Pests of Pulses and Their Management_edited
Pests of Pulses and Their Management_edited
Pests of Pulses and Their Management_edited
their management
Nature of damage:
Larva bore into buds, flowers and pods
Feed on developing grains
Damage symptoms:
Damaged flowers, buds and pods
• Same as Pigeon pea pod borer
Pod fly, Melanagromyza obtusa
(Agromyzidae: Diptera)
Commonly found and major pest in India.
Occurs during pod maturation period
Small black fly with well developed ovopositor
in female
Maggots white, apodous
Pupa brown
Eggs are inserted into the pods near grains.
Fecundity- 10-80 eggs/female.
IP- 3 days; LP- 9-10 days; PP- 8-9 days.
Pupation inside the pod but outside grain
Nature of damage:
Maggots feed on part of the developing seeds
Before pupation, maggots feed on wall of the
pod inside leaving a round parchment like
Damage symptoms
No external damage to pods except
transparent window made by maggot
Inside shriveled and deformed grains
Indoxacarb 15.80% EC @ 0.3-0.5 ml/l OR
Lambda-cyhalothrin 5 % EC @ 0.6 ml/l
Green pod borer, Etiella zinckenella
(Phycitidae: Lepidoptera)
Widely distributed
Infestation starts at the end of red gram
FW light brown with a conspicuous white line
along the costal margin
HW translucent with two black lines near
outer margin.
Larva red with five black spots on prothorax
Eggs are laid singly on tender pods
IP- 10 days; LP- 10-17 days; PP- 9-12 days
Pupation in the soil
Nature of Damage:
Larva bore into the pods and feed on maturing
Fecal pellets seen inside the
damaged pods
Damage symptoms:
Pods with single hole, damaged seeds
Pods with fecal pellets
Same as Pigeon pea pod borer
Spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata
(Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera)
Major pest on red gram and other legume
Medium size moth, FW brown with white club
shaped marking attached to costal margin
HW white with irregular blotch
Larva whitish green with black spots on dorsal
Oval and yellow eggs are laid in small batches
on the flowers and buds
IP- 4-5 days; LP-10-15 days; PP- 8-10 days
Pupation in the web
Nature of damage:
Larva webs flowers, buds and pods and feeds
IT also bores into the pods at feed ripening
Fecal pellets seen at the entrance of burrow.
Damage symptoms:
Dried and webbed flowers, buds and pods
Pods with hole and eaten seeds along with
Same as Pigeon pea pod borer
Blue butterfly, Lampides boeticus
(Lycaenidae: Lepidoptea)
Widely distributed, attack several pulse crops
like red gram, cowpea, green gram etc.
Small blue butterfly with a black spot on HW
and a short hair like projection
Larva green, oval and flat
Female lays single sculptured eggs on buds
Pupation in the soil or in debris
Nature of damage:
Larva feeds on leaves, flowers, buds and pods
Damage symptoms:
Pods with damaged seeds
Same as Pigeon pea pod borer
Pod bugs
Summer plough to expose pupae to hot sun
and bird predation
Mix 100 g of jowar or pundi seeds which acts
as live bird perches
Use of sex pheromone traps to monitor the pest
@ 5 traps/ha at the time flowering.
Traps should be 1 ½ - 2 ft. above crop.
Lures should be changed at 15 days interval.
ETL – Five adults/trap or 3 eggs/plant or 1
larva/m row or 1 larva/10 plants initiate control
Neem Seed Kernal Extract (NSKE) @ 5%
(20 kg need seed + 100 g soap powder) per ha
Commercial neem product @ 2ml/l (1500 ppm)
HaNPV @ 250 LE/ha i.e., 0.75 ml/l. Mix 100 g
boric powder and 100 g jaggery.
Spray in the evening hours
Emamectin benzoate 05 % SG @ 0.4 g/l OR
Indoxacarb 15.80 % EC @ 0.3-0.5 ml/l OR
Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC @ 0.6-1.0 ml/l
Flubendiamide 8.33 % + Deltamethrin 5.56 % SC
@ 0.5 ml/l
Novaluron 05.25 % + Indoxacarb 04.50 % SC @
1.65-1.75 ml/l
Green gram
Spingid moth, Herse convolvuli (Spingidae:
Occasional pest
Moth spindle shaped, green with white cross
Larva greenish with yellowish cross bands
Bent horn on the last segment
Pupation in the earthen soil
Nature of damage:
Larvae feeds on leaves
Damage symptoms:
Deep ploughing
Collection and destruction of caterpillars
Emamectin benzoate 05 % SG @ 0.4 g/l OR
Indoxacarb 15.80 % EC @ 0.3-0.5 ml/l OR
Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC @ 0.6-1.0 ml/l
Pod weevil, Apiion aplum (Apionidae: Coleoptera)
• Adults black in colour, grubs white
• Eggs are inserted into tender pods
• Grubs feed on developing grains
• Pupation inside the pod, adults come out
making a small neat hole
• Also attacks black gram
Indoxacarb 15.80 % EC @ 0.3-0.5 ml/l OR
Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC @ 0.6-1.0 ml/l
Flubendiamide 8.33 % + Deltamethrin 5.56 %
SC @ 0.5 ml/l
Cow pea aphid, Aphis craccivora
(Aphididae: Hemiptera)
Serious pest on cowpea, green gram and black
Adults black in colour, Adults and nymphs cause
damage by sucking sap from leaves, tender shoots
and pods
Curling of leaves, wilting of shoots and poor pod
Thiacloprid 21.7% SC @ 0.5-0.6 ml/l OR
Acetamiprid 20%SP @ 1g/l
1. Pod borer, Cydia ptychora (Tortricidae: Lepidoptera)
Common and serious pest.
Moth is grayish yellow, FW white with 3 black
Larva pinkish
Caterpillar bores into pods and feeds on seeds
Management: Indoxacarb 15.80 % EC @ 0.3-0.5
ml/l OR
Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC @ 0.6-1.0 ml/l
Flubendiamide 8.33 % + Deltamethrin 5.56 % SC
@ 0.5 ml/l
Stem fly, Ophiomyia phaseoli (Agromyzidae: Diptera)
• Major pest on soybean, cowpea and black
• Adult shining black
• Eggs laid on leaves.
• Maggots mine through mid rib of leaves,
bores into petiole and later tunnel into tender
• Wilting of plants due to mining.
• Death of young plants
• Mgt: Chlorantraniliprole 18.50 % SC @ 0.3 ml/l
OR Indoxacarb 15.80 % EC @0.3-0.5 ml/l
Stem fly, Melangromyza sojae (Agromyzidae: Diptera)