● In 1947, at the time of creation of Pakistan, the USA was engaged in the Cold War, a
state of hostility between the USA and the USSR/now Russia. Usa was busy in the
anti-Soviet alliances in various parts of the world.
● It took some years for the USA to recognize the geo-political importance of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan changed his plan to visit Moscow, and flew to
Washington in 1950. This laid the basis of the Pak-USA relations.
● In 1954 and 1955 pak signed agreements and established as pro west
● Pakistan and the United states drew close together and entered into a mutual defense
assistance agreement in 19 May 1954. An Act to promote the foreign policy and provide
for the military assistance to foreign nations.
● In same year SEATO was set up. Pakistan also joined, but the decision faced opposition
from within the govt. so the treaty was ratified until 1955. The purpose of the
organization was to prevent communism from gaining ground in the region. Pakistan
soon realised that its membership was of little importance as treaty only applied to help
against communist aggression. So Pakistan was received no support in its wars against
● In 1955, Baghdad pact(turkey, Iraq) was also signedban anti communist alliance ,later in
the year pak ,iran and Britain joined which was renamed ‘The Central Asian Treaty
Organisation’ [CENTO] after Iraq left in 1959. However, despite regular meetings, the
group never developed a permanent structure or a system for raising troops for mutual
defence. USA supported it,
● During 1960s and 1970s relations were often strained.
● In 1962, China went to a war with India. As China was communist so USA provided
military aid to help India fight. Pakistan was angered over this because USA did not
consult Pakistan before providing aid. Pakistan argued that Americans should have forced
the Indians to accept arbitration on Kashmir issue as a price for receiving aid.
● In 1962, Ayub Khan visited China and in 1965 he visited Soviet Union. As both were
communist, so these visits displeased USA. USA did not support Pakistan openly during
the 1965 war.Instead it stopped the supply of Arm to Pakistan. Pakistan had to face an
arms embargo, meaning that the supply of US arms was suspended. Pakistan was upset
when USA openly refused to give any support to Pakistan in the Bangladesh episode in
● Although Ayub displeased USA by visiting communist countries, he is known as
architect of good relations with USA. He allowed them to build air bases in Pakistan and
remained loyal to USA even during the embarrassing ‘U2 Affair’. So relations were
good. But when he was replaced by Bhutto, Americans became concerned as he was not
as pro-American as his predecessors and relations deteriorated.
● When Zia came, relations reached rock bottom as Americans did not approve of military
regimes. In 1979 US Embassy in Islamabad was burned. USA accused Zia of complicity
in the attack. It also recalled many of its senior officials and all aid programmes were
● However, during same year, situation changed overnight when soviets attacked
Afghanistan. USA began to provide military and economic aid to Pakistan and also to
support Afghan rebels. Relations became very good and warm. Pakistan enjoyed rapid
economic development and became leading military nation in the region. But when peace
agreements was signed in 1988, Pak lost its strategic importance to USA. Aid was
reduced dramatically which became a big problem for new govt. of Benazir Bhutto
● Pakistan was pressurized to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) by US but
Pakistan subjected its acceptance to India doing the same.
● In 1985 the Pressler Amendment had said that the USA could only give aid to a country
after American President had declared that country had no nuclear weapons and was not
developing them.
● After Afghan crisis was over, President Bush refused to declare that this was the case
with Pakistan and he blocked aid to country. He also stopped sale of 28 F-16 fighter jets
which Pak had ordered (and paid for). Pakistan complained bitterly on the amendment.
● Benazir Bhutto defended Pakistan’s nuclear programme in her speech in the US Congress
as she could not rick disturbed relations with the US.
● The Pakistan US relations were further deteriorated when Nawaz Sharif came to power in
1990 and extended his anti-west policies, as he was himself the legacy of Zia’s rule.
● Under various laws, the US aid was stopped and objections were raised about Pakistan’s
nuclear programs. Senator Larry Pressler in 1991 warned Pakistan to take steps against
the growth of fundamentalism (extremism in Muslims). This led to a significant
deterioration of relations between the two countries, and many economic development
projects of Pakistan were suspended.
● .The US aid to Pakistan was literally suspended during the first regime of Nawaz and
Under various laws, the US aid was stopped and objections were raised about Pakistan’s
nuclear programs
● In 1992 usa came close to declaring pak as state sponsor of terrorism due to weapons and
drugs .
● In 1995, Defence secretary, William Perry, visited Pakistan and declared that Pressler
Amendment had been a mistake. In 1996, Brown amendment authorised the US govt. to
reimburse Pak for F-16 payments and provide $388 million in military equipment.The
thaw in the relations was further highlighted when First Lady Hillary Clinton and her
daughter, Chelsea, visited Pakistan in 1996.
● The relations hit low ebb in 1998 when Pakistan, ignored all the international pressure in
general and US in particular and tested her nuclear devices in reply to the Indian tests in
● Pakistan’s insistence of not signing the CTBT until India does was probably the last nail
in the good relations of the US with Pakistan.