- Benjamin Franklin
1. Make sure that below details (at all documents and displays) are reflecting correctly,
Student’s name
Mother’s name
Father’s name
Program name
Permanent Registration Number
Course names (backlog & regular)
If found incorrect, kindly contact the respective program office of the University.
2. Ensure filling the examination form for regular and backlog courses as per the
University guidelines. Failing to fill the examination form will lead to academic loss
for which student will be responsible.
3. Follow the instructions/communication received from examination department from
time to time.
4. Make sure to demonstrate integrity and honesty in all your actions while interacting
with assessment processes and academic tasks assigned.
5. Ensure fulfilling the eligibility to appear for an examination. In all situations, only
eligible students are allowed to appear for an examination.
6. Filling the examination form does not mean confirmed opportunity for end term
examination. Examination form is an intimation of the willingness to the examination
department for appearing University examination. The examination eligibility is based
on performance in the internal assessments and class participation as per the ordinance.
7. The window period to register result grievance is 7 days from the date of result
declaration on ERP. The grievance shall be email to
with all required details attached.
Online Examination: Candidates appearing for the said examinations (Online
Proctored) are requested to login to the exam portal twenty minutes before the
commencement of the examination. THEY ARE REFRAINED from using ANY
BOOKS, NOTES ETC, borrowing answer(s) and any other human interventions while
appearing this Online EXAMINATION. They should not visit other websites and
should not look at WhatsApp while appearing this ONLINE examination.
Instructions to use Online Exam Platform
Read carefully before starting.
Use of Manual Scientific Calculator is allowed.
1. Make sure that you have attempted the demo test made available by the University
Examination Department. Ensure to do necessary preparation accordingly minimum one
week in advance from the date of examination commencement. No last minute requests
will be entertained.
2. During demo test, ensure fulfilling necessary IT requirement such as camera,
headphone, system configuration, etc.
3. Ensure uninterrupted and active internet connection with good bandwidth.
4. Ensure uninterrupted power supply.
5. Keep a close attention to messages seen on screen during examination.
6. Successful submission’’ only indicates that the exam is submitted successfully with
already saved answers.
7. After reaching even a single violation, you will be automatically logged out and
BARRED from the Examination. Barring is considered, as malpractice case as per MIT
WPU policy and your performance will be cancelled. No re-exam, supplementary exam
or extra attempt will be given to such students.
8. Ensure that FIREWALL for your device is disabled while appearing for the
Examination in order to avoid pop-ups and violations.
9. In case of requirement, a student can use campus IT facilities to appear for an
examination with a prior permission. A request shall receive one week before on
Term End Examination Instructions For Candidates to be followed while in the examination
hall are as below:
Make sure that you are not in possession of any objectionable material such as books,
notebooks, smart watches, electronic gadgets, scribbled notes, mobile, written chit, which may
tempt you to copy or use as a reminder. Read the instructions given in the answer book and
question paper carefully before attempting the examination.
Please do not take away with you answer book or supplement- either used or blank while
leaving the Examination Hall.
Please do not speak or communicate in any way with any other candidate in the examination
hall while the examination is going on.
Please do not defy any instructions issued to you by the Senior or the Junior Supervisor.
Any specific instructions are given by the Senior Supervisor OR the Junior Supervisor at the
time of examination in case of open book or computer-based examination is to be followed.
Students are directed to behave politely and respectfully when questioned by the Supervisor or
Anti Cheating Squad or any other official.
Please do not carry the Mobile phone in Examination Hall. It is strictly prohibited even when
switched off.
Please do not write on the body, clothes, drawing equipment, bench, writing pad, OR anywhere
other than Answer Sheet. Use one of the pages of the answer sheet for rough work.
Please do not write anything on question paper except tick mark on question number for your
reminder of having attempted the question. In case of multiple choice questions DO NOT mark
the selected choice.
Please do not leave the examination hall without handing over the answer sheet to junior
supervisor and without permission of the junior supervisor.
After the end of examination do not leave examination hall unless announced by junior
Please do not write your name, roll number of any identity inside answer book except the place
provided on the front cover.
Malpractices during the examination will lead to the punishment as per the rules up to
Suspension / Russification from the program with no claim on fees refund. Any affray or mass
copying could lead to registration of Police Complaint against the individual causing a
Please note that Department of Examinations NEVER publish or circulate any Examination
Time Table / results using social media such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter etc. Hence
students are requested to ignore any such information received. Further, circulating and / or
forwarding any such examination and result related unauthorised information is punishable
criminal offence and the person(s) involved shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three years, or with a fine which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with
both under Information Technology Act 2008 (Section 72 and 72 A).
11. No other application or window should be open while giving the Exam. Your
video and audio are being recorded. Your screen activity is also being monitored
and recorded.
12. Violation messages displaying on-screen are recorded in your performance report.
Student shall pay immediate attention to the violation message on the screen.
13. Re-evaluation and retotalling is available for online as well as offline format.
1. Students must write/type the answers in the text as provided. Scan & upload the
handwritten answers in case of diagrams/figures/tables, etc.
2. However, if student fails to upload, strictly follow the below procedure:
a. Convert your “hand written” answer-sheets to PDF (single file with less than 20MB
size). After finishing the examination, an additional window of 20 minutes will be
provided for uploading the PDF copy.
b. Student should upload the written answer book only on the examination platform
provided by the University. Under no situation, the same shall be submitted on email,
whatsapp or any other format. Do not share the PDF on
c. The answer books uploaded should be clearly visible, readable and appropriate for
assessment else the same will not assessed and declared as zero marks.
3. Re-evaluation and retotalling is available for Subjective exams for online as well as
offline format. For which student shall apply separately.
1. Make sure that you have attempted the demo test made available by the University
Examination Department. Ensure to do necessary preparation accordingly minimum one
week in advance from the date of examination commencement. No last minute requests
will be entertained.
2. During demo test, ensure fulfilling necessary IT requirement such as camera,
headphone, system configuration, etc.
3. Ensure uninterrupted and active internet connection with good bandwidth.
4. Ensure uninterrupted power supply.
5. Keep a close attention to messages seen on screen during examination.
6. Successful submission’’ only indicates that the exam is submitted successfully with
already saved answers.
7. After reaching even a single violation, you will be automatically logged out and
BARRED from the Examination. Barring is considered, as malpractice case as per MIT
WPU policy and your performance will be cancelled. No re-exam, supplementary exam
or extra attempt will be given to such students.
8. Ensure that FIREWALL for your device is disabled while appearing for the
Examination in order to avoid pop-ups and violations.
9. In case of requirement, a student can use campus IT facilities to appear for an
examination with a prior permission. A request shall receive one week before on
Following are the links for the demo test. Students are instructed to use below links for the
preparations of the device and practicing the online exam well before the actual examination is
scheduled. Please note that no last minute queries will be entertained.
The PDF file uploading option will be available after completing the test.
Marks Out of 100 Letter Grade Description Grade Point
90-100 O Outstanding 10
70-89 A+ Excellent 9
55-59 B+ Good 7
45-49 C Average 5
40-44 P Pass 4
0-39 F Fail 0
AB AB Absent 0
-- R Repeat --
--- S Satisfactory --
The GPA is the ratio of summation of the product of the number of credits and the grade points
scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student in trimester/semester/annual to the sum
of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student in that Trimester.
where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course, and Gi is the grade point scored by the
student in the ith course.
For example,
1 3 A 8 3 * 8 = 24
2 4 B+ 7 4 * 7 = 28
3 3 B 6 3 * 6 = 18
4 3 O 10 3 * 10 = 30
5 3 C 5 3 * 5 = 15
6 3 B 6 3*6 = 18
Total 19 -- -- 133
GPA = 133/19 = 7
The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses
undergone by a student overall in the trimester/semester/year of a program,
where ti is the GPA of the ith trimester/year and Ci is the total number of credits in that
For example
1 20 6.95
2 22 7.8
The GPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to two decimal points.
The suggested number of contact hours per credit are approximately fifteen.
1. Student will get 1% of the total marks of the Trimester / Semester or five grace marks
(whichever is less) if student is failing and these marks may be distributed among
maximum three courses as per the requirement for the passing the courses.
2. 1% of the total marks of the Trimester / Semester or five grace marks (whichever is
less) will be allotted to the candidate only if he / she is failing and not for securing
higher class or any award / scholarship.
3. Grace marks are not applicable for backlog courses or repeater students.
4. If two or more courses requiring same grace marks, course with maximum percentage
marks in corresponding Internal/External Examination are considered. In case of tie,
the course appearing in grade card ahead in the sequence shall be considered.
The student should score 40% marks in Internal Evaluation AND 40% marks in Term End
Examination together to pass in that particular course. The passing criteria for the Faculty of
Pharmacy will be as per guidelines of Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and for Faculty of Law
as per Bar Council of India (BCI).
Note: Examination form filling is mandatory and only the intimation to examination
department. Student become eligible to appear for an examination only on fulfilling the
examination eligibility.
a. CGPA minimum 4
d. CGPA minimum 5
a. CGPA minimum 5
c. No entry to third year with live backlog from first year and no entry to fourth year with
live backlog from second year and so on.
The misconduct or Unfair means cases are handled strictly as per the guidelines of the
7 Minor Revealing identity in any form in the As mentioned in sr. no.1 above
answer written.
8 Major In the same exam if a student is caught Annulment of the performance of the
adopting any of the unfair means in student at that Trimester examination in
more than one course or more than full
single minor unfair means act.
12 Major If on previous two occasions a For the students who are caught in the
disciplinary action was taken against a unfair means third time, he/she may be
student for malpractice used at debarred from the college.
examination/and he/ she is caught again
for malpractices used at the
14 Minor If the student is barred from the system As mentioned in sr. no 1 above
in AI proctoring platform.
15 Major Tempering with University documents / For the students who are caught in the
data / records. unfair means third time, he/she may be
debarred from the college.
1. The Act of Minor Unfair Means (UMA) punishment includes social work for one week.
In case of major act of unfair means, the duration will be 2 to 4 weeks as per the
discretion of the committee. The serving place can be inside University or outside
University premises. Student shall obtain a service completion certificate.
2. Obtain an undertaking from the student and parent.
3. Keep student and parent informed from time to time.
4. It is applicable for online assessments with suitable modifications.
5. Maintain the record of unfair act in ERP for ready reference and future responses.
6. Finalize and lock the internal assessment marks during the completion of punishments,
if permitted by the committee.
7. The result declaration after approval of committee chairman.
8. Use of UMC (Unfair Means Case) abbreviation in Gazette and Grade card
9. If Student found with copying material in any form or violating the instructions during
examinations in the examination hall, the invigilator should immediately report the case
to Senior Supervisor at the exam control room along with the student answer sheet and
coping material.
10. Written statement with the signature of student shall be obtained for breach of
examination policy.
11. Material received (If any) shall be confiscated by the examination office
Ongoing Exam Session (Term End Examination and/or Internal exams) = Regular and / or
Backlog Examinations (Oct/Nov, Jan/Feb, May/June)
The Bonafide Certificate is an official document that mentions the student details –
Name, Department, Program, Permanent Registration Number and officially states
he/she is pursuing the mentioned course from the University. A student can apply for a
Bonafide Certificate by filling the Google form. The link for Google Form -
Processing of Bonafide Certificate
requires minimum five working days.
The Program Completion Certificate is an official document that declares the mentions
the student details – Name, Department, Program, Permanent Registration Number and
final CGPA, month and year of completion of course and officially states he/she has
successfully completed the course from the University. A student can apply for a
Program Completion Certificate by filling the Google form. The link for Google Form
- ..Processing of Program Completion
Certificate requires minimum five working days.
If the student requires a certificate of Trimester to Semester Conversion for his further
admissions, it can be issued. A student can apply for a Certificate of Trimester to
Semester Conversion by by filling the Google form. The link for Google Form -
. Processing of Certificate requires
minimum five working days.
If a student has lost his original grade card, then he/she can apply for duplicate grade
card. A student can apply for a Duplicate grade card by filling the Google form and
attaching the required documents at the time of application (i.e Police FIR , Affidavit on
Rs.100/- stamp paper and payment screenshot). The link for Google Form -
Processing of Duplicate Grade Card
requires minimum five working days.
A consolidated grade card is a grade card per trimester that shows the regular and cleared
backlogs for that trimester. Student can apply for a Consolidated grade card by filling
the Google form and attaching the required documents at the time of application. The
link for Google Form - Processing of
Consolidated Grade Card requires minimum five working days.
As per UGC letter D.O.No.F.12-1/2015(CPP-II) dated 15-Oct-20215, unless specified with
reference to section 22 of UGC Act 1956.
“Time Span = N+2 years for the completion of Program. Where N stands for the normal or
minimum duration prescribed for completion of the Program”.
One-year extension, in exceptional circumstances, may be granted by the relevant statutory
body of the University i.e Academic council
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