Combustion- 22 F Batch- THS (Final)
Combustion- 22 F Batch- THS (Final)
Combustion- 22 F Batch- THS (Final)
Dr. Tahir Hussain Seehar
• Combustion of a fuel may be defined as;
Chemical combination of Oxygen, in the
atmospheric air and hydrocarbons.
• It is usually expressed both quantitatively and
qualitatively by the equations known as
chemical equations.
• Generally contains:
Input materials= Process energy+ Output energy-losses
Principle of Combustion
• Combustion refers to the rapid oxidation of
fuel accompanied by the production of heat,
or heat and light.
• Complete combustion of a fuel is possible only
in the presence of an adequate supply of
• Oxygen (O2) is one of the most common
elements on earth making up 20.9% of our air.
• What is air….??
• Most of the 79% of air (that is not oxygen) is
nitrogen, with traces of other elements.
• Nitrogen is considered to be a temperature
reducing dilutant that must be present to
obtain the oxygen required for combustion.
• Nitrogen reduces combustion efficiency by
absorbing heat from the combustion of fuels
and diluting the flue gases.
• This reduces the heat available for transfer
through the heat exchange surfaces.
• It also increases the volume of combustion by-
products, which then have to travel through the
heat exchanger and up the stack faster to allow
the introduction of additional fuel air mixture.
• This nitrogen also can combine with oxygen
(particularly at high flame temperatures) to
produce oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are toxic
Combustion and Pollutant emission
• In the 1970s, applied combustion research has
taken a turn from high output, high intensity
combustion towards combustion process
modifications for reduced pollutant emissions.
• The combustion generated pollutants of
concern were oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and
carbon, and fine organic and inorganic
3 T’s of Combustion
• The objective of good combustion is to release
all of the heat in the fuel.
• This is accomplished by controlling the “three
T’s” of combustion which are:
• During the combustion process, if the
purification temperature is not sufficiently
high, hydrocarbons will have a longer ignition
time, thus increasing the retention time for
maximum efficiency.
• It is very important to maintain a uniform and
optimal temperature for complete combustion
of the hydrocarbons.
• When a hydrocarbon or organic vapor is being
burned, it must be held at a specific
temperature for a sufficient time to ensure
that the organic compounds burn completely.
• 100% combustion means that the
hydrocarbons are fully oxidized (i.e. complete
oxidation of the carbon, hydrogen, and other
combustible elements has taken place).
• If the retention time of the hydrocarbons in the
purification combustion zone is insufficient for
full combustion, carbon monoxide may be
generated and unburnt hydrocarbons will be
present in the exhaust stream.