abp 368

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ABP NO. /24

In That the petitioner has never moved the matter of an application

earlier for grant of Anticipatory bail
or Regularbail before this Hon'ble
Court or before the Hon’ble High Court. under section 438 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure, 1973.


In the matter of :-

1. Sudhir Kumar, Age about- years,

2. Chandan Kumar, Age about- years,
3. Vivek Ranjan Kumar, Age about- years,
4. Sunil kumar, Age about- years all S/O- Subhdayal Paswan @ Sivdayal Paswan @
Suryadayal Paswan, Resident of Narhi P.S.-Dulhin Bazar, District- Patna.
The State of Bihar … OPP. PARTY

The humble anticipatory bail petition on

behalf of the petitioners named above;
Most Respectfully Sheweth: -
1. That the petitioners seek anticipatory bail in connection with Dulhin Bazar P.
S.- case no. -368 of 23 registered under section
341/342/323/324/326/307/325/379/34 of IPC.
2. That the petitioners have never moved earlier for grant of Anticipatory bail or
Regular bail before this Hon'ble Court or before the Hon’ble High Court.
3. That the petitioners have no criminal antecedent.
4. That the case of the prosecution is based on the written report of Sudama
Paswan who said that the accused persons demanded the bike from the
informant’s brother and on refusal all of them came into the house in the
evening and attacked the informant brother with lathi, danda and knife and
taken away the neck chain and Rupee 10,000/- from his pocket, they also
attacked the mother of informant due to which her hand was broken.
5. That on the basis of aforesaid facts, the police registered the instant case and
took up the investigation.

A copy of the FIR is annexed here

with and marked as Annexure-1

to this application.

6. That the petitioners have not committed any such offence and has falsely

been implicated in the alleged case.

7. That there is general and omnibus allegation against the petitioners.

8. That instant case is registered due to some misunderstanding over some

trivial issue and the parties are no longer interest in proceeding with the


9. That both the accused and informant are neighbors and compromise was

entered into between informant and the petitioner including other

accused persons and the said compromise petition is already on record of

the concerned court.

Copy of the compromise Petition is

annexed here with and marked as

Annexure-2 to this application.

10. That there is a case and counter case vide Dulhin Bazar P. S.- case no. -367
of 23 between the parties.
Copy of the F.I.R of Dulhin Bazar P. S.-
case no. -367 of 23 is annexed here
with and marked as
Annexure-3 to this application.
11. That in the aforesaid facts, no fruitful purpose would be served to put the
petitioners behind the bar.

12. That the petitioners are the only bread earner of their family.
13. That the petitioners are a law-abiding citizen having home and hearth within

the jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Court and he is ready to abide by the directions

and conditions, which may be given and imposed, while granting the prayer.

It is, therefore, prayed that this Hon’ble Court be

pleased to admit the petitioner to anticipatory bail in
the event of arrest/surrender in connection with
Dulhin Bazar P. S.- case no. -368 of 23 to the
satisfaction of learned court below or his successor
in office


be pleased to pass such other order/orders as may

be deemed fit and proper.

And for this, the petitioners shall ever pray.

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