Inguinal Region 1
Inguinal Region 1
Inguinal Region 1
• Inguinal fold
• Groin
• Extent
• Significance
Basic Anatomy
Inguinal ligament
Basic Anatomy
Inguinal canal
▪ Deep ring
▪ Superficial ring
– Intercrural fibers
▪ Anterior wall
▪ Posterior wall
▪ Roof
▪ Floor
Basic Anatomy
Conjoint tendon
Basic Anatomy
Inguinal triangle of Hasselbach
Basic Anatomy
Clinical Anatomy
▪ Circle of Death
(crown of death
/ corona mortis)
▪ Triangle of Doom
▪ Triangle of Pain
Quadrilateral of
Basic Anatomy
➢ Abnormal protrusion of the contents of a cavity beyond
the normal confines of the walls of that cavity
➢ Inguinal hernia – abnormal protrusion of abdominal
viscera or part
of a viscus or a
through the
Inguinal canal
➢ 2 types:
▪ Direct
▪ Indirect
Basic Anatomy
Inguinal Hernia
➢ Abnormal protrusion of the contents of a cavity beyond
the normal confines of the walls of that cavity
➢ Inguinal hernia – abnormal protrusion of abdominal
viscera or part of a viscus or a mesentery through the
Inguinal canal
➢ 2 types: ● Indirect ● Direct (medial/lateral)
Basic Anatomy
Indirect & Direct Inguinal Hernia
Basic Anatomy
Direct inguinal hernias
& Direct
Basic Anatomy
Complications of Hernia
• Reducible
- Contents of sac maybe reduced
spontaneously/pushed back manually
- Expansile cough impulse
• Irreducible
- Contents cannot be returned to peritoneal cavity because of:
1) Narrow neck of sac
2) Adhesions between sac & contents
- May undergo the following complications:
1) Incarceration – adhesions between sac & contents
2) Obstruction – compressed hollow viscus (usually small
bowel) trapped in the sac due to narrow neck
3) Strangulation – compressed vessels & blood supply of
contents compromised; gangrene & peritonitis imminent unless
surgically reduced
Basic Anatomy
Basic Anatomy
Basic Anatomy
Basic Anatomy