both bending and shear loads in the plane
of the web.
The main objectives of this project is to study the flexure and shear behaviour
of reinforced concrete I-beam using steel fibre.
Concrete is a most versatile construction material because it is designed to
withstand the harsh environments. Engineers are continually pushing the limits to
improve its performance with the help of innovative chemical admixtures and
supplementary materials. These materials are majority by products from other
Many researchers are studied the possible use of Steel fiber to enhance the
tensile strength of the concrete. In this chapter, the work carried out by various
investigators in India and abroad on the use of steel fiber for producing concrete and
mortar are reviewed and presented.
the tensile response, limit the crack propagation, improve the reserve strength and
alter the failure mode. So, more safety would be obtained. Presence of SFRC in web
reduces the damage of concrete and this leads to prevent or limit the occurrence of
horizontal cracks at ends and prevent bond slip in longitudinal reinforcement. The
cracks inclination observed in beams that had NSC or HSC in the webs was steeper
than that observed in beam with SFRC in the web. This means, the diagonal cracks in
SFRC in web will extend to a longer distance than in other webs. Therefore, the
diagonal cracks will be passing through two adjacent stirrups in SFRC beams and will
not split a beam into two parts between stirrups. As a result, the section becomes more
effective to resist shear stresses.
Pant Avinash, S. et al. (2009) studied the SFRC beams under bending, shear
and torsion without web reinforcement. The variable parameter is longitudinal steel at
bottom only. The top reinforcement, aspect ratio and volume fraction of steel fibres
were kept as constant for all types of beam. They studied three beams with different
bottom reinforcement and the dimension of the beam was 100x150x1700mm. For top
reinforcement 2 bars of 6mm diameter mild steel for all beams and for bottom
reinforcement 2 bars of 8mm, 10mm and 12mm diameter HYSD steel were provided.
The test set up is capable to test the beam specimen up to 2.5m length. The beam,
supported on simple supports at 0.1m from both the ends and was subjected to
combined action of torsion bending- shear, using the set of trusses attached to the
beam in opposite direction. One of the trusses attached at distance 0.4m from left
support and the load was applied at distance 0.35m from the axis of the beam using a
hydraulic jack against one of the loading frames. The load was applied through a 20
kN capacity proving ring. They concluded that the ultimate torsional strength of
rectangular beams without web reinforcement depends upon the properties of the
concrete and independent of the longitudinal reinforcement The ultimate torsional
strength depends upon the web reinforcement and it increases with decrease in the
spacing of stirrups. Also they noted the failure pattern of all beams are torsional shear
failure and cracks were formed about 450 to the axis of the beam.
Kang. T. H.-K. and Kim. W (2010) studied the effect of steel fibers on the
shear strength of a lightweight concrete beam and they studied the variables such as
shear span-to-depth ratio and steel fiber volume fraction. The addition of steel fibers
with volume fractions of 0.5% to 0.75% increased the shear strength by roughly about
25% to 45%. It was also found that the shear-to-depth ratio adversely affected the
shear strength. Several steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams were evaluated using the
re-assessed data of the shear strength. The shear strength of the steel fiber-reinforced
normal weight concrete beam is slightly larger than that of the SFRLC beam.
However, for design models, the lightweight concrete modification factor of 0.75 is
conservatively applicable to the steel fiber-reinforced beam. The addition of steel
fibers with volume fraction of 0.5% to 0.75% improves the resistance to structural
damage and ultimate shear strength in SFRLC by roughly about 25% to 45%.
of beam. The dimension of the beam is 750x350x75mm. The percentage of the steel
fibre was varied from 0 to 1%. They used 3 different types of beams with opening in
tension and in compression and without opening. 2 bars of 16mm diameter was used
as main reinforcement. The bars were anchored by welding to 6mm thick steel plate at
both ends. The influence of fibre content in the concrete deep beam has been studied
by measuring the deflection of the deep beams and by observing the crack patterns.
The deep beam were tested in a 60T capacity Universal Testing Machine. All the
beams were tested upto failure under three point loading system. Finally they
concluded that Web openings may be provided in the compression zone of the beams
and fiber content of 0.75% by volume may be added to improve the strength of the
structure. The opening in the tension zone weaken the beam. Fiber content of 0.75%
by volume of the beam improves the ultimate load and the first crack load of the
beam. Additional of steel fibers increase the tensile strength of concrete matrix and
also increase in the flexural rigidity of the beam.
Shende, A.M. et al. (2012) studied the compressive strength, flexural strength
and split tensile strength of SFRC containing fibers of 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% of its
volume fraction and 50, 60 and 67 aspect ratio were used. It was observed that
compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength were on higher side
for 3% fibres as compared to that other ratio. All the strength properties were
observed to be on higher side for aspect ratio of 50 as compared to those for aspect
ratio 60 and 67. It was observed that compressive strength increased from 11 to 24%
and flexural strength increased from 12 to 49% and split tensile strength increased
from 3 to 41% with addition of steel fibres.
Tibea Ciprian, et al. (2012) studied the advantage of using mixed long and
short steel fibers over long steel fibers in ultra high performance concrete (UHPC)
beams subjected to shear. They studied two fiber mixes that were beams reinforced
with long steel fibers and beams reinforced with hybrid fibers (50% long steel fibers +
50% short steel fibers) for three different fiber percentages by volume (1.5%, 2.0%
and 2.55%). From the result it was observed that the hybrid steel fibers had more
advantageous regarding the ultimate force applied and deformations, compared to
beams reinforced with only long steel fibers. They concluded that the ultimate force
value was decreasing with the decreasing of fiber percentage by volume.
In the first phase, preliminary tests were conducted on OPC53 grade cement,
fine aggregate and coarse aggregate for finding the properties by using these
properties the mix ratio for M35 grade of concrete was calculated as per IS method.
The specimens of cubes (150mm x 150mm x 150mm), cylinders (150mm x 300mm)
and concrete beams (100mm x 100mm x 500mm) were cast by varying the volume
fraction of steel fibre from 0 to 2.5% with an increment of 0.5% and cured it. Then
compression test at 7 and 28 days and split tensile test and flexure test at 28 days were
found. Compared the strength with control specimen, the optimum result was found
out. The methodology flow chart for phase I is shown in figure 3.1.
In the second phase, the reinforced concrete I beams are designed and cast
based on the optimum result. The test will be carried on beams under two point
loading to find its flexure and shear behaviour and also to find its ductility, crack
pattern, deflection and stress strain behaviour of beam. The methodology flow chart
for phase II is shown in figure 3.2.
Literature Review
Collection of Materials
Finding material
Compression Test
Flexure Test on
Casting of Reinforced
Concrete I beams
Curing of Reinforced
Concrete I beams
Cement is well known building material and has occupied an indispensable
place in construction works. Cement having adhesive and cohesive properties, which
provides a binding medium. It is obtained by burning together, in a definite
proportion, a mixture of naturally occurring argillaceous and calcareous material by
fusion at high temperature. The product obtained by burning, cooled and ground to the
required fineness is known as cement.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has classified OPC in three different
grades. The classification is mainly based on the compressive strength of cement-sand
mortar cubes of face area 50 cm2 composed of 1 part of cement and 3 parts of standard
sand by weight with a water-cement ratio arrived by a specified procedure. The grades
are (1) 33 grade (2) 43 grade (3) 53 grade. The grade number indicates the minimum
compressive strength of cement sand mortar in N/mm2 at 28th days, as tested by
above mentioned procedure. In this project, Chettinad 53 grade Ordinary Portland
Cement is used.
It should be hard, dense, durable, clean and free from clay or loamy admixtures
or quarry refuse or vegetable matter. The pieces of aggregates should be cubical or
rounded shaped and should have granular or crystalline or smooth (but not glossy) non
powdery surfaces. Aggregates should be properly screened and if necessary washed
clean before use. Coarse aggregates containing flat, elongated or flaky pieces or mica
should be rejected. The grading of coarse aggregates should be as per specifications of
IS 383-1970. In this project, 20mm size of angular shaped coarse aggregate is used.
Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it strengthens cement gel, the
quantity and quality of water is required to be looked into very carefully.
Water is used for mixing and curing process and it should be clean and free
from injurious amount of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other
substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable water is generally
considered satisfactory for mixing concrete. The suspended solid material in the water
shall not exceed 200mg/l. Mixing and curing with sea water shall not be permitted.
The pH value shall not be less than 6. Water used for curing should not produce any
objectionable strain or unsightly deposit on the concrete surface. In this project,
drinkable ground water from local source is used.
The aspect ratio is important indicator as to the ability of the steel fibre to
disperse in the concrete. In this project, crimped type steel fiber is used with an aspect
ratio of 25. The properties of steel fibre as per manufacturer’s catalogue are given in
Table 4.1.
Type Crimped
Length 12.5mm
Diameter 0.5mm
Aspect ratio 25
Specific gravity 7.85
Density in kg/m3 7850
Alkali resistance High
Corrosion resistance High
Water absorption Nil
5.1.1 Fineness
A 100 gram of cement was taken and sieved in a standard IS 90µ continuously
for 15 minutes using sieve shaker. The weight of residue left on the sieve was noted.
The fineness of cement is shown in Table 5.1
Table 5.1 Fineness of cement
S. No Description Trial No.1 Trial No.2 Trial No.3
1 Weight of sample (gm) 100 100 100
2 Weight of material retained (gm) 3 3 3
3 Fineness of cement 3 3 3
The empty weight of specific gravity bottle was noted as W1. The bottle filled
with distilled water and weight taken as W5. The specific gravity bottle was filled with
kerosene and weight noted as W4. Some of the kerosene was taken out and filled with
cement and the weight measured as W3. Weight of bottle with cement as W2 .Table
5.5 shows the specific gravity of cement.
Table 5.5 Specific Gravity of Cement
S.No Description Trial No.1 Trial No.2 Trial No.3
1 Weight of empty bottle (W1) gm 45 45 45
2 Weight of bottle + cement (W2) gm 65 65 65
Weight of bottle + kerosene +
3 141 141 141
cement (W3) gm
Weight of bottle + kerosene (W4)
4 129 129 129
5 Weight of bottle + water (W5) gm 149.5 149.5 149.5
6 Specific gravity of cement 3.15 3.15 3.15
Compacted state
Wt of sample taken = 4.846 kg
Density = 1613 kg/m3
Type Crimped
Length 12.5mm
Diameter 0.5mm
Aspect ratio 25
Specific gravity 7.85
Density in kg/m3 7850
Alkali resistance High
Corrosion resistance High
Water absorption Nil
As per IS 10262:2009, mix design for M35 grade concrete is carried out.
1. Specific gravity
2. Water Absorption
3. Sieve Analysis
ft = 35 + (1.65 X 5 )
= 43.25 N/mm2
From Table 5 of IS 456: 2000, maximum w/c ratio is 0.45 for severe condition.
Hence OK.
W/ c ratio = 0.45
As the w/c ratio is lower by 0.05, the proportion of volume of Coarse aggregate
is increase by 0.01. Therefore, corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for
the w/c ratio of 0.45 = 0.62
Volume of concrete = 1 m3
= 0.131 m3
= 0.683 m3
= 1185 kg/m3
= 675 kg/m3
Slump test is used to determine the workability of fresh concrete and test was
conducted as per IS: 1199 - 1959. The slump test is used widely, primarily because of
the simplicity of the apparatus required and the test procedure. The slump test
indicates the behaviour of a compacted concrete under the action of gravitational
forces. The apparatus used for slump test are slump cone and tamping rod. The test
was carried out with a mould called slump cone, and filled in three equal layers of
fresh concrete, each layer being tamped 25 times with a standard tamping rod. The top
layer is struck off level and the mould lifted vertically without disturbing the concrete
cone. The slump measured should be recorded in mm of subsidence of the specimen
during the test. Any slump which collapses or shears off laterally, gives incorrect
result and if this occurs, the test should be repeated.
The internal surface of the mould was thoroughly cleaned and free from
superfluous moisture and adherence of any old set concrete before commencing the
test. The mould was filled in three layers, each layer being tamped 25 times with a
standard tamping rod and taking care was taken to distribute the strokes evenly over
the cross section. After top layer was rodded, the concrete struck off level with a
trowel and the mould was removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly
and carefully in a vertical direction. This allowed concrete to subside. This subsidence
is referred as slump of concrete. The difference in level between the height of the
mould and that of the highest point of the subsided concrete was measured. This
difference in height in mm was noted and it was taken as slump of concrete. The
obtained slump value for normal concrete is 50 mm. This indicates medium
workability. Fig 7.1 shows slump cone apparatus and slump.
The compacting factor test is designed primarily for using in the laboratory but
it can also be used in the field. It is more precise and sensitive than the slump test and
in particularly, it is useful for concrete mixes at low workability which are normally
used. Such dry concrete are in sensitive to slump test. Compacting factor of fresh
concrete is done as per IS: 1199 – 1959 to determine the workability of fresh concrete.
Fig 7.2 shows the apparatus used for finding the Compacting factor.
is measured by the density ratio i.e., the ratio of the density actually achieved in the
test to density of same concrete fully compacted.
The sample of concrete was placed in the upper hopper up to the brim. The
trap-door was opened, that the concrete fell into the lower hopper and then the trap-
door of the lower hopper was opened and the concrete was allowed to fall into the
cylinder. (In the case of a dry-mix, it is likely that the concrete may not fall on
opening the trap-door In such a case, a slight poking by a rod may be required to set
the concrete in motion) The excess concrete remaining above the top level of the
cylinder was removed with the help of plane blades supplied with the apparatus.
The outside of the cylinder was cleaned and the concrete filled exactly up to the
top level of the cylinder. It was weighed and this weight is known as “weight of
partially compacted concrete”. The cylinder was emptied and then refilled with the
concrete from the same sample in 3 layers approximately. The layers rammed or
preferably vibrated so as to obtain full compaction and the top surface of the fully
compacted concrete carefully struck off level and weighed. This weight is known as
“weight of fully compacted concrete”.
The obtained compaction factor value for normal concrete is 0.765. This indicates it
gives medium workability.
7.3.1 General
One of the purposes of testing hardened concrete is to confirm that the concrete
used at site has developed the required strength. Testing of hardened concrete plays an
important role in controlling and confirming the quality of cement concrete works.
Systematic testing of raw materials, fresh and hardened concrete are inseparable part
of any quality control programme for concrete, which helps to achieve higher
efficiency of the material used and greater assurance of the performance of the
concrete with regard to both strength and durability. The test methods should be
simple, direct and convenient to apply. The specimen were cast and cured. The tests
for hardened concrete such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural
strength were conducted and the readings were noted. The number of specimens were
cast for testing mentioned in Table 7.1
The compressive strength test for cubes was conducted in compression testing
machine at the rate of 140 kg/cm2/min as per IS 516 : 1964 and the ultimate loads
were recorded.
The bearing surface of machine was wiped off clean and the surface of the
specimen was cleaned. The specimen was placed in machine and the axis of the
specimen was carefully aligned at the centre of loading frame. The load was applied
at a constant rate of 140 kg/cm2/min until the specimen fails and maximum load
applied was recorded. Fig 7.2 shows the experimental setup for compressive strength
The compression strength was calculated using the formula and the results are
tabulated in Table 7.2 and Table 7.3
P – Load in N
A – Area in mm2
The split tensile strength test for cylinders was carried out as per IS 516 : 1964.
Specimen was kept horizontally between the loading surfaces of a universal testing
machine and the load was applied until failure of the cylinder. The failure load was
noted and strength was calculated using the following formula. Fig 7.3 shows the
experimental setup for split tensile strength test and Table 7.3 shows split tensile
strength of cylinder.
The flexural strength test for beam was carried out as per IS 516 : 1964.
Specimen was kept horizontally between the loading surfaces of a universal testing
machine and the load was applied until failure of the cylinder. The failure load was
noted and shorter length from crack to support strength was measured. Then flexural
strength was calculated using the following formula. Fig 7.4 shows the experimental
setup for modulus of rupture. The results are tabulated in Table 7.5.
When a ≥ 133mm
P = Maximum load in N
L = Span in m
b = Average width in m
d = Average depth in m
50 45
Slump Value in mm
40 38 36
CSp Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5
Description of Mix
50 46.83 46.52
45 42.8 43.51 43.9
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
40 38.46
30.37 29.43
30 27.25 28.1
25 23.4
7th day
28th day
CSp Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5
Description of Mix
Figure 8.2 Variation of compressive strength of cubes at 7th and 28th day
The compressive strength of concrete mixes Sp1, Sp2, Sp3, Sp4 and Sp5 are
increased at 10.14%, 11.61%, 12.39%, 17.89% and 17.32% respectively when
compared with conventional concrete (CSp). It is also observed that the compressive
strength of Sp5 mix is decreased when compared with Sp4 mix. From the results, it is
observed that the compressive strength increases with increase in percentage of steel
fibre when compared with conventional concrete. At 28th day, the compressive
strength is obtained as 46.83N/mm2 for mix Sp4 which containing 2% of fibre content
which is higher than the other mixes and control concrete. Due to non uniform
distribution of steel fibre in concrete, the steel fibres are joined together that leads to
ball formation in concrete. So the interfacial bond between the fibres and cement
matrix were weak. This reduces the compressive strength of concrete.
4.39 4.32
4.5 4.01
4 3.72
Split tensile strength (N/mm2)
CSp Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5
Description of Mix
The split tensile strength of concrete mixes Sp1, Sp2, Sp3, Sp4 and Sp5 are
increased at 10.9%, 21.23%, 26.93%, 33.2% and 32.17% respectively when compared
with conventional concrete (CSp). It is also observed that the compressive strength of
Sp5 mix is decreased when
hen compared with Sp4 mix. From the results, it is observed
that the split tensile strength increases with increase in percentage of steel fibre when
compared with conventional concrete. At 28th day, the split tensile strength is obtained
as 4.39N/mm2 for mix Sp4 which containing 2% of fibre content which is higher than
the other mixes and control concrete. It is also observed that during testing
testing, control
concrete specimen had broken into two half and steel fibre added concrete specimen
retained the geometric
ometric integrity.
11.58 11.23
12 10.25 10.52 10.81
Flexural Strength (N/mm2)
CSp Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5
Description of Mix
The flexural strength of concrete mixes Sp1, Sp2, Sp3, Sp4 and Sp5 are
sed at 23.9%, 25.85%, 27.84%, 33.64%
33.64% and 31.37% respectively when
compared with conventional concrete (CSp). It is also observed that the compressive
strength of Sp5 mix is decreased when compared with Sp4 mix. From
From the results, it is
observed that the flexural strength increases with increase in percentage of steel fibre
when compared with conventional concrete. At 28th day, the flexural strength is
obtained as 11.58N/mm2 for mix Sp4 which containing 2% of fibre content
content which is
higher than the other mixes and control concrete. The addition of fibers in concrete,
significantly enhanced the performance of beam in flexural strength.. During the test it
was visually observed that the steel fibre concrete specimen has greater
greater crack control.
When the percentage of steel fibre increased, deflection gets decreased.
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